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Sexual Assault in The Military 2018 DoD Report

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Department of Defense

Annual Report on
Sexual Assault in the

Fiscal Year 2018

Department of Defense
Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military
Fiscal Year 2018

The estimated cost of this report or study for the

Department of Defense is approximately
$1,017,000 in Fiscal Years 2018 - 2019. This
includes $373,000 in expenses and $644,000 in
DoD labor.

Generated on 2019Apr09 RefID: 7-1ED0167

Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 8
Spotlight: Fiscal Year 18 Data .................................................................................................... 9
Preventing Sexual Assault ........................................................................................................10
Promoting Advocacy and Assistance ........................................................................................15
Addressing Sexual Assault-Related Retaliation.........................................................................20
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................23

Appendix A: Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Strategic Plan Highlights
Appendix B: Statistical Data on Sexual Assault
Appendix C: Metrics and Non-Metrics on Sexual Assault
Appendix D: Aggregate Data Matrices
Appendix E: Safe Helpline Data
Appendix F: Sexual Harassment Assessment
Appendix G: Domestic Abuse-Related Sexual Assault
Appendix H: Child Sexual Abuse
Appendix I: Acronym List

Enclosure 1: Department of the Army
Enclosure 2: Department of the Navy
Enclosure 3: Department of the Air Force
Enclosure 4: National Guard Bureau

Annex 1: 2018 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members Report

May 2019

Executive Summary
The Department of Defense strives to advance a military
culture free from sexual assault. For over a decade, the
Department has made considerable investments in policies and
actions to prevent and respond to sexual assaults through its
REPORTING REQUIREMENT Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. Each year,
• Congress requires the the Department assesses these efforts. Key data and actions
Department to provide an for Fiscal Year 2018 include the following:
annual report on sexual
assaults involving Estimated prevalence of sexual assault for active
members of the United duty women increased, but remained unchanged for men.
States Armed Forces. The Department’s scientific survey of the active duty force in
This report satisfies that Fiscal Year 2018 found that the estimated past-year prevalence
requirement. (number of Service members endorsing an experience) of
• The Department uses the sexual assault increased, primarily for female Service members
phrase “sexual assault” to ages 17 to 24. About 6.2 percent of active duty women
refer to a range of crimes,
indicated experiencing a sexual assault in the year prior to being
including rape, sexual
assault, forcible sodomy, surveyed. This rate reflects a statistically significant increase
aggravated sexual compared to the 4.3 percent for women measured in 2016. The
contact, abusive sexual estimated prevalence rate for active duty men remained
contact, and attempts to statistically unchanged at 0.7 percent. Using these rates, the
commit these offenses, as Department estimates 20,500 Service members, representing
defined by the Uniform about 13,000 women and 7,500 men, experienced some kind of
Code of Military Justice. contact or penetrative sexual assault in 2018, up from
approximately 14,900 in 2016.
• The Department’s biennial
100.0% Source: Workplace and Gender
survey indicates
Relations Surveys of the Active Duty
estimated prevalence of
sexual assault in Fiscal 80.0%
Year 2018 increased for
active duty women ages 60.0%
17 to 24, but remained
statistically unchanged for 40.0%
active duty men,
compared to rates 20.0%
measured in Fiscal Year 6.8% 4.4% 6.1% 4.9% 4.3% 6.2% ↑
2016. 0.0%
• Sexual assault reporting 1.8% 0.9% 1.2% 0.9% 0.6% 0.7% ↔
rates stayed about the
2006 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018
same in Fiscal Year 2018,
compared to Fiscal Year DoD Women DoD Men
2016. One in three
Service members 2018 Trend Comparisons: ↑ Higher than 2016 ↔ No Change from 2016
reported their sexual Estimated Past-year Prevalence of Sexual Assault, 2006 – 2018
assault allegation to a
Department of Defense

WHAT WE FOUND, CONTINUED Sexual assault in the military occurs most often
between junior enlisted acquaintances who are peers or
• The Department had
sufficient evidence to take near peers in rank. This year’s force-wide survey showed that
disciplinary action in 65 the vast majority of sexual assaults of Service members
percent of subject cases occurred between people aged 17 to 24 who work, train, or live
completed in Fiscal Year in close proximity. Military women indicated that offenders were
2018. most often military men whom they considered to be a friend or
acquaintance, acting alone. In addition, the alleged offender’s
WAY FORWARD rank was most often the same as the victim’s or one rank
The Department will: higher, with most alleged incidents involving junior enlisted
• Unify efforts to reduce women in the grades of E3 and E4. While men experienced
sexual assault through the fewer sexual assaults than women, they endorsed many of the
Prevention Plan of Action. same offense experiences. However, men indicated a different
• Prepare and hold new combination of offenders with regard to sex: just over half of
leaders and first-line men indicated their offender was male, 30 percent indicated
supervisors accountable their offender was female, and 13 percent indicated their
for advancing a culture offenders were a mix of men and women acting together.
free from sexual assault.
• Enhance support for About one in three Service members report their
Service members and their
experience of sexual assault to a Department of Defense
adult dependents who
experience sexual assault authority. The Department first put policy in place to
and retaliatory behavior encourage greater reporting of sexual assault when it enacted
associated with reporting. the Restricted Reporting option in June 2005. Since that time,
the Department has fielded a comprehensive suite of recovery
The full report is available and consultative services to further promote reporting and
online at SAPR.mil. empower participation in the military justice system. Over the
past decade, reporting rates have quadrupled, allowing the
Department to connect a greater share of victimized Service members with restorative care and
services. In Fiscal Year 2018, 6,053 Service members made a report of sexual assault for an
incident that occurred during military service, which equates to about a 30 percent reporting
rate. This is on par with the reporting rate for Fiscal Year 2016, wherein 32 percent of Service
members who experienced sexual assault made a report. However, as in prior years, active
duty women in Fiscal Year 2018 reported at a higher rate (38 percent) than active duty men (17

Climate factors influenced the risk for sexual assault. Survey results found that
most Service members indicated working in relatively healthy workplace climates. However, for
members indicating sexual harassment, gender discrimination, and/or hostility as part of their
workplace, risk of sexual assault increased measurably. For example, women who experienced
sexual harassment were at three times greater risk for sexual assault than average. While men
have a much lower risk of sexual assault compared to women, men who experienced sexual
harassment were at twelve times greater risk for sexual assault than average. In sum, survey
results found a positive correlation between unhealthy workplace climates and the risk of sexual


Women: 6.8% Number of Service
35000 Men: 1.8% Members who
~34,200 Women: 6.1%
Men: 1.2%
Unwanted Sexual
Contact in the Past
Number of Service Members

30000 Year

↑ Statistically Significant
Women: 4.4% Women: 4.9%
25000 Men: 0.9% Men: 0.9% Women: 6.2%↑ Increase from FY16
~19,300 ~20,300 Men: 0.7%
~20,500 Survey-Estimated
Number of Service
20000 Members who
Women: 4.3%
Men: 0.6% Experienced Sexual
~14,900 Assault in the Past
% Estimated Percentage
of Service Member
(~7%) (~13%) (~11%) (~23%) (~32%) (~30%) Victims Accounted for
10000 in Reports to DoD

5277 6053 Number of Reports of

4736 4794 Sexual Assault by
4113 4744
5000 2828 Service Members for
2289 2223 2340 2454 2532 2639
Incidents that
Occurred During
Military Service
CY04 CY05 CY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18

Estimated Prevalence and Reporting Rates, 2004 – 2018

Response initiatives enhanced support available to Service members. The

Department’s response system aims to advocate for all military Service members and their adult
dependents by encouraging sexual assault reporting, promoting recovery, facilitating treatment,
and improving military readiness. The Department continued efforts to enhance the capabilities
of Sexual Assault Response Coordinators and Victim Advocates through the Sexual Assault
Advocate Certification Program. In addition, representatives from the Department of Defense
Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office traveled worldwide to help military communities
understand and employ Departmental services available through the Safe Helpline, Safe
HelpRoom, and Safe Helpline mobile application. Lastly, the Department executed elements of
its Plan to Prevent and Respond to the Sexual Assault of Military Men by holding an expert
symposium on male victimization, coordinating messaging efforts, and producing a needs
assessment for male victims.

About one quarter of Service members making Restricted Reports converted to

Unrestricted Reports and participated in the military justice process. The Department
offers Service members the opportunity to make an Unrestricted or a Restricted Report of
sexual assault. When victims convert their Restricted Report to an Unrestricted Report, they
choose to participate in justice system efforts to hold alleged offenders appropriately

accountable. 1 The Military Services initially received 2,366 Restricted Reports from Service
members in Fiscal Year 2018. Of the 2,366 Service members who made initial Restricted
Reports, 548 (23 percent) chose to convert to an Unrestricted Report in Fiscal Year 2018.
These 548 converted Restricted Reports are now counted in the 5,805 Unrestricted Reports
received in Fiscal Year 2018. The other 1,818 reports remained Restricted at the end of the
year. This year’s conversion rate is consistent with rates observed in prior years.

Commanders had sufficient evidence to take disciplinary action in two-thirds of

accused members’ cases. The Department takes disciplinary action in every case where it
has the jurisdictional authority and evidence to do so. In addition, every decision to take
disciplinary action is based on evidence discovered during an independent investigation by a
Military Criminal Investigative Organization. This year, the Department had sufficient evidence
to take disciplinary action in 65 percent of cases (up from 62 percent in Fiscal Year 2017) within
its legal authority. Disciplinary action was not possible for the remaining 33 percent of cases
due to legal factors, such as insufficient evidence of an offense to prosecute or the victim
declining to participate in the legal process. Just under three percent of subject cases were
unfounded, meaning evidence existed to find that the crime did not occur or that the accused
did not commit the crime.

Prevention efforts advanced system-wide capacity building and guidance

development. This year, the Department facilitated training to equip the Military Services with
tools to prepare their personnel and organizations for sexual assault prevention. In addition, the
Department launched the second phase of its Applied Prevention Program by identifying
installations to employ an evidence-based planning process. Six military organizations and the
Military Service Academies will work with teams of experts to improve prevention program
design, implementation, and evaluation. The Department also continued development of the
Prevention Plan of Action, which will guide efforts to develop the human resources, collaborative
relationships, and infrastructure necessary for effective research-based prevention.

Military Services implemented Department-directed initiatives to target retaliatory

behavior. Service members should not face retaliatory behavior associated with reporting
sexual assault. In efforts to address and prevent retaliation, the Department continued
execution of its Retaliation Prevention and Response Strategy Implementation Plan. The
Military Departments and National Guard continued to update policy, processes, and programs
to support Service members who report sexual assault and sexual harassment with resources
consistent with the Retaliation Prevention and Response Strategy. In addition, installation Case
Management Groups led by senior officers met monthly to review retaliation allegations, support
victim reporting, and provide assistance.

Way Forward

This year’s increased prevalence of sexual assault indicates that the crime is a
persistent challenge that does not remit easily. Efforts that previously reduced the crime since
Fiscal Year 2012 must now change, particularly for Service members aged 17 to 24 who are
most at risk for sexual assault. Risk factors for sexual assault victimization are persistent and
multifaceted and require a comprehensive and systematic approach to prevention.
Consequently, in Fiscal Year 2019, the Department will issue the Prevention Plan of Action, a

The use of the words “perpetrator/offender” is not intended as a statement as to the guilt or innocence of an individual. Without
knowing the specific outcomes of the incidents upon which survey responses are derived, the presumption of innocence applies until
there is an investigation that substantiates the allegations and there is adjudication of guilt.

coordinated approach to optimize the Department prevention system with targeted efforts
towards this young cadre of military members and others at increased risk for sexual assault
perpetration or victimization. In addition, the Department will ensure that supervisors of junior
enlisted personnel receive improved preparation to better promote and sustain respectful
workplaces. In the summer of 2019, the Department will conduct focus groups with 17 to 24-
year-old members to identify actions and initiatives that may more effectively shift behavior
among this group.

Stopping sexual assault perpetration also demands renewed action. In Fiscal Year
2019, the Department will launch the Catch A Serial Offender Program, allowing Service
members making Restricted Reports to confidentially provide information about the alleged
offender and incident. Should investigators discover a match in other reported incidents,
members will be notified and provided an opportunity to convert their report from Restricted to
Unrestricted and participate in the military justice process.

Finally, the Department must identify and correct those unhealthy workplace climates
giving rise to increased risk of sexual assault. While all military Services employ the
Department’s climate assessment process, more can be done to help leaders identify and
understand these challenges. Consequently, the Department will work to provide leaders with a
solution that allows for consolidated analysis of a variety of climate factors and a suite of actions
they can consider to address workplace challenges.

The Department of Defense (DoD) Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Annual Report on Sexual
Assault in the Military satisfies the following statutory reporting requirements:

• Section 1631 of Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011
(P.L. 111-383), as amended (10 U.S.C. 1561 note)
• Section 538 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (P.L 115-91)

Section 481 of title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.), requires the Department to conduct
the Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Active Duty Members (WGRA) every two years.
The Office of People Analytics (OPA) administers the survey to estimate past-year sexual
assault and sexual harassment prevalence in the active force. Active duty members of the
Military Services complete the survey online or on paper. Survey questions ask respondents
about their experience of sexual assault, outcomes associated with reporting an incident of
sexual assault, and gender-related Military Equal Opportunity violations. Results of the 2018
WGRA can be found in Annex 1 to this report.

Main Report Contents

This is the Department’s 15th annual report on sexual assault. It covers sexual assault
allegations made during FY18 (October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018). The Sexual
Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program addresses contact and penetrating sexual
crimes by adults against adults, as defined in Articles 80, 120 and 125 of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice (UCMJ). The following pages summarize key data and SAPR efforts by the
Department, Military Services, and National Guard Bureau (NGB). Supplementary reports from
the Secretaries of the Military Departments, the Chief of the NGB, and OPA are enclosed in this
report. This year’s report provides updates on three of the Department’s FY18 program efforts:

• Preventing Sexual Assault

• Promoting Advocacy and Assistance
• Addressing Sexual Assault-Related Retaliation

Additional Contents

Military research finds that sexual assault and sexual harassment are interrelated
problems. The 2018 WGRA demonstrated that sexual harassment is a leading factor affecting
the unit climate on sexual assault. Controlling for paygrade, service and deployment status, one
in five women and one in 12 men who experienced sexual harassment also experienced sexual
assault. Sexual harassment falls under the purview of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and
Inclusion (ODEI). Appendix F contains data on formal and informal sexual harassment
complaints that were made to ODEI in FY18. Sexual assault of a spouse or intimate partner
and child sexual abuse fall under the purview of the Family Advocacy Program (FAP).
Appendices G and H contain preliminary data reported to FAP in FY18.

Spotlight: FY18 Data

Preventing Sexual Assault
Preventing sexual assault remains the Department’s first priority. Sexual assault is a
serious problem that can have lasting, harmful effects on victims, military units, mission
readiness, and international alliances. The goal of sexual assault prevention is to stop the crime
from happening in the first place. The Department works to reduce, with the goal to eliminate,
sexual assault in the military.

FY18 Surveillance Data

Research shows that reports to police and other authorities underestimate the extent of
sexual assault in U.S. civilian and military populations as many cases go unreported.
Individuals who experience sexual assault often do not report their assault because they want to
forget about it and move on, do not want more people to know, or think they might get into
trouble for something they did or be labeled as a “troublemaker.” The Department conducts the
confidential WGRA so that it can better understand the scope of sexual assault in the military
population. The survey results are representative of the entire active duty force. This scientific
approach allows the Department to estimate the number of active duty Service members who
experience sexual assault in a given year. Results for FY18 indicate that more Service
members experienced sexual assault than in FY16.

Past-Year Sexual Assault Rate for Active Duty Women Increased Since FY16

The Department’s survey estimates the number of Service members who endorsed
experiencing behaviors consistent with the range of contact and penetrative sexual assault
offenses defined in military law. The 2018 WGRA found an estimated 6.2 percent of women
and 0.7 percent of men indicated experiencing sexual assault in the year prior to being
surveyed. These rates represent a statistically significant increase from the estimated rates of
sexual assault last measured for women (4.3 percent in FY16). The rate for men remains
statistically unchanged despite a tenth of a percentage point increase from the 0.6 percent
measured in FY16. These FY18 sexual assault rates indicate that an estimated 20,500 active
duty Service members, including about 13,000 women and about 7,500 men, endorsed
experiencing some kind of penetrative or contact sexual assault, up from an estimated 14,900
active duty members in FY16. Although the overall population prevalence estimate increased in
FY18, it remained below the 2006 and FY12 estimates of 34,200 and 26,000, respectively.

Service members at highest risk for sexual assault are women who experienced sexual
assault prior to joining the military, women ages 17 to 24, unmarried women, and junior enlisted
women. Unhealthy unit climates can amplify this risk. Junior enlisted members face heightened
risk of sexual assault compared to other segments of the military population. An estimated 9.1
percent of junior enlisted women (E1-E4) indicated experiencing sexual assault, which
represents a statistically significant increase from the 6.6 percent measured in FY16. The
survey also found statistically significant increases in rates of sexual assault for senior enlisted
(E5-E9) and junior officer women (O1-O3), as well as for senior enlisted men (E5-E9).

The 2018 WGRA also found that the majority of sexual assault offenses involved one
alleged offender – typically a friend or acquaintance of the victim. Women overwhelmingly
identified their alleged offenders as all male (92 percent), while over half of men identified their
alleged offenders as all male (52 percent), a little less than one-third (30 percent) identified the
alleged offender as all female, and roughly one out of ten (13 percent) identified their alleged

offender as a mix of men and women acting together. Alleged offenders were typically a peer of
similar or slightly higher rank to the victim.

Locations Where Service Members Experience Sexual Assault Has Shifted Since

Circumstances that make up sexual assault in the military have varied over time. The
2006 WGRA found that of those active duty members who indicated experiencing unwanted
sexual contact, 75 percent of women and 74 percent of men indicated that the situation with the
greatest impact occurred at a military installation. In addition, 45 percent of women and 68
percent of men indicated the situation occurred during duty hours. The Department has placed
greater emphasis on improving workplace climate and installation safety in the intervening
years. The 2018 WGRA found that of those active duty members who indicated experiencing
sexual assault, a smaller percentage – 62 percent of women and 57 percent of men – indicated
the situation with the greatest impact occurred at a military installation or on a ship. Twenty-six
percent of women and 43 percent of men indicated these situations occurred at work during
duty hours.

Alcohol Involvement about the Same Since FY16

Alcohol use by the alleged offender and/or the victim is a known risk factor for sexual
assault perpetration. Alcohol was involved in a sexual assault event for 62 percent of victimized
women and 49 percent of victimized men. These estimates were not statistically different from
those measured in FY16. However, the survey found a statistically significant increase in the
number of male victims indicating their alleged offender was drinking at the time of the offense
(38 percent in FY18, up from 26 percent in FY16).

Hazing and Bullying Experiences Continue to Be Different for Men and Women

Men are almost three times more likely than women to characterize the one sexual
assault situation that had the largest effect on them as hazing – a finding that has remained
largely consistent since it was first identified in the 2014 RAND Military Workplace Survey. The
2018 WGRA found that 26 percent of men who indicated experiencing sexual assault said the
offense involved hazing, and 31 percent said it involved bullying. In comparison, 11 percent of
women indicated their offense involved hazing, and 18 percent said it involved bullying.
However, the survey found a statistically significant decrease among women in the percentage
of offenses involving bullying (18 percent in FY18, down from 24 percent in FY16).

Sexual Assault Risk Correlates Strongly with Sexual Harassment

2018 WGRA data show that unhealthy climates marked by sexual harassment, gender
discrimination, workplace hostility, lack of unit cohesion, and lack of personal responsibility
incrementally increase the risk of experiencing a sexual assault. Forty-six percent of women
and 50 percent of men experienced sexual harassment by their alleged offender before or after
the sexual assault incident. Relatedly, about one-fifth of women (22 percent) and men (23
percent) experienced stalking before or after the sexual assault incident. Furthermore, sexual
harassment is a leading factor affecting the unit climate on sexual assault. Controlling for
paygrade, Service, and deployment status, one in five women who experienced sexual
harassment also experienced sexual assault, and one in 12 men who experienced sexual
harassment also experienced sexual assault.

Command Climate Indicators

Most active duty men and women endorsed their unit command climates as being
relatively healthy. However, the odds of experiencing sexual assault were higher in units where
the prevalence of sexual harassment or gender discrimination, or level of workplace hostility,
were higher. The odds of sexual assault were also higher for members indicating their
command took less responsibility for preventing sexual assault, encouraging reporting, or
creating a climate based on mutual respect. In addition, women experienced higher levels of
these unhealthy climate factors than men. In sum, serving in organizations with unhealthy
climate indicators was associated with greater odds of experiencing a sexual assault.

Sexual Harassment and Experiences of Gender Discrimination Increased

In FY18, 24.2 percent of active duty women and 6.3 percent of active duty men indicated
experiencing sexual harassment in the year prior to being surveyed. Compared to FY16, this
was a significant increase for active duty women (21.4 percent in FY16) and men (5.7 percent in
FY16). Continued progress towards decreasing sexual assault rates requires continued
resourcing in prevention efforts. The following section highlights some of the advancements the
Department has made in prevention in FY18.

FY18 Actions to Improve Sexual Assault Prevention

This section summarizes actions taken by the Department, including the Military
Services and NGB, to improve the prevention of sexual assault.

Developed DoD-Wide Prevention Guidance

The Prevention Plan of Action (PPoA) is an effort to optimize the Department’s sexual
assault prevention system and reduce the occurrence of sexual assault in every military
organization. The Department continued to develop the PPoA in FY18, which calls for the
implementation of a comprehensive approach to prevent sexual assault. During development,
the Department’s Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) evaluated
evidence-based policies, programs, processes, and practices, and collaborated with other
Department organizations. The PPoA will be released concurrently with this report.

Enhanced Sexual Assault Prevention Capacity

This year, the Department helped the Military Services identify and assess current
personnel, processes, and resources through the Prevention Capability Feasibility Study. As
part of this effort, SAPRO hosted six workshops to foster foundational knowledge about sexual
assault prevention concepts. Workshop attendees included SAPR program senior leaders and
action officers from the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Military Departments,
NGB, and Coast Guard. The Department designed workshops on the critical components of an
effective prevention system to help attendees take actionable steps to strengthen their own
prevention programs and practices.

Advanced Research in Sexual Assault Prevention

Applied Prevention Project Phase II

Prevention of sexual assault requires a systematic, data-driven process. Consequently,

the Department launched the Applied Prevention Project (APP) to identify helpful solutions and
improve its ability to execute effective preventive work. The first phase of the APP involved on-
site visits by the Department to select military installations in FY16 to better understand ongoing
Service prevention efforts. In FY18, the Department launched Phase II of the APP by providing
technical assistance to help the Services improve the quality of prevention planning,
implementation, and evaluation.

In efforts to advance the APP, the Department selected a research-based initiative

known as Getting To Outcomes™ (GTO). GTO is a ten-step process that aligns prevention
initiatives with evidence-based approaches and the organization’s readiness to implement and
evaluate effective interventions. GTO is designed to increase the capacity of program
stakeholders to plan, implement, and evaluate their own programs through expert coaching by
trained evaluators. Research behind GTO shows that when evaluators collaborate with
individuals responsible for planning and executing programs, the quality of the implementation
and likelihood of achieving successful outcomes increases.

The two-year APP Phase II will provide local-level technical support to enhance
installation personnel’s knowledge and skill to design, implement, and evaluate prevention
programs. SAPRO encouraged leaders and program staff responsible for implementing
prevention programs to play an active role in determining which activities, in which tactical
environments, are the objects of evaluation. The Military Services, NGB, and Military Service
Academies have each nominated installations or activities to serve as sites for GTO

Healthy Relationships Framework

In a review of the literature, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention determined
that sexual violence prevention approaches that involve fostering social-emotional learning,
teaching healthy, safe dating and intimate relationship skills to adolescents, promoting healthy
sexuality, and providing empowerment-based training are effective in civilian population studies.
Consequently, the Department began formative research to inform the development of military-
specific, healthy relationship programs aimed at individuals over the age of 18. This research
included a review of programs and interventions in the Military Services and civilian literature
and practice. SAPRO’s research initiative identified 15 programs with a significant focus on
building healthy relationship skills that demonstrated the greatest impact on desired outcomes
and potential for adaptation to the military environment. A summary of these programs will
inform prevention practitioners of ways to address knowledge and/or skill gaps within their
military populations.

Prevention Efforts by Service

The Military Services increased their focus on prevention in the past year. The following
section includes actions taken by the Military Services and NGB in this field. Comprehensive
reports on each Service’s efforts can be found in Enclosures 1 through 4.

• Army – The “Mind’s Eye 2” interactive leadership-training was developed and piloted in
FY18. This training focuses on improving individual decision-making to better align with
the Army profession and reducing unhelpful behaviors and unhealthy environments with
targeted prevention efforts.

• Navy – The 21st Century Sailor Office partnered with the Navy Digital Warfare Office
and the Center for Naval Analyses to develop and conduct a pilot program aimed at
reducing destructive behaviors. Navy partnered with Boston University to conduct a
randomized control trial of the “One Love Escalation” workshops to assess effectiveness
on intended outcomes, including reduced relationship violence. Lastly, Navy identified
two sites for APP Phase II. Lessons learned at these locations will improve Navy’s
prevention programs, build prevention capacity, and validate the effectiveness of GTO
for operational naval units.

• Marine Corps – The Marine Corps created a Primary Prevention Operational Planning
Team to build its prevention capacity throughout all of its programs that target readiness-
impacting behaviors. Headquarters Marine Corps also updated Bystander Intervention
training for Non-Commissioned Officers (NCOs) to better employ adult learning theory
• Air Force – Installation Community Action Teams used Air Force-sponsored GTO
efforts to develop specific prevention and response plans to address a variety of
localized concerns, including violence prevention. The Air Force also developed a tool
kit to assist Violence Prevention Integrators tailor lessons to specific units. This toolkit
builds upon foundational training delivered via the Air Force’s Green Dot program.
• NGB – Seventeen Air National Guard Wings participated in Air Force’s GTO efforts to
guide the planning, implementation, and evaluation of site-specific prevention
programming. NGB SAPR will work to build infrastructure to track and leverage this
tailored evidence-based programming.

Actions for FY19

The following section summarizes the Department’s plans to enhance sexual assault
prevention in FY19.

Field DoD-Wide Prevention Guidance

The Department released the PPoA concurrent with this report to reduce the occurrence
of sexual assault as well as other co-occurring destructive behaviors. The PPoA outlines the
prevention process and enabling organizational factors that will serve as the enduring
framework for sexual assault prevention and related oversight in all future endeavors. The
Department will continue working with APP Phase II installations and activities, and GTO
evaluators will provide technical assistance visits for implementation at participating locations.

Equip and Empower Prevention Workforce

In FY19, the Department will continue efforts to equip and expand the abilities of its
prevention workforce to implement and evaluate research-based sexual assault prevention
approaches. Efforts include senior leader workshops, the creation of a curriculum to develop
key competencies for prevention practitioners, webinars to teach key prevention delivery and

evaluation skills, and provision of technical assistance at all command echelons to enhance
prevention planning and execution.

Promoting Advocacy and Assistance

Sexual assault remains universally underreported, meaning that the crime occurs at a
greater rate than is reported to authorities. Consequently, the Department strives to promote
greater reporting by victimized Service members, provide high quality services, and hold
offenders appropriately accountable. The Department intends to provide all Service members
reporting a sexual assault with a professional response that includes crisis intervention,
reporting options, and recovery services. This section summarizes past year reporting data,
response activities, and FY19 initiatives.

FY18 Surveillance Data

This section summarizes key sexual assault reporting data.

Sexual Assault Reporting Continues at an Increased Rate

In FY18, the Military Services received 7,623 reports of sexual assault involving Service
members as either victims or subjects of criminal investigations, which represents a 12.6
percent increase from reports made in FY17. Of the 7,623 reports of sexual assault, 6,676
involved Service member victims. Of those 6,676 Service member victims, 623 (about nine
percent) reported that the sexual assault occurred prior to entering military service. In sum, the
6,053 Service members who made a sexual assault report this year represents 30 percent of
the estimated total 20,500 Service members who experienced a sexual assault in FY18. This
reporting rate was similar to the 32 percent measured in FY16. In comparison, the reporting
rate in 2006 was estimated at seven percent.

Of the 7,623 total sexual assault reports, there were 5,805 Unrestricted Reports and
1,818 reports remaining Restricted at the end of FY18. Initially, 2,366 Service members filed a
Restricted Report. However, 548 Service members (23 percent) chose to convert to an
Unrestricted Report in FY18 and participate in the military justice system. These 548 converted
Restricted Reports are now counted in the 5,805 Unrestricted Reports.

Service members value the restricted reporting option. Almost half (47 percent) of all
military women who initially filed a Restricted Report of sexual assault in the past year indicated
in the 2018 WGRA that they would not have reported their situation at all if making this type of
report was not an option. This is a statistically significant increase up from the 23 percent who
expressed a similar opinion in FY16. In addition, only 11 percent of women who indicated
experiencing a sexual assault would be willing to seek confidential civilian resources if making a
Restricted Report were not an option – a statistically significant decrease from 58 percent in
FY16. 2

Estimates for men were not reportable due to the small number of men who indicated experiencing a sexual assault and making an
unrestricted report on the survey.

Men and Women Have Similar Reporting Motivations

The top three survey-indicated responses on why women reported sexual assault were
to stop the alleged offender from hurting others (61 percent), to stop the alleged offender from
hurting them again (50 percent), and because someone they told encouraged them to report (49
percent). Thirty-two percent of men also indicated they reported because someone they told
encouraged them to report. In addition, 32 percent of men said they reported in order to punish
the alleged offender.

Reasons for not reporting remained similar for women and men. Seventy-three percent
of women and 49 percent of men who experienced sexual assault in the past year did not report
because they wanted to forget about the event and move on. In addition, 61 percent of women
and 41 percent of men did not report because they did not want more people to know about
their assault.

Men and Women Indicated Satisfaction with Support Services

The Department aims to provide responsive, culturally sensitive support and care to
Service members reporting sexual assault. Survey results show that half or more of women
who made an Unrestricted Report indicated they were provided thorough information about
most SAPR services. About three-quarters of men and women who experienced sexual assault
and interacted with SAPR personnel during the military justice process were satisfied with the
support they received. In FY18, 76 percent of Service members indicated satisfaction with
support provided by the SAPR Victim Advocate (SAPR VA), 74 percent said they were satisfied
with support provided by the Victims’ Legal Counsel (VLC), and 72 percent indicated
satisfaction with support provided by the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC).

FY18 Actions to Promote a Quality Response

The following section summarizes actions taken by the Department to improve response
to members of the Armed Forces and their adult dependents who report sexual assault.

Continued Implementation of the Department’s Plan to Prevent and Respond to

the Sexual Assault of Military Men

The Department worked to enhance research-informed, gender-specific techniques to

increase awareness of male sexual assault and ensure response services met needs of male
survivors. The Men’s SAPR Plan Working Group convened a symposium and invited civilian
and military subject matter experts to assess research and current practices. Participants
included medical and behavioral health experts, as well as SAPR experts from each Military
Service, NGB, OSD Health Affairs, Defense Health Agency, U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine,
FAP, and Veterans Affairs. The symposium yielded a needs assessment and literature review
to capture concerns of male Service members who experience sexual assault.

The Department also worked to develop a communications plan by conducting an

internal review of current efforts geared towards men. This informed a Communications Toolkit
outlining processes for creating and implementing an awareness campaign to increase
knowledge of male sexual assault. A strategic communications campaign will be completed in

The Military Services and NGB continued to address the needs of male victims by
implementing the Men’s SAPR Plan. Comprehensive reports on each Service’s efforts can be
found in Enclosures 1 through 4.

• Army – A hologram of a sexual assault survivor was developed for Army Sexual
Harassment/Assault Response and Prevention (SHARP) Academy training to increase
awareness of male sexual assault. The Army also participated in the Department’s Male
Sexual Assault Working Group and helped inform the development of the Military
Services communications plan.

• Navy – Navy SAPR personnel took steps to employ gender-neutral language when
conducting training and providing services. In addition, SARCs are trained to not
characterize their assistance to victims by gender in order to not reinforce stereotypes
surrounding sexual assault. The Navy VLCs regularly briefed their legal services to
large training environments, including those where populations were heavily male.

• Marine Corps – Most Marine Corps SAPR communications and trainings are written
with gender-inclusive language. Training and communications refrain from using the
word “victim,” unless it is part of a legal definition, as few Marines – male or female –
associate themselves with the term.

• Air Force – The Air Force partnered with “1 in 6,” a nationally recognized male
victimization advocacy organization, to provide additional training to SAPR personnel.

• NGB – The National Sexual Violence Resource Center invited members of the Kentucky
National Guard SAPR Office to participate in their Roundtable on Male Sexual Assault.
NGB members of the Roundtable helped design training and outreach materials for
SAPR VAs. They continue to consult on the product, with anticipated distribution within
the next 12 to 18 months.

Developed Improved Safe Helpline Resources

The Department’s Safe Helpline (SHL) supports SAPR programs by providing crisis
intervention, support, and resources for members of the DoD community who have experienced
sexual assault. The service is confidential, anonymous, secure, and available at all hours of the
day. The availability of the SHL ensures that all victims have a place to safely disclose their
assault, express concerns, and obtain information. As such, this resource is often a first step in
the reporting process for many victims and a key source of support for those who might not
otherwise reach out for help through face-to-face military channels. The Department leverages
SHL as an accessible point-of-entry for the military community that facilitates sexual assault
reporting to SARCs and SAPR VAs.

Safe Helpline Usage

In FY18, 22,379 users (9,140 phone users and 13,239 online users) contacted SHL for
services. Of the 2,318 sessions in which an event was discussed and a user-victim relationship
was disclosed, 84 percent of users identified as victims. Some users called on behalf of victims
to learn how they could provide support and help prevent re-victimization. While women are the
most frequent users of SHL, one-third of phone users were men in FY18. Additional data on the
SHL can be found in Appendix E.

Additional Resources

The Department’s Safe HelpRoom is an anonymous, moderated online chat service that
allows individuals who have experienced sexual assault in the military to safely and securely
support and connect. In FY18, the Safe HelpRoom had 2,510 visitors. The Department also
developed the online educational program “Building Hope and Resiliency: Addressing the
Effects of Sexual Assault.” Information on these resources can be found in Appendix E.

Credentialed Sexual Assault Advocates

The Department continues to professionalize the field of sexual assault advocates by

training staff on assisting sexual assault reporters. Trainings include lessons on coordinating
with installation leadership and managing relationships with military and civilian agencies.
Advocates also maintain a specialized skillset through continuing education. The DoD Sexual
Assault Advocate Certification Program (D-SAACP) requires that personnel meet assignment
eligibility standards, be appropriately trained, and possess the expertise to assist victims
through the reporting and recovery process. All SARCs and SAPR VAs must be certified
through D-SAACP to directly support victims. The certification program was adapted from
national standards and tailored to meet the unique needs of the military.

In FY18, the program certified 920 new SARCs and 11,317 new SAPR VAs. Among the
8,450 new applications approved this year, 8,178 advocates were members of the active duty,
reserves, or National Guard and 272 were civilian employees. In addition, 554 SARCs and
3,258 SAPR VAs met the national standard to renew their credentials. To renew at a higher
level of certification, a D-SAACP credentialed SARC must have a minimum of 3,900
documented hours of advocate experience, supervisor evaluations, and case study
observations. Nearly 200 SARCs and SAPR VAs renewed at one of the three higher levels of
certification this year. The Department has seen a steady trend of advocates renewing at a
higher certification level since SARCs and SAPR VAs began renewing credentials in 2015.

This is the third year that the National Organization for Victim Assistance (NOVA) has
offered the “Bridge Application” which allows D-SAACP-certified individuals to transfer their
credentials to the National Advocate Credentialing Program (NACP). This program provides
military advocates with an opportunity to stay with the profession upon leaving the military.
Since 2015, over 300 transitioning advocates received their NACP credential. In FY18, 97 D-
SAACP certified advocates utilized the “Bridge Application” to become NACP certified.

Sought Input from Service Members on SAPR Programs

Each year, the SAPRO Director meets personally with military survivors of sexual
assault. These meetings provide an opportunity for the Director to connect with Service
members and receive insights directly from those who recently experienced the reporting
process. This feedback informs policy and program improvements. In FY18, the SAPRO
Director met with five survivors, one from each Military Service and the NGB.

Coordinated with the Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime

The Department renewed its collaboration with the Department of Justice’s Office of
Justice Programs and Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) to help military sexual assault survivors
receive a quality response when seeking services in the civilian community. Central to this
cooperation is the “Strengthening Military-Civilian Community Partnerships to Respond to

Sexual Assault” training. This training is designed to provide civilian organizations with a better
understanding of the military and increase collaboration between on and off base resources. In
FY18, over 130 individuals from different regions of the country participated in these events.

Advance Military Sexual Assault Advocate Training

OVC provided the Advanced Military Sexual Assault Advocate Training (AMSAAT) for
SARCs and SAPR VAs. Overall, 9,114 individuals completed the interactive, scenario-based,
online training. This training qualified participants for continuing education units towards their D-
SAACP certification. The Department plans to continue these collaborative initiatives with OVC
in FY19.

Participated in Training Events

Over 650 SAPR professionals participated in training provided by the civilian sector to
advance their knowledge and skills to serve victims of crime. Department attendees were
eligible to receive up to 26 continuing education units that could be used to complete continuing
education requirements for D-SAACP certification.

Military Monday Morning

SAPRO hosted a "Military Monday" pre-training event attended by over 600 Department
personnel. This event provided an opportunity for the SAPRO Director and senior staff to
interact directly with SAPR personnel working on behalf of sexual assault survivors.
Additionally, SAPRO provided policy updates to SAPR personnel on current priorities in a
facilitated, discussion-based environment.

Training Workshops

SAPRO participated in workshops held throughout the training event for all attendees.
Workshops included presentations on ethics in victim services, the SHL, care for active duty
Service members in Veterans Affairs, talking to military leadership about SAPR, and sexual
assault reporting and retaliation.

Continued to Address Inquiries from the DoD Community

SAPRO collaborated with internal and external stakeholders to facilitate resolution of

150 sexual assault inquiries from survivors, their family members, and supporters.

Actions for FY19

This section summarizes the Department’s plans to improve sexual assault reporting
resources in FY19.

Continue Executing the Men’s SAPR Plan

The Department will continue efforts to enhance the professionalism of its personnel and
expand resources for male Service members impacted by sexual assault. To this end, SAPRO
is working on updating policies regarding the training of Service members and their leadership
to better meet the needs of male Service members who experience sexual assault. The

Department is also working to distribute communications to increase awareness and
understanding of male sexual assault.

Advance the Safe Helpline

SHL continues to be a key source of support for victims who might not otherwise feel
comfortable to seek face-to-face help. The Department will continue its efforts to advance this
resource as an avenue to increase reporting and services for the DoD community. The
Department will soon release self-paced training for SARCs and SAPR VAs to improve their
assistance to survivors at risk for self-harm and to survivors transitioning out of the military.

Addressing Sexual Assault-Related

Department research continues to find that some Service members experience unhelpful
reactions and negative outcomes associated with reporting a sexual assault. Victims associate
these reactions from superiors, co-workers, and peers with experiences of social exclusion,
career disruption, and unfavorable personnel actions.

Military law and policy prohibit Service members from retaliation, ostracism, and
maltreatment associated with protected communication, such as disclosing a sexual assault
report. Retaliatory behavior by the chain of command that impacts Service members’
professional opportunities may constitute reprisal. Ostracism is behavior that excludes a person
from social acceptance in an effort to deter someone from making a report or participating in the
military justice process. Maltreatment includes acts of cruelty or oppression to the reporter,
including physical or psychological force or threat of force. Substantiating an allegation of
reprisal, ostracism, or maltreatment requires a detailed investigation that develops sufficient
evidence to meet elements of proof established in law. The Department aims to prevent these
prohibited behaviors, as well as the full spectrum of unprofessional behavior and negative
outcomes associated with reporting sexual misconduct.

FY18 Surveillance Data

This section summarizes FY18 retaliation data associated with sexual assault reporting.

Perceptions of Retaliatory Behavior Remain Unchanged

The 2018 WGRA asks those respondents who indicated experiencing a sexual assault
and reported it whether they perceived retaliatory behaviors associated with their report. In
FY18, the WGRA found that about 21 percent of the nearly 4,800 active duty women who made
a report in FY18 experienced circumstances that met legal criteria for the kinds of retaliatory
behavior prohibited by military law. 3 This data point remains statistically unchanged from
estimates reported in FY16, revealing the complexity of preventing and addressing perceived
negative behaviors. For more information on survey estimates of retaliatory behaviors, refer to
Metric 8 in Appendix C.

Estimates for men were not reportable due to the small number of men who reported sexual assault on the survey.

FY18 Retaliation Allegation Data

The Military Services and NGB provided data on retaliation reports received in FY18
associated with reports of sexual assault and/or complaints of sexual harassment. 4 Each year,
the Department requests the Military Services provide data on Case Management Group (CMG)
retaliation allegations and investigations of alleged retaliation.

CMG Retaliation Allegations

CMG data reflect the Department’s proactive process to address issues related to
Service members who have made a report of sexual assault. SARCs regularly contact
victimized Service members to inquire about retaliatory behavior and provide them the
opportunity to have allegations addressed by the CMG. In FY18, the Military Services and the
NGB received 54 retaliation allegations through the CMG process. Nearly all of these retaliation
allegations came from Service members who reported a sexual assault and/or sexual
harassment incident. Women comprised about three-quarters of the allegations and over half of
those who made an allegation said their experience was committed by a person acting alone.
In most CMG cases, a victim was referred to support services and/or the allegation was referred
to the Inspectors General (IG) and/or command.

Investigations of Alleged Retaliation

Data in this category reflect all FY18 allegations of retaliation investigated and/or
handled by the Military Services, NGB or DoD IG, MCIOs, law enforcement, and/or command-
directed inquiries. These retaliation allegations are associated with individuals making
Unrestricted Reports of sexual assault, persons suspected of making a report of sexual assault,
or persons making complaints of sexual harassment. The Military Services and NGB received
108 retaliation allegations against 147 alleged retaliators in FY18. Additionally, there were 25
reports involving 40 alleged retaliators from prior fiscal years that had a completed investigation
in FY18, which totals to 133 reports involving 187 alleged retaliators. The majority of reporters
were women and most reports were related to an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault. The
majority of reporters were also the victim of either the alleged sexual assault or sexual
harassment. Over half of the 147 of investigations for retaliation allegations are pending
investigative outcomes. A comprehensive analysis of retaliation reports and outcomes can be
found in Appendix B.

FY18 Actions to Prevent and Respond to Retaliation

The following section summarizes actions taken by the Department, including the
Military Services and NGB, to improve prevention and response efforts for Service members
who experience retaliation associated with their report of sexual assault.

Executed DoD Retaliation Prevention and Response Implementation Plan

In January 2018, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)) directed the Military Departments and NGB to take policy-specific actions to
address retaliation prevention and response. The Department reviewed their progress and

Information submitted by the Military Services and NGB varies. The Department of the Navy only submits data on cases with
completed investigations. The Army, Air Force, and NGB provide information on completed and ongoing investigations.

found their actions to address retaliation included the following. Comprehensive reports on
each Service’s efforts can be found in Enclosures 1 through 4.

• Army – Incorporated retaliation lessons into SHARP annual refresher trainings and
Professional Military Education for all soldiers. These trainings consist of a discussion of
retaliation vignettes, key definitions, policies, reporting options, and a check on learning
to reinforce the identification of retaliatory behaviors.

• Navy – Retaliation lessons were included in the mandatory annual Standardized Core
Training and officer trainings. Navy VLCs received training throughout their tours and
maintain discussions via SharePoint to continuously address these issues.

• Marine Corps – Marine Corps SAPR trainings were updated to include lessons on
retaliation, reprisal, maltreatment, and ostracism. Specifically, the Bystander
Intervention training for NCOs addressed retaliatory behavior committed via social
media. Retaliation queries are done quarterly to ensure proper tracking of retaliation
cases. Additional discussion of retaliation takes place at the Bureau of Medicine and
Surgery Prospective Commanding Officer and Prospective Executive Officer course to
update future staff of current policy and guidance regarding retaliation.

• Air Force – Retaliation lessons following the learning objectives set forth by the
Department were incorporated into training curricula for supervisors, first responders,
SARCs, SAPR VA, and volunteer VAs. Annual training on retaliation was provided to all
Airmen. SVC training was updated to include retaliation definitions and policies, redress
avenues for victims, and common retaliation fact patterns.

• NGB – NGB developed a retaliation training consistent with core competencies and
learning objectives of the Retaliation Prevention and Response Strategy Implementation
Plan. This training was provided to full-time SAPR staff and made available on the
Guard Knowledge Online SAPR site.

Expanded DoD Inspector General Investigation Team

The Directorate for Whistleblower Reprisal Investigations (WRI) is responsible for

investigating and/or providing oversight of Military Service and Component IG investigations of
whistleblower reprisal complaints. These complaints can be filed by Service members,
Department appropriated and non-appropriated fund employees, and Department contractors
and subcontractors. Additional data on the status of reprisal complaints related to reporting
sexual assault can be found in Appendix B.

Due to the significant increase in the number of sexual assault-related reprisal

complaints, the DoD IG recognized the need for additional staffing. In March 2018, WRI
expanded, adding a second specialized team comprised of six investigators, a senior
investigator, and a supervisory investigator. These teams are responsible for investigating
whistleblower reprisal complaints for the Department in which complainants allege they were
reporting or preparing to report a sexual assault, or that they were perceived as reporting or
preparing to report the crime. The teams also investigate complaints from those that have
assisted someone after they reported sexual assault.

In FY18, both specialized reprisal teams received sexual assault trauma training from a
recognized expert in the field. The DoD IG performed outreach to other groups dedicated to
assisting victims, including briefings to the NGB and SVC. The DoD IG also provided briefings

at annual conferences hosted by nongovernmental organizations on the complaint,
investigative, and reporting process to help victims and their representatives understand how to
file a sexual assault-related reprisal complaint.

Actions for FY19

The Department will continue its efforts to prevent and respond to retaliation associated
with sexual assault reporting in FY19 by:

• Executing the remaining provisions within the DoD Retaliation Prevention and Response
Strategy Implementation Plan.
• Updating, as appropriate, reporting procedures and documentation for those wishing to
make an allegation of retaliation associated with sexual assault.
• Expanding the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database to comply with retaliation
requirements in section 543 of FY17 NDAA.

The increased prevalence of sexual assault and sexual harassment observed this year
indicates that efforts which drove progress in reducing the crime since 2012 must be updated.
The risk factors that give rise to sexual assault are persistent but also constantly evolving.

About one in three Service members who experienced sexual assault chose to report it
to a Department authority in FY18, roughly the same rate as in FY16 and more than quadruple
the reporting rate from ten years ago. While the Department has made progress in reducing
sexual assault rates among men and has sustained this progress, sexual assault of women
Service members remains a persistent challenge across the Military Services.

The results from this year’s report highlight critical challenges the Department must, and
will, address. 2018 WGRA data shows that Service members at highest risk for sexual assault
are women ages 17 to 24 and junior enlisted women, both showing significant increases in rates
of the crime in FY18. Survey data also indicate that perpetration for sexual assault and sexual
harassment is most often within the E3 to E5 rank. Alleged perpetrators are often the same
rank, or slightly higher, than the victim.

Lastly, climate factors around dignity and respect were found to be robustly associated
with risk for sexual assault. Commanders must have greater visibility into their unit’s climate,
and the tools needed to swiftly address related concerns.

We will not be deterred from our mission to eliminate sexual assault from the military.
The approaches we employed to achieve progress over the past several years must now
change. We will not rest until all Service members serve in environments of dignity and respect.


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