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United Methodist Church of Swartz Creek

Dr. Reverend J.D. Landis, Pastor

November, 2010
Come join us for Sunday Worship 8:30 am & 11:00 am/Sunday School 9:45 am
Wednesday Worship 6:30 pm

Irma Elmore—Pasties

When we started making pasties, our group was all women, so we called ourselves “The
Pastie Women”. Later, men began to join and we became, “The Pastie People”. When
we first began, we were still on Morrish Road! Many Pastie People have come and
gone, but we have strived to keep our pasties up to a quality and not down to a price—we work hard at that..
There are many jobs-sitting, standing, or walking. There are 3 machines to run, plus the dishwasher. There
are no lessons, nothing to plan, AND FREE LUNCH! You can come for an hour or stay all day.

This month (Oct 18-19) we made 996 pasties .They sold out in 5 days! Our money stays here in the building
or on the grounds– bought new AC for Sanctuary/defibulator at welcome center/ furnished & funded the entire
new kitchen top to bottom/$8,000 towards new mortgage/paid for parking lot paving & lights/and much more!
At last count we had earned $ 245,000!!

Corner-Copia Where To Find It

Greetings from…………….pg 1
How To Observe Thanksgiving: Corner-copia………………pg 1
New News……………….. pg 2
Count your blessings instead of your crosses; Around the Congregation… pg 3
Count your gains instead of your losses. Christmas Play Sign Up….. pg 4
Count your joys instead of your woes; Birthdays…………………. pg 5
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Military List……………….pg 5
Count your courage instead of your fears. Thank you’s……………….pg 5
Count your full years instead of your lean; Staff Listing……………….backcover
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

United Methodist Church of Swartz Creek

7400 Miller Rd. Swartz Creek MI 48473* 810-635-4555
Our Mission Statement:
To be a nurturing community of Christians committed to serving Jesus Christ, help-
ing others find Him and grow as His disciples.
New News...
Please join us Sunday, November 7th
after the 11:00 service to say good-
NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASS START- bye (sadly!) to Rachel Benton. There
ING NOVEMBER 7TH! will be finger food,
Haven’t found a Sunday School class to be cake, punch, coffee
a part of yet? Enjoy having a few extra min- and fellowship. Please
utes for coffee and doughnuts? Come join come wish her well as
our new Walking with God Sunday
she moves on to serve
School class led by MaDonna Kelley! The
class is intended to be for people at various Christ.
walks of life, with hopes to enhance our
daily walk and relationship with the Lord.
We will begin with a study on the prayer of Worship & Evangelism Workshop at SCUMC!
Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) that is meant to Saturday, November 6, 2010 from 8:45am—
assist us in discovering how to release 4:45pm. Join us for Hearts Strangely
God’s power and experience the blessings Warmed, sponsored by the Detroit Conference
that He has for each of us. Anyone that is Board of Discipleship. There is a $15 cost per per-
not already involved in a Sunday School son (lunch included) or $20 per person at the
class is more than welcome to join us! We door. Child care is also available at $10 per child.
will be meeting in Murbach Hall beginning More information and registration forms are avail-
on Sunday, November 7th at 10am. able on our website & at the welcome centers.

Interested in John Wesley’s theology of

grace, but don’t have time for a weeknight Heifer Fill The Ark—Special Advent Giving
study? Join our 6-7 week study on “Free Opportunity: During Advent, we encourage each
Grace” led by Lee Sayer. Together we’ll of you to participate in Heifer International’s FILL
explore God’s free gift for our everyday THE ARK program, which encourages individuals
lives and how to live it. We’ll meet in room and families “an opportunity to learn about—and
201/203 on Sundays at 9:45am beginning offer a helping hand to—families around the
on Nov 7th. world.” Your participation will support Heifer’s ef-
fort to end hunger as well as care for the earth by
Christmas Program Announcement!! providing “appropriate livestock, training and re-
lated services to small-scale farmers and commu-
We are busy planning our Annual Christ- nities worldwide.”
mas Play! Please look for sign up sheets Arks will be available on November 28th to all
for parts, and extra hands needed. Practice Sunday School classes. (Extra arks will also be
dates will be Saturday Dec. 4, Saturday available at the welcome center). Take your ark
Dec. 11, Saturday Dec. 18 all from 10a- home with you and begin your 4 week journey of
11:30a in the Sanctuary. The program will giving!
take place on Sunday December 19th at A couple tips:
6:00pm. As always, there will be yummy • Make it a habit to give to your ark daily. Pray
cookies and punch afterwards—it’ll be for the recipients of these gifts and that our
GREAT so join us! hearts be filled with generosity
• Set a goal for your Sunday School class
• Visit the Heifer table by the welcome center to
learn about alternative gift giving and other
ways to help!

Bring your filled arks to church Sunday,
December 19th!
Sign-up Sheet for our Christmas Play (Dec 19th)
Everyone age 3 and up are encouraged to participate!
Practices will be held on Saturday mornings from 10am-11:30am on Dec 4, 11, & 18.
Please fill out and return this form either to the office or in the offering plate.
See Kim Edwards for more information.




Parents/adults are needed to help as well: help with practices, performance, set-up, or cos-
tumes, please fill out information below.



Where you are willing to help:

Around The Congregation….
complete without YOU!
Our second annual Advent Fair will be
during Sunday School hour this year! We’re teaming up with Olin Mills to get
Look for further information in upcom- our directory up-to-date! When you sign
up you get a free 8X10 family photo of
ing bulletins.
your choice and a free directory! There are still dates
available and 2 ways to schedule—check the church
website & click on New Directory Sign Up, or call 1-
800-866-2263. Schedule your appointment today!

November means OPERATION CHRISTMAS Don’t miss Stillwater Creek!

CHILD is in full swing for our collection week,
November 15-22. Take a moment to stop by Our Monthly Coffee Haus is Saturday, No-
the welcome center to pick up a brochure vember 11th at 7pm. Stillwater Creek will
with details on this project. Volunteers are be performing—-inspirational country mu-
encouraged to sign up on the clipboard in the sic, with a twist!
church lobby. Hours of operation will be listed
Come, sit back and relax as they deliver
in the church bulletin the week of collection
music with a positive message to touch
in the calendar section. Items to go into shoe hearts, lift spirits, and transform lives with
boxes are also being collected at the wel- their inspired words and messages
come centers. We will be having a shoe box through music.
stuffing party at ALIVE on Wed. Nov. 10th
from 4-6pm in Johnson Center, so we need Still Water Creek features Virginia & Bruce
lots of loose items to make up completed Sepanak and John Robinson.
shoe box gifts. Filled shoe boxes may be Soup Supper is at 6:30 as well!!
dropped off at the welcome centers on Sun-
days Nov. 14th and 21st. Other questions,
please contact Hope Moreland, 635-3823
(before collection week) or Judy Bordeaux
Important November Dates:
235-5419 (during collection week).
3—UMW Exec. Bd. Mtg @ 9:30a (Lg)
6—Hearts Strangely Warmed Workshop
10—Finance @ 7:30pm (201/203)
10—Witness & Welcome @ 7:30pm (Lg)
11—Food Pantry Mtg @ 10am (JC)
13—Coffee Haus/Soup Supper
15—Trustees @ 6:30om (SR)
13—Finance @ 7:30p (201/203)
18—Care Committee @ 9:30a (JD Office)
18—SPRC @ 6:30p (Lg)
18—Charge Conference @ 7:15pm (S)
23—Men’s Workday
25—Thanksgiving Day
27—Christmas Tree Sales Begin
Thanks be to God Those in Military
A special Thank You to a secret Good Service
Samaritan! Someone left a very, very
special card in the nursery that I re-
ceived on Wednesday night. I want to STC Jeff Arnold Alan Lloyd
thank whoever left this special gift— Lawrence Battiste, Jr. Matt Makillom
you have no idea how much this meant to me & my Richard Brill
family! All I can say is thank you from the bottom of Kenny Middaugh
Joe & Missy Caldwell AIC Kevin Miceli
my heart—it was much appreciated!
Leigh Savage Christopher Campbell Michael Packer
Bob Churchill Michael Quinn
Thank you to all the prayers, cards, Sean Crisp
phone calls and words of condolence fol- Ryan Rolfe
lowing the passing of our father in Aus-
CW3 Rodney Crow Joshua Sepanak
tralia. The church family is truly God’s Erwin C. Davis Michael Sepanak
messenger of love and peace. Jessica Faith Avry Spigner
God bless you! Ian Gohlke
Hope Moreland & Beth Wachterhauser SRA Brandon Squires
Paul Gregg Steven Tanous
Thank you so much for your help with the UMW Trevor B. Hicks Dr. Brad Taylor
Flint District Annual mtg. We appreciate the use of John Leach
your building. Everyone was so helpful & wonderful! William Lengyel
D. Jean Austin, Treasurer Kyle Leonard
Michelle Weston, Vice President

Jane Dodge 2 Helen Bell 12 Heather Stanley 20
Marjorie Rosenthal 2 Thomas Cook 12 Larry Harnden 23
Laura Blower 3 Amber Leblanc 12 Phillip Strickland 23
Evelyn Deneen 3 Donna Nelson 12 Peter Wolfgram 23
Jackie Metcalfe 3 Les Drlik 13 Katelyn Adams 24
Jeffrey Mulnix 3 Pete Plum 13 Megan Lynn 24
Mary Packer 3 John Maxwell 14 Kaylee Primeau 24
Jerry Smithwick 3 Ruth Prouse 14 Alan Verhaeghe 24
Seth Speck 3 Heidi Adams 15 Robin Ferris 25
Daniel Turner 3 Phyllis Druley 15 Herbert Herrick 25
Andrew DeLong 4 Lou MacGready 15 Frieda Mundy 26
Nadine Johnson 4 Shirley Burchett 16 Clara Brodie 27
Oather McPherson 5 Annie Carlson 16 Bill Taylor 27
Sandra Raffaelli 6 Jim English 16 Rita Brimley 30
Eugene Christensen 8 Peter Verhaeghe 16 David Hilden 30
Holly Whitworth 8 Lillian Wilkinson 16
Tammy Campbell 9 Patti Badgley 17
Alberta Mitchell 9 LoAnna Ammerman 18
Jameson Curtis 10 Mary Scobey 18
Ben Huffman 10 Bethany Landis 19
Brian Moore 10 Olivia Orr 19
Naomi Rice 10 Helen Youmans 19
Terry Carley 11 Michelle Main 20
Jacqueline Hilden 11 Christine Maxwell 20
Swartz Creek United Methodist Church The Good Word
Box 268, Swartz Creek, MI 48473


This newsletter is sent with blessings

and prayers to:
We’re on the web! Check out sermons, daily
devotions, upcoming special events and
more at www.umc-sc.org


Office hours: M-F 8:30a-12:00p & 1:00p-4:30p Join us each Sunday at 9:45 am for these ongoing classes:
All are welcome!
Rev. Dr. J.D. Landis Nursery (2 & under) Nursery
Phone: 635-4555, ext. 201 Preschool Rm. 101
office@umc-sc.org K-1st Grade Rm. 108
2nd-3rd Grade Rm. 102
Minister of Discipleshi p Financial Secretary 4th-5th Grade Rm. 105
Rachel D. Benton Donna Smith Junior High (6th-8th) Rm. 107/109
Phone: 635-4555, ext. 204 Phone: 635-4555, ext. 202 Senior High (9th-12th) Rm. 202/204
rbenton@umc-sc.org dsmith@umc-sc.org Women’s Bible Study Rm. 206 Amy Gawthrop &
Teresa Woodby
Youth Director Main Office Men’s Bible Study Rm. 302 Pete Plum
Brian Kelley Kim Edwards Journey Through
Phone: 635-4555, ext. 210 Phone: 635-4555 The Bible Rm. 203 Dennis Thorpe
bkelley@umc-sc.org office@umc-sc.org Fellowship Class Rm. 207 Sharon Cummings &
Judy Bordeaux
Administrative Assistant Music Director Essential Christianity John. C enter Carolyn Landis
Barbara Mulnix Richard Moreland Connecting With Others Rm. 205 Lesa McKeon &
Phone: 635-4555, ext. 201 Phone: 635-4555, ext. 208 Ann Brimley
bmulnix@umc-sc.org rmoreland@umc-sc.org Come As You Are Lounge Jerry & Dannett Rice
Walking with God Murbach MaDonna Kelley
Nursery & Sonshine Director Building Manager
Susan Waddell Dan Parks
Phone: 635-4555 Phone: 635-4555

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