Magic Garden Lesson
Magic Garden Lesson
Magic Garden Lesson
Appendix 1
Year Level: 3 Time: 30mins Date: /5/19 Students’ Prior Knowledge:
Learning Area: English – Creating Literature Students are aware of the narrative structure
and language conventions.
They have written their own narratives before
as well as together as a class in shares writing
Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Create imaginative texts based on characters, settings and
events from students’ own and other cultures using visual
features, for example perspective, distance and
angle (ACELT1601)
The students were all very attentive and engaged throughout the lesson, particularly as they were given the
opportunity to come up with their own theme, characters, plot etc.
As this was a very on the spot lesson that took place on my first day of prac, there are many elements of the lesson I
would change in order to make it more successful and increase the learning opportunities for students. Next time I
would do a thorough planning process, or at least brainstorm ideas on the board, then put it into a draft. I would also
get the students to go back to their desks and come up with their own ideas. However as a shared writing activity this
was successful and the students were engaged in the structure and language conventions of a narrative.
Is it fact or fiction?
What are the main elements we must include?
How do we split up our ideas?
What kind of WOW words should we be including in our narrative?
Ask students to think of an idea we could write our class narrative on.
9:50am Brainstorm on the board the different ideas then vote.
sequence of events
After each paragraph, reread the sentences and have students add more
WOW words such as adjectives and more complex punctuation.
As students complete the shared writing activity, call upon students to
read a line each. Then read all together as a class.
WOW word reference
Throughout the lesson ensure that discussion takes place to reinforce sheet
students intercultural understanding and ethical behaviour such as the
use of different characters coming together regardless of their ‘obvious’
Students will need to ensure that their work is glued into their writing
books and placed back in their desks ready for Spelling.
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Keep anecdotal notes on students that contribute during the shared Student checklist for
writing task anecdotal notes
Also take note of students who are not actively contributing