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Lab 3: Atterberg Limits CE 340

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Lab 3 : Atterberg Limits

CE 340

Mohammad Alrashidi
Group #2

September 27, 2018

Table of Contents

Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

Introduction and Objectives ................................................................................................................... 4

Methodology (i) ........................................................................................................................................ 4

Collected Data, Calculations and Results (i) .................................................................................... 5

Methodology (ii) ................................................................................................................. 6

Collected Data, Calculations and Results (ii) ..................................................................... 6

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 7

List of Tables

Table 1: Collected readings and calculations ................................................................................... 5

Table 2: Collected readings and calculations ................................................................................... 7

List of Figures

Figure 1: Moisture Content (%) vs. Number of blows, N.................................................... 5

Atterberg limits are a basic measure of the critical water contents of
a fine-grained soil, such as its shrinkage limit, plastic limit, and liquid
limit. The group performed standard practice in determining the
liquid limit, plastic limit, and plasticity index of a soil sample in
accordance to ASTM D 4318. The calculated liquid limit of the soil
sample is 34, its plastic limit as 20, and plasticity index as 14. After
analysis, the soil sample is recognized as clay of low plasticity based
on the USCS.
 It has been established that liquid limit is dependent upon the percentage of clay in the No.
40 sieve fraction of the soil and the clay mineral present.
 The stronger surface charge and the thinner particle, the larger will be the amount of
adsorbed water and, therefore, the higher will be the liquid limit.

 To determine the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of the soil sample as
prescribe by ASTM D4318: Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and
Plasticity Index of Soils
 To produce data within the acceptable range of errors as required by the lab instructor
 To analyze the sample using the results of the experiments and determine its type based on
the Unified Soil Classification System.

i. Methodology (Liquid limit)

For liquid limit test, the moisture content of the soil to meet the test requirement is
difficult to adjust. So we conduct at least three tests of same soil at different moisture
contents. Soil sample prepared and placed in the cup and a groove is made using the
grooving tool. By crank operated cam, cup is lifted and dropped from a height of 10 mm.
So liquid limit is defined as the Moisture content required to close distance of 0.5 inch
along the groove after 25 blows.

Equipment Used:
 Liquid limit device containing crank operated cam, brass cup on a rubber base.
 Standard grooving tool.
 Cans for making soil sample.


1. Determine the mass of 3 different moisture cans

2. Pulverize sufficient quantity (about 1kg) of air-dry clay soil and sieve the soil using sieve #

3. Place about 250g of the soil in a mixing bowl and thoroughly mix with a small amount of
water from the plastic squeeze bottle to form a uniform paste

4. Place a portion of the soil paste in the liquid limit device and smooth the soil to a uniform
thickness in the cup using spatula
5. Using the grooving tool, carefully cut a groove at the center line of the soil pat from back
to front
• Perpendicular to the inside surface of the cup, leveled edge toward the front
• Several passes can be made to cut the groove
6. Turn the crank of the device at 120 rpm (2 revolutions per second) until there is a clear
visible closure of 12.7mm or 0.5inch. Count the number of blows (N)

7.Ensure N is between 25 and 35 blows for the first test record

8. Collect the sample from the closed part and place it in moisture can

9. Determine the mass of the wet soil + moisture can

10. Remove the rest of the soil past from the cup and place back in the mixing bowl. Use
paper towel to clean the cup thoroughly

11. Add a little water using squeeze bottle to adjust the water content of the soil paste in the
mixing bowl

12. Repeat steps 4 to 9 to get N between 20-25 blows and 15-20 blows 13. Place moisture
cans with the collected soil samples in the oven 14. After 24 hrs, determine the mass of the
dry soil + moisture can.

Collected Data, Calculations and Result

Table 1: Table of Collected Readings and Calculations

Item Units Test no.

1 2 3
g 3 4 3-1
Can No.
g 15.187 15.307 15.289
Mass of can, M1
Mass of wet soil 29.445 31.345 33.253
and can, M2
Mass of dry soil g
and can, M3
Mass of dry soil g -15.187 -15.307 -15.289
Mass of moisture g 28.445 31.345 33.253
Moisture Content % -193.883 -204.776 -217.496
No. of Blows, N 30 22 17
Flow Index, Fi 14.10557 17.03971
Liquid Limit, LL 30.1018 30.86389 31.73689
Fig. - Moisture content vs number of blows, N

1 50
Moisture Content (%)





Number of Blows, (N)

we assume the value of tanβ = 0.121, according to analysis of soils by ACOE.

Here, Flow index Fi = (ω1 – ω2) / log (N2 /N1), and

Liquid limit = ωN { N/ 25}

Where, ω1 = moisture content of soil, corresponding to N1 blows

ω2 = moisture content of soil, corresponding to N2 blows
ωN = water content at blow count, N

Take the average of 3 values for LL, LL = 30.9.

Here, we found out graphically as well as mathematically that Liquid limit of soil, LL = 30.9

ii. Methodology (Plastic limit)

The plastic limit test is performed by repeated rolling of a soil mass by hand on a ground
glass plate. The plastic limit is defined as the M% at which the soil crumbles, when rolled
into threads of 1/8 inch in diameter.

1. Determine the mass of 2 different moisture cans
2. Place soil in the mixing bowl and thoroughly mix with water (this soil should pass
a #40 sieve)
3. Prepare several small rolls of soil and place them in the glass plate
4. Using your finger, roll a small specimen of the soil on the glass plate to form a
5. Attempt to roll the soil to 1/8 inch (3.18 mm) diameter.
• Rolling rate: 80~90 strokes/min (1 stroke = forward + back)
• if the thread breaks larger than 1/8in., add a small amount of water, mix thoroughly
and try again.
• if the thread breaks smaller than 1/8in., remove some water by kneading in your
hands and try again.
6. Roll the soil to 3.18 mm diameter
• if it does not break, knead it in your hands and try again
• if it breaks with pieces of length 6~8 mm and there are several crack, place the entire
thread in the moisture can
7. Determine the mass of the wet soil + moisture can
8. Try again to get another soil sample
9. After 24 hrs, determine the mass of the dry soil + moisture can
10.Plastic Limit, PL is the average of the 2 moisture contents determined

Item Units Can No.

1 2
Mass of can, M1(g) G 15.164 15.406
Mass of wet soil and can, G
M2(g) 16.157 16.572
Mass of dry soil and can, G
Mass of dry soil, M3 - M1 G -15.164 -15.406
Mass of moisture, M2 - M3 G 16.157 16.572
Water content % -106.548 -107.568
Plastic Limit -107.058

Collected Data, Calculations and Result

Table 2: Table of Collected Readings and Calculations

Plasticity index is difference between LL and PL,
PI = LL – PL = 30.9 – (-107.058) = 137.959
So according to Plasticity chart, our soil with LL = 30.9% and PI = 137.959% lies in region
4, so is clay of high plasticity.


After interpreting our results, we realized and classified the soil to be inorganic clay of
medium plasticity as the plasticity index came out to be 137.959%. We also found the liquid
limit to be 30.9%, while the plastic limit was found to be -107.058%. It means that if soil is
rolled to make thin threads, it will break easily and can be easily returned to its initial state.
After thorough analysis of the Atterberg limits of the soil sample, it is concluded that the soil
is classified as clay with high plasticity under the Unifies Soil Classification System. The
main measurement of the nature of fine- grained soil is Atterberg limits test. Fine soil can
beclassify due to it liquid and plastic limits. Depending on the water content, the soil can be
solid,semi-solid, or liquid state. In each state of those the soil could have different
behavior so thatmany properties could change due to changing soil's behavior. So that it is
so important to knoweach limit of these states. The main source of error in this
experiment is careless of operator. All procedures shouldperform exactly. Any
error through weighing, number of blows, or rolling the samples could lead

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