High-Intensity Interval Training: Loughborough University Institutional Repository
High-Intensity Interval Training: Loughborough University Institutional Repository
High-Intensity Interval Training: Loughborough University Institutional Repository
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High-intensity interval
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of Children's Sport and Exercise Medicine, 3rd ed., Oxford: OUP, pp. 477-491.
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(p.1047)1. The popularity of this type of training has increased recently as a time-efficient and
of this attention has centred on the potential of HIIT to assist in the fight against lifestyle-
The popular discourse surrounding HIIT has been fuelled by renewed academic interest in
this form of exercise3,4,5,6 and emerging evidence supporting the notion that HIIT may induce
physiological adaptations comparable to those from higher volume MCT5. Perhaps the most
alluring feature of HIIT is the priority afforded to intensity over duration, and thus, the
during HIIT is also likely to be appealing to a modern society, which frequently cites a ‘lack
Although HIIT has only been aligned recently to public health promotion, the origins of this
training method may be traced back to, at least, the early twentieth century9. The history of
modern sport is littered with accounts of elite athletes and coaches using, and honing through
anecdotal inquiry, various forms of HIIT to optimise sport performance. High intensity
interval training is by no means a new phenomenon, but instead a training concept long-
appreciated by athletes. This training technique has, however, evolved recently, from
rudimentary origins, into a contemporary exercise tool utilised by sport- and health-
professionals alike. This chapter will examine the scientific evidence supporting the efficacy
of HIIT to confer benefit to both sports performance and health in children and adolescents
(young people).
The use of HIIT by young people is particularly relevant because: first, it seems that high-
intensity exercise may be completed by children without substantial fatigue compared with
adults10. Second, it has been suggested that HIIT may resemble the spontaneous, intermittent
nature of habitual physical activity in young people11. Third, it is possible that HIIT is less
susceptible to the monotony that young people often associate with MCT12 and is,
most young people fail to meet international physical activity guidelines13, perhaps the most
compelling rationale for HIIT is that it could offer them a viable alternative to more
“traditional” forms of exercise and encourage greater engagement during these formative
years14. Of course, HIIT is not a panacea; indeed, numerous caveats come with HIIT training
When critically appraising any research findings, the contextual framework is very important.
Training is defined as methods used to enhance or develop skills and/or knowledge with the
intention of improving one or more predetermined outcomes. In this chapter, training refers
enhance a physical, physiological or sports performance outcome that can be quantified using
improvements are sought, we will make every effort to differentiate chronic training
adaptations from acute exercise responses. We define “high intensity” as exercise that can be
sustained for up to 4 min (240-s) before a rest interval is required. It is also critical to
determine whether the emphasis on exercise training is for gains in sports performance or
physical health. The literature includes some outcome measures that relate explicitly to one of
these two paradigms and others apply to both (e.g., peak V̇O2; a measure of cardiorespiratory
fitness). We will review the literature from both perspectives and there may be some overlap.
Finally, there are many detailed reviews on the scientific basis and prescription of high
intensity training,9,15,16,17,18,19 which are based on a multitude of laboratory and field studies
with adults. Buchheit and Laursen9 indicated recently that further research is required with
“youth”; therefore, it is not our intention to indicate how HIIT should be prescribed for young
people, but to critically appraise the current scientific literature to evaluate the efficacy of this
form of exercise training with young people. Finally, whilst most researchers use traditional
time and between groups or training conditions, we have used their published means and
standard deviations to estimate pairwise effect sizes to determine whether the findings might
descriptors suggested by Cohen20 were used to describe the range of effect sizes: trivial <0.2,
competitiveness and sophistication. Indeed, optimising the performance of young athletes has
emerged as a burgeoning area of interest for sport scientists and coaches alike. The provision
of highly-structured training now pervades the broad spectrum of youth sport. Although not
comparable in number to those conducted with adults, various studies have examined the
efficacy of HIIT to improve sport performance outcomes in young people. The following
section will highlight the key findings, with specific focus on the physiological parameters
associated with sporting success. At this point, it is important that the reader recognises some
of the difficulties faced when attempting to evaluate the effect of a training intervention on
sporting performance per se. The complex nature of sports performance - dependent on a
difficult. Consequently, many researchers rely on the assessment of the components of fitness
(e.g., speed, aerobic endurance and strength) associated with successful sport performance.
Whilst tightly-controlled laboratory measures can provide reliable, valid and comparable
data, it is much more challenging to interpret these data and establish whether training-
performance under free-living, competitive conditions. There has, however, been some
endeavour to bridge this gap in knowledge and an emerging body of research provides
valuable insight into the role that HIIT might play in enhancing athletic performance.
An array of studies have examined the effect of HIIT on a wide range of performance
outcomes in male and female athletes aged 8 to 18 years (Table 34.1). The characteristics of
the training protocols varied considerably with the interventions spanning 11 days to 10
weeks and 2 or 3 training sessions per week. The repetitions ranged from 3 to 40 and lasted
between 10-s and 4 min (240-s). In most studies, exercise intensity was fixed at 90 to 95%
intensities; >95% maximal aerobic speed (MAS); and/or >90% of personal best time.
Cardiorespiratory fitness
performance in sports requiring a high aerobic energy provision. Hence, its response to HIIT
in the context of sports performance will be examined here; whereas a latter sub-section will
approach it from a health perspective. Peak oxygen consumption (V̇O2), measured during
exhaustive exercise, is the criterion measure of CRF. Although a high level of CRF alone
does not guarantee sporting success, it is often exhibited by elite athletes. It has been reported
consistently that the performance of 14 to 30 HIIT sessions, over a period ranging from 11
days to 10 weeks, leads to significant increases in CRF in both trained and untrained young
people (Table 34.1). These studies have demonstrated that HIIT is efficacious in increasing
peak V̇O2, whilst others have used field-based fitness tests to estimate it; the former will be
athletes regularly engage in structured aerobic exercise training programmes, they will have
an enhanced capacity for oxidative metabolism at baseline, compared with their untrained
counterparts. Hence, gains may be more difficult through increased sub-maximal training
load alone21,22,23. Consequently, it has been suggested that HIIT may be a particularly useful
training tool to use with youth athletes. Impressive baseline fitness ≥63 mL∙kg-1∙min-1 was
seen in two studies24,25, though the former was scaled using lean body mass. The 8.3%
increase found by Chamari et al.24 was in 14 y old male footballers who completed 8 weeks
was reported that an 8-week HIIT programme resulted in a 10.1% increase in peak V̇O2 in
late adolescent male footballers25. Collectively, these studies support the efficacy of HIIT in
already well-trained youth athletes, but the omission of a control group in both studies
precludes direct causality. Furthermore, as HIIT was performed alongside their regular
technical and tactical sessions, it is not possible to attribute the change in CRF to HIIT
Athletes and coaches may question how HIIT-induced changes in CRF compare to those
conferred by high-volume, MCT; some studies have compared the different regimes directly
swimmers, Sperlich and colleagues31 compared changes in peak V̇O2 after 5 weeks of HIIT
and, what was called, high-volume training (HVT). The within measures research design
eliminates between group variance common to all mixed design studies and the 8.5 week
wash-out period should have countered a possible period effect. Significant, moderate and
small (d=0.57 & 0.46) increases were observed after HIIT (10.2%) and HVT (8.5%),
respectively. It was concluded that desirable, short-term changes in CRF could be achieved
through HIIT despite a comparatively reduced training time (2 hours less each week) and
volume (5.5 vs. 11.9 km∙week-1). Importantly, the authors recognised the limitation of a cycle
ergometer-based test in swimmers. Indeed, this was reflected in the modest baseline peak
V̇O2 values (~40 mL∙kg-1∙min-1), which were considerably lower than might be expected in
children accustomed to training at least four times a week. However, the difficulties
associated with the in-pool measurement of gaseous exchange with young children were
experimental design, it was reported that peak V̇O2 increased significantly by ~7% following
5 weeks of HIIT yet was unchanged (non-significant, ~2% increase) following 5 weeks of
both groups. Other studies suggest that similar changes in CRF are induced by both HIIT and
continuous cycle ergometer training in untrained prepubertal girls and boys34,35. Interestingly,
in the latter of these studies, the interval training group exhibited pre- to post-increases in a
number of physiological parameters, including ventilatory threshold, that were not observed
in the continuous training group35. This limited body of research, provides preliminary
evidence that HIIT appears to be at least as efficacious as MCT at enhancing CRF in young
The timeframe over which CRF may be enhanced through HIIT represents an interesting
point for discussion. Whilst the majority of studies with young athletes (Table 34.1) have
examined the effect of 4 to 10 weeks of HIIT on peak V̇O2, mixed findings emerged from
two studies that assessed the efficacy of a shorter “shock microcycle”28,40. It was
15 HIIT sessions performed over 11 days resulted in a 6% increase in peak V̇O2 in late
magnitude of change was relatively modest in comparison to those reported following HIIT
regimes spanning a longer period of time with young athletes (Table 34.1). The authors
suggested that the high frequency of HIIT may have compromised the efficiency of the
training with regard to the maximal capacity for improvement in aerobic capacity. However,
generous return from 11 days of training for skiers with good baseline fitness (53 mL⋅kg-
In contrast to these findings, Wahl and colleagues40 reported no meaningful change (d=0.02)
sessions performed over 14 days. The authors speculated that a slight decrease in post-HIIT
[haemoglobin], possibly the result of a loss of red blood cells due to the high impact of the
HIIT regime, might explain the failure of the training microcycle to induce meaningful
improvements. It is possible that these losses could not be fully compensated in the 7 day
recovery period post-intervention. A particularly pertinent finding of this latter study was that
significant decreases were observed in some dimensions of the Persons Perceived Physical
State Scale (PEPS), including perceived physical energy, perceived physical flexibility and
readiness to train, highlighting the exhausting nature of this training intervention. This, of
course, raises important questions surrounding the extent to which this form of high-
frequency HIIT may be tolerated as well as the possibility that such training, if not carefully
managed, might lead to the manifestation of overtraining symptoms and the impairment of
performance often associated with this condition. Future research is undoubtedly warranted to
further elucidate the optimal combination of HIIT frequency, intensity and recovery time for
Similar increases in aerobic performance – estimated using field-based fitness tests – have
also been reported27,29,31,32,36. Typically, such studies have employed incremental fitness tests,
the assessment of intermittent exercise performance (e.g., shuttle run test, intermittent fitness
not provide the quality of data associated with the sophisticated laboratory assessment of gas
exchange. However, such field-based tests represent a convenient and inexpensive method of
estimating endurance performance and represent a valuable tool to track changes over a
period of training, especially with large groups of athletes. Ultimately, the emerging findings
from these studies provide further, albeit weaker, evidence supporting the efficacy of HIIT to
Explosive strength
The effect of HIIT on explosive strength (power), the ability to exert maximal muscular
contraction in the shortest possible time, has been examined in several studies (Table 34.1)
using a battery of jump tests. Typically, a selection of the following jump tests have been
used to assess training-induced changes in the explosive strength of the lower limbs: counter
movement jump (CMJ); drop jump (DJ); standing broad (long) jump (SBJ); squat jump (SJ)
and vertical jump (VJ). Explosive strength is a component of physical fitness that may be
particularly important to sports in which sprinting and/or jumping (vertical and/or horizontal)
are integral to successful performance, with the obvious examples being the 100 m sprint and
long jump. There are, however, many other sports in which explosive strength represents an
essential, yet more subtle, determinant of sports performance and/or skill execution. Of
course, sports performance outcomes are normally very complex and it is likely that the
simple jump tasks in isolation to other sport-related skills, represents an ill-defined fraction of
these outcomes. Nonetheless, jumping ability remains a useful performance assessment tool
and a number of noteworthy findings have emerged from HIIT studies in which explosive
Changes in power are more heterogeneous than CRF following HIIT; untrained, prepubertal
children, completing 7 weeks of high-intensity interval running (10 or 20s at 100 to 130%
MAS) experienced a significant, but moderate increase (d=0.62; 9.6%) in SBJ distance27. The
authors concluded that HIIT performed at velocities greater than MAS enhanced lower limb
explosive strength and speculated that this likely resulted from a combination of both
was suggested that the former was likely to be the primary mechanism of the observed
improvement. It should be reiterated that this study was conducted in untrained boys and
girls, which could magnify the increase. This is supported by trained, late adolescent
professional footballers who experienced only small gains in CMJ (d=0.35; 2.7%) and SJ
significant”, but small effects, in jump performance did not translate into a concomitant
performance following HIIT. Buchheit and colleagues29 demonstrated that 10 weeks of HIIT
resulted in trivial changes in CMJ (d=0.13) and 10 m sprint time (d=0.13) in well-trained
male and female handball players. Similarly, trivial and small increases in SBJ were
exhibited amongst youth football players following a 7 week HIIT programme consisting of
d=0.32) performed at 85% of maximal 100 m time36. These findings were contrary to the
authors’ hypothesis that the short-sprint programme would yield improvements in jump
ability and led to the conclusion that the technical aspects of jump performance may need to
equally noteworthy that the weekly performance of two to three sessions of high intensity
of endurance training and maintenance of power-related performance. The evidence that has
emerged from studies conducted with young people may reassure athletes and coaches that
The importance of design and management of HIIT is, however, highlighted further by the
cardiorespiratory fitness. The authors speculated that the high-frequency training microcycle
performance. The authors28 concluded that participants may have needed more than 7 days
Overall, the weight of the available evidence suggests that HIIT, if carefully managed, is
unlikely to result in an impairment of explosive strength and, in some cases, might lead to
performance enhancement. It is, however, important for young athletes and their coaches to
consider the frequency of HIIT sessions carefully as well as the recovery time provided
between exercise bouts. Furthermore, particular attention should be paid to the recovery
period following the completion of an intensive block of HIIT, especially in the lead-up to
A small number of studies have attempted to assess the effect of HIIT on competitive
increases in total running distance, number of sprints performed, and time spent performing
at higher exercise intensities, they concluded that competitive match performance had
an increase in peak V̇O2. Another interesting finding from this study was the observed
test, which comprises several activities typical of football, including: changes in direction,
small-sided game-based training33. The authors of this study concluded that HIIT and small-
sided game training were equally effective modes of aerobic training for use with youth
football players. Another important consideration is that the training interventions were
completed in addition to the players’ regular football training (technical and tactical
sessions). Although the authors reported that this additional football-specific training was
is, therefore, impossible to isolate the effect of HIIT and establish a causal and independent
relationship between the training interventions and the changes in sport-specific outcome
Faude and colleagues32 found that 4 weeks of HIIT resulted in no improvement in 100 or 400
m swim times in competitive adolescent swimmers; however, they did report that 7 out of 9
swimmers swam personal best times (PBs) in the 3 months after the HIIT training cycle.
Whether these PBs can be attributed to HIIT directly is questionable. In another swimming
study by Sperlich et al.38, described previously, competitive performance was assessed before
and after 5 weeks of HIIT and high volume training (HVT). Significant changes in 2000 m
swim time and scoring on the LEN (“Ligue Européenne de Natation”, the European
Governing Body) international pointing system for competition performance were reported
only after HIIT (not HVT); however, the magnitude of these effects were small (d≤0.48).
Moreover, the group reduction in 100 m swim times was trivial (d≤0.18). Based on these
differences between HIIT and HVT, Sperlich et al.38 concluded that high training volumes
provided no advantage compared to lower volumes of HIIT. They went on to suggest that the
use of HIIT may enable a greater proportion of training time to be spent on technical
The efficacy of a two week shock microcycle of HIIT to enhance cycling performance in
young triathletes has been assessed using average power output (PO in watts) during a 20 min
time trial (TT) performance test40, which is deemed a valid and reliable simulation of a race
event in adults42. Wahl et al.40 also compared passive and active recovery by dividing the 16
girls and boys equally into two separate training groups. Time trial average PO increased
significantly from 2.9 to 3.3 W⋅kg-1 in the passive group (d=0.66; 12%); whereas the change
in the active recovery group was only small (d=0.24; ~3%) and within the reported
coefficient of variation for this performance measure. The increase in 20 min TT performance
was despite non-significant, trivial (d≤0.19) changes in peak V̇O2 in both groups;
interestingly, the total cycling distance achieved during the TT was not reported. This
finding led the authors to recommend that when working with athletes, the measurement of
performance should represent the main criterion for the efficacy of a training programme as
Cardiorespiratory fitness
In line with the general paediatric exercise science and medicine literature, CRF is one of the
most commonly measured outcome variable in studies that have that examined the efficacy of
HIIT in young people (Tables 34.1 and 34.2). Although it is normally defined as peak V̇O2 ,
some studies have included endurance performance measures (e.g., 20-m multistage fitness
threshold44. Whilst it can be argued that most young people rarely exercise at intensities that
would elicit peak V̇O2, it has a strong empirical relationship with cardiometabolic health;
therefore, the results from health-focused HIIT studies including MSFT will be included.
We are aware that numerous early studies employed interval training techniques, common to
endurance athletes, with healthy young people; however, they were not designed specifically
to examine the efficacy of HIIT. Consequently, their study design features often do not allow
us to isolate the independent effect of the high intensity elements of the research.
Nevertheless, much can be learnt from these pioneers. For example, Rotstein et al.37 reported
a large (d=1.41; 8%) increase in peak V̇O2 in 16, 10 to 11 year old boys who completed a
series of 150 to 600 m runs, 3 times⋅week-1 over nine weeks, compared with an age and
activity matched non-training control group (Table 34.2). The precise exercise intensity was
not provided, but described as being suitable to each participant’s condition at baseline and it
is not clear how long it took the boys to complete the various intervals. Moreover, each
training session lasted 45 min with a 15 to 20 min warm-up; so, it does not fit the time
efficient model HIIT is characterised as regularly. Despite all of these limitations, in the
context of this chapter, this study was published when there was considerable doubt whether
it was possible for children (i.e., preadolescents) to increase their CRF via exercise training57
and the mean baseline peak V̇O2 was an impressive 54 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1. Before attempting to
tease-out potential moderators of HIIT effects on CRF, the focus will now turn to a study44
that adopted a very similar research design as Burgomaster et al.,4 which stimulated the
recent renewed interest in HIIT. In Barker et al’s study44, ten adolescent boys were exposed
to only six maximal intensity, cycling training sessions spanning 14 days (Table 34.2). The
training progressed from 4 × 30-s “all-out” sprints on the bike (i.e., Wingate anaerobic tests)
with 4 min active recovery in session one to 7 × 30-s sprints in the final session. The change
in peak V̇O2 was small (d=0.30; 5%) whether expressed relative to body mass or not.
Interestingly, the mean change of 2.7 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1 is almost identical to that found in a
recent meta-analysis of eight studies with adolescents58 who completed between 13 and 36
HIIT sessions over 5 to 15 weeks. The authors44 justified the exclusion of a control group by
suggesting that growth or maturation changes would be minimal over just two weeks. They
indicated any changes could be ascribed to HIIT because the participants agreed to suspend
their habitual organised sports activities for the duration of the study; a similar argument has
been posited by the same group below in a different study measuring endothelial and
autonomic function45.
Numerous potential moderators may influence the size of the HIIT-induced effect, the most
review recently, from eight of these it was found that study duration, type of comparison
group and risk of bias were not significant moderators. After we reviewed studies with
participants ranging from healthy weight to obese, it would appear that obese participants are
more likely to experience large gains in CRF following HIIT46,47,48,51,53. It was apparent that
the obese participants in these studies were exposed to a greater dose (volume) of the high
intensity exercise stimulus – this was usually because the training programme extended over
weight young people coupled with a lower baseline level of fitness, which is more susceptible
to change and has been highlighted previously59. Whilst changes in healthy weight
prepubescent girls34 and late-adolescent boys and girls55 range from large to trivial
respectively, closer scrutiny of both studies reveals that McManus et al.34 only reported
changes in absolute peak V̇O2, which may not account completely for subtle changes in body
size over the eight week training period. Buchan and colleagues55 measured endurance
performance via the MSFT rather than oxygen consumption; however, other publications by
this same group, using the same training intervention, but with a heterogeneous mixed-sex
sample that included healthy and overweight participants, found that changes in MSFT
performance were small14. It should be noted that most effect sizes reported by Buchan et
al.14 appeared to be inflated compared with pairwise values derived from the means and
standard deviations provided in their results (i.e., mean difference⋅SD-1(pooled)) – it is not clear
A key question when examining so-called “traditional” MCT has been whether biological
cardiovascular function could only be small before the onset of puberty because of a
maturational “trigger point”, which had been proposed initially by Gilliam and Freedson60
after scrutinising the findings of their small mixed-sex, school-based training study.
However, Shephard61 cited early study design limitations, including inadequate sample sizes,
missing control groups, poor training programme characteristics relative to baseline levels of
fitness and inadequate exposure to the training stimulus, when dismissing differences in the
training response between children and adolescents. Whilst there is now considerable
evidence from MCT studies that a blunted adaptation is common in children, scrutiny of the
small number of HIIT studies that have measured peak V̇O2 appear to be equivocal. There is
interval training (SIT), continuous cycling training (CCT) and habitual control (CON)
groups, Williams et al.54 found that peak V̇O2 did not change meaningfully in SIT (n=12; d=-
0.11), whereas CCT experienced a small increase (n=13; d=0.35); as expected CON was
virtually unchanged (n=14; d=0.04). It is possible that the relatively high baseline fitness
(~55 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1) of the boys contributed to this outcome; however, a direct comparison
with the Rotstein study37, where prepubertal, healthy weight boys also had a high baseline,
but increased their peak V̇O2 substantially, does not support this. The contrasting large
children by Corte de Araujo et al.46 was most likely because the children were obese with
very low baseline fitness (~26 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1). Furthermore, the substantial inter-study
difference in total HIIT times (108 min46 vs. 72 min54) will have been a critical factor – the
obese boys and girls also “recovered” at 50% of their peak aerobic velocity between the high
intensity running bouts whereas the boys in the Williams54 study rested passively. When
between repetitions, and an active cool-down should not be underestimated when they are
incorporated into every training session.
The influence of participant sex on the training effect could be an important factor; however,
it is very difficult to identify an independent sex effect that is not due to baseline differences
in peak V̇O2 or maturation. The majority of HIIT studies we reviewed recruited mixed-sex
samples (Tables 34.1 and 34.2) and often pooled the participants after failing to find a
statistically significant sex by time interaction, which should not be interpreted as meaning
the study was powered adequately from the outset. In the study with the largest sample55,
there was an imbalance between the number of girls (n=12) and boys (n=30) who completed
the HIIT; this is not meant as a criticism, we know from first-hand experience that girls are
more difficult to recruit than boys. The statistical analyses included power calculation details,
but fell short of partitioning the sample into sub-groups to account for the independent sex
effect. Only two studies were identified that included girls exclusively34,51 with both reporting
large increases in peak V̇O2. Racil51 studied obese, post-adolescent girls with a total HIIT
time of 264 min, whereas McManus34 recruited healthy weight, prepubertal girls who
accumulated 72 min of HIIT over eight weeks; direct comparisons are obviously difficult.
Hence, more research with girls is needed and their data should be analysed separately from
Total HIIT time calculated from the training characteristics included in Table 34.2 is a
possible moderator. This should not be confused with volume, a composite of time and
intensity, which was too complicated to estimate because of the intra- and inter-study
variation in intensity. The HIIT time varied from 16.5 min44 to 416 min47 – these equated to
2.75 and 16 min of exercise per training session respectively. Despite the dichotomous
training times, the effect sizes were small44 and small to moderate47 depending on the factor
used to scale the peak V̇O2 data. This comparison is included specifically to highlight that
there are a multitude of factors that determine to what extent young participants adapt when
exposed to chronic exercise stimuli; the amount of training is just one them. About half of
the studies that measured peak V̇O2 before and after HIIT reported a large
effect34,35,37,46,48,50,51,53, with the remaining being small to trivial (Table 34.2). A very recent
study49 was designed, using novel analytical techniques, to examine whether HIIT training
effects are dose-dependent; the final sample was 26, 16 year old boys assigned randomly to
one of five training groups (n ≅ 5 per group). Each group completed 4 × 20-s near maximal
effort bursts across a variety of exercise modes with the dose being titrated from 1 to 5 sets
per session (i.e., 80 to 400-s HIIT per session), twice a week for eight weeks. Whilst the
exercise fidelity was good, the quadratic trend used to identify the dose-adaptation explained
less than 2% of the variance in the data. The authors highlighted the wide variation in
individual responses across all five groups despite group one doing only a fifth of the
exercise volume compared with those in group five. This likely reflected large differences in
baseline fitness ranging from 34 to 41 mL⋅kg-1⋅min-1. Finally, many studies rationalise HIIT
training by claiming it may be more efficacious than MCT for increasing health via
improvement in peak V̇O2; however, few include an MCT comparison group to examine this
in independent groups, three studies37,50,53 found HIIT (10.0%) was more efficacious than
MCT (2.8%) and four34,35,46,48 had similar effects HIIT (9.8%) ≅ MCT (9.5%); all of these
studies were better than a habitual control group. Although Williams et al.54 concluded that
neither HIIT nor MCT changed peak V̇O2, the small MCT-induced increase (d=0.35; 5.1%)
Obesity is at the forefront of public consciousness because it is more overt than many other
health problems and it has numerous disease co-morbidities63. It is, therefore, not surprising
that measurement of various body size variables are as common in HIIT studies as
cardiorespiratory fitness; in fact, researchers have questioned whether fitness or fatness may
be more important from a public health perspective64. Most readers will be aware that
intervention and lasting weight or fat loss. Most HIIT interventions in young people are
between 2 and 13 weeks long, which is relatively short when considering meaningful changes
in body composition; hence, of the 17 studies shown in Table 34.3, 13 found only trivial or
small changes. Although some studies reported that the changes in body size were
statistically significant49,46, the effect sizes suggest these are unlikely to meaningful; however,
it is possible that prolonged adherence to HIIT may result in changes that have long-term
health implications if sustained. On-going growth and maturation can confound exercise
the HIIT group may not reduce body size or composition, it is possible that the exercise could
delay changes relative to habitual controls55, but this has yet to be shown consistently and
Of the studies that reported a moderate or large change in body size measures37,47,51,53,62, two
used skinfolds37,62 with healthy and overweight prepubertal participants, respectively. Neither
controlled for habitual dietary or physical activity variations over the intervention period, but
the relative changes (~12%) were very similar and, seemingly, impressive following only
nine and six weeks of HIIT. Using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), 11 mixed-
maturation, obese, 15 year old girls reduced their body fat from 37% to 34% (~8%) over 12
weeks51. The total HIIT time (264 min) is one of the highest reported in this rare girls only
study; differences in maturation between the girls were accounted for statistically, and,
although diet was measured at baseline, it was not clear if it or habitual physical activity
changed over the 12 weeks. Racil et al.51 concluded that HIIT may be a better approach to
improving health in “young women” than moderate intensity training, but added that their
study was an important first step. The two studies from Wisløff’s team, in Norway47,53, with
obese adolescents are included here because of the large total HIIT time (~416 min) and the
studies are well-designed and controlled. They are, however, considered to be proof of
concept studies with small mixed-sex samples, which precludes widespread application of the
results. The same HIIT protocol, consisting of 4 × 4 min bouts of uphill walking or running at
90 to 95% HRmax per session, was completed twice a week for three months. In the Tjønna
study53, 13 of the 20 HIIT participants who completed the three month HIIT also trained at
home or in a gym for a further nine months (not included in HIIT time calculations shown in
Table 34.3) twice a week. Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) derived measures
showed that changes in body fat were small in both studies regardless of training programme
length (d≤-0.43; ~5%). However, a moderate effect (d=-0.67; ~7%) for waist circumference
was evident after 12 months53. It is important to note that eight and a further seven
participants were lost to follow-up after the 3 month and 12 month training periods,
respectively; though, it was suggested the data did not differ from those who completed all
measurements. Ingul et al.47 have suggested that the objective of exercise interventions for
obese adolescents should be weight stagnation rather than reduction with subtle
improvements in lean and adipose tissue; when allied with improved CRF, see above, it
We identified eight HIIT studies that included blood samples (Table 34.3); due to the wide
array of metabolites measured in these studies, we will attempt to identify study or participant
characteristics that may have exerted a meaningful influence on the results. Racil et al’s51
study with obese adolescents girls stands out for its numerous adaptations indicative of
improved physical health (see Tables 34.2 and 34.3). Large (d≥0.80), significant reductions
low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) (d=-1.29; 12%), total cholesterol (TC) (d=-1.17;
7%) and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (d=-2.28; 30%)
were found; whereas, high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) increased (d=1.20; 6%)
over the 12 weeks. In contrast, a small reduction in fasting glucose concentration was
reported (d=-0.23), which is a common finding in the other HIIT studies reviewed14,45,49,55.
The only exception was Tjønna et al.53 who reported meaningful reductions in obese
adolescents after 3 and 12 months of training; this study measured both fasting glucose and
after an oral glucose load test (d=-0.58 to -0.94). Meaningful reductions in fasting insulin46,53
and HOMA-IR46 were also reported in other studies with obese participants who completed
HIIT programmes with total exercise times ranging from 108 to 416 min. This improvement
in glucose control and insulin sensitivity is less likely to be experienced by participants who
Changes in the lipid profile varied considerably across the studies, which will be a function of
the large day-to-day variability65 (particularly for TAG), baseline concentrations and total
training time, but the small group of HIIT studies provide little empirical direction on
moderators. Half (four) of the HIIT studies that estimated changes in LDL-C reported
significant reductions, with effects ranging from small49 to large51,52. Only the obese boys
who completed the running programme by Koubaa et al.48 had a moderate (d=0.78; 4%)
increase in HDL-C, which was similar in relative terms to Racil’s51 girls above. However, a
lack of dietary control means it is not possible to be certain changes were exercise-induced in
adiponectin and interleukin 6 (IL-6) are still rare in HIIT studies with young people14,49,51,53,55
and the results are inconsistent. For example, effect sizes for adiponectin range from -1.41
(51% reduction)14 to 2.43 (34% increase)51; although an increase in this adipose tissue
derived adipokine has been found in obese adults undergoing chronic exercise training, it has
not been shown consistently66. Only Logan49 reported a significant increase in IL-6 across
their five small training groups, ranging from 5 to 62%, but the omnibus effect size (d=0.45)
probably underestimated within group pairwise effects. Two separate studies by Buchan et
al.14,55 reported small reductions (d≤-0.35) in IL-6 after 54 min of HIIT spanning seven
weeks. Finally, only two studies45,49 stated explicitly that their post-intervention measures
were completed at least 48 hours after the final training session to ensure the results reflected
a chronic training adaptation rather an acute, last exercise bout response. It is unfortunate that
this important design feature is rarely built into the studies, which means it is difficult to
Vascular health
endothelial function (flow mediated dilation; FMD) will be examined. Although blood
pressure is often measured in exercise studies with young people, endothelial function is still
considered a “novel” cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factor that may precede changes in
systolic blood pressure (SBP) are reported in the majority of HIIT studies (Table 34.3); the
magnitude of effects are small55, moderate14,47,53 and large46,48 (d=-0.36 to -1.00; 2 to 8%).
Higher baseline SBP (≥125 mm Hg) in obese young people who experienced the greatest
total HIIT times (>100 min), or longest training programmes (>12 weeks), appear to be
requisite characteristics for meaningful reductions in SBP. Although fewer studies found
significant or meaningful reductions in diastolic blood pressure (DBP), they were those that
managed to supervise their young obese or overweight charges through HIIT programmes
Tjønna et al.53, see above for HIIT details, used high-resolution vascular ultrasound to
measure FMD with random, investigator blinded analyses in their study of obese boys and
girls. They reported improvements of 5.1% and 6.3% above baseline after three and 12
months of training respectively; this compared well with the multidisciplinary training group
(3.9% and return to baseline) who experienced standard clinical practice over the same
period. The authors linked concomitant changes in HDL-C, blood glucose and insulin with
enhanced bioavailability of nitrous oxide (NO), the primary regulator of endothelial function,
and large increases in the anti-inflammatory hormone adiponectin (see above). Importantly,
they hypothesised that exercise training improves endothelial function regardless of changes
in body size providing CRF improved – this may be a very important strategy to consider
when helping overweight or obese young people to choose to exercise regularly. Also from
Norway, Ingul et al.47 designed a HIIT study to see if it “corrected” impaired measures of
resting and exercise cardiac function in obese adolescents when compared with a lean group
of age and sex matched 13 to 16 year olds. Interested readers are encouraged to refer to the
publication directly to access the methods, which are too detailed to include here; the Dubois
body surface area (m2) formula68 was used to scale cardiac dimensions for between group
differences in body size. The 32 min of HIIT per week over 3 months increased most
measures of systolic function and left ventricular (LV) volumes that were impaired originally
so that pre-training obese vs. lean group differences were eradicated; these included large
effects for stroke volume index (d=1.13), global strain rate (d=1.94), fractional shortening
(d=1.22) and peak systolic tissue velocity (S`; d=1.00). In contrast, LV end-systolic volume
normalisation of diastolic function in the obese group was seen, with large effects for
deceleration time (DT; d=-1.33) and isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT; d=-0.81). Echo
with tissue doppler and doppler flow velocities revealed pre-intervention impaired mitral
annulus excursion (MAE; 24%), flow velocity time integral of the LV outflow tract (16%),
global strain rate (32%), global strain (22%) and peak early tissue doppler velocity (18%) in
the obese versus lean at both rest and exercise. However, most of these impairments were
between the obese and lean groups. Although the difference in global strain was more than
halved, it was still large (d=-0.90) and in favour of the lean participants (~8.5%). In contrast,
MAE improved to such an extent at rest that it was slightly higher in the obese group
(d=0.77). Despite these very promising changes in the exercise trained obese adolescents, the
The very low volume, HIIT used by Bond and colleagues45 consisted of just six training
sessions spread over two weeks similar to previously published studies with sedentary69 and
type-2 diabetic adults70. The study was designed so that it was possible to separate the acute
response, from the last exercise session, and the chronic two week training adaptation by
a non-exercise matched control group was not included due to the brevity of the training
period. Statistically significant changes (P≤0.04) in FMD, baseline arterial diameter and heart
rate variability (HRV) were found; effect sizes ranged from small to large (d=0.39 to 0.97).
The 1-day post-exercise effects were larger than those found 3-days after the last exercise
training session (compared with the pre-exercise baseline). There were also some subtle, but
noteworthy differences between fasting and postprandial measures, which could mean post-
meal measurements provide a more insightful window to metabolism than overnight fasting
conditions. The postprandial reductions in FMD and HRV were expected given the test
breakfast meal had a very high energy content of 7134 kJ (~1704 kcal) amounting to a large
proportion (≥82%) of the samples’ measured mean daily energy intakes. The authors
highlighted the primary study outcomes as: (i) a HIIT-induced improvement in endothelial
function and HRV in boys and girls; (ii) changes in novel and traditional CVD risk factors
may occur independently; and (iii) the changes (∆) in endothelial function and HRV were
transient (%∆1-day > %∆3-day), which suggest their findings may reflect an acute response
from the last exercise training bout rather than a chronic physiological or metabolic
Two commonly cited potential advantages of HIIT, compared with MCT, are the purported
time-efficiency of the exercise modality and the enjoyment associated with this form of
training. Although, the amount of time spent exercising (i.e., actively engaged in power-
producing activity) during HIIT is relatively small, it is questionable how much time may
actually be ‘saved’ by this form of exercise, especially when one considers the time
and, finally, post-session recovery. The importance of exercise volume per se, and the impact
this may have on long-term exercise adherence, should not be dismissed and may represent
an interesting avenue for future research with young people.
physical activity levels71. Unfortunately, very little research exists that has quantified exercise
enjoyment during HIIT with young people. Encouragingly, however, evidence derived from
studies conducted with adults suggests that HIIT may be a more enjoyable form of exercise,
recent study conducted with children indicates that the perceived enjoyment of steady-state
exercise may be increased by the addition of intermittent all-out sprints, despite the latter
exercise resulting in a greater total amount of work compared to steady-state exercise alone12.
Although additional research is required to confirm this finding, it raises important questions
studies are undoubtedly warranted to examine perceived enjoyment during HIIT as well as
adherence to this form of exercise over a prolonged period of time. Such studies may also
provide valuable insight into the extent to which this form of exercise training can be
tolerated and sustained by young people and help to further delineate the priority that should
It is clear from our comprehensive search and critical appraisal of the literature that research
examining the efficacy of HIIT in young people is still in its infancy. Nevertheless, there are
some promising findings for sports performance and health outcome measures. However,
these are all based on training studies that are limited by their brevity and need to be
followed-up with longer studies involving both male and female, children and adolescents in
more representative samples. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that young people,
even highly motivated athletes, can sustain such high intensity exercise over longer than three
consecutive months and retain their interest, motivation and enjoyment whilst remaining free
from exercise training-induced injury. These issues must be addressed systematically before
we can be confident in prescribing this type of training for performance or health gains in
young people.
• Inclusion of HIIT in programmes for young athletes may compliment moderate
• Despite recent growth in the number of scientific studies examining the efficacy of HIIT
in young people, longitudinal studies are rare; these studies have focused on both sports
performance and health outcomes with athletes and non-athletes. This dual focus reflects
the continued interest in maximising sports performance, but also the growing concern
about perceived low levels of cardiometabolic fitness and the high proportion of young
people who are overweight or obese, with related co-morbidities, in this segment of the
• Cardiorespiratory fitness, defined as peak V̇O2, has been the most popular outcome
measure of sports performance and health-related studies with young people. HIIT can
increase peak V̇O2 meaningfully, but whether it is better than alternative exercise regimes
• Explosive strength (power) gains following HIIT in young athletes are small to moderate,
but do not appear to be impaired. Recovery time, built into individual training sessions
and cycles, should be considered carefully when leading into competitive performance.
• The effect of HIIT on direct measures of sports performance are limited to only a few
studies and the results suggest that the gains are moderate at best. However, it should be
recognised that even small gains in performance for young people who are already well-
• Changes in body size and composition following HIIT have, typically, been trivial to
small, which reflects study design more than the efficacy of the training per se. This is
because HIIT has only been prescribed typically from 2 and 13 weeks in the scientific
• The small number of studies taking blood samples before and after HIIT make it difficult
fasting insulin and LDL-C are promising findings to date, particularly in obese girls and
boys. However, these need to be verified in larger studies extended over longer periods.
• Finally, three HIIT studies have focused on vascular health; unsurprisingly, they are
dependent on the baseline levels of the outcome variables like systolic blood pressure and
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Table 34.1 Prospective high-intensity interval training (HIIT) studies with children and adolescents that assessed athletic performance outcomes.
games (4 × 4 players) at 90 -95% RE: +14*
HRmax. Hoff-Test: +10*
G1: F2, HIIT. Intermittent
running at 95% maximal aerobic
performance. 15-s exercise bouts G1: G2:
interspersed with 15-s of active VIFT: +3* +4*
Delextrat & G1: 9 G1: 16.0
N/A M Basketball 6 recovery for 8-13 min. e.g. 2 × (8- Defence: -3 +5
Martinez31 G2: 9 G2: 16.3
13 min of 15-s – 15-s). Offence: +4* +7*
G2: F2, Small-sided games. 2 vs
2 small sided games. e.g. 2 × (2-
3 × 3-min 45s – 4-min 15s).
G1: F6, HIIT, 30.8% above
individual anaerobic threshold.
Various interval duration and G1: G2:
G1 &
Faude Swimmin repetitions. IAT: +* +*
G2: 10 N/A M&F 16.6 4
et al.32 g G2: F6, High-volume Training, T100: -1 -1
23.3% above individual anaerobic T400: 0 0
threshold. Various interval
duration and repetitions.
G1: G2:
Peak V̇O2: +8* +7*
G1:F2, Generic Interval Training. V̇O2 at LT: +13* +11*
4× 4-min at 90-95% HRmax with V at LT: +9* +10*
Impellizzeri G1: 15 3-min active recovery. Eckblom: +14* +16*
N/A M Football 17.2 4&8
et al.33 G2: 14 Distance
G2: F2, Small-sided Football run: +6* +4*
Games. HI running: +23* +26*
LI running: +18* +7*
Walking: -9* -8*
G1: F3, Sprint Running. 3×10-s
maximal speed sprints with 10-s
McManus G1: 11
7a F N/A 9.6 8 rest followed by 3×30-s sprints G1: G2:
et al.34 G2: 12
with 90-s rest. Increased to 4, 5 Peak V̇O2: +8* +10*
and 6 sets after two, four and six PPO: +10* +20*
weeks, respectively. MPO: +3 -1
G2: F3, Cycle Ergometer
Exercise 20-min cycling at HR
160-170 b⋅min-1.
G1: F3, Interval training. 7×30-s
maximal speed sprint on cycle G1: G2:
ergometer with 2-min 45-s active Peak V̇O2: +12* +6*
McManus G1:10
15a M N/A 10.3 8 recovery. PPO: +33*† +22
et al.35 G2:10
G2: F3, Continuous training. 20- V̇O2 at VT: +22*† +3
min steady state cycling at HR
160-170 b⋅min-1.
Peak V̇O2: +10*
F2, Football-specific running.
RE: 0
McMillan 4×4-min at 90-95% HRmax
11 N/A M Football 16.9 10 CMJ: +3*
et al.25 separated by 3-min recovery at
SJ: +7*
70% HRmax.
10m Sprint: 0
G1: F3, Short-sprint repetition
training. 4-6 sets of 4×50m reps G1: G2:
of all out sprints with 2- and 4- Peak V̇O2: +7* +10*
min rest between reps and sets, T250 +4* +3*
Meckel G1:11
N/A M Football 14.3 7 respectively. 30m Sprint +3* +2*
et al.36 G2:13
G2: F3, Long-sprint repetition T4×10 +3* +1*
training. 4-6 200m reps at 85% SBJ: +1 +2
max 100m speed with 5-min rest
between reps.
F3, Interval Running. 1-2 sets of Peak V̇O2: +8*
3×600m with 2.5-min rest, T1200 +10*
16 12a M N/A 10.8 9 5×400m with 2-min rest and PPO +14*
et al.37
6×150m with 1.5-min rest. MPO +10*
Varying intensity. LAIV +2*
G1: F5, HIIT. 30-min, 50-300m G1: G2:
intervals. Intensity 92% personal Peak V̇O2: +12* +9*
best 100m freestyle time. Lacmax +26* -24*
G1 &
Sperlich Swimmin LEN: +17* +6
G2: 26 N/A M&F 10.5 5
et al.38 g G2: F5, High Volume Training. T2000: +3* 0
60-min, 100-800m intervals, T100: +2 +2
Intensity 85% personal best for
each distance.
G1: F3-4, HIIT. < 30-min running G1: G2:
session (4-15 × 30-s – 4min) at Peak V̇O2: +7* +2
90-95% HRmax. Intervals T1000: +4* +2
separated by 1- to 3-min jogging 20m Sprint: +4* +4*
Sperlich G1: 9
N/A M Football 13.5 5 at 50-60% HRmax. 30m Sprint: +4* +4*
et al.39 G2: 8
40m Sprint: +3* +3*
G2: F3-4, High Volume Training. Drop Jump: +15 +7
45 to 60-min exercise session at CMJ: +12 +26
50-70% HRmax. SJ: +11 +14
Shock Micro-cycle. 15 sessions G1: G2:
within three, 3-day training blocks Peak V̇O2: -1 +3
over 14 days. HIIT training at 90- TTPO (W) +3 +14*
Wahl G1: 8 95% HRmax. 40-s – 4-min TTLactate +12 +23*
N/A M&F Triathlon 15.4 2
et al.40 G2: 8 intervals. Variable sets and Wingate +2 -2
repetitions. PPO: +5* -2
G1: Active recovery Wingate
G2: Passive Recovery MP:
Peak V̇O2 – peak oxygen uptake (mL·kg-1·min-1); MS – maximal speed (velocity) at the end of a graded field test; SBJ – standing broad jump; PPO –
peak power output; VT – ventilatory threshold; Lacmax – maximal blood lactate concentration; Tlim – time to exhaustion at relative, pre-intervention
exercise intensity; CMJ – counter movement jump; SJ – squat jumps; VIFT – velocity reached at end of the 30-15IFT test; RSA (mean) – mean sprint
time during repeated sprint ability test; 10/20/30/40-m Sprint – sprint time over 10/20/30/40 metres; Hop – mean height during hopping test; Peak
V̇O2 (abs) – peak oxygen uptake (L·min-1); RE – running economy; Hoff-Test – football-specific circuit; Defence – defensive agility; Offence –
offensive agility; IAT – individual anaerobic threshold; T100 – maximal 100-m swim time; T400 – maximal 400-m swim time; V̇O2 at LT – oxygen
uptake at lactate threshold; Vat LT – velocity at lactate threshold; Eckblom – football-specific endurance test; Distance run – distanced run during
competitive football match; HI running – time spent in high-intensity running during competitive football match; LI running – time spent in low-
intensity running during competitive football match; Walking – time spent walking during competitive football match; MPO – mean power output;
V̇O2 at VT – oxygen uptake at ventilatory threshold; T250 – 250-m running time; T4×10 – 4 × 10-m shuttle running time; T1200 – 1200-m running time;
LAIV – lactate inflection point velocity; LEN – “Ligue Européenne de Natation”, the European governing body – international pointing system for
competition performance; T2000 – maximal 2000-m swim time; TTPO – time trial power output; TTLactate – time trial blood lactate concentration;
Wingate PPO – peak power output during Wingate test; Wingate MP – mean power out during Wingate test.
* Significant difference pre- to post-intervention; † Significant difference between-groups. a Habitual Physical Activity; b Habitual Training.
Table 34.2 Peak oxygen consumption (peak V̇O2): prospective high intensity interval training (HIIT) studies with children and adolescents that
included a comparison with either an untrained control or at least two different training programmes
11:12:7 F
McManus et al.34 9 8 72 F3, 3-6 × 10s + 3-6 × 30s “all-out” running 8§ vs 10§ vs -2
(45) NW
10:10:15 F
McManus et al.35 10 8 84 F3, 3-6 × 10s + 3-6 × 30s “all-out” cycling 11§ vs 8§ vs 2
(45) NW
9:9 M&F F2, 4 sets × 5-10 reps × 10-20-s
Nourry et al.50 10 8 187 16§ vs -1
(24) NW @ 100-130 MAS run
11:11:12 F F3, 2 sets × 6-8 reps × 30-s
Racil et al.51 16 12 264 8§ vs 5§ vs 1
(36) OB @ 100-110 MAS run
8:8 M&F F2, 4 sets × 5-10 reps × 10-20-s
Rosenkranz*52 7-12 8 107 25§ vs -8
(18) NW-OW @ 100-130 MAS run
16:12 M Not F3, 1-2 sets: 3 × 600-m + 5 × 400-m + 6 ×
Rotstein et al.37 10-11 9 8§ vs 2
(28) NW known 150-m, ‘high’ intensity running
9§ vs 0
22:20 M&F F2, 1 set × 4 reps × 240-s
Tjønna† et al.53 14 12 384
(54) OW-OB @ 90% HRmax run
11§ vs -1
12:13:14 M
Williams et al.54 10 8 72 F3, 3-6 × 10s + 3-6 × 30s “all-out” running -2 vs 5
(45) NW
a HIIT:Other training:Habitual control (starting total sample size)
b M – male, F – female; NW – normal weight, OW – overweight, OB - obese
c Total HIIT time (does not include warm-up or cool down)
d Percentage changes for HIIT vs other training and/or habitual control
e F – weekly training frequency (e.g., F3 = 3 sessions per week)
§ Significant within HIIT group change
* Low maximum heart rates suggest peak V̇O2 were invalid
† Top row of results (n=20) 3 months of HIIT; bottom row of results (n=13) 12 months of HIIT
Table 34.3 Body size, biochemical metabolites and vascular health: prospective high intensity interval training (HIIT) studies with children and
adolescents that included a comparison with either an untrained control or at least two different training programmes (only HIIT group
results displayed for biochemical metabolites).
Logan et al.49 -1 vs -4§ vs -6§ vs -2 vs -6§ -6§ to 5§ -13§ to 3