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Precise Orbit Determination: Adrian Jäggi and Daniel Arnold

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Chapter 2

Precise Orbit Determination

Adrian Jäggi and Daniel Arnold

Abstract Precise Orbit Determination (POD) is an integral part for analyzing mea-
surements from space geodetic techniques such as Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)
and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) such as the Global Positioning
System (GPS). In the last two decades, POD based on GPS data has furthermore
been established as one of the standard techniques to derive trajectories of satellites
in the low Earth orbit (LEO) with highest accuracy. Since the launch of dedicated
gravity missions, GPS sensors are not only used as a key tracking system for LEO
POD, but also for extracting the long wavelength part of the Earth’s gravity field
(together with SLR to spherical satellites). This chapter introduces SLR and GNSS
measurements collected by the terrestrial networks of the International Laser Rang-
ing Service (ILRS) and the International GNSS Service (IGS) as the observational
basis for the realization of a terrestrial reference frame from satellite data. On this
foundation, the basic equations and mathematical methods of orbit determination are
introduced and extensively discussed. Pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling techniques
are eventually presented as a general and efficient concept to determine satellite tra-
jectories of highest quality even in presence of deficient force models, covering the
full range between dynamic and purely kinematic solutions. Selected results from
the application of the discussed orbit determination techniques are highlighted for
GPS LEO data. Special emphasis is also put to present orbit determination in the
context of more general orbit determination problems, where satellite trajectories are
simultaneously determined with other parameters encompassing (at maximum) all
pillars of geodesy, i.e., the shape, rotation, and gravity field of the Earth.

A. Jäggi (B) · D. Arnold

Astronomical Institute, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
e-mail: adrian.jaeggi@aiub.unibe.ch
D. Arnold
e-mail: daniel.arnold@aiub.unibe.ch

© Springer International Publishing AG 2017 35

M. Naeimi and J. Flury (eds.), Global Gravity Field Modeling
from Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking Data, Lecture Notes in Earth System Sciences,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-49941-3_2
36 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

2.1 Precise Tracking Data

Precise orbit determination of artificial satellites requires precise measurements

which are related to the position or velocity of the satellites. These data are today col-
lected by satellite tracking systems which measure the properties of the propagation
of electromagnetic waves between the transmitter and receiver. In this chapter we
focus on precise tracking data collected from Global Navigation Satellite Systems
(GNSS), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), and inter-satellite ranging. For an overview
of various (other) tracking systems the reader is referred to, e.g., [104].

2.1.1 Global Positioning System

Over the past four decades, the Global Positioning System (GPS) has evolved from
a predominantly military navigation system into an indispensable tool not only for
society at large, but also for geodetic research and global monitoring of the Earth
[106]. Over the past two decades, GPS has also become a unique tool for deriving very
precise orbits of satellites in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO). Equipped with onboard GPS
receivers, uninterrupted three-dimensional GPS tracking makes it possible to perform
LEO orbit determination with unprecedented accuracy by combining the strength of
dense GPS measurements with the strength of the dynamic laws, e.g., [64]. Over
the past decade, the world of satellite navigation has experienced further dramatic
changes: with the Russian GLONASS, a second GNSS has achieved full operational
status, GPS is introducing modernized civil navigation signals, and a variety of new
navigation constellations are being built up in Asia and Europe [106]. Most of these
recent developments are not yet available in current spaceborne receivers, which still
rely uniquely on GPS at the time of writing these lecture notes.
The GPS satellites are arranged in six orbital planes which are inclined by about
55◦ with respect to the Earth’s equator and equally separated by 60◦ on the equator.
The satellite orbits are close to circular, with a semi-major axis of about 26 600 km.
The orbital revolution period is about 11 h 58 min, which is half a sidereal day. The
full constellation of 24 active satellites (currently 32) guarantees that at least four
satellites are simultaneously visible at any time and any location on and in the vicinity
of the Earth’s surface. All GPS satellites are equipped with an ensemble of atomic
clocks to generate coherent carriers in the L-band, e.g., the L 1 and L 2 carriers with
wavelengths of λ1 ≈ 19.0 cm and λ2 ≈ 24.4 cm. Pseudo-random noise codes are
generated and modulated on these carriers by the phase modulation technique. For a
more detailed description, the reader is referred to, e.g., [60].
2 Precise Orbit Determination 37 International GNSS Service

By the late 1980s, many organizations had recognized the potential of GPS for geo-
desy and geodynamics. A test campaign, conducted in summer of 1992, involved
the deployment and operation of a global GPS tracking network, the rapid acquisi-
tion of observational data and transfer to global data centers (DCs), and the regular
data analysis by several analysis centers (ACs). Thanks to the successful operation
and to the continuing effort of the large majority of participating organizations, the
International GNSS Service (IGS) became an official service of the International
Association of Geodesy (IAG) on January 1, 1994 [9]. Since then, more than 200
organizations, agencies, and universities have shared their resources to define inter-
national standards and to establish an independent ground segment, which generates
high-accuracy products on a best efforts basis with reliability through redundancy.
About ten ACs produce precise ephemerides and clocks of all active GPS satellites,
Earth rotation parameters (ERP’s), coordinates, velocities and clock corrections to
GPS time, global ionosphere maps, and station troposphere zenith path delays for the
IGS tracking sites. In order to respond to the ongoing modernization of the GPS and
to make use of the newly emerging GNSS, the IGS has initiated the Multi-GNSS-
EXperiment (MGEX) [106]. GNSS Observation Equations

GPS receivers collect several types of GPS code observations, e.g., the C/A-, P1 -,
and P2 -code observations, and carrier phase observations, denoted as L A , L 1 , and L 2 .
The code observation (or pseudo-range) of the satellite k at time T k and registered
by the receiver i at time Ti , is defined as
Pik = c (Ti − T k ) , (2.1)

where Pik is expressed in units of length, c is the speed of light, Ti is the arrival (or
observation) time of the signal, as measured by the clock of receiver i, and T k is the
transmission time of the signal, as measured by the clock of satellite k.
GPS positioning is thus primarily based on one-way measurements of the signal
traveling time. Therefore, a common reference time, the so-called GPS system time
[123], has been defined, which is aligned to the international atomic time (TAI) with
a constant offset of −19 s. Although the GPS satellites are equipped with atomic
clocks, their clocks have a time-varying offset to GPS time. The same holds for GPS
receivers, which are usually not equipped with ultra-stable oscillators. Due to the
lack of synchronization between transmitter and receiver clocks, one cannot directly
derive ranges from the code measurements, which therefore are called pseudo-ranges.
Most receivers usually keep their clocks synchronized with respect to GPS time, but
there are also receivers with internal clocks, which are not steered to integer seconds
of GPS time. As GPS satellite and receiver clocks are usually affected by a drift,
both, transmitter and receiver clock offsets, are only valid for a certain epoch.
38 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

The pseudo-range Pik may be related to the slant range ρik , i.e., to the geometric
distance between the receiver i at signal reception, expressed in GPS time ti , and the
satellite k at signal transmission, expressed in GPS time t k , as well, and to the delays
due to the Earth’s atmosphere as

Pik = ρik − c · Δt k + c · Δti + Δρi,tr

op + Δρi,ion + ε Pi ,
k k

where Δt k = T k − t k is the clock offset of the satellite k w.r.t. the GPS system time,
Δti = Ti − ti is the clock offset of the receiver i w.r.t. the GPS system time, Δρi,trk
and Δρi,ion are the signal delays due to the troposphere and ionosphere, expressed in

units of length, and εkPi is the residual. Further terms such as relativistic corrections
have to be included in the term ρik to ensure a correct modeling.
The carrier phase observation L A , L 1 , or L 2 corresponding to the code observation
is defined as
L ik = λ (φi − φ k + Nik ) , (2.3)

where L ik is the accumulated carrier phase observation, expressed in units of length,

λ is the corresponding wavelength, φi is the carrier phase of the reference signal
generated by the receiver i at arrival time Ti , φ k is the carrier phase of the transmitted
signal at transmission time T k , and Nik is the initial carrier phase ambiguity, expressed
in an integer number of cycles of λ. The carrier phase observation equation may be
formulated in analogy to the code observation equation (2.2) as

L ik = ρik − c · Δt k + c · Δti + Δρi,tr

op − Δρi,ion + λ · Bi + ε Li ,
k k k

where Bik denotes a constant bias related to the initial carrier phase ambiguity,
expressed in cycles. The major difference to the code observation equation (2.2)
is the bias term Bik , which consists of the integer-valued initial carrier phase ambigu-
ity Nik , the real-valued non-zero phase difference between φi and φ k at any common
epoch, and the real-valued satellite and receiver specific hardware delays. If the
receiver loses lock of the signal, an additional bias term has to be set up due to the
discontinuity (cycle slip) in the accumulated carrier phase observations. An addi-
tional difference to the code observation equation (2.2) is the opposite sign of the
ionospheric refraction term Δρi,ion
due to a phase advance instead of a group delay.
In summary, the observation equations provided by a dual-frequency GPS receiver
at a certain observation ti may be written as
Pi,1 = ρ̃ik + Iik + εkP1 i
Pi,2 = ρ̃ik + ξ · Iik + εkP2 i (2.5)
L i,1 = ρ̃ik − Iik + λ1 · Bi,1
+ εkL 1 i
L i,2 = ρ̃ik − ξ · Iik + λ2 · Bi,2
+ εkL 2 i ,
2 Precise Orbit Determination 39

k k k k
where Pi,1 , Pi,2 are the code observations on both frequencies, L i,1 , L i,2 are the
accumulated carrier phase observations on both frequencies, and where ρ̃i is the k

geometric distance between the receiver i and the satellite k including the clock off-
k k
sets and the tropospheric refraction. Bi,1 , Bi,2 are the carrier phase bias parameters
on both frequencies, and ε P1 i , ε P2 i , ε L 1 i , ε L 2 i the residuals of all measurements. The
k k k k

ionosphere is a dispersive medium for the L-band carrier waves broadcasted by the
GPS satellites and the ionospheric refraction is thus proportional to 1/ν 2 in first-order
approximation of the carrier frequency ν. The signal delays Δρi,ion k
on both frequen-
cies may therefore be expressed as a function of the L 1 -related ionospheric refraction
Iik . The L 2 -related ionospheric refraction then follows by a simple multiplication of
Iik by the conversion factor ξ = ν12 /ν22 ≈ 1.6469.
Because the code observations are two to three orders of magnitude less precise
than the carrier phase observations, which exhibit a thermal noise at the level of
mm only, the carrier phase observables are primarily used for high-precision geo-
detic applications. In order to minimize or eliminate specific error sources, such
as ionospheric refraction on the right-hand sides of Eq. (2.5), it is common prac-
tice to form differences between the original measurements with GPS observations
from other receivers (single or double-differences), or to form linear combinations of
the original dual-frequency measurements, e.g., the ionosphere-free linear combina-
tion, or to combine both techniques. It is, however, also possible to directly process
the original (undifferenced) observations from Eq. (2.5) by estimating epoch-wise
ionosphere delays, e.g., [163]. For a general discussion and thorough derivation of
the GPS observation equations and their linear combinations, e.g., in the context of
ambiguity resolution, the reader is referred to [143].

2.1.2 Satellite Laser Ranging

The first SLR measurements to a satellite equipped with laser reflectors were col-
lected on 31 October, 1964 at the NASA Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical
Observatory, only four years after the first laser was constructed [131]. Since then
the SLR technique has evolved to one of the most important space-geodetic tech-
niques for the determination of the terrestrial reference frame, the determination of
the Earth’s gravity field, and the validation of results from the other space-geodetic
techniques such as GNSS and Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI). For a
summary of the current achievements of SLR, the reader is referred to, e.g., [137].
SLR measures the round-trip time of flight Δtik of the ultra-short and highly
energetic laser pulses transmitted by a ground station i through a telescope and
reflected by special corner cubes onboard of a satellite k back to the telescope.
The two-way time of flight may be transformed into a distance by multiplying the
time of flight by the speed of light. Similar to other space-geodetic techniques, a
number of corrections need to be made, e.g., due to atmospheric delays, relativistic
effects, satellite center-of-mass corrections, laser system offsets, etc. Because the
40 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

same electronic time interval counter is used at a ground station to register the
emission time of a laser pulse and the reception time of the pulse, the SLR two-way
measurements are virtually free of synchronization errors. Focusing on the geometric
part and omitting all other terms, the fundamental SLR observation equation reads as

Δtik = τi,up
+ τi,down
= |ri (tsat − τi,up
) − rk (tsat )| + |ri (tsat + τi,down
) − rk (tsat )| ,

where Δtik is the sum of the uplink and downlink time of flight of the laser pulse, ri
is the inertial position of the laser station i at emission time tsat − τi,up
and reception
time tsat + τi,down , respectively, and r is the inertial position of the optical phase
k k

center at the satellite k at the reflection time tsat . Assuming τi,up

≈ τi,down
≈ 21 Δtik
the inertial position of the laser station may be approximated as

1 k 1
ri (tsat ± Δt ) ≈ ri (tsat ) ± Δtik · ṙi (tsat ) . (2.7)
2 i 2
Neglecting higher-order terms, the observation equation (2.6) may then be simpli-
fied to
Δtik = |ri (tsat ) − rk (tsat )| , (2.8)

where the inertial positions ri and rk of the laser station i and of the satellite k both
refer to the pulse reflection time tsat at the satellite. The approximation is sufficient
for terrestrial laser ranging up to the altitude of GNSS satellites. For time of flight
measurements to distant targets, e.g., for Lunar Laser Ranging (LLR), the observation
equation (2.6) has to be used.

2.2 Orbit Representation

The slant range ρik contains the necessary geometric information to perform orbit
determination of the satellites tracked by the respective tracking data. When deter-
mining a LEO orbit from undifferenced GNSS tracking data, the observation equa-
tion (2.5) or their ionosphere-free linear combinations have to be used. The relevant
geometric term reads as

= |rleo (tleo ) − rk (tleo − τleo
)| , (2.9)

where rleo is the inertial position of the LEO antenna phase center at GPS time tleo ,
rk is the inertial position of the antenna phase center of GPS satellite k at GPS time
tleo − τleo
, where τleo
is the signal traveling time between the two phase centers.
As Earth orbiting satellites are usually extended objects of considerable size, any
of its instruments normally is not located at the satellite’s center of mass. The motion
2 Precise Orbit Determination 41



k k
GPS m j GPS m j GPS m
l l

m m

r j (t - j/c) r j (t - j/c) r j (t - j/c)

r (t) r (t) r (t)
LEO position LEO orbit LEO orbit

Earth Earth Earth

Fig. 2.1 Kinematic (left), dynamic (middle), and reduced-dynamic (right) orbit representation

of the phase center position of an onboard GNSS antenna or an SLR reflector in

inertial space thus comprises the satellite’s center of mass motion around the Earth,
and the rotation of the satellite body around its center of mass. The orientation of a
satellite-fixed coordinate system in inertial space is called the attitude of the satellite.
In order to relate the phase center to the center of mass of the LEO spacecraft in
inertial space at time tleo , the location of the antenna phase center position in the
satellite-fixed coordinate system and the attitude of the satellite, e.g., as measured
by onboard star cameras, have to be known. If both are fulfilled, the LEO center
of mass position in Eq. (2.9) may be modeled either by a kinematic, a dynamic, or
a reduced-dynamic orbit. The three orbit types are illustrated by Fig. 2.1 for LEO
orbit determination from GNSS tracking data and are described in more detail in the
following subsections.

2.2.1 Kinematic Orbit Representation

Kinematic orbit determination describes the satellite’s orbital motion by three Carte-
sian coordinates, estimated from the tracking data for each measurement epoch. The
kinematic representation is not limited to satellite orbits, but can be used for all kinds
of moving objects, e.g., cars, ships, aircrafts. The inertial phase center position rleo
of the onboard antenna is related to the satellite’s center of mass by

rleo (tleo ) = R(tleo ) · rleo,e,0 (tleo ; x1 , y1 , z 1 , ..., xn , yn , z n ) + δrleo,ant (tleo ) , (2.10)

where R is the transformation matrix from the Earth-fixed to the inertial frame, rleo,e,0
is the position vector of the LEO center of mass in the Earth-fixed frame, x1 , y1 , z 1 ,
..., xn , yn , z n are the epoch-wise kinematic coordinates, and δrleo,ant is the antenna
phase center offset in the inertial frame.
δrleo,ant is assumed to be known, and is obtained in the inertial frame from given
antenna phase center offsets (and variations), and the LEO attitude. The epoch-wise
42 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

kinematic coordinates, either of the center of mass or of the phase center of the
antenna, are the unknown parameters of the orbit determination and often directly
set-up in the Earth-fixed system. Kinematic positions of the antenna phase center
may be estimated from the tracking data without the knowledge of the phase center
offsets δrleo,ant and the satellite attitude, which is not possible for the center of mass.
Figure 2.1 (left) shows that a kinematic LEO orbit is a satellite ephemerides pro-
vided at the (discrete) measurement epochs of the onboard GNSS receiver. Kinematic
positions are derived by geometric means only by a precise point positioning (PPP)
approach [167], implying that no position information can be derived for between
measurement epochs. No velocity or acceleration information can be directly derived
from a kinematic trajectory. This is relevant for gravity field determination from
kinematic positions when using the acceleration approach or the energy balance as
discussed in Chaps. 4 and 5. Numerical differentiation schemes are inevitable and a
proper selection of the associated parameters (filter length, filter degree) is crucial,
e.g., [6].
Figure 2.2 shows an extract of a 1-s ephemerides of the GOCE kinematic positions
in the SP3 format [122], which provides satellite positions (in km) in the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame [1]. Because kinematic positions are always referring
to the actual measurement epochs (expressed in Fig. 2.2 in GPS time), they cannot
be provided on a completely regular 1 s grid. Also the time tags do not necessar-
ily need to coincide with integer seconds. This is obvious for the GOCE onboard
receivers, for which the internal clocks were not steered to integer seconds. If more
digits are required for the time tags, clock corrections may be provided in the last
column of Fig. 2.2 (expressed in µs) to compute the time tags by subtracting the
clock corrections from the nominal epochs.

Fig. 2.2 Extract of kinematic GOCE positions at begin of 2 Nov, 2009

2 Precise Orbit Determination 43

Kinematic LEO positions are derived without using any information on the LEO
dynamics [151]. Kinematic positions therefore may be used for gravity field determi-
nation as pseudo-observations for both alternative (energy balance approach, accel-
eration approach) and classical gravity field recovery methods (variational equations
approach). Reference [46] used for the first time kinematic CHAMP positions and
demonstrated that gravity field determination is feasible using the energy balance
method [113]. The use of precise kinematic positions stimulated several research
groups working on gravity field recovery in the first decade of the 21st century due
to the less demanding computational resources than in the case of classical numerical
integration techniques, e.g., [149]. For groups using the classical approach, e.g., [11],
kinematic positions are attractive, as well, thanks to a much simplified handling of
the pseudo-observations compared to the original GNSS tracking data.
Kinematic positions are referred to as pseudo-observations, because they are not
original observations but derived from GPS data. Due to the presence of the ambi-
guity parameters in the GPS carrier phase observation equation (2.4), kinematic
positions derived from GPS carrier phase data are furthermore not independent but
correlated. Figure 2.3 (left) shows a zoom on 700 epochs of the correlation matrix
of the Earth-fixed z-component of GRACE-B kinematic positions. Off-diagonal ele-
ments are shown over 200 epochs, which corresponds to slightly more than one
revolution period (exactly 100 min due to a 30 s position sampling). As expected,
the correlations are decreasing on average for increasing epoch differences. Spots
of higher correlations may be recognized, as well, which are related to the satellite
crossings of the Earth’s equator and are thus occurring twice-per-revolution. The bet-
ter tracking geometry in these regions ensures a better connection of the GPS carrier
phase observations (smaller number of interruptions due to multiple ambiguities)
and leads to more correlated kinematic positions. On average the correlations drop
on this example day to 51 % after one epoch of 30 s, to 40 % after twenty epochs, to
26 % after forty epochs, and to below 10 % after one hundred epochs. During peri-
ods of high correlations, however, values of more than 80 % may still be observed
after forty epochs, and even after one hundred epochs correlations may still be as
high as 45 %.
Figure 2.3 (right) shows for one example day the residuals for distances between
the two GRACE satellites as derived from different GPS-based orbit determina-
tions and biased ranges, which are directly observed by the ultra-precise K-Band
ranging system. The best performance (smallest residuals) is obtained for the solu-
tion ‘PHASE’, where the original GPS carrier phase data are directly used as
observations for a reduced-dynamic orbit determination (see Sect. 2.2.3 for more
details on reduced-dynamic orbit determination). For solution ‘KIN-EPO’, where
the same reduced-dynamic orbit parameters are solved from kinematic positions
used as pseudo-observations with only epoch-wise covariance information taken
into account for the observation weighting in the least-squares adjustment, a signif-
icant degradation is obtained. It is obviously not sufficient to only take into account
an epoch-wise weighting in the least-squares adjustment, because long-period vari-
ations of the kinematic positions are then erroneously fitted by the parameters of the
reduced-dynamic orbit model instead of being interpreted as a pure consequence of
44 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

2000 1 8
0.9 6 "KIN−050"

K−band range STD (cm)

2200 0.7
0.6 2
0.5 0
0.4 −2
2500 0.3
2600 −6
2700 0 −8
2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2700 0 5 10 15 20
Hours of day 200/2007

Fig. 2.3 Extract of correlation matrices of the Earth-fixed z-component of GRACE-B kinematic
positions for one example day (left) and K-band range residuals for distances between reduced-
dynamic GRACE-A and -B orbits stemming from different observation handling (right). Figures
from [70]

the ambiguity-induced correlations in time. For solutions ‘KIN-50’ and ‘KIN-200’,

where covariances over 50 and 200 epochs are taken into account for the observation
weighting, respectively, a considerable improvement of the orbit quality is achieved.
Solution ‘KIN-200’ shows in essence the same quality as the ‘PHASE’ solution. It
has to be emphasized that it is necessary to take into account the rather large number
of 200 off-diagonal blocks to achieve a close equivalence to the ‘PHASE’ solution.
Similar to orbit determination, covariance information from the kinematic posi-
tioning has also to be taken into account to obtain equivalent results for gravity field
recovery as from original GPS carrier phase data [70]. To further exploit kinematic
positions for gravity field recovery, empirically derived covariance information is
sometimes taken into account in addition [163].

2.2.2 Dynamic Orbit Representation

Dynamic orbit determination describes the motion of the satellite’s center of mass
as a particular solution of an equation of motion. As real satellite trajectories are
always particular solutions of an equation of motion, a dynamic orbit representation
is certainly the most natural choice for modeling orbital motion. In dynamic orbit
determination, the phase center of the onboard antenna is related to the satellite’s
center of mass as

rleo (tleo ) = rleo,0 (tleo ; a, e, i, Ω, ω, u 0 ; Q 1 , ..., Q d ) + δrleo,ant (tleo ) , (2.11)

where rleo,0 is the LEO center of mass position in the inertial frame, a, e, i, Ω, ω, u 0
are six LEO orbital elements, Q 1 , ..., Q d are additional LEO dynamical orbit para-
2 Precise Orbit Determination 45

meters, and δrleo,ant is the antenna phase center offset with respect to the center of
mass in the inertial frame.
In analogy to Eq. (2.10), δrleo,ant is considered as known. The unknown para-
meters are the LEO initial osculating orbital elements O j , j = 1, ..., 6, and addi-
tional dynamical orbit parameters Q 1 , ..., Q d . The latter may be scaling factors of
analytically or numerically known accelerations, e.g., derived from a model of the
Earth’s gravity field, or non-gravitational accelerations as measured by an on-board
In a dynamic orbit representation the LEO center of mass position rleo,0 is mod-
eled as a particular solution of an equation of motion. Dynamic force models are
used to describe the equation of motion and to propagate the satellite’s center of
mass position and velocity over time by numerical integration techniques. Figure 2.1
(middle) shows that a dynamic LEO orbit derived from GNSS tracking data therefore
provides a satellite ephemerides, which may be evaluated at any epoch within the
orbital arc. By construction, the orbital trajectory is fully dependent on the underly-
ing force models. The equation of motion of an Earth-orbiting satellite including all
perturbations reads
r .
r̈ = −G M + f p (t, r, ṙ, Q 1 , ..., Q d ) = f (2.12)
with the initial conditions

r(t0 ) = r(a, e, i, Ω, ω, u 0 ; t0 ) and ṙ(t0 ) = ṙ(a, e, i, Ω, ω, u 0 ; t0 ) , (2.13)

where G M is the gravity constant times the mass of the Earth, r the geocentric
position of the satellite in the inertial frame, f p the perturbing acceleration acting
on the satellite in the inertial frame, and f the total acceleration. The acceleration f p
comprises all modeled gravitational and non-gravitational perturbations. The force
models used may explicitly depend on the time t, or implicitly through the position
vector r and the velocity vector ṙ of the satellite, as well as on additional force model
parameters Q 1 , ..., Q d that need to be adjusted.
At least one set of initial conditions (initial osculating elements) is estimated from
the tracking data in a dynamic orbit determination procedure. Figure 2.4 illustrates
the orbit represented by the six initial osculating elements (Keplerian elements) a,
e, i, Ω, ω, and u 0 at time t0 . The semi-major axis a and the numerical eccentricity
e describe the orbit’s size and shape, the inclination i and the right ascension Ω of
the ascending node describe the orbital plane with respect to the Earth’s equator, the
argument ω of the perigee Π describes the orbit’s orientation, and the argument of
latitude u 0 describes the satellite’s position at time t0 . These six initial osculating
elements are equivalent to the coordinates of the initial position and velocity vectors
(state vector) at time t0 as indicated by Eq. (2.13). The formulas of the two-body
problem are conventionally used to relate one set of osculating orbital elements to
the state vector and vice versa [7].
46 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

Fig. 2.4 Initial osculating elements a, e, i, Ω, ω, and the argument of latitude u. Figure from [7]

Fig. 2.5 Osculating semi-major axis (top) and right ascension of ascending node of the GOCE
orbit on 2 Nov, 2009

Figure 2.5 illustrates the time evolution of the osculating semi-major axis a (top)
and the right ascension Ω (bottom) of the ascending node of the GOCE orbit. The
full force field was used to propagate the GOCE orbit by numerical integration over
2 Precise Orbit Determination 47

one day and to compute osculating elements from the obtained position and velocity
vectors. The observed variations are mainly due to the oblateness of the Earth [8].
Figure 2.5 (top) shows twice-per-revolution periodic variations with an amplitude of
about 10 km around a mean semi-major axis of 6632.9 km, which corresponds to
a mean GOCE orbital altitude of 254.9 km. Apart from small twice-per-revolution
periodic variations, Fig. 2.5 (bottom) shows a pronounced linear drift of ≈ 1◦ /day
(360◦ /365 days). The node advances, because the inclination of the GOCE orbit is
about 96◦ > 90◦ , which in turn is required to maintain the sun-synchronous GOCE
orbit. Both effects shown in Fig. 2.5 are mainly due to the oblateness of the Earth
and can be explained by solving the Gaussian perturbation equations by first order
perturbation theory, see e.g., [7].

2.2.3 Reduced-Dynamic Orbit Representation

The real-world dynamics of LEO satellites is not known to the precision required
by highly precise tracking data such as GPS or K-band observations. Therefore, the
concept of reduced-dynamic orbit determination has already been introduced sev-
eral decades ago to better exploit precise tracking data such as GPS carrier phase
measurements, [161, 162]. Reduced-dynamic orbits are accomplished by comple-
menting the deterministic orbit model by additional stochastic parameters, which are
adjusted together with the deterministic orbit parameters.
Pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling as presented in this chapter may be considered
as a particular realization of the reduced-dynamic orbit determination technique
and is discussed according to [64]. It makes use of both the geometric strength
of GNSS observations and that satellite trajectories are particular solutions of a
deterministic equation of motion. The attribute ‘pseudo’ distinguishes this method
from stochastic orbit modeling where a satellite trajectory is modeled as a solution of
a stochastic differential equation [73]. Pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling, in contrast,
introduces additional empirical parameters P1 , ..., Ps , subsequently referred to as
pseudo-stochastic orbit parameters, to the deterministic equation of motion (2.12),
which then reads as
r .
r̈ = −G M 3
+ f p (t, r, ṙ, Q 1 , ..., Q d , P1 , ..., Ps ) = f . (2.14)
The attribute ‘stochastic’ arises from the practice to optionally characterize these
additional parameters by a priori known statistical properties like, e.g., expecta-
tion values and a priori weights, which constrain the estimated parameters to user-
specified expectation values.
Figure 2.1 (middle, right) shows that a (reduced-) dynamic LEO orbit is a satellite
ephemerides, which may be evaluated at any epoch within the orbital arc. Conse-
quently reduced-dynamic positions can be provided on a regular grid as requested
by the SP3 format and illustrated in Fig. 2.6, which shows an extract of a 10 s
48 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

Fig. 2.6 Extract of reduced-dynamic GOCE positions at begin of 2 Nov, 2009

ephemerides of GOCE reduced-dynamic positions and velocities (expressed in dm/s).

Opposed to a purely dynamic orbit, the reduced-dynamic solution is more data-driven
due to the empirical parameters and to a certain extent allowed to follow ‘excur-
sions’ which otherwise are not described by the force models. Consequently, the
highly accurate tracking data may be better fitted and reduced-dynamic approaches
are therefore potentially well suited to compute LEO orbits of highest quality also
in the presence of deficient force models. The empirical parameters may compen-
sate unmodeled non-gravitational forces and even cope with rapidly changing accel-
erations as subsequently illustrated. Depending on the actual parametrization, the
orbital trajectories nevertheless still heavily depend of the underlying force mod-
els. Reduced-dynamic positions are therefore not recommended to, e.g., serve as
pseudo-observations for a subsequent and independent recovery of the Earth’s grav-
ity field [65].
Figure 2.7 shows the estimated empirical parameters of a reduced-dynamic orbit
determination of the GOCE satellite in the commissioning phase on 7 May, 2009. The
empirical parameters are set up as piecewise constant accelerations over 6 min (see
Sect. and mainly compensate the not explicitly modeled atmospheric drag
experienced by the satellite. The changes in the signature of the estimated along-track
accelerations in the middle of the day are related to the commissioning of the ion
propulsion assembly of the GOCE satellite. Due to the unexpectedly low drag during
the commissioning phase in spring 2009, GOCE was switched into the science mode
on this day. Two thrust biases of 4 mN at maximum and follow-up biases of about
2–2.5 mN brought the satellite into the first drag-free flight ever. Figure 2.7 (middle)
illustrates that the along-track drag is compensated to a large extent during this first
2 Precise Orbit Determination 49


nm/s2 0




500 cross−track


3 6 9 12 15 18 21
Hours of day 127/2009

Fig. 2.7 Piecewise constant accelerations of a reduced-dynamic GOCE trajectory during the com-
missioning phase. Figure from [68]

drag-free flight. Remaining variations were reduced to a magnitude similar to the

accelerations experienced in the radial direction. However, due to the extremely low
atmospheric density at that time and altitude, a closed-loop drag-free flight was not
yet feasible for a longer period than a couple of days. A next, slightly longer test was
again started 26 May, 2009, at an altitude of about 272.5 km, but only after having
reached the final orbital altitude of 259.56 km (mean spherical altitude, 254.9 km
when referring to the mean semi-major axis), the GOCE satellite was eventually
brought in the closed-loop drag-free flight on 14 September, 2009, e.g., [68].

2.2.4 Orbit Comparison

The characteristics of kinematic and reduced-dynamic orbits may be further illus-

trated by forming differences between them. This is a widely used technique to
internally assess the consistency between the two types of orbits, e.g., [18, 145].
Although the differences do not give direct information about the orbit accuracy,
they are a good indicator for the GPS data quality, e.g., in terms of noise and data
outages, because kinematic positions are particularly sensitive to these issues.
Figure 2.8 shows the differences between GOCE kinematic positions and a
reduced-dynamic GOCE ephemerides for a 30 h arc in the early phase of the mission
as an example. The differences can only be computed at the discrete epochs of the
50 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

50 radial 0.3 +− 18.2 mm
mm 0

50 along−track 0.6 +− 12.4 mm


50 cross−track −3.2 +− 7.7 mm

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
Hours of day 120/2009

Fig. 2.8 Differences of GOCE kinematic positions with respect to a reduced-dynamic trajectory

kinematic positions, and are then transformed into the radial, along-track and cross-
track directions as derived from the reduced-dynamic trajectory. Figure 2.8 shows
that the two GOCE orbits agree on a level of a few centimeters. The scatter in the
differences is due to the kinematic positions, which are derived without any smooth-
ing or constraints between subsequent epochs. The high-frequency position noise is
thus mainly given by the GPS carrier phase noise. It is largest in the radial (‘height’)
direction due to the simultaneous estimation of kinematic positions and receiver
clock corrections at every measurement epoch. The low-frequency variations seen
in Fig. 2.8 may be caused by both types of orbits. Possible reasons are systematic
carrier phase errors, e.g., receiver antenna phase center variations (PCVs), which
are affecting kinematic and reduced-dynamic orbits differently [66], dynamic model
errors which may not be fully compensated by the adopted empirical parametrization
of the reduced-dynamic orbit [48], or colored noise of the kinematic positions [70].
The mean offsets between the kinematic and reduced-dynamic orbits are very small,
which is due to the particular parametrization adopted to the reduced-dynamic orbit,
where constant empirical accelerations acting over the entire orbital arc are esti-
mated [66].
It should be emphasized that each additional (empirical) parameter introduced
into the reduced-dynamic orbit determination weakens the solution for the other
(non-empirical) parameters. Thanks to continuously improving models describing
the gravitational, but in particular also the non-gravitational forces acting on LEO
satellites, e.g., due to better descriptions via macro-models or direct measurements
2 Precise Orbit Determination 51

of the surface forces by onboard accelerometers, purely empirical parameters can be

estimated with tighter constraints (see Sect. 2.3.3) to yield a better dynamic stiffness
of the reduced-dynamic trajectories while still providing high quality orbits [41,
49, 146]. In the case of the GOCE mission, the excellent quality of the onboard
accelerometers even allowed to completely avoid any empirical parameters and to
perform purely dynamic orbit determination on a very good quality level [148].

2.3 Orbit Determination

Kinematic positioning can be used for a wide range of applications because no con-
ditions are imposed on the receiver motion. Kinematic positions are, however, very
sensitive to bad measurements, unfavorable viewing geometry, and data outages.
Kinematic positioning is therefore essentially restricted to LEO orbit determination
based on spaceborne GNSS tracking data, or to GNSS orbit determination using
tracking data of the terrestrial IGS ground network [151]. Dynamic and reduced-
dynamic orbit determination, in contrast, make use of physical models of the satellite
motion. The underlying orbit determination techniques are therefore also applicable
to tracking systems which only sparsely cover an orbital arc with measurements,
e.g., as in case of SLR [138]. In the case of GNSS-based LEO orbit determination
the dynamic and reduced-dynamic approaches allow for some kind of ‘averaging’
the large number of measurements from different epochs, which makes the resulting
position estimates much less prone to bad measurements and data outages. Satellite
trajectories can therefore be reasonably well propagated across data gaps, especially
if good dynamic models are available. This section has the focus on technical aspects
of dynamic and reduced-dynamic orbit determination, introduces the primary equa-
tions, the variational equations, and the parameter estimation methods needed for
the mathematical description of dynamic and reduced-dynamic orbit determination.

2.3.1 Primary Equations

According to Sects. 2.2.2 and 2.2.3 satellite motion is described as a particular solu-
tion of an equation of motion when using a dynamic or reduced-dynamic orbit repre-
sentation. Equations (2.12) and (2.14) are often referred to as the primary equations
of the underlying orbit determination problem. The acceleration f p encompasses
all gravitational and non-gravitational perturbations. Often, the perturbation model
consists of a known part with accelerations given by analytical models, and of a part
which includes force model parameters to be adjusted in the course of orbit deter-
mination. An overview of models typically taken into account for high-precision
dynamic orbit determination is given in [8].
52 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

Fig. 2.9 Subdivision of the

integration interval Ik for
collocation algorithm. Figure
from [7] Numerical Integration

The high accuracy required for precise orbit determination may only be achieved
by using numerical integration methods for the solutions of the primary (and the
variational) equations. A variety of methods exists, among them well known meth-
ods such as Runge-Kutta, multi-step, and extrapolation methods, which have been
successfully applied to orbit determination problems. For a detailed overview, we
refer to original textbooks and articles published on the subject, e.g., [24, 132], or on
textbooks providing overviews and detailed comparisons of methods, e.g., [7, 104].
In this section we give a short overview of the collocation methods as they are used
in the Bernese GNSS Software [29] for the numerical integration of satellite orbits
[7]. They approximate the initial value problems (2.12) and (2.14) by a polynomial
of degree q, which is substantially higher than the order n = 2 of the underlying
differential equation systems (for q = n the method reduces to the algorithm already
developed by Leonhard Euler in 1768, often referred to as the Euler method). The
polynomial degree q is called the order of the method. Orders up to about 10 to 14
typically make sense in a double precision floating point environment. The interval
subdivision (see Fig. 2.9) and the definition of the initial value problems at the left
interval boundaries are the same as in the Euler method, except that the collocation
method of order q of the previous interval is used to define the new initial values.
The initial value problem referring to the interval Ik , k = 0, ..., N − 1 may be
written as
r̈k = f(t, rk , ṙk ) (2.15)

with the initial conditions

. .
rk (tk ) = rk0 and ṙk (tk ) = ṙk0 , (2.16)

where the initial values are defined for i = 0, 1 as

(i) r0(i) ;k=0
rk0 = (i) . (2.17)
rk−1 (tk ) ; k > 0

The collocation algorithm of order q approximates the initial value problem (2.15)
in the interval Ik = [tk , tk+1 ] by a polynomial of degree q as
2 Precise Orbit Determination 53

. 1
rk (t) = (t − tk )l rk0 , (2.18)

where the coefficients rk0 , l = 0, ..., q are obtained by requesting that the numerical
solution assumes the initial values (2.17) and that the numerical solution solves the
differential equation system at exactly q − 1 different epochs tk j , j = 1, ..., q − 1,
within the interval Ik (see Fig. 2.9 for n = 2).
Whereas the first conditions are automatically met by the definition of Eq. (2.18),
the second conditions are obtained by replacing rk (t) (and its time derivatives) in the
differential equation system (2.15) by Eq. (2.18) for the epochs tk j , which yields

(tk j − tk )l−2 (l)
rk0 = f(tk j , rk (tk j ), ṙk (tk j )) , j = 1, ..., q − 1 . (2.19)
(l − 2)!

The above mentioned condition equations are algebraic and in general non-linear in
the unknowns rk0 , l = 2, ..., q, because they also implicitly show-up on the right-
hand sides of Eq. (2.19), where the terms rk(i) (tk j ) must be replaced by the right-hand
sides of Eq. (2.18). The number of unknowns is equal to the number of condition
equations. An efficient solution strategy based on an iterative approach may be found
in [7].
Whereas the above mentioned integration technique may be used without any dif-
ficulty to represent orbital arcs with much better precision than required by ‘classical’
tracking data such as GPS carrier phase measurements or SLR data, it is not trivial
to generate solutions of the initial value problem (2.15) from which inter-satellite
distances may be derived with an accuracy of about 1 µm for arcs as long as one day.
In order to guarantee accuracies of better than 1 µm for inter-satellite distances as
requested for K-band inter-satellite ranging, the collocation procedures need to be
modified to represent the initial state vectors associated with the subintervals with
better than double precision when keeping the arclength of one day. For details the
reader is referred to [11].
In view of the prospect that the micrometer-precise K-band ranging instrument
onboard the future GRACE Follow-On mission will be supplemented by a 50–100 nm
precise precise laser interferometer [133], it is clear that future gravity missions rely-
ing on ultra-precise inter-satellite ranging observables will pose even higher demands
on the numerical integration techniques used to represent the satellite trajectories. A
recent study based on a full-scale closed-loop simulation for a GRACE Follow-On
type pair of satellites using inter-satellite laser ranging underlined that a standard
processing with double precision may indeed be a limiting factor for exploiting the
nm precision of a laser interferometer to its full extent and proposed a scheme with
enhanced precision that uses both double and quadruple precision in different parts
of the processing chain [31].
54 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold Orbit Improvement

Let us assume that an a priori orbit r0 (t) is available, which is represented by the (a
priori) parameter values P0,i . Such an orbit may be realized, e.g., by a dynamical fit
of LEO positions obtained from a kinematic solution using GPS code measurements,
or from an extrapolation of an orbit trajectory covering the previous day. Orbit deter-
mination discussed in this chapter is therefore understood as an orbit improvement
process, where the actual orbit r(t) is expressed as a truncated Taylor series with
respect to the unknown orbit parameters Pi about the a priori orbit as

r(t) = r0 (t) + (t) · (Pi − P0,i ) , (2.20)
∂ Pi

where n = 6 + d denotes the total number of orbit parameters and ∂∂rP0i (t) describes
the orbital change due to a change in the parameter Pi . Provided that the orbit para-
meter corrections pi = Pi − P0,i , e.g., derived from a least-squares adjustment of
spacecraft tracking data as discussed in Sect. 2.3.3, and the partial derivatives of the
a priori orbit with respect to the orbit parameters are known, Eq. (2.20) allows it
to improve the a priori orbit. The trajectory (2.20) should be called the ‘linearized’
solution of the original (non-linear) orbit determination problem. Alternatively, it is
possible to use the dynamic models together with the improved dynamical parame-
ters to propagate the improved initial state vector by numerical integration. Strictly
speaking, however, the latter approach is not fully consistent to the improved orbit

2.3.2 Variational Equations

Knowledge of the partial derivatives of the a priori orbit with respect to the estimated
parameters as a function of time is required for orbit improvement. Let us assume
that Pi is one of the parameters defining the initial conditions or the dynamics in the
equation of motion (2.12), and that the partial derivative of the a priori orbit r0 (t)
with respect to this parameter is designated by the function

. ∂r0
z Pi (t) = (t) . (2.21)
∂ Pi

The initial value problem associated with the partial derivatives (2.21) is obtained
by taking the partial derivative of the equation of motion (2.12). The result is subse-
quently referred to as the variational equation of parameter Pi , which is obtained by
adopting the ‘chain rule’ and reads as
2 Precise Orbit Determination 55

∂f p
z̈ Pi = A0 · z Pi + A1 · ż Pi + , (2.22)
∂ Pi

with the 3 × 3 (Jacobian) matrices defined by

. ∂ fi . ∂ fi
A0[i;k] = and A1[i;k] = , (2.23)
∂r0,k ∂ ṙ0,k

where f i denotes the component i of the total acceleration f from (2.12) and r0,k
denotes the component k of the geocentric position from (2.12).
For Pi ∈ {a, e, i, Ω, ω, u 0 } the variational equations (2.22) are a linear, homo-
geneous differential equation system of second order in time with initial values
z Pi (t0 ) = 0 and ż Pi (t0 ) = 0. For Pi ∈ {Q 1 , ..., Q d } (2.22) are inhomogeneous, but
have zero initial values because the initial satellite state does not depend on the force
model parameters. It is important that the homogeneous part of (2.22) is the same
for dynamical parameters and for parameters defining the initial conditions, which
allows for an efficient solution process. General Solution

Let us assume that the functions z O j (t), j = 1, ..., 6 are the partial derivatives of the a
priori orbit r0 (t) with respect to the six parameters O j , j = 1, ..., 6 defining the initial
conditions at time t0 . The ensemble of these six functions forms one complete system
of solutions of the homogeneous part of the variational equation (2.22), which allows
us to obtain the solution of the inhomogeneous system by the method of ‘variation of
constants’. The solution and its first time derivative may thus be written as a function
of the homogeneous solutions z O j (t) as

Pi (t) = α O j Pi (t) · z(k)
O j (t) ; k = 0, 1 , (2.24)

with the coefficient functions defined by

α Pi (t) = Z−1 (t  ) · h Pi (t  ) · dt  , (2.25)

where α Pi denotes the column array (α O1 Pi , ..., α O6 Pi )T , Z denotes the 6 × 6 matrix

. .
defined by Z[1,...,3; j] = z O j , Z[4,...,6; j] = ż O j , and h Pi denotes the column array
(0 , ∂f p /∂ Pi ) .

The solution z Pi (t) of the variational equation (2.22) and its first time derivative
may be expressed with the same functions α O j Pi (t) as a linear combination with the
homogeneous solutions z O j (t) and ż O j (t), respectively. Due to this representation,
only the six initial value problems associated with the initial conditions have to be
56 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

actually treated as differential equation systems. All variational equations related to

dynamical orbit parameters, however, may be reduced to definite integrals, which
can be efficiently solved numerically, e.g., with a Gaussian quadrature technique [7]. Piecewise Constant Accelerations

Let us now develop the mathematical background for estimating m constant accel-
erations Ai in the predetermined direction e(t) for ti−1 ≤ t < ti , i = 1, ..., m. The
contribution of this parameter Pi = Ai to f p in (2.14) is of the form Ai · e(t) for
ti−1 ≤ t < ti . The corresponding variational equation reads as

e(t) ; ti−1 ≤ t < ti
z̈ Ai = A0 · z Ai + A1 · ż Ai + . (2.26)
0 ; otherwise

The variational equation (2.26) may be easily solved thanks to the general mathe-
matical properties of variational equations as developed in Sect. Equation
(2.25) reads for the special case of a piecewise constant acceleration as
 t  t∗
α Ai (t) = Z−1 (t  ) · h Ai (t  ) · dt  = Z−1 (t  ) · h Ai (t  ) · dt  , (2.27)
t0 ti−1

where the upper integration limit is given by

⎨ ti−1 ; t < ti−1
t∗ = t ; ti−1 ≤ t < ti . (2.28)

ti ; t ≥ ti

The solution z Ai (t) and its first time derivative for the parameter Ai follow from
(2.24), and may be written as

⎪ 0 ; t < ti−1

⎨ α
⎪ 6
O j Ai (t) · z(k)
O j (t) ; ti−1 ≤ t < ti
Ai (t) = j=1 . (2.29)


⎩ α O j Ai (ti ) · z(k)
O j (t) ; t ≥ ti

Note that z Ai (t) is a once (continuously) differentiable function of time for the entire
arc. The non-zero coefficients α O j Ai (t) are constant in time for the case t ≥ ti . This
implies that a change in the parameter Ai does not only affect the orbit in the interval
[ti−1 , ti ) where it is active, but it affects all positions (and velocities) for t ≥ ti−1 as
well. For a detailed discussion of an efficient solution strategy, the reader is referred
to [64].
2 Precise Orbit Determination 57 Pulses

Let us briefly mention the special case of instantaneous velocity changes Vi at times ti
in predetermined directions e(ti ), and outline how it fits into the formalism presented
so far. The contribution of this parameter Pi = Vi to f p in (2.14) may formally
be written as Vi · δ(t − ti ) · e(t), where δ(t) represents Dirac’s delta function. The
corresponding variational equation reads as

z̈Vi = A0 · zVi + A1 · żVi + δ(t − ti ) · e(t) . (2.30)

Using the notation from Sect., but identifying hVi with h Ai in (2.27), the
definite integral (2.27) may be simplified for t ≥ ti as
. .
α Vi (t) = δ(t  − ti ) · Z−1 (t  ) · hVi (t  ) · dt  = Z−1 (ti ) · hVi (ti ) = β Vi . (2.31)

Obviously, α O j Vi (t) is zero for t < ti and non-zero but constant for t ≥ ti . Therefore,
the partial derivatives zVi (t) may be written as a linear combination of only the six
partial derivatives z O j (t) of the a priori orbit w.r.t. the parameters defining the initial
conditions at time t0 . The parametrization yields a continuous position vector r(t)
but, as opposed to the parametrization from Sect., a discontinuous velocity
vector ṙ(t) of the improved orbit at the pulse epoch ti . This parametrization may be
viewed as a special case of the short-arc representation (see Sect. of the entire
arc, where the individual short-arcs are forced to be continuous at the arc boundaries. Comparison Between Different Empirical Parametrizations

Fig. 2.10 shows a zoom of along-track differences between a 6 min pulse-based orbit
with respect to an orbit which is based on 6 min piecewise constant accelerations. In

Fig. 2.10 Along-track 6

differences between a pulses w.r.t. constant accelerations
Along-track orbit difference (mm)

CHAMP orbit based on 4 linear w.r.t. constant accelerations

piecewise constant
accelerations and orbits 2
based on pulses and
piecewise linear
accelerations, respectively.
Figure from [64]


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Time (hours)
58 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

addition, the differences between an orbit based on 6 min piecewise linear acceler-
ations and the orbit based on 6 min piecewise constant accelerations is shown. The
scale of Fig. 2.10 indicates that the differences induced by the different kinds of
pseudo-stochastic orbit models are very small, provided that the subinterval length
of the underlying parameters are not too long and that the a priori standard devia-
tions are chosen appropriately. Figure 2.10 illustrates that from the point of view of
orbit (position) modeling there is no significant gain to be expected when using more
refined pseudo-stochastic parameters, e.g., piecewise linear accelerations instead of
piecewise constant accelerations. Even the differences between the pulse and the
acceleration solution are very small, although the effect of the instantaneous veloc-
ity changes can be well observed as sharp peaks at the pulse epochs every 6 min.
Figure 2.10 gives one important reason for selecting piecewise constant accelera-
tions as empirical parameters: they avoid obviously ‘unphysical’ phenomena in the
orbits, but are easier to use than more sophisticated parametrizations such as piece-
wise linear accelerations. Relation to Alternative Parametrizations

The short-arc parametrization represents the solution within each subinterval by a

new set of six initial osculating elements, or, alternatively, by two boundary-value
positions [97]. The resulting trajectory is thus characterized by a discontinuous veloc-
ity vector and a discontinuous position vector as well. It is not only possible to obtain
such a trajectory by splitting the original orbital arc into several short-arcs by setting
up new initial conditions at the beginning of each short-arc, but in the context of
the methods discussed here to solve for one set of initial osculating elements and
for instantaneous velocity changes Vi (see Sect. in conjunction with instan-
taneous position changes X i at times ti in predetermined directions e(ti ). Using the
notation from Sect., but identifying h X i with (eT (ti ), 0T ), the coefficients of
the partial derivatives z X i (t) may be obtained in close analogy to Sect. by
. .
α X i (t) = δ(t  − ti ) · Z−1 (t  ) · h X i (t  ) · dt  = Z−1 (ti ) · h X i (ti ) = β X i (2.32)

for t ≥ ti .
For the sake of completeness and clarity, the two linear systems of algebraic equa-
tions to be solved for the coefficients α O j X i (ti ) and α O j Vi (ti ) of the partial derivatives
z X i (t) and zVi (t), respectively, may be explicitly written as
2 Precise Orbit Determination 59

β O j X i · z O j (ti ) = e(ti )
β O j X i · ż O j (ti ) = 0
, (2.33)

β O j Vi · z O j (ti ) = 0
β O j Vi · ż O j (ti ) = e(ti )

which shows that the parameter X i is ‘allowed’ to change only the orbital position at
time ti in direction e(ti ), but not the orbital velocity at time ti . The opposite statement
is valid for the parameter Vi .
The advantage of this alternative formulation is that the original arclength remains
formally unchanged, i.e., it is easily possible to solve for deterministic orbit para-
meters still referring to the original arclength. This might matter if the deterministic
orbit parameters are identified with geopotential coefficients. Instead of saving many
(large) normal equation systems referring to the short arclength, a reduced number of
normal equation systems may be generated, e.g., on a daily basis. For a discussion of
further generalizations, e.g., to piecewise once-per-revolution periodic accelerations
as they are also widely used for orbit determination, e.g., in the context of the lunar
gravity mission GRAIL [92], we refer to [64].

2.3.3 Parameter Estimation

Classical least-squares adjustment (batch least-squares adjustment) is the mathemat-

ical method used in this chapter to outline precise orbit determination using precise
satellite tracking data. A short overview of the most important formulas is therefore
provided in the following subsection. We refer to Chap. 1 for a detailed introduction
to parameter estimation techniques. For a discussion of other parameter estimation
algorithms in the context of orbit determination, e.g., sequential estimators, we refer
to, e.g., [141]. Recapitulation of Least-Squares Adjustment

Let us assume that each observation may be expressed as a function of the parameters
of a given mathematical model. Based on the model function F, we may write the
system of observation equations in the presence of observation errors as

L + ε = F(X) . (2.34)
60 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

If F is a non-linear function of the parameters, it is linearized by

L + ε = F(X0 ) + A x , (2.35)

with the column arrays L of the actual observations, ε of the observation corrections
(or residuals). L̄ = L + ε is the array of the adjusted observations, X = X0 + x the
array of the adjusted model parameters, X0 the array of the approximate (or a priori)
model parameters, x the array of the model parameter corrections w.r.t. X0 (solution
vector), and A, which denotes the first design (or Jacobian) matrix. The first design
matrix is defined by
. ∂F(X)
A= (2.36)
∂X X=X0

Rearranging the linearized observation equations yields

ε = A x − L − F(X0 ) = A x − l , (2.37)
where the term l = L − F(X0 ) is often referred to as ‘observed-minus-computed’
The observation errors are characterized by a stochastic model, which in turn is
described by the weight matrix of the observations

P = Qll −1 = σ02 Cll −1 , (2.38)

where Qll is the cofactor matrix of the observations, σ0 is the a priori standard
deviation of unit weight, and Cll is the covariance matrix of the observations. Note
that the weight matrix P is diagonal, if the observations are uncorrelated. In this case,
the diagonal elements are given by Pll = σ02 /σl2 , where σl2 is the a priori variance of
the corresponding observation.
In least-squares adjustment the solution of the observation equations (2.37) is
obtained by minimizing the quadratic form ε T P ε. The underlying variation problem
can be solved by Lagrange multipliers, which yield the normal equation system
A P A x − AT P l = N x − b = 0 , (2.39)
. .
where N = AT P A is the normal equation matrix and b = AT P l is the right-hand
side of the normal equation system. N is by definition a quadratic and symmetric
matrix. If it is regular, the solution vector follows as
−1 T
x = AT P A A P l = N−1 b , (2.40)

where N−1 is the inverse normal equation matrix. The estimated (a posteriori) stan-
dard deviation of unit weight is computed as
2 Precise Orbit Determination 61

εT P ε
m0 = (2.41)
for f > 0, where f = n − u is the degree of freedom of the least-squares adjustment,
n is the number of observations, and u is the number of adjusted model parameters.
Note that the quadratic form (sum of the weighted residual squares) may be computed
either using (2.37), which makes it necessary to evaluate the first design matrix A,
or, alternatively, by the more efficient but numerically less stable formula

ε T P ε = lT P l − xT b . (2.42)

The covariance matrix of the adjusted model parameters is given by

Cxx = m 20 Qxx = m 20 N−1 , (2.43)

where Qxx is the cofactor matrix of the adjusted model parameters. The (a posteriori)
standard deviations of the adjusted model parameters are given by
mx = Cx x = m0 Q x x , (2.44)

where C x x and Q x x are diagonal elements of the covariance and cofactor matrices,
Parameter Pre-elimination
The parameter pre-elimination technique is useful to handle a large number of model
parameters efficiently, e.g., epoch-specific receiver clock offsets in case of GNSS data
processing. Let us subdivide the system of normal equations (2.39) into two parts
N11 N12 x b
· 1 = 1 (2.45)
N21 N22 x2 b2

and assume that we are not interested in the actual values of the solution sub-vector
x2 . In this case, we may reduce the normal equation system (2.45) by pre-eliminating
the model parameters x2 , which yields the modified system of normal equations as

N∗11 x1 = b∗1 , (2.46)

where N∗11 = N11 − N12 N−1 22 N21 is the normal equation matrix of the model parame-
ters x1 and b∗1 = b1 − N12 N−1
22 b2 is the corresponding right-hand side of the normal
equation system. The pre-eliminated model parameters x2 are correctly taken into
account in the normal equation system (2.46) although their estimates are (without
a dedicated back-substitution process) not available. One must be aware, however,
that the parameter pre-elimination step cannot be performed at any arbitrary time;
62 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

it can be performed only if additional observations do no longer contribute directly

to the elements related to the solution sub-vector x2 of the normal equation system
Parameter Constraining
It is common practice to constrain selected model parameters to their a priori val-
ues (‘absolute constraints’) or to other parameters (‘relative constraints’). This may
be done to suppress large excursions of weakly determined model parameters from
their a priori values or from neighboring parameter values. The technique is often
applied to pseudo-stochastic orbit parameters in the context of LEO orbit determi-
nation. One must be aware, however, that a priori information is introduced into the
system of normal equations through this process, which may or may not be desired
for certain applications. Alternatively, parameters may be truly constrained to zero
also in an iterative least-squares adjustment, which requires a transformation of the a
priori parameter values. For an overview of advanced parameter modifications tech-
niques on the normal equation level, we refer to [21]. Here, we just mention absolute
constraining as the simplest and most often applied form of parameter constraining.
Parameter constraints may be introduced by artificial observations with a user-
specified variance σabs2
. These observations have to be appended to the system of
observation equations (2.35). If the change with respect to the a priori value is used
as the actual parameter in the artificial observation equation, the weight

W = (2.47)

has to be only added to the corresponding diagonal element of the normal equation
matrix N, because the value O–C is zero in this special case. Observe that the degree
of freedom has to be incremented by 1, as well. Partial Derivatives W.r.t. Orbit Parameters

In order to compute the partial derivatives (2.36) related to the r -th observation and
the orbit parameter Pi it is advantageous to express the elements of the first design
matrix (2.36) with the functions z Pi defined by (2.21)

∂ Fr (X)
= (∇ Fr (X))T · z Pi , (2.48)
∂ Pi

where Fr denotes the r -th component of the model function F. Its gradient is given
∂ Fr (X) ∂ Fr (X) ∂ Fr (X)
(∇ Fr (X)) =
. (2.49)
∂r0,1 ∂r0,2 ∂r0,3
2 Precise Orbit Determination 63

Slightly more complicated relations (2.48) result if the observations depend not only
on the geocentric position vector, but also on the velocity vector, or if they refer
to more than one epoch. Equation (2.48) shows that only the gradient depends on
the type of the observations. The functions z Pi , however, are independent of the
observation type, which nicely separates the observation-specific (geometric) part
from the dynamic part. Structure of Normal Equations Related to Orbit Parameters

The structure of the orbit-related parts in the normal equation system may be exploited
for setting-up an efficient solution strategy and to highlight the close relation of
pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling techniques with filter strategies. Subsequently we
derive the structure of a simplified orbit determination problem with initial conditions
and pulses as the only parameters. More complicated scenarios are detailed in [64].
The observation equation (2.37) of observation number r of this orbit determina-
tion problem reads as

∂ Fr i  3
∂ Fr
εr = · ok + · vm, j − lr , (2.50)
∂ O k m=1 j=1
∂ Vm, j

where ok , k = 1, ..., 6 and vi, j , j = 1, ..., 3 denote the corrections to the six initial
conditions and the three pulses at each epoch ti , i = 1, ..., n − 1, respectively; it is
assumed that the observation time tl is part of the subinterval [ti , ti+1 ). The relations
(2.48) and (2.24) with the constant coefficients β Ok Vm, j for pulses yield

∂ Fr 6
= (∇ Fr ) · zVm, j = (∇ Fr ) ·
β Ok Vm, j · z Ok (t) , (2.51)
∂ Vm, j k=1

which is why the observation equation (2.50) can be rearranged as follows:

⎛ ⎞

εr = (∇ Fr )T · z Ok · ⎝ok + β Ok Vm, j · vm, j ⎠ − lr . (2.52)
k=1 m=1 j=1

The term in parentheses has an important meaning. It does not represent the ‘initially’
solved for correction to the osculating element Ok at t0 , which would fully charac-
terize the solution of this particular orbit determination problem in the subinterval
[t0 , t1 ). Because a change in the initial osculating element Ok induced by a change
in the pulse Vi, j can be computed as

∂ Ok
ΔOk = · ΔVi, j = β Ok Vi, j · ΔVi, j , (2.53)
∂ Vi, j
64 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

the term in in Eq. (2.52) represents the correction oi,k to a different initial oscu-
lating element Oi,k at t0 which fully characterizes the solution in the subinterval
[ti , ti+1 ) after the occurrence of the first 3 i pulses. Equation (2.52) illustrates that
orbit determination based on pulses may also be understood as a special case of the
short-arc parametrization from Sect. when asking for continuity at the short-
arc boundaries. The properties of the newly defined osculating elements Oi,k at t0
will be exploited in Sect. As the pulse epochs divide the orbital arc into n
subintervals, it is advisable to write all n oi observation equations of the subinterval
Ii = [ti , ti+1 ) in a matrix notation

εi = Ai o + Ai Bm vm − li , (2.54)

with the column arrays εi of the residuals of subinterval Ii , li of the terms O–C of
subinterval Ii , o of the corrections to the initial osculating elements, and vi of the
pulse corrections at epoch ti . The matrix Ai denotes the n oi × 6 first design matrix
of the subinterval Ii related to the six initial osculating elements and Bm denotes the
6 × 3 coefficient matrix defined by Bm[k; j] = β Ok Vm, j .
Taking the observation equations of all subintervals Ii , i = 0, ..., n − 1 into
account, the complete system of normal equations (2.39) reads in the above matrix
notation as
⎡ ⎤

⎡ ⎤
⎢N Ni B1 · · · Ni Bn−1 ⎥ AT P l
⎢ ⎥ ⎡ ⎤

i=1 i=n−1
⎥ o ⎢ T n−1 T ⎥

⎥ ⎢ ⎢ B1 Ai Pi li ⎥
⎢ . B1T
Ni B1 · · · B1
Ni Bn−1 ⎥ ⎢ v1 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥·⎢ . ⎥ ⎥ =⎢
⎢ i=1

⎥ ,
⎢ i=1 i=n−1
. ⎥ ⎣ . ⎦ ⎢ . ⎥
⎢ .. . ⎥ . ⎢ . ⎥
⎢. . . . ⎥ ⎣ ⎦
⎢ ⎥ vn−1 T

n−1 ⎦ B T
A P l
i i
. . . Bn−1
Ni Bn−1 n−1
where Ni = AiT Pi Ai is the part associated with the observation interval Ii of the
normal equation matrix related to the six initial osculating elements. In analogy,
AiT Pi li is the contribution of the same subinterval to the right-hand side of the normal
equation system related to the six initial osculating elements. The abbreviations

N= AiT Pi Ai and AT P l = AiT Pi li (2.56)
i=0 i=0

are the normal equation matrix and the right-hand side of the normal equation system
of the deterministic problem without any pulses, respectively. Obviously, the contri-
butions Ni and AiT Pi li , i = 0, ..., n − 1 do not only form the complete system of
normal equations for dynamic POD according to Eq. (2.56), they are together with
2 Precise Orbit Determination 65

the matrices Bi also the building blocks of the complete system of normal equations
(2.55) for reduced-dynamic POD based on pulses.
Equation (2.55) shows that the normal equation matrix has a simple structure.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to apply the parameter pre-elimination technique
(see Sect. to any of the pseudo-stochastic parameters before the very last
observation is incorporated into the system of normal equations. This can be seen
from the upper summation limits in (2.55), which all include all subintervals up to
the very last one. An efficient solution strategy, which is closely related to filter
algorithms, may, however, be found and will be outlined in the next section. Relation to Filter Solutions

Equation (2.52) implicitly introduced the transformation

.  i
oi = o + Bm vm (2.57)

between the ‘initially’ solved for corrections o to the a priori values of the initial
osculating elements O at t0 (subsequently denoted as o0 ) and the corrections oi to
the a priori values of the initial osculating elements Oi at t0 which define the solution
in the subinterval [ti , ti+1 ). For the following deliberations, it is convenient to define
the transformation (2.57) recursively, and in reverse order as
o0 =o  ;i =0
. o , (2.58)
oi−1 = oi − Bi vi = (I6 −Bi ) · i ; i ≥ 1

where I6 denotes the identity matrix of dimension 6.

First, we consider the system of normal equations in the presence of initial con-
ditions and pulses in its initial stages during the collection of the GPS observations.
Let us assume that we already have incorporated all observations for times tl ≤ ti
and that the system may be written in a reduced form as

Ni−1 oi−1 = bi−1 . (2.59)

The normal equation matrix Ni−1 and the right-hand side bi−1 of the normal equation
system (2.59) may be computed from the contributions to the normal equation system
of the deterministic problem for the observation times tl ≤ ti , i.e., from Nl and bl ,
l = 0, ..., i − 1, as
66 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

N0 = N0
. ;i =1
b0 = b0
. ∗
Ni−1 = Ni−2 + Ni−1
. ∗ ;i ≥2
bi−1 = bi−2 + bi−1
∗ ∗
with Ni−2 and bi−2 to be defined later by (2.63).
The normal equation system (2.59) may be expanded into a system in the
unknowns oi and vi by replacing oi−1 on the left-hand side with the transforma-
tion (2.58), and by multiplying both sides of the normal equation system (2.59) from
the left with the matrix (I6 − Bi )T :
Ni−1 −Ni−1 Bi oi bi−1
· = . (2.61)
−BiT Ni−1 BiT Ni−1 Bi vi −BiT bi−1

The system (2.61) is the key to a most efficient solution of the orbit determination
problem. According to the observation equation (2.52), the observations contained
in the subintervals Ii , Ii+1 , ..., In−1 do not depend on the terms vi explicitly as their
influence is already taken into account by the osculating elements oi . It is thus possible
to apply the parameter pre-elimination technique (see Sect. to the pseudo-
stochastic parameters. The normal equation system reads after the pre-elimination
∗ ∗
Ni−1 oi = bi−1 (2.62)

with T −1 T
∗ .
Ni−1 = Ni−1 − Ni−1 Bi Bi Ni−1 Bi B Ni−1
∗ . T −1 iT . (2.63)
bi−1 = bi−1 − Ni−1 Bi Bi Ni−1 Bi Bi bi−1

A priori weights of the pseudo-stochastic parameters (see Sect., e.g., in the
form of absolute constraints given by an identical weight matrix

W = σ02 Cvv −1 (2.64)

for all pulse epochs, have to be added prior to the pre-elimination to the sub-matrix
BiT Ni−1 Bi of the normal equation matrix in (2.61).
The procedure outlined by the Eqs. (2.59), (2.61), (2.62), and (2.60) has to be
repeated until the very last observation of the subinterval In−1 is incorporated into
the reduced normal equation system. After completion of data collection, we may
solve for the initial osculating element corrections on−1 of the last subinterval In−1
on−1 = Nn−1 bn−1 = Qon−1 on−1 bn−1 , (2.65)

where Qon−1 on−1 is the cofactor matrix of the solved for corrections on−1 . Details of
the algorithm, including the back-substitution process, are available in [64].
2 Precise Orbit Determination 67

Fig. 2.11 Along-track orbit 10

differences between filter

Along-track orbit difference (cm)

and least-squares
reduced-dynamic solutions 5
for CHAMP. Figure from


0 5 10 15 20
Time (hours)

The solution (2.65) shows that in principle there is no need to compute the ‘inter-
mediary’ corrections oi−1 , i = 1, ..., n − 1 during data collection. They would actu-
ally represent the filter solutions based on all observations of the interval [t0 , ti ) and
could be easily made available. It must be mentioned, however, that our definition
of a ‘filter’ solution differs slightly from the usual terminology in the literature: it
represents the least-squares solution of the considered orbit determination problem
based on all observations from the very first epoch to the actually processed epoch.
This implies that the orbit trajectory is still represented by pseudo-stochastic para-
meters, e.g., set up every n-th minute. A new filter solution is thus provided only
every n-th minute as well, and not after each newly incorporated observation epoch.
Only in the special case of pseudo-stochastic parameters set up at the observation
sampling rate, the above algorithm will provide the same solutions as ‘classical’ filter
solutions, where stochastic parameters are set up at every measurement epoch and
the confidence in the dynamical modeling is controlled by process noise [105].
Figure 2.11 shows the along-track orbit differences between the least-squares solu-
tion for an orbit determination based on piecewise constant accelerations estimated
over 15 min and different filter solutions. The filter trajectories were computed when-
ever a batch of 15 min of data had been collected, whereas the least-squares solu-
tion (last filter solution) was computed after data collection in the back-substitution
process. It can be seen that large differences occur for the first 15 min which may be
attributed to a weak determination of the orbit parameters from 15 min data only (fil-
ter initialization). The consistency between the individual filter solutions and the final
least-squares solutions dramatically improves if longer data batches are processed,
e.g., sub-millimeter differences at the beginning of the orbital arc are reached for a
batch of 8 h. Figure 2.11 also shows, however, that the orbit solution is not very well
constrained by the tracking data at the boundaries of the processed time span, which
can be seen in this experiment at the right-ends of the individual filter solutions. The
orbit consistency may be severely degraded by several centimeters. For this reason
longer arcs are often processed than actually needed. When generating the GOCE
precise science orbits in the frame of the GOCE High-level processing facility, 30 h
68 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

arcs of GPS carrier phase data were analyzed each day for orbit determination to
minimize a degraded orbit quality at the boundaries of the central 24 h provided to
the user community [16].

2.3.4 Quality of GPS-Based LEO Orbit Determination

A large number of LEO satellites with stringent accuracy requirements on orbit

determination were equipped with high-quality dual-frequency GPS receivers in the
last two decades. Examples are the altimetry satellites TOPEX/Poseidon, Jason-1
and -2 [44, 91, 101], the gravity missions CHAMP, GRACE, and GOCE [37, 121,
142], the Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) satellites TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X
[24, 88], the magnetic field mission Swarm [43], and the currently launched Sentinel
satellites serving various purposes of Earth observation. For all these missions high-
quality orbit solutions were/are generated by many research teams. Selected results
and the associated publications are highlighted in the subsequent sections. For an
overview of methodologies for orbit determination based on single-frequency GPS
data, we refer to, e.g., [14].
The core products from the IGS [36], such as highly accurate GPS ephemerides,
Earth rotation parameters, and GPS satellite clock corrections, are the backbone for
precise orbit determination of LEO satellites. Especially GPS satellite clock cor-
rections are indispensable for precise orbit determination when using undifferenced
GPS data. Alternatively, double differences may be formed between two space-
borne receivers of formation flying satellites, or between a spaceborne and terrestrial
receivers of the IGS ground tracking network to allow for a relative positioning of
the LEO satellites [64]. Subsequently, however, we highlight results from GRACE
and GOCE orbit determination which are based on undifferenced GPS data and the
orbit and clock products from the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE),
one of the global analysis centers of the IGS [28]. In view of the available sampling
rates of usually 0.1–1 Hz of the GPS observations from spaceborne receivers, high-
rate clock corrections are of crucial importance to avoid the interpolation errors of
GPS satellite clock corrections over long intervals and to guarantee the best possible
results for orbit determination [15]. SLR Validation

For LEO satellites equipped with a laser retro reflector array, independent SLR
measurements collected by the tracking network of the International Laser Ranging
Service (ILRS, [114]) may be used to compare the observed SLR ranges to the
satellites with the computed ranges derived from the GPS-based reduced-dynamic
or kinematic ephemerides. This allows for an absolute validation of the line-of-sight
directions between the SLR tracking stations and the LEO satellites, i.e., it allows
to directly assess the one-dimensional orbit accuracies in these directions. For high
2 Precise Orbit Determination 69

SLR Residuals for GOCE (RD PSO orbit)



100 Greenbelt
Monument Peak
SLR Residuals [mm]

0 Zimmerwald
San Fernando
Mt. Stromlo
−50 Graz



Date in 2009 − 2013

SLR Residuals for GOCE (KIN PSO orbit)



100 Greenbelt
Monument Peak
SLR Residuals [mm]

0 Zimmerwald
San Fernando
Mt. Stromlo
−50 Graz



Date in 2009 − 2013

Fig. 2.12 SLR validation of reduced-dynamic (top) and kinematic (bottom) GOCE precise science
orbits. Figure from [18]

elevation passes the line-of-sight direction mainly corresponds to the radial direction
of the co-rotating orbital frame. SLR data collected at low elevations, however, may
also be used to recover along-track and cross-track orbital errors if the satellites are
orbiting the Earth at sufficiently low altitudes. This became obvious for the extremely
low orbital altitude of the GOCE satellite, where systematic orbital shifts in the cross-
track direction, caused by unmodeled GPS antenna phase center variations, could
be directly confirmed by SLR [17, 68]. Recently, systematic cross-track biases were
quantified from SLR residuals data as a function of high-fidelity dynamic orbit models
used for the TerraSAR-X satellite orbiting the Earth at a higher orbital altitude [48].
70 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

Figure 2.12 shows the SLR residuals of the reduced-dynamic and the kinematic
orbits of the GOCE precise science orbits over the entire mission [18]. In order not
to deteriorate the validation by single outliers, SLR residuals larger than 20 cm are
excluded. The overall SLR RMS error of the reduced-dynamic orbits is 1.84 cm and
impressively shows the quality of pseudo-stochastic orbit modeling techniques. A
slightly worse but still excellent validation is obtained for the kinematic orbits with
2.42 cm. This is expected, because kinematic orbits are more sensitive to GPS data
problems. Due to the large number of 12 channels of the GOCE onboard GPS receiver,
the quality of the kinematic positions is outstanding. Current LEO satellites such as
those from the Swarm mission, which are all equipped with 8-channel receivers, do
not allow to generate kinematic orbits of the same quality [72]. Figure 2.12 shows,
however, that the accuracy of both types of GOCE orbits is degrading towards the
end of the mission. This is unexpected and was found to be related to problems in
the GOCE GPS data [18, 71]. K-Band Validation

For the GRACE twin satellites which are following each other on the same orbit
in a distance of about 200 km, an additional independent validation of the orbit
quality may be performed. K-band measurements may be used to compare the orbit-
derived distances between the two GRACE satellites with the biased ranges which are
directly observed by the ultra-precise K-band ranging system [36]. Figure 2.13 (left)
shows the daily K-band range standard deviation obtained from distances computed
every 5 s between reduced-dynamic GRACE-A and -B orbit positions derived from
zero-difference or double-difference GPS carrier phase data with empirical receiver
antenna phase center variations (PCVs) taken into account or not. Figure 2.13 (left)

K−band range STD (mm)

PCV not corrected

PCV corrected 0
Geoid heights (m)

15 10

10 10

5 10 GRACE−B (PCV not corrected)
GRACE−B (PCV corrected)
GRACE−A (PCV not corrected)
−4 GRACE−A (PCV corrected)
0 10
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Day of year 2007 Degree of spherical harmonics

Fig. 2.13 Impact of PCV modeling on daily standard deviations of K-band range residuals for
distances between reduced-dynamic GRACE-A and GRACE-B orbits using undifferenced (left, top
curves) or doubly-differenced GPS data with resolved carrier phase ambiguities (left, bottom curves)
and on difference degree amplitudes of gravity field recoveries based on one year of kinematic
GRACE orbits (right). Figures from [67]
2 Precise Orbit Determination 71

shows that the relative orbit precision of GRACE reduced-dynamic orbit determina-
tion is about 1 cm when using zero-difference GPS carrier phase observations and
about 1 mm when using double-difference GPS carrier phase observations with ambi-
guities fixed to their integer values [64]. In both cases the reduction of systematic
carrier phase measurement errors, e.g., by empirical modeling of antenna phase cen-
ter variations, is of crucial relevance to derive trajectories of highest quality [66]. The
same statement holds for kinematic orbits, which are particularly sensitive to sys-
tematic carrier phase errors. Figure 2.13 (right) shows that unmodeled receiver PCVs
may even propagate into gravity field solutions derived from kinematic GRACE posi-
tions in the frame of a generalized orbit determination problem (see next section).
Further systematic carrier phase errors were identified in the frame of the GOCE
and the Swarm missions and suspected to be related to the modeling of higher order
ionosphere correction terms [18, 145]. They propagate via orbits into the gravity
field estimation, as well [71, 72].

2.3.5 Generalized Orbit Determination

Based on a given a priori orbit r0 (t) orbit improvement as introduced in Sect.
may be generalized by including a variety of different types of other than just arc-
specific orbit parameters. Gravity field recovery may in particular be understood
and treated as a generalized orbit improvement problem relying on the analysis of
a large number of orbital arcs. In analogy to Sect. the actual orbit r(t) of an
involved satellite may be expressed for each orbital arc as a truncated Taylor series
with respect to the unknown orbit parameters Oi (arc-specific parameters) and, e.g.,
the unknown coefficients of the Earth’s gravity field Q i (global parameters) about
the a priori orbit, which is represented by the a priori parameter values O0i and Q 0i :

∂r0 (t) 
∂r0 (t)
r(t) = r0 (t) + · oi + · qi , (2.66)
∂ Oi i=1
∂ Qi

where oi = Oi − O0,i denote the n O corrections to be estimated for the arc-specific
orbit parameters and qi = Q i − Q 0,i the d corrections to the global coefficients of
the Earth’s gravity field.
Analogously, gravity field recovery from inter-satellite measurements, e.g., from
K-band ranging between the two GRACE satellites, may be understood and treated
as a generalized differential orbit improvement process, as well. The actual orbit
difference ra (t) − rb (t) may be expressed as a truncated Taylor series with respect
to the unknown parameters about the a priori orbit difference. The distinction needs
to be made between n a O parameters Oai and n bO parameters Obi , which are specific
to the orbital arcs of GRACE-A and -B, respectively, and d global parameters Q i ,
which are common to both GRACE satellites such as the coefficients of the Earth’s
gravity field. The truncated Taylor series then reads as
72 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

ra (t) − rb (t) = ra0 (t) − rb0 (t)

∂ra0 (t)
+ ∂ Oai
· oai

∂rb0 (t)
· obi . (2.67)
∂ Obi
∂ra0 (t) ∂rb0 (t)
+ ∂ Qi
− ∂ Qi
· qi

The partial derivatives in Eqs. (2.66) and (2.67) are obtained by solving the corre-
sponding variational equations as outlined in Sect. Note that Eqs. (2.24) and
(2.25) from Sect. are valid for any orbit parameters, in particular for gravity
field coefficients. The solution of the variational equations corresponding to gravity
field parameters is thus reduced to numerical quadrature.
In order to set-up the observation equations, the partial derivatives of the a priori
orbits need to be related to the observables, e.g., according to Sect. for GPS
data or by projecting the respective terms in Eq. (2.67) to the line-of-sight between
GRACE-A and -B in the case of K-Band biased range observations. Special care is
needed to not lose numerical precision related to orbit parameters in case of ultra-
precise biased range observations and the resulting, very similar partials for the close
formation of both satellites. The problem can be substantially mitigated by transform-
ing the original orbital parameters of both satellites to the sum and the differences
of the original orbital parameters [11]. In case of GPS data or kinematic positions
used as pseudo-observations for a satellite trajectory, the observation equations may
be written in matrix notation as

ε = Ao o + Aq q − l , (2.68)

where o contains all parameters defining the initial conditions, all satellite- and arc-
specific dynamic parameters, and all pseudo-stochastic parameters, q contains all
common dynamic parameters such as the gravity field coefficients, and Ao and Aq
are the first design matrices corresponding to the parameter arrays o and q. According
to Eq. (2.39) the system of normal equations reads as
Noo Noq o b
T · = o (2.69)
Noq Nqq q bq

with Noo = AoT P Ao , Noq = AoT P Aq , Nqq = AqT P Aq , and bo = AoT P l, bq =

AqT P l. Similar NEQs may be also set-up for other observables such as K-Band,
where orbital parameters of both satellites have to be included, however, in o. The
underlying normal equation matrices are therefore singular when trying to solve
them from K-band data alone without the normal equation contributions from GPS.
The normal equation contributions stemming from each observable may be super-
imposed for each orbital arc by adopting measurement-specific weight factors, see
2 Precise Orbit Determination 73

[10, 11]. Furthermore, the arc-specific parameters can be pre-eliminated according

to Eq. (2.46), which yields the reduced system

(Nqq − Noq
N−1 −1
oo Noq ) q = bq − Noq (Noo bo )

The dimension of the resulting normal equation system is reduced by the number of
arc-specific parameters o, while the impact of these parameters is correctly taken into
account when solving for the gravity field coefficients. To solve for these coefficients
up to the desired resolution, normal equation systems stemming from a large number
of arcs have to be accumulated to achieve the needed spatial coverage before the
corrections to the a priori parameter values can be obtained by inversion of the
accumulated normal equation system according to Eq. (2.40). Gravity Field Determination from Kinematic Positions

Figure 2.14 shows the typical performance of static gravity field recoveries derived
from different sets of kinematic positions of LEO satellites used as pseudo-
observations to solve a generalized orbit determination problem as outlined above.
Shown are square-roots of the degree difference variances of the GPS-only gravity
field recoveries with respect to superior gravity field models based on dedicated mea-
surements such as GRACE K-Band and GOCE gradiometer observations [98, 99].
The GPS-only solutions shown in Fig. 2.14 (left) are all based on different amounts
of data. Only the solutions based on GOCE and GRACE-B kinematic positions are
based on a rather similar time span such that a comparable quality may be expected
for the low degree SH coefficients. For the determination of the higher degree coeffi-
cients, however, GOCE GPS data is significantly better suited than GRACE GPS data
due to the lower orbital altitude, which is reflected by the smallest slope in Fig. 2.14

1 10

0 0
10 10
geoid height [m]
Geoid heights (m)


10 10-2

GRACE B (1 year)
GOCE (0.7 years) Swarm-A/C
CHAMP (8 years) GRACE-A/B
−4 -4
10 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Degree of spherical harmonics SH degree

Fig. 2.14 Square-roots of degree difference variances of gravity field recoveries from kinematic
positions of GRACE-B, GOCE, and CHAMP (left) and GRACE-A, -B and Swarm-A, -C (right).
Figures from [69, 72]
74 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

(left). The CHAMP solution is based on a significantly larger amount of data and
therefore superior to the other solutions. Figure 2.14 (right) shows more recent and
better comparable recoveries based on one year of GRACE-A and -B and Swarm-A
and -C kinematic positions, respectively. Again Swarm is equally well suited to derive
the long wavelength part of the Earth’s gravity field as it is possible from GRACE
GPS data. This is of relevance to bridge a potential gap between the GRACE mission
and the GRACE Follow-On mission to continue the monitoring of the (long wave-
length part) of the Earth’s time-variable gravity field [40]. Encouraging results based
on CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE, and Swarm GPS data have been reported by [71, 72,
158, 163]. For degrees above 20 in Fig. 2.14 (right), however, the GRACE solution
outperforms the Swarm solution. This is only to a minor extent related to the higher
orbital altitude of the Swarm satellites, as indicated by only a slightly larger slope
of the Swarm formal errors, but mostly related to a more problematic quality of the
Swarm GPS data [72]. Separation of Orbit and Gravity Field Determination

For didactic reasons we abandon in this section the processing scheme described
in the previous section and fix the arc-specific parameters to previously determined
values, while estimating the corrections to the gravity field parameters. This may
be done by explicitly solving for the arc-specific parameters using the a priori force
model and by consequently deleting them from the NEQ-system, instead of following
the implicit and correct solution described by Eq. (2.70). This procedure implies that
the sub-system
Noo o = bo (2.71)

is solved independently from the remaining parts of Eq. (2.69) and that the parameters
o are introduced in the following gravity recovery step as known. The remaining
normal equation system

Nqq q = bq − Noq
o = bg − Noq
oo bo ) (2.72)

inevitably leads to solutions q for the gravity model parameters different from the
solutions q in Eq. (2.70). In the case of a separate solution of orbit and gravity
field coefficients the orbit parameters o fully depend on the a priori gravity model
and the correlations between orbit and gravity field parameters are ignored. As a
consequence the estimated gravity field parameters q are biased, as well, towards
the a priori gravity field. For details concerning the consequences of this approach,
we refer to [103], where the impact on gravity field recovery is studied and where
it is shown that the conditions Noq q = 0 used to separate orbit and gravity field
determination (compare Eqs. (2.70) and (2.72)) are actually equivalent to a special
regularization imposed on the gravity field coefficients resulting in recoveries biased
towards the a priori gravity field.
2 Precise Orbit Determination 75 Relation to the Acceleration Approach

Let us assume that the second derivatives of the position vector have been observed (in
practice derived by numerical differentiation from kinematic positions). The obser-
vation equations for the accelerations referring to one particular epoch tr follow from
Eq. (2.68) by identifying the observations with kinematic positions and by taking the
second time derivative as

∂ r̈(tr ) 
∂ r̈(tr )
εr = · ok + · qk − Δr̈r , (2.73)
∂ Ok k=1
∂ Qk

where Δr̈r represents the observed minus the computed acceleration. The partial
derivatives in the second sum may be replaced by the right-hand sides of the varia-
tional equations (2.22) as

∂ r̈(tr ) ∂f(tr ) ∂r(tr ) ∂f(tr ) ∂ ṙ(tr ) ∂f(tr )

= · + · + , (2.74)
∂ Qk ∂r(tr ) ∂ Q k ∂ ṙ(tr ) ∂ Q k ∂ Qk

where use was made of Eq. (2.23). The observation equations used in the acceleration
approach, e.g., [6], simply read as

∂f(tr )
εr = · qk − Δr̈r . (2.75)
∂ Qk

From the point of view of orbit determination this implies that the following approx-
imation was made:

n0 d  
∂ r̈(tr ) ∂f(tr ) ∂r(tr ) ∂f(tr ) ∂ ṙ(tr )
· ok + · + · =0. (2.76)
∂ Ok k=1
∂r(tr ) ∂ Q k ∂ ṙ(tr ) ∂ Q k

The acceleration method thus assumes that the changes in the second derivatives of
the orbit caused by the estimated gravity field parameters qk are counterbalanced by
changes of the second derivatives of the orbit due to the changes in the arc-specific
parameters ok . The assumption is obviously met if the a priori orbit used to compute
Δr̈r in the acceleration approach equals the estimated a posteriori orbit resulting from
classical orbit determination. If this is not the case, the assumption cannot be met
precisely. For further discussions and comparisons of the outlined orbit determination
strategies with other approaches such as the short-arc approach, the reader is referred
to [11].
76 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

2.4 Exercises

Data and files needed for the following exercises are available online at:

1: Orbit determination using a least-squares solution and a filter solution

In this exercise a true orbit in the two-body problem is used, from which a num-
ber of pseudo-observations is created. Your main task is then to perform an orbit
determination using a conventional least-squares solution and a filter solution. You
will perform the task by completing the MATLAB skeleton file ex1.m. In this file,
incomplete lines are commented out (by the character %) and marked with ‘TO BE
COMPLETED’. The following MATLAB functions are available and can be used:
• [x v] = ephem(GM,ele,tOsc,t): This function takes the gravity con-
stant GM, a 6-element array ele containing the six Keplerian orbital elements,
– ele(1): semi-major axis, a
– ele(2): numerical eccentricity, e
– ele(3): inclination, i
– ele(4): right ascension of ascending node, Ω
– ele(5): argument of perigee, ω
– ele(6): argument of latitude at osculating epoch, u 0 ,
the osculating epoch tOsc (set to zero in all exercises), and an arbitrary epoch t.
It returns the vectors x and v, which contain the position and the velocity of the
satellite (in the geocentric inertial frame) at epoch t. The formulas of the two-body
problem are used for the orbit propagation.
• ele = xyzele(GM,x,v,tOsc,t): This function is the inverse of the func-
tion ephem, i.e., it takes GM, an osculating epoch tOsc (set to zero in all exercises),
an epoch t and the vectors x and v, containing position and velocity of the satellite
at epoch t, and returns the array ele with the above six orbital elements.
• [drdele dvdele] = rvpder(ini,GM,t,tOsc,ele): This function
computes the partial derivatives of positions and velocities of a Keplerian orbit
w.r.t. the Keplerian elements. It takes GM, the epoch t at which the partials shall
be computed, the osculating epoch tOsc (set to zero in all exercises) and the
Keplerian elements ele. The first argument ini is set to 1 in order to initialize
the computation (on first call). The function returns the 3 × 6 matrices drdele
and dvdele which contain the partial derivatives.
At the beginning of the MATLAB skeleton file ex1.m the six Keplerian elements
of an orbit of a two-body problem are defined (osculating epoch is 0):
• a = 6800 km
• e = 0.05
• i = 89◦
• Ω = 130◦
2 Precise Orbit Determination 77

• ω = 30◦
• u 0 = 30◦
These elements define the true orbit which shall be determined during this exercise.
Using the function ephem, every 30 s the position vector of the satellite is computed
(for a full day). A normally distributed noise is added to the positions, which are then
stored in the matrix psdObs (rows: components, columns: epochs). These positions
serve as pseudo-observations for the following orbit determination.
(a) For a first crude initial orbit determination, take the first nObsIni = 10
observations of the day and fit a polynomial of degree polDeg = 4 through
each component separately by using the MATLAB command polyfit.1 Use
t − t Avg as time argument of the polynomials, where t Avg is the center of the
initial observation period. Use these polynomials to compute the position and
velocity vector of the satellite at time t Avg . Use the function xyzele to find the
corresponding orbital elements from these vectors. What are their values? These
elements shall serve as a priori orbital elements for the orbit determination.2
(b) Compute and plot the differences of the a priori orbit (obtained from the a priori
orbital elements computed in exercise 1a and the true orbit for all epochs of
the day in the geocentric (x,y,z) and in the local orbital (radial R, along-track S,
cross-track C) frame. In which component is the difference largest? Why?
(c) Perform a conventional least-squares solution of the orbit determination problem,
i.e., solve for the six orbital elements. Use the pseudo-observations in psdObs
with equal weighting and introduce the orbital elements computed in exercise
1a as a priori values. Perform the following steps:
• Loop over all epochs. For each epoch:
– Compute the satellite position using the function ephem and the a priori
orbital elements.
– Compute the ‘observed minus computed’ term.
– Compute the first design matrix using the function rvpder.
– Accumulate the normal equation system.
• Solve the normal equation system3 and compute the a posteriori standard
deviation of unit weight.
• Update the orbital elements.
What are the values of the updated orbital elements?

1 Usage: p = polyfit(x,y,n), where p are the coefficients of a polynomial p(x) of degree n,

that is a best fit (in a least-squares sense) for the data in y. The coefficients in p are in descending
powers, and the length of the array p is n + 1.
2 Please notice that this way of initial orbit determination is not what is usually done; there are much

more elaborate approaches which lead to more accurate initial orbits.

3 You can solve the normal equation system by inverting the normal equation matrix (using the

MATLAB command inv) and multiplying by the right hand side of the normal equation sys-
tem. However, a faster and more robust way to solve a linear system is by using the command
mldivide (matrix left division): x = mldivide(A,b) solves the linear system A*x = b.
The abbreviation for mldivide is the backslash operator: x = A\b.
78 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

(d) Compute the residuals in two ways:

• Consider the linearized problem of the least-squares adjustment and calculate
the residuals as they appear in the linearized observation equations.
• Take the updated orbital elements and propagate the orbit using the function
ephem. For each epoch compute the differences between the propagated orbit
and the observations.
Plot the z-component of the two kinds of residuals. Why are they different?
(e) Perform a filter solution of the orbit determination problem using the recursive
filter formulas (see the online data) for the inverted normal equations. Use the
pseudo-observations in psdObs with equal weighting and introduce the orbital
elements computed in exercise 1a as a priori values. Perform the following steps:
• Loop over the first two epochs and initialize the filter:
– Compute the satellite position using the function ephem and the a priori
orbital elements.
– Compute the ‘observed minus computed’ term.
– Compute the first design matrix using the function rvpder.
– Accumulate the normal equation system.
• Solve the normal equation system of the initialization.
• Loop over the remaining epochs and perform the filter steps:
– Compute the satellite position using the function ephem and the a priori
orbital elements.
– Compute the ‘observed minus computed’ term.
– Compute the first design matrix using the function rvpder.
– Compute the resubstitution term as shown in the lecture slides (see the
online data).
– Compute the gain matrix as shown in the lecture slides (see the online data).
– Update the solution vector. Store the solution vector at each filter step.
Plot the determined semi-major axis a for all filter steps. When does it converge?
Plot the x-component of the resubstitution term for each filter step.
(f) Implement the conventional least-squares adjustment into an iteration loop,
where, at each step, you use the updated orbital elements from the previous
step as a priori elements. Think about a reasonable stop criterion for the iteration
loop. Compute and plot the linearized and true residuals after the last iteration.
2: Orbit determination with pseudo-stochastic pulses
Here, we use a ‘true’ orbit which was obtained by not only using the equations of
motion of the two-body problem, but by additionally applying along-track (pertur-
bation) accelerations in a numerical integration. From this orbit a number of pseudo-
observations are created. Your main task is then to use these pseudo-observations to
perform the orbit determination in the frame of the two-body problem, but by addi-
tionally solving for pseudo-stochastic pulses, which shall compensate the perturbing
accelerations. You will again carry out a conventional least-squares adjustment and
a filter approach.
2 Precise Orbit Determination 79

You will perform the task by completing the MATLAB skeleton file ex2.m.
The same MATLAB functions as in exercise 1 are used. At the beginning of the
MATLAB skeleton file ex2.m the same six Keplerian elements as in exercise 1 are
defined. Starting from the initial conditions defined by these elements, a perturbed
orbit was created beforehand by numerical integration of the equations of motion by
taking the 10 s piecewise constant along-track accelerations in the file GRCA.ACC
into account. The positions and velocities resulting from the numerical integration
were written in a 30 s sampling into the file STOCH_ORB (column 1: time, columns
2-4: positions in geocentric inertial frame, columns 5-7: velocities). This file is read
(using the MATLAB command load). Using the function xyzele, for each 30 s
epoch a set of osculating orbital elements is computed. Finally, a normally distributed
noise is added to the positions, which are then stored in the matrix psdObs. These
positions serve as pseudo-observations for the following orbit determination. You
will only process the first two hours of observations.
(a) Perform a conventional least-squares solution of the orbit determination problem.
Solve for the orbital elements and additionally for pulses in the velocity direction
at every measurement epoch. Use the pseudo-observations in psdObs with equal
weighting and introduce the orbital elements of the unperturbed orbit (defined
at the beginning of ex2.m) as a priori elements. Perform the following steps:
• Loop over all epochs. For each epoch:
– Compute the satellite position of the a priori orbit using the function ephem
and the a priori orbital elements (propagation in the two-body problem).
– Compute the partial derivatives of the positions and velocities of the a priori
orbit w.r.t. the orbital elements (using the function rvpder).
– Compute the (constant) coefficients βk , k = 1, ...., 6, which allow to express
the partial derivatives of the orbit w.r.t. the pulses as a linear combination
of the partials w.r.t. the six orbital elements.
– Compute the ‘observed minus computed’ term and the first design matrix.
• Set up the normal equation system.
• Add the weights on the normal equation system to constrain the pulses towards
• Solve the normal equation system.
How many parameters do you solve for? How big is the normal equation matrix?
What is the estimated value for the first pulse?
(b) Plot the estimated pulses when using different a priori standard deviations sig0
for the pseudo-observations (e.g., sig0 = 1 and sig0 = 10−7 ). Read in the
accelerations in the file GRCA.ACC and transform them into velocity changes.
Plot these together with the estimated pulses. What changes if you change sig0?
(c) Compute and plot the orbit residuals and the differences of the improved orbit
w.r.t. the true orbit for all epochs in the geocentric (x,y,z) frame. Here you cannot
compute the ‘true’ residuals by taking the updated orbital elements and prop-
agating the new orbit (as you did in the second part of exercise 1d), since for
the propagation you would need a numerical integration that takes the acceler-
80 A. Jäggi and D. Arnold

ations in GRCA.ACC and the estimated pulses into account. Hence, compute
the residuals of the linearized problem. Likewise, for the orbit difference add
the (linearized) orbit corrections (computed by using the solution of exercise 2a
to the a priori orbit (obtained by propagating the elements eleTru using the
function ephem) and compare these positions with the true positions in the file
STOCH_ORBIT. Make again experiments with different values of sig0.
(d) At each epoch the pseudo-stochastic pulse induces a change in the initial con-
ditions (defined at the initial epoch). Compute and plot the difference of the
epoch-specific semi-major axis w.r.t. the a priori value. Compare this difference
with the difference of the true osculating semi-major axis w.r.t. the a priori value
(in difOsc). Do this for different values of sig0.
(e) Perform a filter solution of the orbit determination problem with only six
unknowns by pre-eliminating the pulses every epoch. Initially, this is is not
possible, since for each new epoch all pulses up to this epoch will contribute to
the observation equation. The pre-elimination becomes, however, possible when
conducting a parameter transformation discussed in Sects. and
Use the pseudo-observations in psdObs with equal weighting and introduce
the orbital elements in eleTru as a priori values. In a loop over all epochs,
perform the following steps:
• Compute the satellite position using the function ephem and the a priori
orbital elements.
• Compute the first design matrix using the function rvpder.
• Compute the ‘observed minus computed’ term.
• Update the normal equation system with the observation equations of the
current epoch.
• Perform the parameter transformation, add the pseudo-observation for the
pulse (with the corresponding weight) and pre-eliminate the pulse.
• Generate and save the solution for the orbital elements, the residuals and the
orbit difference w.r.t. the true orbit.
What are the estimated values of the orbital elements after the 5th filter step?
(f) Compute and plot the real-time semi-major axis, the orbit residuals and the
differences w.r.t. the true orbit in the geocentric (x,y,z) frame for each filter step.

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