Kerry Get's Oswalded
Kerry Get's Oswalded
Kerry Get's Oswalded
Reverend John Forbes, (b. Strathdon, Scotland, 1740-1783), m. to Dorothy Murray, (b.
United States)
John Murray Forbes of China and Boston, b. France (1813-1898), m. to Sarah Swain
Hathaway, (1813-1900)
William Forbes, (1840-1896), m. to Edith Emerson, (1841-1928), daughter of Ralph
Waldo Emerson
Ralph Emerson Forbes (d. 1937), m. to Elise Cabot Forbes (daughter of Godfrey Lowell
Ruth Forbes (1903-1998) m. 1st George Lyman Paine Jr, m. 3rd Arthur M. Young
Cameron Paine
Michael R. Paine
Alexander Forbes
Mary Bowditch Forbes (1878-) (founder of the Mary Bowditch Forbes Collection of
Abraham Lincoln memorabilia.)
Colonel James Grant Forbes, (b. British occupied Spanish Florida, St. Augustine,
Florida, 1769), m. to Francis Elizabeth Blackwell
James Grant Forbes, (b. Shanghai, China, October 22, 1879 - d. Paris April 24, 1955),
m. to Margaret Tyndal Winthrop, (1880-1970)
James Forbes
Jock Forbes
Griselda Forbes
Angela Forbes
Eileen Forbes
Monica Forbes
Alistair Forbes
Ian Forbes
Fiona (Forbes) Lalonde m. Alain-Gauthier Lévy, later Lalonde (after name change)
Brice Lalonde, a French politician, who ran for President of France as the Green Party
candidate in 1981
Rosemary Forbes Kerry, (b. Paris, October 27, 1913), m. to Richard Kerry
Cameron Kerry
Diane Kerry