Liver Diseases in Pregnancy: Liver Transplantation in Pregnancy
Liver Diseases in Pregnancy: Liver Transplantation in Pregnancy
Liver Diseases in Pregnancy: Liver Transplantation in Pregnancy
Ghassan M Hammoud, Ashraf A Almashhrawi, Khulood T Ahmed, Rubayat Rahman, Jamal A Ibdah
Ghassan M Hammoud, Ashraf A Almashhrawi, Khulood T transplantation minimizes fetal exposure to high doses
Ahmed, Rubayat Rahman, Jamal A Ibdah, Division of Gas- of immunosuppressants. Pregnant female liver trans-
troenterology and Hepatology, University of Missouri, Columbia, plant patients have a high rate of cesarean delivery
MO 65212, United States likely due to the high rate of prematurity in this popula-
Author contributions: Hammoud GM wrote and revised the tion. Recent reports suggest that with close monitoring
manuscript; Almashhrawi AA, Ahmed KT and Rahman R were
and multidisciplinary team approach, most female liver
involved in reviewing the literature and collecting data; Ibdah JA
provided the overall conceptual design and finalized the manuscript. transplant recipient of childbearing age will lead a suc-
Correspondence to: Jamal A Ibdah, MD, PhD, Professor, cessful pregnancy.
Director, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Univer-
sity of Missouri, 319 jesse hall, Columbia, MO 65212, © 2013 Baishideng Publishing Group Co., Limited. All rights
United States. reserved.
Telephone: +1-573-8827349 Fax: +1-573-8844595
Received: June 17, 2013 Revised: July 30, 2013 Key words: Liver; Pregnancy; Liver transplantation;
Accepted: August 16, 2013 Hemolysis elevated liver low platelets; Acute fatty liver;
Published online: November 21, 2013 Cirrhosis
cirrhosis, pregnancy is very uncommon as most women MATERNAL AND FETAL OUTCOMES IN
are infertile and have anovulation and secondary amenor-
rhea. However, once liver transplantation is performed, PREGNANT FEMALE LIVER TRANSPLANT
liver transplant recipients possess an improved quality of RECIPIENTS
life, their hormonal imbalance return to a normal state,
ovulation resumes and pregnancy may ensue if con- Most outcome data on pregnancy during and after liver
templated. The first successful pregnancy in a liver graft transplantation are obtained from the NTPR. The NTPR
recipient was reported in 1978[1]. Given the improving was established in 1991 at Thomas Jefferson University
success of liver transplantation over the past two decades in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to study the outcomes of
and decreasing levels of immunosuppression, most solid pregnancies in transplant recipients in North America, in-
organ transplant recipients lead happy and healthy lives cluding female transplant recipients and those fathered by
with an average 1-year survival rate of greater than 85% male transplant recipients. Since then many other reports
for most indications. and case series have been reported and published. A ret-
rospective study from a single institution evaluated a total
of 115 gestations in 37 women with liver transplant (LT)
PATHOGENESIS and in 34 women with kidney transplant. The authors
Women with decompensated liver disease commonly found 81 (70%) of all gestations were successful, 15 (13%)
have menstrual dysfunction. In fact, menstrual abnor- were terminated, and there were 19 (17%) spontaneous
malities may be the first signs of chronic liver disease abortions and 2 (2%) intrauterine deaths[8]. Deshpande
in females with chronic liver disease. In cirrhotic state, et al[9] reported in a systematic review and meta-analysis
hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction is associated with outcome of 450 pregnancies in 306 LT recipients in com-
an inadequate response to the gonadotropin-releasing parisons with the general United States population as well
hormone agonists and clomiphene citrates as well as di- as kidney transplant recipients. The post-LT live birth
minished gonadotrophin release relative to the reduced rate was higher than the live birth rate for the US general
levels of circulating sex steroids[2]. Furthermore, serum population (76.9% vs 66.7%, 95%CI: 72.7%-80.7%). The
post-LT miscarriage rate was lower than the miscarriage
levels of estradiol and testosterone are increased in pa-
rate for the general population (15.6% vs 17.1%, 95%CI:
tients with portosystemic shunts. Thus pregnancy in
12.3%-19.2%). Moreover, these rates were similar to the
decompensated cirrhosis is very uncommon. Obstetrical
post-kidney transplant rates. The rates of pre-eclampsia,
syndromes associated with transplantation may depend
cesarean section delivery and preterm delivery were higher
on several factors such as defective deep placentation,
than the rates for the US general population (21.9% vs
underlying maternal diseases, uterine vascular bed and
3.8%, 95%CI: 17.7%-26.4%; 44.6% vs 31.9%, 95%CI:
effect of immunosuppressive therapy on uteroplacental 39.2%-50.1%; and 39.4% vs 12.5%, 95%CI: 33.1%-46.0%)
arteries[3]. Reports from the the National Transplantation respectively. Moreover, these rates were lower than those
Pregnancy Registry (NTPR) revealed that immunosup- for post-kidney transplant recipients. The overall mean
pressive medication is associated with an increased risk birth weight for newborns of LT recipients was less than
of miscarriage, prematurity, intrauterine growth retarda- the birth weight for the United States general population
tion, and low birth weight[4]. (2866 g vs 3298 g). More notably, the authors found that
the mean gestational age and mean birth weight seems
MATERNAL AND FETAL OUTCOMES IN significantly greater for liver transplant versus kidney
transplant recipients and the risk of hypertension during
PREGNANT FEMALE PATIENTS WITH pregnancy seems also lower for liver transplant than kid-
ADVANCED LIVER DISEASE ney transplant recipients[9]. In another recently published
study by Alvaro et al[10] from a single center in Spain, the
Pregnancy is associated with increase in portal pressure. authors analyzed the impact of pregnancy among 1341
During pregnancy, a hypervolemic state develops lead- liver transplant recipients from April 1986 to April 2011.
ing to an increase in portal flow and elevation of portal Thirty pregnancies commenced among 18 liver transplant
venous pressure transmitted to the collateral veins with recipients during the follow-up. Sixteen patients (88%) be-
increased risk of esophageal variceal bleeding[5,6]. The came pregnant beyond a year after orthotopic liver trans-
outcome of pregnancy in 339 patients with cirrhosis was plantation. The post-LT live birth was 66.6% and the
reported in a large population-based study from 1993 to post-LT abortions were 26.6%. There were no maternal
2005[7]. Maternal and fetal mortality were much higher deaths encountered during pregnancy or the postpartum
than the general population (1.8% vs 0%, P < 0.0001; 5.2% period. However, fetal deaths were observed in 6% of
vs 2.1%, P < 0.0001) respectively. The rate of hepatic de- LT recipients. The most common maternal complications
compensation occurred in 15% and patients with cirrho- during pregnancy were preeclampsia (15%), viral reacti-
sis were more likely to deliver by cesarean delivery (42% vation (15%), acute rejection episodes (10%), infections
vs 28%; adjusted OR = 1.41; 95%CI: 1.06-1.88). Similarly, (10%), and high blood pressure (5%)[10]. Table 1 shows a
the spontaneous abortion rate in cirrhotic patients is ap- summary of maternal and fetal outcomes in female liver
proximately 15%-20%. transplant recipients from selected reports and studies[11].
Table 1 Summary of important fetal and maternal outcomes in liver transplant recipients from selected publications
Author, reference, number Live birth Preterm (%) Graft Cesarean Spontaneous Low birth weight Maternal/neonatal
of pregnancies rate (%) dysfunction (%) section rate (%) abortions (%) < 2500 g (%) deaths (%)
Nagy et al[12], n = 38 63 29 17 46 NA 17 17/0
Jain et al[13], n = 49 100 4 25 47 0 9 10/6
Armenti et al[14], n = 205 73 35 7 35 19 34 /0
Christopher et al[15], n = 71 71 NA 17 40 19 20 4/0
Dei Malatesta et al[16], n = 285 78 31 10 43 NA 23 /4
Sibanda et al[17], n = 16 69 50 NA 62 13 57 NA
Coffin et al[18], n = 206 70 27 5 38 5 NA 0/6
Jabiry-Zieniewicz et al[19], n = 39 100 31 8 80 0 20 /0
Dashpande et al[9], n = 450 76.9 39.4 NA 44.6 6.2 (including NA NA
fetal death)
Alvaro et al[10], n = 30 66.6 NA 10 42 26.6 NA 0/6
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