Diagram of The Directive and Local Functions of Prepositions
Diagram of The Directive and Local Functions of Prepositions
Diagram of The Directive and Local Functions of Prepositions
I have found this chart so helpful that I have put it in the flyleaf of my Bible. To illustrate how important
prepositions can be, I would like to cite two glaring cases of careless (and thus faulty) translation. In the
Revised Standard Version John 13:8 reads, "If I do not wash you, you have no part in me." The Greek
preposition translated "in" is meta, which should be translated "with." The King James Version and the
New American Standard properly translate it so. The difference is crucial! "In me" would indicate that
Peter's salvation was in question, whereas "with me" speaks of Peter's fellowship with Christ--his joint
participation with the Lord in the activities of life.
The other faulty translation is perhaps just as costly if we fail to get the true meaning inferred from the
prepositions used. It is in Ephesians 4:11, 12, and here even the New American Standard Version doesn't
keep it straight. The passage should read, if we observe the Greek prepositions used: "And he gave
some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers toward (Greek, pros) the equipping of the
saints unto (Greek, eis) the work of ministry, unto (Greek, eis) the building of the body of Christ." (italics
Most of the translations fail to make the distinction between the prepositions used here in the Greek text.
Thus it obscures the fact that the ministry belongs to all God's people, not just the pastor-teachers. The
result of this failure has, among other things, contributed greatly to the Christian "unemployment"
problem. Many Christians would think themselves to be presumptuous to entertain the idea of having a
ministry for the Lord. Source: Bob Smith – Basics of Biblical Interpretation, pp. 83-84.