Hilti Stud Anchors PDF
Hilti Stud Anchors PDF
Hilti Stud Anchors PDF
Tracking History
Date Released Issued To
07.10.17 JCA
09.10.17 A Based Rep (DFAT) and Site Rep (DFAT) by email
Mechanical Raw Bolts, Anchor Rods and Hilti Hit
HY 170.
Response to RFA
Response JCA and TTW have reviewed the information submitted in the RFA and advise:
TTW note that a number of Hilti brochures are attached to this RFA but no information is
provided as to where the various products are proposed to be used.
As PSCL did not provide specific information in this RFA, if they have additional queries
specific information must be provided otherwise the RFA / RFI will be rejected.
C:\Users\dean.grohn\Dropbox (JCA)\13206 AHCN\13206 - CONSTRUCTION PHASE\CONSTRUCTION PHASE ADMINISTRATION\Consultant Advice\RFA 256 - Structural fixings\CAxxx
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Request For Approval
□ Shop Drawings
□ Method Statement
□ Equipment
01 □ Dimensions:
Provided: Labelled: Photo:
Required Submission: Provided:
Manufacturer’s technical specifications and drawing
Evidence of conformance to product certification schemes
Type test reports
Performance and rating tables
Installation and maintenance recommendations
As per Drawings Where ever required for structural steel Members and for 510
Kindly note that Hilti Hit Hy 170 will be used in lieu of HY 200,since this is not
manufactured in East Africa. This has been discussed with David Caralon of TTW
during OPO 5 .All the Bolts and Anchors are from Hilti used for all structural steel
members and for 510 Walls.
Supplier: Sub-contractor: Contractor: Project Manager /
□ □
□ □ Project Manager
□ □ Principal
Page 2 of 2
Date : 29/3/17
Dear Sir,
Please find below our prices for the products requested
HSA-BW Carbon
steel with DIN 9021
Concrete Small edge Fire Corrosion Diamond European CE PROFIS
distance resistance resistance drilled Technical conformity anchor design
& spacing holes Approval software
Recommended loads
Anchor size M6 M8 M10
HAS, HAS-R [Nm] 3.7 4.5 5.4 4.9 7.7 9.6 7.7 10.7 15
Shear Vrec a)
HAS [Nm] 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.9 6.1 6.1 10.8 10.8 10.8
HAS-R [Nm] 4.0 4.1 4.1 3.9 7.0 7.0 12.9 12.9 12.9
HAS, HAS-R [Nm] 10.7 15.9 20.9 15.9 21.7 30.0 19.7 30.4 37.3
Shear Vrec a)
HAS [Nm] 16.9 16.9 16.9 29.1 29.1 29.1 31.2 49.0 49.0
HAS-R [Nm] 16.7 16.7 16.7 32.3 32.3 32.3 31.2 52.5 52.5
a) W
ith overall partial safety factor for action <?> = 1,4. The partial safety factors for action depend on the type ofloading and
shall be taken from national regulations.
page 1 February 2013
Product Data Sheet
HSA stud anchor
Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European technical approval a)
DIBt, Berlin ETA-11/0374 / 2012-07-19
Fire test report IBMB, Brunswick 3215/229/12 / 2012-08-09
a) All data given in this section according ETA-11/0374, issue 2012-07-19.
Setting details
Anchor size M6 M8 M10
Setting instructions
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.
Setting position 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
anchorage depth hnom [mm] 37 47 67 39 49 79 50 60 90 64 79 114 77 92 132 90 115 130
installation torque Tinat [Nm] - 15 25 50 80 -
M8 M10 M12 M16
HSA-R2, HSA-R 3 3
For detailed information on installation see instruction for use given with the package of the product.
Specifications and Physical Properties of Hilti HIT-V, HAS, and HIT-Z Threaded Rods
Specified Reduction
Yield Elongation, Specification for Nuts and
Threaded Rod Specification Units Ultimate futa / fya of Area,
Strength Min. % 9 Washers
Strength, Min. %
Offset, fya
HIT-V psi 60,000 37,500 (2) Nuts: SAE J995 Grade 5
Conforms to ultimate strength 1.60 (2) 10 (3) - Washers: ASTM F884, HV and ANSI
of ASTM A 307 Grade A 1,10 (MPa) (414) (259) B18.22.1 Type A Plain
ISO 898-1 class 5.8 4,10 1.25 10 (5) - Washers: ASTM F884, HV and ANSI
(MPa) (500) (400) B18.22.1 Type A Plain
HAS Super psi 125,000 (7) 105,000 Nuts: ASTM A 194, Grade 2H, Heavy
ASTM A 193, Grade B7 6,10,11 1.19 16 50 Washers: ASTM F884, HV and ANSI
(MPa) (862) (7) (724) B18.22.1 Type A Plain
HIT-Z Anchor Rod psi 94,200 75,300 Nuts: ASTM A 563 Grade A
3/8-in. to 5/8-in. - AISI 1038 1.25 8 20 Washers: ASTM F884, HV and ANSI
3/4-in. - AISI 1038 or 18MnV5 10 (MPa) (650) (519) B18.22.1 Type A Plain
/ 316 ASTM F 593 CW1 8 (MPa) (690) (448) Nuts: ASTM F 594
Washers: ASTM A 240 and ANSI
HAS-R 304 / 316 psi 85,000 45,000 B18.22.1 Type A Plain
3/4-in. to 1-1/2-in. AISI Type 1.89 25 -
304 / 316 ASTM F 593 CW2 8 (MPa) (586) (310)
1 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength
2 ASTM A 307 does not have a minimum specified yield strength. Published yield strength is based on Hilti manufacturer specifications and maximum value of futa / fy = 1.6 as specified in
ACI 318-11 Appendix D section RD.5.1.2.
3 Hilti HIT-V threaded rods do not meet the minimum elongation requirements for ASTM A 307. HIT-V needs to be considered a brittle steel element.
4 Mechanical properties of fasteners made of carbon steel and alloy steel — Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
5 Hilti HAS-E threaded rods do not meet the minimum elongation requirements for ISO 898-1. HAS-E needs to be considered a brittle steel element.
6 Standard Specification for Alloy-Steel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materials for High-Temperature Service
7 For designs according to CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D, the maximum value of futa is 860 MPa (124,700 psi) per clause D.6.1.2.
8 Standard Steel Specification for Stainless Steel Bolts, Hex Cap Screws, and Studs
9 Based on 2-in. (50 mm) gauge length except for A 193, which are based on a gauge length of 4d and ISO 898, which is based on 5d.
10 All HIT-V, HAS-E, HAS Super (except 7/8-in.), and HIT-Z carbon steel rods, nuts, and washers are zinc plated to ASTM B 633 SC 1.
11 7/8-inch HAS Super rods hot-dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 153.
2 Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
(kN) (10.3) 22.7) 36.2) (53.6) - (97.0) -
Reduction factor, seismic shear αv,seis - 0.7
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for tension 3 Φ - 0.65
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for shear 3 Φ - 0.60
lb 5,620 10,290 16,385 24,250 33,475 43,915 70,260
(kN) (25.0) (45.8) (72.9) (107.9) (148.9) (195.3) (312.5)
HAS-E ISO 898-1
(kN) (21.6) (47.4) (75.4) (111.6) (154.0) (202.1) (323.3)
Reduction factor, seismic shear αv,seis - 0.7
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for tension 3 Φ - 0.75
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for shear 3 Φ - 0.65
lb 7,306 13,377 21,306 31,472 - - -
HIT-Z Anchor Rod AISI
(kN) (32.5) (59.5) (94.8) (140.0) - - -
1038 or 18MnV51
(kN) (17.2) (37.9) (60.3) (75.9) 104.7) (137.4) (219.9)
Reduction factor, seismic shear αv,seis - 0.7
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for tension 3 Φ - 0.65
Steel strength reduction factor Φ for shear 3 Φ - 0.60
lb 7,306 13,377 21,306 31,472 - - -
HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod
Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14 3
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
Steel Design Strength for Carbon Steel Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Rods and Hilti HIT-Z Anchor Rods According to ACI
318 Appendix D
Steel Design Strength for Stainless Steel Hilti HAS Threaded Rods
and Hilti HIT-Z-R Stainless Steel Anchor Rods According to
ACI 318 Appendix D
HAS Stainless Steel HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod
ASTM F 593 - AISI 304/316 SS 4 Stainless Steel 4
Seismic Seismic
Anchor Tensile1 Shear2 Shear3 Tensile1 Shear5 Shear3
Diameter ΦNsa ΦVsa ΦVsa,eq ΦNsa ΦVsa ΦVsa,eq
in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
3/8 5,040 2,325 1,630 4,750 2,630 2,630
(9.5) (22.4) (10.3) (7.3) (21.1) (11.7) (11.7)
1/2 9,225 5,110 3,575 8,695 4,815 3,610
(12.7) (41.0) (22.7) (15.9) (38.7) (21.4) (16.1)
5/8 14,690 8,135 5,695 13,850 7,670 4,985
(15.9) (65.3) (36.2) (25.3) (61.6) (34.1) (22.2)
3/4 18,480 10,235 7,165 20,455 11,330 7,365
(19.1) (82.2) (45.5) (31.9) (91.0) (50.4) (32.8)
7/8 25,510 14,125 9,890 - - -
(22.2) (113.5) (62.8) (44.0) - - -
1 33,465 18,535 12,975 - - -
(25.4) (148.9) (82.4) (57.7) - - -
1-1/4 53,540 29,655 20,760 - - -
(31.8) (238.2) (131.9) (92.3) - - -
1 Tensile = ΦAse,N futa as noted in ACI 318 Appendix D
2 Shear = Φ 0.60 Ase,N futa as noted in ACI 318 Appendix D
3 Seismic Shear = αV,seis ΦVsa : Reduction factor for seismic shear only. See ACI 318 Appendix D for
additional information on seismic applications
4 HAS Stainless Steel threaded rods and HIT-Z-R Anchor Rods are considered brittle steel
5 Shear value for HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod is based on static shear testing with ΦVsa < Φ 0.60 Ase,N futa as
noted in ACI 318 Appendix D
4 Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
The following strength design technical data is for adhesive anchors designed in accordance with CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D. This includes Hilti HIT-HY 200,
HIT-RE 500-SD, and HIT-HY 100.
Steel Design Information for Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Rods and Hilti HIT-Z Anchor Rods for Use with CSA A23.3-04
(R2010) Annex D
(kN) (20.7) (37.9) (60.3) (89.3) - (161.6) -
Nominal strength as governed by steel strength
lb 2,325 5,110 8,135 12,040 - 21,805 -
(kN) (25.0) (45.8) (72.9) (107.9) (148.9) (195.3) (312.5)
Nominal strength as governed by steel strength
lb 2,810 6,175 9,830 14,550 20,085 26,350 42,155
(kN) (12.5) (27.5) (43.7) (64.7) (89.3) (117.2) (187.5)
Reduction factor, seismic shear αv,seis - 0.7
Steel strength reduction factor R for tension 3,5 R - 0.70
Steel strength reduction factor R for shear 3,5 R - 0.65
lb 9,665 17,695 28,180 41,710 57,575 75,530 120,845
(kN) (43.0) (78.7) (125.4) (185.5) (256.1) (336.0) (537.5)
ASTM A 193 B71
HIT-Z Anchor Rod
(kN) (17.2) (37.9) (60.3) (75.9) (104.7) (137.4) (219.9)
Reduction factor, seismic shear αv,seis - 0.7
Steel strength reduction factor R for tension 3,5 R - 0.70
Steel strength reduction factor R for shear 3,5 R - 0.65
lb 7,306 13,377 21,306 31,472 - - -
HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod
Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14 5
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
The following are strength design values calculated from data on the previous page. This is intended for adhesive anchors designed in accordance with CSA
A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D and can be used in conjunction with the Hilti Simplified Strength Design Tables (refer to Section 3.1.7 of the 2014 Hilti Anchor Fastening
Technical Guide for more information on the Hilti Simplified Tables). This includes Hilti HIT-HY 200, HIT-RE 500-SD, and HIT-HY 100.
Steel Design Strength for Carbon Steel Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Rods and Hilti HIT-Z Anchor Rods According to CSA
A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D
Steel Design Strength for Stainless Steel Hilti HAS Threaded Rods
and Hilti HIT-Z-R Stainless Steel Anchor Rods According to CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D
HAS Stainless Steel HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod
ASTM F 593 - AISI 304/316 SS 4 Stainless Steel 4
Seismic Seismic
Anchor Tensile1 Shear2 Shear3 Tensile1 Shear2 Shear3
Diameter Nsr Vsr Vsr,eq Nsr Vsr Vsr,eq
in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
3/8 4,610 2,140 1,500 4,345 2,420 1,695
(9.5) (20.5) (9.5) (6.7) (19.3) (10.8) (7.5)
1/2 8,445 4,705 3,295 7,960 4,435 3,105
(12.7) (37.6) (20.9) (14.7) (35.4) (19.7) (13.8)
5/8 13,445 7,490 5,245 12,675 7,065 4,945
(15.9) (59.8) (33.3) (23.3) (56.4) (31.4) (22.0) 1 Tensile = Ase Φs fut R as noted in CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D
2 Shear = Ase Φs 0.60 fut R as noted in CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D
3/4 16,915 9,425 6,600 18,725 10,435 7,305
3 S eismic Shear = αV,seis Vsr : Reduction factor for seismic shear only. See CSA A23.3-
(19.1) (75.2) (41.9) (29.4) (83.3) (46.4) (32.5) 04 (R2010) Annex D for additional information on seismic applications
4 HAS Stainless Steel threaded rods and HIT-Z-R Anchor Rods are considered brittle
7/8 23,350 13,010 9,105 - - - steel elements.
(22.2) (103.9) (57.9) (40.5) - - - 5 Shear value for HIT-Z-R Anchor Rod is based on static shear testing with Vsr < Ase Φs
0.60 fut R as noted in CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D
1 30,635 17,065 11,945 - - - 6 T he current publication of CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D is for cast-in anchors
(25.4) (136.3) (75.9) (53.1) - - - and post-installed anchors that do not include adhesive post-installed anchors. It is
the position of Hilti that the steel strength reduction factor, R, used for calculating
1-1/4 49,010 27,305 19,115 - - - the values in this table and determined from CSA A23.3-04 (R2010) Annex D, would
be appropriate for the design of threaded rods used for post-installed adhesive
(31.8) (218.0) (121.5) (85.0) - - - anchors.
6 Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
• Hilti HIT-V threaded rods are not applicable for use with Hilti HVU Capsules since the end of the rod does not have a chisel point to break and mix the capsules
during installation.
• Hilti HIT-Z Anchor Rods do not have ASD load data since they are only used in conjunction with Hilti HIT-HY 200.
Allowable Steel Strength for Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Rods 1
Ultimate Steel Strength for Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Rods 1
Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14 7
Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data
Ordering Information
Hilti HIT-Z Anchor Rods for Hilti HIT-HY 200 Anchoring System
Hilti Rods are now stamped on the end to show grade of steel and overall
anchor length!
HIT-Z Carbon Steel HIT-Z-R 316 Stainless Steel
Hilti HIT-V and HAS Threaded Anchor Rods for Hilti Chemical Anchoring Systems
HIT-V, A307 Steel HAS-E, 5.8 Steel HAS Super, B7 High Str. Steel HAS-R 304 Stainless Steel HAS-R 316 Stainless Steel
Description Qty Description Qty Description Qty Description Qty Description Qty
- - 3/8" x 3" 10 - - - - - -
3/8" x 4-1/2" 10 3/8" x 4-3/8" 10 - - - - - -
3/8" x 5-1/2" 20 3/8" x 5-1/8" 20 3/8" x 5-1/8" 20 3/8" x 5-1/8" 20 3/8" x 5-1/8" 20
3/8" x 8" 10 3/8" x 8" 10 - - 3/8" x 8" 10 3/8" x 8" 10
- - 3/8" x 12" 10 - - - - - -
- - 1/2" x 3-1/8" 10 - - - - - -
1/2" x 4-1/2" 10 1/2" x 4-1/2" 10 - - - - - -
1/2" x 6-1/2" 20 1/2" x 6-1/2" 20 1/2" x 6-1/2" 20 1/2" x 6-1/2" 20 1/2" x 6-1/2" 20
1/2" x 8" 10 1/2" x 8" 10 - - 1/2" x 8" 10 1/2" x 8" 10
- - 1/2" x 10" 10 - - 1/2" x 10" 10 1/2" x 11" 10
- - 1/2" x 12" 10 - - - - 1/2" x 12" 10
5/8" x 6" 10 5/8" x 6" 10 - - - - - -
5/8" x 8" 20 5/8" x 8" 20 5/8" x 7-5/8" 20 5/8" x 7-5/8" 20 5/8" x 7-5/8" 20
5/8" x 10" 10 5/8" x 9" 10 - - 5/8" x 10" 10 5/8" x 9" 10
5/8" x 12" 10 5/8" x 12" 10 - - - - 5/8" x 12" 10
- - 5/8" x 17" 10 - - - - - -
3/4" x 6" 10 3/4" x 6" 10 - - - - - -
3/4" x 8" 10 3/4" x 8" 10 - - - - - -
3/4" x 10" 10 3/4" x 10" 10 3/4" x 9-5/8" 10 3/4" x 9-5/8" 10 3/4" x 9-5/8" 10
- - 3/4" x 11" 10 - - - - 3/4" x 10" 10
3/4" x 12" 10 3/4" x 12" 10 - - 3/4" x 12" 10 - -
- - 3/4" x 14" 10 3/4" x 14" 10 3/4" x 14" 10 - -
3/4" x 16" 10 3/4" x 17" 10 - - 3/4" x 16" 10 3/4" x 16" 10
- - 3/4" x 19" 10 - - - - - -
- - 3/4" x 21" 10 - - - - - -
- - 3/4" x 25" 10 - - - - - -
- - 7/8" x 10" 10 7/8" x 10" HDG1 5 7/8" x 10" 10 7/8" x 10" 10
- - 7/8" x 13" 10 7/8" x 12" HDG1 5 - - - -
- - - - 7/8" x 16" HDG1 5 - - 7/8" x 16" 10
1" x 12" 4 1" x 12" 4 1" x 12" 4 1" x 12" 4 1" x 12" 4
- - 1" x 14" 2 1" x 14" 2 - - - -
- - 1" x 16" 2 1" x 16" 2 - - 1" x 16" 2
- - 1" x 20" 2 1" x 20" 2 - - 1" x 20" 2
- - 1-1/4" x 16" 4 1-1/4" x 16" 4 - - - -
- - 1-1/4" x 22" 4 1-1/4" x 22" 4 - - - -
1 Hot Dip Galvanized
8 Hilti, Inc. (USA) 1-800-879-8000 I www.us.hilti.com I en español 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.ca I Hilti Anchor Rod Technical Data 03/14
Hilti HIT-HY 170 mortar with
rebar (as post-installed conn.)
Approvals / certificates
Description Authority / Laboratory No. / date of issue
European Technical A ssessment DIBt, Berlin ETA -15/0297 / 2015-12-11
A ll data given in this section according ETA -15/0297 issue 2015-12-11.
Designation Material
Reinf orcing bars (rebars)
Bars and de-coiled rods class B or C w ith f y k and k according to NDP or
Rebar EN 1992-1-1 NCL of EN 1992-1-1
f uk = f tk = k · f y k
Setting details
Working time and curing time
Temperature of the base Minimum curing time tcure
Maximum working time twork
material TBM
-5˚C ≤ TBM ≤ 0˚C 10 min 12 h
0˚C < TBM ≤ 5˚C 10 min 5h
5˚C < TBM ≤ 10˚C 8 min 2,5 h
10˚C < TBM ≤ 20˚C 5 min 1,5 h
20˚C < TBM ≤ 30˚C 3 min 45 min
30˚C < TBM ≤ 40˚C 2 min 30 min
The curing time data are valid f or dry base material only. In w et base material the curing times must be
Installation equipment
Anchor size 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25
Rotary hammer TE 2 – TE 40 TE 40 – TE 70
Other tools compressed air gun or blow out pump, set of cleaning brushes, dispenser
25 32 32 32 32
V alues in brackets valid f or maximum drilling depth of 250 mm
8 to 16 1000
18 to 25 700
Setting instruction
Drill hole
Manual cleaning f or
diameters d0 ≤ 20 mm
and bore hole depth h0 ≤
10 · d.
Rebar preparation
Injection system
For detailed inf ormation on installation see instruction f or use given w ith the package of the product.
Precalculated values
Example of pre-calculated values
Rebar yield strength f y k = 500 N/mm², concrete C25/30, good bond conditions
Anchorage length Design Mortar Anchorage Design value Mortar
lbd value NRd volume length l bd NRd volume
[mm] [mm] [kN] [ml] [mm] [kN] [ml]
2 or 5= 0,7
1= 2= 3= 4= 5=1,0
1 = 3 = 4 = 1,0
100 6,8 8 100 9,7 8
170 11,5 13 140 13,6 11
250 17,0 19 180 17,4 14
322 21,9 24 226 21,9 17
121 10,3 11 121 14,7 11
220 18,7 20 170 20,6 15
310 26,3 28 230 27,9 21
403 34,2 36 281 34,1 25
145 14,8 15 145 21,1 15
260 26,5 27 210 30,5 22
370 37,7 39 270 39,3 29
483 49,2 51 338 49,1 36
169 20,1 20 169 28,7 20
300 35,6 36 240 40,7 29
430 51,1 52 320 54,3 39
564 67,0 68 394 66,8 48
193 26,2 26 193 37,4 26
340 46,1 46 280 54,3 38
490 66,5 67 370 71,7 50
644 87,4 87 451 87,4 61
217 33,1 33 217 47,3 33
380 58,0 57 310 67,6 47
540 82,4 81 410 89,4 62
700 106,9 106 507 110,6 76
242 41,1 51 242 58,6 51
390 66,2 83 350 84,8 74
550 93,3 117 460 111,5 98
700 118,8 148 564 136,7 120
266 49,6 75 266 70,9 75
410 76,5 116 380 101,3 107
560 104,5 158 500 133,3 141
700 130,6 198 620 165,3 175
290 59,0 122 290 84,3 122
430 87,5 182 420 122,1 177
560 114,0 236 550 160,0 232
700 142,5 296 676 196,6 285
302 64,0 114 302 91,5 114
430 91,2 162 430 130,3 162
570 120,9 214 570 172,7 214
700 148,4 263 700 212,1 263
* V alues corresponding to the minimum anchorage length. The maximum permissible load is valid f or “good bond
conditions” as described in EN 1992-1-1. For all other conditions multiply by the value by 0,7. The volume of
mortar correspond to the f ormula “1,2 (d0²-ds ²) lb/4” f or hammer drilling