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Earthworks and Soil Compaction

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Budapest Univesity of Technology and Economics

Department of Building Machines, Materials Handling Machines and Manufacturing Logistics

and Department of Construction Technology and Management

Construction Equipment
Earthwork & Soil Compaction

Edited by: József Károly Ph.D. student

Revised and translated by: Dr. Zoltán A.Vattai

Budapest, 2009-2010

Excavators Rippers Extractor-Haulers Compactors

Intermittent Multibucket (trencher) Bulldozers Rollers

Power Transm. Rotary

Bucket-line (ladder)


Cable-operated excavators

Front shovel

1. bogie undercarriage
2. slewing upper machinery (drive,
operator’s canopy, counter-weight)
3. turn mechanism Features:
4. boom • complicated driving system
5. arm • many moving elements → manifold potential failures
6. bucket • low working performance
7. cable-lines • extensive maintenance requirements
Cable-operated excavators

Dragline Clamshell

1 . bogie undercarriage
2. slewing upper machinery (drive,
operator’s canopy, counter-weight) Features:
3. turn mechanism • complicated driving system
4. boom • many moving elements → manifold potential failures
5. bucket • low working performance
6. cable-lines • extensive maintenance requirements
Cable-operated excavators

• Intermittent (cyclic) operation

• Attachments:
showel, hook, dragline,
clamshell, boring equipment
Hydraulic excavators
(slewing excavators)

1. wheel-bogie
2. turn mechanism
3. slewing upper machinery
4. boom
5. arm
6. backacter
7. boom cylinders
8. arm cylinder
9. bucket cylinder
10. bucket moving rods
11. auxiliary attachment
12. outrigger

Wheel-mounted backacter slewing excavator

Hydraulic excavators
(slewing excavators)

1. bogie undercarriage
2. turn mechanism
3. slewing upper machinery
4. boom
5. arm
Track-mounted backacter slewing excavator
6. backacter
7. boom cylinders
8. arm cylinder
9. busket cylinder
10. Bucket moving rods
Hydraulic excavators
(slewing excavators)

1. bogie undercarriage
2. turn mechanism
3. slewing upper machinery
4. boom
5. arm
6. front shovel
7. boom cylinders
8. arm cylinder
9. shovel moving cylinders

Track-mounted front shovel slewing excavator

8 Hydraulic excavators
(slewing excavators)

4 1. frame (carriage)
7 9 2. slewing upper machinery (engine,
operator’s canopy, counter-weight)
10 6 3. hoe (showel or bucket)
4. arm
5. boom (monoblock or articulated)
3 6. hoe rods
Backacter, wheel-mounted 7. boom lifting cylinder
8. arm moving cylinder
9. hoe moving cylinder
10. outrigger (strut, jack)
11. auxiliary attachment (blade)

Front shovel, track-mounted Excavator (in action)


Clamshell bucket (for granular material)

Breakers, Jaws
(for concrete, reinforced concrete and steel)

Others: loader bucket; drill ; trunk-grip; cutter ;

trencher; fingered grips (for fibers or
bars); crusher; vibro-plate; etc.
Screening adapter (for recycled material)

Sheet-wall piling equipment Boring (auger) equipment

Fingered grip
Hydraulic excavator attachments Earthwork attachments

Backacter bucket


Others: loading attachment; surface vibrator; roller

compactor; bucket-lined or rotary terncher; profile
buckets; sheet-wall driver; etc.

Hydraulic excavator attachments Earthwork attachmenst

Special bucket-typed attachments

a. drainer; b. ripper; c. canal maintainer; d. ripper-cleaner; e. profile bucket;
f. extended cutter; g. ripper-profiler; h. ejector; i. tamper
Hydraulic excavator attachments Demolisher and Recycler attachments

Screen drum

Crusher (mill)


Bucket-wheel (cutter/jaw)
Hydraulic excavator attachments Grabs, grips and loaders

Grabbing and loading attachments

a. clamshell; b. boring; c. fingered; d. bale grip; e. barrel/pipe grip; f. logger
Estimating performance (output) of intermittent excavators

Technical output:
Theoretical technical output ( ) assuming ideal circumstances

(soft soil, less than 90º slewing angle, skilled operator, etc.)

3600 ⋅
Qt = m3 / h
• q = volume (capacity) of bucket [m3]
=t +t +t +t
• tc e sl1 d sl2 cyle-time (single period) [s]
• te = extraction (charging/excavating/loading) time [s]
• tsl1 = (lifting and) slewing time (from) [s]
• td = discharging (unloading) time [s]
• tsl2 = slewing (and lowering) time (to) [s]
Estimating performance (output) of intermittent excavators

Adjusted technical output:

Corrected (adjusted) technical output (Q ) considering construction of the
excavator and behaviour of the soil

Qa = Qt ⋅ m3 / h
• kf = bucket fill factor (0,6 – 0,89)
• kl = soil loosening factor (1,1 – 1,65)

Bucket fill factor is the ratio of volume of soil in the bucket and of technical volume
(capacity) of the bucket.
Soil loosening factor is the ratio of volume of excavated loose soil in the bucket
and that of compacted (natural) soil before extraction (excavation).
Estimating performance (output) of intermittent excavators

Effective (estimated) output:

Corrected adjusted output (Qe) considering expected (experienced)
time-efficiency of application (operation/site management)

Q = k t m3 / h
e Qa

• kt = time efficiency factor (0,45 – 0,83)

Time efficiency factor is the estimated ratio of effective (factual) and of „calendar” (scheduled)
operation time of the equipment on site. It depends on lot of factors and circumstances such as:
maintenance demand, skill of operator, idle (waiting) times, manoeuvre (relocating) times,
.. , , .
Backhoe excavators


1. wheel tractor
3. arm
4. slewing boom
5. boom cylinder
6. arm cylinder
7. bucket cylinder
8. slewing mechanism
9. suspension (base) plate
10. outrigger
11. front attachment (loader)
Backhoe excavators


(universal excavator)
base (frame): wheel or
track mounted
Ö attachment slewing
ability: ± 90
auxiliary attachment:
front bucket or blade

Backacter’s working range (trajectory)

Backhoe excavators

• Multifunctional front showel
• Draw beam (telescopic arm)
• Transversely slidable boom
A. with rigid frame
Bulldozers (dozers)
7 2
5 Adjustability of blade:
6 Ö Cutting depth
1 Ö Cutting angle (tilt, adjusted to soil type)
8. ball-joint 9
9. swivel cylinders 3 9 4
Bulldozers (dozers)

track shoes
idler tensioner guide (pilot) wheel

driving wheel
crawler belt runners
Bulldozers (dozers)

„Oval drive” (track)

„Delta drive” (track)

Advantages of delta drive:

• due to elevated engine and drive

risk of getting dust (mud) in is less Disadvantages of delta drive:
• longer operation (life) time • higher costs of manufacturing
• increased bulk clearance • more components, longer crawler belt
Bulldozers (dozers)

Up-to-date controls

Laser control

Bulldozer equipped with ripper attachment

Satellite control

5 4 6 2 1

8 3

1. single-axle tractor 3. bowl 5. ejector 7. bowl cylinder

2. articulation 4. apron 6. apron cylinder 8. ejector cylinder

Hauling excavated soil Discharging bowl, spreading soil

Phases of a cycle (turn)

Excavating (charging): apron up (open), bowl down (penetrating into the soil)

Hauling (and compacting): apron down (close), bowl up

Discharging (spreading and compacting): apron up (open), bowl up, ejector forward
4 9 8 5 1 . tractor
2. gooseneck
1 6 3. scraper bowl
4. steering cylinder
5. bowl cylinder
6. ejector
7. apron
8. apron cylinder
2 9. apron rods
10. rear engine
(rear wheel drive)
All-Wheel-Drive Scraper
(Charging and penetration provided by towing power of tractor)

1 4 2 13 14

11. cutting edge

12. discharge slide
13. elevator
14. hydro-engine
(of elevator)

12 3
5 11
Graders 1. tractor (engine)
2. articulated carriage
3. blade
4. tilting frame
5. main frame
6. swivel ring
7. ball-joint
8. lifting cylinder (jack)
9. tilting cylinder
10. swivel cylinder

(d) cutting depth

(δ) cutting angle
(β) slope angle
(α) heading angle
(s) sliding
Adjustability of the blade

d 5 7

β 4


Typical application: refinery earthworks, levelling, topsoil excavation, spreading

a. grader: H2 < h Effect of uneven surface (h) b. dozer: H1 > h

b dozer: H > h
on position of blade (H)

h H2

h H

Laser controlled (C) grader equipped with ripper (A) and front blade (B) attachment

Rollers Vibrators Tampers


Drive Surface vibrator

Diesel engine
Roller wheel
(e.g.: compacting
unit of a finisher)
Bareface steel drum Dropping weight
Steel runner
Cammed wheels

Directed excitation

Rubber wheel Cicrular excitation

Static weight
Poker vibrator
Compaction by
Towed rollers
Basic types:

a. rubber-wheel roller b. barefaced steel-drum c. tamping (spiked/cammed) roller

(for clay and adherent soil)


- Main application is soil compaction

- Towed individually or in groups

- Static load transferred to the soil can

be controlled by weights mounted

Towed group of static rollers

Self-propelled rollers

Typical configurations

a. bareface steel roller b. rubber-wheel roller

ϕ ϕ

σ σ wheel

Soil compression (stress) under roller wheels configuration

Vibratory compaction

Principle of vibratory compaction:

Grains of soil are effected by periodicall y alternating
inertial forces. These forces make grain particles
‘floating’, so ordering is progressed without friction.
At vibratory compaction low amplitude high frequency
excitation is used for loose soil or for deep layers.
High amplitude low frequency excitation is used for Effect of direction of rotation on the
cohesive soils in thin layers. Frequency of excitation quality of compacted surface
should be close to characteristic frequency of the soil.

Ways of excitation:
• circular excitation: simple construction,
single exciter unit, eccentric should always
rotate in direction of advancing
• directed excitation: double exciter unit,
generates both compressing and sharing forces
in the soil simultaneously
• oscillation: the two exciter masses generate
moment at the surface of the drum creating
compressing and sharing forces in the soil, so
grains are ordered horizontally. Vertical force
is provided by the weight of the drum Comparision of excitation methods
Vibratory roller drives

8 Roller Compactor: low working speed ( v = 5 … 20 km/h )

Mechanic drive: gear-down unit (cogwheel gear, chain drive)
Hydraulic drive: low r/min hydro-motor, high driving torque
9 1

2 Excentric axle: high r/min value is needed for excitation

and for efficient compaction ( n = 2400 … 4500 r/min )
7 4

6 11 5
5 3

1. vibrating roller
2. excentric axle
3. carriage (frame)
4. rubber spring 9
5. V-belt drive 2
6. chain drive
7. engine 7 1
8. gear-down unit
9. clutch 3
10. exciting motor
11. cogwheel gear
Double engine drive (both roller wheels are driven)
Vibratory roller 7 3 4
remote control

1. vibro roller
2. exciter unit
3. controlling unit
4. monitor
5. acceleration sensor
6. radio receiver-transmitter 5
(database + controlling- 1
monitoring system)
7. satellite
8. adjusting direction angle
6 8 2

Controlling parameters:
dynamic elastic modulus of
material to be compacted

(via measuring acceleration) F MAX F F 0

ve = ve ve =
Controlled parameters: ω ω ω
vertical excitation force (Fve)
frequency of vibration
working direction of the unit ω
ω ω
Circular excitation Directed excitation
( changing direction of rotation ) ( changing angle of direction )

1 1

2 2
4 5 6 6 7
4 5
8 8

Exciter unit drive

1. engine
2. V-belt drive
3. excitating mass 3
4. rubber spring
5. compactor plate
6. cogwheel 1 8
7. exciter unit
8. layshaft 5
6 7

Diesel engine Electric tamper Beater-piston Dropping weight

tamper rammer compactor

Tampers can be used for to compact nearly all types of soil. Thickness (depth) of layer can
be compacted effectively is about 40 cm. Compaction frequency is between 2 and 15 Hz.
Applicable (effective) compaction method to be used at different types of soil

Cummulative un dersize po rtion (%)

Grain size (mm)

1. Single-grain soil structures → vibratory compaction

2. Well distributed grain-size → low frequency vibratory compaction
3. Air and water removal → static cammed steel drum or rubber wheel comapctors
4. Sand and gravel → vibratory rollers
5. Clay and silt → cammed steel drum, sometimes rubber wheel compactors
Soil stabilization

Job: stabilizing (solidifying) loose soil structure

Methods: in-situ stabilization, pre-mixed stabilization

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Steps (in-situ):
– ripping the soil by rippers (1)
– crushing (breaking) soil by bucket-wheels (2)
– improving soil structure by adding missing soil-fragments, or
cement (3) and water (4), or lime, or asphalt, and spreading it
– mixing additives and on-site soil by bucket-wheels (5)
compacting solidified layer by surface vibrators (6) and

– roller compactors (7)

Soil stabilizing and resurfacing train
emulsion sprayer

old surface

spreader vibro-beam mixing unit bucket-wheel

Train units:

• resurfacing unit
• water or slurry tank
• asphalt emulsion tank
• vibratory steel- and
rubber-wheel rollers

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