Online Catering Home Delivery Service
Online Catering Home Delivery Service
Online Catering Home Delivery Service
1. Introduction
In today’s world, all family members are working members and office goers. They find less
time to buy groceries, vegetables and prepare food on daily business. Many of them rely on
restaurants, Tiffin providers, or office/college canteens. People from villages come to cities
for their further studies and they find difficult to cook food on daily basis in hostels. Also,
they need various choices on food and restaurant selection and find it difficult to search
every other restaurant, compare food prices/menu items and order. Online catering home
delivery service can bridge the gap for this. It can be single step solution where customers
can have choices from different restaurants and home cooks for their daily meals. They can
order and get their meals deliver to their offices & homes.
This portal will provide customers flexibility in choosing from various restaurants. They can
compare prices, menu items, reviews of restaurants and their food. They can pay online and
order such that the meals can be delivered to their door-step. For restaurant owners and
home cooks, this will give an added advantage where large base of customers can view their
offerings. As an added benefit, they can choose this service provider’s delivery facility so
that delivery person picks meal from restaurant/home cooks and deliver to customers.
Customers can also view and review the restaurants and their offering for their decision on
selecting restaurants.
1. Computers, Advanced Software & Technologies and Network Infrastructure
2. Vehicles for delivery services
3. Office Furniture
5. Manpower
1. Delivery support – 4
2. Marketing Support – 2
Project Building
For building of this project, entrepreneur needs to build a portal by associating with
technology partner. S/he also needs to do marketing for this portal to attract large number
of traffic on portal. This can be useful to attract more restaurant owners to do strategic
partnership with service provider and give more advertising. Vehicles need to be bought
with box fitted for carrying meals.
6. Implementation Schedule
Portal and App building generally takes around 6-7 weeks. Other than this, there will be
nothing which will consume more time. Partnering with restaurants can be done parallel to
building portal. Purchasing Vehicles and fitting of box will not take more than 2 weeks. Bank
finance can be availed in 5-7 weeks.
7. Fixed Capital Investment
8. Working Capital
9. Cost of Project
Assumption for Turnover: Sales per Month for Commission Fee is calculated based on
250 deliveries/meals per day considering breakfast, lunch and dinner. On an average price
per delivery/meal is assumed at Rs 200. So calculation comes to [250 deliveries/day x 30
days x 200 Rs/delivery x 12 months] Rs 180, 00,000 per annum.
Some of deliveries will be done by this business and rest of deliveries by respective
restaurant owners. So there will some more revenue from delivery charge by this business
which is mentioned in 5th row of above table.
Profitability Projection