Report Submitted by Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee
Report Submitted by Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee
Report Submitted by Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee
1. To solicit the comments/views from public on suggestions pertaining to the third report
submitted by Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee.
2. SEBI had constituted a standing committee ‘Alternative Investment Policy Advisory
Committee' (AIPAC) under chairmanship of Shri. N. R. Narayana Murthy in March 2015.
AIPAC has submitted its third report to SEBI with various recommendations stated therein.
Public Comments:
3. In order to take into consideration the views of various stakeholders, public comments are
solicited on the said report as placed at Annexure. Comments may be emailed on or before
February 19, 2018, to or sent by post, to:-
Deputy General Manager
Division of Funds – I
Investment Management Department
Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI Bhavan
Plot No. C4-A, "G" Block,
Bandra Kurla Complex,
Bandra (East), Mumbai - 400 051
Third Report
Page No.
Preface 4
Chapter I Introduction 8
Chapter III Promote India-Domiciled AIFs: Goods & Services Tax Reforms 24
Part B: The Regulatory Frame Work
Chapter VII An Alternative View of Taxation & Promoting Onshore Fund Management 92
in India
I am glad to note that the Government has implemented reform measures favourably affecting a large part of
the Indian economy. It is widely accepted that the environment for business in India is improving. Various
indicators show steady progress. Data from the Securities & Exchange Board of India(SEBI) shows that the
number of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) has been rising each year, as have been the amounts invested
by the AIFs. In addition, aggregate private equity and venture capital flows are touching record levels in India.
Reforms are a continuous process as the huge capital needs of India are a compelling force. I am happy that
the Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee (AIPAC) has continued its work and addressed a wide
range of reforms which are much needed.
The taxation of SEBI-registered Category III Alternative Investment Funds has been analysed. In recent years,
the Government has done much to reform and institute pass-through taxation of Categories I and II AIFs. The
Committee will highly appreciate if the taxation of AIFs in Category III can now be addressed given that the
present trust-based taxation approach is complex and ambiguous.
The Government took positive steps to introduce a new GST regime this year. In addition, the Government
has shown prudence and flexibility by introducing changes in the GST regime commensurate with the needs
of businesses. The GST regime also impacts the establishment of domestic AIFs in India, particularly those with
overseas investors. Accordingly, the Committee has analysed the impact of GST on AIFs and has made a
number of helpful reform suggestions aimed at attracting overseas investors.
Some of the previous recommendations have been the subject of discussion among Committee members and
market participants at large. Taking this feedback into account, this report includes recommendations relating
to the allocation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) funds, created pursuant to the obligations under the
Companies Act, 2013, to SEBI-regulated AIF Category I Social Venture Funds.
There has been a constant call to attract offshore fund managers (who invest in India, but operate from an
offshore location), by encouraging them to shift their fund management and administration to India. In this
context the Committee has made suggestions for a suitable tax and regulatory framework for the domiciliation
of AIFs in International Financial Services Centers in India.
AIPAC members are open to further feedback and additional suggestions will be welcome.
I must thank the leadership and staff of SEBI which has played such a vital and helpful role in the work of
I sincerely thank all the AIPAC members and market participants who have made their invaluable contribution
and burnt the midnight oil to prepare this in-depth report.
Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee: List of Members
Sr. No. Name Organization &Designation
1. Mr. N.R. Narayana Murthy Founder, Infosys Ltd.
2. Mr. Sudarshan Sen ED, Reserve Bank of India
3. Shri. Rajesh Kumar Kedia Director, CBDT, Ministry of Finance
4. Shri. Nikhil Varma Deputy Secretary, DEA, Ministry of Finance
Deputy Managing Director, Small Industries
5. Shri Ajay Kumar Kapur
Development Bank of India
6. Mr. Sanjay Nayar Member & CEO, KKR India Advisors Pvt. Ltd.
7. Dr. Saurabh Srivastava Founder, Indian Angel Network
8. Mr. Devinjit Singh Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, India
9. Mr. Manish Chokhani Senior Advisor, TPG Growth
10. Mr. Gautam Mehra Partner, PwC India and Leader, Tax & Regulatory
11. Mr. Akshay Mansukhani Partner, Malabar Investments
12. Mr. Mani Iyer Director, Incube Ventures Pvt. Ltd.
13. Mr. Abid Hassan Product Manager, Qplum
Managing Director & CEO, Ascent Capital
14. Mr. K.E.C Rajakumar
Founder Chairman & MD, IDG Ventures
15. Mr. Sudhir Sethi
Chairman, IVCA,
16. Mr. Gopal Srinivasan
Chairman and MD, TVS Capital Funds Limited
17. Mr. Manish Kejriwal Managing Partner, Kedaara Capital Advisors LLP
18. Mr. Arvind Mathur Chairman, Private Equity Pro Partners
Mr. Rajat Tandon President, Indian Private Equity & Venture
Capital Association (IVCA)
Mr. Krishnamurthy Associate Professor of Finance, ISB
21. Mr. Krishnan Subramaniam Partner, Ernst & Young
Managing Partner, Karma Capital
22. Ms. Nandita Agarwal Parker
Management LLC
23. Shri. Andrew Holland CEO, Avendus Capital Alternate Strategies
24. Shri. S.V. Murali Dhar Rao Executive Director, SEBI
25. Smt. Barnali Mukherjee Chief General Manager, SEBI
i. To advise SEBI on issues related to the further development of the alternative investment and start-up
ecosystem in India.
ii. To advise SEBI on any hurdles that might hinder the development of the alternative investment industry under
its purview.
iii. To advise SEBI on any issues which need to be taken up with other regulators for development of the alternative
investment industry.
iv. Any other item relevant to alternative investment industry and development of the start-up ecosystem in India.
This report of the Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee (AIPAC) has been made
possible with the support and contributions of many individuals.
The Committee would like to gratefully acknowledge the valuable support of SEBI and the
contribution of its professionals G. Mahalingam, S.V. Murali Dhar Rao, Ananta Barua, Naveen
Sharma, Dharmendra Jain and several other SEBI staff who helped convene the meetings of
The Committee also acknowledges the efforts, with thanks, the contribution of Gopal Srinivasan,
Gautam Mehra, Subramaniam Krishnan, Nishith Desai, Tushar Sachade, Nehal Sampat, Tanuruh
Gupta, S. Krishnakumar, Rahul Chakraborthy, Pratik Ajmera, Vijay Morarka, Kumar Shah, Rahul
Rishi, Siddharth Shah, Vivaik Sharma, Tejash Gangar, Bhakti B. Vaidya, Akshay Mansukhani, Rajat
Tandon, Yogesh Arora and Rohit Nag.
Sincere thanks are due to IVCA and its members as well as the contribution of the members of
The Impact Investors Council.
Finally, we thank Arvind Mathur for editing, producing and integrating the contents of all
AIPAC reports in a common thread consistent with the terms of reference of AIPAC.
Chapter I
Introduction to the Alternative Investment Funds Industry
Introduction to the Alternative Investment Funds Industry
A. Introduction
1. Indian entrepreneurs need private equity and debt products to meet the capital needs of
their growth, restructuring, turn around or start-up plans. The main providers of this form of
capital are private equity and venture capital funds which are channeled through Alternative
Investment Funds (AIFs). Given that such capital is in short supply in India, a favourable policy
and regulatory environment is essential. AIFs are regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI). Other government agencies which play an important role are the
Ministry of Finance and sector regulators in the pension and insurance areas as well as the
Reserve Bank of India.
2. This is the third report of the Alternative Investment Policy Advisory Committee. It covers a
wide set of reforms needed in areas like Good & Service Tax (GST) and Category III AIFs. Some
of the previous recommendations have been further elucidated in this report.
3. This chapter introduces the backdrop and current environment in which the AIF sector is
functioning in India. Relevant data, which will help understand the trends influencing private
equity and venture capital in India, are also presented.
4. Table 1 shows that the number of all categories of AIFs increased by nearly 50% during the
last 15 month period ended 30th September, 2017, reaching 374 funds. Category III AIFs have
nearly doubled in number, reaching 67 funds. Category II AIFs have grown by 42% during the
same period and stand at 199. Category I AIFs stood at 108, having risen by 21 per cent. This
growth indicates the greater potential of AIFs in meeting India’s capital and investment
Table 1: Number of Alternative Investment Funds Registered with SEBI
30 th September, 2017 30th June, 2016
Category I
Infrastructure Fund 14 10
Social Venture Fund 12 7
Venture Capital Fund 74 54
SME Fund 8 8
Total of Category I 108 79
Category II 199 140
Category III 67
Grand Total 374 253
5. Table 2 shows that the growth in funds raised over the 12-month period ended 30th
September, 2017 has averaged 112 per cent across the three AIF categories. Funds raised by
Category II and III AIFs have recorded annual growth rates of 112 per cent and 146 percent,
Table 2: Growth in Capital Raised by Domestic AIFs Registered with SEBI: 2017 versus 2016 (Rupees in crores)
6. Table 3 shows the cumulative data for all categories of AIF’s as of 30th September, 2017. It shows
that the total amount of capital raised cumulatively by domestic AIFs is Indian Rupees 116,085
crores i.e. approximately US $ 18 billion. This is a small but growing fraction (an estimated 15
percent) of the total private equity and venture capital invested in India when compared to the
international private equity and venture capital invested in India. This has a significant policy
implication in that policy measures need to be taken to grow the supply of domestic capital in
AIFs to at least 50% of the total annual private equity & venture capital flows in the country i.e.
at least trebling from current levels. Some of the policy measures recommended in this and
previous AIPAC reports are steps in the direction of greater mobilization of domestic capital for
investment through domestic AIFs.
Table 3: Alternative Investment Funds: Cumulative net Data
as at the end of 30th September 2017
C. Private Equity & Venture Capital Investments in India from All Sources
7. The charts below show that private equity and venture capital is experiencing an upward
momentum in 2017.Compared to $ 13.95 billion invested during 2016, it has reached $
17.57 billion in the first ten months of 2017. Given the traction, it is expected that private
equity and venture capital will be an estimated $Ě 20 billion and may touch the record annual
inflow of $ 21. 80 billion experienced in 2015.
India: Deal Type Split in 2017 YTD
Investments Overview
2,000 25.00
0 0.00
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
D. Global Limited Partner Survey, 2017 of the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association ( EMPEA)
Indicates Attractiveness of India
8. Global investors who invest in private equity and venture capital, referred to as limited partners, have
indicated their preference for investing in India. 106 limited partners were surveyed by EMPEA in 2017.
9. Amongst 34 countries, India was ranked number one in 2017. In previous years India’s rankings were:
2nd in 2016, 4th in 2015, 8th in 2014 and 9th in 2013.
Year Rank
2017 1st
2016 2nd
2015 4th
2014 8th
2013 9th
The Attractiveness of Emerging Markets for GP Investment Over the Next 12 Months – LP Views
(Source: EMPEA)
Rank 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
E. World Bank Survey on Doing Business
10. The momentum of capital flows is also reflected in India's 30 rung jump in terms of
ease of doing business in India. While the advance is more than incremental, its
significance lies in the fact that if the Government continues its reform process, its
ease of doing business rank could rise further. Ultimately, this would make the
investment environment attractive for both domestic and international institutions,
entrepreneurs and corporations. Eventually this may lead to greater job creation and
improve the standards of the conduct of business in India.
11. The World Bank report titled 'Doing Business 2018' mentioned a number of
progressive regulatory reforms in India including the following:
The positive economic trends affecting the investment climate in India, can pave the way for
greater domestic and international flows of venture capital, private equity and alternative
investments. AIPAC has made a number of recommendations in its previous reports as well as
in this third AIPAC report to create a favourable environment for these capital flows.
Ultimately such flows will lead to greater development and job creation in India.
Chapter - II
Executive Summary
Chapter II
Executive Summary
A. Introduction
1. This report makes recommendations to help grow the supply of risk capital in India in
the form of private equity and venture capital through Alternative Investment Funds
(AIFs). AIFs are a common pool of funds – managed by a fund manager- in which
institutional and high net-worth individuals invest, typically on a long-term basis.
(i) Reforms in the Government of India’s Goods & Service Tax regime insofar
as it impacts the growth of the AIF asset class in India;
(ii) Promoting Alternative Investment Funds in India through International
Financial Services Centers;
(iii) Taxation of Alternative Investment Funds, including the taxation of AIFs
which are registered as Category III AIFs with the Securities and Exchange
Board of India (SEBI); and
(iv) Some of the recommendations made in previous AIPAC reports particularly
the application of CSR funds for impact investing, which delivers social
benefits, through SEBI - registered Category I AIFs.
B. Recommendations relating to the Goods & Services Tax Regime Relating to Alternative
Investment Funds
2. An AIF can include both domestic and foreign investors. The current GST framework
encourages AIFs, which include foreign investors, to be domiciled offshore and not in
India due to GST disincentives. The GST paid on fund management fees and other
input services become an incremental cost to be borne by AIF investors. In the
context of foreign investors, this, in effect, violates the taxing principle of destination-
based consumption tax because the services rendered by a service provider to AIFs
are ultimately for the benefit of the underlying investors. Hence, the services
rendered to a domestic AIF, to the extent it has foreign investors, are effectively
consumed outside India.
(ii) Recommendation: Alternatively, investors in an AIF should be deemed to be the
service recipients and where the foreign investment in an AIF exceeds 50%, the
services received by an AIF should be considered as export of services and thereby
be liable for zero rate of GST.
(iii) Recommendation: Liability under section 89(1) of the Central Goods and Service
Tax Act should not be extended to nominee or non-executive directors, especially
where the appointment or nomination is made by AIFs.
(i) Added inflow of investment capital which is much needed for India’s economic
growth, development and employment generation;
(ii) Reduction of the loss of invisible earnings to other financial centers elsewhere
in the globe because AIFs with foreign investors find it optimal to locate
(iii) Bring fund management operations closer to portfolio companies for ease of
conducting due diligence and portfolio monitoring;
(iv) Leverage India’s deep talent pool in professions like fund management,
valuation, accountancy and law;
(v) Provide India-based, overseas investors with a platform for international
investment operations from India; and
(vi) Enhance the development of Indian capital markets.
4. The current regulatory regime for the establishment of AIFs in an IFSC is restrictive
and offers investment in limited products and sectors. The recommendations to
create a favourable framework, for AIFs in an IFSC are divided into two parts i.e. tax
reforms and regulatory reforms.
5. The requisite tax reforms to encourage the establishment of AIFs with foreign limited
partners, namely, investors, in an IFSC are:
(i) Recommendation: Exemption from tax for any income earned by an offshore
investor, from offshore investments made outside India through an AIF in an IFSC;
(ii) Recommendation: Relaxation from filing return of income and obtaining a PAN
number for offshore investors in an AIF in an IFSC, in respect of any income
distributed by an AIF in an IFSC after deduction of tax at source; and
(iii) Recommendation: It should be recognized in the Income Tax Act,1961 that an
Eligible Investment Fund, which is domiciled in an IFSC in India, does not constitute
a business connection in India.
6. The non-tax regulatory reforms needed in SEBI guidelines or regulations and RBI
regulations to encourage AIFs with foreign limited partners to be domiciled in an IFSC
are as follows:
(ii) Recommendation: Since AIFs domiciled in an IFSC will source funds from
offshore investors, the current limits on overseas investments of SEBI-regulated
domestic AIFs, which source funds from domestic investors, should not apply to
IFSC-domiciled AIFs;
7. Substantial changes have been implemented in the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) since
the year 2015 which have addressed several tax issues faced by AIFs. However, from a
tax perspective, the following sets of critical reforms are needed:
Summary of Recommendations for AIFs, including the Taxation of Category III AIFs
(v) Category III AIFs shall not be subject to any tax on income or gains arising from
their investment in underlying securities; and
(vi) Any transfer of units pursuant to the consolidation of schemes of Category III
AIFs should not be regarded as a transfer.
E. Recommendations applicable to all AIFs
9. The current tax regime for AIFs does not address the following:
a. Significant costs incurred by an AIF are not factored in determining investors’ tax
liability; and
b. Net losses incurred by AIFs are not available as a deduction to investors and may
lapse, if not set-off by an AIF
Allow the management fee incurred, from the date of the investment to the date
of its divestment, to be capitalised as “cost of improvement”. The management
fee incurred to be calculated based on the management fee contractually payable
to the AIF’s investment manager at the annual rate applied to the actual cost of
the investment.
A pass-through tax regime should not distinguish between gains and losses.
Therefore, similar to the pass-through for net income, net losses incurred by
unlisted AIFs, under any head of income, should also be allowed to be passed on
to the investors.
12. The SEBI (AIF) Regulations 2012 allow the listing of the units of closed-ended AIFs on
a stock exchange. All AIFs, except an open ended-Category III AIF, can be listed on a
stock exchange. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has laid down the process and
documentation required for the purpose of listing of AIFs.
13. Investors in AIFs have the intention of making long-term investments. The listing and
trading of units of an AIF, enables exits by pre-listing investors and also provides a
liquidity window to investors which invest post-listing. Given these exit and liquidity
advantage of listed AIFs, they can be a significant catalyst for greater participation of
investors in AIFs as an investment instrument.
14. While the present AIF Regulations, and the guidelines issued by BSE, enable listing of
AIFs, subject to conditions, and given the liquidity advantages of listing, the current
taxation policy for AIFs (i.e. pass-through taxation) is not conducive for listed AIFs.
15. It is recommended that a new taxation code be defined for listed AIFs as follows:
(i) Exemption to listed AIFs for all streams of income earned by listed AIFs on its
investments in Indian portfolio entities;
(ii) Taxation of income (namely dividend and interest) on distributions by listed
AIFs to investors in the hands of AIF investors
Dividend - Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor;
Interest – Resident investor at their respective tax rates, non-resident
investors at 5%.
(iii) Taxation of gains realized by investors of listed AIF’s: The taxation of gains
should be determined based on the difference between the cost of acquisition
of the units and actual sale consideration/ redemption price in a sale/ transfer
or redemption event, respectively. Taxation of gains should be determined on
the following basis:
(a) Equity-oriented fund (an AIF in which at least 65% of the investible funds are
invested in equity shares of domestic companies):
Short-term capital gains - at 15% with the sale/ redemption being liable to
Securities Transaction Tax (STT), and
Long-term capital gains – Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor
with the sale/ redemption being liable to STT.
(a) CSR and Public Trusts: Enable investments in SEBI Regulated Category I AIFs.
It is recommended that s.135 of the Companies Act 2013 and the related Schedule VII,
be amended to enable investment by companies of Corporate Social Responsibility
funds in SEBI-registered Category I Social Venture Funds, ‘social business projects’ and
‘social enterprises’.
In the first AIPAC report, it was recommended that charitable and religious trusts be
permitted to invest in AIFs. To enable this recommendation to be given effect, there is
a need to expand the scope of eligible investments by public trusts. It is recommended
that section 11(5) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 be amended to enable investments by
such trusts in social businesses or social enterprises and not-for-profit companies,
including SEBI-registered Category I Social Venture Funds.
Category III Funds-of-Funds (FOF) should be allowed to invest in Category III AIFs. There
should be an option for permissible leverage to be either at the FOF level, or at the level
of the underlying individual portfolio of funds.
Chapter - III
GST Regime for SEBI-Registered Alternative Investment Funds
Chapter III
A. Introduction
1. The Government of India has implemented a Goods & Services Tax (GST) regime. The
Government has been flexible and responsive to the needs of businesses. Accordingly,
it has made a series of amendments in the GST regime since its inception. This chapter
outlines some of the additional GST reforms in order to:
(i) Align GST with the character of AIFs in which international i.e. non-resident,
investors have invested in foreign currency and pay their proportionate share of
fund management and operating expenses in foreign currency; and
(ii) Exempt nominee or non-executive directors from liability as is the case under other
laws particularly, the Companies Act, 2013.
GST on Fund Management and other Services Received by Alternative Investment Funds
2. As discussed in an earlier report of AIPAC, the levy of GST on fund management and
other services received by AIFs, may adversely impact the choice of domiciliation of AIFs
as a pooling vehicle to raise foreign capital. The hurdles faced by the AIF asset class are
summarised below:
(i) The taxing principle under the erstwhile service tax legislation continues under the
new GST regime, i.e. GST is a destination-based consumption tax. Accordingly, GST
is not levied on services consumed outside India which are regarded as export of
(iii) Under the GST regime, as in the previous service tax regime, there is no concept
of ‘pass through’, and the services provided by fund managers and other service
providers to AIFs are liable to GST. Since AIFs are only a pooling vehicle and do not
provide any service, there is no output GST liability on AIFs. Hence, AIFs are not
able to obtain any benefit of input credits. Consequently, the GST paid on fund
management fees and other input services, becomes an incremental cost to be
borne by investors.
(iv) In the context of foreign investors, this, in effect, violates the taxing principle of
destination-based consumption tax, because the services rendered by a service
provider to AIFs are ultimately for the benefit of its underlying investors who
include foreign investors as well. The services rendered to an AIF are effectively
consumed outside India to the extent that there are foreign investors in a domestic
(v) On the other hand, if a foreign investor makes a direct investment in a start-up or
a growth portfolio company, he is not subject to service tax or GST liability. GST is
also not applicable on fees and expenses for services provided by an overseas fund
manager to an offshore pooling vehicle for investment in India, but which is
domiciled outside India.
(vi) Accordingly, the current GST framework encourages AIFs to be domiciled offshore,
instead of onshore in India. Consider a simple example of a an India- domiciled AIF
where all its investors are foreign investors. The AIF receives services which would
generally be liable to GST at the rate of 18%. The India- domiciled AIF would not
be eligible to claim a refund of such input GST. On the other hand, in a similar
situation, if the pooling vehicle for investing in India, would be formed and
domiciled offshore, then the services provided to such an offshore pooling vehicle
would be regarded as export of services and would not be subject to GST.
Accordingly, the service provider would be eligible to claim a refund of GST paid
on any input services.
(vii) The Government has progressively liberalized the foreign exchange regime by
permitting foreign investments in domestic AIFs to encourage the conduct of asset
management within India. Similarly, it has introduced safe harbour provisions in
the income-tax law, recognizing the role of asset managers abroad and to facilitate
their relocation to India. The Government is also making significant efforts to
rationalise the safe harbor provisions, making it convenient for the fund managers
to re-locate to India, especially in the case of India-focused funds. The levy of GST
on domestic AIFs in which foreign investors have invested may, on the contrary,
discourage such initiatives. The Government has been increasingly giving impetus
to provide more clarity and certainty to the investor community and is trying to
maintain consistency in the implementation of tax and regulatory laws. Exemption
from GST to domestically-domiciled AIFs which have foreign investors, would
provide much needed tax clarity to investors
in AIFs, bringing certainty on tax outcomes and ensure greater consistency in
extending export-related incentives.
3. There are six principal benefits of domestic formation and domiciliation of AIFs in
India with foreign investors i.e. limited partners:
(i) When an offshore investor invests through an overseas fund domiciled outside
India, the investment remains contingent till it is actually invested in the country.
On the other hand, in a India-domiciled AIF structure, once an offshore investor
commits the investment to a domestic AIF, the foreign pool of capital is effectively
‘earmarked’ and ‘locked’ for investment in India for the entire life of the AIF;
(ii) The investment commitments, typically being long term in nature, spur
investments and economic activity in the country, leading to the growth of
portfolio companies and meet the investment needs of the Indian economy;
(iii) The resultant growth of portfolio companies is also consistent with the larger
‘Make in India’ initiative of the Government;
(v) Companies with private equity investments are also more diligent in ensuring
good corporate governance leading to greater investor confidence; and
(vi) Internationally, countries like Singapore are recognized as well developed asset
management hubs. India competes with such countries for domiciling funds and
fund managers, especially India-focused funds and fund managers. On indirect
taxes, Singapore provides benefits in the form of GST rebate to asset managers
and thus, mitigates the effective tax cost. GST exemption to India-domiciled AIFs
could encourage fund managers to re-locate to India.
Recommendation: Measures are needed to address the problem of the levy of GST
on fund management fees and other fund operating and administration services fees
as the effective added cost deters foreign investors from investing in India-domiciled
onshore funds through the AIF platform and instead encourages them to remain
4. Typically, in an AIF structure, investors, or Limited Partners (LPs), act akin to ‘sleeping’
or ‘dormant’ partners in a partnership. The General Partner (GP- the investment or
fund manager) acts like a ‘working partner’. The gains earned by the partnership are
usually divided between LPs and GPs. The distributions to GPs could also be viewed as
a return on the investment committed by the GP to the Fund.
5. In the case of a partnership firm or LLP, the levy of GST is not attracted on distributions
of profits by such partnership firm, or LLP, to its partners.
6. Globally, from an income-tax perspective, profits distributed in the hands of GPs are
generally taxable in their hands as capital gains, being a return on investment earned
by the fund, as shared between LPs and the fund’s GP.
Recommendation: The issue of levy of GST on such profit sharing between Limited
Partners and General Partners may lead to uncertainty. It should be clarified that
GST is not applicable on distribution of share in income or profits to General
Partners or their employees.
7. Under various Indian laws, directors of companies have the obligation and liability to
ensure that the companies are compliant with the obligations under various laws. The
Government has recognised and exempted a certain category of directors i.e.
nominee or non-executive directors who are not involved in the day-to-day
functioning of companies, from these obligations and related liabilities. These carve-
outs are most relevant for alternative investment funds. This is because in order to
protect the interest of their investors, AIFs frequently appoint their nominees as non-
executive directors on the Board of portfolio companies.
8. Section 89(1) of the CGST Act casts joint and several liability on all directors of a private
limited company which defaults in the payment of tax, interest or penalty. Such
liability is, however, not triggered if the director proves that the non-recovery of taxes,
interest or penalty cannot be attributed to any gross neglect, misfeasance or breach
of duty on his part.
10. The Companies Act, 2013 is a good example of a carve-out from liability for non-
executive directors. It is pertinent to note that the definition of ‘officer in default’ as
per section 2(60) of the Companies Act, 2013, viz persons who shall be liable for
penalty or imprisonment in the case of any contravention by the company, does not
include non-executive directors, unless such non-executive director is aware of such
contravention by virtue of receiving any proceedings of the Board, or participation in
such proceedings without objecting to them, or where such contravention had taken
place with his consent or connivance.
11. Additionally, section 149(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 states that the non-
executive director shall be liable under the Companies Act, 2013, only in respect of
acts of omission or commission by a company which has occurred with his knowledge,
attributable through Board processes, and with his consent or connivance, or where
such non-executive director has not acted diligently.
Recommendation: GST Relating to Alternative Investing Funds
I. GST on fund management and other services availed by Alternative Investment Funds
i. Considering the importance of the VCPE industry, services availed by an AIF should be
chargeable to GST at a rate of 5%, where the majority of the investors of the AIF are foreign
ii. Alternatively, the investors in an AIF could be considered as service recipients and where the
foreign investment in an AIF exceeds 50%, the services availed by an AIF should be considered
as export of services and thereby be liable for zero rate of tax.
iii. Distribution of share of profit or income to the GP or its employees should not be subjected to
the levy of GST.
iv. Liability under section 89(1) of the CGST Act should not be extended to the nominee/non executive
directors, especially where appointment is made by AIFs.
Proposed Amendments:
I. GST on fund management and other services availed by Alternative Investment Funds
A draft of the notifications to be issued under the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (‘IGST Act’) and
Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (‘CGST Act’)/ amendment to be made to the IGST Act to give effect to
the above are set out as Annexure 1.
v. A draft of the amendment to be made to CGST Act to give effect to the above is set out as Annexure 2.
“Notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, 2013, where any tax, interest or penalty due from a
private company in respect of any supply of goods or services or both for any period cannot be recovered, then,
every person who was a director, other than a nominee/non-executive director appointed by an Alternative
Investment Fund, of the private company during such period shall, jointly and severally, be liable for the payment
of such tax, interest or penalty unless he proves that the23
non-recovery cannot be attributed to any gross neglect,
misfeasance or breach of duty on his part in relation to the affairs of the company.”
Annexure 1
BILL NO of 2017
The Integrated Goods and Service Tax Act Amendment Bill, 2017
Amendment of Section 16
(i) After sub-section 1(b) of Section 16, the following shall be added:
Provided that the foreign investments in the Alternative Investment Funds shall be in
accordance with the conditions prescribed in this regard.
(iii) After sub-section 3 of Section 16, the following explanation shall be added:
a. Alternative Investment Fund shall have the meaning assigned to it under Regulation
2(1)(b) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds)
Regulations, 2012
c. Taxable supplies provided by the Associate (in the capacity of a Manager) to the
Alternative Investment Fund shall also be covered under sub section 1(c) of Section 16.
Procedure to be prescribed by way of Notification
(This Notification would have to be issued to give effect to sub section 1(c) of Section 16)
Conditions to be prescribed:
1. Alternative Investment Funds wherein the total foreign investments is more than 50%
shall be eligible.
2. The split of domestic investments and foreign investments in the Alternative Investment
Fund shall be monitored on a yearly basis, being financial year. Where, at the end of the
financial year, the share of foreign investment is less than 50% of the total investment in
the Alternative Investment Fund, the benefit of ‘zero-rating’ shall not be available for the
financial year.
3. For new Alternative Investment Funds, which have not been in existence during the
entire duration of the previous financial year, the monitoring shall be based on the
foreign investment in the AIF as on the date of first closing.
4. The Alternative Investment Fund shall intimate the jurisdiction officer about its status at
the time of first closing and at the beginning of each financial year, providing such
details/ procedure to be followed as prescribed under the Annexure. If the Alternative
Investment Fund is not registered, the responsibility of filing the declaration shall be with
the Manager of the Alternative Investment Fund.
5. The Alternative Investment Fund should provide a copy of the intimation filed as per Sl
No. 1 of the Annexure to all its suppliers from whom it seeks to receive supplies at zero
The Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to fulfill the following procedure:
(1) A statement evidencing split of investments between domestic and foreign investors in
the Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to be filed with the jurisdictional
(2) The statement shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the relevant financial year.
(Department of Revenue)
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Central Goods
and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of the
Council, hereby notifies the rate of the central tax of:
(i) 2.5% in respect of goods supplied to Alternative Investment Fund on intra-State supplies of
goods, the description of which is specified in Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue) Notification 1/2017 Central Tax (Rate), dt. 28-06-2017 and in satisfaction
of conditions specified in Annexure.
(a) Alternative Investment Fund shall have the meaning assigned to it under Regulation 2(1)(b)
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations,
(b) Foreign investment shall mean investment by non-resident entity/person resident outside
India in accordance with Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a
Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000.
(c) Taxable supplies provided by the Associate (in the capacity of a Manager) to the Alternative
Investment Fund shall also be covered under for the purpose of this Notification.
(d) Alternative Investment Funds wherein the total foreign investments is more than 50% shall
be eligible.
The split of domestic investments and foreign investments in the Alternative Investment
Fund shall be monitored on a yearly basis, being financial year. Where, at the end of the
financial year, the share of foreign investment is less than 50% of the total investment in the
Alternative Investment Fund, the rate 2.5% shall not be available for the financial year.
For new Alternative Investment Funds, which have not been in existence during the entire
duration of the previous financial year, the monitoring shall be based on the foreign
investment in the AIF as on the date of first closing.
(e) The Alternative Investment Fund shall intimate the jurisdiction officer about its status at the
time of first closing and at the beginning of each financial year, providing such details/
procedure to be followed as prescribed under the Annexure. If the Alternative Investment
Fund is not registered, the responsibility of filing the declaration shall be with the Manager
of the Alternative Investment Fund.
(f) The Alternative Investment Fund should provide a copy of the intimation filed as per Sl No.
1 of the Annexure to all its suppliers from whom it seeks to receive supplies at 2.5%.
2. This notification shall come into force with effect from the day of , 2017.
[F.No. / /2017-TRU]
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to fulfill the following procedure:
(1) A statement evidencing split of investments between domestic and foreign investors in
the Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to be filed with the jurisdictional
(2) The statement shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the relevant financial year.
(Department of Revenue)
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Integrated Goods and
Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council,
hereby notifies the rate of the central tax of:
(i) 5% in respect of goods supplied to Alternative Investment Fund on inter-State supplies of goods, the
description of which is specified in Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance (Department of
Revenue) Notification 1/2017 - Integrated Tax (Rate), dt. 28-06-2017 and in satisfaction of conditions
specified in Annexure.
(a) Alternative Investment Fund shall have the meaning assigned to it under Regulation 2(1)(b) of the
Securities and Exchange Board of India(Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012.
(b) Foreign investment shall mean investment by non-resident entity/person resident outside India in
accordance with Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident
Outside India) Regulations, 2000.
(c) Taxable supplies provided by the Associate (in the capacity of a Manager) to the Alternative
Investment Fund shall also be covered under for the purpose of this Notification.
(d) Alternative Investment Funds wherein the total foreign investments is more than 50% shall be
The split of domestic investments and foreign investments in the Alternative Investment Fund shall
be monitored on a yearly basis, being financial year. Where, at the end of the financial year, the
share of foreign investment is less than 50% of the total investment in the Alternative Investment
Fund, the rate 5% shall not be available for the financial year.
For new Alternative Investment Funds, which have not been in existence during the entire duration
of the previous financial year, the monitoring shall be based on the foreign investment in the AIF as
on the date of first closing.
34 32
(e) The Alternative Investment Fund shall intimate the jurisdiction officer about its status at
the time of first closing and at the beginning of each financial year, providing such
details/ procedure to be followed as prescribed under the Annexure. If the Alternative
Investment Fund is not registered, the responsibility of filing the declaration shall be with
the Manager of the Alternative Investment Fund.
(f) The Alternative Investment Fund should provide a copy of the intimation filed as per Sl
No. 1 of the Annexure to all its suppliers from whom it seeks to receive supplies at 5%.
2. This notification shall come into force with effect from the day of , 2017.
[F.No. / /2017-TRU]
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to fulfill the following procedure:
(1) A statement evidencing split of investments between domestic and foreign investors in
the Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to be filed with the jurisdictional
(2) The statement shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the relevant financial year.
(Department of Revenue)
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9 of the Central Goods and
Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council,
hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.11/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28th June, 2017
published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R.
673(E) dated the 28th June, 2017, namely:-
(i) In Sr. no (15), Chapter 9971, after entry (v) in Column (3), the following entry shall be inserted,
namely: -
investment is less than
50% of the total
investment in the
Alternative Investment
Fund, the rate specified
in column (4) shall not be
available for the financial
(iii) In para 4, after Sl No (viii), the following explanation shall be inserted
(ix) Alternative Investment Fund shall have the meaning assigned to it under Regulation 2(1)(b)
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations,
(x) Foreign investment shall mean investment by non-resident entity/person resident outside
India in accordance with Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a
Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000.
(xi) Taxable supplies provided by the Associate (in the capacity of a Manager) to the Alternative
Investment Fund shall also be covered under Entry (vi) in Sl No (15) of the table.
[F.No. / /2017-TRU]
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to fulfill the following procedure:
(1) A statement evidencing split of investments between domestic and foreign investors in the
Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to be filed with the jurisdictional officer;
(2) The statement shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the relevant financial year.
(Department of Revenue)
G.S.R. (E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5 of the Integrated
Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (13 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of
the Council, hereby makes the following amendments in the notification of the Government of India,
in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No.8/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate), dated the
28th June, 2017 published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i),
vide number G.S.R. 673(E) dated the 28th June, 2017, namely:-
In Sl no (15), Chapter 9971, after entry (v) in Column (3), the following entry shall be inserted,
Sl. Chapter, Description of Services Rate Condition
No. Section, (per cent.)
Heading, Group
Service Code
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
15 9971 (vi) Taxable supplies received 5 (i) Alternative
by Alternative Investment Investment Funds
Funds wherein the total foreign
investments is more
than 50% shall be
Fund, the rate specified
in column (4) shall not
be available for the
financial year.
(ix) Alternative Investment Fund shall have the meaning assigned to it under Regulation 2(1)(b)
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations,
(x) Foreign investment shall mean investment by non-resident entity/person resident outside
India in accordance with Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a
Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000.
(xi) Taxable supplies provided by the Associate (in the capacity of a Manager) to the Alternative
Investment Fund shall also be covered under Entry (vi) in Sl No (15) of the table.
[F.No. / /2017-TRU]
Under Secretary to the Government of India
The Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to fulfill the following procedure:
(1) A statement evidencing split of investments between domestic and foreign investors in the
Alternative Investment Fund shall be required to be filed with the jurisdictional officer
(2) The statement shall be submitted within 90 days of the end of the relevant financial year.
Annexure 2
BILL NO of 2017
The Central Goods and Service Tax Act Amendment Bill, 2017
7. Share in income or profits distributed by an Alternative Investment Fund to its Sponsor, Fund
Manager, any employee of the Sponsor or Fund Manager or to any other person
Chapter IV
India: Alternative Investment Funds in International Financial
Services Centers
Chapter IV
India: Alternative Investment Funds in International Financial
Services Centers
A. Introduction
1. An International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) is an area which enables the inflow
of capital by providing a package of services to investment managers. This requires a
conducive regulatory framework and easy access to the requisite talent pool of
professional fund managers, bankers, lawyers, technologists and accountants.
(i) Added inflow of capital which is much needed for India’s economic growth,
development and employment generation;
(ii) Reduction in the loss of invisible earnings to other financial centers elsewhere
in the globe;
(iii) Proximity of fund management functions to portfolio companies in India for
ease of due diligence, portfolio monitoring and fund administration;
(iv) Leveraging India’s deep talent pool in professions like fund management,
accountancy and law;
(v) Provide a platform for global investing to India-based, overseas investors; and
(vi) Enhance the development of Indian capital markets.
3. The world has witnessed the growth of international financial hubs such as London,
New York, Hong Kong, Singapore and Dubai. The time is ripe now to examine and
recommend the measures needed to enhance the flows of capital through an IFSC in
India. For example, according to a recent Global Limited Partner survey conducted by
the Emerging Markets Private Equity Association (EMPEA), India is seen as one of the
most attractive economies for allocating capital commitments. In addition, India is one
of the fastest growing economies in the world. It is regarded as one of the most
attractive destinations for foreign investment. India’s attractiveness has also been
enhanced by the Government’s move to create an environment in which there is ease
of doing business. Several countries across the world have successfully established
such centers by instituting a favourable and stable regulatory environment.
4. In recognition of the benefits of IFSCs, the Government of India (“GoI”) notified India’s
first IFSC in Gujarat at the Gandhinagar Fin-Tech City and followed up with relevant
tax and regulatory amendments to activate its functioning. International financial
centres benefit from a low burden of regulation and prove extremely attractive for
offshore investors and funds as they are driven by lighter regulatory requirements,
world class infrastructure, and ease in doing business, rather than the perceived tax
benefits. Given India’s commitment to the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development’s ‘G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting’ project, the GoI aims to
promote its IFSC as a global financial services hub with minimal tax arbitrage vis-à-vis
its domestic and other global markets.
5. The promotion and development of the IFSC is a priority for GOI. The current
regulatory regime designed to promote Alternative Investment Funds in IFSCs has in-
built regulatory restrictions which need to be addressed in order to open doors for
offshore funds. This chapter addresses reforms in the Income Tax Act, 1961 and SEBI
regulations governing AIFs and Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) in IFSCs.
6. The origins of IFSCs in India lie in Section 18 in The Special Economic Zones Act,
2005 which states that:
ii. The Central Government may, subject to such guidelines as may be framed by the
Reserve Bank, the Securities and Exchange Board of India, the Insurance
Regulatory and Development Authority and such other concerned authorities, as
it deems fit, prescribe the requirements for setting up and the terms and
conditions of the operation of Units in an International Financial Services Centre.
7. One of the most significant, growing and stable class of capital in recent years in India
has been venture capital and private equity. These capital flows are regulated
domestically as pooled investment vehicles known as Alternative Investment Funds
under SEBI’s Alternative Investment Fund Regulations, 2012.
8. The current regulatory regime for AIFs in an IFSC is restrictive and offers investment
in limited products/sectors. The recommendations listed in this chapter need to be
implemented to realise the benefits h i g h l i g h t e d above and to provide a suitable
regulatory regime for offshore investors / AIFs in an IFSC which make inbound as well
as outbound investments. The remainder of this chapter is divided into the following
two parts:
The tax issues to be addressed for setting up Alternative Investment Funds in an International
Financial Services Centre (‘IFSC’) are addressed in this section. Three sets of tax amendments
are recommended:
(a) exemption of specified income;
(b) exemption from filing return of income; and
(c) safe harbour for India-based fund managers.
9. Indian tax laws follow source-based taxation, wherein any income earned by a non-
resident is taxable in India, if such income is –
a. Received, or deemed to be received, in India; or
b. Accrues or arises, or is deemed to accrue or arise, in India.
10. Accordingly, any income earned by a foreign investor, from an investment made in an
offshore jurisdiction through an AIF set up in an IFSC, is taxable in India. (For example,
any income earned by a US investor from making investment in the Korean market
through an AIF / company set in an IFSC in India would be taxable in India.) Such
unfavorable tax treatment, relative to other other IFSCs abroad, may deter global fund
managers from domiciling an AIF i.e. a pooling vehicle in an IFSC in India.
II. Recommendation: Relaxation from filing return of income and obtaining PAN
number for offshore investors in an AIF in IFSC
13. Currently, Category I and II AIFs have been provided tax pass-through status for capital
gains under Indian income tax laws. While distributing any income to its investors, an
Indian AIF is required to withhold taxes at the applicable rates depending on the
jurisdiction of the investor and remit such taxes to the Government of India.
14. Further, Indian income tax laws also require the unit holders i.e. the investors, to obtain
tax registration (i.e. to obtain a Permanent Account Number-PAN- and disclose income
by filing a Return of Income (‘RoI’) in India.
15. Collection of tax revenue is effected by the above withholding requirement in the hands
of the AIF, resulting in no tax revenue leakage for the Government of India.
16. The need to obtain tax registrations and filing of a RoI by the unitholder requires an
investor to go through the rigours of compliance in India. While this approach may be
required for the domestic market, an IFSC regime should be more investor-friendly in
terms of compliance requirements.
17. In order to encourage foreign investors to directly invest via an IFSC-domiciled AIF,
without worrying about the complications of Indian tax compliance, the Government of
India should exempt foreign investors from obtaining a PAN number and the
requirement to file a tax return in India, in respect of any income distributed by an AIF in
an IFSC after deduction of tax at source.
18. Where such foreign investor earns any other income from India, he should be subject to
the above compliance requirements.
III. Recommendation: The IT Act should recognise that an Eligible Investment Fund
which is domiciled in an IFSC does not constitute a business connection in India by
virtue of such domiciliation.
19. The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) issued a notification on 15th March, 2016
prescribing Rules for application of section 9A of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act)
dealing with taxation of offshore funds in India1.
20. Section 9A of the Act encapsulates safe harbour provisions whereby an ‘eligible
investment fund’ shall not be regarded as a tax resident in India merely because an
‘eligible fund manager’ undertaking fund management activities on its behalf is located
in India. Benefits under the safe harbour provisions are subject to compliance with
Fund management activities - Safe Harbour Rules prescribed
certain conditions. The CBDT has issued detailed Rules for the application of such safe
harbour provisions.
21. It is recommended that this safe harbour be extended to include Eligible Investment
Funds domiciled i.e. established in an IFSC. The specific wording of the recommended
amendments to s. Section 9A (2) and 9A(3) of the IT Act is given below.
Proposed Amendments to Implement the IFSC Recommendations
I. Exemption from tax of any income earned by an offshore investor from offshore
investments made through a Fund domiciled in an IFSC
22. In order to treat an AIF set up in an IFSC on par with a fund, i.e. a pooling vehicle set up
in an offshore jurisdiction, and encourage offshore investments by a foreign investor
through a fund i.e. an AIF set up in an IFSC in India, any income arising from such
investments should be exempted from tax in India.
Suggested Amendments:
It is recommended to insert the following proviso in section 5(2) of the Income-tax Act,
“Provided that in the case of a non-resident, being an unit holder in an Alternative
Investment Fund set up in an International Financial Services Center in India, the income
referred to in sub-section (2) above, shall not include any income, to the extent, derived
from any investment made by such Alternative Investment Fund outside India.
Explanation 3.- For the purpose of this proviso, an Alternative Investment Fund means
any fund established or incorporated in India in the form of a trust or a company or a
limited liability partnership or a body corporate which has been granted a certificate of
registration and is regulated under the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012 and Securities and Exchange Board of
India (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015 made under the
Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992).
II. Exemption from filing return of income and obtaining PAN number for offshore investors
in an AIF in IFSC
23. In order to encourage foreign investors to directly come into the IFSC without worrying
about the complications of Indian tax compliance the Government of India should
exempt offshore investors from obtaining a PAN number and the filing of tax returns in
India, in respect of any income distributed by an AIF in an IFSC after deduction of tax at
Suggested Amendments:
NOTIFICATION NO. S.O. _(E) [NO. XXX—201X (F. NO. - - - )], DATED XX-XX- 201X
In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (d) to sub-section (8) of section 139A
of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (XX of 1961), the Central Government hereby specifies
that the requirement to obtain a permanent account number shall not apply in
respect of the following class or classes of persons, namely:
(a) a non-resident, not being a company, or
(b) a foreign company
which earns income only from investments made in an Alternative Investment Fund
set up in an International Financial Services Centre.
III. Recommendation: The IT Act to be amended to recognize that Eligible Investment Funds
which are domiciled in an IFSC do not constitute a business connection in India.
“Provided further that the conditions specified in sub-clauses (a), (b), (d), (h),
(j), (k) and (l) shall be deemed to be fulfilled in case of funds established or
incorporated in an International Financial Services Centre.”
C. PART B: The Regulatory Environment for AIFs in an IFSC in India
24. Two sets of regulations under the regulatory authority of SEBI will require enabling
amendments, or SEBI may issue equivalent guidelines, for helping grow AIFs domiciled
in IFSCs. These are mainly the AIF and FPI regulations. In addition, certain consequential
FEMA amendments are also needed.
25. The changes are briefly described below followed by boxes and a matrix indicating the
suggested amendments ( see also the Matrix at the end of this report).
(ii) Since IFSC- domiciled AIFs will source funds from offshore investors, the
current limits on overseas investments of SEBI-regulated AIFs should not
apply to AIFs domiciled in IFSCs;
(iv) It is good practice for fund managers or fund sponsors to invest in AIFs which
they manage/sponsor. SEBI AIF regulations require such sponsor
commitments as skin-in-the-game. Accordingly, FEMA regulations should
enable investment by a domestic fund manager/sponsor to invest in an AIF
which they manage which is domiciled in an IFSC.
Proposed Recommendations
26. Currently, offshore funds/investors invest in listed as well as unlisted securities 2 in the
Indian market through the FDI route, the FPI route or the FVCI route.
27. Considering the above, in order to ensure that AIF’s in IFSCs are treated on par with the
offshore funds / investors with respect to the permissible investment avenues for making
investments into India, an AIF in an IFSC should be permitted to invest in India under all
the permissible investment avenues.
28. Further, an AIF in an IFSC should also be allowed to participate in the capital of a Limited
Liability Partnership incorporated in India.
including interests in limited liability partnerships
29. Considering the above, specific amendments should be made in the regulations to
expand the available investment products for an AIF set up in an IFSC.
Suggested Amendments:
SEBI Impact
It is recommended that the following amendments are made to the Circular No.
SEBI/HO/MRD/DSA/CIR/P/2017/45 of SEBI dated May 23, 2017.
Clause 22 (3) of SEBI (IFSC) Guidelines, 2015 is to be amended and read as follows:
"Any alternative investment fund or mutual fund operating in IFSC shall be permitted
to invest in the following:
a) Securities which are listed in IFSC;
b) Securities issued by companies incorporated in IFSC;
c) Securities issued by companies incorporated in India or companies belonging to
foreign jurisdiction. subject to such conditions or guidelines that may be stipulated or
issued by the Reserve Bank of India and Government of India from time to time; and
d) Capital of limited liability partnerships incorporated in India subject to such
conditions or guidelines that may be stipulated or issued by the Reserve Bank of India
and Government of India from time to time."
Further, it is clarified that such portfolio manager, alternative investment fund or
mutual fund shall invest in India through the foreign portfolio investor route
Such alternative investment fund or mutual fund shall obtain registration, where
necessary, under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio
Investors) Regulations, 2014.
Further, it is clarified that the Circular No. CIR/IMD/DF/7/2015 dated /1 October 2015
issued by the Board on ‘Guidelines on overseas investments and other issues /
clarifications for AIFs/VCFs’ shall not apply to an AIF set up in an IFSC.”
FEMA Impact
The following proviso needs to be inserted in Regulation 26 of the Foreign Exchange
Management (Transfer or issue of Foreign Security) Regulations, 2004:
“Provided that nothing contained in this regulation shall apply to an AIF set up in an
Suggested Amendments:
It is recommended to insert the following clause clause 22.7 in Chapter VI – Funds of
the SEBI (International Financial Services Centres) Guidelines, 2015:
“22.7 The Sponsor / Manager of an Alternative Investment Fund in IFSC shall be in
compliance with the provisions of this clause -
a) A Sponsor / Manager of an Alternative Investment Fund in India may act as
a Sponsor / Manager of an Alternative Investment Fund set up in the IFSC by –
i) directly investing from India, outside IFSC; or
ii) setting up a branch in the IFSC;or
iii) incorporating a company or limited liability partnership in the IFSC
subject to any guidelines, regulations issued by the Reserve Bank of India from time to
b) In other cases, such a Sponsor / Manager shall need to incorporate a company
or limited liability partnership in the IFSC.”
Suggested Amendments:
The following regulation needs to be inserted in the Foreign Exchange Management
(Transfer or issue of Foreign Security) Regulations, 2004:
“6D. General permission for investment in Alternative Investment Funds in
International Financial Service Centre
Notwithstanding anything contained in Regulation 7, any person resident in India may
invest in an Alternative Investment Fund set up in an International Financial Service
Centre provided such investment is made in its capacity as a Sponsor / Manager of the
Alternative Investment Fund.”
32. To liberalise remittance of funds by the Sponsor/ Manager in India to its branch in an
IFSC, the Reserve Bank of India should amend the Foreign Exchange Management
(Foreign Currency Accounts by a Person Resident In India) Regulations, 2015 to
specifically permit such remittances.
Suggested Amendments:
It is recommended to amend clause (B) of Regulation 5 of the Foreign Exchange
Management (Foreign Currency Accounts By a Person Resident In India) Regulations,
2015 by inserting the following clause (iii) under clause (b) to the first proviso as
“(iii) Nothing contained in clause (i) and (ii) above shall apply to any remittance made to
the branch, which is a Sponsor / Manager of an Alternative Investment Fund in an
International Financial Services Centre.”
SEBI may consider relaxing the leverage restrictions on AIF's domiciled in an IFSC
subject to appropriate safeguards. Some examples of the leverage restrictions in other
regimes are given below:
Any AIFM, managing one or more AIF using leverage, will have to provide the
competent authorities of its home Member State regular information concerning its
The concerned Member State regulator will inform the ESMA of the leverage limits
disclosed and the latter may decide to limit the level of leverage used if it considers
that the leverage employed by an AIFM may pose a substantial risk to the stability and
integrity of the financial system.
While funds that comply as Alternative Investment Funds (under the Alternative
Investment Fund Managers Directive regime) are not subject to leverage restrictions,
nevertheless additional reporting is required from them if they employ leverage more
than 3x their assets.
IFSC: Matrix of Regulatory Changes in SEBI’s Foreign Portfolio Investors(FPI) and AIF
investor be deemed to be fulfilled in the case the
Regulations 4 - The designated depository applicant is established or incorporated in an
participant shall not consider an application International Finance Services Centre.”
for grant of certificate of registration as a
foreign portfolio investor unless the
applicant satisfies the following conditions
namely, -
(a) the applicant is a person not resident in
(b) the applicant is resident of a country
whose securities market regulator is a
signatory to International Organization of
Securities Commission‘s Multilateral
Memorandum of Understanding (Appendix
A Signatories) or a signatory to bilateral
Memorandum of Understanding with the
(c) the applicant being a bank, is a resident
of a country whose central bank is a member
of Bank for International Settlements;
(d) the applicant is not resident in a country
identified in the public statement of
Financial Action Task Force as:
(i) a jurisdiction having a strategic
Anti- Money Laundering or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism deficiencies
to which counter measures apply; or
(ii) a jurisdiction that has not made sufficient
progress in addressing the deficiencies or
has not committed to an action plan
developed with the Financial Action Task
Force to address the deficiencies;
(e) the applicant is not a non-resident
(f) the applicant is legally permitted to
invest in securities outside the country of its
incorporation or establishment or place of
(g) the applicant is authorized by its
Memorandum of Association and Articles of
Association or equivalent document(s) or
the agreement to invest on its own behalf or
on behalf of its clients;
(h) the applicant has sufficient experience,
good track record, is professionally
competent, financially sound and has a
generally good reputation of fairness and
(i) the grant of certificate to the applicant is
in the interest of the development of the
securities market;
(j) the applicant is a fit and proper person
based on the criteria specified in Schedule II
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008; and
(k) any other criteria specified by the Board
from time to time.
Provided that the investment manager of cent of the shares or units of the fund:”
such broad-based fund is itself registered as
Category II foreign portfolio investor:
Provided further that the investment
manager undertakes that it shall be
responsible and liable for all acts of
commission and omission of all its
underlying broad-based funds and other
deeds and things done by such broad-based
funds under these regulations.
Explanation 1-For the purposes of this
clause, an applicant seeking registration as a
foreign portfolio investor shall be considered
to be "appropriately regulated" if it is
regulated or supervised by the securities
market regulator or the banking regulator of
the concerned foreign jurisdiction, in the
same capacity in which it proposes to make
investments in India.
Explanation 2-
A) For the purposes of this clause, "broad
based fund" shall mean a fund, established
or incorporated outside India, which has at
least twenty investors, with no investor
holding more than forty-nine per cent of the
shares or units of the fund:
Provided that if the broad-based fund has an
institutional investor who holds more than
forty-nine per cent of the shares or units in
the fund, then such institutional investor
must itself be a broad based fund.
B) For the purpose of clause, A of this
Explanation, for ascertaining the number of
investors in a fund, direct investors as well as
underlying investors shall be considered.
C) For the purpose of clause B of this
Explanation, only investors of entities which
have been set up for the sole purpose of
pooling funds and making investments, shall
be considered for the purpose of
determining underlying investors.
SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Explanation 1 of Regulation 32(1) should be
Regulations, 2014 amended as follows:
Regulation 32 (1)- All designated depository “Explanation 1.- For the purposes of this
participants who have been granted clause, "opaque structure" shall mean any
approval by the Board shall - structure such as protected cell company,
(a) comply with the provisions of these segregated cell company or equivalent,
where the details of the ultimate beneficial
regulations, as far as they may apply,
circulars issued thereunder and any other owners are not accessible or where the
terms and conditions specified by the Board beneficial owners are ring fenced from each
from time to time; other or where the beneficial owners are
ring fenced with regard to enforcement:
(b) forthwith inform the Board in writing, if Provided that the foreign portfolio investor
any information or particulars previously satisfying the following criteria shall not be
submitted to the Board are found to be false treated as having opaque structure:
or misleading, in any material respect;
(i) the applicant is regulated in its home
(c) forthwith inform the Board in writing, if jurisdiction
there is any material change in the
information previously furnished by him to Provided if the applicant is established in an
International Financial Services Centre, it will
the Board;
be deemed to be regulated in its home
(d) furnish such information, record or jurisdiction;
documents to the Board and Reserve Bank of
India, as may be required, in relation to his (ii) each fund or sub fund in the applicant
activities as a designated depository satisfies broad based criteria, and
participant; (iii) the applicant gives an undertaking to
(e) ensure that only registered foreign provide information regarding its beneficial
portfolio investors are allowed to invest in owners as and when Board seeks this
securities market; information.”
(ii) each fund or sub fund in the applicant
satisfies broad based criteria, and
(iii) the applicant gives an undertaking to
provide information regarding its beneficial
owners as and when Board seeks this
Explanation 2.- For the purposes of
Explanation 1, the definition of ultimate
beneficial owner shall be as provided under
the Master circular on Anti Money
Laundering Standards or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism, issued by the Board
from time to time.
(g) have adequate systems to ensure that in
case of jointly held depository accounts,
each of the joint holders meet the
requirements specified for foreign portfolio
investors and shall perform KYC due
diligence for each of the joint holders;
(h) in case of any penalty, pending
litigations or proceedings, findings of
inspections or investigations for which
action may have been taken or is in the
process of being taken by any regulator
against a designated depository participant,
the designated depository participant shall
bring such information forthwith, to the
attention of the Board, depositories and
stock exchanges;
(i) be guided by the relevant circular on Anti-
Money Laundering or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism specified by the
Board from time to time.
Recommendations for Amendments to SEBI AIF Regulations
SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, A circular must be issued by SEBI clarifying that
2012 SEBI circular dated 1 October 2015 will not apply
to alternative investment funds established or
General Investment Conditions- Regulation
incorporated in an International Financial
Services Centre and they shall be permitted to
Alternative Investment Fund may invest in invest outside India freely, without requiring any
securities of companies incorporated outside regulatory approvals from SEBI or RBI.
India subject to such conditions or
guidelines that may be stipulated or issued
by the Reserve Bank of India and the Board
from time to time
SEBI Circular dated 1 October 2015
Re: Guidelines on overseas investments and
other issues/clarifications for AIFs/VCFs
The circular inter alia provides the following:
a) AIFs may invest in equity and equity
linked instruments only of offshore
venture capital undertakings,
subject to overall limit of USD 500
million (combined limit for AIFs and
Venture Capital Funds);
b) AIFs desirous of making investments
in offshore venture capital
undertakings shall submit their
proposal for investment (in the
attached format at Annexure) to
SEBI for prior approval;
c) Investments would be made only in
those companies which have an
Indian connection (e.g. company
which has a front office overseas,
while back office operations are in
d) Such investments shall not exceed
25% of the investible funds of the
scheme of the AIF; and
e) The allocation of investment limits
would be done on ‘first come first
serve’ basis, depending on the
availability in the overall limit of USD
500 million.
Further suggestions for reform in SEBI AIFs regulations/guidelines are contained in the
detailed matrix at the end of this report.
Chapter V
India: Taxation of Alternative Investment Funds
Chapter V
India: Taxation of Alternative Investment Funds
A. Introduction
1. During the past few years, the Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has adopted measures
to improve the tax environment for Alternative Investment Funds in India. This chapter
lists some of the tax measures which the Government has recently implemented
for Alternative Investment Funds. The Government has recognised the principle of pass-
through taxation of AIFs under which investors are taxed and not the fund pooling
vehicle. Accordingly, the principle of pass-through taxation has been applied to AIF
Categories I & II.
Secondly, it recommends a regime for AIFs listed on stock exchanges which have the
unique characteristic of a frequently changing pool of unitholders i.e. investors; and
3. Characterisation of income arising from the transfer of listed shares and securities
The treatment of investment exit gains (whether taxable as business income or capital gains)
has been a matter of litigation. There have been several judicial pronouncements on whether
gains from transactions in securities should be taxed as “business profits” or as “capital gains”.
However, these pronouncements, while laying down guiding principles, have been driven by the
facts and circumstances of each case.
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) issued Circular 6 of 2016 dated February 29, 2016
in respect of treatment of surplus arising on the transfer of listed shares/ securities with a
view to reduce litigation and maintain consistency in approach. The Circular states that:
· Where the assessee itself treats listed shares/securities as ‘stock in trade’, irrespective
of the period of holding, income from transfer to be treated as business income; and
· In the case of listed shares/securities held for more than 12 months period immediately
preceding date of transfer, the tax authorities shall not dispute the stand taken by assessee
of treating such income as capital gains. However, this stand once taken shall remain
applicable in subsequent years also; and
· In all other cases, guidance under existing CBDT circulars shall apply.
The aforesaid principles shall not apply in cases where genuineness of transaction itself is in dispute.
The CBDT issued an instruction dated 2 May 2016 clarifying that the income arising from
transfer of unlisted shares will be treated as ‘capital gains’ irrespective of the period of
holding except in the following situations where the Assessing Officer would take an
appropriate view:
· the transfer of unlisted shares is related to issue pertaining to the lifting of the
corporate veil;
· the transfer of unlisted shares is made along with the control and management of
underlying business
Further, the CBDT has issued a clarification that the exception regarding transfer of unlisted
shares along with 'control and management of the underlying business' would not be
applicable to SEBI registered Category I AIFs and Category II AIFs.
5. Inclusion of the pre-conversion period in determining the holding period for convertible
The CBDT, in its notification dated 17 March 2016, has stated that in the case of a capital asset
being shares or debentures acquired by way of conversion of bonds, debentures, debenture-
stock or deposit certificates, the period for which such bonds, debentures, debenture-stock
or deposit certificates are held prior to its conversion would be included while determining
the period of holding of such shares or debentures.
6. Tax neutrality for conversion of the preference shares and inclusion of the pre-conversion
period in determining the holding period
The Finance Act, 2017 introduced section 47(xb) in the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) to
provide that the conversion of preference shares into equity shares will not be regarded as
transfer under the Act. Hence, no capital gains would arise in the hands of the investors on
conversion of convertible preference shares of a company into equity shares of that company.
Further, at the time of transfer of the equity shares received on conversion, the cost of
acquisition of the convertible preference shares would be deemed to be the cost of
acquisition of such equity shares. While computing the period of holding of the equity shares,
the period for which the preference shares were held by the investor prior to the conversion
shall also be included.
7. Clarification in the law on the applicability of 10% long-term capital gains tax to foreign
investors investing in shares of private limited companies
Section 112(1)(c) of the Act provided a concessional tax rate of 10% on long term capital gains
earned from transfer of unlisted securities in the hands of the non-residents
However, the manner in which the term ‘unlisted securities’ had been defined in the Act led to
the unintentional consequence of the 10% concessional tax rate not being applicable to long-
term gains on transfer of shares of private limited companies
Section 112 of the Act has been amended to clarify that the concessional tax rate of 10% is
applicable to long-term capital gains arising from transfer of shares of private limited
companies in the hands of non-resident investors.
Section 194LBB of the Act has been amended to provide that tax deduction at source on
accrual/ distribution of income to non-resident investors eligible for beneficial taxation
provisions under an applicable Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) will be on the
basis of the DTAA or domestic tax law provision, whichever is more beneficial to the investor.
Section 197 of the Act which provides a mechanism whereby, the Assessing Officer
upon application by the assessee, issues a nil withholding / lower withholding
certificate did not include section 194LBB of the Act.
Section 197 of the Act has been amended so as to enable investors in AIFs to obtain a NIL/
reduced tax withholding certificate on investment proceeds, subject to conditions in the said
10. Exclusion for Category I and II AIFs in the notification for exemption on long-term capital
gains on transfer of listed equity shares
The Finance Act, 2017 amended s. 10(38) of the Act to provide that such exemption will be available only
if STT has been paid, both, at the time of sale and purchase of securities except in certain acquisitions.
CBDT’s notification dated 5 June 2017 inter alia provided that the acquisition of listed equity shares by a
Category I and II AIFs will be eligible to claim benefit of section 10(38) of the Act even if securities
transaction tax has not been paid at the time of acquisition of such shares.
C. Taxation of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs): Deduction of Expenses & Pass
through of Net Losses
11. A substantial majority of AIFs raise capital commitments from investors to form a pool of
capital to be invested based on an investment thesis. In this mode of fund raising, investors
place substantial reliance on the AIF’s investment manager.
12. The AIF’s investment manager has the fiduciary responsibility to originate, evaluate,
select, invest, monitor and disinvest the AIF’s portfolio. An AIF requires significant fiduciary
and management role and oversight of the business of the AIF’s portfolio entities. This
stewardship role generates substantial value for all stakeholders.
13. Substantial changes have been implemented in the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) since
the year 2015 that have addressed several tax issues faced by AIFs. However, from a tax
perspective, the following two critical issues need to be addressed:
Significant costs incurred by the AIF are not factored in determining the investors’
tax liability
14. Typically, an AIF would incur 15-20% of the investors’ capital commitments towards fees
payable to the investment manager, bankers, advisers, lawyers, accountants, administrators,
and other service providers. Therefore, the amount actually invested by the AIF stands
reduced by this amount and only 80-85% of the investor’s capital commitments are actually
invested. Commercially, the investor’s gain on their investment is net of all expenses
incurred by the AIF.
15. The main income stream of an AIF that makes investment in equity/ equity linked securities
is gains on sale of investments, while it could also earn income in the form of interest or
dividend. The Act provides for a mechanism for computation of income under the ‘capital
gains’ head. As per the provisions of the Act, capital gains/losses are to be computed by
reducing from the sale consideration:
16. Several expenses of an AIF viz. investment management fee, service providers’ fee for
investments that are not consummated, administration expenses of the AIF are incurred
even if there are no acquisition or exit during a particular period. Under the tax law, such
expenses may not be included in the cost of acquisition/improvement of the asset or treated
as an expenditure incurred for transfer of that asset for computing capital gains. This means
in effect that the AIFs have to write-off the expenses, which means that neither the AIF nor
their investors are able to offset the expenses against income/gains that may eventually
result from the investment leading to an incongruence in the gains commercially derived by
the investors (net of expenses) vs gains treated as taxable (gross of expenses). This issue is
now further exacerbated by the fact that a number of services sought by AIFs are liable to
goods and services tax at the rate of 18% (increased from 15% under the service tax regime).
Recommendation: Deduction of Expenses
Option 1: Allow management fee incurred from the date of the investment to the date of its divestment to be capitalised as
―cost of improvement‖ . The management fee incurred may be calculated based on the management fee contractually
payable to the AIF’s investment manager at the annual rate applied to the actual cost of the investment.
Proposed Amendment
Net losses incurred by AIFs are not available to investors and may lapse if not set-off by the AIF
17. Investors in AIFs could have chosen to directly invest in portfolio companies of their own
accord. Conceptually, pooling vehicles are formed to derive two advantages; (a) to engage
experienced professionals for investment management; and (b) to achieve economies of
18. Tax implications play an important role for the investor to choose one form of investing
over the other i.e. pooling vehicle vs. direct investing. An efficient tax system for AIFs
would ensure that an investor in a pooling vehicle should have the same (or better) tax
outcome in comparison with direct investment with the objective of driving investor
preference towards professional fund management. Should investors suffer extra tax as a
result of investing in an AIF vis-à-vis direct investment that would serve as a disincentive
for investment in an AIF.
19. The present tax regime for Category I and II AIFs provides for pass-through of income
earned by the AIF, however losses are retained at the fund level, and are not passed on
to the investors. Typically, an AIF’s tenure would be 8-10 years from its launch. Practically,
it is observed that in a fund, usually the profitable investments of the fund are first sold,
while the relatively lesser performing investments may be sold towards the end of the
fund’s life.
20. Based on the current provisions of the Act and the sequence of exits, practically, where
Category I and II AIFs incur net losses on investments towards the end of its life or has
unabsorbed losses, which cannot be utilised by the AIF, such losses would lapse. The
investors would in this scenario also be taxed on an amount that would be greater than
the “real” income derived by them from their total investment in the AIF. For an investor
who has committed capital to an AIF and remained invested in the AIF for its full tenure,
there is little legal/ commercial justification for being denied the offset of losses incurred
on the AIFs investments.
A pass-through tax regime should not distinguish between gains and losses. Therefore, similar to the pass through
for net income, net losses incurred by unlisted AIFs, under any head of income, should also be allowed to be passed
on to the investors.
Proposed Amendment
115UB. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act and subject to the
provisions of this Chapter, any income accruing or arising to, or received by, a person, being a unit holder
of an investment fund, out of investments made in the investment fund, shall be chargeable to income-
tax in the same manner as if it were the income accruing or arising to, or received by, such person had the
investments made by the investment fund been made directly by him.
(2) Where in any previous year, the net result of computation of total income of the investment fund
[without giving effect to the provisions of clause (23FBA) of section 10] is a loss under any head of
income and such loss cannot be or is not wholly set-off against income under any other head of income of
the said previous year, then,—
(i) such loss shall be allowed to be carried forward and it shall be set-off by the investment fund in
accordance with the provisions of Chapter VI; and
(ii) such loss shall be ignored for the purposes of sub-section (1).
(3) The income paid or credited by the investment fund shall be deemed to be of the same nature and in
the same proportion in the hands of the person referred to in sub-section (1), as if it had been received
by, or had accrued or arisen to, the investment fund during the previous year subject to the provisions of
sub-section (2).
(4) The total income of the investment fund shall be charged to tax—
(i) at the rate or rates as specified in the Finance Act of the relevant year, where such fund is a company
or a firm; or
(ii) at maximum marginal rate in any other case.
(5) The provisions of Chapter XII-D or Chapter XII-E shall not apply to the income paid by an investment
fund under this Chapter.
(6) The income accruing or arising to, or received by, the investment fund, during a previous year, if not
paid or credited to the person referred to in sub-section (1), shall subject to the provisions of sub-section
(2), be deemed to have been credited to the account of the said person on the last day of the previous
year in the same proportion in which such person would have been entitled to receive the income had it
been paid in the previous year.
D. Taxation of Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) Listed on a
Stock Exchange
21. The SEBI (AIF) Regulations, allow the listing of the units of closed- ended AIFs on a
stock exchange i.e. all AIFs, except an open ended-Category III AIF, can be listed on a
stock exchange. The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange
have laid down the process and documentation required for the purpose of listing of
22. Investors in AIFs have the intention of making long-term investments. The listing and
trading of units of an AIF, enables exits by pre-listing investors and also provides a
liquidity window to investors which invest post-listing. Given this liquidity advantage of
listed AIFs, they can be a significant catalyst for greater participation of investors in AIFs
as an investment instrument.
23. While the present AIF Regulations and the guidelines issued by BSE enable listing
of AIFs subject to conditions, and the advantages of listing are obvious, the current
taxation policy for AIFs (i.e. pass-through taxation) is not conducive to an AIF listed
on a stock exchange.
24. In case the units of the AIFs are listed on a stock exchange, on account of trading
of units, the composition of the pool of investors may change from time to time
during any financial year. It may very likely be the case that the set of investors at
the time of investment by the AIF may be different from those at the time of earning of
the income/ gains by the AIF, which, in turn, may differ from those when the AIF
distributes such income/gains to the investors. This is illustrated below:
The AIF has subscribed to a debenture of INR 100 of A Ltd on 30 December 2016
and received interest of INR 10 from such investment on 7 March 2017. Given
that the AIF has to withhold tax at the time of accrual of income to the
unitholder, the AIF withheld tax at 10% on interest on debenture in the hands
of Mr. A. However, the interest was not actually distributed to Mr. A.
Mr. A sold the unit of AIF to Mr. B, on 8 March 2017. On 15 March 2017, the
interest of INR 10 was distributed to Mr. B as Mr. B held that unit of the AIF.
Thus, while the tax was withheld in the hands of Mr. A, the income is distributed
to Mr. B, who could be required to discharge tax on it.
In a scenario where Mr B had acquired the units of the AIF at INR 250, at the time
of sale of the debenture for INR 200, while economically, Mr B would have a loss
on the investment, because of pass-through treatment, there would be a capital
gain taxable in his hand.
25. Accordingly, the current tax policy for AIFs in the context of an AIF listed on a stock
exchange, or in the case of the secondary transfer of units of an AIF, may create
significant anomalies for AIFs and its investors. In this scenario, a pass-through tax
system is unable to achieve the intended consequences.
26. It is evident from the above illustrations that the listing of AIFs on stock exchanges will
necessitate a distinct tax framework that is based on taxation at the unit level that will
ensure that investors in units are taxed on their realised gains and the tax attributes are
linked to their cost of acquisition and period of holding of the AIF’s units.
27. A regulatory and tax framework for listed AIFs can lead to a significant increase in the
capital inflows from listed AIFs investing in Indian private and public markets and pave
the way for much greater contribution by listed AIFs to the country’s economic growth
and development.
Recommendation: Taxation of Listed AIFs
i. Exemption to the listed AIFs for all streams of income earned by the AIF on its investments in Indian portfolio
ii. Taxation of income (viz. dividend and interest) on distribution by the listed
AIF to its investors in the hands of the AIF’s investors
− Dividend - Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor;
− Interest – Resident investor at their respective tax rates, Non-resident investors at 5%.
iii Taxation of gains actually realized by the listed AIF’s investors. The taxation of gains should be determined based
on the difference between the cost of acquisition of the units and actual sale consideration/ redemption price in a
sale/ transfer or redemption event respectively. Taxation of gains determined should be on the following basis:
iv Equity-oriented fund (an AIF in which at least 65% of the investible funds are
invested in equity shares of domestic companies)
− Short-term capital gains - at 15% with the sale/ redemption being liable to Securities Transaction Tax (STT)
− Long-term capital gains – Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor with the sale/ redemption being liable to STT
− Long-term capital gains at 20% (in case of residents) and at 10% (in case of non-residents) [in the case of non-resident
without indexation or foreign exchange fluctuation benefit].
Proposed Amendments:
Amendment 1: Income of the listed AIFs to be exempt from tax
Insert new section 10(23DBA)
10(23DBA) subject to the provisions of Chapter XII-FB, any income of alternative investment fund
Explanation – For the purposes of this clause, -
− “alternative investment fund” means any fund established or incorporated in India in the form of
a trust or a company or a limited liability partnership or a body corporate which has been granted
a certificate of registration as a Category I, Category II or Category III Alternative Investment Fund
and is regulated under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund)
Regulations, 2012, made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992),
whose units are listed on a recognized stock exchange ;
(a) “recognised stock exchange” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (ii) of Explanation 1 to clause
(d) of sub-section (5) of section 43.
Section 115UBA
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act, income distributed by an
alternative investment fund referred to in 10(23DBA) being in the nature of interest or dividend to its unit
holders shall be taxable in the hands of the unit holder as it had been received by, or accrued to, the
investment fund.
(2) The provisions of Chapter XII-D or Chapter XII-E shall not apply to the income paid by an investment fund
under this Chapter.
(3) Any person responsible for making payment of the income distributed on behalf of an investment fund to a
unit holder shall furnish a statement to the unit holder and the prescribed authority, within such time and in
such form and manner as may be prescribed, giving the details of the nature of the income paid during the
previous year and such other details as may be prescribed.
Explanation 1.—For the purposes of this Chapter, "unit" means beneficial interest of an investor in the
investment fund or a scheme of the investment fund and shall include shares or partnership interests.
Section 194LBDA
(1) Where any income referred to in sub-section (1) of section 115UBA is payable by an alternative investment
fund to its unit holder in respect of units of an investment fund, the person responsible for making the payment
shall at the time of payment thereof in cash or by the issue of a cheque or draft or by any other mode, deduct
income-tax thereon -
(i) at the rates in force, where the payee is a resident;
(ii) at the rate of five per cent, where the payee is a non-resident (not being a company) or a foreign company.
Provided also that no such deduction shall be made in respect of any dividends referred to in section 115-O.
Amendment 4: Tax rates in case of non-resident
(a) a non-resident (not being a company) or of a foreign company, includes any income by way of—
(iiad) distributed income being interest referred to in sub-section (1) of section 194LBDA;
Amendment 5: Amendments to section 2(42A), section 10(38), section 111A and 112 of the Act
Section 2(42A) “short term capital asset” means a capital asset held by an assessee for not more than thirty-six
months immediately preceding the date of transfer:
Provided that in the case of 23[a security (other than a unit) listed in a recognized stock exchange in India] or a
unit of the Unit Trust of India established under the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 (52 of 1963) or 24[a unit of an
equity oriented fund] or a zero coupon bond or units of an equity oriented alternative investment fund listed on
a recognised stock exchange, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for the words "thirty-six months",
the words "twelve months" had been substituted.
Explanation 5 - "equity oriented alternative investment fund" shall have the meaning assigned to it in the
Explanation to clause (38) of section 10.
Section 10(38) – any income arising from the transfer of a long-term capital asset, being an equity share in a
company or a unit of an equity oriented fund [or a unit of a business trust] or a unit of an equity oriented
alternative investment fund listed on a recognized stock exchange where-
Section 111A – Where the total income of an assessee includes any income chargeable under the head “Capital
gains”, arising from the transfer of a short-term capital asset, being an equity share in a company or a unit of an
equity oriented fund or a unit of a business trust or a unit of an equity oriented investment fund listed on a
recognized stock exchange, and-
Explanation.—For the purposes of this section,—
(a) "equity oriented investment fund" shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation to clause (38)
of section 10.
112. (1) Where the total income of an assessee includes any income, arising from the transfer of a long-term
capital asset, which is chargeable under the head "Capital gains", the tax payable by the assessee on the total
income shall be the aggregate of,—
Provided that where the tax payable in respect of any income arising from the transfer of a long-term capital
asset, being listed securities (other than a unit) or zero coupon bond or unit of an alternative investment fund
specified in clause (23DBA) of section 10, exceeds ten per cent of the amount of capital gains before giving
effect to the provisions of the second proviso to section 48, then, such excess shall be ignored for the purpose
of computing the tax payable by the assessee :
Appropriate amendments should be made in Chapter VII of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 to introduce STT
rates on transactions executed on the stock exchange.
E. Proposed Separate Tax Regime for Category III AIFs: Investor-Level Taxation
28. Unlike Category I and II AIFs, tax pass-through status has not been accorded to Category
III AIFs. Section 10(23FBA) read with Section 115UB of the Act provides tax pass-through for
any income (other than business income) earned by Category I and II AIFs.
29. In accordance with the SEBI (AIF) Regulations 2012, Category III AIFs invest in long term
or short-term listed instruments and may employ diverse or complex trading strategies by
investing in listed or unlisted derivatives. Category III AIFs could have the following features:
It may be possible for Category III AIFs to maintain two sets of portfolios viz. a
trading portfolio for short-term trading gains and an investment portfolio with a
view to earn long term appreciation;
Category III AIFs may be open-ended or closed ended; and
Category III AIFs are generally set-up as trusts due to operational complications
involved in other forms of entities.
The above characteristics lead to significant complexity under the current provisions of the
Income Tax Act since there is no specific tax regime or guidance on the taxation of Category
III AIF and their investors.
30. Category III AIFs are therefore governed by complex trust taxation provisions under
the Act which were introduced in the law in the year 1961 for taxation of private and
family trusts.
31. Under the trust taxation provisions, the taxation of Category III AIF depends upon
whether a Category III AIF is set up as either a determinate trust or an indeterminate
(i) the beneficiaries (i.e. investors in the context of Category III AIFs) are expressly stated
and identifiable as on the date of the trust deed; and
(ii) their individual shares are be expressly stated and ascertainable as on the date of the
trust deed.
A strict technical interpretation of the above definition of determinate trust renders
any AIF, which cannot ascertain and name all its investors (present and future) at the
time of inception, as an indeterminate trust.
33. The Karnataka High Court3 in the context of an investment fund, stated the following
principles for a trust to be determinate:
All that is necessary is that the beneficiaries should be identifiable based on the
provisions of the trust deed, and it was not necessary that the beneficiaries should be
specifically named in the trust deed. In the present case, the trust deed clearly laid down
that beneficiaries meant the persons, each of whom had made, or agreed to make,
contributions to the trust in accordance with the contribution agreement.
It is not necessary that the trust deed should actually prescribe the percentage share of
the beneficiaries in order for the trust to be determinate. It is enough that the share of
the beneficiaries is capable of being determined based on the provision/ formula as on
the date of the trust deed.
If the trust deed authorises the addition of further contributors to the trust at different
points in time in addition to the initial contributors, it would not make the
beneficiaries unknown or their shares indeterminate.
34. A trust is not a separate legal entity. A trustee is assessed to tax on income arising to the
trust since he receives such income on behalf of the beneficiaries of the trust.
Double Taxation: There are no express provisions under the Act which provide that once
the income arising at the trust level is assessed to tax in the hands of the trustee, it cannot
be assessed again in the hands of the beneficiaries (investors). Further section 166 of the
Act [which overrides the above regime of trust taxation i.e. sections 161 to 164 discussed
above] provides that nothing can prevent the tax authorities to directly assess the
beneficiaries (investors) of the Category III AIF trust for the income arising at the trust
level or recover the tax arising on such income from them.
35. Further, there are no provisions in the Act which allows credit of tax paid by the trustee
to the beneficiaries (investors) in the trust. Hence, there are clouds of doubts in relation
to taxability of income distributed by the trust to its investors, by way of redemption or
otherwise, and there is no assurance under the Act that the income which gets taxed at
the trust level will not get doubly taxed in the hands of the investors when distributed.
Rationale for proposed changes to the tax regime of Category III AIFs
29. The rationale for the proposed tax regime is to provide clarity in the taxation for Category
III AIFs. It will help promote the Government’s objective of ‘ease of doing business in
India’ and provide the required depth in Indian capital markets. Capital invested in
Category III AIFs has increased rapidly in recent years and is expected to grow further in
the coming years. The capital invested in Category III AIFs is growing at increasing rate
compared to other categories of AIFs. This is because Category III AIFs serve the following
vital functions in the capital markets:
(iii) flexible and a wide range of investment strategies which meet the diverse
needs of various investors, including institutions and high-net worth
(vi) provide exits to other investment funds such as Category 1 & Category II AIFs.
30. The lack of clarity in the taxation of Category III AIFs handicaps their growth and
management as described below:
. (i) Clarity to foreign asset managers which setup open-ended hedge funds in offshore
jurisdictions for investing in India under the FPI route are not handicapped by the
uncertainty of taxation surrounding the domestic SEBI-registered Category III AIFs;
(ii) There is complete certainty to Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) with respect to the
characterization of income. The regulatory framework for FPIs is similar to the
regulatory framework for AIFs, with ‘investment in securities’ being the common
factor. CBDT Circulars have been issued for providing certainty with respect to
characterisation of income on the transfer of securities (listed and unlisted). There is
no clarity for short term capital gains arising from the transfer of listed securities unlike
for FPIs;
(iii) The uncertainty of taxation is also leading to the reduction of opportunities to
domestic fund managers and professionals and in some cases leads to ‘brain drain’ to
offshore jurisdictions, besides a narrowing of investment opportunities for domestic
investors. Clarity and certainty in the taxation of Category III AIFs will provide a
competitive edge to domestic fund managers and will improve the prospects of an
appropriate risk-return profile of these pooled investment vehicles.
Recommendation: Implement an Investor-Level Taxation Regime for Category III AIFs
31. In an investor-level tax regime, investors of Category III AIFs shall pay tax on income /
gains arising from investment in units of Category III AIFs.
32. The features of the recommended investor-level regime for Category III AIFs are:
(i) Short term capital gains on transfer of units (whether by way of redemption or
otherwise) of equity-oriented investment fund to be taxed at the rate of 15%;
(ii) Long term capital gains on transfer of units (whether by way of redemption or
otherwise) of equity-oriented investment fund to be exempt from tax;
(iii) Any other long term or short-term capital gains on transfer of units (whether by
way of redemption or otherwise) of a Category III AIF, to be taxable at applicable
(iv) Any income distributed by a Category III AIF out of income received by it (other
than income of the nature which is exempt under section 10) shall be taxable in
the hands of investors as Income from Other Sources at applicable rates (~30%);
(v) All of the above tax on investors would be paid by way of Tax Deducted at Source
(‘TDS’) at the fund level;
(vi) Category III AIFs shall not be subject to any tax on income / gains arising from their
investments in underlying securities; and
(vii) Any transfer of units pursuant to the consolidation of schemes of Category III AIFs
should not be regarded as a transfer.
‘Equity oriented investment fund’ means an investment fund, which has been granted a
certificate of registration as a Category III Alternative Investment Fund and is regulated
under the SEBI (AIF) Regulations 2012 made under the SEBI Act, 1992, whose investible
funds are invested in equity shares of domestic companies to the extent of more than
sixty-five per cent of the total proceeds of such fund.
Provided that the percentage of equity shareholding of the fund shall be computed with
reference to the annual average of the monthly averages of the opening and closing
33. The draft of the proposed amendments to be made under the IT Act for Category III AIFs
are presented in the following boxes for consideration.
Proposed Amendments:
Section 2(14)
(a) property of any kind held by an assessee, whether or not connected with his business or profession;
(b) any securities held by a Foreign Institutional Investor which has invested in such securities in
accordance with the regulations made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992;
(a) the expression “Foreign Institutional Investor” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (a) of
the Explanation to section 115AD;
(b) the expression “securities” shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (h) of section 2 of the
Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956);
(c) the expression “investment fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation to clause
(23DB) of section 10
Section 2(42A)
“short term capital asset” means a capital asset held by an assessee for not more than thirty-six months
immediately preceding the date of its transfer:
Provided that in the case of a security (other than a unit) listed in a recognised stock exchange in India or a
unit of the Unit Trust of India established under the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 (52 of 1963) or a unit of
an equity oriented fund or a unit of an equity oriented investment fund or a zero coupon bond, the provisions
of this clause shall have effect as if for the words “thirty-six months”, the words “twelve months” had been
Explanation 5. – For the purposes of this clause, the expression “equity oriented investment fund” shall
have the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation below clause (38B) of section 10
Section 56
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section (1), the following
incomes, shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head "Income from Other Sources", namely: -
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, the term “investment fund” shall have the meaning assigned
to it in clause (23DB) of section 10
Section 111B
(1) Where the total income of an assessee includes income chargeable under the head "Capital Gains",
arising from the transfer of a short-term capital asset, being a unit of an equity oriented investment fund,
the tax payable by the assessee on the total income shall be the aggregate of -
(i) the amount of income-tax calculated on such short-term capital gains at the rate of fifteen per cent; and
(ii) the amount of income-tax payable on the balance amount of the total income as if such balance amount
were the total income of the assessee
Provided that in the case of an individual or a Hindu undivided family, being a resident, where the total
income as reduced by such short term capital gains is below the maximum amount which is not chargeable
to income-tax, then, such short term capital gains shall be reduced by the amount by which the total income
so reduced falls short of the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income-tax and the tax on the
balance of such short-term capital gains shall be computed at the rate of fifteen per cent.
(2) Where the gross total income of an assessee includes any short-term capital gains referred to in sub-
section (1), the deduction under Chapter VI-A shall be allowed from the gross total income as reduced by
such capital gains.
Explanation. - For the purposes of this section, the expression "equity oriented investment fund" shall have
the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation below clause (38B) of section 10.
(1) Where any income is payable to a unitholder in respect of units of the investment fund, the person
responsible for making the payment or distribution shall, at the time of payment or distribution thereof in
cash or by issue of cheque or draft or by any other mode, deduct income-tax thereon at the following rates:
a. on the income of the nature referred to in section 111B at the rate of fifteen per cent;
b. on the income distributed by an investment fund other than income distributed by equity
oriented investment fund referred to in clause (38B) of section 10, at the rate of thirty per cent;
c. on the income arising on redemption of a long-term capital asset being a unit of an
investment fund other than equity oriented investment fund, at the rate of twenty percent;
Provided that where the payee is a non-resident (not being a company) or a foreign company, deduction
of tax shall be made in respect of any income at the rates in force
(i) the expression “equity oriented investment fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it in
the Explanation below clause (38B) of section 10
(ii) the expression “investment fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the Explanation
to clause (23DB) of section 10
Section 196
Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing provisions of this Chapter, no deduction of tax shall
be made by any person from any sums payable to –
(iii) a corporation established by or under a Central Act which is, under any law for the time being in
force, exempt from income-tax on its income or
where such sum is payable to it by way of interest or dividend in respect of any securities or shares
owned by it or in which it has full beneficial interest, or any other income accruing or arising to it
Section 10(23DB)
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, ‘investment fund’ shall mean a fund which has been granted a
certificate of registration as a category III Alternative Investment Fund and is regulated under the Securities
and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations 2012, made under the Securities
and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992)
Section 10(38A)
Any income arising from the transfer, either by way of redemption or otherwise, of a long term capital
asset being a unit of an equity oriented investment fund
Section 10(38B)
Any income distributed by an equity oriented investment fund to its unitholder, out of the income arising to
the investment fund which is of the nature specified in clause (34) or clause (34A) or clause (35) or clause
(38) of section 10
Explanation - For the purposes of clause (38A) and clause (38B) of section 10, the expression "equity oriented
investment fund" means an Investment Fund referred to it in the Explanation to clause (23DB) of section
10 and whose investible funds are invested by way of equity shares of domestic companies to the extent of
more than sixty five per cent of the total proceeds of such fund:
Provided that the percentage of equity shareholding of the fund shall be computed with reference to the
annual average of the monthly averages of the opening and closing figures
Chapter VI
Alternative Investment Funds
Chapter VI
1. The Union Finance Minister in his union budget speech this year had emphasized the
need for enhancing expenditure in priority areas of farm, rural sector, social sector,
employment generation and focus on vulnerable sections of the society. The
Government of India has put investment in these sectors as one of the core elements
of its socio-economic progress. In recent past, the government has created major
financial institutions with a focus on investments to provide financial support to
improve the viability of government projects with special focus on energy, water,
sanitation, communication, and social and commercial infrastructure. While majority
of earlier investment projects focussed on debt financing for such initiatives, the
requirements are equally critical for equity financing. Further, the role of the
government in being able to influence policies play a major role in re-energizing the
social sector investments.
4. Thus, instead of spending directly or opting to pour funds into government programs,
funds could be allowed to be invested in social impact funds or other instruments
managed by a group of experts. Impact investing is a targeted intention to create
positive social impact in conjunction with social dividends and muted financial-
6. The advantages of channelling CSR funds through Category I AIF pooled vehicles are:
(i) The fund manager acts as a fiduciary on behalf of its investors playing an
important fiduciary and stewardship role;
(ii) The fund manager is mandated to apply professional investing and
monitoring skills;
(iii) Investors in AIFs are typically high-calibre entities with business acumen
such as HNIs, family offices, family foundations and pension funds;
(iv) The fund manager provides frequent reports on portfolio companies to its
investment committee;
(v) The fund manager typically invests in and builds a portfolio of sustainable
social projects, or social enterprises, consistent with the aims of CSR funds
as enunciated in the Companies Act 2013;
(vi) AIFs are registered and regulated by a Government regulatory authority
i.e. SEBI under its AIF Regulations, 2012;
(vii) AIF pooling vehicles are well-accepted as a sound and valid instrument by
investors in many countries as channels for investing impact funds in order
to achieve social good; and
(viii) Finally, the pooling of funds in AIFs enables the leveraging of funds
invested by any single investor.
(2) The Board's report under sub-section (3) of section Allowing companies to invest
134 shall disclose the composition of the Corporate their CSR funds in social
Social Responsibility Committee. ventures will also enable
scalability and social impact.
(3) The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee
shall, —
(a) formulate and recommend to the Board, a
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy which shall
indicate the activities to be undertaken by the
company as specified in Schedule VII;
(b) recommend the amount of expenditure or
investment to be incurred on the activities referred to
in clause (a); and (c) monitor the Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy of the company from time to time.
(4) The Board of every company referred to in sub-
section (1) shall, —
the Central Government hereby makes the following
amendments to Schedule VII of the said Act, namely:-
ventures and which satisfies social performance becomes ineligible for tax
norms laid down by the fund and whose investors benefits. In a situation when
may agree to receive restricted or muted returns.” shares are given to a trust, it
has a period of up to a year
to dispose of them and
remain eligible for availing of
tax benefits. Further, a newly
set up trust can only make
grants to a social enterprise
but is not allowed to hold
equity in such social
enterprises. In order to spur
financial innovation in social
sector, public trusts should
be allowed to invest in
recognized social enterprises
and profits on such
investments may be subject
to tax.
social welfare or solving social problems or providing healthcare, low cost housing
social benefits and includes, etc. which are for-profit
(i) public charitable trusts registered with Charity entities with a primarily
social motive.
(ii) societies registered for charitable purposes;
(iii) company registered under Section 8 of the
Companies Ac. Recognizing such social
enterprises as “social
“Social Enterprise” means a trust, society or company ventures” for the purpose of
or limited liability partnership which satisfies all of the the AIF Regulations would
conditions below: enable investors to
contribute capital to these
i) It has the achievement of positive social
impact as a primary objective under its socially beneficial activities.
memorandum and articles of association
ii) It carries on a business in the areas of The proposed definition
agriculture, affordable healthcare, affordable specifies conditions as to
education, affordable housing, financial sectors, beneficiaries and
inclusion, last mile delivery of goods and social impact objective, to
services to under privileged beneficiaries,
ensure that social businesses
renewable energy, water and sanitation,
livelihoods, or any other area as may be are the primary recipients of
notified by the Government for priority sector such funding.
lending, but does not carry on business in the
areas of Real estate other than affordable Moreover, explicitly
housing, Infrastructure, Tobacco, Alcohol, highlighting for-profit social
Weapons or Wildlife.
ventures or social
iii) It focuses primarily on promoting the social
enterprises will attract more
welfare of, or providing social benefits to,
Specified Beneficiaries, who may act as capital, which allows India to
producers, consumers, suppliers or employees bridge the social sector
in relation to the Social Enterprise. For the investment gaps.
purpose of this provision, Specified
Beneficiaries shall be persons with annual
household incomes of less than a threshold
prescribed annually by the investment
committee of the SEBI-registered Category!
social venture funds making the investment or
be individuals with physical disabilities.
Chapter VI Part B: India: SEBI CATEGORY III AIFs: FUNDs-of-
A. Background
As per the SEBI (AIF) Regulations, Category I AIFs are permitted to invest in the units
of other category I AIFs of the same Sub-Category, and Category II AIFs are permitted
to invest in units of other Category I AIFs (of any sub-category) and other Category II
AIFs. However, as per Regulations 18(b) of the SEBI (AIF) Regulations, Category III AIFs
are permitted to invest only in units of other Category I AIFs or category II AIFs. There
is no provision permitting Category III AIFs to invest in units of other Category III AIFs.
II. Lack of diversification in case of a fund-of-funds structure for category III AIFs
Category III AIFs are typically funds which employ complex strategies and raise
investments from sophisticated investors, such as financial institutions and high net
worth individuals. Such investors are required to make a minimum capital
commitment of INR 1 crore, which may be a substantial amount for many such
investors. For some investors, investment in AIFs may be a novelty. In order to
increase investor participation, a category III AIF may be organized as a fund-of-funds
structure which provides investors with an opportunity to invest in different
Under the current regime, a Category III AIF gets the advantages of a fund-of-funds
structure, only with respect to investment in units of Category I AIF or Category II AIFs.
This limits the investment strategy of the Category III AIF to be diversified into a PE/VC
structure only. If a category III AIF is permitted to invest in units of other Category III
AIFs, the investors will be able to take advantage of diversified complex fund
strategies as well.
For example, when a Category III AIF employs a strategy to invest in derivatives or
complex or structured products, it will provide investors with diversified exposure if it
is permitted to invest in units of other Category III AIFs which employ the same
III. Concerns with over-leveraging in case of Category III AIFs investing in units of other
category III AIFs
There could be certain concerns with respect to over leveraging in case of a fund of
funds structure where a Category III AIF invests in units of other Category III AIFs. This
could more easily be addressed by limiting employment of leverage to only one
level of such fund of funds structure. Accordingly, the AIF Regulations may be
amended to clarify that where a Category III AIF invests in the units of other Category
III AIFs, leverage can only be undertaken by one of the funds so as to ensure that both
the Category III AIFs do not assume leverage.
Alternatively, for the purpose of determining the leverage for regulation purposes,
the same shall be computed on a consolidated basis.
Proposed Recommendations
In order to allow investors to realise the benefits of a fund-of-funds structure for a Category
III AIF investing in units of other category III AIFs, it is recommended that Regulation 18(b) of
AIF Regulations should be amended to include investment into units of other Category III AIFs.
Suggested amendment in the AIF Regulations to give effect to the above recommendation
Regulation 18(b):
Fund of Category III Alternative Investment Funds may invest in units of Category I or Category II Alternative
Investment Funds or Category III Alternative Investment Funds:
Provided that they invest solely in such units and shall not invest in units of other Fund-of-Funds.:
Provided further that a Category III Alternative Investment Fund which itself employs leverage, may invest in
units of only such other Category III AIFs which do not employ any leverage.
Chapter VII
An Alternative View of Taxation &
Promoting Onshore Fund Management
in India
An Alternative View of Taxation & Promoting
Onshore Fund Management in India
A. Introduction
1. This chapter recommends a Securities Transaction Tax regime for various categories of
Alternative Investments. It describes the difficulties arising from the current tax regime
and which confront all the key players in the AIF ecosystem, namely investors in funds,
the Alternative Investment Funds and the revenue authorities. The chapter also provides
cogent reasons for the need for a suitable STT regime for hedge funds- which fall under
Category III Alternative Investment Funds of SEBI AIF regulations. The chapter includes
the justification and rationale for the proposed recommendations and includes draft
amendments for consideration by the relevant Government authorities. In essence, the
chapter recommends a complete revamp in the manner in which AIFs and their investors
are taxed in India.
3. A simplified regime of taxation of investors in mutual funds has significantly helped in the
growth of mutual funds with minimal issues and litigation. AIFs, like mutual funds, pool
capital raised from investors which is invested in accordance with some stated investment
criteria. Given the similarities in the structure of mutual funds and AIFs, a similar tax
regime i.e. Securities Transaction Tax (STT) should apply to transactions in units of AIFs.
4. The simplified regime for private equity and venture capital funds, as is the case of Foreign
Portfolio Investors (FPIs) who invest in listed securities and are subject to Securities
Transaction Tax, would provide great impetus to the growth of the alternatives fund
management industry i.e. AIFs. Experience has shown that some of the key advantages of
the Securities Transaction Tax regime are ease of compliance and reduction in tax
5. Toharmonize the taxation of mutual funds and Investment Funds and to simplify tax
compliance of both the investors as well as the Investment Funds, it is proposed to bring
Investment Funds (i.e. Alternative Investment Funds) under the ambit of STT.
10. The introduction of a Securities Transaction Tax (“STT”) can help alleviate the concerns.
The implementation of a STT-based tax regime for AIFs gains paramount importance after
the negotiation of the DTAA with jurisdictions such as Mauritius and Singapore.If
implemented, an STT regime for private equity and venture capital funds, including AIFs,
could yield STT tax revenues of $1.8 billion during the next 15 years (see Appendix 1)
11. The specific difficulties arising from the current fax regime for venture capital and private
equity funds, their investors and the revenue authorities are given below.
12. Lack of parity on withholding tax provisions for residentsand non-residents: Resident
investors suffer a 10 percent withholding tax on gross distributions made by AIFs which
includes distribution of income in the nature of gains from the sale of listed company’s
shares held for more than one year (which is exempt from tax), dividend income (which
is exempt from tax) etc. However, withholding from distributions made to non-resident
investors shall be made at the rates in force (including rates applicable on account of a
tax treaty). Hence, there is a lack of parity in the treatment given to residents and non-
resident investors thereby discouraging domestic investments.
13. Blockage of resident investors funds due to withholding requirement of 10 percent even
in respect of exempt income: Resident investors suffer TDS on all income distributed by
the Fund thereby resulting in tax on exempt income as well. Resident investors are left
with no option but to claim the TDS as a refund by filing a return of income. Refund claims
of the investors are blocked until the refund is paid thereby lowering the return on capital
on investments from the Fund.
14. Administrative inconvenience for the Funds: In order to realize refund claims and
complete assessment proceedings Fund would need to continue to exist for
notwithstanding the fact that most funds are established with a limited life.
15. Compliance burden on the Funds: The tax related compliance requirements of Funds has
not been reduced over the years. The Fund is still required to file a return of income and
in addition is required to submit Forms 64A and 64B detailing the income distributed by
the Fund. This is in addition to the requirement of submitting TDS returns on income
distributed to the Fund which is otherwise not required to be done by other assesses.
b) Difficulties Faced by Investors
16. Claim of refund and return filing requirement: Most non-resident investors would have
no other business activity other than participating in a VC / PE fund. Despite this, they will
be required to file in India return of income irrespective of whether they have taxable
income or not. This could act as a deterrent to large institutional investors.
17. Stress on working capital of investors: Blocked tax deducted at source claims on exempt
income creates unnecessary stress on working capital.
18. High withholding tax rate: The 10 per cent withholding tax rate is high considering that
the actual tax payable by the investors could be less. A high withholding tax rate would
reduce the effective Internal Rate of Return to the investors as the excess tax deducted
would have to be claimed as a refund, the grant of which is delayed.
20. Administering tax credits and ensuring that the Form 26AS credits match with the credits
claimed by the investors adds to the existing reconciliation of mismatches between TDS
claims and Form 26AS;
21. Revenue leakage on account of interest on refunds which was never to be charged;
22. Litigation: Increase in litigation leading to poor tax collection and inefficient utilization of
tax authorities in dealing into such litigation.
Proposed Amendments
Amending the Chapter VII of Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 to include distribution from
Investment Funds as a taxable transaction in securities:
―Investment Fund‖ shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (a) of the
explanation to section
115UB of the Income-tax Act, 1961‖
B) In section 97 re-insert the current sub-section (1) defining Appellate Tribunal as sub-section
C) In section 97 of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004, –
in sub-section 13, after sub-clause (b), the following sub-clauses shall be inserted:
―(c) purchase of a unit in an Investment Fund
(d) any distribution made on sale or redemption of a unit in an Investment Fund‖
(d) any distribution made otherwise by an Investment fund‖
D) In section 98 of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004, in the Table, after serial number 7 and the
corresponding entries thereto, the following shall be inserted, namely: ––
E) In section 99 of the Finance (No.2) Act, 2004, after sub-clause (b) insert the following clauses
―(ba) in the case of purchase of units of an Investment Fund, the price at which such
units are purchased;
Or such other rate as may be appropriate
referred in clause (bb) above, the amounts so distributed to the unit holder;
(bd) in the case of sale of units of an Investment Fund by the unit holder to any person
other than the Investment Fund in which such units are held, the price at which such
units are sold‖
F) In section 100 insert the following sub-section (2B) after sub-section (2A)
―The prescribed person in the case of every Investment Fund shall collect the
securities transaction tax from every person who purchases or sells or redeems the
unit of an Investment Fund‖
G) In sub-section (1) of section 101 - insert the following words after the words ―every recognised
stock exchange‖ –
i) Exempting the income from Investment Fund (AIF) under section 10:
A) In Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, after clause (38), the following clause shall be
inserted, namely: -
In sub-section 42(A) of the Income-tax Act, insert the following proviso after the
second proviso-
―Provided further that in the case of share or other securities of a company (not being
a share listed in a recognised stock exchange) held by an Investment Fund or a unit
of an Investment Fund specified under clause (23FBA) of section 10, the provisions of
this clause shall have effect as if for the words "thirty-six months", the words "Twenty
four months" had been substituted‖
In Section 115UB of the Income-tax Act, after sub-section (7), the following sub-
section shall be inserted, namely: -
―(8) Nothing contained in sub-sections (1) to (7) shall apply to any distributions by
an Investment fund, where the distribution from such an Investment Fund is
chargeable to securities transaction tax under Chapter VII of the Finance (No. 2) Act,
(9) It shall not be necessary for an assessee being a unit holder of an investment fund
to furnish under sub-section (1) of section 139 a return of his or its income if:
a) His or its total income in respect of which he or it is assessable under this Act, during the previous
year consisted only of distributions from an investment fund, chargeable to securities
transaction tax under Chapter VII of the Finance (no.2) Act, 2014‖
(a) for clause (23FBA), the following clause shall be substituted, namely: -
Explanation. —For the purposes of this clause, the expression ―Investment fund‖
shall have the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (a) of the Explanation 1 to
section 11UB‖
In Section 194LBB of the Income-tax Act, the first paragraph shall be numbered as
(1) and after sub-section (1) so numbered, the following sub-section shall be inserted,
namely: -
E) Exempting a portfolio company from the tax on share premium amount when invested by an
Investment Fund (AIF) (as is the case when invested by a venture fund)
In section 56 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (1), in clause (viib), after clause (ii) of
the Proviso, the following clause shall be inserted, namely-
A separate provision to be added in section 194 LBB of the Income Tax Act, 1961 to clarify
that the TDS in not applicable for income earned by the Fund which is exempted from
Tax liability.
23. Category III Alternative Investment Funds include hedge funds under SEBI AIF
regulations. In India the hedge fund industry has not yet developed to its full potential due to
various factors, including the lack of certainty in taxation. A transformative change on the
taxation front can greatly facilitate their growth. A fair, transparent and enabling tax regime
could result in India’s hedge fund industry potentially growing at 20% per annum from its
current low base. Ultimately their assets under management could surpass $25 Billion or INR
166,750 crores in 10 years.
24. The rationale and advantages of the STT regime have been amplified in the earlier
section. In order to simplify and bring ease of compliance and remove ambiguity in taxes, the
introduction of the STT regime (on entry and redemption for each investor) will ensure
smooth payment and collection of taxes. This proposal will ensure stable cash flows for the
government and since they are source based, it represents a superior tax policy, which is a
win-win for the fund manager, the investors and the Government.
Justification for Developing the Hedge Fund Industry in India & Alternative Investment
Funds in the Indian Context
25. The current size of the AIF Category III Funds in India is an estimated INR3,816 crores as
of 30th June,2016. This is much smaller that the approximately Rs. 100,000 crores invested
under Portfolio Management Schemes (PMS). The global hedge fund industry has $3 Trillion
in assets under management as of 2015 (Asia Hedge and HFR Global Hedge Fund surveys).
From 2007 to 2015, China’s equity hedge fund assets under management have risen from an
estimated USD13.5 Billion to USD45 Billion in 2015, taking China’s market share from 6% in
2007 to 18% in 2015 in the Asia-Pac hedge fund industry. During this period, the share of
India’s equity hedge funds declined from 5% to 2% today. The Chinese hedge fund industry
has also grown strongly at a roughly 19% compounded rate since 2007.
26. Hong Kong and Singapore, which have zero capital gains tax, have experienced
tremendous growth in the hedge fund and financial services industry. Currently, Indian AIF’s
are at a nascent stage with potential to grow larger. Consequently, the taxes collected can
rise if the tax structure is simplified and made fair by implementing an STT regime for
Category III AIFs.27. Examples from other industries have proven that a fair tax regime led to
exponential growth of industry and over time resulted in higher collection of tax revenue.
27. Securities Transaction Tax, which is source based taxation, has the potential of leading to
an exponential growth of this industry in India in line with international jurisdictions such as
Singapore, Hong Kong, US and the UK.
28. There is a strong rationale for developing a vibrant hedge funds industry in India. The
rationale for this is the several benefits associated with a hedge fund industry which are
explained below:
Alternative source of funding: Hedge funds are a potential alternative source of funding
for India’s economic growth and development. They are attractive to large institutional
investors such as sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, endowments, trusts and family
offices. Hedge funds typically start their corpus with proprietary capital of the fund
manager. This ‘skin- in- the- business’, brings about a natural alignment of interest
between the fund manager and fund investors;
Superior Governance: Hedge funds strategies include activist investment strategies which
aim to improve the quality of governance in portfolio companies, thereby bringing about
improvements in their performance and enhanced efficiencies in their operations;
Diversity of Investment Strategies Meets the Investment & Risk Management Needs of
Investors: Hedge funds play a critical role by offering a wide array of investment
strategies, thus increasing the number of participating investors and enlarging pools of
capital available. For investors, hedge funds also serve a risk-management role, since their
returns can be uncorrelated to those in equity markets. Markets work best when investors
draw on a diverse set of strategies and securities to manage risk. Private pools of
regulated capital provide valuable liquidity to financial markets under normal conditions
and especially during periods of market stress and downturns;
Price Discovery: The variety of investing strategies that hedge funds employ, strengthen
capital markets by improving opportunities for price discovery. “Short selling contributes
to the market’s process of finding correct prices and its valuable to have hedge funds do
this,” said Jeremy Seigel, Prof of Finance at Wharton School of Business. “By buying
irrationally cheap assets and selling irrationally expensive ones, they shift market prices
until irrationalities disappear, thus ultimately facilitating the efficient allocation of the
world’s capital.” ;
Lower Cost of Capital: Countries with highly developed hedge fund industry have seen
more efficient capital markets and a much lower cost of capital. This is desirable as India
currently suffers from high cost of capital (double digit across sectors) and a high equity
risk premium; and
Job Creation: A strong hedge fund ecosystem will help create many jobs within the
financial industry. This will lead to high value job creation in the financial services industry
in India. The diagram below shows the areas in the hedge fund eco-system where jobs
will increase as the hedge fund industry grows.
(Sell Side)
Hedge Fund
Prime Investment
Accountants &
The Proposed Securities Transaction Tax on Category III AIFs: Collection Stages
29. To simplify tax compliance by investors and category III AIFs, it is recommended that
category III AIFs are brought under the ambit of STT. Further, the investors of the category III
AIFs should be made liable to pay STT on the distribution made by the category III AIFs to the
investors and consequently such distributions should be exempted from tax in the hands of
the investors.
30. It is recommended that STT be collected at 5 stages of the typical Category III AIF
investment transaction cycle, in lieu of the current tax regime covering AIFs, as follows:
31. In addition to the above, a 15% service tax on brokerage amount is also paid, as also an
incremental service tax on the asset management fees paid out to the domestic fund
32. In this manner the government collects the tax on the entire gain made by the fund when
the investor redeems his or her investment from the fund.
33. It is important to highlight that in category III AIFs, the money received by such AIFs would
be invested in underlying listed securities. As per the current law, such AIFs would be subject
to STT for transacting in listed securities. Further, considering the volume involved at the
category III AIF level, there is already a good amount of STT liability created at the time of
transacting in underlying listed securities. The proposed rates of STT are over and above the
STT that a category III AIF would otherwise pay for transacting in listed securities.
34. Additionally, there are also funds which are registered as CATIII AIFs and which adopt a
‘long’ strategy for investment in listed securities. A significant portion of their income is in the
nature of long term capital gains which is otherwise exempt under existing tax law. Since
investors earning long term capital gains would otherwise not have paid any income-tax at
the time of disposing the listed securities, it is proposed not to levy any STT at the time of
distribution of such income.
Proposed Amendments
Amending the Chapter VII of Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004 to include distribution from
CAT III Investment Funds as a taxable transaction in securities:
A) In section 97 of the Finance (No.2) Act, 2004, after sub-section (3A), the following definition shall be
“(3B) “CAT III Investment Fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it in the
Explanation to Section 10(23FBAA) of the Income-tax Act, 1961”
B) In section 97 of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004, in sub-section 13, after sub-clause (b), the following
sub-clauses shall be inserted:
C) In section 98 of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2004, in the Table, after serial number 7 and the
corresponding entries thereto, the following shall be inserted, namely:-
Value of taxable securities transaction
D) In section 99 of the Finance (No.2) Act, 2004, after sub-clause (b) insert the following clauses-
“(ba) in the case of purchase of units of a CAT III Investment Fund, the price at
which such units are purchased;
(bb) in the case of distribution on account of redemption of units of a CAT III
Investment Fund, such amounts as are distributed to the unit holder including
the principal amount redeemed;
(bc) in the case of distribution by a CAT III Investment Fund other than the
distribution referred in clause (bb) above, the amounts so distributed to the unit
(bd) in the case of sale of units of a CAT III Investment Fund by the unit holder
to any person other than the Investment Fund in which such units are held, the
price at which such units are sold”
E) In section 100 insert the following sub-section (2C) after sub-section (2B)
“(2C) The prescribed person in the case of every CAT III Investment Fund shall
collect the securities transaction tax from every person purchases or sells or
redeems the unit of a CAT III Investment Fund”
F) In sub-section (1) of section 101 - insert the following words after the words ―every recognised stock
exchange‖ –
“or prescribed person in the case of every CAT III Investment Fund”
Exempting the income from CAT III Investment Fund under section 10:
In Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, after clause (38), the following clauses shall be
inserted, namely: -
chargeable to securities transaction tax under Chapter VII of the Finance (No.
2) Act, 2004.”
Exempting the income of CAT III Investment Fund under section 10:
In Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, after clause (23FBB), the following clauses shall
be inserted, namely: -
Explanation.—For the purposes of this clause, “CAT III Investment Fund” means
any fund established or incorporated in India in the form of a trust or a company
or a limited liability partnership or a body corporate which has been granted a
certificate of registration as a Category III Alternative Investment Fund and is
regulated under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative
Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012, made under the Securities and Exchange
Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992);”
A) Amending the period of holding in the securities held in and by an Investment Fund
“Provided further that in the case of share or other securities of a company (not
being a share listed in a recognised stock exchange) held by a CAT III Investment
Fund or a unit of a CAT III Investment Fund specified under clause (38A) of
section 10, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for the words "thirty-
six months", the words "Twenty-four months" had been substituted”
(Department of Revenue)
New Delhi, the , 2016
No. [●]
S.O. 1703(E). —In exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to sub- section
(1) of section 139 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), the Central Government
hereby notifies that it shall not be necessary for an assessee being a unit holder of
a Category III Alternative Investment fund as defined under clause
(23FBAA) of section 10 of the said Act to furnish under sub-section (1) of section
139 a return of his or its income if:
- His or its total income in respect of which he or it is assessable under this Act,
during the previous year consisted only of distributions from a Category III
Alternative Investment Fund as defined in explanation to clause (23FBAA)
of section 10, chargeable to securities transaction tax under Chapter VII of
the Finance (no.2) Act, 2014‖
This notification shall come into force from the date of its publication in the
Official Gazette.
Appendix 1
Tax collected if STT was levied on VCPE investments (Projected taxes collected over a 15
year period)
STT on investment 0.25%
Capital Invested per year (USD million) as per actuals for FY2015 15,000
Year 1 38 83 120
Year 2 38 83 120
Year 3 38 83 120
Year 4 38 83 120
Year 5 38 83 120
Year 6 38 83 120
Year 7 38 83 120
Year 8 38 83 120
Year 9 38 83 120
Year 10 38 83 120
106 106
Year 11 38 83 120
Year 12 38 83 120
Year 13 38 83 120
Year 14 38 83 120
Year 15 38 83 120
2. The fund will hold the investment for 5 years and divest it after.
5. STT on short term gains is at 1.0% (gross); assumed 10% of total distributions
Chapter VIII
Matrix of Recommendations of the 3rd
Report of AIPAC
Chapter VIII
Recommendations of the Third AIPAC Report
SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) The following proviso should be included after
Regulations, 2014 Regulation 4:
Eligibility criteria of foreign
portfolio “Provided that the eligibility requirements under
investor sub-clause (a), (b), (c), (d) and (f) shall be deemed
Regulations 4 - The designated depository to be fulfilled in the case the applicant is
participant shall not consider an application established or incorporated in an International
for grant of certificate of registration as a Finance Services Centre.”
foreign portfolio investor unless the
applicant satisfies the following conditions
namely, -
(a) the applicant is a person not resident in
(b) the applicant is resident of a country
whose securities market regulator is a
signatory to International Organization of
Securities Commission‘s Multilateral
Memorandum of Understanding (Appendix
A Signatories) or a signatory to bilateral
Memorandum of Understanding with the
(c) the applicant being a bank, is a resident
of a country whose central bank is a member
of Bank for International Settlements;
(d) the applicant is not resident in a country
identified in the public statement of
Financial Action Task Force as:
(i) a jurisdiction having a strategic Anti-
Money Laundering or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism deficiencies
to which counter measures apply; or
based on the criteria specified in Schedule II
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008; and
(k) any other criteria specified by the Board
from time to time.
considered to be "appropriately regulated" if
it is regulated or supervised by the securities
market regulator or the banking regulator of
the concerned foreign jurisdiction, in the
same capacity in which it proposes to make
investments in India.
Explanation 2-
A) For the purposes of this clause, "broad
based fund" shall mean a fund, established
or incorporated outside India, which has at
least twenty investors, with no investor
holding more than forty-nine per cent of the
shares or units of the fund:
Provided that if the broad-based fund has an
institutional investor, who holds more than
forty nine per cent of the shares or units in
the fund, then such institutional investor
must itself be a broad based fund.
B) For the purpose of clause, A of this
Explanation, for ascertaining the number of
investors in a fund, direct investors as well as
underlying investors shall be considered.
C) For the purpose of clause B of this
Explanation, only investors of entities which
have been set up for the sole purpose of
pooling funds and making investments, shall
be considered for the purpose of
determining underlying investors.
SEBI (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Explanation 1 of Regulation 32(1) should be
Regulations, 2014 amended as follows:
Regulation 32 (1)- All designated depository “Explanation 1.- For the purposes of this clause,
participants who have been granted "opaque structure" shall mean any structure such
approval by the Board shall - as protected cell company, segregated cell
(a) comply with the provisions of these company or equivalent, where the details of the
ultimate beneficial owners are not accessible or
regulations, as far as they may apply,
circulars issued thereunder, and any other where the beneficial owners are ring fenced from
terms and conditions specified by the Board each other or where the beneficial owners are ring
from time to time; fenced with regard to enforcement: Provided that
the foreign portfolio investor satisfying the
(b) forthwith inform the Board in writing, if following criteria shall not be treated as having
any information or particulars previously opaque structure:
submitted to the Board are found to be
false or misleading, in any material respect; (i) the applicant is regulated in its home
(c) forthwith inform the Board in writing, if jurisdiction
there is any material change in the Provided if the applicant is established in an
information previously furnished by him to International Financial Services Centre, it will be
the Board; deemed to be regulated in its home jurisdiction;
(d) furnish such information, record or (ii) each fund or sub fund in the applicant satisfies
documents to the Board and Reserve Bank of broad based criteria, and
India, as may be required, in relation to his (iii) the applicant gives an undertaking to provide
activities as a designated depository information regarding its beneficial owners as
participant; and when Board seeks this information.”
(e) ensure that only registered foreign
portfolio investors are allowed to invest in
securities market;
(f) ensure that foreign portfolio investor
does not have opaque structure(s):
Explanation 1.- For the purposes of this
clause, "opaque structure" shall mean any
structure such as protected cell company,
segregated cell company or equivalent,
where the details of the ultimate beneficial
owners are not accessible or where the
beneficial owners are ring fenced from each
other or where the beneficial owners are
ring fenced with regard to enforcement:
Provided that the foreign portfolio investor
satisfying the following criteria shall not be
treated as having opaque structure:
(i) the applicant is regulated in its home
(ii) each fund or sub fund in the applicant
satisfies broad based criteria, and
(iii) the applicant gives an undertaking to
provide information regarding its beneficial
owners as and when Board seeks this
Explanation 2.- For the purposes of
Explanation 1, the definition of ultimate
beneficial owner shall be as provided under
the Master circular on Anti Money
Laundering Standards or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism, issued by the Board
from time to time.
(g) have adequate systems to ensure that in
case of jointly held depository accounts,
each of the joint holders meet the
requirements specified for foreign portfolio
investors and shall perform KYC due
diligence for each of the joint holders;
(h) in case of any penalty, pending
litigations or proceedings, findings of
inspections or investigations for which
action may have been taken or is in the
process of being taken by any regulator
against a designated depository participant,
the designated depository participant shall
bring such information forthwith, to the
attention of the Board, depositories and
stock exchanges;
(i) be guided by the relevant circular on Anti-
Money Laundering or Combating the
Financing of Terrorism specified by the
Board from time to time.
Key relaxations expected for AIFs
SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) The following should be inserted in Regulation
Regulations, 2012 3(4)(b):
Registration of Alternative Investment “Nothing in this sub-clause shall apply to a
Funds-Regulation 3(4)(b) Category II Alternative Investment Fund
Category II “Alternative Investment established or incorporated in an International
Fund” which does not fall in Category I Financial Services Centre.”
and III and which does not undertake
leverage or borrowing other than to
meet day-to-day operational The following should be inserted in Regulation
requirements and as permitted in these 16(1)(c):
“Nothing in this sub-clause shall apply to a
Conditions for Category I Alternative Category I Alternative Investment Fund
Investment Funds-Regulation 16(1)(c) established or incorporated in an International
Category I Alternative Investment Funds Financial Services Centre.”
shall not borrow funds directly or
indirectly or engage in any leverage SEBI may consider relaxation on maximum
except for meeting temporary funding leverage IFCS-domiciled AIFs subject to
requirements for not more than thirty adequate safe guard such as private placement
days, on not more than four occasions in of fund unit only with credited investor and
a year and not more than ten percent of additional reporting requirements.
the investable funds.
Conditions for Category II Alternative
Investment Funds-Regulation 17(1)(c)
Category II Alternative Investment Funds
may not borrow funds directly or
indirectly and shall not engage in
leverage except for meeting temporary
funding requirements for not more than
thirty days, not more than four occasions
in a year and not more than ten percent
of the investable funds;
SEBI (Alternative Investment Fund) A circular must be issued by SEBI clarifying that
Regulations, 2012 SEBI circular dated 1 October 2015 will not apply
to alternative investment funds established or
General Investment Conditions-
incorporated in an International Financial Services
Regulation 15(a)
Centre and they shall be permitted to invest
Alternative Investment Fund may invest outside India freely, without requiring any
in securities of companies incorporated regulatory approvals from SEBI or RBI.
outside India subject to such conditions
or guidelines that may be stipulated or
issued by the Reserve Bank of India and
the Board from time to time
SEBI Circular dated 1 October 2015
Re: Guidelines on overseas investments
and other issues/clarifications for
The circular inter alia provides the
f) AIFs may invest in equity and
equity linked instruments only of
offshore venture capital
undertakings, subject to overall
limit of USD 500 million
(combined limit for AIFs and
Venture Capital Funds);
g) AIFs desirous of making
investments in offshore venture
capital undertakings shall submit
their proposal for investment (in
the attached format at Annexure)
to SEBI for prior approval;
h) Investments would be made only
in those companies which have
an Indian connection (e.g.
company which has a front office
overseas, while back office
operations are in India);
i) Such investments shall not
exceed 25% of the investible
funds of the scheme of the AIF;
j) The allocation of investment
limits would be done on ‘first
come first serve’ basis,
depending on the availability in
the overall limit of USD 500
Clarity on applicability of existing SEBI AIF regulations to It is recommended to insert the
IFSC following proviso under clause 3(1)
of Chapter II of the SEBI
(Alternative Investment Fund)
Regulations, 2012:
Further, an AIF in IFSC should also be allowed to "Any alternative investment fund
participate in the capital of a Limited Liability or mutual fund operating in IFSC
Partnership incorporated in India. shall be permitted to invest in the
d) Capital of limited liability
partnerships incorporated in India
subject to such conditions or
guidelines that may be stipulated
or issued by the Reserve Bank of
India and Government of India
from time to time."
Manager shall be permitted to obtain investment 22.8 in Chapter VI – Funds of the
advisory services from an entity set up outside IFSC. SEBI (International Financial
Services Centers) Guidelines, 2015:
a) A Sponsor / Manager of an
Alternative Investment Fund in
India may act as a Sponsor /
Manager of an Alternative
Investment Fund set up in the IFSC
by –
(Foreign Currency Accounts By a
Person Resident In India)
Regulations, 2015 to specifically
permit such remittances.
Suggested Amendments:
It is recommended to amend
clause (B) of Regulation 5 of the
Foreign Exchange Management
(Foreign Currency Accounts By a
Person Resident In India)
Regulations, 2015 by inserting the
following clause (iii) under clause
(b) to the first proviso as follows:
Suggested Amendments
Manager for an Alternative
Investment Fund in such center.”
relating to IFSC-AIFs
Income Tax Act, 1961 Regulation 9A (2) should be amended as follows:
Certain activities not to “Notwithstanding anything contained in section 6, an eligible investment fund
constitute business shall not be said to be resident in India for the purpose of that section merely
connection in India because the eligible fund manager including a portfolio manager incorporated
or established in an International Financial Services Centre, undertaking fund
Section 9A (2) -
management activities on its behalf, is situated in India.”
(2) Notwithstanding
anything contained in
section 6, an eligible
investment fund shall Regulation 9A (3) should be amended as follows:
not be said to be
resident in India for “The eligible investment fund referred to in sub-section (1), means a fund
the purpose of that established or incorporated or registered outside India, including a fund
section merely established or incorporated in an International Financial Services Centre,
because the eligible which collects funds from its members for investing it for their benefit and
fund manager, fulfils the following conditions, namely: —…”
undertaking fund
management activities The following proviso will be inserted in Regulation 9A (3):
on its behalf, is
situated in India “Provided further that the conditions specified in sub-clauses (a), (b), (d), (h),
(j), (k) and (l) shall be deemed to be fulfilled in case of funds established or
incorporated in an International Financial Services Centre.”
Exemption from tax for Currently, Category I and II AIFs have been provided tax pass through status for
any income earned by capital gains under the Indian income tax laws. However, while distributing any
an offshore investor income to its investors, an AIF is required to withhold taxes at the applicable
from offshore rates based on the jurisdiction of the investor and remit such taxes to the
investments made Government of India.
through a Fund in IFSC
Further, the Indian income tax laws also require the unit holders to obtain tax
registration (i.e. to obtain PAN) and disclose such income by filing of a Return
of Income (“RoI”) in India.
The need to obtain tax registrations and filing of a RoI by the unit holder
requires an investor to go through the rigours of compliances in India. While
this approach may be required for the domestic market, an IFSC regime should
be more investor friendly in terms of compliance requirements.
Hence, in order to encourage foreign investors to directly come into the IFSC
without worrying about the hassle of Indian tax compliances, the Government
of India should exempt the foreign investors from obtaining PAN number and
filing of tax return in India, in respect of any income distributed by an AIF in
IFSC after deduction of tax at source.
However, where such foreign investor earns any other income from India, such
foreign investor should be subject to the above compliances.
Suggested Amendments:
Explanation 3.- For the purpose of this proviso, an Alternative Investment Fund
means any fund established or incorporated in India in the form of a trust or a
company or a limited liability partnership or a body corporate which has been
granted a certificate of registration and is regulated under the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations, 2012 and
Securities and Exchange Board of India (International Financial Services Centers)
Guidelines, 2015 made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act,
1992 (15 of 1992).
should exempt the (a) a non-resident, not being a company, or
offshore investors
from obtaining PAN (b) a foreign company
number and filing of
tax return in India, in which earns income only from investments made in an Alternative
respect of any income Investment Fund set up in an International Financial Services Centre.
distributed by an AIF in
IFSC after deduction of Exemption from filing Return of Income
tax at source.
It is recommended to insert the following sub clause (iv) in clause (a) of sub-
section (1) in section 115A of the Income-tax Act, 1961
availed by companies.
Alternatively, the investors in an AIF could be considered as service
recipients and where the foreign investment in an AIF exceeds 50%,
the services availed by an AIF should be considered as export of services
and thereby be liable for zero rate of tax.
II. GST liability GST liability on directors in case of default by a private limited
on directors company
in case of
default by a Personal liability under section 89(1) of the CGST Act should not be
private extended to the nominee/non-executive directors, especially where
limited appointment is made by AlFs. Accordingly, section 89(1) of the CGST Act
should be amended as under (changes highlighted in bold font below):
Investor-based Investor based taxation for Category III AIFs
Taxation for Category Suggested amendments in the Act to give effect to the recommendation
Proposed Amendments:
Section 2(14)
(a) the expression “Foreign Institutional Investor” shall have the meaning
assigned to it in clause (a) of the Explanation to section 115AD;
(c) the expression “investment fund” shall have the meaning assigned to it
in the Explanation to clause (23DB) of section 10
Section 2(42A)
“short term capital asset” means a capital asset held by an assessee for
not more than thirty-six months immediately preceding the date of its
recognised stock exchange in India or a unit of the Unit Trust of India
established under the Unit Trust of India Act, 1963 (52 of 1963) or a unit of
an equity oriented fund or a unit of an equity oriented investment fund or a
zero-coupon bond, the provisions of this clause shall have effect as if for
the words “thirty-six months”, the words “twelve months” had been
Section 56
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, the term “investment fund”
shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (23DB) of section 10
Section 111B
(ii) the amount of income-tax payable on the balance amount of the total
income as if such balance amount were the total income of the assessee
of such short-term capital gains shall be computed at the rate of fifteen per
(2) Where the gross total income of an assessee includes any short-term
capital gains referred to in sub-section (1), the deduction under Chapter VI-
A shall be allowed from the gross total income as reduced by such capital
(iii) the expression “equity oriented investment fund” shall have the
meaning assigned to it in the Explanation below clause (38B) of
section 10
Section 196
(iii) a corporation established by or under a Central Act which is, under any
law for the time being in force, exempt from income-tax on its income or
Section 10(23DB)
Explanation: For the purposes of this clause, ‘investment fund’ shall mean a
fund which has been granted a certificate of registration as a category III
Alternative Investment Fund and is regulated under the Securities and
Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Fund) Regulations 2012,
made under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of
Section 10(38A)
otherwise, of a long-term capital asset being a unit of an equity oriented
investment fund
Section 10(38B)
Explanation - For the purposes of clause (38A) and clause (38B) of section
10, the expression "equity oriented investment fund" means an Investment
Fund referred to it in the Explanation to clause (23DB) of section 10 and
whose investible funds are invested by way of equity shares of domestic
companies to the extent of more than sixty-five per cent of the total
proceeds of such fund:
Exemption to the AIF for all streams of income earned by the AIF on its
SEBI has taken the
progressive measure investments in portfolio entities
to enable listing of
AIFs. However, the Taxation of income (viz dividend and interest) distribution by the AIF to its
related tax regime
needs to be investors in the hands of the AIF’s investors
enunciated. The
current pass-through Dividend - Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor
tax system cannot
cater to listing of AIFs Interest – Domestic investor at their respective tax rates, Non-resident
and secondary
investors at 5%
transactions in units of
listed AIFs Taxation of gains actually realized by the AIF’s investors either on unit
unit holder or third party**
Short-term capital gains @ 15% with the sale/ redemption being liable to STT
Long-term capital gains – Exempt from tax in the hands of the investor with the
Long-term capital gains @ 20% for domestic investors, 10% for non-resident
E.Important Pending • The following critical issues are yet to be addressed in the tax law:
from Previous Significant costs incurred by the AIF are not factored in determining the
AIPAC Reports investors’ tax liability
AIF Taxation-
Recognition of Costs & Net losses incurred by AIFs are not available to investors and may lapse if not
Net Losses set-off by the AIF
These Recommendations
• Allowing a deduction for management fee and expenses in determining
need to be
implemented on an taxable gains
expeditious basis in
order to make the Allow management fee incurred from the date of the investment to the date of
current pass through its divestment to be capitalised as “cost of improvement”. The management
tax regime more fee incurred may be calculated based on the management fee contractually
efficient. payable to the AIF’s investment manager at the annual rate applied to the
actual cost of the investment.
S. No. Suggested Changes: CSR in Companies Act 2013
4. Restriction on investment by Companies using CSR funds
F. The Ministry of Corporate Affairs may consider issuing a
circular/notification modifying section 135 and Schedule VII of the
Companies Act to effectuate the following:
Ministry of
Section 135. Corporate Social Responsibility:
(1) Every company having net worth of rupees five hundred crore or more,
or turnover of rupees one thousand crore or more or a net profit of rupees
five crore or more during any financial year shall constitute a Corporate
Funds &
Social Responsibility Committee of the Board consisting of three or more
directors, out of which at least one director shall be an independent director.
(2) The Board's report under sub-section (3) of section 134 shall disclose the
composition of the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee.
(5) The Board of every company referred to in sub-section (1), shall ensure
that the company spends or invests, in every financial year, at least two per
cent. of the average net profits of the company made during the three
immediately preceding financial years, in pursuance of its Corporate Social
Responsibility Policy.
Provided that the company shall give preference to the local area and areas
around it where it operates, for spending/investing the amount earmarked
for Corporate Social Responsibility activities:
Provided further that if the company fails to spend such amount, the Board
shall, in its report made under clause (o) of sub-section (3) of section 134,
specify the reasons for not spending/investing the amount.
In Schedule VII, after items (i) to (x) and the entries relating thereto, the
following items and entries shall be inserted, namely: -
MoF CBDT Additional clauses allowing wider permissible modes of investment by public
trusts under Section 11(5) of ITA. The ITA should amend section 11(5) to
effectuate the following:
6. Include “Social Enterprises” as a separate category in the AIF Regulation
Regulations Section 2(u) of the AIF Regulations may be amended as follows: