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Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health: Pragati Sharma, Sanjay M. Pattanshetty

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Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6 (2018) 83–87

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Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health

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A study on risk factors of cervical cancer among patients attending a

tertiary care hospital: A case-control study
Pragati Sharmaa,* , Sanjay M. Pattanshettyb,1
Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
School of Public Health, Manipal University, Karnataka, India


Article history: Background: Cancer is an important health issue. According to the WHO report, globally, cervical cancer
Received 18 August 2017 comprises 12% of all cancers in women and it is the leading gynaecological malignancy in the world. In
Received in revised form 26 September 2017 many developing countries, it is the most common cancer among women where 85% of the estimated 493
Accepted 2 October 2017
000 new cases and 273 000 deaths in 2002 occurred worldwide.
Available online 3 October 2017
Objectives: 1. To study the association between cervical cancer and parity. 2. To study the association
between cervical cancer and other selected exposure variables
Settings and design: A hospital based case-control study was conducted in Shirdi Sai Baba Cancer Hospital
Cervical cancer
and Research Centre, Manipal, Udupi District
Abortion Methods and material: A total of 273 participants (91 cases and 182 controls) were included. Information
Menarche on demographics, habits, reproductive history, sexual history and menstrual history was taken using a
semi-structured questionnaire. Statistical analysis used: Data was analysed using SPSS version 15.
Univariate and Multivariate logistic regression was used to find out the association between the outcome
and exposure variables. Results are expressed in odds ratio.
Results: Marital status (married) is an important risk factor for cervical cancer, OR = 2.98 (1.23–7.20).
People having history of alcohol use were at 4.55 (1.17–17.73) times at risk of developing cervical cancer
when compared to those who did not use alcohol. Age at menarche of 13–14 years was found to be a
significant risk factor of cervical cancer with OR of 2.91(1.18–7.20). Age at 1st coitus of <18 years had an
odds ratio of 5.44(2.73–6.38) and was significantly associated. At least one abortion is an important risk
factor with odds of 2.61 (1.70–18.96). Also, adjusted odds ratio for parity of 3–5 was 3.16 (1.12–8.91) and
5.57 (1.70–18.96) for women having 6 parity when compared to women having parity of less than 3 and
was statistically significant.
Conclusions: The study showed that marital status, history of alcohol use, <18 years of age at first coitus,
age at menarche and parity of >3 as risk factors of cervical cancer
© 2017 Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd on behalf of INDIACLEN.

1. Introduction different parts of the world with the developing world carrying the
major burden. An estimated 2 to 2.5 million cases of cancer are
Cancer is an important health issue across the world. Globally, it present in India at any given point of time5 and one quarter of
accounted for 11.4 million new cases and 13% of all deaths (11.4 global cervical cancer burden is borne by India alone4 . The
million) deaths in 2004.1 Its incidence in SEAR in the year 2004 was estimates show that cervical cancer may occur in every 1/53
1.7 million.2 Cancer has taken its place in top leading causes of women in developing countries as compared to 1/100 in developed
death in India3 of which cervical cancer accounts for 17% of all region4 . In Karnataka, about 1.5 lakh cases are present as prevalent
cancer deaths4 . However, distribution of cancer sites varies in cases and approximately 35,000 new cases are added to this each
year.6 The consolidated report of cancer registries in South India
reported stomach cancer for males and cervical cancer for females
as the most common cancer sites.7–9 The age adjusted incidence of
* Corresponding author. cervix cancer in urban India is 15–20 new cases per 100,000
E-mail addresses: sprag06@gmail.com (P. Sharma), women per year. 10 According to WHO, in many developing
sanjay.pattanshetty@manipal.edu (S.M. Pattanshetty). countries, it is the most common cancer among women where 85%
Past affiliations: MD Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal of the estimated 493 000 new cases and 273 000 deaths in 2002
University, Karnataka, India

2213-3984/© 2017 Published by Elsevier, a division of RELX India, Pvt. Ltd on behalf of INDIACLEN.
84 P. Sharma, S.M. Pattanshetty / Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6 (2018) 83–87

occurred worldwide.11 In a study carried out in 1967, the risk anticipated OR of 2 for a power of 80% and 5% level of significance.
factors of cervical cancer such as early marriage and delivery, The calculated number of cases of cervical cancer was 91. For 1:2
number of partners and deliveries were identified as higher risk allocation ratios the required number of controls were 182, hence
factors for cervical cancer.12 Each cancer is unique and has various 273 individuals were included in the study. Data analysis was done
determinants; it differs from individual to individual and from one using statistical package for social sciences software. Data is
geographical location to the other. To my best knowledge, no risk- summarized in form of tables. Univariate logistic regression
factor analysis has been carried out for cervical cancer in southern analysis was used to evaluate the factors significantly associated
India- mainly in Udupi district. In past studies from across the with cervical cancer. Multiple Logistic Regression was used to
world, personal hygiene, menstrual history and sexual history are calculate the adjusted Odds ratio with 95% CI.
shown to be associated with cervical cancer by some epidemio-
logical studies done in different corners of world and India.12–28 3. Results and discussion
The present study attempts to find out the various risk factors of
cervical cancer among patients attending the tertiary care hospital The study population included participants from urban and
Shirdi Sai Baba Cancer Hospital, Manipal- in Udupi District. rural areas of 11 different districts of Karnataka. Udupi district had
the maximum number of cases (52.7%). Maximum numbers of
2. Subjects and methods cases (41%) were in the age group of 51–60 years old followed by
34% in 41–50 year age group (Fig. 1). Age of the participants ranged
2.1. Ethics statement from 35–78 years. Mean age of the study population was 53.2 years
(9.8). In case group, the age of cases ranged from 35–77 year with
Ethical clearance was obtained from institutional ethics mean age of cases is 54.2 (9.3). In control group the age of the
committee and hospital administration, Kasturba Medical College, participants ranged from 35–78 year. Mean age of the participants
Mnaipal University. The study participants were informed about was 52.7 (10). Similar study was done by Biswas et.al15 which
the purpose, method and possible discomforts related with the included participants from the age range of 25–70 years. Also, a
questions and informed written consent was obtained. study done by Shields TL et.al24 included participants from the age
range of 20–74 years. Table 1 shows the results of Univariate
2.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria logistic regression for exposure variables education, marital status,
habit of washing genitals, family history of cervical cancer, alcohol
All histopathologically confirmed cases of cervical cancer habit and diet. Habit of not washing genitals was found to be a risk
between the age group of 20–80 years were included in the study factor of cervical cancer, but was not significant (p = 0.073). On the
irrespective of their stages, and frequency matching for age other hand, vaginal itching was a significant risk factor, which can
5 years was done (the available age range in the cervical cancer be correlated with the findings of washing genitals. Similarly
register was taken as the study participants age range); patient family history of cervical cancer was found to be significantly
other than cervical cancer in the hospital were selected as controls. associated. When compared to vegetarians, people who consumed
Cases, which were not willing to participate in study or those cases non-vegetarian diet were 2.260 (1.256–4.069) times more likely of
that were seriously ill were excluded from the study. Controls with getting cervical cancer. Education showed significant association
first degree relatives, having personal history of cervical cancer and with cervical cancer. People with primary education had an
reproductive tract infection, pregnant women, women with unadjusted odd ratio of 3.54 (1.59–7.87) which was highly
gynaecological problems were excluded from the study. The cases significant with p-value 0.002. Also, illiteracy had unadjusted
and controls were interviewed using a semi-structured question- OR of 3.97 (1.85–8.54) with p-value of <0.001. Similar findings
naire. were reported in a study done by Franceschi S et.al14 in Chennai
which showed OR of 1.4 (0.7–2.8) for primary education and OR of
2.3. Statistical methods 4.8 (2.7–8.4) for illiterate group when compared both with
education level of high school and above. A study done by
Sample size was calculated considering a parity of 3 (DLHS III) Taherian A et.al12 in Iran showed OR of 4.6 (2.0–6.3, p = 0.001) for
as a risk factor with an exposure of 20% in the control group and an uneducated when compared to educated group.

Fig. 1. Age distribution of cases and controls.

P. Sharma, S.M. Pattanshetty / Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6 (2018) 83–87 85

Table 1
Univariate Logistic regression analysis for socio-demographic variables, habit and family history.

Variables Category Cases N = 91 Frequency (%) Controls = 182 Frequency Crude OR (95% CI) p-value
Education High School and above 10 (11.0) 58 (31.9) Reference
Primary education 33 (36.3) 54 (29.7) 3.544 (1.59–7.87) 0.002*
Illiterate 48 (52.7) 70 (38.5) 3.977 (1.85–8.54) <0.001**
Marital status Married 76 (83.5) 141 (77.5) 1.473 (0.766–2.833) 0.10
Widow 15 (16.5) 41 (22.5) Reference
Habit of washing genitals (after sexual intercourse) Yes 23 (25.8) 67 (36.8) Reference
No 66 (74.2) 115 (63.2) 1.672 (0.953–2.933) 0.073
Vaginal itching Yes 30 (33) 23 (12.6) 3.515 (1.891–6.534) <0.001**
No 61 (67) 159 (87.4) Reference
Family history of cervical cancer Yes 27 (29.7) 6 (3.3) 12.37 (4.884– <0.001**
No 64 (70.3) 176 (96.7) Reference
Alcohol Yes 13 (14.3) 8 (4.4) 3.625 (1.44–9.00) 0.006*
No 78 (85.7) 174 (95.6) Reference
Diet Vegetarian 19 (20.9) 68 (37.4) Reference
Non- Vegetarian 72 (79.1) 114 (62.6) 2.260 (1.256–4.069) 0.007*
p < .05.
p  001.

Table 2
Univariate Logistic regression analysis for menstrual factors.

Variables Category Cases Frequency (%) Controls Frequency (%) Crude OR (95% CI) p-value
Age at menarche <13 year 26 (28.6) 47 (25.8) 3.168 (1.424–7.050) 0.005*
13–14 year 54 (59.3) 72 (39.6) 4.295 (2.067–8.924) <0.001**
>14 year 11 (12.1) 63 (34.6) Reference
Vaginal itching Yes 30 (33) 23 (12.6) 3.515 (1.891–6.534) <0.001**
No 61 (67) 159 (87.4) Reference
Menopausal status Pre-menopausal 9 (9.9) 52 (29.1) Reference
Post- menopausal 82 (90.1) 130 (70.9) 3.743 (1.753–7.945) 0.001**
Age at menopause Pre-menopausal 9 (9.9) 52 (29.1) .368 (0.165–0.820) 0.014*
<45 42 (46.2) 45 (24.7) 1.983 (1.128–3.483) 0.017*
45 40 (44.0) 85 (46.7) Reference
p < .05.
p  001.

Table 2 shows the Univariate analysis for menstrual variables. Singh B and Nalini N30 in northern India-Jharkhand, found the
Age at menarche and menopause were also significantly associat- incidence of cervical cancer in post-menopausal women to be 16%.
ed. Menopausal status was seen to be a risk factor for cervical When compared, these two studies in different setting although
cancer. A study done by Gyllensten U et.al29 in Sweden to examine shows different sets of data, there is a wide difference in the
the value of screening for high-risk HPV in post-menopausal incidence which may be due to the difference in genetic, racial and
women showed that high-risk HPV were found in 6.2% (95% CI 5.2– geographical profile.
7.3%) of the menopausal women. Another similar study done by

Table 3
Univariate Logistic regression analysis for reproductive and sexual factors.

Variables Category Cases Frequency (%) Controls Frequency (%) Crude OR (95% CI) p-value
Vaginal itching Yes 30 (33) 23 (12.6) 3.51 (1.89–6.53) <0.001**
No 61 (67) 159 (87.4)
Age at 1st pregnancy <18 39 (42.4) 25(14.6) 4.350 (2.402–7.877) <0.001**
18 52 (57.1) 145(85.4) Reference
Abortion None 61 (67) 163 (89.6) Reference
At least one 30 (33) 19 (10.4) 4.219 (2.212–8.046) <0.001**
Age at 1st coitus (in years) <18 66(72.5) 43(23.6) 8.534 (4.810–15.142) <0.001**
18 25 (27.5) 139 (76.4) Reference
Parity <3 8 (8.8) 70 (38.5) Reference
3-5 40 (44.) 75 (41.2) 4.667 (2.043–10.66) <0.001**
6 43 (47.3) 37 (20.3) 10.169 (4.332–23.872) <0.001**
Permanent methods Yes 72 (79.1) 117 (64.3) 2.105 (1.168–3.796) 0.013*
No 19 (20.9) 65 (35.7) Reference
Latency period (current age age at 1st coitus) <30 22 (24.2) 91 (50) Reference
30 69 (75.8) 91 (50) 3.136 (1.424–7.050) <0.001**
No of sexual partners 1 87 (95.5) 180 (98.9) Reference
>1 4 (4.5) 2 (1.1) 4.286 (0.770–23.863) 0.097
p < .05.
p  001.
86 P. Sharma, S.M. Pattanshetty / Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health 6 (2018) 83–87

Table 4
Multivariate logistic regression.

Variables Groups Cases N (%) Controls N (%) Unadjusted OR (95% CI) Adjusted OR(95% CI) P value
Marital status Married 76 (83.5) 141 (77.5) 1.473 (.76–2.83) 2.98 (1.23–7.20) 0.015
Widow 15 (16.5) 41 (22.5) 1 1
Habit of washing genitals (after sexual intercourse) Yes 23 (25.8) 67 (36.8) 1 1
No 66 (74.2) 115 (63.2) 1.672 (0.95–2.93) 2.064 (0.98–4.34) 0.056
History of alcohol use Yes 13 (14.3) 8 (4.4) 3.625 (1.44–9.00) 4.55 (1.17–17.73) 0.02
No 78 (85.7) 174 (95.6) 1
Age at menarche <13 year 26 (28.6) 47 (25.8) 3.168 (1.42–7.05) 1.51 (0.55–4.13) 0.414
13–14 year 54 (59.3) 72 (39.6) 4.295 (2.06–8.92) 2.91 (1.18–7.20) 0.020
>14 year 11 (12.1) 63 (34.6) 1 1
Age at menopause Pre-menopausal 9 (9.9) 52 (29.1) 3.68 (0.165–0.820) 0.41 (0.14–1.14) 0.088
<45 42 (46.2) 45 (24.7) 1.98 (1.12–3.48) 1.22 (.57–2.62) 0.594
45 40 (44.0) 85 (46.7) 1
Vaginal itching Yes 30 (33) 23 (12.6) 3.51 (1.89–6.53) 4.00 (1.72–9.30) <0.001
No 61 (67) 159 (87.4) 1 1
Age at 1st coitus (in years) <18 66(72.5) 43(23.6) 8.53 (4.81–15.14) 5.44 (2.73–10.86) <0.001
18 25 (27.5) 139 (76.4) 1
Abortion None 61 (67) 163 (89.6) 1 1
At least one 30 (33) 19 (10.4) 4.21 (2.21–8.04) 2.61 (1.07–6.38) 0.035
Parity <3 8 (8.8) 70 (38.5) 1
3-5 40 (44) 75 (41.2) 4.667 (2.043–10.66) 3.16 (1.12–8.91) 0.029
6 43 (47.2) 37 (20.3) 10.169 (4.332–23.872) 5.57 (1.70–18.16) 0.004

p-value <0.05 = significant.

Bold values show statistically significant odds ratio.

Table 3 shows Univariate analysis for sexual and reproductive Interviewer bias may be a limitation. Recall bias may be a problem.
factors. Latency period which is calculated by subtracting current The study population is not a representative of general population,
age with age at first coitus was seen to be significantly associated so the findings cannot be generalised.
with cervical cancer. No. of sexual partners was not a significant
risk factor in this study. Table 4 shows Multiple Logistic Regression
Conflict of interest
analysis for risk factors of cervical cancer. Age at first coitus of
<18 years showed high significance (p = < 0.001) with cervical
cancer with OR of 5.44 (2.73–10.86). Similar findings were
observed in a study by Biswas N et.al15 which showed OR of 2.7
(0.8–8.9) with p = 0.005 for age at 1st coitus of <18 years. Parity Acknowledgement
was significantly associated with risk of cervical cancer. A study
done by Franceschi et.al14 in Chennai showed similar findings for The authors gratefully acknowledge all the support extended by
high parity (>4 vs. <2 births) OR = 7.3 and for 3 vs. <3 births Head of the Department of Oncology and Radiology, Obstetrics and
OR = 3.01, but was insignificant. Biswas L. et.al15 also showed Gynaecology and Medical Superintendent Kasturba Hospital.
similar findings with OR = 1.6 for parity of >3 (p = 0.06) and was Authors would also like to thank the Shirdi Sai Baba hospital staff
significant. Age at menarche also had significant association with for their cooperation.
risk of cervical cancer. The adjusted odds ratio for age at menarche
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