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Kinesics – Non-verbal behaviour related to movement, either of any part of the

body or the body as a whole.

Oculesics – The word ocu is often used interchangeably with eye contact.
Oculesics, a subcategory of kinesics, is the study of eye movement, eye
behavior, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication.

Dimensions of Oculesics

Eye contact is one aspect of oculesics. The others are pupil dilation, eye
movement, blinking, and gaze direction.

There are four aspects involved with oculesics:

Dimension 1: Eye Contact

There are two levels of eye contact:

• Direct eye contact

• Indirect eye contact

Dimension 2: Eye Movement

Eye Movement occurs voluntarily or involuntarily. It can include changing eye

direction, changing focus, or following objects with the eyes.[6]

Dimension 3: Pupil Dilation

Pupillary response is change in the size of the pupil, voluntarily or involuntarily.

This change happens at the appearance of real or perceived new objects of
focus, and even at the real or perceived indication of such appearances.

Dimension 4: Gaze Direction

Gazing deals with communicating and feeling intense desire with the eye,
voluntarily or involuntarily.[8]

Proxemics – The study of spatial distances between individuals in different

cultures and situations

Personal space is the region surrounding a person which they regard as

psychologically theirs. Most people value their personal space and feel

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discomfort, anger, or anxiety when their personal space is encroached upon.
Permitting a person to enter personal space and entering somebody else's
personal space are indicators of perception of those people's relationship. An
intimate zone is reserved for close friends, lovers, children and close family
members. Another zone is used for conversations with friends, to chat with
associates, and in group discussions. A further zone is reserved for strangers,
newly formed groups, and new acquaintances. A fourth zone is used for
speeches, lectures, and theater; essentially, public distance is that range
reserved for larger audiences.

Personal space is also affected by a person's position in society, with more

affluent individuals expecting a larger personal space.

Para-Language – The use of manner of speaking to communicate particular


Artefacts – Artefacts are physical objects, such as clothing, homes, and cars,
that indicate to others a person's personal and social beliefs and
habits. Messages are thus conveyed in a nonverbal manner (DeVito, 2005).

One of the first judgments people make when they see an individual, whether
it be stranger or friend, is based on that person's clothing. Accurate or not,
these inferences affect how people view and react to others. Clothing can
communicate many ideas, including social class, attitudes (conservative,
liberal, moderate), style and creativity, and age. For example, a professor is
more likely to take seriously a student who dresses conservatively and
appropriately for class than a student who constantly lounges in sweats and an
old t-shirt.

Jewelry as well communicates certain messages. Political buttons inform

others of your views and activity concerning society while college rings or
religious adornments reveal personal values and beliefs. Engagement and
wedding rings indicate matrimony and the union of two people in love, though
the type of rings can further indicate wealth and thus social class; large stones
are usually associated with those who have money while simple and plain rings
are often reserved for those with less wealth.

Piercings and tattoos often facilitate complex messages, especially in terms of

presentation and perception. Often, when people get a piercing in their nose,

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eyebrow, or tongue, they communicate a message that is different than from
how others perceive it. This can be a result of a culture or generation gap, for
younger people are more comfortable with such expressions than are their
parents and grandparents. Many people tend to overlook the actual meaning
of such an adornment and instead perceive it in within a broad message. For
example, a young person may get a tattoo of a religious object, perhaps a
cross. While that person's intent may be to indicate to others his/her devotion
to faith, an older individual may misinterpret the message and think that the
person with the tattoo is defying his/her religion.

The way in which private spaces are decorated indicate messages about a
particular person or group of people. For example, a boss' office is usually
arranged with nice furniture in a private room, unlike a worker's lowly
cubicle. Thus, objects and adornments can highlight wealth and
status. Despite this, they also contribute to information about a person's
interests and lifestyles. Magazines, books, and dvds each communicate a
different message about the tastes of a person and what they consider to be

Chronemics – Chronemics is the study of the role of time in communication. It

is one of several subcategories of the study of nonverbal communication.

Chronemics can be defined as "the interrelated observations and theories of

man's use of time as a specialized elaboration of culture - the way in which one
perceives and values time, structures time, and reacts to time frames
communication. Across cultures, time perception plays a large role in the
nonverbal communication process. Time perceptions include punctuality,
willingness to wait, and interactions. The use of time can affect lifestyle, daily
agendas, speed of speech, movements, and how long people are willing to

Time can be used as an indicator of status. For example, in most companies the
boss can interrupt progress to hold an impromptu meeting in the middle of the
work day, yet the average worker would have to make an appointment to see
the boss. The way in which different cultures perceive time can influence
communication as well.

Cultures are sometimes[when?] considered monochronic or polychronic.

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Monochronic time[edit]

A monochronic time system means that things are done one at a time and time
is segmented into precise, small units. Under this system time is scheduled,
arranged and managed.

The United States is considered a monochronic society. This perception of time

is learned and rooted in the Industrial Revolution, where "factory life required
the labor force to be on hand and in place at an appointed hour" (Guerrero,
DeVito & Hecht, 1999, p. 238). For Americans, time is a precious resource not
to be wasted or taken lightly. "We buy time, save time, spend time and make
time. Our time can be broken down into years, months, days, hours, minutes,
seconds and even milliseconds. We use time to structure both our daily lives
and events that we are planning for the future. We have schedules that we
must follow: appointments that we must go to at a certain time, classes that
start and end at certain times, work schedules that start and end at certain
times, and even our favorite TV shows, that start and end at a certain time."[3]

As communication scholar Edward T. Hall wrote regarding the American’s

viewpoint of time in the business world, "the schedule is sacred." Hall says that
for monochronic cultures, such as the American culture, "time is tangible" and
viewed as a commodity where "time is money" or "time is wasted." The result
of this perspective is that Americans and other monochronic cultures, such as
the German, Austrian and Swiss, place a paramount value on schedules, tasks
and "getting the job done."[full citation needed] These cultures are committed to
regimented schedules and may view those who do not subscribe to the same
perception of time as disrespectful.

Monochronic cultures include[citation needed] Germany, the United

Kingdom, Turkey, South
Korea, Taiwan, Japan, Jamaica, Canada, Switzerland, Austria, most parts of
the United States, and Scandinavia.

Polychronic time[edit]

A polychronic time system is a system where several things can be done at

once, and a more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time. Examples of
polychronic behaviors include: cooking food while watching television or
browsing the internet while sitting in meetings. Polychronicity is in contrast to
those who prefer monochronicity (doing one thing at a time).[4] Unlike most

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Western and East Asian cultures, Latin American, African, South Asian,
and Arab cultures use polychronic systems of time.

These cultures are much less focused on the preciseness of accounting for each
and every moment. As Raymond Cohen notes, polychronic cultures are deeply
steeped in tradition and relationships rather than in tasks—a clear difference
from their monochronic counterparts. Cohen notes that "Traditional societies
have all the time in the world. The arbitrary divisions of the clock face have
little saliency in cultures grounded in the cycle of the seasons, the invariant
pattern of rural life, community life, and the calendar of religious festivities"
(Cohen, 1997, p. 34).

Instead, their culture is more focused on relationships, rather than watching

the clock. They have no problem being "late" for an event if they are with
family or friends, because the relationship is what really matters. As a result,
polychronic cultures have a much less formal perception of time. They are not
ruled by precise calendars and schedules. Rather, "cultures that use the
polychronic time system often schedule multiple appointments simultaneously
so keeping on schedule is an impossibility.

Tactilics – Based on Haptics. The tactilics are all our touching behaviours; these
include, touching oneself, touching others and touching objects. Touch is
probably the most intimate channel of communication between humans.
“Research has indicated that human touch fulfils physiological and sociological
needs” (Montagu, 1971).

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