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Bidding Prices Modeling in Colombian Electricity Market Using Logistic Regression Model

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Bidding Prices Modeling in Colombian Electricity

Market using Logistic Regression Model
Diana Jimenez, Student Member, IEEE, Luis Gallego, Member, IEEE, Martha Camargo, Student
Research Program on Acquisition and Analysis of Signals – PAAS, National University of Colombia

examine the idea that price evolves according to the value of

ABSTRACT-- The main goal of this work is to show the system variables and therefore to the different states of the
application of an econometric model called Logistic Regression market.
(LR) in a study of the bidding prices in the Colombian electricity In this manner, an analysis with logistic regression models
market. The LR model is used to calculate the statistical could give us information to estimate price levels as well as to
significance of some variables of the market and the influence of better understand the market operation. The logistic regression
changes in these variables on the estimated bidding price of
is a discrete choice model to solve the problem of explaining
Generation Companies GENCOs. The methodology is used to fit
the bidding prices behavior of a hydraulic agent considering
the behavior of a dependent variable as the probability of
some exogenous variables such as: hydrological conditions, occurrence of an event, through a set of explanatory variables
energy demand, spot prices and competitors behavior. The [4].
model obtained with LR shows a good agreement with the real That is, the main objective of this approach is to model the
data. influence of some system variables in the probability of
occurrence of an event [5], in this case, the influence of the
Index Terms-- Electricity Market, Logistic Regression Model, above mentioned variables (hydrological conditions, the
Bidding Prices. demand of system, spot price and the competitors price) in an
event that may be defined as the probability of a GENCO
I. INTRODUCTION having a high, medium or low bidding price.

I n Colombia, the deregulation process started in 1991 with

the new constitution and later with the laws 142 and 143 in
1994. It was an important change to the regulatory of the
In the Colombian electricity market there are two
electricity sector in Colombia. This was followed by the mechanisms of energy transactions. One of this is the bilateral
creation of the legal framework for the electricity Pool, contracts, which is a financial agreement where is determined
enabling deregulation to take place and the market to operate the delivery period, quantity and price of energy. The other
from 1995 [1]. The deregulation was a process under the one are the transactions in the electricity spot market, where
principle of increase efficiency in the provision of services, as the energy price is determined by a competition mechanism
well as ensuring the operational and financial viability of [6]-[7].
business. The spot market is a commercial figure, in which each
One of the consequences of this structure has been the participant must report a single bidding price (in $/ MWh) and
decentralization of decision making processes. In this sense, a declaration of availability for each one of its generating units
the participant companies in electricity markets are forced to (in MW) for the 24 hours of the next day, before 8:00 a.m.
make their decisions under several sources of uncertainty. The Market Operator -the Dispatch National Center (CND)-
Some of the most important uncertainty variables of the receives the offers and availability and provides the generation
market are market prices, demand, hydrological conditions, program taking into account the expected demand, so that for
etc. Among these variables, the market price is the most each hour using the resources of the lowest price.
important variable because of its obvious impact on the Fig. 1 shows this process for a specific hour taking into
electrical business [2][3]. account both, the available resources and the ordered bidding
The main objective of this work is to make a prices. The initial resources (following a bottom-up ordering)
characterization of bidding prices to enable a better correspond to those needed to match the restrictions of the
understanding of how different variables affect the formation system. The resources are allocated depending on the price
of bidding price for each GENCO. Specifically, we will (from lowest to highest) to match the demand for the hour,
then the CND announced to GENCOs the generation to the
D. Jimenez is with the National University of Colombia - research group next day.
PAAS-UN (e-mail: dyjimeneza@unal.edu.co).
L. Gallego is professor of the National University of Colombia - and
active researcher of group PAAS-UN (email: lgallegov@unal.edu.co).
M. Camargo is with the National University of Colombia - research group
PAAS-UN (e-mail: mpcamargom@unal.edu.co).

∑ Pu r ⋅ Cur
BP = r =1

∑ Cu
r =1


Logistic regression is a statistical tool for multivariate
analysis. This method is suitable for situations where the
dependent variable is categorical and is required to estimate
Fig. 1. Spot Price Process the probability π that an individual belongs to a group.
Besides, the regression analysis also identifies the most
This process determines the Spot price as the bidding price important independent variables that explain the difference
of the marginal resource to supply the demand [8]. between the groups [10][11].
Because the normal linear regression model assumes that
III. MARKET’S VARIABLES the dependent variable Y increases linearly with the
independent variables X, is not a suitable model because it is
The variables used to model the bidding price of the
necessary that the response of the model is between 0 and 1.
GENCOs have a continuous domain, so it is necessary to make
Therefore is needed a probabilistic model, which is always
a discretization for each variable. The categorization was
some number between 0 and 1.
performed by means of a clustering method called kmeans that
Given that the use of a distribution function ensures that the
distributes n observations into k clusters in which each
result of the estimate is between 0 and 1, an alternative is the
observation belongs to the cluster with the nearest mean [9].
logistic distribution function, which relates the probability
The variables that were considered in this research are
grouped into 3 groups: High (H), Medium (M) and Low (L). π(z) with the explanatory variables X as shown in Fig. 2.
The independent variables were taken into account in the
model are: maximum demand daily, Reservoir to be offered, 0.9

lagged Competitors Price (t-1), lagged Spot Price (t-1). On the 0.8
other hand, the dependent variable is daily Bidding Price. The
variables are described below:
Energy Demand (MD): Maximum daily demand in GWh. 0.6

Reservoir Offering (RO): Is the difference daily between 0.5

reservoir level R and MOS “Minimum Operating Level”,
divided into his capacity total of reservoir CR. 0.4

RO ( % ) =
CR 0.2

Competitors Price (CP): Weighted average of daily 0.1

bidding price P of the n competitor weighted by their installed
capacity C. The CP is give in ($/kWh). 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5

∑ P ⋅C i i
Fig. 2. Logistic function
CP = i =1
e Zi
π i ( Zi ) =

∑C i =1
1 + e Zi

where i= 1,2,..n an Z i = β 0 + β1 x1i + … + β k xki

Spot Price (SP): Weighted average of hourly Spot Price
The equation (5) is nonlinear in the parameters, but using a
SPh weighted by hourly demand of the system D. The units of
mathematical transformation can be linearized as follows:
SP are (S/kWh).
24 If π i is the probability of occurrence of an event, then
∑ SPh ⋅ D i i 1 − π i is the probability that the event does not occur. The
SP = i =1 (3)
ratio odds of occurrence of the event can write as:
i =1
π i ( Zi ) 1 + eZ i

= = eZ i
Bidding Price (BP): the daily Bidding Price is the weighted 1 − π i ( Zi ) 1 + e −Z i

average of hourly bidding price Pu of each one of the k units

of the GENCO, weighted by the capacity of each one of his If is calculated the natural logarithm of (6) gives the
resources Cu. The BP is give in $/kWh. logarithm of the odds ratio called "logit" and has a linear
model parameters

⎛ π (Z ) ⎞ case the three median absolute deviations (MAD) procedure

Li = ln ⎜⎜ i i ⎟⎟ = Z i was used.
⎝ 1 − π i ( Zi ) ⎠ (7)
Then, the independent variables were discretized and joined
in a vector E that took the values of the categorical variables,
Z = β 0 + β1 x1i + … + β k xki
where i so that E = [MD, RO, CP, SP] is a vector that represents a
When the independent variable to model has two or more state of the GENCO. Thus, given that each variable is
categories and they are ordered is estimated the probability of classified into 3 categories (high, medium and low) the
each category, the specification model for Ordinal logistic number of possible states is given by 34 = 81 for the market in
model is: the studied period. These states are representations of the
perception of GENCO about the environment of the market
π i (Yi = 0 ) = Λ ( − β ' X i ) [12].
π i (Yi = 1) = Λ ( µ1 − β ' X i ) − Λ ( − β ' X i ) Because of the discretization of the market variables was
achieved taking into account the behavior of historical data,
π i (Yi = 2 ) = Λ ( µ2 − β ' X i ) − Λ ( µ1 − β ' X i ) each state has a different probability of occurrence, therefore,
any GENCO has a probability distribution of states that
π i (Yi = J − 1) = 1 − Λ ( µ j − 2 − β ' X i ) occurs in the time period.
Fig. 3 shows the probability of each state of the GENCO
where µ1 , µ1 ,..., µ J − 2 are the thresholds that divide the under study, and it can be observed that considering the 81
answer alternatives of the dependent variable. possible states, only 65 states were presented during the
eβ ' X considered time period. In addition, TABLE I shows the most
Λ ( −β ' X i ) = likely states to occur.
1 + eβ ' X 15
J are the categories of the dependent variable
The proportional odds assumption is then that the β’s are
independent of j (note that the β’s have no subscripts). In
other words, it assumes that if we looked at (binary) logistic
regressions of category 1 vs. 2, category 2 vs. 3, and so on,
then the intercepts in the equations might vary, but the
parameters would be identical for each category.
To Estimate the Logistic model was used the method of
maximum likelihood. This method determines the most 5
parsimonious and best fit describing the relationship between
the dependent variable and explanatory a set of variables. The
estimate of the parameters model by means of this method
requires the use of iterative methods or algorithms that allow
optimization and convergence of the values estimates, since 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
the system of equations is obtained by maximizing the
likelihood function is not linear. Fig. 3. Probability of the states of GENCO
Once the model is estimated is realized the validation of
the individual statistical significance the explanatory variables TABLE I
incorporated in the model and measure the overall goodness STATES MOST POSIBLES TO GENCO

fit. For this is used in the econometric literature the contrast E = [DM, RO, CP, SP] Probability (%)
ratio of likelihood, the Hosmer-Lemeshow test and measuring E16 = [M, L, H, H] 14,3
the percentage of successes [10]. E17 = [H, L, H, H] 6,35
In this work the results of the logistic model is the estimate E6 = [M, M, M, M] 3,55
of the probability that a GENCO offers high, medium or low, E33 = [L, M, M, M] 3,34
given the conditions of the generator itself and the market
environment, and identify which of these variables are On the other hand, Fig. 4 shows the behavior of the bidding
statistically significant at the formation of the bidding price of price categorized by means of kmeans algorithm and table II
the GENCO in question. shows the percentage of data found in each category.
N % marginal
To show the application of the logistic regression model
explained above, it was selected a hydraulic GENCO of the High 262 28,23
Colombian Market owing the major number of hydraulic Medium 378 40,73
plants of the system. The time period considered for this study Low 288 31,03
is between 2001 and 2004. Total Data 928 100
As a first step it was necessary to eliminate undesired
outliers in both, dependent and independent variables. In this

0.9 Medium 99% Confidence
Low Var. beta se Wald dfe Sig.
0.8 Interval
C1 1,13 0,36 9,67 1 0,00 1,85 0,42
C2 2,08 0,36 33,41 1 0,00 1,38 2,79
0.6 RO1 -3,12 0,35 77,54 1 0,00 -2,43 -3,82
RO2 -1,28 0,32 15,75 1 0,00 -0,65 -1,92
CP1 0,70 0,20 11,58 1 0,00 1,10 0,30
0.4 CP2 -0,08 0,17 2,08 1 0,05 -0,26 -0,41
0.3 SP1 2,70 0,27 101,79 1 0,00 3,23 2,18
SP2 2,18 0,19 133,69 1 0,00 2,55 1,81

The remain variables were statistically significant with such
0 a confidence level to reject the null hypothesis that the
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
parameter is equal to 0, over 99% in all cases. The sign of the
parameter estimate, which measures the relationship between
Fig. 4. Bidding price of GENCO categorized using k-means algorithm
the variable and the probability of having a high, medium and
In this case was necessary to make a transformation of the low price, has been coherent for all the incorporated variables.
categories H, M and L to dummy variables. A dummy variable Finally, the equation that quantifies the probability of a low,
is a numerical variable used in regression analysis to represent medium or high bidding price was modeled with the following
subgroups of the variable of study. In this research a dummy expressions:
variable was designed to distinguish different groups of each 1
variable. TABLE III shows the applied transformation. π ( BP = L) = −[1.13−3.12 RO1 −1.28 RO2 + 0,7 CP1 −0.08CP2 + 2,7 SP1 + 2.18 SP2 ]
1+ e
DUMMY VARIABLE π( BP=M) =π( BP=L) − −[ 2.08−3.12 RO1 −1.28 RO2 +0,7CP1 −0.08CP2 + 2,7 SP1 +2.18SP2 ]
V1 V2 1+ e
1 0 1
π (BP = H) = 1 −
−[ 2.08−3.12 RO1 −1.28 RO2 + 0,7CP1 −0.08CP2 + 2,7 SP1 + 2.18 SP2 ]
Medium 0 1 1+ e
High 0 0
Furthermore, Wald statistics represents the weight of the
Applying the logistic regression model to categorized data, independent variables over the dependent ones. In this case
statistically reliable results were obtained after carrying out the most important variable in predicting the bidding price
several tests from the data sample: A summary of these results was the spot price with a weight greater than 100, followed by
is shown in TABLE IV. the reservoir to be offered and bidding price of competitors,
while the demand was not a significant contribution to explain
TABLE IV bidding prices.
95% Confidence
Observing the signs of the estimated parameters it may be
Var. beta se Wald dfe Sig
Interval concluded that the greater the spot prices, the greater the
C1 1,23 0,39 10,25 1 0,00 -1,99 -0,48 probability of an increase in bidding prices, which indicates
C2 1,98 0,38 27,12 1 0,00 1,24 2,73 that GENCO follows the spot price of the market.
MD1 -0,09 0,20 0,21 1 0,64 -0,48 0,30
Besides, when the competitors price increase from a low
level, the probability of increasing GENCO bidding prices
MD2 -0,15 0,18 0,65 1 0,42 -0,50 0,21
also increases but in contrast, when competitors prices
RO1 -3,12 0,36 77,16 1 0,00 -2,42 -3,82
increase from a medium level, the probability of increasing
RO2 -1,27 0,32 15,45 1 0,00 -0,64 -1,91
GENCO bidding prices smoothly decreases (factor of 0.08).
CP1 0,71 0,21 11,59 1 0,00 1,11 0,30
Regarding reservoir to be offered, the GENCO increases the
CP2 -0,07 0,17 8,55 1 0,06 -0,27 -0,42 probability of having higher prices when its reservoir level
SP1 2,70 0,27 100,78 1 0,00 3,23 2,17 decreases.
SP2 2,18 0,19 130,67 1 0,00 2,55 1,81 In general, the goodness of fit is considered adequate. The
value obtained in the calculation of statistical Mc-Fadden R2
From the regression results it was concluded that the was 0,57 %, which is acceptable in this type of models. On the
demand variable was not statistically significant. In contrast, other hand, the results obtained with the Pearson and
remaining explanatory variables were significant. Therefore, a Deviance test allows to accept the null hypothesis of a good fit
new logistic regression excluding the variable demand were of the model. In terms of the percentage of success, the
achieved which results are shown in TABLE V. percentage of correct predicted prices was about 66.5% over

the sample data. The results of the goodness fit tests are
shown in TABLE VI.
TABLE VI 18 Model
Chi-square dfe Sig.
Pearson 99,763 40 ,000
Deviance 100,050 40 ,000 12


High Medium Low % Correct 6

High 162 97 3 61,83 4

Medium 61 240 77 63,49 2

Low 7 65 216 75,00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
% global 24,78 43,32 31,90 66,51

Fig. 7. Responses of the Low bidding price

From the above table it is concluded that the bidding price
for the GENCO under study may be accurately predicted for VI. CONCLUSIONS
the low, medium and high level in 75%, 62% and 63%
The results of the estimates, in terms of both goodness of fit
and percentage of correct predicted prices are satisfactory.
Finally, figures 5 to 7 shows a good fit between the
With the logistic regression was possible to model adequately
responses of regression logistic model and the real frequency
the behavior of the GENCO with the explanatory variables
of data for each category of the GENCO bidding prices.
100 considered.
Real The regression model presented in this paper may be used
90 Model
as a tool to reduce uncertainty in the context of electricity
80 markets. Furthermore, the adopted methodology allows to
include more explanatory variables in order to improve the
accuracy of the model.
60 This paper presented a new modeling tool in the area of
50 competitive electricity markets to estimate bidding prices
under several scenarios or states of the market, based on a
small set of explanatory variables.
30 This model can be applied to the prediction of not only
bidding prices, but also different market events, such as
probabilities to be dispatched given its bidding price.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
The authors would like to thank to the research group PAAS
Fig. 5. Responses of the High bidding price UN of National University of Colombia for the supporting of
40 this work, the Graduate School of Electrical Engineering as
Real well as XM SA, the Colombian Independent Operator, for
providing the historical market data.
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Fig. 6. Responses of the Medium bidding price

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Diana Jiménez Eng. Diana Jiménez was born in Bogota,
Colombia, in 1981. She finished her undergraduate studies in
the Department of Electrical Engineering of the National
University of Colombia. She actually is candidate to obtain a
Master in Electrical Engineering in the same institution. Eng.
Jiménez has been research assistant in the Research Program
of Acquisition and Analysis of Electromagnetic Signals of the
National University of Colombia - PAAS -UN Group since
2003. Her research interests are electricity markets,
econometrics model and power quality analysis.

Luis Gallego PhD. MSc Eng. Luis Eduardo Gallego Vega

was born in Bogota, Colombia, in 1976. He finished his
undergraduate, Master and PhD studies in the Department of
Electrical Engineering of the National University of
Colombia. Eng. Gallego has been researcher in the Research
Program of Acquisition and Analysis of Electromagnetic
Signals of the National University of Colombia - PAAS -UN
since 2000, working in research projects mainly related to
power quality, power markets and lightning protection. Eng.
Gallego has been enrolled in teaching activities related to
power quality and power markets as professor of National
University of Colombia. His research interests are power
quality analysis, power markets and computational
intelligence applied to power systems modeling.

Martha Camargo Eng. Martha Camargo was born in

Bogota, Colombia, in 1981. She finished her undergraduate
studies in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the
National University of Colombia. She actually is candidate to
obtain a Master in Electrical Engineering in the same
institution. Eng. Camargo has been research assistant in the
Research Program of Acquisition and Analysis of
Electromagnetic Signals of the National University of
Colombia - PAAS -UN Group since 2003. Her research
interests are electricity markets and soft computing

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