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A Tutorial For Understanding Ecological Modeling Papbrs For THB

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A Tutorial for

Understanding ~

Ecological Modeling
PapBrs for thB

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Steven L. Peck

ODELING PAPERS PLAY A CRUCIAL ROLE in further proach entomology from a different perspective
ing the science of entomology. In complex and often use a different set of tools to pursue our
ecological systems, modeling can be used to science. Many of my colleagues shudder at the
predict outcomes, clarify questions, facilitate com- thought of anything mathematical, and, in their
puter experiments, and manipulate key variables circles, it is rare that such tools are ever used. This
that would be impossible to do experimentally be- primer is for them.
cause of cost, logistics, or ethics. Yet, to many ento-
mologists, models remain the domain of Statistical Versus Process Models
mathematicians, statisticians, and others from more Models can be classified in several different ways.
quantitative disciplines. As a result, modeling pa- Like any taxonomist, we would like a nice, neat
pers sometimes are ignored by the biologists for dichotomous key, but modeling can be an amal-
whom these papers are written. This is unfortu- gam of many different elements. Although there is
nate because a particular model can provide in- overlap between model types, with one blending
sights that might help those working on an smoothly into the next, there are some general rules
empirical problem. Conversely, modelers can al- and some dichotomies. We will work through these.
ways benefit from those working closely with the But keep in mind that these many models might all
biology of the systems that they are trying to model be combined to produce a more complex model. A
by fairly assessing the results and assumptions the list of definitions of all the model types is given in
modelers have used to describe the systems. It is the glossary.
important that both modelers and nonmodelers The first distinction that needs to be made is
speak to one another. Modelers, however, seem to between statistical models and process or descrip-
have a language of their own: analytic models? simu- tive models, which are the kind of mathematical
lation models? individually based models? stochas- models I describe here. Statistical models are used
tic models? Readers unfamiliar with modeling might to give a probabilistic interpretation of the data.
wonder how these terms relate to the modeling Familiar statistical models include techniques such
paper they are trying to understand. as simple linear regression that fits a line through a
Becoming familiar and comfortable with any series of data points. Statistical models do not try
subject is often a matter of getting to know the to describe underlying processes through an un-
terminology and basic tools associated with the derstanding of biological mechanisms but rather
discipline. If you do modeling on a regular basis, attempt to find a set of parameters that can be used
there is little need to read on. This article is not for to predict relationships that are described by the
you. Some of the more arrogant modelers might data. The science of statistics is one of the most
even feel a wave of condescension, believing that valuable tools we have for understanding data. It
such things ought to already be a part of the tool can help us find hidden patterns, predict future
kit of every entomologist. Nevertheless, we all ap- trends, find differences between one set of biologi-


A Glossary of Model Types

Analytic Model: A model for which a spe- programming in which objects can be defined
cific mathematical form for the model can be with specificattributes and functions that modify
written in an equation or set of equations. The those attributes. This is a very useful program-
ahility to write an equation for a model allows ming environment for individual-based mod-
the use of many techniques developed to exam- els. For example, a popular object-oriented
ine the prediction and behavior of these mod- programming language is C++ (pronounced "C
els. (Compare with Simulation Model) plus plus").
Cellular Automata Model: A spatial model Ordinary Differential Equations: Used in
where both time and space are discrete. continuous time analytic mathematical models.
Computer Model: See Simulation Model. Partial Differential Equations: Used in ana-
Continuous Versus Discrete: Continuity re- lytic mathematical models in which both time

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fers to the values that may he represented in and space are continuous.
three aspects of the model: time, space, and Process Model: A model that explicitly in-
model parameters. For example, in continuous- corporates aspects of the biological processes
time models, time can take on any value be- found in the natural system being represented
tween the time when the model begins and when by the model. (Compare with Statistical Model)
it ends, including all fractional times. In discrete- Rule-Based Model: Where the behavior of
time models, time can only take on a finite num- entities (e.g., individuals, plants, fields) are gov-
her of values (e.g., t = 1,2,3 ... n. Likewise, in erned by a set of rules and conditional state-
continuous space, the model explicitly incorpo- ments; often used in individual-based models.
rates all possible locations on an x, y grid. When For example, to model parasitoid movement
continuous model parameters are used, the on a leaf, a set of rules might be as follows:
model can take any value within the full range Step 1. Move forward until host larva is de-
of that parameter value. For example, if one of tected or edge of leaf is reached.
the parameters was the size of a population, N, Step 2. If host is found, then deposit eggs.
then N might he 0.004 in a model with continu- Step 3.1f edge of leaf is reached turn 160·
ous parameters. If N is discrete, however, it only and go to step 1.
can take on integer values (e.g., 153). Simulation Model: In contrast to analytic
Coupled-Map Lanice Model: A spatial model models, this term refers to models that use com-
where time is continuous and space is discrete. puter programs rather than mathematical equa-
Descriptive Model: See Prucess Model. tions to describe the biological process. It also
Deterministic Model: A model in which there may be used to describe a model where several
are no random events. In a deterministic model, mathematical equations are combined to fol-
the same input will always produce the same low the results of linked systems. (Compare with
output. Examples of deterministic models in- Analytic Model)
clude ordinary differential equations and par- Spatial Model: Any model that incorporates
tial differential equations. (Compare with a spatial dimension explicitly or implicitly. In
Stochastic Model) spatially explicit models, the specific locations
Discrete: See Continuous. of processes are tracked. In implicit models, lo-
Eulerian Model: A spatial model that examines cations are not defined and, typically, the num-
the distrihutional movement of a population. ber or proportion of spatial sites with a given
Individual-Based Model: A model where attribute are specified.
each individual insect, plant, or field is modeled Statistical Model: A model that examines dis-
and population processes arise through the in- tributional properties of the data. This type of
teraction of individuals in the model. Often used model typically does not incorporate biological
with Rule-based modeling. processes explicitly in the model. (Compare with
Island Model: A spatial model in which ev- Process Mode/)
ery population can exchange individuals with Stepping-Stone Model: A spatial model in
every other population in the model. which individual populations form an array in
Island-Continent Model: A spatial model in which each population can exchange individu-
which discrete smaller populations receive indi- als only with its neighbor.
viduals from a large population (called the main- Stochastic Model: A model in which random
land poul). events playa role in the model. In stochastic
Lagrangian Model: A spatial model that fol- models, a given input may produce many differ-
lows the movements of individuals within a ent outputs because some of the parameters in
population. the model are random variables. (Compare with
Object-Oriented Programming: A type of Deterministic Mode/)

A~tERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST • Volume 46, Number 1 41

cal conditions and another, and provide a measure gistic or ethical reasons. They allow one to speed
of the probability that such differences are signifi- up time and provide a level of control over the
cant. Still, typical statistical models do not try to system that would be impossible in the field. They
add "biology" in their description. There is no at- also may be used to generate hypotheses for test-
tempt to describe the underlying mechanisms that ing in the field or laboratory. For example, the
might produce the data that we have obtained. The model might suggest that under condition A, and
same statistical model can be used both for look- given assumption B, the system should behave like
ing at a relationship between labor and costs in an X, Y, and Z. The model provides a standard against
economic model and between larval and pupal which the real system can be compared. If the model
weights in an entomological setting. and biology do not agree, it affords the opportu-
Although process or descriptive models often nity to explore what might be missing from the
share many of the goals of statistical models, such model or examine what we do not understand
as prediction, they differ because they achieve that about the biology of the system. By reducing the
prediction by incorporating a biological descrip- complexity and by focusing on only certain as-
tion of relevant processes found in the system one pects of a system, models help us determine which
is studying. These types of mathematical models factors are most important in driving the system of
attempt to describe the pertinent aspects of the bi- interest. And, finally, models also can be used to

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ology behind the behavior one sees in the real sys- decide which biological data are most important to
tem and to reproduce the data that one might collect gather. For example, perhaps a model of a specific
from biological processes. The focus of this article system suggests that movement rates influence
is on these types of mathematical models, and when population dynamics more than fecundity (perhaps
I use "model," it is in this limited sense. In addi- an attribute already well studied), suggesting that
tion, the emphasis is on models used to study eco- future research should be directed to movement.
logical processes, but much of what I say applies to Thus, models complement and support basic
other types of models as well (such as models used research into the ecology, behavior, and other as-
to examine physiological processes). pects of natural systems. Modeling makes predic-
Ecological models can be constructed for sev- tions, generates hypotheses, and allows us to
eral purposes and can vary from the specific [e.g., explore questions that otherwise would be impos-
How does the parasitoid Tetrastichus giffardianus sible to examine.
Silvestri affect the population dynamics of
Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) on wild guava?] to Assumptions
the very general (e.g., How do local extinctions af- Models are always an incomplete description
fect regional population stability in spatially con- (they even might be called a caricature) of reality
nected systems of subpopulations?). They may be and because of this, a choice must be made on
used to conduct theoretical experiments on sys- which aspects of reality to include and which to
tems for which manipulation is impossible for 10- exclude. Examples of questions that could be asked

Dynamic Behavior of the Logistic Equation

r=2.3 r=2.9
0 8
~ 0
zQ)8 zQ) §
.~ §
N N '" N
'00 0

g§ c 0

0 ~
ct3'" '';::
::J ct3
a. S 8
00 a.8
a.8 o -
, ,
" 0 10 20 30 40 so 0 10 20 30 40 50

t t

Fig. 1. The behavior of a model using the deterministic logistic equation Nt+1 = Nt + rNt K K Nt
to predict the size of an insect population through time. The behavior of the model differs depending on the
value of the growth parameter r (see text for details). When r = 2.3, the population has predictable oscillations.
When r = 2.9, the behavior of the model is very erratic and enters into the realm known to mathematicians as


would be as follows: What influences the dynamics you will encounter are difference equations or dif-
that am trying to capture in my model? Do need r ferential equations. These two modeling types also
to include space in the model? Do the insects mi- suggest another way in which models might differ
grate first and then mate, or do they mate and then based on how time is handled in the model. In
migrate? Are actual population numbers impor- discrete-time models, such as difference equations,
tane ot will tracking simple p.roportions be ad- time takes on values only at certain time-points
equate? Which components of the real ecological (i.e., time is broken into discrete segments, usually
system are important to include in the model to of fixed length). In differential equations, time is
Crlpture the processes I am interested in examin- continuous. We will first look at discrete-time mod-
ing? Although all of these types of questions could els, then at continuous time models.
be addressed, it is how they are addressed that is One of the most famous difference equations is
the most important step in deciding if a model is the Fibonacci sequence:
meaningful because how they are addressed com-
prises the assumptions of the model. Examining
rlssumptions is arguably the most important con-
tribution non modelers can make in helping mod- For this equation, we need two starting times:
elers decide if they have c.reated an adequate No and N1. If we start with 0 and 1, we get the

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description of the biological process they are tty- famous Fibonacci series: 0, 1, 1,2,3,5,8, 13,21,
ing to capture. Because a model can never capture ... Fibonacci assumed that if you started with a
every aspect of a natural system, some aspects of pair of rabbits that gave birth when they were 1
the actual ecological system must be omitted, and month old to a single male-female pair for each of
this is where modeling becomes more art than sci- two consecutive months, and all the rabbits sur-
ence. From my perspective, deciding on what things vived long enough to mate and then died, the num-
to include in a model, what processes I am trying to ber of pairs after 8 months would be as follows:
capture, and determining the salient components
of the biology that need to be reptesented are among Month 1: 0 +1=1
the hatdest parts of building a useful model. Month 2: 0 + 1 = 1
Examining what is to be included in the model Month 3: 1+1=2
and what will be omitted is one way the person Month 4: 1+2=3
familiar with the biology of an insect can be helpful Month 5: 2+3=5
to the modeler. Is the modeler making a contribu- Month 6: 3+5=8
tion or just flexing his or her computational muscles Month 7: 5+8=13
without adding anything relevant to our science? Month 8: 8+ 13 =21
Assumptions often are not stated explicitly and,
at times, can be difficult to sort out. When examin- The first number on each line represents the
ing a paper, if there are things that are unclear or number of rabbits born 2 months ago; the second
you cannot find the assumptions, it is time to give number gives the total born last month; and the
the author a call. Assumptions make or break a last number, after the equal sign, the number alive
model. Often, the inner workings of the model, this month (i.e., the number of rabbits born 2
what tools were used to evaluate the model, and months ago + the number of rabbits born last
other details of the modeling process can be evalu- month = population size in the current month).
ated by mathematicians and must take a back seat Now, examine the assumptions of this model:
to the importance of evaluating biological assump- exactly one pair replaces the old pair each month,
tions. rabbits are always born in opposite sex couples,
and only two pairs are born per parental pair each
Types of Mathematical Models generation. Are these assumptions realistic? How
Models can be classified by what role random could the model be made more realistic? What part
events play in the model. If nothing is random in of rabbit biology does this capture? What part does
the model, it is said to be deterministic, if random it ignore? Take some time to work through this
events are included in the model, it is called sto- example with the assumptions given. How the
chastic (discussed below). In a deterministic model, numbers work out might not jump out at you un-
a given set of inputs will always result in the same til you work through it with pencil in hand.
answet. Fat example, the simple model Nt+1 = 2Nt Another famous difference equation is that of
states that if the population at a certain time t is N, the discrete logistic:
then at the next time t+ 1, it will have doubled. This
is deterministic. If you put in the number 100, you Nt+1 = Nt + rNt -y-t
will always get 200 back. This is a simple example,
but deterministic models can be complex. For ex- where Nt is the population size of female insects at
ample, one deterministic model I worked with con- time t, r is the g.rowth parameter, and K is the car-
tained more than a thousand lines of computer rying capacity (the highest number of insects that
code, modeled more than 2,500 crop fields, and can be supported in the location of the popula-
tracked the genetics and population dynamics of tion). If we start with 100 females, the carrying
the insects living in each field (Peck and Ellner capacity is 200, and the growth rate of the popula-
1997). The most typical deterministic models that tion, r, is 1.5 per generation, and we assume a gen-

AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST • Volume 46, Number 1 43

eration time of one month, after three months the differential equations from Anderson and May's
population size would be as follows: (1981) insect-pathogen model:
Month Population size dS
Month 0: 100 dt = r(S + 1) - vSP
Month 1: 100 + 100-1.5-(200-100)/20 = 175
Month 2: 175 + 175-1.5-(200-175)/200 = 207.8 {ft= vSP - (ex = b)I
Month 3: 207.8 + 207.8-1.5-(200-207)/200 = 196.9
dt = AI - (11 = v(S + I))P ,
Notice that when the population is above the car-
rying capacity the term in brackets becomes nega- where S is the number of susceptible insects in the
tive and the population shrinks. This equation is population, I is the number of infected individuals,
especially interesting because it demonstrates three P is the number of parasitoids, r and Iare the growth
special kinds of population behavior, depending rate of susceptible and parasitoid individuals, re-
on the value that r takes: constant, cyclic, and cha- spectively, n is the rate of parasitism, a and bare
otic population dynamics. Figure 1 shows the popu- mortality sources for the parasitized individuals,
lation size for this model plotted for two different and m is the mortality rate of parasitoids. The

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values of r. Chaos is a property of certain deter- analysis of this set of equations goes far beyond
ministic dynamic systems in which final outcomes the scope of this paper, but, because we can write
are sensitive to small differences in initial condi- down a formula, there are several well worked-out
tions. In the equation, chaos occurs for values of r methods for understanding the long-term behav-
greater than 2.6. For values of r less than 2.6, you ior of the system. We can find stable points where
will see stable (although cyclic) behavior. These sys- host and parasitoids can coexist and find a set of
tems, although completely deterministic, can mimic parameter values where one or both populations
stochastic dynamics (discussed below) in a model become extinct. When you see a differential equa-
because of their unpredictability. A difference equa- tion, you know at least four things: (1) time is
tion implies (1) time is modeled discretely in steps, modeled continuously, (2) the model is completely
(2) the model is completely deterministic, (3) the deterministic, (3) the equation completely describes
equation completely describes the process, and (4) the process, and (4) there are specific mathematical
specific mathematical tools exist for evaluating the tools for evaluating the model.
model. In short, the difference between difference equa-
The other type of deterministic modeling you tions and differential equations is that the former
are likely to see is the differential equation model. evaluates the population at discrete time-points
In modeling with ordinary differential equations, whereas in the latter, time is considered continu-
we assume that time is continuous. For example, ous. In general, continuous models are handled
the classic Malthusian growth model is written more easily mathematically. In reality, however, we
thus: usually have to examine the populations we are
studying at specific time points so discrete models
dt = rN, may be closer to what we might expect to examine
in the field.
where and the population size N is a function of Unlike deterministic models in which there are
time. Here we see that the change in the population no random events, stochastic models explicitly
size (dNldt) during any instant is the size of the contain randomness. Even simple processes rarely
population multiplied by the parameter r, which are understood well enough to predict the out-
gives the growth rate of the population. We can go come with complete accuracy. For example, the
further by "integrating" both sides, which allows physics of flipping a coin are fairly well under-
us to find the population size at any time t: stood, but tiny variations in the coin's initial ve-
locity, the angle of its launch, and the air currents
surrounding its spin all provide enough variation
to make it a wonderful way to randomly choose
where No is the initial population size at time 0 (the who gets to kickoff first in a soccer game. Com-
starting time) and e is an analytic number, such as paratively, the complexity of an ecological system
p, which has a value of 2.7183 if taken to 4 decimal is enormous, and stochastic forces playa major
places. Therefore, if the initial population is 100, role. Almost every aspect of any measurable sys-
and r = 1.5, and time is being measured in years, tem will vary because of natural variation and
then after 5 years the population will be as follows: complex interactions. One way to mimic these ef-
fects in a model is to add randomness to some of
100.2.7183 1.50S = 180,804.24. the parameters; this adds a degree of realism that
is lacking in deterministic models. Adding ran-
By plugging in a few values for t, you can see dom variables also allows us to examine how the
that the population rises quickly so that in just a natural variation in parameter values affects the
few years, it rises above the ability of your calcula- overall behavior of the system. For example, if
tor to handle the large size of the number. you know that a pest moves an average of 4 m
Ordinary differential equation models can be and individuals overall move between 1 and 7 m,
more complicated, as in this system of three coupled you can incorporate both pieces of information


into the model to explore the effect of that varia- because there are well-developed mathematical tools
tion on the rate an insect population disperses that can allow the modeler to explore the behavior
throughout a region. of these models in great detail. For example, with
A stochastic model implies that there is some- analytical models you can find the particular value
thing random in the model. For example, to decide of model parameters where the model behavior
how many eggs are laid per female, in a model that changes. The drawback of analytic models is that
follows the dynamics of a simple population, a ran- they often cannot handle the complexity of real
dom number might be chosen between 1 and 20. biological systems.
The randomness in the model might come from Simulation Models. The popularity and growth
any number of statistical distributions and may be of simulation models, or as they are sometime called
very sophisticated, but the basic idea is that there computer models, has followed the advance in
arc events in the model that cannot be predicted. modern computer technology. Simulation models
At one time you might put in N insects and get out (Table 1) are the most likely type of model that a
2N, and the next time you might put in N insects reader will encounter in the entomological litera-
and get out 4/9N insects. The kinds of stochastic ture. Computers allow us to model very complex
models that you will see in the entomological litera- processes and, often, are limited only by the imagi-
ture generally require that you run them many times nation of the modeler. This can be problematic be-

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so that you can get a feel for the variation and cause the complexity of simulation models can
average behavior of the model (just as in biological quickly rise to the level of that found in the biologi-
systems, modelers often will talk about "model cal process itself. Among the principal reasons to
behavior" meaning the output pattern through model a system is to reduce the complexity so that
time) and how much it varies from time to time. If underlying processes can be understood more
an author of a stochastic model presents only one clearly. When a simulation model becomes too com-
run, or there are no error bars on the plots, it is a plex, this advantage is lost. Understanding com-
red flag that the model may not have been explored putational models requires much more work, and
thoroughly. An exception might be if it is a model interpretation of these models must be examined
based on stochastic equations (which are beyond carefully. These models can, however, handle the
the scope of this article) in which some of the model biological complexity that would have been un-
parameters arc defined as random variables and heard of in the years before the development of
from these equations, distributional properties of modern computer technology.
the model, such as its mean and variance, might be Two kinds of simulation models, rule-based and
derived using certain mathematical techniques for individual-based, can be particularly valuable to en-
dealing with these kinds of equations. This brings tomologists. Rule-based modeling is characterized
us to still another way to splir models: analytic by having the computer follow the same rules that
versus simulation models. an insect, or insect population, might follow when
Analytic Models. Analytic models usually have faced with given environmental factors or natural
a specific mathematical form (i.e., you can write an situations. There are now computer packages that
equation for the model). They may be either deter-' require little, if any, mathematical know-how that
ministic or stochastic. If the model is stochastic, will allow one to define rules and relationships for a
some of the parameters in the model will be defined system and run simulations from rules one has de-
as random variables (i.e., parameter values come fined. Individual-based modeling, often a kind of
from a probability distribution)-rather than just rule-based modeling, follows the activities of indi-
raking on a fixed number, as do the parameters in vidual insects through time and/or space. This al-
deterministic models. Analytic models are the sort lows "computer insects" to interact with their
used to describe gravity in your high school phys- computer environment and other members of the
ics classes, or the famous E = mc2• Analytic models population, providing the opportunity for a detailed
are not simple necessarily, and they include every- description of the original system in the model. It
thing from large systems differential equations to allows one to look at how individual behaviors may
large, spatial arrays of interacting equations called influence population-level processes.
coupled-map lattices. They are especially valuable There are computer packages available for rule-

Table 1. A sample of modeling papers published in Environmental Entomology between 1989 and 1998 classified by
whether they are analytic or simulation, and deterministic or stochastic.

Model Deterministic Models Stochastic Models

Analytic models Schaalje 1990, Yu et al. 1992, Brewster and Allen 1997 Munholland and Dennis 1992
Simulation models Culin et a!. 1990, Geden et a!. 1990, Berry et a!. 1991, Besin et a!. 1991, McCann et a!. 1989,
Wilhoit et al. 1991, Flinn et al. 1992, Follett et a!. 1993, 1995, Kemp and Dennis 1991,
DeGrand i-Hoffman et a!. 1994, Korzukhin and Porter 1994, McKibben et a!. 1991,
Flinn and Hagstrum 1995, Gribko et a!. 1995, Hagstrum 1996, Provencher and Riechert 1994
Regniere 1996, Carter et a!. 1998, Throne et a!. 1998, Weseloh 1998

Nonspatial models are in black; spatial models in blue (see Spatial Models section).

AMFRICAN ENTOMOLOGIST • Volume 46, Number 1 45

insect objects foraged and moved among plant
Processes modeled each dav and in pverv field ..J
objects that, in turn, had attributes such as health
and a location in the field. It was like having a
minimicrocosm in my computer!
(b) Simulation models are relatively easy to pro-
Start time t (a)
duce, largely because they typically are computer
programs designed to mimic aspects of a biological
adults randomly
mate & Lay eggs S"T
larval movement
system. Nevertheless, their testing and interpreta-
tion can be time-consuming. For example, in a com-
plex simulation model of Heliothis's resistance to

begin time t+ 1
5: proportion of field planted in susceptible cotton
T: proportion planted in transgenic cotton
transgenic cotton (Peck et al. 1999), the model was
constructed in just over 1 month, but testing and
refining took more than 1 year, thousands of runs,
~ (c) and a substantial investment of time to convince us
end time t (f)
that the model was doing what we hoped it would
adults migrate genotype--plant- do. Most of the hard thinking started after the

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type spCClflc model was written as we devised ways to test the
to nClghbonng model and sort out its complexities.
flclds selection The amount of effort to develop the Heliothis
model is typical of what is required to develop a
simulation model. Never let their simplicity to con-

t (e) (d)
struct lull you into thinking that they are a quick-
and-dirty method of exploring complex questions.
When done correctly, they can be among the most
time-consuming methods of modeling. There has
genotype-- density dependent been a lively debate on simulation versus analytic
pl(lnt-tj'pC spCClflc modeling, and the role of population dynamics
survival modeling (Berryman 1991, 1997; Onstad 1991;
adult emergence Logan 1994; Hess 1996a). These articles in the
American Entomologist describe in detail some of
the issues and problems with these two types of
Fig. 2. This spatial model (Peck et al. 1999), which explores the regional development of Often one will see several of the model types
resistance in Heliothis virescens (F.) to a Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) d-endotoxin in described in this article combined into a larger more
transgenic colton, has several compartments. In each day and within every field, the complex model. For example, a compartment
activities of the insects are represented in the model by using compartments to handle
model will consist of several analytic, and/or simu-
the separate aspects of their life history. Starting in the upper left-hand corner (a), the
insects randomly mate and lay eggs, which are then divided among the plantings of lation models combined to produce a single model.
susceptible and transgenic colton in the field. These eggs hatch and the larvae move Typically, these are explored through simulation.
between the two crop types (b); the size of the arrows indicate that most movement is The analytic models are run in "compartments,"
from the transgenic crop to the susceptible plants because larvae are more likely to drop and the information from these runs is passed on
once they have tasted the Bt-containing leaves. These events are followed by (c)
to other compartments, which in turn model dif-
selection through mortality (based on their allele type and what kind of plant they are on),
(d) density dependent survival (if the population is large), (e) plant-type (transgenic or ferent aspects of the system. The flow of such a
susceptible) specific adult emergence, and (f) migration to neighboring fields, after which model is illustrated in Fig. 2. Each of the compart-
a new day begins and the same processes are repeated. Each of these compartments is ments is controlled by a mathematical or simula-
a separate model that captures a particular life history stage of the insect and then
tion model that passes information to the next
passes the information it has generated to the next compartment. By sharing information
among the compartments, the entire life history of the insect can be modeled. compartment after modeling the processes repre-
sented inside the individual compartment.

based modeling, but, often higher level languages The Representation of Space in Models
like C, C++, FORTRAN, PASCAL, or BASIC are Increasingly, it has been recognized that the spa-
used. In particular, object-oriented programming, tial dimension in which organisms move plays a
which is available in some newer computer lan- major role in ecological processes (Levin 1989,
guages such as C++, provides an excellent envi- Karieva 1990). Living things move. Individuals,
ronment for rule-based programming. populations, and even entire ecosystems change
Object-oriented programming languages allow one their location at spatial scales ranging from milli-
to define objects with certain attributes and func- meters to thousands of kilometers. This annoying
tions that are associated with these objects. For fact has plagued ecological studies since the time
example, I developed a program in C++ that de- that insects first descended upon our ancestors'
fined insects as one class of objects. Associated plantings of domesticated crops. If living things
with an insect object was its sex, genetic makeup, would just stay put, they would be so much easier
location on a plant, and its fecundity. Rules asso- to study, understand, and quantify. But they do
ciated with the in,ect-object included how the in- not-and we just have to deal with it. To under-
sect should respond when it met another insect, stand what effect space has on the dynamics of a
or move when it was living on a dying plant. The population in the field can be challenging. Models,


however, allow the addition of spatial manipula- Typical Arrangements for Space in Modeling Papers
tion with comparative ease.
Spatial Models. An important decision for de- Stepping-Stone Models (8)
veloping spatial models is how space is handled in
the model. Space usually is incorporated either im- Each population exchanges with its neighbors
plicitly or explicitly. With spatially implicit models,
we look at the proportion of sites with a specific
attribute but track nothing about actual location
or spatial relationships. The most famous of these
is Levins' (1969) metapopulation model. A
metapopulation is a group of subpopulations con- Cellular-Automata (b) Island-Continent Model (c)
(two-dimensional stepping-stone model) Islands receive immigrants
nected by the dispersal of individuals among the
patches that make up a regional population. Levins from mainland pool
Each population
proposed a model that followed the change in the exchanges with
proportion of patches that is occupied: its neighbors r-"'T"-T"'"""~"


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dt = mp(l - p) - xp .

In this model, p is the proportion of patches

that is occupied. The parameter m is the movement
rate between patches, x is an extinction rate, and t Metapopulation Model (e)
is time. The term on the left, you will recall from
calculus, dp/dt is the derivative operator (and if Island Model (d) ~ - occupied patch
you have forgotten calculus, this gives the slope of Any population can exchange ~ - unoccupied patch
p as a function of t, so we know how fast and in
which direction p is changing with t). This model
predicts that the proportion of occupied patches
will stabilize over time to the value 1-x/m. For ex-
ample, if the extinction rate is x = 0.10 per time
with any other

•• ••

period, and the movement rate is m = 0.50, the

proportion of occupied patches in this region over
the long term would be 1-(0.110.5) = 0.8. In this
model, we do not actually know anything about
the location of the patches, and there is nothing in
Fig. 3. Space can be handled in a number of different ways. The spatial structure that is
the model about the distances between patches. We
used in a model should match the biological process one is trying to capture with the
only know the proportion occupied-hence, space model. In a stepping-stone model (a), populations can exchange individuals with
is implicit, rather than explicit. In these kinds of neighboring populations but not with more distant populations. Cellular automata (b) is a
models, there is no measure of distance or direc- two-dimensional spatial model that also incorporates discrete time to signify the model's
behavior. These two models (a and b) consider local processes so that changes that
tion between sites.
start in one population spread more slowly to the rest of the other populations in the
Spatially Explicit Models. These models incor- region. In an island-continent model (c), exchanges in population only happen in one
porate the idea of distance as an aspect in the model direction- a large population (the continent) sends out individuals that arrive on the
(i.e., some places are further away than others). islands. In an island model (d), each of the spatially separated populations can exchange
Fig. 3 illustrates several ways space may be repre- with any other population; however, the rates of exchange can vary among the different
populations. In typical metapopulation modeling (e), one is concerned with a population of
sented in a spatially explicit model. All of these
habitat patches of varying sizes, some of which are occupied and some of which are not.
models are discrete. In stepping-stone models (Fig.
3 a and b), insects may disperse only to adjacent
patches. This implies that for a member of a popu- (Hess 1996b). In metapopulation models, the ques-
lation at one location, it may take several steps to tion of interest often is about exploring the inter-
reach a more distant patch. In an island-continent action between habitat patches with a viable
model (Fig. 3c), all dispersing individuals come population and habitat patches in which the popu-
from a mainland source and movement among the lation has become extinct. For example, how many
islands typically is ignored; in an island model (Fig. meta population patches must be occupied with vi-
3d) the interaction of interest is among islands. able populations, and what movement rates among
Notice that in each of the spatial representations patches are necessary to avoid extinction of the
illustrated in Fig. 3, the idea of distance is inherent regional population for a given number of years?
in the model. Some things are closer to others and Moilanen and Hanski (1995) used a metapopu-
this affects the dynamics and behavior of the model. lation model to explore the relationship between
Metapopulation Models. These models may be habitat destruction and the coexistence of two com-
implicit or explicit. Metapopulation modeling re- peting populations of butterflies.
cently has generated much interest, especially in Continuous spatial models also play an impor-
conservation biology (Hanski and Kuussaari tant part in modeling space. These types of models
1995). Formally, a meta population (Fig. 3e) is de- typically use partial differential equations to ex-
fined as a set of populations distributed over a press the dynamics of population movement in the
number of patches that are connected by dispersal model. As with ordinary differential equations de-

AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGIST • Volume 46, Number 1 47

scribed earlier, partial differential equations assume order of events mirror the way things really hap-
that both time and space are continuous, and they pen in the system being modeled?
have the following form: Exploring a modeling paper does not mean you
need to understand everything about the work-
ob o2b
-= IJ-+ rb ings inside of the model. But you should not be
ot ox intimidated to the point that you ignore the paper
where b is the population density at location x and because your modeling background is weak (or
time t, m is the dispersal rate, and r is the growth nonexistent). You can make a real contribution by
rate. I illustrate this only to give an example of looking over the details of a modeling paper. It
what the equations look like should you come may be that the model never has been explored by
across one while reading a modeling paper. Their someone with your biological insight into the pro-
full analysis is beyond the scope of this article, but cesses being modeled; your comments and ques-
many of the same assumptions hold as in ordinary tions about how the model works can be a valuable
differential equations and should be stated in the aid to the modeler. The role of the biologist's view
paper. The assumptions should be examined as of the model cannot be overstated. Otherwise, a
carefully as any other type of model. The model is model may end up being an exercise in computa-
deterministic (although stochastic versions do ex- tion only, and of little practical value. •••••

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ist) and there are specific tools for evaluating these
types of equations. Acknowledgments
I thank Ernie Harris (USDA-ARS, Honolulu,
Tackling the Modeling Paper HI), Heide Ketter, Grant McQuate, (USDA-ARS,
Table 1 lists a selection of articles from Envi- Hilo, HI), Laura Jones (Brigham Young Univer-
ronmental Entomology classified according to sity), and Lewis Deitz (North Carolina State Uni-
some of the criteria mentioned above. In examin- versity, Raleigh) for helpful comments and advice
ing these articles, one should explore their assump- in preparing the manuscript.
tions: Are they clear? What should be added or
deleted from the model? What assumptions References Cited
strengthen the modeler's case? What things weaken Alstad, D. N., and D. A. Andow. 1995. Managing the
evolution of insect resistance to transgenic plants.
it? This table makes it clear that the most common
Science (Wash. DC) 268: 1894-1896.
kind of modeling is deterministic simulation mod- Anderson, R. M., and R. M. May. 1981. The population
els. From a probability standpoint, therefore, these dynamics of microparasites and their invertehrate
likely are the kinds of models that will cross your hosts. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. B 291: 451-
desk. These also are the models that require the 524.
most careful review from entomologists familiar Berry, J. S., T. O. Holtzer, and J. M. Norman. 1991.
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to address. Why did they write the model? Was it corn microenvironment. Environ. Entomol. 20: 1074-
to make predictions for insect control programs?
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rent situations. Environ. Entomol. 19: 195-208.
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48 AMERICAN ENTOW1WGISl' • Sprilzg 2000

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AMI'RICAN ENTOMOLOGIST • Voilime 46, Number 1 49

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