3-Day Workouts (Arms, Shoulders, Back)
3-Day Workouts (Arms, Shoulders, Back)
3-Day Workouts (Arms, Shoulders, Back)
General Warmup
To be done right before each workout days.
Dumbbell Supersets
Supersets are 2 movements done
successively without rest in between. Resting
is allowed in between sets after finishing the
reps of the 2 movements. Do 2 warmup sets
for each movement before proceeding with
the workout.
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Resistance Band Workout
Do at least 1 warmup set for each movement
using a light band and stepping onto it with 1
foot. For working sets, if heavier bands are
too much, light band resistance may be
increased by stepping with 2 feet and
adjusting the space between your feet.
Always have control over the bands. For each
movement, spend 2-3 seconds going up with
the band (or whichever direction that adds
resistance to the band) and 2-3 seconds
returning to the starting position. This is helps
to tone muscles since they are working in all
manners of contraction which is different from
simply lifting weights. The last 2
movements require the bands to be anchored
to the door. The link right after shows us how
this can be done properly.
Fridays or Saturdays
Arms Shoulders Back Workout
Do 2 warmup-sets starting at the lightest
weight possible because some movements
may be difficult even with light weights. Do 10
reps each of movements 1-12 in correct order
to complete 1 round.
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General Warmup
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