Module 17 - Property, Plant and Equipment: Iasc Foundation: Training Material For The Ifrs For Smes
Module 17 - Property, Plant and Equipment: Iasc Foundation: Training Material For The Ifrs For Smes
Module 17 - Property, Plant and Equipment: Iasc Foundation: Training Material For The Ifrs For Smes
Module 17 – Property,
Plant and Equipment
IASC Foundation: Training Material
for the IFRS® for SMEs
including the full text of
Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment
of the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS)
for Small and Medium-sized Entities (SMEs)
issued by the International Accounting Standards Board on 9 July 2009
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INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________ 1
Learning objectives ________________________________________________________ 1
IFRS for SMEs ____________________________________________________________ 2
Introduction to the requirements_______________________________________________ 2
REQUIREMENTS AND EXAMPLES ___________________________________________ 3
Scope ___________________________________________________________________ 3
Recognition ______________________________________________________________ 6
Measurement at recognition__________________________________________________ 8
Measurement after initial recognition __________________________________________ 11
Depreciation _____________________________________________________________ 11
Depreciable amount and depreciation period____________________________________ 12
Depreciation method ______________________________________________________ 16
Impairment ______________________________________________________________ 17
Derecognition ____________________________________________________________ 19
Disclosures______________________________________________________________ 21
COMPARISON WITH FULL IFRSs ___________________________________________ 28
TEST YOUR KNOWLEDGE ________________________________________________ 29
APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE _______________________________________________ 34
Case study 1 ____________________________________________________________ 34
Answer to case study 1 ____________________________________________________ 35
Case study 2 ____________________________________________________________ 37
Answer to case study 2 ____________________________________________________ 39
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
This training material has been prepared by IASC Foundation education staff and has
not been approved by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
The accounting requirements applicable to small and medium-sized entities (SMEs) are
set out in the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) for SMEs, which was
issued by the IASB in July 2009.
This module focuses on the accounting and reporting of property, plant and equipment in
accordance with Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment of the IFRS for SMEs. It introduces the
learner to the subject, guides the learner through the official text, develops the learner’s
understanding of the requirements through the use of examples and indicates significant
judgements that are required in accounting for property, plant and equipment. Furthermore,
the module includes questions designed to test the learner’s knowledge of the requirements
and case studies to develop the learner’s ability to account for property, plant and equipment
in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs.
Learning objectives
Upon successful completion of this module you should know the financial reporting
requirements for property, plant and equipment in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs.
Furthermore, through the completion of case studies that simulate aspects of the real world
application of that knowledge, you should have enhanced your ability to account for property,
plant and equipment in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs. In particular you should, in the
context of the IFRS for SMEs, be able:
to distinguish items of property, plant and equipment from other assets of an entity
to identify when items of property, plant and equipment qualify for recognition in
financial statements
to measure items of property, plant and equipment on initial recognition and subsequently
to present and disclose property, plant and equipment in financial statements
to identify when an item of property, plant and equipment is to be derecognised or
transferred to another classification of asset, and account for that derecognition or transfer
to demonstrate an understanding of the significant judgements that are required in
accounting for property, plant and equipment.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
The IFRS for SMEs is intended to apply to the general purpose financial statements of entities
that do not have public accountability (see Section 1 Small and Medium-sized Entities).
The IFRS for SMEs includes mandatory requirements and other material (non-mandatory) that is
published with it.
The material that is not mandatory includes:
a preface, which provides a general introduction to the IFRS for SMEs and explains its
purpose, structure and authority.
implementation guidance, which includes illustrative financial statements and a
disclosure checklist.
the Basis for Conclusions, which summarises the IASB’s main considerations in reaching
its conclusions in the IFRS for SMEs.
the dissenting opinion of an IASB member who did not agree with the publication of the
IFRS for SMEs.
In the IFRS for SMEs the Glossary is part of the mandatory requirements.
In the IFRS for SMEs there are appendices in Section 21 Provisions and Contingencies,
Section 22 Liabilities and Equity and Section 23 Revenue. Those appendices are non-mandatory
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
The contents of Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment of the IFRS for SMEs are set out below and
shaded grey. Terms defined in the Glossary of the IFRS for SMEs are also part of the
requirements. Those terms are in bold type the first time they appear in the text of
Section 17. The notes and examples inserted by the IASC Foundation education staff are not
shaded. Other annotations inserted by the IASC Foundation staff are presented within square
brackets in bold italics. The insertions made by the staff do not form part of the IFRS for SMEs
and have not been approved by the IASB.
17.1 This section applies to accounting for property, plant and equipment and investment
property whose fair value cannot be measured reliably without undue cost or effort.
Section 16 Investment Property applies to investment property whose fair value can be
measured reliably without undue cost or effort.
Property (land or a building, or part of a building, or both) held by the owner or by the
lessee under a finance lease to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both is
investment property (see Section 16 Investment Property). However, investment property
whose fair value cannot be measured reliably without undue cost or effort on an
ongoing basis is accounted for in accordance with the requirements in
Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment.
Investment property generates cash flows largely independently of the other assets held
by an entity. This distinguishes investment property from owner-occupied property.
The production or supply of goods or services (or the use of property for administrative
purposes) generates cash flows that are attributable not only to property, but also to
other assets used in the production or supply process. See paragraph 16.4 for the
classification of mixed use property.
Judgement is sometimes needed to determine whether a property qualifies as
investment property. For example, when an entity provides ancillary services to the
occupants of a property it holds, it treats the property as investment property if the
services are insignificant to the arrangement as a whole.
The IFRS for SMEs does not specify how to classify land that is held for an undetermined
purpose. In developing its accounting policy for land acquired for an undetermined
purpose an entity may (but is not required to) look to the requirements of full IFRSs (see
paragraph 10.6 of the IFRS for SMEs). IAS 40 Investment Property specifies that land acquired
for an undetermined purpose is classified as investment property (see IAS 40 paragraph
8(b)) because a subsequent decision to use such land as inventory or for development as
owner-occupied property would be an investment decision (see Basis for Conclusions on
IAS 40 paragraph B67(b)(ii)).
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Ex 3 An entity (parent) holds a building to earn rentals under an operating lease from its
subsidiary. The subsidiary uses the building as a retail outlet for its products.
In the parent’s consolidated financial statements (see paragraph 9.2) the building is
classified as an item of property, plant and equipment. The consolidated financial
statements present the parent and its subsidiary as a single entity. The consolidated
entity uses the building for the supply of goods over more than one accounting period.
In the separate financial statements of the parent (if prepared, see paragraph 9.24) the
building is classified as an investment property (see paragraph 16.2) and accounted for
in accordance with Section 16 Investment Property. It is a property held to earn rentals.
However, if the fair value of the investment property cannot be measured reliably
without undue cost or effort on an ongoing basis, the parent accounts for the property
as property, plant and equipment in accordance with the requirements of Section 17 (see
paragraph 17.1).
Ex 4 An entity owns a fleet of motor vehicles. The vehicles are used by the sales staff in
the performance of their duties.
The motor vehicles are classified as items of property, plant and equipment. They are
physical assets used in the supply of goods during more than one reporting period.
Ex 5 An entity owns a motor vehicle for the exclusive business and private use of its
chief financial officer.
The motor vehicle is classified as an item of property, plant and equipment. It is a
physical asset used in the administration of the entity during more than one reporting
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Ex 6 An entity purchases, for one combined payment, an existing building and the
remaining 80-year interest in a 100-year right to use the land on which the building
sits (freehold ownership of land is not possible in that jurisdiction). The building is
occupied by the entity’s administrative staff.
The purchase price is split between the land use right and the building on the basis of
the relative fair values of the two assets. The land use right is accounted for as an
operating lease under Section 20 (see example 9) and the building is accounted for as
property, plant and equipment under Section 17.
Property, plant and equipment also excludes assets held for sale in the ordinary course
of business, assets in the process of production for such sale, and assets in the form of
materials or supplies to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of
services. Such assets are inventories (see Section 13 Inventories).
Intangible assets are also not items of property, plant and equipment. They are
accounted for in accordance with Section 18 Intangible Assets other than Goodwill.
Ex 7 An entity owns a herd of cattle that form the breeding stock of its agricultural
activities. The entity also owns a tractor and trailer used to transport feed to the
Although the cattle arguably meet the definition of property, plant and equipment—they
are tangible assets used in the production of calves in more than one accounting
period—they are accounted for as biological assets in accordance with paragraph 34.2.
They are outside the scope of Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment (see
paragraph 17.3(a)).
The tractor and trailer are classified as items of property, plant and equipment. They are
physical assets used in the supply of goods during more than one reporting period.
As the tractor and trailer are not biological assets (paragraph 34.2 does not apply to
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Ex 9 An entity pays a government for a 100-year right to use the land on which it plans
to construct a building (freehold ownership of land is not possible in that
The payment to the government is treated as a prepayment on a lease (prepaid expense).
The lease would be classified as an operating lease (because it does not transfer
substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership). The operating lease
would be accounted for under Section 20 Leases except in the special case in which it is
classified as investment property and the requirements of paragraph 16.3 are followed.
17.4 An entity shall apply the recognition criteria in paragraph 2.27 in determining whether to
recognise an item of property, plant or equipment. Therefore, the entity shall recognise
the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment as an asset if, and only if:
(a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to the
entity, and
(b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
17.5 Spare parts and servicing equipment are usually carried as inventory and recognised in
profit or loss as consumed. However, major spare parts and stand-by equipment are
property, plant and equipment when an entity expects to use them during more than one
period. Similarly, if the spare parts and servicing equipment can be used only in
connection with an item of property, plant and equipment, they are considered property,
plant and equipment.
Ex 12 A private hospital has installed two identical back-up generators. The first back-up
generator provides electricity when the supply from the national grid is
interrupted. The second back-up generator will be used in the unlikely event that
the first back-up generator fails when the supply from the national grid is
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Both back-up generators are items of property, plant and equipment. The stand-by
equipment is expected to be used in more than one accounting period, albeit irregularly.
17.6 Parts of some items of property, plant and equipment may require replacement at regular
intervals (eg the roof of a building). An entity shall add to the carrying amount of an item
of property, plant and equipment the cost of replacing part of such an item when that cost
is incurred if the replacement part is expected to provide incremental future benefits to the
entity. The carrying amount of those parts that are replaced is derecognised in
accordance with paragraphs 17.27–17.30. Paragraph 17.16 provides that if the major
components of an item of property, plant and equipment have significantly different
patterns of consumption of economic benefits, an entity shall allocate the initial cost of the
asset to its major components and depreciate each such component separately over its
useful life.
17.7 A condition of continuing to operate an item of property, plant and equipment (eg a bus)
may be performing regular major inspections for faults regardless of whether parts of the
item are replaced. When each major inspection is performed, its cost is recognised in the
carrying amount of the item of property, plant and equipment as a replacement if the
recognition criteria are satisfied. Any remaining carrying amount of the cost of the
previous major inspection (as distinct from physical parts) is derecognised. This is done
regardless of whether the cost of the previous major inspection was identified in the
transaction in which the item was acquired or constructed. If necessary, the estimated
cost of a future similar inspection may be used as an indication of what the cost of the
existing inspection component was when the item was acquired or constructed.
In this example, and in all other examples in this module, monetary amounts are denominated in ‘currency units (CU)’.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Ex 14 An entity that operates an executive aviation service is required to have its jet
aircraft inspected for faults by the national aviation authorities every two years.
An inspection was made halfway through the current annual reporting period at a
cost of CU20,000.
The entity must recognise an asset (property, plant and equipment) of CU20,000 for the
inspection. The inspection asset must be recognised as an expense (depreciation) in
profit or loss evenly over its estimated two-year useful life (ie CU5,000 expense during
the current reporting period).
17.8 Land and buildings are separable assets, and an entity shall account for them separately,
even when they are acquired together.
Measurement at recognition
17.9 An entity shall measure an item of property, plant and equipment at initial recognition at
its cost.
Elements of cost
17.10 The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises all of the following:
(a) its purchase price, including legal and brokerage fees, import duties and
non-refundable purchase taxes, after deducting trade discounts and rebates.
(b) any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
These can include the costs of site preparation, initial delivery and handling,
installation and assembly, and testing of functionality.
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring
the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs either when
the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular
period for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period.
17.11 The following costs are not costs of an item of property, plant and equipment, and an
entity shall recognise them as an expense when they are incurred:
(a) costs of opening a new facility.
(b) costs of introducing a new product or service (including costs of advertising and
promotional activities).
(c) costs of conducting business in a new location or with a new class of customer
(including costs of staff training).
(d) administration and other general overhead costs.
(e) borrowing costs (see Section 25 Borrowing Costs).
17.12 The income and related expenses of incidental operations during construction or
development of an item of property, plant and equipment are recognised in profit or loss if
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
those operations are not necessary to bring the item to its intended location and operating
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Measurement of cost
17.13 The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment is the cash price equivalent at the
recognition date. If payment is deferred beyond normal credit terms, the cost is the
present value of all future payments.
Exchanges of assets
17.14 An item of property, plant or equipment may be acquired in exchange for a non-monetary
asset or assets, or a combination of monetary and non-monetary assets. An entity shall
measure the cost of the acquired asset at fair value unless (a) the exchange transaction
lacks commercial substance or (b) the fair value of neither the asset received nor the
asset given up is reliably measurable. In that case, the asset’s cost is measured at the
carrying amount of the asset given up.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
17.15 An entity shall measure all items of property, plant and equipment after initial recognition
at cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.
An entity shall recognise the costs of day-to-day servicing of an item of property, plant
and equipment in profit or loss in the period in which the costs are incurred.
17.16 If the major components of an item of property, plant and equipment have significantly
different patterns of consumption of economic benefits, an entity shall allocate the initial
cost of the asset to its major components and depreciate each such component
separately over its useful life. Other assets shall be depreciated over their useful lives as
a single asset. With some exceptions, such as quarries and sites used for landfill, land
has an unlimited useful life and therefore is not depreciated.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
17.17 The depreciation charge for each period shall be recognised in profit or loss unless
another section of this IFRS requires the cost to be recognised as part of the cost of an
asset. For example, the depreciation of manufacturing property, plant and equipment is
included in the costs of inventories (see Section 13 Inventories).
17.18 An entity shall allocate the depreciable amount of an asset on a systematic basis [Refer:
paragraph 17.22] over its useful life.
17.19 Factors such as a change in how an asset is used, significant unexpected wear and tear,
technological advancement, and changes in market prices may indicate that the residual
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
value or useful life of an asset has changed since the most recent annual reporting date.
If such indicators are present, an entity shall review its previous estimates and, if current
expectations differ, amend the residual value, depreciation method or useful life.
The entity shall account for the change in residual value, depreciation method or useful
life as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with paragraphs 10.15–
The depreciable amount of an item of property, plant and equipment is its cost, or other
amount substituted for cost (in the financial statements), less its residual value.
The residual value of an item of property, plant and equipment is the estimated amount
that an entity would currently obtain from disposal of the item, after deducting the
estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the age and in the condition
expected at the end of its useful life.
Dr Profit or loss (depreciation expense) CU14,286
Cr Accumulated depreciation CU14,286
17.20 Depreciation of an asset begins when it is available for use, ie when it is in the location
and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by
management. Depreciation of an asset ceases when the asset is derecognised.
Depreciation does not cease when the asset becomes idle or is retired from active use
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
unless the asset is fully depreciated. However, under usage methods of depreciation the
depreciation charge can be zero while there is no production.
Must the entity temporarily suspend depreciation of the machine between 1 June and 30 July
No, the entity must not temporarily suspend depreciating the machine when it is idle.
Depreciation of an asset ceases only when the asset is derecognised or it is fully
depreciated. However, under usage methods of depreciation (eg units of production
method) the depreciation charge can be nil while there is no production.
17.21 An entity shall consider all the following factors in determining the useful life of an asset:
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
(a) the expected usage of the asset. Usage is assessed by reference to the asset’s
expected capacity or physical output.
(b) expected physical wear and tear, which depends on operational factors such as the
number of shifts for which the asset is to be used and the repair and maintenance
programme, and the care and maintenance of the asset while idle.
(c) technical or commercial obsolescence arising from changes or improvements in
production, or from a change in the market demand for the product or service output
of the asset.
(d) legal or similar limits on the use of the asset, such as the expiry dates of related
Ex 22 As part of their remuneration package an entity provides each senior manager with
the private use of a luxury motor vehicle of the manager’s choice. The executive
motor vehicles are replaced every two years irrespective of usage.
The entity sells and replaces its luxury motor vehicle fleet every two years when the
vehicles are expected to be economically usable by one or more users for at least
another three years.
The useful life of the vehicles is two years. The fact that the vehicles could be operated
for five years is not relevant to the assessment of their useful life. Useful life is the
period over which the vehicles are expected to be available for use by the entity (ie two
Ex 23 An entity does not service its equipment regularly. With regular servicing the
equipment would be available for use for five years. However, the expected
equipment servicing pattern is expected to render the equipment unusable in three
The useful life of the equipment is three years (ie the period over which the equipment is
expected to be available for use by the entity taking account of expected levels of
servicing). The fact that regular servicing would extend the life of the equipment to five
years is irrelevant when the entity does not expect to undertake regular servicing.
Ex 25 An entity has the right of use of an item of equipment in accordance with the terms
of a finance lease. The equipment is capable of operating for 15 years. However,
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
the lease term is 13 years and the entity is required to return the equipment to the
lessor at the end of the lease term.
The useful life of the equipment is 13 years—the period over which the equipment is
expected to be available for use by the entity taking account of limits imposed by the
lease (ie the 13-year lease term). The fact that equipment is expected to be fit for purpose
for an additional two years is irrelevant, as the entity does not expect to use the asset for
that additional two-year period.
Depreciation method
17.22 An entity shall select a depreciation method that reflects the pattern in which it expects to
consume the asset’s future economic benefits. The possible depreciation methods
include the straight-line method, the diminishing balance method and a method based on
usage such as the units of production method.
The depreciation method used is not a free choice. The depreciation method chosen is
that which best matches the benefits. Furthermore, this might not be the same method
as allowed for tax purposes.
Ex 27 As part of their remuneration package an entity provides each senior manager with
the private use of a luxury motor vehicle of the manager’s choice. The executive
motor vehicles are replaced every two years irrespective of usage.
The straight-line method is probably the most appropriate depreciation method for the
entity to apply in depreciating the executive motor vehicles. This method reflects the
pattern in which the entity expects to consume the asset’s future economic benefits.
Using this method ½ (ie 1 out of 2 years) of the depreciable amount of the vehicle would
be included in depreciation expense each year.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
17.23 If there is an indication that there has been a significant change since the last annual
reporting date in the pattern by which an entity expects to consume an asset’s future
economic benefits, the entity shall review its present depreciation method and, if current
expectations differ, change the depreciation method to reflect the new pattern. The entity
shall account for the change as a change in an accounting estimate in accordance with
paragraphs 10.15–10.18.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Example – impairment
30 September 20X6
Dr Profit or loss (impairment of machinery) CU500,000
Cr Accumulated depreciation and accumulated CU500,000
impairment (machinery)
15 November 20X6
Dr Receivable CU700,000
Cr Profit or loss (insurance compensation) CU700,000
To record the compensation to be received from the insurance company in respect of a machine
destroyed by fire.
30 November 20X6
Dr Cash CU700,000
Cr Receivable CU700,000
To record receipt of the compensation from the insurance company in respect of a machine destroyed by
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
15 December 20X6
Dr Property, plant and equipment (machine, cost) CU700,000
Cr Cash CU700,000
Examples – derecognition
17.28 An entity shall recognise the gain or loss on the derecognition of an item of property, plant
and equipment in profit or loss when the item is derecognised (unless Section 20 Leases
requires otherwise on a sale and leaseback). The entity shall not classify such gains as
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
17.29 In determining the date of disposal of an item, an entity shall apply the criteria in
Section 23 Revenue for recognising revenue from the sale of goods. Section 20 applies
to disposal by a sale and leaseback.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
17.30 An entity shall determine the gain or loss arising from the derecognition of an item of
property, plant and equipment as the difference between the net disposal proceeds, if
any, and the carrying amount of the item.
17.31 An entity shall disclose the following for each class of property, plant and equipment that
was deemed appropriate in accordance with paragraph 4.11(a):
(a) the measurement bases used for determining the gross carrying amount.
(b) the depreciation methods used.
(c) the useful lives or the depreciation rates used.
(d) the gross carrying amount and the accumulated depreciation (aggregated with
accumulated impairment losses) at the beginning and end of the reporting period.
(e) a reconciliation of the carrying amount at the beginning and end of the reporting
period showing separately:
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
(i) additions.
(ii) disposals.
(iii) acquisitions through business combinations.
(iv) transfers to investment property if a reliable measure of fair value becomes
available (see paragraph 16.8).
(v) impairment losses recognised or reversed in profit or loss in accordance with
Section 27.
(vi) depreciation.
(vii) other changes.
This reconciliation need not be presented for prior periods.
Example – disclosures
Ex 36 An entity could present the disclosures for each class of property, plant and
equipment as follows:
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
depreciated. The estimated useful lives of other items of property, plant and
equipment are:
Buildings 60 years
Machinery 10 years
Office equipment 3 years
Carrying amount at
1 January 20X2 1,100 5,867 9,800 2,100 18,867
Acquired in a business
combination 5,000 4,000 2,000 11,000
(a) (c) (e)
Disposals (1,400) (1,200) (300) (2,900)
Exchange difference on
translation of a foreign
operation (200) (200)
Carrying amount
at 31 December 20X2 900 9,224 12,300 2,550 24,974
(b) (d) (f)
Cost 900 13,000 16,000 6,400 36,300
Note: these calculations illustrate the workings only and would not comprise part of
the actual disclosures in the financial statements.
Calculations (in CU’000)
CU2,000 cost less CU600 accumulated depreciation.
(b) (a) (a)
CU10,000 + CU5,000 less CU2,000 and CU4,133 + CU243 less CU600
CU3,000 cost less CU1,800 accumulated depreciation
CU13,000 + CU2,000 + CU4,000 less CU3,000(c) and CU3,200 + CU1,700 + CU600 less
CU1,000 cost less CU700 accumulated depreciation
(f) (e)
CU4,400 + CU1,000 + CU2,000 less CU1,000(f) and CU2,300 + CU2,250 - CU700
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Ex 37 An entity could present other disclosures about property, plant and equipment as
20X2 20X1
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Applying the requirements of the IFRS for SMEs to transactions and events often requires
judgement. Information about significant judgements and key sources of estimation
uncertainty are useful in assessing the financial position, performance and cash flows of an
entity. Consequently, in accordance with paragraph 8.6, an entity must disclose the
judgements that management has made in the process of applying the entity’s accounting
policies and that have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial
Furthermore, in accordance with paragraph 8.7, an entity must disclose information about the
key assumptions concerning the future, and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the
reporting date, that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying
amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year.
Other sections of the IFRS for SMEs require disclosure of information about particular
judgements and estimation uncertainties.
Property, plant and equipment are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or
supply of goods or services, for administrative purposes, or for rental to others (unless it is
classified as an investment property). Furthermore, they are expected to be used during more
than one period. In most cases little difficulty is encountered in determining whether a
property is an item of property, plant and equipment. However, significant judgement is
required to classify some items of property. For example:
Some properties comprise a portion that is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation
and another portion that is held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or
for administrative purposes. If these portions could be sold separately (or leased out
separately under a finance lease), an entity accounts for the portions separately. If the
portions could not be sold separately, the property is investment property only if an
insignificant portion is held for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for
administrative purposes.
In some cases, an entity provides ancillary services, for example security and maintenance
services, to the occupants of a property it holds. It may be difficult to determine whether
ancillary services are so significant that a property does not qualify as investment property.
In most cases security and maintenance services will be insignificant and hence the
building would be classified as investment property. However, some companies rent out
fully furnished offices including a whole range of services such as information technology
systems and administration services (eg many hotels). Such arrangements are in the
nature of the provision of a service and the property would be classified as owner-occupied
and accounted for under Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment. There are several
instances between these extremes where it may be difficult to judge whether the services
are insignificant.
Where significant judgement is needed to determine whether a property qualifies as
investment property an entity should develop criteria so that it can exercise that judgement
consistently in accordance with the definition of investment property.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
When the fair value of an investment property can be measured reliably without undue cost or
effort on an ongoing basis, after initial recognition an entity measures the investment
property at its fair value. Otherwise, investment property is measured after initial recognition
using the cost-depreciation-impairment model in Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment.
The management of an entity must apply judgement in determining whether the fair value of
an investment property can be measured reliably without undue cost or effort on an ongoing
basis. Paragraphs 11.27–11.32 of Section 11 Basic Financial Instruments provide guidance on
determining fair value.
To account for and report property, plant and equipment it is necessary to separate the items
into classifications appropriate to the entity (see paragraph 17.31). A class of assets is a
grouping of assets of a similar nature and use in an entity’s operations (see the Glossary).
In most cases little difficulty is encountered in classifying items of property, plant and
equipment. However, significant judgement is required to classify some items.
An entity has the following items of property, plant and equipment:
Property A: A vacant plot of land on which it intends to construct its new administration
Property B: A plot of land that it operates as a landfill site;
Property C: A plot of land on which its existing administration headquarters are built;
Property D: A plot of land on which its direct sales office is built;
Properties E1–E10: Ten separate retail outlets and the land on which they are built;
Equipment A: Computer systems at its headquarters and direct sales office that are
integrated with the point of sale computer systems in the retail outlets;
Equipment B: Point of sale computer systems in each of its retail outlets;
Furniture and fittings in its administrative headquarters and its sales office;
Shop fixtures and fittings in its retail outlets.
The entity’s only investment property is Property F—a vacant plot of land held for capital
appreciation. The fair value of the plot of land cannot be measured reliably without undue
cost or effort on an ongoing basis.
How many classes of property, plant and equipment must the entity disclose?
To answer this question one must apply judgement.
A class of assets is defined as a grouping of assets of a similar nature and use in an entity’s
The nature of land without a building is different to the nature of land on which a building
has been erected.
Consequently land without a building is a separate class of asset from land and buildings.
Furthermore, the nature and use of land that is operated as a landfill site is different from
vacant land. Although the nature of Property A and Property F are probably the same, the use
of the land is sufficiently different for the investment property to be disclosed as a separate
class of property, plant and equipment. Judgement must be applied to determine if the
entity’s retail outlets are sufficiently different in nature and use from office buildings to be
treated as a separate class of land and buildings.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
The computer equipment is integrated across the organisation and would probably be
classified as a single separate class of asset.
Furniture and fittings used for administrative purposes could be sufficiently different to shop
fixtures and fittings in retail outlets to be classified in two separate classes of assets.
An entity shall measure property, plant and equipment at its cost at initial recognition.
Significant judgements in measuring the cost of an item of property, plant and equipment at
initial recognition include:
If payment for the item is deferred beyond normal credit terms—determining the discount
rate at which to discount all future payments to arrive at the present value that will be
included in the cost of the property.
If the item is acquired in an exchange for a non-monetary asset—estimating the fair value
of the non-monetary asset.
If applicable—estimating the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring the
site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs when the item is
After initial recognition an entity must measure all items of property, plant and equipment at
cost less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses. Significant
judgements in accounting for the depreciation of property, plant and equipment may include:
allocating the amount initially recognised in respect of an item of property, plant and
equipment to its major components that, in accordance with paragraph 17.16, are
required to be depreciated separately;
estimating the useful life of the item (or significant part of the item) of property, plant and
estimating the residual value of the property, plant and equipment (or significant part of
the item); and
determining the appropriate depreciation method that reflects the pattern in which the
entity expects to consume the property, plant and equipment (or significant part of the
Significant judgements in accounting for the impairment of property, plant and equipment
may include:
assessing whether there is any indication that an item of property, plant and equipment
may be impaired; and
if there is an indication that the property, plant and equipment may be impaired—
determining the recoverable amount of the property, plant and equipment.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
A high level overview of differences between the requirements at 9 July 2009 of accounting
and reporting property, plant and equipment in accordance with full IFRSs (see IAS 16 Property,
Plant and Equipment) and the IFRS for SMEs (see Section 17 Property, Plant and Equipment) includes:
The IFRS for SMEs is drafted in simple language and includes significantly less guidance on
how to apply the principles.
Full IFRSs permit an option to use the revaluation model for the measurement of property,
plant and equipment after initial recognition. The IFRS for SMEs does not.
Full IFRSs require an annual review of residual value, useful life and depreciation method
of property, plant and equipment. The IFRS for SMEs requires a review only if there is an
indication that there has been a significant change since the last annual reporting date.
For differences related to impairment testing see Module 27 Impairment of Assets.
IASC Foundation: Training Material for the IFRS® for SMEs (version 2010-1) 28
Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Test your knowledge of the requirements for accounting and reporting property, plant and
equipment in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs by answering the questions below.
Once you have completed the test check your answers against those set out below this test.
Assume all amounts are material.
Question 1
Question 2
An entity operates a bed and breakfast from a building it owns. The entity also provides its
guests with other services including housekeeping, satellite television and broadband internet
access. The daily room rental is inclusive of these services. Furthermore, upon request, the
entity conducts tours of the surrounding area for its guests. Tour services are charged for
The entity should account for the building as:
(a) property, plant and equipment
(b) investment property
(c) inventory
Question 3
An entity must measure its property, plant and equipment after initial recognition at:
(a) cost.
(b) cost less any accumulated depreciation less any accumulated impairment losses.
(c) cost less any accumulated depreciation less any accumulated impairment losses plus
the cost of day-to-day servicing.
(d) cost plus the cost of day-to-day servicing.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Question 4
An entity operates an executive aviation service. The entity’s only item of property, plant and
equipment is an aircraft that it acquired for CU10,400,000. The cost of the aircraft is
attributed to its significant parts as follows: the jet engine (60%), body (20%) and aviation
equipment (10%) and furniture and fittings (10%).
A condition of operating an aircraft is that it is inspected by the aviation authorities every
three years. An inspection costs CU400,000. The jet had been inspected at the manufacturer’s
expense before delivery to the entity.
Aviation regulations require the jet engine to be replaced when it has flown 2,000,000 air
miles. Management intends fitting a new engine to the aircraft when it requires replacement
so that the aircraft can be used for approximately 10 years, at which time it intens to scrap the
Management does not expect to replace the body of the aircraft or the aviation equipment.
However, management assesses the useful life of the furniture and fittings as five years at
which time they will be scrapped and replaced.
What is the cost of each of the significant parts of the aircraft that the entity must depreciate
(a) CU6,240,000 jet engine, CU2,080,000 body, CU1,040,000 aviation equipment and
CU1,040,000 furniture and fittings.
(b) CU10,400,000 jet aircraft.
(c) CU6,000,000 jet engine, CU3,000,000 body and equipment, CU1,000,000 furniture and
fittings and CU400,000 aviation inspection.
Question 5
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Question 6
A building is held by a subsidiary to earn rentals under an operating lease from its parent.
The parent manufactures its products in the rented building. The fair value of the building
can be measured reliably without undue cost or effort on an ongoing basis.
The building is:
(a) accounted for as an investment property by the subsidiary and an investment property
by the group.
(b) accounted for as property, plant and equipment by both the subsidiary and the group.
(c) accounted for as investment property by both the subsidiary and the group.
(d) accounted for as an investment property by the subsidiary and as an item of property,
plant and equipment by the group.
Question 7
Question 8
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Question 9
On 31 December 20X2 the entity reassessed the property described in Question 8 as follows:
the building’s useful life as 60 years from the date of acquisition
the building’s residual value as CU10,000
the entity will consume the building’s future economic benefits evenly over 60 years from
the date of acquisition
the fair value of the building at CU160,000.
The entity should measure the carrying amount of the building on 31 December 20X2 at:
(a) CU96,508
(b) CU96,000
(c) CU160,000
(d) CU125,263
Question 10
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
IASC Foundation: Training Material for the IFRS® for SMEs (version 2010-1) 33
Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Apply your knowledge of the requirements for accounting and reporting property, plant and
equipment in accordance with the IFRS for SMEs by solving the case studies below.
Once you have completed the case studies check your answer against that set out below this
Case study 1
SME A incurred (and paid) the following expenditures in acquiring an administration building
and the land on which it is built:
1 January 20X1 200,000,000 20 per cent of the price is attributable to the land
1 January 20X1 10,000 Reimbursing the previous owner for prepaying the
non-refundable local government property taxes for
the six-month period ending 30 June 20X1
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
At 1 January 20X1
Dr Land and buildings (cost) CU200,000,000
Cr Cash CU200,000,000
To recognise the acquisition of the property.
Dr Land and buildings (cost) CU20,000,000
Cr Cash CU20,000,000
To recognise the non-refundable transfer taxes incurred in acquiring the property.
Dr Land and buildings (cost) CU1,000,000
Cr Cash CU1,000,000
To recognise legal costs directly attributable to the acquisition of the property.
At 30 June 20X1
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Dr Profit or loss (operating expenses) CU3,136,000
Cr Accumulated depreciation (PPE—buildings) CU3,136,000
To recognise depreciation of buildings during 20X1.
The calculations and explanatory notes below do not form part of the answer to this case study:
(a) (b)
80% × CU221,000,000 = CU176,800,000 cost of buildings. [CU176,800,000 cost less CU20,000,000
residual value] ÷ 50 years (consume future economic benefits evenly over the 50-year useful life of the
building) = CU3,136,000 depreciation for the year
∑A = CU221,000,000 cost of land and buildings
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Case study 2
SME B has one item of property, plant and equipment—the office building occupied by its
administrative staff and the land on which it is built. At 31 December 20X1 the carrying
amount of the property was CU2,000,000, net of CU1,000,000 accumulated depreciation.
SME B depreciates the building on the straight-line method over 50 years to a nil residual
value. The land on which the building is situated is immaterial.
On 30 June 20X2 SME B acquired all of the equity of SME C. Information about SME C’s
property, plant and equipment on 30 June 20X2 is summarised in the table below.
Description Remaining useful Carrying amount Residual value Fair value (CU)
life (CU) (CU)
On 1 October 20X2 SME C subdivided Land B into 30 plots and began to develop residential
units on each of the plots, with a view to selling the residential units and the land on which
they are built in the ordinary course of business.
On 12 October 20X2 SME C was granted planning permission, at a cost of CU500,000, for the
development of an office block on Land C. SME C intends to use the office block for the sales
staff of its mail order operations.
On 1 November 20X2 SME C commenced the operation of a landfill site on Land A. The cost of
converting Land A to a landfill site was CU100,000. The landfill site is expected to operate for
10 years before it will be full. Once full, SME C intends to abandon the site.
On 16 December 20X2 SME C contracted Entity D (an independent third party) to construct the
office block on Land C. The CU10,000,000 fixed price contract provides for construction to
begin by 30 June 20X3 and be completed by 30 June 20X5.
On 31 December 20X2 SME B’s land and building was pledged as security for a CU3,000,000
loan from Bank A. The loan was advanced to SME B on 30 December 20X2 and bears interest at
the fixed rate of 3 per cent per year. The loan is repayable in full on 31 December 20X8.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
At 31 December 20X2 SME B group assessment confirmed the useful lives, residual values and
depreciation method applied for all property, plant and equipment. Furthermore, the
impairment indicator review found no indication that any item of property, plant and
equipment was impaired.
Draft an extract showing how property, plant and equipment could be presented and
disclosed in the consolidated financial statements of SME B group for the year ended
31 December 20X2.
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Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Extract from SME B group consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 20X2:
IASC Foundation: Training Material for the IFRS® for SMEs (version 2010-1) 39
Module 17 – Property, Plant and Equipment
Disposals (8,875,000) (8,875,000)
(o) (i)
Depreciation (68,333) (367,500) (435,833)
Carrying amount
at 31 December 20X2 4,031,667 2,500,000 10,257,500 16,789,167
(l) (m)
Cost 4,100,000 2,500,000 11,500,000 18,100,000
(o) (n)
Accumulated depreciation (68,333) (1,242,500) (1,310,833)
On 31 December 20X2 the group had contracted with Entity D to construct an office block on vacant land owned
by the group. The CU10,000,000 fixed price contract requires construction to begin by 30 June 20X3 and to be
completed by 30 June 20X5. There were no contractual commitments at 31 December 20X1.
At 31 December 20X2 SME B’s property was pledged as security for a CU3,000,000 loan from Bank A. The loan
bears interest at the fixed rate of 3 per cent per year and is repayable in full on 31 December 20X8. The group’s
property was unencumbered at 31 December 20X1.
The calculations and explanatory notes below do not form part of the answer to this case study:
(a) (g)
CU9,100,000 proceeds from the sale of Factory building B less CU8,875,000 carrying amount =
CU225,000 gain on disposal of Factory Building B.
CU3,000,000 cost ÷ 50 years = CU60,000 depreciation per year.
CU500,000 cost of planning permission for Land C (see paragraphs 16.7 and 17.10(b)).
CU4,000,000 Land A + CU1,000,000 Land B + CU2,000,000 Land C = CU7,000,000 (ie cost to the group is
fair value at the date of acquisition) (see paragraph 19.14)
CU1,500,000 Factory building A + CU9,000,000 Factory building B + CU7,000,000 Office building A (ie cost
to the group is fair value at the date of acquisition). Refer to IFRS for SMEs, paragraph 19.14 =
CU17,500,000 buildings.
CU1,000,000 carrying amount of Land B now used for the sale in the ordinary course of business (ie
inventory). Refer to IFRS for SMEs, paragraph 13.1(a)
(g) (h)
CU9,000,000 cost less CU125,000 accumulated depreciation = CU8,875,000 carrying amount of Factory
building B at the date of its disposal.
(CU9,000,000 cost less CU1,500,000 residual value) ÷ 15 years × 3/12 months = CU125,000 accumulated
depreciation on Factory building B at the date of its disposal (from 30 June to 30 September 20X2)
(i) (b) (j) (h)
CU60,000 SME B’s property + CU70,000 Factory building A + CU125,000 Factory building B +
CU112,500 Office building A = CU367,500.
(CU1,500,000 cost less CU100,000 residual value) depreciable amount ÷ 10 years’ useful life x 6/12 months
= CU70,000.
(CU7,000,000 cost less CU2,500,000 residual value) depreciable amount ÷ 20 years’ useful life x 6/12
months = CU112,500.
CU2,500,000 Land C.
CU3,000,000 SME B’s property + CU1,500,000 Factory building A + CU7,000,000 Office building A =
CU11,500,000 buildings.
(n) (j) (k)
CU1,060,000 SME B’s property + CU70,000 Factory building A + CU112,500 Office building A =
(CU4,100,000 cost less nil residual value (abandoned)) depreciable amount ÷ 10 years’ useful life x 2/12
months = CU68,333.
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