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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions



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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

Evidence-based practice guidelines for

the diagnosis and treatment of
lumbar spinal conditions
Abstract: Low back pain remains one of the most common patient complaints.
It can exist alone or with the presence of lower extremity symptoms. Review
of evidence-based guidelines will assist primary care providers in the
identification and treatment of various lumbar disorders in addition to
ruling out specific lumbar spinal pathologies.

By Robert L. Metzger, DNP, APRN, FNP-BC

ow back pain (LBP) ranks fifth as the reason pa- ■ Presentation

L tients present for healthcare provider visits in the

United States and second as the most common
Nonspecific LBP (NSLBP) is typically described as a
mechanical type of pain that varies with patients’ physical
chief complaint.1 It is prevalent among all age groups, rang- activity and posture.2 NSLBP is unrelated to a recognizable
ing from adolescents to older adults.2 The annual healthcare pathology, osteoporosis, structural deformity, or radicular
costs and economic losses associated with LBP in the United syndrome.2 It may be related to degenerative changes in the
States exceed $90 to $100 billion.3,4 LBP remains the most intervertebral disk, facet joints, vertebral endplate sclerosis,
common reason for disability among patients under age 45. or presence of osteophytes and is typically seen among
The prevalence for continued pain or disability from working-age patients.2
LBP is 60% to 80% after 1 year.3,4 Patients with a prior his- Patients with NSLBP experience back pain that is in-
tory of work absenteeism showed a 40% prevalence for creased by changes in position, upon flexion, and/or with
future occurrences.3,4 Therefore, it is imperative for pri- numbness and weakness.4 Pain noted with prolonged sitting
mary care providers (PCPs) to have a clear knowledge re- is a key factor in differentiating it from lumbar stenosis.5
garding the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of lumbar The association between degenerative disk disease and LBP,
diagnoses, as patients’ LBP treatments typically begin under based on cross-sectional studies, is significant and typically
their care. related to aging and environmental factors.2,4 One study of

Keywords: back pain treatments, low back pain, lumbar radiculopathy, lumbar spinal stenosis

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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

retrospective chart reviews indicated that the presence of or posterior pain down the leg to the calf and sometimes to
midline LBP, located directly over the spinous processes, the feet that is worsened with standing, walking, or extension
was associated with an 84% accuracy for degenerative disk and improved with sitting and bending forward.5,9-12 Neu-
disease as the source of LBP.6 rogenic claudication can include a sensation of weakness
LBP with lower extremity pain exists in approximately and/or heaviness, paresthesias, fatigue, hamstring tightness,
25% to 57% of all lumbar cases.7 Lumbar stenosis is typi- and occasional nocturnal cramps.9 Neurogenic claudication
cally acquired through degenerative changes or changes from is the most common finding for lumbar stenosis and can
severely impact patients’ functionality,
affecting their quality of life.12
The association between degenerative disk Lumbar radiculopathy is defined as
pain radiating from the lower back into
disease and LBP is significant and typically
the legs, which is the result of disk ma-
related to aging and environmental factors. terial beyond the disk space margins
causing nerve root impingement. 13
Lumbar disk herniations are the pri-
pathology or prior surgery and is described as narrowing mary cause for lumbar radiculopathy. Symptoms of lumbar
present in the spinal neuroforaminal spaces, lateral recesses, radiculopathy include radiating pain from the lumbar re-
or central canal, but typically refers to narrowing of the gion, which is primarily unilateral and greater than symp-
central canal. Although narrowing of the neuroforaminal toms of LBP. Some patients with radiculopathy only experi-
canals or central canal is present, there is a poor correlation ence leg pain without any back pain.
between the degree of narrowing and symptoms, as some Patients can also experience pain that is worse during rest
patients remain asymptomatic.9 or in the night, numbness or paresthesias that follows a der-
An important factor to consider when discussing patient matomal distribution (mostly along L4-S1), muscle weakness
symptoms is that the canal space increases in flexion and typically present below the knee, and possible patellar or
decreases in extension and loading; therefore, patients with Achilles reflex changes.13,14 Poorer prognoses are noted in
lumbar stenosis tend to do better with forward flexion, such patients who have LBP greater than or equal to their radicu-
as when pushing a grocery cart.8,10 Degenerative lumbar lar symptoms.15
stenosis is uncommon for individuals under age 50, and the
diagnosis and severity are largely dependent on the history ■ Evaluation of LBP: History and physical exam
and physical exam.10 Providers should classify NSLBP from back pain with ra-
Symptoms of lumbar stenosis include wide base gait, dicular symptoms based on symptoms, including whether
presence or absence of LBP, and neurogenic claudica- the pain is above or below the knee.2,15-17 An accurate his-
tion. Neurogenic claudication is described as radiating tory and physical exam are the most appropriate tools to
pain into the bilateral or unilateral buttock, anterior thigh, determine this. The history should include the patient’s
personal description of symptoms, including specific loca-
tions (midline, lateral, bilateral) and the degree of pain on
Muscle strength testing18 the pain visual analog scale.2,15-17 It is important for provid-
ers to ask patients regarding the presence or absence of leg
Muscle strength is graded on a scale from 0 to 5 follow- pain, whether unilateral or bilateral, because approximate-
ing the criteria listed below. Normal strength should be
graded as a 5/5, whereas no muscle contraction would
ly a quarter to one-half of lumbar cases present with lower
be a 0/5. extremity pain.7
5 Normal strength (full resistance) Determining leg pain can also aid in diagnosing between
4 Movement possible against some resistance by
lumbar stenosis and radiculopathy. Other history items to
examiner consider include difficulties with activities, including walk-
3 Movement possible against gravity but not against ing, sitting, standing, flexion, and extension; sensorimotor
examiner’s resistance deficits; aggravating or alleviating factors; and prior benefi-
2 Movement possible but not against gravity (test in cial or failed treatments, especially in response to specific
horizontal plane) medication regimens.2,15-17
1 Muscle flicker but no movement The physical exam should include inspection and palpa-
0 No muscle contraction tion of the spine for alignment, tenderness, and/or erythema
or edema.18,19 Motor assessment should include the patient’s

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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

gait patterns, including regular, tandem, heel walking, and

tiptoe.18,19 Inability to lift the foot when stepping or dragging Positive neurologic findings on physical exam14
it is indicative of probable involvement at L4/L5, as is LBP
• Numbness, paresthesias, and/or abnormal reflexes
reproduced on heel walking.18,19 LBP with tiptoeing typi- that are consistent with the described dermatomal
cally indicates L5/S1 involvement.18,19 Muscle strength test- distribution from the patient’s history
ing should be performed to evaluate for weaknesses, graded • Positive straight-leg raise testing (typically unilateral)
on a scale of 0 to 5 (see Muscle strength testing).18,19 • Babinski’s sign or clonus sign
A tactile sensory exam should be used to detect derma-
tomal deficits. Neurologic testing includes deep tendon
reflexes, Babinski reflex, clonus signs, and straight-leg raise neurologic impingement.13 Contrast with MRI or CT scan
testing, which is indicative of nerve root impingement.13 A is only needed if patients have had prior lumbar surgery.21
positive straight-leg raise reproduces pain in the lower
extremity, not in the lower back.20 An important finding in ■ Differential diagnoses for LBP
the current evidence is that a positive straight-leg raise The primary goal in the evaluation of LBP from evidence-
should only be used along with other positive findings to based guidelines is to first rule out serious pathology or
determine a diagnosis because the positive straight-leg raise underlying conditions, which are present in about 5% of
test alone lacks diagnostic utility.20 cases. These conditions or pathologies consist of spinal can-
The description of a dermatomal distribution pattern cer, spinal fracture, spinal infection, or cauda equina syn-
on history is a key factor in determining lumbar radicu- drome.17,21 Spinal cancer is suggested by age over 50, prior
lopathy, which when combined with one or more positive history of cancer, insidious onset, unexplained weight loss,
neurologic findings on physical exam, can confirm the night pain, pain at multiple sites (which can occur at rest),
diagnosis (see Positive neurologic findings on physical urinary retention, and unresponsiveness to prior care.2,17
exam).14 Rectal assessment is needed for a patient complaint Spine fracture is suggested by age over 50, osteoporosis,
of saddle paresthesia or bowel incontinence.18,19 Cardiovas- trauma, and chronic corticosteroid use.2,17 Spine infection is
cular assessment should include auscultation for abdominal suggested by fever, history of I.V. drug use, prior or current
aorta bruits or evaluation of any lower extremity vascular infections (possibly from prior lumbar epidural injections),
anomalies, such as decreased pulses or pitting edema.18,19 and immunocompromise.19 Cauda equina syndrome is
suggested by acute or worsening radicular symptoms, sen-
■ Diagnostic exam sorimotor deficits (including impaired foot dorsiflexion
Routine use of radiologic imaging, which includes basic [foot drop]), saddle paresthesias, and bladder and/or bowel
X-ray images, is not warranted based on clinical guidelines.2 incontinence.16,17
This is primarily due to the patient’s exposure to radiation, Providers should classify patients’ LBP as radicular or
poorer patient outcomes, and pathology identification, which nonradicular to assist in determining an appropriate diag-
can lead to a perception by some patients that their back pain nosis.2,15-17 The major causes of nonradicular LBP include
is a more serious condition (commonly
called the “labeling effect”).2 Diagnostic
imaging should be reserved for patients The primary goal in the evaluation of LBP
with progressive neurologic involve-
is to first rule out serious pathology or
ment or if the PCP is suspicious of an
underlying pathology.2 underlying conditions.
Patients presenting with concerns
for pathology or fracture, such as a his-
tory of trauma, should have two-view X-ray imaging (ante- lumbar strain/sprain, myofascial pain, and lumbar disk
rior-posterior and lateral) performed immediately, with the degeneration. Major causes of LBP with radiculopathy in-
addition of flexion/extension views for any concerns of spi- clude lumbar disk protrusions and lumbar stenosis. Ra-
nal instability. If neurologic involvement or other serious dicular pains from lumbar stenosis are typically bilateral,
underlying pathology is plausible, the study of choice is helping to differentiate it from radiculopathy stemming
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).13 This is followed by from disk protrusions, which are typically unilateral.10
computed tomography (CT) scan or CT scan with myelo- Providers should also be able to differentiate neuro-
gram for patients unable to undergo MRIs; CT scan with genic claudication from vascular claudication to aid in the
myelogram is preferred over CT scan if there is concern for diagnosis of lumbar stenosis. Patients whose symptoms are

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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

relieved upon standing alone, located typically below the ■ Pharmacologic management
knee, unchanged by flexion of the spine, and have a fixed Medication management of NSLBP should be decided after
duration of walking typically have vascular claudication.10,22 weighing the factors of allergies or adverse reactions of the
Other possible causes of LBP include ankylosing spondyli- medication; the duration and severity of the symptoms; the
tis, aortic aneurysm, pancreatitis, or renal calculi.4,17 expected benefits; the prior response to various medica-
tions; comorbidities; and the medication’s cost-efficiency.1
■ Treatment options Medication management remains one of the most recom-
Once the LBP has been identified as radicular or nonra- mended treatments for NSLBP, either acute or chronic.23
dicular, the provider can develop a treatment plan. Most The first choice of treatment consists of short-term use
cases of NSLBP, and even lumbar radiculopathy, resolve of acetaminophen due in part to its decreased incidence
of gastrointestinal (GI) adverse reac-
tions and myocardial infarction (MI).
The goal of treatment for LBP includes pain Due to the risk of hepatotoxicity from
acetaminophen, patients should be
relief, improvement of function, reduced work
screened for any hepatic contraindica-
leave of absence, and prevention of chronicity. tions.1-3,17
This should be followed by the
short-term use of traditional nonsteroi-
after a few weeks of treatment.8 Current treatment options dal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) with the understand-
for LBP have a minimal impact on outcomes, are typically ing that these medications carry an increased risk for gastric
short term, and rarely change the longer-term prognostic bleeding and ulceration, MI, and renal adverse reactions (see
path for patients.3 Common medications for LBP management).1-3,8,17,24,25 Naproxen
The goal of treatment for LBP includes pain relief, im- has the lowest risk of cardiac events.1 NSAIDs should be avoided
provement of function, reduced work leave of absence, and in patients over age 75 due to their risks.1 If used, NSAIDs
prevention of chronicity.8 Common treatment options in- can be administered with misoprostol or a proton pump
clude the use of oral or topical medications, exercise, spinal inhibitor to reduce GI risks.1
manipulation therapy, traction, transcutaneous electrical Weak opioids may be administered in select cases where
nerve stimulation (TENS), heat, back supports, acupunc- patients are unresponsive to the first two recommendations
ture, biofeedback, spinal injections, and lastly, surgery.1-3,8,17 or have a high risk for use of NSAIDs with moderate-to-severe
pain. Their use remains controversial with limited evidence
of benefits and serious adverse reactions, such as respiratory
Common medications for LBP management1,25 depression, abuse, and addiction potential.1,2,8,16,17 The use of
tramadol is contraindicated with concurrent use of a selective
serotonin or norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor due to the
Traditional NSAIDs risk of serotonin syndrome.1
• Etodolac Some other classes of medications employed in the
• Diclofenac
treatment of NSLBP include skeletal muscle relaxants and
• Naproxen
antiepileptic medications.1,25 Although utilized by many
COX-2 inhibitor NSAID providers, evidence-based studies show insufficient evidence
• Celecoxib for the recommendation of these medications for NSLBP.1
Weak opioids They may be more useful for patients with LBP and radicu-
• Tramadol lar symptoms. Skeletal muscle relaxants, as an adjunct to
analgesic medications, have been shown in trials to be more
Muscle relaxants
• Baclofen (FDA off-label use for LBP)
effective than analgesia alone.1
• Tizanidine Little evidence exists in the literature for the use of oral
• Methocarbamol or systemic corticosteroids in the treatment of NSLBP due
• Cyclobenzaprine to the risk of infection, avascular necrosis, and various
other metabolic, endocrine, cardiovascular, or ophthalmo-
• Gabapentin (FDA off-label use for LBP) logic changes.1,2,26 Corticosteroids are best reserved for severe
• Topiramate (FDA off-label use for LBP) acute LBP and should be used cautiously in chronic back
pain conditions.

34 The Nurse Practitioner • Vol. 41, No. 12 www.tnpj.com

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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

■ Nonpharmacologic management
Nonpharmacologic recommendations for persistent NSLBP Psychosocial risk factors2
include spinal manipulative therapy (SMT), supervised
• Inappropriate attitudes and beliefs about back pain
exercise, acupuncture, and cognitive behavioral therapy
• Fear-avoidance behavior
(CBT).2,3,8,27 SMT, although supported as beneficial by some
• Anxiety
studies for the short-term treatment of acute pain, has no • Depression
clinical benefit after a 6-month duration, with some stating • Workers’ compensation claim status
withdrawal of failed treatment after 8 weeks.16,27 • Litigation status
Other reviews of SMT showed no further benefit from • Socioeconomic factors
this treatment over any other treatments.5 Exercise programs • Malingering pain
are not recommended for patients with acute LBP; however, • Persistent request for opioid medications when
they were found to be effective in both the prevention and inappropriate for treatment
treatment of chronic LBP, with no evidence found that one
type of exercise is more beneficial than another.27 decision-making is a useful tool in the treatment of back
Acupuncture showed evidence to be beneficial for pain, especially when it comes to decisions regarding sur-
short-term relief of back pain in conjunction with other gery.29
treatments; however, when used alone, it was not beneficial In order to prevent the progression of acute NSLBP to
except in patients suffering from depression.28 Many pa- chronic back pain, all providers, most important those in
tients question the use of lumbar corsets for reduction in primary care settings, should recognize and evaluate patients
pain. Although they can assist in reducing pain during for psychosocial risk factors (see Psychosocial risk factors).2,16
episodes, prolonged use may cause a reduction in spinal Providers should employ the use of CBT, which is a cost-
function and deconditioning of the paraspinal and ab- efficient option for both the patient and provider with
dominal muscles.8 documented sustained results on pain.2,3,16
Clinical evidence states that other procedures, such as the
use of TENS, intradiscal electrothermal therapy, radiofre- ■ Specific treatment options for
quency facet joint denervation, or percutaneous intradiscal lumbar stenosis and radiculopathy
radiofrequency thermocoagulation, lack recommenda- In relation to the treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis and
tion.2,3,16 There is limited data supportive of surgery for lumbar radiculopathy, the treatment options remain similar.
NSLBP, and it has been widely overutilized and criticized.2 For spinal stenosis, conservative management should remain
the first option. The use of medication management, corre-
■ Patient education and prevention sponding to those for NSLBP, is one option.5,10 Limited evi-
Evidence-based practice for NSLBP, lumbar stenosis, and dence exists for the benefit of SMT in patients with stenosis.5
lumbar radiculopathy indicates that all treatment should Exercise therapy consisting of spinal stretching and strength-
begin with basic patient advice regarding the diagnosis. This ening should be employed to prevent deconditioning.10
promotes self-management, provides
reassurance that the condition is not a
serious disease, and provides encourage- Treatment for NSLBP includes short-term use
ment to remain active through activities,
of acetaminophen because of its decreased
such as walking, cycling, or swimming.
Steady activity progression is recom- incidence of GI adverse reactions and MI.
mended. Discouraging bed rest or em-
ploying no more than 2 days duration
of bed rest is recommended due to the possibilities of Invasive therapies, including 30% of all epidural spinal injec-
the loss of bone mineral density, muscle wasting, and joint tions, are employed for patients with lumbar stenosis, with
stiffness.2,3,8,16,17 only limited, short-term benefit of no more than 3 weeks
The inclusion of the patient in shared decision-making based on evidence-based guidelines for patients with neuro-
is important in the treatment of LBP, which allows informed genic claudication.5,10
choices in their care. Benefits of shared decision-making Prior to beginning invasive interventions, such as spi-
include patient autonomy, a therapeutic relationship, im- nal injections or surgery, correlation with spinal imaging
proved patient satisfaction, and improved patient participa- is recommended. For patients who have failed conserva-
tion.29 Although underutilized in most care settings, shared tive treatments, referral to a specialist for consideration of

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Evidence-based practice guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbar spinal conditions

surgical decompression, typically with lumbar laminectomy, Obesity has been recently studied as a causal factor in
has been shown to be supported by the guidelines based on relation to increased mechanical load, systemic chronic
long-term follow-up studies.5,6,10 inflammation, association of increased abdominal obesity
For lumbar radiculopathy, conservative treatments are causing metabolic syndrome changes that may affect the
recommended for the first 6 to 8 weeks beginning with disk material, and a decrease in spine mobility.10,30 Lastly, a
patient education and avoidance of bed rest.5 There is lim- small association between smoking status and NSLBP has
ited evidence supporting the use of analgesics, no evidence been identified in cohort studies, with many relating this to
supporting muscle relaxants, and no support of the use of changes in the vascular supply to the intervertebral disk.2,4,10
antidepressants for patients with lumbar radiculopathy but
typically medication management is provided following the ■ Educating patients
same guidelines for NSLBP.13 In addition, traction, corset Because LBP is one of the most common diagnoses present-
use, acupuncture, physical therapy, and SMT have little or ing to primary care offices, NPs can see the importance in
no evidence for or against their recommendation based on performing excellent history and physical exam to assist in
clarifying pathology from back pain
with or without radicular symptoms. In
Prior to beginning invasive interventions, such addition, with the variety of pharma-
cologic and nonpharmacologic treat-
as epidural injections or surgery, correlation ments employed for LBP, providers will
with spinal imaging is recommended. need to make educated decisions on
how to best manage these conditions.
Educating patients on their diagno-
best practice guidelines, although the North American Spine sis and maintenance of an active lifestyle, including them in
Society stated a short-term structured exercise program can the decision-making and assessing for psychosocial risk
be presented to patients with mild-to-moderate radicu- factors, can assist in preventing the progression from acute
lopathy.8,13 Secondary treatment of an epidural corticoste- to chronic pain. Through the review of evidence-based prac-
roid injection was recommended for short-term benefit for tice, extracting the recommendations from the research, and
patients with lumbar radiculopathy, but there was a lack of employing these recommendations into everyday practice,
evidence supporting more than a series of three repeated providers can improve outcomes for patients with LBP.
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tion fee of $21.95 to: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is accredited as a provider of continuing
CE Group, 74 Brick Blvd., Bldg. 4, Suite 206, Brick, NJ nursing education by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s
08723. We will mail your certificate in 4 to 6 weeks. Commission on Accreditation.
For faster service, include a fax number and This activity is also provider approved by the California
we will fax your certificate within 2 business days of Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP 11749 for 2.0
receiving your enrollment form. contact hours. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is also an approved
• You will receive your CE certificate of earned con- provider of continuing nursing education by the District of Columbia,
tact hours and an answer key to review your results. Georgia, and Florida CE Broker #50-1223.
There is no minimum passing grade. Your certificate is valid in all states. This activity has been assigned 0.5
• Registration deadline is December 31, 2018 pharmacology credits.

www.tnpj.com The Nurse Practitioner • December 2016 37

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