This is a series of articles being published in CES1 with the post 1999 editions of the
FIDIC suite of contracts being the overall subject matter.
Following an introduction to FIDIC and its 1999 suite of contracts the joint authors,
Paul Battrick2 and Phil Duggan3 of Driver4 will discuss many practical issues of using FIDIC
contracts. Their thoughts and opinions are based upon actual working experiences of
working with many FIDIC contracts both past and present.
First impressions of the 1999 suite maybe off 3. The sequence of events under
putting since the purchased document clause 20 Claims, Disputes and
appears to be much larger than previous Arbitration following either Party
editions, for instance the new Yellow Book giving notice of its intention to refer a
has, in total, over 100 pages whereas the dispute to a DAB
old Yellow Book has less than 50 pages.
This is all part of the FIDIC‟s desire to All in all a very complete document that
produce a document that is easier to use should require few amendments however,
than previous FIDIC contracts and also as we shall see in a later article the
other contracts from which Employers and document is not only used but is abused.
Engineers can choose.
The Engineer
The general layout of the Contracts is as
follows: Before noting some specifics regarding the
Red, Yellow and Silver Books it is worth
General Conditions; including an
noting that FIDIC have amended the role
Appendix entitled General
of the Engineer in the Red and Yellow
Conditions of Dispute Adjudication
Books (the Silver Book has an Employer‟s
Agreement which includes the
Representative) from the impartial, quasi
Procedural Rule for a DAB
arbitral role of previous editions. The
A section giving guidance for the Engineer is clearly stated to act for the
preparation of any Particular Employer. He is no longer required to be
Conditions; this section also includes impartial but whenever required to make
examples of guarantees, securities a determination in respect of value, cost
and bonds that are commonplace or time related matter he has to make his
on international projects determination fairly, and in accordance
with the Contract, having taken into
A section entitled Forms; here FIDIC consideration all relevant circumstances.
provide examples of:
Letter of Tender with supporting The FIDIC 1999 First Edition Red Book
Appendix to Tender
Contract Agreement The main features of this Contract can be
DAB Agreements (either a one- summarised as:
person DAB or three person It is suitable for all types of project
DAB) where the main responsibility for
design lies with the Employer (or its
Whilst the above can be considered to be Engineer) although provision is made
the most important elements within a for the Contractor to design
Contract, FIDIC have continued to be elements of the Works
helpful to those using its contracts. Within The administration of the Contract
the very useful Forward to the Contract and approval of work is carried out
there are three graphics indicating by the Engineer as is certification of
timelines relative to: payments and determination of
extensions of time
1. Principle events from invitation to
tender to return of the Performance Payment to the Contractor is based
Security upon work done and rates as per a
Bill of Quantities (a Standard Method
of Measurement should be stated); Payment to the Contractor is based
thus reflecting the likely on site upon a Lump Sum price and
nature of the Works (a reflection that normally against a schedule of
the Red Book will most likely be used milestones to be achieved by the
for building and civil engineering Contractor. This reflects that the
projects) Yellow Book will most likely be used
for process plants and the like where
Risk sharing is balanced between a high degree of offsite
Parties such as the Employer taking manufacture of plant and
the risks of “adverse physical equipment is foreseen and payment
conditions” and the “operation of terms can be drafted to recognise
the forces of nature” that are this situation subject to the listing of
considered to be unforeseeable such plant and equipment within the
Contractor‟s tender as within the
Claims by both Parties have to follow Red Book
procedures, albeit the conditions
imposed upon the Contractor are Testing procedures leading to
harsher with the inclusion of a “fatal” completion are likely to be more
notice provision complicated than within the Red
Book, again reflecting the likely
The Contractor has some financial nature of the project
protection in that it can request
evidence from the Employer that it The Yellow Book shares with the Red
has the finances to pay the Book the provisions noted above
estimated Contract Price relative to:
Risk sharing
Materials can be paid for both on Claims by both Parties.
and off site if strict criteria are Financial protection for the
followed, including the listing of Contractor
materials for which payment maybe
sought within the Contractor‟s
tender The FIDIC 1999 First Edition Silver Book
It is lump sum Contract with As with the major forms the Contract
payment terms most likely similar to includes guidance notes (noted as not
those envisaged under the Yellow forming part of the Contract) as well as an
Book Agreement together with its Appendix and
Rules for Adjudication. The noticeable
Given the above circumstances under absentee being the Particular Conditions
which an Employer may select a Silver section; in this respect FIDIC consider that
Book, Employer‟s should recognise the the Green Book can work without such
significant costs for a Contractor to conditions however, a cautionary note is
produce a tender. Accordingly it is hoped provided should an Employer deem it
that Employer‟s recognise this and select necessary to amend the drafted Contract.
A final thought
Without doubt FIDIC broadened its appeal
to those selecting contract forms, whether
they be Employer, Engineers providing
advice, project funders such that there
was a contract for every occasion.
the contractor has reasonable The amendments to the Red Book appear
proof that funding is in place to be a mixed bag providing support to
the contractor in terms of guaranteed
the advance payment has funding but also apparently allowing the
been received by the employer influence over the engineer in
contractor respect of claims for unforeseeable
ground condition and variations.
clause 8.6, the contractor can be
paid for acceleration measures to The latter is not considered to be prudent
overcome employer delays especially when considering that
borrowing countries may not have the
clause 13.1, the contractor is not sophistication necessary to deal with such
bound to carry out a variation if it matters.
would “trigger a substantial change in
The Gold Book will be the responsibility of the
contractor, as is a cost over that
The Gold Book without doubt fills one of stated on the schedule. Any surplus in
the last gaps in FIDIC‟s toolbox of the fund at the end of the twenty
contracts. Its use is growing especially as years is divided equally.
government departments such as water
authorities warm to the idea of having The employer is entitled to deduct 5%
foreign contractors bring their knowledge from payments during the “operation
of providing water treatment and supply service period” (OPS) in case the
at a profit but also having to be contractor does not fulfil its
responsible for remedying defects whilst maintenance obligations. The fund is
remaining in the country rather than being to be released, if not spent, within the
on the side of the globe. final payment to the contractor. The
contractor being responsible for its
Accordingly FIDIC has not only responded own defects arising from design and
to employers who crave to outsource but construction in this period.
also the changing face of contractors
who are now operators too. Any potential An independent audit body is jointly
disputes between contractors carrying out appointed for the duration of the OPS
a design and build contract to to monitor the performance of the
questionable standards leading to poor contractor and employer. Whilst
performance, defects and disputes whilst having no power, the parties are
leaving the employer to struggle through a intended to give “due regard” to
20 year life time of a plant have, matters raised by the audit body.
potentially, been negated. That is, A joint inspection is required at least
provided the whole scheme is fully thought two years before the end of the OPS;
through and both parties, as with all any works identified must be carried
contracts, are willing and able to act out by the contractor who will also
responsibly towards each other such that face completion tests similar to those
a balance is struck between the at the end of the design and build
construction and operating elements of phase. Defaulting contractors risk
the contract. losing the 5% maintenance retention
The contract‟s ethos and key features are:
A standing DAB is established from a
Design, build plus operation and set date for the design and build
maintenance for 20 years by the phase and a new one every 5 years
contractor on a green field site. during the OPS.
Payment on a lump sum basis but a However, like any relationship time gives
defined asset replacement fund and rise to change and only time will tell if
schedule that notes the timing and FIDIC have considered all factors such as
cost of the replacement of certain changes in the deliverables required by
assets. Costs of replacing plant and the employer. FIDIC has very recently
equipment outside of the schedule issued its guide to this form.
The Subcontract to the Red and Pink
A final thought
FIDIC has continued to broaden its
As noted this form is a test edition with the potential customer base by these further
first edition arriving sometime later. contracts. The next stop could be a target
price contract but it is understood that we
The contract seeks to be back to back will see a complete overhaul of the 1999
with the Red Book, in this respect selected suite in the not too distant future.
highlights or lowlights are:
In this the third article by joint authors, Paul Battrick2 and Phil Duggan3 of Driver4, commenting
upon the FIDIC forms of contract the programming requirements are considered in
conjunction with the procedures in respect of progress reporting. The Parties to the Contract
and the Engineer, but in particular the Contractor, all have clear obligations in respect of the
programming and reporting functions within the FIDIC forms.
The first article discussed the birth of FIDIC’s rainbow suite, the second provided a brief insight
into continued growth of the rainbow, the third article looked at programming and reporting
requirements. In this, the latest article, joint authors Paul Battrick and Phil Duggan of
2 3
It is easy to tell all involved with the When asked why an alternative
management of any construction project to material was used the reply was
read and fully understand the Contract. No “we always make these vessels
matter how experienced we are there is from steel”.
always the potential for an amendment to
a previous form, a new revision or an The specialist Contractor was forced
Employer removing some well understood to make a new vessel constructed
elements that may fundamentally alter any out of the specified material
previous understanding. resulting in losses and delay
damages being levied… a true story.
Please do not adopt the attitude of “I’ve
seen that form before” or “we always do it All this could have been avoided had
like this” as one particular client did to its someone considered the pertinent
detriment. Whilst not involving a FIDIC documentation.
Contract the story highlights a totally
incorrect attitude to adopt; in short: A clause that is within most contracts that
is similarly misunderstood relates to Force
A specialist Contractor asked for Majeure. Perceived lists of relevant events
assistance, the pressure vessel it are carried from one project to another
had spent 1000s of hours without considering if the events change; if
the list is exhaustive, since the word Contractor was entitled to add profit to its
“include” is often within the clause or if the cost claims remained silent. Now in the
events carry monetary entitlements as well FIDIC forms Cost expressly excludes profit
as time benefits. but profit is still an entitlement under
certain circumstances as will be explained.
Definitions can vary from contract type to
contract type and, in practical terms, from FIDIC defines Costs as:
work scope to work scope. Consider for
yourselves suitable definitions relative to “Cost” means all
remeasurable and lump sum contracts and expenditure reasonably
also completion requirements for a road as incurred or to be incurred),
opposed to a multi phased power plant. whether on or off the Site,
including overhead and
FIDIC conveniently provides definitions similar charges, but does not
firstly in the body of the Contract in include profit.
respect of topics:
All those dealing with entitlement (a
The Contract preferable word to claim) understand that
Parties and Persons success depends upon the creation and
Dates, Tests, Period and Completion maintenance of the appropriate records
Money and Payments and in doing so can fulfil the requirements
Works and Goods of FIDIC in both submitting claim
Other Definitions documents and adjudicating upon those
documents. The definition of Cost provides
and also in alphabetical order noting the a starting point in respect of monetary
particular Sub-Clause. entitlements and clause 20 (Claims,
Disputes and Arbitration) provides the end
For the purpose of this article one point; in between there are many clauses
definition is selected, that of Cost. It often within FIDIC which give rise to a monetary,
has differing meanings under various forms and often time, entitlements to the
of Contract, especially bespoke forms, and Contractor.
is often translated when claims are being
prepared to what those preparing the claim It pays to understand all of these clauses
would like it to mean. which can be classed as “claims under the
Contract” as opposed to “claims under the
In earlier additions of standard forms, governing law of the Contract”.
including FIDIC forms, whether or not the
Briefly, and in respect of the latter type of Extension of time
claim, FIDIC does not contain an exclusive
remedies clause and also appears to Sub-Clause 2.1 Right to Assess to the
foresee such claims, but still governed by Site
clause 20, by the use of the word
“otherwise” within the opening paragraph If delay is caused or Cost incurred as a
of Sub-Clause 20.1. result of the Employer failing to give the
Contractor access to the Site at the
Below is a list of the Sub-Clauses which prescribed time the Contractor is entitled
entitle the Contractor to claim additional to claim:
money (and possibly time) noting when the
definition of Cost remains as per the Cost plus a reasonable profit
definition or the Contractor is also entitled Extension of time
to a “reasonable profit”.
Sub-Clause 4.7 Setting Out
Sub-Clause 1.9 Delayed Drawings or
Instructions (Red Book only) If delay is caused or Cost incurred as a
result of errors in the original setting out
If delay or disruption is caused or likely to points and levels of reference notified by
be caused as a result of late drawings or the Engineer the Contractor is entitled to
instructions the Contractor is entitled to claim:
Cost plus a reasonable profit
Cost plus a reasonable profit Extension of time
Extension of time
Sub-Clause 4.12 Unforeseeable
Sub-Clause 1.9 Errors in the Physical Conditions
Employer’s Requirements (Yellow Book
If delay is caused or Cost incurred as a
result of the Contractor encountering
If delay is caused or Cost is incurred as a physical conditions which are
Unforeseeable the Contractor is entitled to
result of errors in the Employer’s
Requirements which were not previously
Cost (only)
discoverable the Contractor is entitled to
claim: Extension of time
Extension of time
Sub-Clause 13.7 Adjustments for The above list is not exhaustive as to
Changes in Legislation where the Contractor can gain payments
and/or entitlements within the FIDIC
If delay is caused or is likely to be caused contracts; the list refers to Sub-Clauses
or Cost incurred or likely to be incurred as specifically referring to Cost as defined.
a result of changes in the Laws of the
Country the Contractor is entitled to claim: In terms of monetary entitlements, Sub-
Clauses not referenced include Evaluation
Cost (only) (in respect of the Red Book) and Variations
as well as Payment on Termination where
Extension of time
an alternative set of rules come into being.
It is worth noting that Country is a defined The provisions of Sub-Clause 8.4 in respect
term meaning the Country in which the of extensions of time should be thoroughly
Site (or most of it) is located, where the considered in respect of entitlements to
Permanent Works are to be executed. time extensions.
Thus this definition is very limited in the
The subtle differences between the
field of international contracting where
contents of the listed Sub-Clauses are
Contractors, Suppliers and Sub-Contractors
interesting if not explainable. The most
may all have originated from Countries
interesting of which may be the addition or
other than where the project is being
not of a “reasonable profit” to the
carried out and may suffer as a result of
Contractor’s Cost.
changes in legislation.
Contractors will argue that they are not
Sub-Clause 16.1 Contractor’s
charities and all expenditure properly
Entitlement to Suspend Work
incurred as a result of others deserves /
If delay is caused or Cost incurred as a should be required to return a profit.
result of the Contractor properly Similarly many of the claim events, had the
suspending work (or reducing the rate of scope been fully understood at the time of
work) the Contractor is entitled to claim: tender by both parties, would have been
included within the Contractor’s bid and the
Cost plus a reasonable profit Contractor would have had the opportunity
to add profit to its foreseen costs.
Extension of time
Contractors and their advisers may wish to
Sub-Clause 19.4 Consequences of
seek an adjustment to the definition of
Force Majeure
Cost when negotiating the Contract in the
If delay is caused or Cost incurred as a future.
result of Force Majeure events the
The influence of whether or not a Cost
Contractor is entitled to claim:
attracts profit may also extend to the
Cost (only) in respect of the events preparation of claims for extensions of
listed at Sub-Clauses 19.1 (ii), 19.1 time. Whilst many will say that at all times
(iii) and 19.1 (iv) the causes of delay should be capable of
being clearly identified, this is often not the
Extension of time case. There is also the propensity for
Contractors to establish claims around
events that appear to have the best chance
of success or line of least resistance from
the Engineer; perhaps even a global style
claim is submitted to gain relief from the Contractor’s actual bid margin was less
deduction of Liquidated Damages. than 5% and so it would gladly accept that
on offer.
In any event at some juncture the
Contractor and the Engineer, or perhaps a A further interesting subtlety is the use or
DAB or Arbitral Tribunal, have to consider not of the phrase is “likely to cause”. It
the causes of delay, establish periods of may have been more prudent upon the
extension of time against those causes and part of the FIDIC drafters, when
lastly establish if there are any monetary considering the Employer’s interests to use
entitlements to accompany those periods this phrase within all entitlement clauses
of delay. so as to be consistent with the early
warning obligations upon the Contractor in
The addition, or not as the case may, be of terms of time within Sub-Clause 4.21 and
profit to a Contractor’s elements of a the general notice provisions of Sub-Clause
prolongation claim maybe considerable 20.1. This may also aid the early
amount in these days where mega projects conclusion of claim issues.
exist and delays run into years not just
days or weeks. Contractors therefore may Contractors, when drafting sub-contracts
select, if possible, delay events that could should take note of the differing provisions
maximise their potential financial returns. within the entitlement clauses such that
the variants, especially in respect of the
In respect of the Contractor declaring its recovery of profit, are incorporated into
required profit, it is suggested that instead Sub-Contracts so as not to cause a
of waiting until such time as a claim exists shortfall in recovery or lengthy discussions
and the Employer and its concerning the right or otherwise to profit
Engineer/Representative may be seeking to in respect of claim monies. Although, in
limit expenditure against claims, the practice it appears that Engineers only
parties follow the lead given by FIDIC deny profit on the Contractor’s element of
within the MDB Harmonised Edition (the a claim.
Pink Book).
It is noted that Sub-Clause 11.8 Contractor
The Pink Book at Sub-Clause 1.2 differs to Search, does not give a specific
from the Red Book by the addition of two entitlement to a time extension albeit
paragraphs, in this context the important circumstances can be imagined where a
one being: delay to completion may occur. Under
these circumstances the Contractor has
“In these Conditions,
two further options to obtain any
provisions including the
entitlement within Sub-Clause 8.4
expression “Cost plus profit”
Extension of Time for Completion:
require this profit to be one-
twentieth (5%) of this Cost Sub-Clause 8.4(b), where an
unless otherwise indicated in extension of time may be claimed
the Contract Data.” as a result of any cause under a
Sub-Clause of the Contract.
It will therefore be up to the Contractor to
consider that he may wish to declare a Sub-Clause 8.4(e), where an
higher profit than 5% at the pre-contract extension of time may be claimed
stage or accept that 5% profit where as a result of any delay impediment
applicable on its entitlements listed with or prevention caused by or
the Contract. It may be that the attributable to the Employer, the
Employer’s Personnel or the
Employer’s other contractors on the
Following an introduction to FIDIC and its 1999 suite of contracts the joint authors, Paul
Battrick and Phil Duggan of Driver will discuss many practical issues of using FIDIC
2 3 4
contracts. Their thoughts and opinions are based upon actual working experiences of working
with many FIDIC contracts both past and present.
Risk and Responsibility Clause 17 and Sub-clause 17.1 provides for the
indemnities that the Employer and the
Contractor must provide to each other in
If the phrase risk and responsibility is
case injury to people and/or property
mentioned in respect of the FIDIC suite of
occurs as a result of the actions of
contracts many, possibly new to the FIDIC
personnel or other for which they are
forms, would consider clause 17 and
responsible during the “design, execution
possibly 18 and 19, of the major forms and
and completion of the Works”. Property
close out their thought processes.
excludes the Works itself which is dealt
with separately at Sub-clause 17.2.
This article reflects upon the allocation of
risk and responsibilities within the major
Generally unless specifically allocated to
forms introduced in 1999 (the Red, Yellow
the Employer and those defined as being
and Silver Books) beyond the words
under its responsibility, events are the risk
contained within clause 17; but first a
and responsibility of the Contractor.
consideration of clause 17 as contained
within the Red, Yellow and Silver Books.
Sub-clause 17.2 provides for the
Contractor’s care of the Works, for which it
Clause 17 – Risk and Responsibility
is fully responsible until such time as the
Taking-Over Certificate (or Taking-Over
This clause is typical of clauses that
Certificates in the case of sectional
allocate risk and responsibility to events
completion) is issued or deemed to be over to the Employer should termination
issued in accordance with Sub-clause 10.1, take place.
save for those items listed within Sub-
clause 17.3 which are Employer’s Risks. Sub-clause 17.3 is entitled Employer’s
Risks which, in other words, are the risks
Whilst this Sub-clause specifically deals that the Contractor has no control over.
with the care of the Works until a Taking-
Over Certificate has been issued it does not The Red and Yellow Books have identical
mention suspension by either the lists and it is suggested that these are
Contractor or the Employer possibly cross referenced with the list of typical
leading to termination. It is suggested that events that may be classed as a Force
the obligations of the Contractor to care for Majeure within clause 19. It is also
the Works remain throughout a suggested that the defined term
suspension, irrespective of responsibility Unforeseeable within Sub-clause 17.3(h) is
for the events leading to the suspension, fully understood as so many have
until such time as work recommences and difficulties in separating what is unforeseen
a Taking-Over Certificate is issued or from what is unforeseeable when making
Termination takes place and the Contractor claims.
is released from its obligations in this
respect. The FIDIC guide confirms the definition of
unforeseeable to be “not reasonably
This may be considered somewhat unjust if foreseeable by an experienced contractor
the Contractor has not been paid, the by the date for submission of the Tender”.
Employer cannot demonstrate that it has It goes on to suggest that the frequency of
the arrangements in place to pay and the natural events relative to the duration of
suspension leading to termination is the Time for Completion may provide
lengthy thus resulting in a high cost burden guidance as to what should be considered
for say the protection of the Works as unforeseeable. Taking this suggestion
including materials stored on and off site. perhaps a five minute discussion and
The Contractor that relies upon the survey with your colleagues could take
argument that it was not the cause of the place noting the following:
suspension and consequent termination
and therefore had no responsibility to care Two projects adjacent to each other;
for the Works - may find itself unable to same Contractor, Engineer and
justify its claims for the work completed or Employer.
partially completed and materials handed
Duration of project A is eight years unless such events can be justified
and project B is two years with as being a Force Majeure such
identical commencement dates. events are deemed to be at the
Statistically the natural event risk of the Contractor.
occurs every ten years.
The last event happened nine Sub-clause 17.4 allows the Contractor to
years ago and occurred one year put forward its claims in respect of time
after commencement of the and money in the event that the
projects. Employer’s Risks noted within Sub-clause
17.3 result in loss or damage to the Works,
Which event falls within the definition of Goods or Contractor’s Documents.
As with all other claims submitted by the
The Silver Book has a shortened list losing Contractor in respect of a perceived
the following: entitlement either under the Contract or by
law, the procedure within Sub-clause 20.1
Use or occupation by the Employer must apply or the Contractor risks losing
of any part of the Permanent any entitlement. The Engineer (or the
Works, except as may be specified Employer in the case of the Silver Book)
in the Contract - should this occur must then proceed in accordance with Sub-
it would be a breach by Employer clauses 20.1 and 3.5 to determine any
of Sub-clause 10.2 and therefore entitlement. In terms of any monetary
not a risk. entitlement the Contractor is entitled to
Design of any part of the Works by Cost or Cost plus a reasonable profit as
the Employer’s Personnel or by detailed.
others for which the Employer is
responsible – the Silver Book Sub-clause 17.5 considers intellectual and
foresees the Contractor being industrial property rights and provides
responsible for the total design of protection to both the Contractor and the
the Works, however this may be Employer from claims issued by third
compromised by Sub-clause 5.1 parties related to patents, registered
where the Employer retains some designs, copyright and the like where the
responsibilities for information that intellectual or industrial property rights
can affect design carried out by have been allegedly infringed by either
the Contractor. party. Whilst it is suggested that the
Any operation of the forces of claims procedure of Sub-clause 20.1
nature which is Unforeseeable – applies to claims made under this clause
(line two stating “under any clause…”) the relative to the Contractor’s failed
FIDIC drafters have seen fit to repeat, performance in respect of progress
albeit in slightly different terms, the fatal resulting in delay damages and, in respect
nature of a 28 day notice period should of the Yellow and Silver Books, inadequate
either party wish to submit a claim. design, workmanship and the failure of
materials etc., resulting in non-
Sub-clause 17.6 deals with the limits of performance damages and non-availability
certain liabilities under the Contract. damages if noted within the Particular
However, it is perhaps the most important Conditions. It also excludes any liability,
clause that must be considered in the light by either party, in respect of loss of use of
of the provision of the governing law any Works, loss of profit, loss of any
prescribed within the Contract. Various Contract or for any indirect or
jurisdictions, either common law or civil consequential loss or damage other than in
law jurisdictions may affect matters respect of a termination or indemnities as
concerning the length of any period in per Sub-clause 17.1.
respect of defects liability, the
commencement date for such liabilities can There is no limit of liability upon the
even negate the clause in its entirety in liability of the Employer towards the
respect of the limit of financial liability in Contractor and any limitations by the
the event that gross negligence can be Contractor towards the Employer excludes
established to have taken place. This the supply of utilities (Sub-clause 4.19),
latter point being reflected within the FIDIC Employer’s equipment and free issue
forms which confirms that there is no limit material whilst in the care of the
of liability “in any case of fraud, deliberate Contractor (Sub-clause 4.20), indemnities
default or reckless misconduct by the (Sub-Clause 17.1) and intellectual and
defaulting Party”. This statement being industrial property rights (Sub-clause
particularly relevant during the bid phase 17.4).
and it is likely that the limit of liability to be
stated within the Particular Conditions will Risk and Responsibilities – elsewhere
be the subject of intense negotiations
between the Employer and Contractor prior The opening paragraph of this article
to the award of the Contract. If no sum is suggested that many people, possibly new
agreed and stated the Accepted Contract to the FIDIC forms, will limit their thoughts
Amount will be the limit. in respect of risks and responsibilities to
clause 17 and possibly clauses 18 and 19.
The Sub-clause is intended to limit the Those to whom that statement may apply
Contractor’s liability towards the Employer are invited to consider that the contract,
whether Red, Yellow or Silver Book, is in its cause the applicable rules to be consulted
entirety a fine balance of risks and to establish which party is carrying the risk
responsibilities allocated between the of that event.
Employer (and its Engineer or
Representative) and the Contractor. The FIDIC drafters have taken great care
when dealing with the allocation risk such
Whilst opinions may differ as to the that internationally and less likely
fairness, and validity in law, of conditions nationally Employers and Contractors can
such as the fatal 28 day notice with Sub- establish working relationships for the first
clause 20.1, the FIDIC drafters will have and perhaps the only time based upon a
considered such a period in the light of considered set of rules.
other obligations placed upon the
Contractor within the Contract; such as the Those rules provide some certainty at the
required monitoring of the programme and outset to both parties and, if triggered and
related matters (as discussed in the third operated well, can restore certainty in
article of this series). respect of the various risks and allocation
of those risks following any necessary
A viewpoint being that any Contractor who adjustments to all or any of the key factors
is not aware within 28 days that an event, of scope, time and price.
for which the Employer is culpable, has a
time or money impact does not deserve to The most obvious differences in risk
receive any entitlement! allocation between Red, Yellow and Silver
Books is in respect of design responsibility
The FIDIC suite of contracts, as with any and the consequent risks of time and
other contract, can be considered to be no money impacts should design and
more than a rule book detailing the therefore scope be amended at some point
potential consequences should a defined in time after the contract award.
event take place.
Design can be translated to mean choice;
If in a game of soccer someone is caught those with design responsibility have the
handling the ball the referee will give a free ability to choose, affect the scope and
kick or penalty to the other side. If at the potentially the time required to complete
outset of a contract it is considered that all the project and the price for the project.
of the risks and responsibilities are
allocated and the key elements of scope, Accordingly, and in overall terms, the risks
time and price are defined then any event associated with design responsibility under
that may affect those key elements will the Red Book rests with the Employer,
whilst the Contractor carries the risks of an advance payment linked to an
under the Yellow and Silver Books. In all Advance Payment Guarantee. However,
contracts for the Contractor to gain any regular and timely payments to the
entitlement it has to comply with at least Contractor remain its lifeblood; should the
the provisions of Sub-clause 20.1 in Engineer fail to certify a payment (if
respect of the issue of notices and the appropriate) and/or the Employer fail to
subsequent provision of a detailed claim. make payments at the prescribed time as
The risk of failing to establish contractual per Sub-clause 14.7 the Contractor can
relationships with Sub-Contractors and either reduce the rate of work or suspend
others to allow compliance with these work provided not less than 21 days notice
periods rests with the Contractor. In this has been given. This being in accordance
respect the periods stated within Sub- with Sub-clause 16.1. Should the
clause 20.1 may be considered short or the situation not change within the timescales
minimum required to gain adequate data prescribed within Sub-clause 16.2 the
and input from others. Contractor can terminate the Contract.
There are many areas that are common to The option of suspension or reducing the
the Red, Yellow and Silver Books that rate of progress followed by termination
provide protection and therefore less risk also applies if the Employer cannot provide
to the Contractor. “reasonable evidence that financial
arrangements have been made and are
In the context of perhaps the Contractor being maintained which will enable the
making a bid to perhaps a special purpose Employer to pay the Contract Price (as
vehicle it is important to know that that estimated at the time)…” as stated with
entity cannot change overnight once the Sub-clause 2.4. It is not confirmed whose
Contract Agreement has been signed. At estimated Contract Price should be used as
Sub-clause 1.7 Assignment it is stated that a reference point; the views of the
neither party shall assign the Contract or Contractor and the Employer may differ
any part of the Contract without the prior greatly in this respect especially if the
agreement of the other Party; accordingly Contractor has the tendency to inflate its
the Contractor (perhaps with the most to claims to unrealistic values. Nevertheless
lose) is protected from the Employer being the FIDIC drafters have made provisions to
changed to some party it would never have reduce the risk of a Contractor suffering
contemplated to be its contracting partner. from an uncertain payment regime.
The Contractor’s cash flow may be For the purpose of this article there is one
protected to some degree by the provision more major factor to be considered in
terms of risk allocation; that being the Should the Engineer (or Employer as
ability of the Contractor to achieve appropriate) fail to either issue the Taking-
completion. It is not uncommon for Over Certificate or give reasons for not
Employers to take occupation of a project issuing the Certificate within the period of
and subsequently receive income but find 28 days, the Taking-Over Certificate shall
reasons not to accept that the Contractor be deemed to have been issued on the
has achieved completion as defined. twenty – eighth day.
Accordingly the Employer gains income and
is possibly continuing to deduct delay Sub-clause 10.2 in all forms provides
damages whilst the Contractor cannot further support for the Contractor by
obtain any of the financial benefits of confirming that the Employer shall not use
attaining completion, the responsibility for any part of the Works prior to Completion.
maintenance, wear and tear and the like
remain with the Contractor whilst any Sub-clause 10.3 within the Red and Yellow
defects liability period cannot commence. Books gives further protection to the
Contractor. In the event that the
The FIDIC drafters have considered such Contractor is prevented from carrying out
circumstances and provided, within Sub- any tests necessary to attain Completion
clause 10.1, the ability for the Contractor by a cause for which the Employer is
to attain Completion. Sub-clause 10.1, responsible for a period of 14 days the
states in general terms, that when the Employer will be deemed to have taken
Contractor has completed the Works (or over the Works and the Engineer must
Sections) in accordance with the Contract issue a Taking-Over Certificate; the
such that no minor outstanding work or relevant date being that on which the tests
defects prevent the use of the Works for would have been completed.
what they were intended, the Contractor
may apply by notice to the Employer for a The defined timescales of every phase of
Taking-Over Certificate. The Engineer (or the dispute resolution procedure within
Employer as appropriate) will respond Clause 20 seek to offer the Contractor
within 28 days either by issuing the some certainty and lessen risk in the event
Taking-Over Certificate or confirming why that a DAB and Arbitration are necessary,
no certificate can be issued. The latter but they are the subject of a different
providing the criteria for the Contractor to article as is the abuses to the allocation of
fulfil prior to issuing a further notice for a risk and responsibility so carefully
Taking-Over Certificate. considered by the FIDIC drafters.
This is the sixth in a series of articles being published in CES .
Following an introduction to FIDIC and its 1999 suite of contracts the joint authors, Paul
Battrick and Phil Duggan of Driver will discuss many practical issues of using FIDIC
2 3 4
contracts. Their thoughts and opinions are based upon actual working experiences of working
with many FIDIC contracts both past and present.
to allow adequate time for the require more detailed data regarding
obliged to carry out under the Silver conditions affecting the site to assess
Book) and details of matters such as risks; more detailed and precise
The Employer via its Engineer more discussion with the Employer
Within the Yellow Book if the error causing The Yellow Book, since the Employer is
the Contractor to suffer delay or incur Cost responsible for the accuracy of the setting
could not have been discovered by an out data, allows that data either to be
experienced contractor exercising due care noted within the Contract or issued by the
when scrutinising the Employer’s Engineer during the course of the project.
Requirements then, provided the
If the Contractor suffers delay or incurs
Contractor fulfils the requirements of Sub-
Cost as a result of any error and provided
Clause 20.1, it may receive an extension of
the Contractor, as an experienced
time and Cost plus reasonable profit that it
contractor, could not have reasonably
is entitled to receive.
discovered or avoid the delay or Cost then
the claims procedure of Sub-Clause 20.1 is
applied and the Engineer determines the risks, considered all such information and
Contractor’s entitlements in respect of accepts total responsibility for having
extensions of time and Cost plus foreseen all difficulties and has allowed,
reasonable profit. within its Tender, sufficient time and funds
to carry out the Works. Sub-Clause 4.12(c)
Sub-Clause 4.10 Site Data – Yellow
stating “the Contract Price shall not be
Book and Silver Book
adjusted to take account of any unforeseen
above) in addition to its responsibility for under EPC Contracts, often bespoke in
Following an introduction to FIDIC and its 1999 suite of contracts the joint authors, Paul
Battrick and Phil Duggan of Driver will discuss many practical issues of using FIDIC
2 3 4
contracts. Their thoughts and opinions are based upon actual working experiences of working
with many FIDIC contracts both past and present.