The limit of a function is the primary concept that distinguishes calculus from algebra
and analytic geometry. The notion of a limit is fundamental to thestudy of calculus. Thus, it is
important to acquire a good working knowledge of limits before moving on to other topics in
calculus. In this chapter, you should learn the following.
f x x3 1 x 1.
The graph of is a parabola that has a gap at the point as shown in Figure
1.5. Although cannot equal 1, you can move arbitrarily close to 1, and as a result
moves arbitrarily close to 3. Using limit notation, you can write.
This discussion leads to an informal definition of limit. If becomes arbitrarily
close to a single number as approaches from either side, the limit of as approaches is This
limit is written.
1.3 Evaluating Limits Analytically
Properties of Limits
In Section 1.2, you learned that the limit of as approaches does not depend on the
value of at It may happen, however, that the limit is precisely In such cases, the limit can
be evaluated by direct substitution.
Such well-behaved functions are continuous at You will examine this concept
more closely in Section
Infinite Limits
Let be the function given by From Figure 1.39 and the table, you can see that
decreases without bound as approaches 2 from the left, and increases without bound as
approaches 2 from the right. This behavior is denoted as.
Chapter 2 Differentiation
In this chapter you will study one of the most important processes of calculus–
differentiation. In each section, you will learn new methods and rules for finding derivatives of
functions. Then you will apply these rules to find such things as velocity, acceleration, and
therates of change of two or more related variables. In this chapter, you should learn the
In Section 2.1 you used the limit definition to find derivatives. In this and the next two
sections you will be introduced to several “differentiation rules” that allow you to find
derivatives without the direct use of the limit definition
When using the Power Rule, the case for which is best thought of as a
separate differentiation rule.This proves the case for which is a positive integer greater than 1.
You will prove the case for Example 7 in Section 2.3 proves the case for which is a negative
Up to this point in the text, most functions have been expressed in explicit form. For
example, in the equation the variable is explicitly written as a function of Some functions,
however, are only implied by an equation. For instance, the function is defined implicitly by the
equation Suppose you were asked to find for this equation. You
could begin by writing explicitly as a function of and then differentiating. This strategy
works whenever you can solve for the function explicitly. You cannot, however, use this
procedure when you are unable to solve for as a function of For instance, how would you find for
the equation where it is very difficult to express as a function of explicitly? To do this, you can
use implicit differentiation. To understand how to find implicitly, you must realize that the
differentiation is taking place with respect to This means that when you differentiate terms
involving alone, you can differentiate as usual. However, when you differentiate terms involving
you must apply the Chain Rule, because you are assuming that is defined implicitly as a
differentiable function.
r 2 dh dt 2rh dr dt .
r 2 dh dt h 2r dr dt
dtV dt d 3 r2h
3 r 2h
Let be defined on an interval containing
1. is the minimum of on if for all in
2. is the maximum of on if for all in
The minimum and maximum of a function on an interval are the
values, or extrema (the singular form of extrema is extremum), of
function on the interval. The minimum and maximum of a function
on an
interval are also called the absolute minimum and absolute
maximum, or
the global minimum and global maximum, on the interval.
f c f I f c f x x I.
f c f I f c f x x I.
f I c.
fc fx2 fx1
2 x1
This section discusses the “end behavior” of a function on an interval. Consider the graph
of as shown in Figure 3.33. Graphically, you can see that the values of appear to approach 3 as
increases without bound or decreases without bound. You can come to the same conclusions
numerically, as shown in the table. The table suggests that the value of approaches 3 as increases
without bound Similarly, approaches 3 as decreases without bound These limits at infinity are
Chapter 4 Integration
In this chapter, you will study an important process of calculus that is closely related to
differentiation–integration. You will learn new methods and rules for solving definite and
indefinite integrals, including the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Then you will apply these
rules to find such things as the position function for an object and the average value of a
function. In this chapter, you should learn the following.
Suppose you were asked to find a function whose derivative is From your knowledge of
derivatives, you would probably say that The function is an antiderivative of Note that is called
antiderivative of rather than antiderivative of . To see why, observe that and
are all antiderivatives of In fact, for any constant the function given by Fx x 3 C is an
antiderivative of f. f x 3x 2. C, F3 F1x x 3, F2x x3 5, x x 3 97
F an f, the f. Fx x3 because d dxx3 3x2. F f x 3x 2.
4.2 Area
In the preceding section, you studied antidifferentiation. In this section, you will look
further into a problem introduced in Section 1.1—that of finding the area of a region
in the plane. At first glance, these two ideas may seem unrelated, but you will discover
in Section 4.4 that they are closely related by an extremely important theorem called the
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. This section begins by introducing a concise notation for
sums. This notation is called sigma notation because it uses the uppercase Greek letter sigma,
The sum of terms is written as
where is the index of summation, is the ith term of the sum, and
upper and lower bounds of summation are and 1. n
i a1 a2 a 3 . . . an
n 1, a2, a3, . . . , an
In Euclidean geometry, the simplest type of plane region is a rectangle. Although people
often say that the formula for the area of a rectangle is it is actually more proper to say that this is
the definition of the area of a rectangle. From this definition, you can develop formulas for the
areas of many other plane regions. For example, to determine the area of a triangle, you can form
a rectangle whose area is twice that of the triangle, as shown in Figure 4.5. Once you know how
to find the area of a triangle, you can determine the area of any polygon bysubdividing the
polygon into triangular regions, as shown in Figure.
Hexagon Polygon
Figure 4.6
Finding the areas of regions other than polygons is more difficult. The ancient
Greeks were able to determine formulas for the areas of some general regions
(principally those bounded by conics) by the exhaustion method. The clearest
description of this method was given by Archimedes. Essentially, the method is a
limiting process in which the area is squeezed between two polygons—one inscribed in the
region and one circumscribed about the region. For instance, in Figure.
In the definition of area given in Section 4.2, the partitions have subintervals of equal
width. This was done only for computational convenience. The following example shows that it
is not necessary to have subintervals of equal width.
You have now been introduced to the two major branches of calculus: differential
calculus (introduced with the tangent line problem) and integral calculus (introduced with the
area problem). At this point, these two problems might seem unrelated—but there is a very close
connection. The connection was discovered independently by Isaac Newton and Gottfried
Leibniz and is stated in a theorem that is appropriately called the Fundamental Theorem of
Informally, the theorem states that differentiation and (definite) integration are inverse
operations, in the same sense that division and multiplication are inverse operations. To see how
Newton and Leibniz might have anticipated this relationship, consider the approximations shown
in Figure 4.26. The slope of the tangent line was defined using the (the slope of the secant line).
Similarly, the area of a region under a curve was defined using the (the area of a rectangle).
In this section you will study techniques for integrating composite functions. The
discussion is split into two parts—pattern recognition and change of variables. Both techniques
involve a -substitution. With pattern recognition you perform the substitution mentally, and with
change of variables you write the substitution steps. The role of substitution in integration is
comparable to the role of the Chain Rule in differentiation. Recall that for differentiable
functions given by and the Chain Rule states that From the definition of an antiderivative, it
follows that These results are summarized in the following theorem.
Some elementary functions simply do not have antiderivatives that are elementary
functions. For example, there is no elementary function that has any of the following
functions as its derivative. If you need to evaluate a definite integral involving a function whose
antiderivative cannot be found, then while the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus is still true, it
cannot be easily applied. In this case, it is easier to resort to an approximation technique. Two
such techniques are described in this section.
There are two important points that should be made concerning the Trapezoidal Rule (or
the Midpoint Rule). First, the approximation tends to become more accurate as increases. For
instance, in Example 1, if the Trapezoidal Rule yields an approximation of 1.994. Second,
although you could have used the Fundamental Theorem to evaluate the integral in Example 1,
this theorem cannot be used to evaluate an integral as simple as because has no elementary
antiderivative. Yet, the Trapezoidal Rule can be applied easily to estimate this integral.
So far in this text, you have studied two types of elementary functions—algebraic
functions and trigonometric functions. This chapter concludes the introduction of elementary
functions. As each new type is introduced, you will study its properties, its derivative, and its
antiderivative. In this chapter, you should learn the following.
has an important disclaimer—it doesn’t apply when Consequently, you have not yet
found an antiderivative for the function In this section, you will use the Second Fundamental
Theorem of Calculus to define such a function. This antiderivative is a function that you have not
encountered previously in the text. It is neither algebraic nor trigonometric, but falls into a new
class of functions called logarithmic functions. This particular function is the natural
logarithmic function.
As you study the methods shown in Examples 5 and 6, be aware that both methods
involve rewriting a disguised integrand so that it fits one or more of the basic integration
formulas. Throughout the remaining sections of Chapter 5 and in Chapter 8, much time will be
devoted to integration techniques. To master these techniques, you must recognize the “form-
fitting” nature of integration. In this sense, integration is not nearly as straightforward as
differentiation. Differentiation takes the form.
Inverse Functions
Recall from Section P.3 that a function can be represented by a set of ordered pairs.
For instance, the function from to can be written as By interchanging the first and second
coordinates of each ordered pair, you can form the inverse function of This function is denoted
by It is a function from to and can be written as Note that the domain of is equal to the range of
and vice versa, as shown in Figure 5.10. The functions and have the effect of “undoing” each
other. That is, when you form the composition of with or the composition of with you obtain the
identity function.
The function is increasing on its entire domain, and therefore it has an inverse function
The domain of is the set of all reals, and the range is the set of positive reals, as shown in Figure
5.19. So, for any real number
is any real
If happens to be rational, then
is a rational
Because the natural logarithmic function is one-to-one, you can conclude that and agree
for rational values of The following definition extends the meaning of to include all real values
The base of the natural exponential function is This “natural” base can be used to
assign a meaning to a general base These functions obey.
y arctan x iff tan y x < x <
y arccos x iff cos y x 1 x 1 0 y
y arcsin x iff sin y x 1 x 1
Function Domain Range
The derivatives of the six inverse trigonometric functions fall into three pairs. In each
pair, the derivative of one function is the negative of the other. For example.
du C
arcsin u a C
u x, a > 0.
Chapter 6 Differential Equations In this chapter, you will study one of the
General solution of
which contains two arbitrary constants. It can be shown that a differential equation of
order has general solution with arbitrary constants.
EXAMPLE 1 Verifying Solutions
Determine whether the function is a solution of the differential equation
a. y sin x b. y 4ex c. y Cex
In the preceding section, you learned to analyze visually the solutions of differential
equations using slope fields and to approximate solutions numerically using Euler’s Method.
Analytically, you have learned to solve only two types of differential equations—those of the
forms and In this section, you will learn how to solve a more general type of differential
equation. The strategy is to rewrite the equation so that each variable occurs on only one side of
the equation. This strategy is called separation of variables. (You will study this strategy in
detail in Section.
where is a continuous function of alone and is a continuous function of alone. As you saw
in the preceding section, for this type of equation, all terms can be collected with and all terms
with and a solution can be obtained by integration. Such equations are said to be separable, and
the solution procedure is called separation of variables. Below are some examples of
differential equations that are separable.
Integration has a wide variety of applications. For each of the applications presented in
this chapter, you will begin with a known formula, such as the area of a rectangular
region, the volume of a circular disk, or the work done by a constant force. Then you
will learn how the limit of a sum gives rise to new formulas that involve integration.
With a few modifications, you can extend the application of definite integrals from the
area of a region under a curve to the area of a region between two curves. Consider two functions
and that are continuous on the interval If, as in Figure 7.1, the graphs of both and lie above the
axis, and the graph of lies below the graph of you can geometrically interpret the area of the
region between the graphs as the area of the region under the graph of subtracted from the area of
the region under the graph of as shown in Figure.
You have already learned that area is only one of the many applications of the definite
integral. Another important application is its use in finding the volume of a threedimensional
solid. In this section you will study a particular type of three-dimensional solid—one whose
cross sections are similar. Solids of revolution are used commonly in engineering and
manufacturing. Some examples are axles, funnels, pills, bottles, and pistons, as shown in Figure.
To begin, consider a representative rectangle as shown in Figure 7.27, where is the width
of the rectangle, is the height of the rectangle, and is the distance between the axis of revolution
and the center of the rectangle. When this rectangle is revolved about its axis of revolution, it
forms a cylindrical shell (or tube) of thickness To find the volume of this shell, consider two
cylinders. The radius of the larger cylinder corresponds to the outer radius of the shell, and the
radius of the smaller cylinder corresponds to the inner radius of the shell.
Apply washer 1 dy
method. 2 y dy
Simplify. V
12 02 dy
12 y 1 2 dy
0 x1 x2 b = xn
(x0, y0)
(x1, y1)
22Δy = y2 - y1
Δx = x
2 - x1
(x, y) y
s = length of
curve from
a to b
y = f(x)
Figure 7.37
The Dutch mathematician
Christian Huygens,
who invented the pendulum
clock, and James
Gregory (1638–1675), a
Scottish mathemati
cian, both made early
contributions to the
problem of finding the
length of a rectifiable
a. b. 4x2
dx x24x 9 dx dx
x2 9
a. Use the Arctangent Rule and let and
Constant Multiple Rule
Arctangent Rule
b. Here the Arctangent Rule does not apply because the numerator contains a factor
of Consider the Log Rule and let Then and you have
Constant Multiple Rule
dx 2 2x dx
x2 9 x2 9
1. If is odd then
2. If is even then
cosn x dx 1 2
n n 2,
This chapter is divided into two basic parts. The first six sections discuss infinite
sequences and infinite series. The last four sections discuss Taylor and Maclaurin
polynomials and power series.
9.1 Sequences
In mathematics, the word “sequence” is used in much the same way as in ordinary
English. To say that a collection of objects or events is in sequence usually means that
the collection is ordered so that it has an identified first member, second member, third
member, and so on.
Mathematically, a sequence is defined as a function whose domain is the set of
positive integers. Although a sequence is a function, it is common to represent
sequences by subscript notation rather than by the standard function notation. For
instance, in the sequence
Sn S, n
n a1 a2 . . . an.
f x dx
In this chapter, you will analyze and write equations of conics using their properties.
You will also learn how to write and graph parametric equations and polar equations,
and see how calculus can be used to study these graphs. In addition to the rectangular
equations of conics, you will also study polar equations of conics.
Each conic section (or simply conic) can be described as the intersection of a plane
and a double-napped cone. Notice in Figure 10.1 that for the four basic conics, the
intersecting plane does not pass through the vertex of the cone. When the plane passes
through the vertex, the resulting figure is a degenerate conic, as shown in Figure.
Until now, you have been representing a graph by a single equation involving
variables. In this section you will study situations in which variables are used to
represent a curve in the plane.
Consider the path followed by an object that is propelled into the air at an angle
of If the initial velocity of the object is 48 feet per second, the object travels the
parabolic path given by.
As shown in Figure 10.29. From the discussion at the beginning of Section 10.2, you
know that these equations enable you to locate the position of the projectile at a given
time. You also know that the object is initially projected at an angle of But how
can you find the angle representing the object’s direction at some other time The
following theorem answers this question by giving a formula for the slope of the
tangent line as a function.
So far, you have been representing graphs as collections of points on the rectangular
coordinate system. The corresponding equations for these graphs have been in
either rectangular or parametric form. In this section you will study a coordinate system called
the polar coordinate system. To form the polar coordinate system in the plane, fix a point called
the pole (or origin), and construct from an initial ray called the polar axis, as shown in Figure
10.36. Then each point in the plane can be assigned polar coordinates as follows. Figure 10.37
shows three points on the polar coordinate system. Notice that in this system, it is convenient to
locate points with respect to a grid of concentric circles intersected by radial lines through the
Coordinate Conversion
To establish the relationship between polar and rectangular coordinates, let the polar
axis coincide with the positive axis and the pole with the origin, as shown in Figure Because lies
on a circle of radius it follows that Moreover, for the definitions of the trigonometric functions
imply that.
The development of a formula for the area of a polar region parallels that for the area of a
region on the rectangular coordinate system, but uses sectors of a circle instead of rectangles as
the basic elements of area. In Figure 10.49, note that the area of a circular sector of radius is
given by provided is measured in radians. Consider the function given by where is continuous
and nonnegative on the interval given by The region bounded by the graph of and the radial lines
and is shown in Figure 10.50(a). To find the area of this region, partition the interval into equal
subintervalsThen approximate the area of the region by the sum of the areas of the sectors,
asshown in Figure 10.50(b).Taking the limit as produces which leads to the following theorem.
r2 d.
A 1
f 2d
r f
f , , 0 < 2,
In a similar way, you can integrate from to to find that the area of the region lying inside
the outer loop is The area of the region lying between the two loops is the differ.