Averrhoa Carambola, L. Leaf Extract: Raju V.K., 2003
Averrhoa Carambola, L. Leaf Extract: Raju V.K., 2003
Averrhoa Carambola, L. Leaf Extract: Raju V.K., 2003
leaf extract
play a key role in traditional medicines. They are not only used for
primary health care, many widely used pharmaceuticals are derived from
dealt with various drugs (Jain,S.K., 1987). The Sushruta Samhita contains
believed to have arisen around 400-200 BC. Charaka contains over 8,400
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
kayachikitsa (internal medicine) (Menon, I A., et al., 1969).
WHO had listed over 21,000 plant species used around the World
medicinal plants are found in Tropical area and the rest in temperate and
from appropriate plant extracts for the treatment of specific diseases like
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
development of chemistry, particularly, of the synthesis of organic
medicines have long been basic to medicinal plant research. As new uses
goes hand in hand with the critical need for conservation of both species
and its fruits are used as a vegetable and in desserts. In India, even though
the analysis of star fruits revealed the presence of high amount of Dietary
was carried on the leaves to reveal its potential as a good source of drug.
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Plant Description
1.1. Taxonomy
name, ‘carambola’, is said to have come from Malabar and was adopted
Authority : L.
Kingdom : Plantae
Class : Dicotyledonae
Sub-class : Polypetalae
Series : Disciflorae
Cohort : Geraniales
Family : Geraniaceae
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
K5C5A(5+50) G(5)
Sanskrit Synonyms
Karmaranga, Karuka
Coromandal gooseberry
Filipino : balimbing
Mandarin : yongt’o
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Spanish : carambola, carambold, carambole, jalea
Thai : ma fueang
Vietnamese : khê
1.3. Morphology
ovate-elliptic, short pointed, mostly 1-2 in. long, nearly glabrous beneath;
purple; 5 stamens without anthers; fruit 2-5 in. long, ovoid or ellipsoid, 3-
5 deep ribs, yellow or yellow brown, very pulpy, mildly acidic or even
Grows best in the hot, humid tropics but will tolerate some cool
periods, with some damage to branches and leaves. They can also tolerate
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Singapore, Taiwan, Province of China, Thailand, Trinidad
Altitude : 0-900 m
Soil type : Prefers deep, well-drained clay loams but can grow
Rasa : Amla
Virya : Ushna
relieve bleeding hemorrhoids. The dried fruit or the juice may be taken to
counteract fevers.
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
to relieve a"hangover" from excessive indulgence in alcohol. A salve
Leaves are bound on the temples to soothe headache. Crushed leaves and
flowers are rubbed on the dermatitis caused by lacquer derived from Rhus
verniciflua, Stokes. Burkill says that a preparation of the inner bark, with
sandalwood and Alyxia sp., is applied on prickly heat. The roots, with
sugar, are considered an antidote for poison. Hydrocyanic acid has been
detected in the leaves, stems and roots. The powdered seeds serve as a
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Phytochemical properties
both stem and leaves show that high percentage of unsaturated fatty acids
(31.87%) is present in leaves than in stem and TSFA in stem is more than
al., 2004)
carambola (star fruit) revealed that the acetone extracts contain highest
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Volatile constituents present in methaylchloride extract of star
etc.(Wilson,C.W.,et al.,1985)
diffusion, postpone release of glucose from starch and inhibit the activity
Fossen, et al.,2005).
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Three c-glycosylflavanones (isovitexin, isoorientin and swertisin)
al., 2007).
Antimicrobial properties
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Staphyllococcus aureus, Bacillus subtilis and Vibrio parahemolyticus
Antioxidant properties
TAA, SOD CAT, GsH and GPX ( Rupal, A.V., et al., 2011).
Anthelmintic properties
dependent manner giving shortest time of paralysis and death with 100
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
chromosomal damage in bone marrow cells of Wistar rats nor alter their
The leaves from carambola have been utilized for the production of
al., 2007)
blood of mice that has induced Diabetes (Giuseppina Negri, 2005). It also
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
streptozotocin- induced diabetic rats (Pushparaj, et al., 2001).
selective activity against U251 (brain tumour cell line) and that of leaves
was effective against Hepg2 (liver carcinoma cell line) only (Tadros,S.H
Economic importance
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
values: Vitamin C, Antioxidants, flavanoids, phytoferols etc.
spots and stains. Contains potassium oxalate which is used for dyeing
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
About 700 g of plant material i.e., leaves were collected and washed well
and shade dried for 10 days. The dried leaves were powdered and 50 g of
About 300 mL of methanol was poured into the bottom flask of soxhlet
apparatus. The whole apparatus was kept over a heating mantle and was
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
studies (Harborne, 1973).
reducing sugars.
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Test for alkaloids
acetic anhydride and conc.H2SO4 and keep undisturbed for few minutes.
the sides of the test tubes which shows the appearance and disappearance
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
This was underplayed with 1 mL of H2SO4. A brown ring at the interface
(85% A), 40-60 min (85% A-95% A). The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min. The
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Preparation of standard solutions - Averrhova
a) Epigallocatechin
b) Catechin
c) Caumarin
d) Squamostatin
e) Squamocin
f) Ascorbic acid
g) Gallic acid
h) Gallotannin
i) Abscisic acid
j) Vomifoliol
k) Proanthocyanidin
l) Tocopherol (m)nerol
m) Linalool
n) Geraniol
o) Terpenol
p) Roseoside
q) Methyl benzoate
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Was prepared in methanol. Working standard solutions were
a) 3.8-45.6 μg/ml
b) 2.1- 6.7μg/ml
c) 3.2-36.4 μg/ml
d) 4.5-51.7 μg/ml
e) 2.7-29.2 μg/ml
f) 0.58-17.3 μg/ml;
g) 2.5-18.9 μg/ml
h) 4.3-48.9 μg/ml
i) 3.3-41.8μg/ml
j) 12.7-29.2 μg/ml
k) 10.58-17.3 μg/ml
l) 12.5-18.9 μg/ml;
m) 14.3-28.9 μg/ml
n) 33.3-41.8μg/ml
o) 22.7-29.2 μg/ml
p) 12.58-17.3 μg/ml
q) 2.5-18.9 μg/ml
r) 44.3-48.9 μg/ml
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
For calibration curves. The standard solutions were filtered through
the solution (20 μl) were injected to RP-HPLCDAD system. The graph
obtained after the elution of compounds was compared with the standard
was placed without lid into an oven at 1100C for 3 hours. The petridish
was taken out and closed immediately with alid. The dish was then
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Estimation of Total Carbohydrate
water. The homogenate was filtered using a two layered cheese cloth. The
filtrate was then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for fifteen minutes. The
reagent was added. It was then kept in a boiling water bath for ten
minutes. The tubes were cooled and the absorbance was measured at 530
Estimation of Protein
O.H., et al., 1951).one gram of fresh leaf tissue was ground thoroughly in
layered cheese cloth and centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for 10 minutes. The
TriChloroAcetic acid (TCA) was added and shaken well. This was kept
under refrigeration for fifteen minutes and then centrifuged at 10,000 rpm
for ten minutes. The upper layer was decanted; the pellet collected and
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
and made up to 1mL by using 0.1 N NaOH. To this 5 mL of reagent C
kept for ten minutes. Then add 0.5 mL of alkaline Folin’s reagent and
kept for thirty minutes. Absorbance was measured at 670 nm. The protein
Albumin (BSA).
methanol (80%) for ten minutes and refluxed. The refluxed matter was
rpm for ten minutes. The supernatant was collected and the volume was
produced a blue coloured complex. The tube was kept in a boiling water
bath for 1 minute, cooled, centrifuged and the supernatant was taken to
measure the absorbance at 650 nm. The amount of Total Phenols was
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Estimation of Reducing sugars
distilled water. The homogenate was filtered using a cheese cloth. The
filtrate was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for ten minutes. The supernatant
collected was made upto a known volume of 10 mL. About 0.2 mL 0f this
bath for ten minutes. This was later cooled to get an orange red colored
ten minutes. This was grinded thoroughly in a mortar and pestle and
filtered out. The filtrate was centrifuged at 7500 rpm for ten minutes. The
was added. It was shaken well and heated in a boiling water bath for ten
minutes. The tubes were cooled under running tape water and the
absorbance was measured at 570 nm. The amount of amino acids was
estimated using the standard graph of leucin (Moose. S.,et al., 1948).
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Estimation of Chlorophylls
filtrate obtained through cheese cloth was centrifuged at 5,000 rpm for
five minutes. The supernatant was collected and made upto a known
volume of 10 mL. From this 1 ml was taken and made upto 5 mL using
80% acetone. The absorbance was measured at 645, 663, 652 and 490 nm
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
College, Thiruvananthapuram.
From this stock solution, different working dilutions were prepared to get
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
a concentration range of 10, 50 and 100 mg/mL.
of extract (10, 50 and 100 mg/mL in distilled water) were prepared and
two worms were placed in it. Time for paralysis was noted when no
movement of any sort could be observed except when the worms were
when dipped in warm water (500C). Albendazole (10, 50 and 100 mg/mL)
The petridishes, test tubes and other glasswares were washed with
a mild detergent and rinsed with sterile distilled water. Then they are
The test tubes were then autoclaved at 121 0C for twenty minutes and
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
3.5.3. Preparation of media for culturing bacteria
The media used for culturing bacteria was nutrient agar medium. It
medium were poured into sterile petridishes under aseptic condition and
laminar airflow chamber. The pure culture obtained from laboratory was
Peptone water in the test tube. Then it was incubated for one hour at 370C
for regeneration. After one hour, this was taken out and swabbed into the
1200C for fifteen minutes. Then it was stored in aseptic condition in a test
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
tube. During the time of treatment, the discs were taken out from the test
each extract. Then 10 filter paper discs were placed into each petridish.
Cover it with a glass lid and kept for one hour so that the filter paper will
With the help of forceps, one disc from each petridish of various
concentrations, which are saturated with crude extract, was taken. These
disc was treated with the solvent, methanol. The standard disc used here
and was kept for incubation overnight at 370C. After one day, zone of
inhibition was noted only if the plant extract possess antibacterial activity
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Proteins and amino acids are present in 6.92 and .078 mg/mL while
carbohydrate and reducing sugar are present in 147 and .029 mg/mL
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Table. 2
Protein 6.92
Phenol 0.005
Amino acids 0.078
Reducing sugar 0.029
Carbohydrate 147.0
Total chlorophyll 4.55
Chlorophyll a 3.64
Chlorophyll b 3.19
caroteinoid 0.015
moisture content 90.76%
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
The moisture content is about 90.76% and the amount of
Carbohydrate is the most and that of phenol is the least (Table 2).
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
4.1.3. Identification of compounds by HPLC
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
1. Gallic acid
2. Citric Acid
3. Epigallocatechin
5. Catechin
6. Epicatechin
7. L-Ascorbic Acid
8. Proanthocyanidin
9. Abcisic Acid
10. Vomifoliol
11. Roseoside
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
4.2. Anthelmintic assay
Table 3 (Fig 5, 6 and 7). The anthelmintic activity of aqueous extract was
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Table 3
Albendazole 10 28.23±1.34 67.36±5.65
Albendazole 50 13.36±1.46 38.5±1.32
Albendazole 100 8.4±1.14 17.48±2.42
Plant extract 10 83.05±8.43 187.5±30.01
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
4.3. Antibacterial assay
The present study indicates that the extract from leaves showed
2.1mm and 1.0 mm for 100mg/mL for E.coli , Enterococci sp. and
were 1.7 mm, 1.6 mm, 1.5mm, 1.9 mm for E.coli , Staphylococcus sp..,
and 1.6 mm were the zone of inhibition for E.coli , and Enterococci sp.
that of gram positive bacteria. So they undergo lysis more easily than the
others. This makes them more sensitive to drugs than gram positive
presence of chelating agents and also due to the favorable change in the
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Thus from the present study, it was proved that Averrhoa
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
cultivated in Asian and African countries. The leaves were used for the
was continuously heated at the boiling point of solvent. Later it was dried
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
studies and zone of inhibition were observed high in crude extract
Thus from the present study, it was made clear that Averrhoa
carambola, L. is not only a food source, but also possess very effective
Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
Pharmocologyonline, 2011;524-27
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Averrhoa carambola, L. leaf extract
ZyKhoo,CC Teh, et al., Effect of Averrhoa carambola juice in the
Online reference