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Model Curriculum For B.Voc/ D.Voc in Food Processing

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Food Processing

Model Curriculum for

B.Voc/ D.Voc


Food Processing

All India Council for Technical Education

Nelson Mandela Marg, New Delhi

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1. Introduction

All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Ministry of HRD, Government of India has
introduced Entrepreneurship oriented Skill development courses of B.Voc/D.Voc/Skill
Diploma. These courses will be run by AICTE approved institutes by using available
infrastructure and facilities. In these courses the institute will conduct general education
content and sector specific skills will be imparted by Skill Knowledge Providers/ Training
Providers/ Industries.

1.1 Key Features:


 To provide judicious mix of skills relating to a profession and appropriate

content of General Education.
 To ensure that the students have adequate knowledge and skills, so that they
are work ready at each exit point of the programme.
 To provide flexibility to the students by means of pre-defined entry and
multiple exit points.
 To integrate NSQF within the Diploma, undergraduate level of higher education
to enhance employability of the students and meet industry requirements.
Such student apart from meeting the needs of local and national industry are
also expected to be equipped to become part of the global workforce.
 To provide vertical mobility to students admitted in such vocational courses.
 The certification levels will lead to Diploma/Advanced Diploma/B. Voc. Degree
in Food Processing and will be offered by respective affiliating
University/Board of Technical Education.
 Students may be awarded Level Certificate/Diploma/Advance Diploma /Degree
as out-lined in the Table below:

Award Duration after class X Corresponding NSQF level

Level 3 Certificate 1 Year 3
Level 4 Certificate 2Years 4
Diploma 3 Year 5
Advance Diploma 4 Years 6
B.Voc Degree 5 Years 7

2. Course Objectives

After successfully completing the vocational course, the student would have acquired
relevant appropriate and adequate technical knowledge together with the professional
skills and competencies in the field of Food Processing so that he/she is properly
equipped to take up gainful employment in this Vocation. Thus he/she should have
acquired: -

A. Understanding of

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(a) The relevant basic concepts and principles in basic science subjects (Physics,
Chemistry and Mathematics) so that he/she is able to understand the different
vocational subjects.
(b) The basic concepts in IT.
(c) The concepts, principles of working of Food Industry.
(d) The procedure of making Quality Control Standards.
(e) The concepts and principles used in Plant and Sanitation Equipments.

B. Adequate Professional Skills and Competencies in

(a) Knowledge of Food Industrial Technologies.
(b) Testing the performance of various equipment’s and instruments.
(c) Knowledge of component level and at the stage level.

C. A Healthy and Professional Attitude so that He/ She has

(a) An analytical approach while working on a job.
(b) An open mind while locating/rectifying faults.
(c) Respect for working with his/her own hands.
(d) Respect for honesty, punctuality and truthfulness

D. NSQF compliant skills in Qualification developed by sector skill council in Food

Processing sector

3. Course Structure

The course will consist of combination of practice, theory and hands on skills in the Food
Processing sector.
The curriculum in each of the years of the programme would be a suitable mix of general
education and skill components.

Skill Components:
 The focus of skill components shall be to equip students with appropriate knowledge,
practice and attitude, to become work ready. The skill components will be relevant to
the industry as per its requirements.
 The curriculum will necessarily embed within itself, National Occupational Standards
(NOSs) of specific job roles within the industry. This would enable the students to
meet the learning outcomes specified in the NOSs.
 The overall design of the skill development component along with the job roles
selected will be such that it leads to a comprehensive specialization in few domains.
 The curriculum will focus on work-readiness skills in each of the year of training.
 Adequate attention will be given in curriculum design to practical work, on the job
training, development of student portfolios and project work.

General Education Component:

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 The general education component adhere to the normal senior secondary and
university standards. It will emphasize and offer courses which provide holistic
development. However, it will not exceed 40% of the total curriculum.
 Adequate emphasis is given to language and communication skills.

The curriculum is designed in a manner that at the end of each year after class Xth students
can meet below mentioned level descriptors of NSQF:

Level Process required Professional skill Core skill Responsibility
written and oral
with minimum
required clarity, Under close
Person may carry Recall and
Basic facts, skill of basic supervision
put a job which may demonstrate
process and arithmetic and some
Level require limited practical skill,
principle applied algebraic responsibility
3 range of activities routine and
in trade of principles, for own work
routine and repetitive in narrow
employment personal banking, within defined
predictable range of application
basic limit
understanding of
social and natural
Language to
Recall and communicate
demonstrate written or oral,
practical skill, with required
Work in familiar, routine and clarity, skill to
knowledge of Responsibility
Level predictable, routine, repetitive in basic arithmetic
field of for own work
4 situation of clear narrow range of and algebraic
knowledge or and learning
choice application, using principles, basic
appropriate rule understanding of
and tool, using social political and
quality concepts natural

A range of cognitive
and practical skills
mathematical skill, Responsibility for
Knowledge of facts, required to
Job that requires well understanding of own work and
principles, processes accomplish tasks and
developed skill, with social, political and learning and
Level and general solve problems by
clear choice of some skill of some
5 concepts, in selecting
procedures in familiar collecting and responsibility for
a field of work or and applying basic
context organizing other’s works and
study methods, tools
information, learning
and information

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Reasonably good
Demands wide in mathematical
range of specialized A range of calculation,
technical skill, Factual and cognitive understanding of
for own work
clarity theoretical and practical skills social, political
and learning and
Level of knowledge and knowledge in broad required to generate and reasonably
6 practice in broad contexts within a solutions to specific good in data
responsibility for
range of activity field of work or problems in collecting
other’s works
involving standard/ study a field of work organizing
and learning
non-standard or study information, and
practices logical
Good logical and
mathematical skill
Requires a Wide range of understanding of
Wide ranging,
command of wide cognitive and social political
factual and
ranging specialized practical skills and natural Full
Level theoretical and required to generate environment good responsibility for
knowledge in broad
7 practical skill, solutions to specific in collecting and output of group
contexts within a
involving variable problems in organizing and development
field of work or
routine and non- a field of work information,
routine context or study communication
and presentation

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Curriculum Food Processing

Level Code Educational Component Credit Marks

3.GE.01 Language – I 3 50
3.GE.02 Applied Chemistry 3 50
3.GE.03 Applied Physics 3 50
3 3.GE.04 Applied Mathematics-I 3 50
I 3.GP.01 Applied Chemistry Lab 1.5 50
3.GP.02 Applied Physics Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Industrial Production Worker –FIC/Q9005
(Any one) 15 200

3.GV.01 Introduction to Food Processing 3 50
3.GV.02 Crop Production Technology 3 50
3.GV.03 Milk Processing 3 50
3 3.GV.04 Applied Mathematics – II 3 50
II 3.VP.01 Food processing Lab 1.5 50
3.VP.02 Milk processing Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Fruits and Vegetable Selection In charge FIC/Q0108
(Any one) 15 200
Dairy Product Processor FIC/Q2001
4.GV.01 Food Process Technology-I 3 50

4.GV.02 Milling of cereals 3 50

4.GV.03 IT Tools-I 3 50

4 4.GE.01 Language – II 3 50
Semester 4.VP.01 Milling of cereals Lab 1.5 50
I 4.VP.02 IT Tools-I Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Grain Mill Operator- FIC/Q1003
Squash and Juice Processing Technician FIC/Q 0101 (Any one) 15 200
Pickle Making Technician FIC/Q0102
4 4.GV.04 IT Tools-II 3 50

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Level Code Educational Component Credit Marks

Semester 4.GV.05 Food Process Technology-II 3 50
4.GV.06 Food safety and hygiene (1.5 TISS) 3 50
4.GV.07 Milling of pulses and oil seeds 3 50
4.VP.03 Milling of pulses and oil seeds Lab 1.5 50
4.VP.04 Food Process technology-II Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Jam, Jelly and Ketchup Processing FIC/Q0103
Milling Technician FIC/Q1002 (Any one) 15 200
Pulse Processing Technician FIC/Q1004
5.GV.01 Food Quality Analysis 3 50

5.GV.02 Food Refrigeration and Supply Chain 3 50

5.GV.03 Food Plant Sanitation 3 50

5.GV.04 Food Plant Equipment’s 3 50
Semester 5.VP.01 Food Quality Analysis Lab 1.5 50
I 5.VP.02 Food Refrigeration and Supply Chain Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Assistant Lab Technician FIC/Q7601
Cold Storage Technician FIC/Q7004 (Any one) 15 200
Plant Biscuit Production Specialist FIC /Q5003
5.GV.05 Entrepreneurship Development 3 50

5.GV.06 Bakery , Confectionery and snack products 3 50

5.GV.07 Food Packaging Technology 3 50

5 5.GV.08 Processing of Meat and Poultry Products 3 50

Semester Lab/Practical
II 5.VP.03 Bakery , Confectionery and snack products-Lab 1.5 50
5.VP.04 Food Packaging Technology-Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Baking Technician FIC/Q5005
(Any one) 15
Packing Machine Worker FIC/Q7002 200

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Level Code Educational Component Credit Marks

Food Products Packaging Technician FIC/Q7001
6.GV.01 Food Process Technology-III 3 50
6.GV.02 Energy conservation and management 3 50
6.GV.03 Sensory Evaluation of Food 3 50
6.GV.04 Food Plant Layout 3 50
6 Lab/Practical
Semester 6.VP.01 Food Processing Technology and Sensory Evaluation – Lab 1.5 50
I 6.VP.02 Food Plant Layout- Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Fruits and Vegetable Canning Technician FIC/Q0107
Fruit Pulp Processing Technician FIC/Q 0106
(Any one) 15 200
Fruits and Vegetable Drying/Dehydration FIC/Q0105
6.GV.05 Fish and Poultry Processing 3 50
6.GV.06 By Product Utilization 3 50
6.GV.07 Marketing Management and Trade 3 50
6 6.GV.08 Instrumentation and Process Control 3 50
II 6.VP.03 Fish and Poultry Processing –Lab 1.5 50
6.VP.04 By product Utilization-Lab 1.5 50
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Fish and Sea Food Processing Technician FIC/Q4001
Any one) 15 200
Purchase Assistant Food and Agriculture FIC/Q7005
7.GV.01 Ice cream and Frozen Desserts 3 50

7.GV.02 Traditional Indian Dairy Products 3 50

7 7.GV.03 Food Quality, Safety and Certification 3 50
7.GV.04 Financial Management and Cost Accounting 3 50
I Lab/Practical
7.VP.01 Ice cream and Frozen Desserts –Lab 1.5 50

7.VP.02 Traditional Indian Dairy Products–Lab 1.5 50

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Level Code Educational Component Credit Marks

On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
Ice Cream Technician FIC/Q2004
Traditional Snack and savoury Maker FIC/Q8501 (Any one) 15 200
Butter and Ghee Processing Operator FIC Q/2003
7.GV.05 Project Preparation and Management 3 100
7 7.GV.06 Project Work 12 200
On-Job-Training (OJT)/Qualification Packs
II Production Manager FIC Q/9003

Processed Food Entrepreneur FIC/Q9001 (Any one) 15 200

Multi Skill Technician FIC/Q9007

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Detailed Curriculum

Level 3 (Semester I)

(3.GE.01)Language - I

Module 1: Reading comprehension (prescribed texts) and functional grammar

A variety of genres – short stories, expository pieces, biographies, poems, plays, newspaper
and magazine excerpts have been included. Teaching of grammar has been integrated with
the reading texts. The emphasis is on functional grammar.
The following ten prose texts and five poems have been selected for development of
different reading skills.

Prose texts (Prescribed)

1. A warmer or a colder earth (popular science) Arthur – C. Clark
2. The tiger in the tunnel (narrative) – Ruskin Bond.
3. First two or four pages from Sunny Days (autobiographical) – By Sunil Gavaskar
4. Case of suspension (narrative)
5. Big brother (narrative) Shekhar Joshi
6. Father, dear father (news paper article form the Hindu)
7. Face to face (autobiographical) Ved Mehta
8. I must know the truth (narrative) Sigrun Srivastva
9. If I were you (play) Douglas James
10. India, her past and her future (speech) Jawahar Lal Nehru

1. Leisure – W H Davis
2. The road not taken – Robert Frost
3. Where the mind is without fear- Tagore
4. My grandmother’s house – Kamla Das
5. The night of the scorpion – Nissi, Ezekiel

Non prescribed

In this section learners will be exposed to newspaper, articles, tables, diagrams,

advertisements etc. which they have to read carefully and interpret. In the examination
similar pieces will be used.
Grammar and usage:
The following points of grammar and usage have been selected from the reading passages.
1. agreement/concord: number – gender etc.
2. Tenses: simple past (negatives/interrogatives) present perfect, past perfect
continuous, past perfect, expressing future time (will and going to)
3. Passive voice (perfect tenses and modals)
4. Modals (must, should ought to, would)
5. Linking words (to like because although, instead of, if, as, since, who, which that,
when however, inspite of)
6. Reported speech, statements, questions (yes/no)

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Module 2: Functional writing and study skills

This module help the learner to write descriptive and narrative paragraph, letters, reports
notices etc. and also practice skills of note making

1. Paragraph writing
 Describing objects
 Describing people
 Narrating events, stories
2. Letter writing
 Application for leave
 Application for jobs
 Asking for information form various agencies (e.g. Last date for getting prospects; price
of items before placing doers etc.)
3. Note making
4. Ending (punctuation, spelling, appropriate vocabulary, structures)

Reference Books:
1. Effective Communication Skills, Kulbhushan Kumar, Khanna Publishing House
2. Business Communications, Varinder Bhatia, Khanna Publishing House

(3.GE.02) Applied Chemistry

1. Structure of Atom:
Rutherford model of the structure of atom, Bohr's theory of electrons, quantum numbers
and their significance, de-Broglie equation and uncertainty principle, electronic
configuration of 1 to 30 elements.
2. Periodic Properties of Elements:
Periodic law, periodic table, periodicity in properties like atomic radii and volume, ionic
radii, ionization energy and electron affinity. Division of elements into s, p, d and f blocks.
3. Chemical Bonds:
Electrovalent, covalent and coordinate bond and their properties. Metallic bonding
(electron cloud mode) and properties (like texture, conductance, luster, ductility and
4. Fuel and their Classification:
Definition, characteristics, classification into solid, liquid and gaseous fuel. Petroleum and
brief idea of refining into various factions and their characteristics and uses. Calorific value
of fuel, Gaseous fuels- preparation, properties, composition and use of producer gas, water
and oil gas.
5. Water:
Impurities in water, methods of their removal, hardness of water, its types, causes and
removal, disadvantages of hard water in boilers, pH value and its determination by
calorimetric method.
6. Corrosion:
Its meaning, theory of corrosion, prevention of corrosion by various methods using metallic
and non-metallic coatings.
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7. Plastic and Polymers:

Plastic-thermo-plastic and thermo-setting. Introduction of Polythene. P.V.C. Nylon,
synthetic rubber and phenol-formal-dehyde resin, their application in industry.

Reference Books:
1. Chemistry, Satyaprakash, Khanna Publishing House
2. Engineering Chemistry, Saiful Islam, Khanna Publishing House

(3.GE.03)Applied Physics

1. Units & Dimensions: M.K.S. fundamentals & derived units, S.I. base units supplementary
units and derived units, Dimensions of various physical quantities, uses of dimensional
2. Surface Tension and Viscosity: molecular forces, molecular theory of surface tension,
surface energy, capillary action, concept of viscosity, coefficient of viscosity, principle and
construction of viscometers.
3. Vibrations: Vibration as simple spring mass system, elementary and qualitative concept of
free and forced vibrations, resonance. Effects of vibrations on building bridges and
machines members.
4. Heat: Temperature and its measurement, thermoelectric, platinum resistance
thermometers and pyrometers. Conduction through compound media and laws of
5. Ultrasonics: Productions of ultrasonic waves by magnetostriction and piezo-electric effect,
application of ultrasonics in industry.
6. Optics: Nature of light, reflection and refraction of a wave from a plane surface. Overhead
projector and Epidiascope.

(3.GE.04) Applied Mathematics – I

Sets, Relations and Functions

1. Sets
2. Relations and Functions-I
3. Trigonometric Functions-I
4. Trigonometric Functions-II
5. Relation between Sides and Angles of A triangle

Sequences and Series

1. Sequences and Series
2. Some Special Sequences

1. Complex Numbers
2. Quadratic Equations and Linear inequalities
3. Principle of Mathematical Induction
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4. Permutations and Combinations

5. Binomial Theorem

Co-ordinate Geometry
1. Cartesian System of Rectangular Co-ordinates
2. Straight Lines
3. Circles
4. Conic Sections

Statistics and Probability

1. Measures of Dispersion
2. Random Experiments and Events
3. Probability

Reference Books:
1. Applied Mathematics-I, J.K. Tyagi, Khanna Publishing House
2. Engineering Mathematics, Reena Garg, Khanna Publishing House

(3.GP.01) Applied Chemistry – Lab

1. Proximate analysis of solid fuel.

2. Experiments based on Bomb Calorimeter.
3. Determination of turbidity in a given sample.
4. To determine the flash and fire point of a given lubricating oil.
5. To determine the viscosity of a given lubricating oil by Redwood viscometer.
6. To determine cloud and pour point of a given oil.

(3.GP.02) Applied Physics – Lab

1. To determine the surface tension of a liquid by rise in capillary.

2. To determine the viscosity of a given liquid.
3. To determine the frequency of tuning fork using a sonometer.
4. To determine the frequency of AC main using sonometer.
5. Time period of a cantilever.

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Level 3 (Semester II)

(3.GV.01)Introduction to Food Processing

Sources, types and perishability of foods; Causes and types of food spoilage; Scope and benefit of
food preservation; Methods of food preservation; Preservation by salt and sugar: Principle ,method
and effect on food quality. Preservation by heat treatment: Principle and equipment for blanching,
canning, pasteurization, sterilization; Preservation by use of low temperature: Principle, methods,
equipment; Preservation by drying, dehydration and concentration: Principle, methods, equipment;
Preservation by irradiation: Principle, methods, equipment; Preservation by chemicals-
antioxidants, mould inhibitors, antibodies, acidulants, etc.; Preservation by fermentation: Principles,
methods, equipment; Non-thermal preservation processes: Principles, equipment – Pulsed electric
field and pulsed intense light, ultrasound, dielectric heating, ohmic and infrared heating, high
pressure processing, microwave processing, etc.; Quality tests and shelf-life of preserved foods.

(3.GV.02)Crop Production Technology

Classification of crops; Effect of different weather parameters on crop growth and development
;Principles of tillage; Soil-water-plant relationship, crop rotation, cropping systems, relay cropping
and mixed cropping; Crop production technology for major cereal crops; Major varieties, sowing
time, method of sowing, spacing, interculturing ,fertilizer and water requirement, time of harvest,
maturity index, yield potential, cost of cultivation, income from production, etc.; Crop production
technology for major oilseed crops; Major varieties, sowing time, method of sowing, spacing, inter-
culturing, fertilizer and water requirement, time of harvest, maturity index, yield potential, cost of
cultivation, income from production, etc.; Crop production technology for major pulse crops; Major
varieties, sowing time, method of sowing, spacing, inter-culturing, fertilizer and water requirement,
time of harvest, maturity index, yield potential, cost of cultivation, income from production, etc.;
Crop production technology for major spices and cash crops; Major varieties, sowing time, method
of sowing, spacing, inter-culturing, fertilizer and water requirement, time of harvest, maturity index,
yield potential, cost of cultivation, income from production, etc.; Crop production technology for
major vegetable crops; Major varieties, sowing time, method of sowing, spacing, interculturing,
fertilizer and water requirement, time of harvest, maturity index, yield potential, cost of cultivation,
income from production, etc.

(3.GV.03)Milk Processing

Composition and nutritive value of milk and factors effecting composition of milk; Physiochemical
properties of milk; Determination of microbial load in milk and milk products; Milk Processing:
Collection, chilling, standardization, pasteurization and homogenization; Toxins and pesticide
residues in milk and milk products; Organic milk food products; Bureau of Indian Standards for
milk and milk products; Sanitation in milk plant.

(3.GV.04)Applied Mathematics – II

1. Matrices
2. Determinants
3. Inverse of a Matrix and its Applications

Relations and Functions

1. Relations and Functions-II
2. Inverse Trigonometric Functions

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1. Limits and Continuity
2. Differentiation
3. Differentiation of Trigonometric functions
4. Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic functions
5. Application of Derivatives
6. Integration
7. Definite Integrals
8. Differential Equations

Vectors and Three Dimensional Geometry

1. Introduction to Three Dimensional Geometry
2. Vectors
3. Plane
4. Straight Line

Linear Programming and Mathematical Reasoning

1. Linear Programming
2. Mathematical Reasoning

Reference Books:
1. Applied Mathematics-II, J.K. Tyagi, Khanna Publishing House
2. Elements of Mathematical Analysis, R. Agor, Khanna Publishing House

(3.VP.01)Food Processing Lab

Demonstration of various perishable food items and degree of spoilage; Blanching of selected food
items; Preservation of food by heat treatment- pasteurization; Preservation of food by high406
Report of the ICAR Fifth Deans’ Committee concentration of sugar: Jam; Preservation of food by
using salt: Pickle; Preservation of food by using acidulants i.e. pickling by acid, vinegar or acetic
acid; Preservation of food by using chemical preservatives; Preservation of bread, cake using mold
inhibitors; Drying of fruit slices pineapple slices, apple slices in cabinet drier; Drying of green leafy
vegetables; Drying of mango/other pulp by foam-mat drying; Drying of semisolid foods using roller
dryers; Drying of foods using freeze-drying process; Demonstration of preserving foods under cold
vs. freezing process; Processing of foods using fermentation technique, i.e. preparation of
sauerkraut; Study on effect of high pressure on microbe; Study on effect of pulse electric field on

(3.VP.02)Milk Processing Lab

Sampling of milk, estimation of fat, solids not fat (SNF) and total solids, Platform tests, cream
separation, Microbiological quality of milk and milk products. Chilling/freezing of milk, milk
products, preservation of milk and milk products. Visit to modern milk processing units.

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Level 4 (Semester I)

(4.GV.01)Food Process Technology-I

Status of food processing industries in India and abroad, magnitude and inter- dependence of dairy
and food industry, prospects for future growth in India. Harvesting, transportation and storage of
fruits and vegetables. Post harvest processing of fruits and vegetables: Peeling, sizing, blanching,
Canning of fruits and vegetables, Drying and freezing of fruits and vegetables. Juice processing:
General steps in juice processing, role of enzymes in fruit. Juice extraction, equipment’s and
methods of fruit juice extraction, preservation of fruit juices, fruit juice clarification ,concentration
of fruit juices, fruit juice powders. Fruit juice processing; Orange and tangerine, Lemon and lime
juice, Apple juice, Grape juice, Nectars, pulpy juices, tropical blends, Vegetable juices. Manufacture of
Jam, Jelly and Marmalade: Role played by pectin, sugar and acid injellied fruit products. Fruits and
vegetable preserves, Glazed, Crystallized fruits. Tomato based products: Juice, puree, paste, sauce,
ketchup. Pickles: Principle of pickling, technology of pickles .Beverages: Classification, scope,
carbonated non-alcoholic beverages and their manufacture. Fruit beverages and drinks, additives
for fruit based beverages. Coffee: Production practices, structure of coffee/cherry, Coffee processing
including roasting, grinding, brewing extraction, dehydration, aromatization, instant coffee. Tea:
Tea leaf processing, green, red, yellow, instant tea.

(4.GV.02)Milling of Cereals

Morphology, physico-chemical properties of cereals, major and minor millets; Chemical

composition and nutritive value; Paddy processing and rice milling: Conventional milling, modern
milling, milling operations, milling machines, milling efficiency; Quality characteristics influencing
final milled product; Parboiling ;Rice bran stabilization and its methods; Wheat milling: Break
system, purification system and reduction system; extraction rate and its effect on flour
composition; quality characteristics of flour and their suitability for baking; Corn milling: Dry and
wet milling of corn, starch and gluten separation, milling fractions and modified starches; Barley:
Malting and milling; Oat/Rye: Processing, milling; Sorghum: Milling, malting, pearling; Millets (Pearl
millets, finger millets):Processing of millets for food uses; Secondary and tertiary products
processing of cereals and millets; By-products processing of cereals and millets; Processing of infant
foods from cereals and millets; Breakfast cereal foods: Flaked, puffed, expanded, extruded and
(4.GV.03)IT Tools-I

I. Computer Organization & OS: User perspective.

• Understanding of Hardware.
• Basics of Operating System.
II. Networking and Internet.
• Network Safety concerns.
• Network Security tools and services.
• Cyber Security.
• Safe practices on Social networking.
III. Office automation tools:
• Spreadsheet.
• Word processing.
• Presentation.

Reference Books:
1. IT Tools, R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishing House
2. Information Security & Cyber Laws, Sarika Gupta, Khanna Publishing House
3. Mastering PC Hardware & Networking, Ajit Mittal, Khanna Publishing House

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Module – 3: Listening and speaking skills

In this module the learners will be exposed to a variety of listening activities recorded on
audiotapes. These will be samples of good spoken English, which the learners can use as models.
Work sheets will accompany the listening material.
This module will include the following:
1. Introducing yourself/friends in formal and informal situations.
2. Inviting people (over the phone and face to face) giving details of occasion, time place and
date. Acceptance and refusal of invitation – formal and informal.
3. Seeking and supplying information (example opening an account in a bank, applying for
loans etc.)
4. Talking and conveying messages (over the phone and face to face).
5. Giving directions / instruction.
6. Discussing contemporary issues related to environment, child labour, gender bias etc.
7. Listening to excepts form television and radio.
8. Listening to poems/plays (prescribed).
9. Listening to speeches / talks.
10. Listening to songs like “We shall overcome”.

Module – 4 to 6
(English for specific purposes) (opt any one)

There modules are being offered. A learner has to opt for any one. The first is for academic
purposes and the next two are for vocational purposes. The focus is not on the teaching of the
subject matter like science and literature but on the way in which language is used in the deferent

Module 4: English for Science

This course will introduce learners to some interesting pieces of popular science

1. Health and hygiene

2. Conservation of (nearly extinct) animals.
3. Plant life.
4. Bio gas / solar energy.
These pieces illustrate the use of English in scientific writing: giving information factually,
logically and objectively.

Module 4: English for Receptionist

This module will introduce the learners to a variety of exercises, tasks and meaningful activities
related to the receptionist’s use of English. The printed course materials will be supported by tapes.
The following competencies be developed:
1. Receiving messages, making request etc.
2. Supplying information
3. Giving advice and making suggestions
4. Dealing with complaints
5. Making entries in an appointment book, register etc.

Module 4: English for Office Use

This course will help the learner to use English effectively and appropriately in the office
environment. The competencies will be developed.
1. Using the telephone taking and passing messages.
2. Receiving messages
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Food Processing

3. Marking noting on files and circular.

4. Writing office notes, memos, notices, agendas for meetings.
5. Telegrams and fax messages.
6. Writing business letters, application enquires, complaints.
7. Filling in forms, cheques, pay in slips etc.

(4.VP.01)Milling of Cereals Lab

Morphological characteristics of cereals; Physical properties of cereals; Chemical properties of

cereals; Parboiling of paddy; Cooking quality of rice; Milling of rice; Conditioning and milling of
wheat; Production of sorghum flakes; Production of popcorns, flaked rice, puffed rice, noodles;
Preparation of sorghum malt; Determination of gelatinization temperature by amylograph;
Processing of value added products from millets; Visit to Cereal processing unit.

(4.VP.02)IT Tools-I Lab

 Spreadsheets, Word, Presentation

 Multimedia Design
 Troubleshooting
 Project / Practical File
 Viva Voce

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Level 4 (Semester II)

(4.GV.04)IT Tools-II

I. Multi Media Design: (Open Source Design Tools)

 Interface and Drawing Tools in GIMP.
 Applying Filters.
 Creating and handling multiple layers.
 Using Stamping and Smudging tools.
 Importing pictures.
II. Troubleshooting: Hardware, Software and Networking.
 Commonly encountered problems.
 (Monitor: No display, KB/Mouse not responding, monitor giving beeps,
printer not responding, check for virus, Delete temporary files if system
is slow, adjust mouse speed).
III. Work Integrated Learning IT – ISM
 Identification of Work Areas.
 Work Experience.

Reference Books:
1. IT Tools, R.K. Jain, Khanna Publishing House
2. Information Security & Cyber Laws, Sarika Gupta, Khanna Publishing House
3. Mastering PC Hardware & Networking, Ajit Mittal, Khanna Publishing House

(4.GV.05)Food Process Technology-II

Technology of confectionery foods: Candies, Chewing gums and bubble gums, Toffees, Caramels,
Standards of confectionery products. Chocolate products: Cocoa bean processing, chocolate liquor,
Standards of confectionery products. Functional foods: Introduction, Phytochemicals, Milk
ingredients as nutraceuticals, fiber-rich food products etc.
Cereal grains, legumes and oilseeds: Structure and composition of cereals, legumes and oilseeds,
Milling of paddy, quality factors of rice grains, processing of rice bran oil, Instant rice, quick cooking
rice, canned rice, Milling technology of wheat, Criteria of wheat flour quality, improvers for wheat
flour, Types of wheat flour, Milling technology of maize, wet milling of corn, Milling technology of
barley, malting of barley and its utilization in manufacture of value added food products including
malted milk foods, Dehulling and processing technology of important pulses, Dehulling and
extraction of oil in major oilseed crops like soy bean, mustard, sunflower, groundnut, Vegetable
protein concentrates/isolates, Utilization of oil cake in food formulation.

(4.GV.06)Food Safety and Hygiene


1. Introduction
2. Importance of hygiene in catering establishments
3. Sanitation and its importance ,principles-chemicals, heat and water


1. Contamination and food spoilage, sources
2. Conditions which lead to spoilage
3. Signs of spoilage in various foods

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4. Microbes and its role in food spoilage

5. Factors affecting and controlling microbial growth
6. Food borne illness (case studies)


1. Procedures while purchasing and receiving foods
2. Importance on storage of food
3. Points to be considered while storing food
4. Classification of food according to ease of spoilage
5. Storage of leftover food, hot food and cooling of foods
6. Various storage zones-dry, refrigerator freezer- special reference to temperatures
7. Sanitary procedure followed while preparing and storing foods


1. Accidents -commonly occurring in catering establishments
2. Preventive methods
3. Education/training in sanitation
4. Food safety regulations- all food laws and standards and HACCP

(4.GV.06)Milling of pulses and oilseeds

Milling of pulses:
Traditional milling methods, commercial methods, pre-conditioning, dry milling and wet milling
methods: CFTRI and Pant nagar methods. Pulse milling machines, Milling of corn and its products.
Dry and wet milling.

Milling of oilseeds:
Mechanical expression, screw press, hydraulic press, solvent extraction methods, preconditioning of
oilseeds, refining of oil, stabilization of rice bran., Extrusion cooking: principle, factors affecting,
single and twin screw extruders. By-products utilization.

(4.VP.03)Milling of pulses and oilseeds Lab

 Study of different equipment’s in pulse mills and their performance evaluation

 Study of different equipment’s in oil mills and their performance evaluation
 Type of process flow charts with examples relating to processing of cereals pulses and oil seeds
 Visit to grain processing industries

(4.VP.04)Food Process Technology-II Lab

Manufacture of barley malt. Determination of cooking quality of rice. Manufacture of bread and bun.
Manufacture of biscuits. Preparation of noodles. Preparation of cake. Manufacture of potato chips.
Preparation of malt based food products. Manufacture of malted milk foods, Manufacture of soy
beverage and tofu, Preparation of salami. Preparation of chicken soup .Manufacture of chicken

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Level 5 (Semester I)

(5.GV.01)Food Quality Analysis

Basics of Food Science and Food Analysis, Concept, objectives and need of food quality.
Measurement of colour, flavour, consistency, viscosity, texture and their relationship with food
quality and composition. Sampling; purpose, sampling techniques, sampling procedures for liquid,
powdered and granular materials, Sensory evaluation methods, panel selection methods,
Interpretation of sensory results. Instrumental method for testing quality. Food adulteration and
food safety. TQM and TQC, consumer preferences and acceptance, Food Safety Management
Systems GAP, GHP, GMP, Hazards and HACCP (Hazard analysis and critical control point), Sanitation
in food industry(SSOP), Food Laws and Regulations in India, FSSAI, Food grades and standards BIS,
AGMARK,PFA, FPO, ISO 9000, 22000 Series. CAC (Codex Alimantarious Commission), Traceability
and Quality Assurance system in a process plant, Bio safety and Bioterrorism.

(5.GV.02)Food Refrigeration and Supply Chain

Principles of refrigeration: Definition, background with second law of thermodynamics, unit of

refrigerating capacity, coefficient of performance; Production of low temperatures :Expansion of a
liquid with flashing, reversible/ irreversible adiabatic expansion of a gas/ real gas ,thermoelectric
cooling, adiabatic demagnetization; Air refrigerators working on reverse Carnot cycle: Carnot cycle,
reversed Carnot cycle, selection of operating temperatures; Air refrigerators working on Bell
Coleman cycle: Reversed Brayton or Joule or Bell Coleman cycle, analysis of gas cycle, polytropic
and multistage compression; Vapour refrigeration: Vapor as a refrigerant in reversed Carnot cycle
with p-V and T-s diagrams, limitations of reversed Carnot cycle; Vapour compression system:
Modifications in reverse Carnot cycle with vapour as a refrigerant (dry vs. wet compression,
throttling vs. isentropic expansion), representation of vapor compression cycle on pressure-
enthalpy diagram, super heating, sub cooling; Liquid-vapour regenerative heat exchanger for
vapour compression system, effect of suction vapour super heat and liquid sub cooling, actual
vapour compression cycle; Vapour-absorption refrigeration system: Process, calculations,
maximum coefficient of performance of a heat operated refrigerating machine, Common
refrigerants and their properties: classification, nomenclature, desirable properties of refrigerants-
physical, chemical, safety, thermodynamic and economical; Azeotropes; Components of vapour
compression refrigeration system, evaporator, compressor, condenser and expansion valve; Ice
manufacture, principles and systems of ice production, Treatment of water for making ice, brines,
freezing tanks, ice cans, air agitation, quality of ice; Refrigerated transport: Handling and
distribution, cold chain, refrigerated product handling, order picking, refrigerated vans, refrigerated
display; Air conditioning: Meaning, factors affecting comfort air-conditioning, classification, sensible
heat factor, industrial air-conditioning, problems on sensible heat factor;

(5.GV.03)Food Plant Sanitation

Good manufacturing practices, current good manufacturing practices; Standard operating

procedures, good laboratory practices, sanitation; Sanitation and the food industry: Sanitation,
sanitation laws and regulations and guidelines, establishment of sanitary, potential risks of food
borne bioterrorism, bioterrorism protection measures, role of pest management in bio-security;
Relationship of microorganisms to sanitation, allergens, allergen control; Food contamination,
protection against contamination; Personal hygiene and sanitary food handling :Role of HACCP in
sanitation, quality assurance for sanitation cleaning compounds, handling and storage precautions;
Sanitizers, sanitizing methods, sanitation equipment, waste product handling ,solid waste disposal,
liquid waste disposal; Pest control: Insect infestation, cockroaches, insect destruction, rodents,
birds, use of pesticides, integrated pest management; Sanitary design and construction for food
processing: Site selection, site preparation, building construction considerations, processing and
design considerations, pest control design; Low-moisture food manufacturing and storage
sanitation: Sanitary construction considerations, receipt and storage of raw materials, cleaning of

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Food Processing

low-moisture food manufacturing plants; Dairy processing plant sanitation: Role of pathogens,
sanitary construction considerations, soil characteristics in dairy plants, sanitation principles,
cleaning equipment; Meat and poultry plant sanitation: Role of sanitation, sanitation principles,
cleaning compounds for meat and poultry plants, sanitizers for meat and poultry plants, sanitation
practices, sanitation procedures; Sea food plant sanitation :Sanitary construction considerations,
contamination sources, sanitation principles, recovery of by-products; Fruit and vegetable
processing plant sanitation: Contamination sources, sanitary construction considerations, cleaning
considerations, cleaning of processing plants, cleaners and sanitizers, cleaning procedures,
evaluation of sanitation effectiveness; Beverage plant sanitation: Mycology of beverage
manufacture, sanitation principles, non-alcoholic beverage plant sanitation, brewery sanitation,
winery sanitation, distillery sanitation;

(5.GV.04)Food Plant Equipment’s

Materials and properties: Materials for fabrication, mechanical properties, ductility, hardness,
corrosion, protective coatings, corrosion prevention linings equipment, choice of materials ,material
codes; Design considerations: Stresses created due to static and dynamic loads, combined stresses,
design stresses and theories of failure, safety factor, temperature effects, radiation effects, effects of
fabrication method, economic considerations; Design of pressure and storage vessels: Operating
conditions, design conditions and stress; Design of shell and its component, stresses from local load
and thermal gradient, mountings and accessories; Design of evaporators and crystallizers: Design of
single effect and multiple effect evaporators and its components; Design of rising film and falling
film evaporators and feeding arrangements for evaporators; Design of crystalliser and entrainment
separator; Design of agitators and separators: Design of agitators and baffles; Design of agitation
system components and drive for agitation; Design of centrifuge separator; Design of equipment
components, design of shafts, pulleys, bearings, belts, springs, drives, speed reduction systems;
Design of freezing equipment: Design of fermenters: Design of fermenter vessel, design problems;
Hazards and safety considerations: Hazards in process industries, analysis of hazards, safety
measures, safety measures in equipment design, pressure relief devices.

(5.VP.01)Food Quality Analysis Lab

Examination of cereals & pulses from one of go-downs and market shops in relation to FPO and BIS
specifications, Detection of adulteration and examination of ghee for various standards of AGMARK
& BIS standards, Detection of adulteration and examination of spices for AGMARK and BIS
standards, Detection of adulteration and examination of milk and milk products for BIS standards,
Detection of adulteration and examination of fruit products such as jams, jellys, marmalades for FPO
specification, Study of registration process and licensing procedure under FSSAI, Study of sampling
techniques from food processing establishments, Visit to food processing laboratory and study of
records and reports maintained by food processing laboratory.

(5.VP.02)Food Refrigeration and Supply Chain Lab

Study of vapour compression refrigeration system; Determination of COP of vapour compression

refrigeration system; Study of various types of compressors, condensers, expansion valves and
evaporative coils used in refrigeration systems; Study of refrigerants, their properties and charts;
Study of direct and indirect contact freezing equipment for foods; Study of spray freezing process
for foods; Study of food cold storage; Estimation of refrigeration load for cold storage; Estimation of
refrigeration load for meat and poultry products; Study of refrigeration system of dairy plant;
Estimation of refrigeration load for ice-cream; Study of cooling system for bakery and estimation of
refrigeration loads; Estimation of refrigeration load during chocolate enrobing process; Study of
refrigerated van; Study of deep freezing and thawing of foods; Study of refrigerated display of foods
and estimation of cooling load.

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Food Processing

Level 5 (Semester II)

(5.GV.05)Entrepreneurship Development

Entrepreneurship: Importance and growth, characteristics and qualities of entrepreneur ,role of

entrepreneurship, ethics and social responsibilities; Entrepreneurship development :Assessing
overall business environment in the Indian economy; Overview of Indian social, political and
economic systems and their implications for decision making by individual entrepreneurs;
Globalization and the emerging business/entrepreneurial environment; Concept of
entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial and managerial characteristics, managing an enterprise,
motivation and entrepreneurship development, importance of planning, monitoring, evaluation and
follow up, managing competition, entrepreneurship development programs, SWOT analysis,
generation, incubation and commercialization of ideas and innovations; Women entrepreneurship
:Role and importance, problems; Corporate entrepreneurship: Role, mobility of entrepreneur;
Entrepreneurial motivation; Planning and evaluation of projects: Growth of firm, project
identification and selection, factors inducing growth; Project feasibility study: Post planning of
project, project planning and control; New venture management; Creativity. Government schemes
and incentives for promotion of entrepreneurship; Government policy on small and medium
enterprises (SMEs)/SSIs; Export and import policies relevant to food processing sector; Venture
capital; Contract farming and joint ventures, public-private partnerships; Overview of food industry
inputs; Characteristics of Indian food processing industries and export; Social responsibility of

(5.GV.06)Bakery, confectionery and snack products

Bakery products: Types, specifications, compositions, ingredients, formulations, processing

,equipment, packaging, storage and quality testing; Confectionery and chocolate products: Types
,specifications, compositions, ingredients, formulations, processing, equipment, packaging, storage
and quality testing; Product quality characteristics, defects, causes and corrective measures; Snack
foods: Types, specifications, compositions, ingredients, formulations, processing ,equipment,
packaging, storage and quality testing; Snack food seasonings; Breakfast cereals ,macaroni products
and malts: Specifications, compositions, ingredients, formulations, processing ,equipment,
packaging, storage and quality testing.

(5.GV.07)Food Packaging Technology

Factors affecting shelf life of food material during storage, Interactions of spoilage agents with
environmental factors as water, oxygen, light, pH, etc. and general principles of control of the
spoilage agents; Difference between food infection, food intoxication and allergy. Packaging of
foods, requirement, importance and scope, frame work of packaging strategy, environmental
considerations, Packaging systems, types: flexible and rigid; retail and bulk; levels of packaging
;special solutions and packaging machines, technical packaging systems and data management
packaging systems, Different types of packaging materials, their key properties and applications,
Metal cans, manufacture of two piece and three piece cans, Plastic packaging, different types of
polymers used in food packaging and their barrier properties. manufacture of plastic packaging
materials, profile extrusion, blown film/ sheet extrusion, blow molding, extrusion blow molding,
injection blow molding, stretch blow molding, injection molding. Glass containers, types of glass
used in food packaging, manufacture of glass and glass containers, closures for glass containers.
Paper and paper board packaging, paper and paper board manufacture process, modification of
barrier properties and characteristics of paper/ boards. Relative advantages and disadvantages of
different packaging materials; effect of these materials on packed commodities. Nutritional labelling
on packages, CAS and MAP, shrink and cling packaging, vacuum and gas packaging ;Active
packaging, Smart packaging, Packaging requirement for raw and processed foods, and their
selection of packaging materials, Factors affecting the choice of packaging materials, Disposal and
recycle of packaging waste, Printing and labelling, Lamination, Package testing: Testing methods for

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flexible materials, rigid materials and semi rigid materials; Tests for paper(thickness, bursting
strength, breaking length, stiffness, tear resistance, folding endurance, plybond test, surface oil
absorption test, etc.), plastic film and laminates (thickness, tensile strength, gloss, haze, burning test
to identify polymer, etc.), aluminium foil (thickness, pin holes, etc.), glass containers (visual defects,
colour, dimensions, impact strength, etc.), metal containers (pressure test, product compatibility,

(5.GV.08)Processing of Meat and Poultry Products

Sources and importance of meat and poultry; Status of Meat and poultry industry in India; Pre
slaughter operations and slaughtering operations for animals and poultry; Evaluation of animal car
casses; Factors affecting post-mortem changes, properties and shelf life of meat; Mechanical
deboning, grading and aging; Eating and cooking quality of meat; Preservation of meat by chilling
,freezing, pickling, curing, cooking and smoking, dehydration, radiation, chemical and biological
preservatives; Meat tenderization; Meat emulsions; Meat cutting and handling; Preparation,
preservation and equipment for manufacture of smoked meat and its quality evaluation;
Preparation, packaging and equipment for manufacture of dehydrated meat products and their
quality evaluation; Preparation, preservation and equipment for manufacture of meat sausages and
their quality evaluation; Abattoir design and layout; Eggs: Structure, composition, quality
characteristics, processing, preservation of eggs; Processing and preservation of poultry meat and
chicken patties; Meat plant sanitation and safety; By-products of meat, poultry and eggs and their
utilization; Safety standards in meat industry: HACCP/ISO/MFPO/FSSAI/Kosher/Halal.

(5.VP.03)Bakery, confectionery and snack products Lab

Identifications and composition of various ingredients for snacks, bakery and confectionery
products; Flours, their classifications and characterization; preparation, packaging and quality
evaluation of selected snack items; preparation, packaging and quality evaluation of selected bakery
items; preparation, packaging and quality evaluation of selected confectionery items ;preparation,
packaging and quality evaluation of selected chocolates; Preparation of traditional Indian
confection. Visit to bakery, confectionary and snack units (industry).

(5.VP.04)Food Packaging Technology Lab

Identification of different types of packaging materials, Determination of tensile/ compressive

strength of given material/package, To perform different destructive and non-destructive tests for
glass containers, Vacuum packaging of agricultural produces, Determination of tearing strength of
paper board, Measurement of thickness of packaging materials, To perform grease-resistance test in
plastic pouches, Determination of bursting strength of packaging material, Determination of water-
vapour transmission rate, Shrink wrapping of various horticultural produce, Testing of chemical
resistance of packaging materials, Determination of drop test of food package and visit to relevant

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Food Processing

Level 6 (Semester I)

(6.GV.01)Food Process Technology – III

Bakery and Snack technology: Technology of bread, biscuits, crackers and cakes, Technology of
manufacturing process of Pasta foods- Macaroni, Noodles and Spaghetti, Technology of breakfast
cereals: cornflakes, puffed, extruded snacks, Potato chips. Meat, fish and egg technology:
Development of meat, poultry, egg and fish industry in India, Pre-slaughter care, handling and ante-
mortem inspection of animal, Stunning and slaughtering techniques, Postmortem inspection, rigor
mortis and conversion of muscle to meat Slaughterhouse sanitation, meat hygiene and zoonotic
diseases, Processing of poultry meat, Egg and egg products – quality assessment of egg, Types,
handling, transportation and marketing of fish, Preservation of fish., Manufacturing process of
dehydrated fish and fish pickles. Cleaning and sanitation, Waste management of food processing

(6.GV.02)Energy Conservation and Management

Introduction: Potential and opportunities of industrial energy conservation in dairy and food
processing. Energy conservation Act 2001 and its important features, Schemes of Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE). Electricity Act 2003, Integrated energy policy. Energy management & audit:
Definition, energy audit, need, types of energy audit. Energy audit approach-understanding energy
costs, bench marking, energy performance, matching energy use to requirement, maximizing
system efficiencies, optimizing the input energy requirements, fuel and energy substitution. Energy
balances and computation of efficiencies of equipment. Role of Energy inspectors and Auditors in
energy management. Electrical load management: Demand management, energy management
information systems, Energy saving controllers and cost saving techniques. Quality of power, Power
factor and its improvement. Transformers, losses in transformers. Energy savings in transformers.
Electric motor-selection and application, Energy efficient motors. Variable Speed Drives and
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) and their role in saving electric energy. Bureau of Energy
Efficiency (BEE): Power saving guide with “Star Ratings” of electrical appliances: Induction Motors,
Air conditioners, Refrigerators and Water Heaters. Energy efficiency and conservation in utilities:
High efficiency boilers, improved combustion techniques for energy conservation. Energy
conservation in steam distribution systems, efficient piping layouts, protective & insulation
coverings in utility pipes. Steam conservation opportunities. Upkeep and maintenance of steam
auxiliaries and fittings. Energy conservation in Refrigeration and AC systems (HVAC), Cooling
towers, Pumps and pumping systems, Fans, Blowers, Air compressors. Maintenance and up keep of
Vacuum lines and Compressed air pipe lines. Conservation and reuse of water, water auditing.
Energy conservation opportunities in Wastewater treatment. Energy conservation in buildings:
Concepts of “Green Buildings”. Waste-heat recovery and thermal energy storage in food processing
facilities. Condensate recovery and reuse. Application of recuparator to recover energy from flue
gases from boiler, DG exhaust, hot air from spray dryer, FBD etc. Diesel generating sets (stand by AC
Gen sets): Energy saving opportunities in DG sets, Fuel and Oil conservation; important regular
maintenance aspects. Carbon credits and carbon trade: Concepts of CDM, economic and societal
benefits. Cleaner energy sources: Introduction to Solar, and Bio-mass Energy; Solar thermal and
photo-voltaic energy options for food processing industries. Role of automation in conservation of
energy in dairy and food processing: Incorporation of enhanced PLC based computer controls and

Reference Books:
1. Energy Conservation in Buildings, O.P. Jahkar, Khanna Publishing House

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(6.GV.03)Sensory Evaluation of Food

Introduction, definition and importance of sensory evaluation in relation: to consumer acceptability

and economic aspects; factors affecting food acceptance. Terminology related to sensory evaluation.
Principles of good practice: the sensory testing environment, test protocol considerations, Basic
principles: Senses and sensory perception, Physiology of sensory organs, Classification of tastes and
odours, threshold value factors affecting senses, visual, auditory, tactile and other responses.
Discrimination Tests, Procedure: Types of tests – difference tests(Paired comparison, due-trio,
triangle) ranking, scoring, Hedonic scale and descriptive tests. Panel selection, screening and
training of judges; Requirements of sensory evaluation, sampling procedures; Factors influencing
sensory measurements; Consumer Research – Affective Tests :Objectives. Methods, types or
questionnaires, development of questionnaires, comparison of laboratory testing and Consumers
studies, limitations. Interrelationship between sensory properties of food products and various
instrumental and physico-chemical tests; Quality Evaluations Application of sensory testing:
sensory evaluation in food product development, sensory evaluation in quality control.

(6.GV.04)Food Plant Layout

Food plant location, selection criteria, Selection of processes, plant capacity, Requirements of plant
building and its components, Project design, flow diagrams, selection of equipment, process and
controls, Objectives and principles of food plant layout. Salient features of processing plants for
cereals, pulses, oilseeds, horticultural and vegetable crops, poultry, fish and meat products, milk and
milk products. Introduction to Finance, Food Product Marketing, Food Business Analysis and
Strategic Planning, Government schemes and incentive for promotion of entrepreneurship, Govt.
policy on small and medium scale food processing enterprise, export and import policies relevant to
food processing sector, procedure of obtaining license and registration under FSSAI, Cost analysis
and preparation of feasibility report.

(6.VP.01)Food Processing Technology and Sensory Evaluation Lab

Manufacture of toffees and caramels, testing the efficacy of blanching process, Drying of fruits and
vegetables, Preparation of fruit based drinks and beverages: Ready-to-serve drink, Nectar, Squash,
Whey-fruit based beverages. Manufacture of fruit jam. Manufacture of fruit jelly. Manufacture of
chocolate confections. Manufacture of tomato ketchup/tomato sauce. Manufacture of soups.
Manufacture of fruit preserve. Manufacture of candied fruits. Manufacture of fruit bar Manufacture
of pickles.
Determination of threshold value for basic tastes; Odour recognition, difference (PC, Duo trio,
triangle); Determination of threshold value for various odours; Selection of judging panel; Training
of judges, for recognition of certain common flavour and texture defects using different types of
sensory tests; Descriptive analysis methodology; Sensory evaluation of various food products using
different scales, score cards and tests; Texture profile methodology; Estimation of color;
Relationship between objective and subjective methods; Designing a sensory laboratory.

(6.VP.02)Food Plant Layout Lab

Preparation of project report, Preparation of feasibility report, Salient features and layout of pre-
processing house, Salient features and layout of Milk and Milk product plants, Evaluation of given
layout, Salient features, design and layout of modern rice mill, Salient features, design and layout of
Bakery and related product plant, Study of different types of records relating to production of a food
plant, Study of different types of records relating to finance of a food plant, Study of different types
of records relating to marketing of a food business, Brain storming and SWOT analysis to start a
food processing business.

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Level 6 (Semester II)

(6.GV.05)Fish and Poultry Processing

Sources and importance of poultry; Status of poultry industry in India; Pre slaughter operations and
slaughtering operations for poultry; Eggs: Structure, composition, quality characteristics,
processing, preservation of eggs; Processing and preservation of poultry meat and chicken patties;
By-products of poultry and eggs and their utilization.
Fisheries resources, global and Indian scenario; Types of fish and other marine products;
Classification of fish (fresh water and marine), composition of fish, characteristics of fresh fish,
spoilage of fish- microbiological, physiological, biochemical; Relationship between chilling and
storage life, MAP, general aspects of fish freezing, changes in quality during chilled and frozen
storage; Principles of canning, effect of heat processing on fish, storage of canned fish, preprocess
operations, post-process operations, cannery operations for specific canned products ;Fish
products: Introduction, fish muscle proteins, surimi process, traditional and modern surimi
production lines, quality of surimi products, comparison of surimi and fish mince products; Fish
protein concentrates (FPC), fish protein extracts (FPE), fish protein hydrolysates (FPH);Preparation
protocols of indigenous products: Fish sauce and paste. Novel methods; Low doseir radiation; High
pressure treatment, MAP, vacuum packaging, gas packaging; Oxygen absorbents and CO2
generators, ethanol vapour generation, hurdle barrier concept, value added fish products,

(6.GV.06)By Product Utilization

Types and formation of by-products; Magnitude of waste generation in different food processing
industries; Uses of different agricultural by-products from rice mill, sugarcane industry, oil mill etc.,
Concept, scope and maintenance of waste management and effluent treatment, Temperature, pH,
Oxygen demands (BOD, COD), fat, oil and grease content, metal content, forms of phosphorous and
sulphur in waste waters, microbiology of waste, other ingredients like insecticide, pesticides and
fungicides residues, Waste utilization in various industries, furnace sand boilers run on agricultural
wastes and byproducts, briquetting of biomass as fuel, production of charcoal briquette, generation
of electricity using surplus biomass, producer gas generation and utilization, Waste treatment and
disposal, design, construction, operation and management of institutional community and family
size biogas plants, concept of vermin-composting, Pretreatment of waste: sedimentation,
coagulation, flocculation and floatation, Secondary treatments: Biological and chemical oxygen
demand for different food plant waste– trickling filters, oxidation ditches, activated sludge process,
rotating biological contractors, lagoons, Tertiary treatments :Advanced waste water treatment
process-sand, coal and activated carbon filters , phosphorous, sulphur, nitrogen and heavy metals
removal, Assessment, treatment and disposal of solid waste; and biogas generation, Effluent
treatment plants, Environmental performance of food industry to comply with ISO-14001

(6.GV.07)Marketing Management and Trade

Concept of marketing; Functions of marketing; concepts of marketing management; scope of

marketing management; marketing management. Process; concepts of marketing- mix, elements of
marketing- mix. Market Structure and Consumer Buying Behaviour: Concept of market structure,
marketing environment, micro and macro environments. Consumers buying behaviour,
consumerism. Marketing Opportunities Analysis: Marketing research and marketing information
systems; Market measurement- present and future demand; Market forecasting ;market
segmentation, targeting and positioning. Allocation and marketing resources. Marketing Planning
Process. Product policy and planning: Product-mix; product line; product life cycle .New product
development process. Product brand, packaging, services decisions. Marketing channel decisions.
Retailing, wholesaling and distribution. Pricing Decisions. Price determination and pricing policy of
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milk products in organized and unorganized sectors of dairy industry .Promotion-mix decisions.
Advertising; How advertising works; Deciding advertising objectives, advertising budget and
advertising message; Media Planning; Personal Selling, Publicity; Sales Promotion. Food and Dairy
Products Marketing. Marketing and Trade. Composition & direction of Indian exports; Exports-
Direct exports, indirect exports, Licensing, Joint Ventures, Direct investment & internationalization
process, Deciding marketing Programme; Product, Promotion, Price, Distribution Channels.
Deciding the Market Organization.

(6.GV.08)Instrumentation and Process Control

Introduction, definitions, characteristics of instruments, static and dynamic characteristics;

Temperature and temperature scales; Various types of thermometers; thermocouples, resistance
thermometers and pyrometers; Pressure and pressure scales, manometers, pressure elements
differential pressure; Liquid level measurement, different methods of liquid level measurement
;Flow measurement: Kinds of flow, rate of flow, total flow differential pressure meters, variable area
meters, food flow metering; Weight measurement: Mechanical scale, electronic tank scale, conveyor
scale; Measurement of moisture content, specific gravity, measurement of humidity, measurement
of viscosity, turbidity, color, measurement of density, brix, pH, enzyme sensors, automatic valves;
Transmission: Pneumatic and electrical; Control elements, control actions, pneumatic and electrical
control systems; Process control: Definition, simple system analysis, dynamic behaviour of simple
process, Laplace transform, process control hardware; Frequency response analysis, frequency
response characteristics, Bode diagram and Nyquist plots and stability analysis; Transducers:
Classification, self-generating transducers, variable parameter type, digital, actuating and
controlling devices; Controllers and indicators: Temperature control ,electronic controllers, flow
ratio control, atmosphere control, timers and indicators, food sorting and grading control, discrete
controllers, adaptive and intelligent controllers; Computer-based monitoring and control:
Importance, hardware features of data acquisition and control computer, signal interfacing,
examples in food processing.

Reference Books:
1. Instrumentation and Process Control, D.C. Sikdar, Khanna Publishing House

(6.VP.03)Fish and Poultry Processing Lab

Pre-slaughter operations of poultry birds; Evaluation of quality and grading of eggs; Preservation of
shell eggs; Preparation of value added poultry meat products; Value added egg products; Visit to
Study of anatomy and dressing of fish; Identification of different types of fish - Selection and
grading; Quality evaluation of fish; Preparation of sun dried and salt cured fish, fish sauce; Chilling
and freezing of fish; Preparations of fish protein concentrate; Preparation of fish meal; Preparation
of marine fish oils and various fish products; Utilization of fish by-products; Preservation of fish:
Drying, pickling; Preservation of marine products using fermentation process; Processing of fish
oils; Estimation of TVB and TMA; Determination of iodine value; Protein estimation by Folin-
Lowrey’s method; Visit to fish processing industry.

(6.VP.04)By Product Utilization Lab

Determination of temperature, pH, turbidity solids content, BOD and COD of waste water,
Determination of ash content of agricultural wastes and determination of un-burnt carbon in ash,
Study about briquetting of agricultural residues, Estimation of excess air for better combustion of
briquettes, Study of extraction of oil from rice bran, Study on bioconversion of agricultural wastes,
Recovery of germ and germ oil from by-products of cereals, Visit to various industries using waste
and food by-products.

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Food Processing

Level 7 (Semester I)

(7.GV.01)Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts

History, development and status of ice cream industry, History, development and status of ice
cream industry, Definition, classification and composition and standards of ice cream and other
frozen desserts, Stabilizers and emulsifiers-their classification, properties and role in quality of ice
cream, Technological aspects of ice cream manufacture, Thermodynamics of freezing and
calculation of refrigeration loads, Types of freezers, refrigeration control / instrumentation, Types
of freezers, refrigeration control / instrumentation, Hygiene, cleaning and sanitation of ice cream
plant, Effect of process treatments on the physico-chemical properties of ice-cream mixes and ice
cream, Processing and freezing of ice-cream mix and control of over run, Packaging, hardening,
storage and shipping of ice-cream, Defects in ice cream, their causes and prevention, Recent
advances in ice-cream industry (flavourings, colourings, fat replacers, bulking agents) and plant
management, Nutritive value of ice-cream.

(7.GV.02)Traditional Indian Dairy Products

Status and significance of traditional Indian milk products in India. Khoa: Classification of types,
standards methods of manufacture and preservation, factors affecting yield of khoa. Mechanization
in manufacture of khoa. Khoa based sweets: Burfi , Peda, Milkcake , Kalakhand, Gulabjaman and their
compositional profile and manufacture practices. Rabri and Basundi: Product identification ,process
description, factors affecting yield, physico-chemical changes during manufacture. Channa: Product
description, standards method of manufacture, packaging and preservation .Chhana-based sweets:
Rasogolla, Sandesh, Rasomalai. Mechanization of manufacturing process ,advances in preservation
and packaging. Paneer: Product description, standards, method of manufacture, packaging and
preservation. Mechanization of Paneer manufacturing/packaging process. Chakka/Maska and
Shrikhand: Product description, standards, method of manufacture ,small scale and industrial
process of production, packaging and preservation aspects. Misti Dahi: Product description method
of manufacture and packaging process. Kheer and Payasam: Product description methods of
manufacture, innovations in manufacturing and packaging processes. Bio preservative principles in
enhancing the self-life of indigenous milk products including active packaging.

(7.GV.03)Food Quality, Safety and Certification

Food quality: Definition and its role in food industry; Quality attributes, classification; Color and
gloss: Definition, different colors, color measurement by spectrophotometer, Muncell color system
and Lovibond tintometer; role in food qualities. Role of viscosity and consistency in food quality;
Physical properties: Size and shape, weight, volume, weight volume ratio, length, width, diameter,
symmetry, curvature, area; Defects, classification. Genetic-physiological defects: Structural, off
color, character; Entomological defects: Holes, scars, lesions, off coloring, curled aves, pathological
defects; Mechanical defects, extraneous or foreign material defects; Measurement of defects:
Improving visibility by dilution, white background, color differences ,standardization of conditions,
reference standards, counts and measures, isolation of defects by floatation, elution, electronic
sorting and internal defects; Flavour : Definition and its role in food quality; Taste: Classification,
taste qualities, relative intensity, reaction time, effect of disease, temperature, and taste medium on
taste, basic tastes, interaction of tastes; Odour: Definition, classification, neutral-mechanisms,
olfactory abnormalities, odor testing, techniques ,thresholds, odor intensities, olfaction; Visual,
auditory, tactile and other senses, vision, audition, oral perception other than taste; Factors
influencing sensory measurements: Attitudinal factors, motivation psychological errors in
judgment, relation between stimulus and perception adaptation; Correlation of sensory and
instrumental analysis; Laboratory quality measurement: Types of tests ,panel selection and testing
environment, serving procedures, instruction to judges, difference tests, directional difference tests,
classification of difference tests, two-sample tests, three sample tests, multisampling tests,
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Food Processing

comparison of procedures, ranking, scoring, hedonic scaling, dilution procedures, descriptive

sensory analysis, contour method, other procedures; Consumer measurement: Factors influencing
acceptance and preference, objectives of consumer preference studies, information obtained from
consumer study, factors influencing results from consumer surveys, methods of approach,
development of the questionnaire, types of questionnaires, serving procedures; Comparison of
laboratory panels with consumer panels; Limitations of consumer survey; Quality of raw materials:
Physical, chemical and microbial quality; Quality of products during processing and after
processing: Color, taste, texture, flavour, appearance; Factors influencing the food qualities: Soil,
field practices, harvesting practices, procedures, packaging, transportation, storage, conditions,
processing conditions, packaging and storage conditions of finished products. Recording and
reporting of quality. Quality inspection, quality control; Quality management and quality assurance:
Total quality management, good manufacturing practices ,good agricultural practices, good
laboratory practices; Quality management systems, Certification, certification procedures, certifying
bodies, accrediting bodies, international bodies.

(7.GV.04)Financial Management and Cost Accounting

Introduction: Definition, scope and objectives of financial management. Different System sof
Accounting: Financial Accounting, Cost accounting, Management Accounting. Doubles entry system
of Book-Keeping. Preparation of Accounting Records: Journal, Purchases and Sales Book and
Posting in Ledger, Cash Book. Preparation of Final Accounts and adjustments at the end of trading
period. Preparation of Trial Balance Banking Transactions and Bank reconciliation statements.
Statements of Financial Information: Accounting system: A source of financial statements,
Classification of capital and revenue expenditure, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Statement
of changes in the financial position, funds flow statements, cash flow statement ,uses of funds flow
and cash flow statements in financial decision making. Financial Analysis :Nature and uses of
financial analysis, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, Activity ratios, Profitability ratios, Utility of Ratio
analysis. Cost Volume – Profit analysis and operating leverage, Break-even analysis, Profit analysis
and operating analysis, Utility of CVP analysis. Capital Structure: C.S Planning, risk return trade off,
financial leverage. Cost of capital: Management of cost of capital, cost of debt, debentures,
preference share capital, equity share capital & retained earning, overall cost of capital. Investment
decision: Time value of money, Net present value, Investment evaluation criteria, NPV method,
Internal rate of return method, Profitability index method, Payback period method, Accounting rate
of return method. Capital budgeting: Complex Investment Decisions: Investment timing & duration
Investment decisions under inflation, Investment decisions under capital rationing. Project Report;
Feasibility Report Valuation. Working capital management-Concept & determinants of working
capital, Estimating working capital needs. Depreciation–Concept and method. Introduction,
Definition, Objectives, Common terms. Costing: Essentials of sound costing system. Different
methods of costing, elements of cost: Labour- recording of time, idle time, methods of remunerating
labour, Premium & Bonus Plans, Materials, Overheads. Cost classification: Direct and Indirect
expenses, fixed and variable costs. Various methods of apportioning indirect expenses. Inventory
Management: Planning, control and costing. Stores& storekeeping, scope & importance, purchase
procedure, types of purchase, location of stores& materials, procedure for the movement of stores,
different methods of pricing materials, store records. Cost Sheets-Different methods, Statement of
cost and statement of profit estimates, Tenders or Quotations. Contract or Terminal costing. Process
Costing: Process losses and interprocess profits, joint products and by products costing.
Ascertainment of cost of milk production. Preparation of Cost Account Information for managerial

(7.VP.01)Ice Cream and Frozen Desserts Lab

Calculation of standardization of ice-cream mixes. Manufacture of plain and fruit flavor ice-cream.
Manufacture of chocolate, fruit and nut ice cream. Preparation of sherbets/ices .Preparation of soft
served and filled ice-cream. Manufacture of kulfi. Study of continuous and batch type freezers.

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Food Processing

Manufacture of ice-cream by continuous process. Determination of over runin ice cream. Factory

(7.VP.02)Traditional Indian Dairy Products Lab

Preparation of Khoa from cow, buffalo and concentrated milk. Preparation of Burfi, Peda, Kalakand,
Milkcake and Gulabjamun. Preparation of Paneer from cow, buffalo and mixed milk .Preparation of
Chhana from cow and buffalo milk and mixed milk. Preparation of Sandesh and Rasogolla.
Preparation of kheer. Preparation of Rabri, Misti Dahi, Chhaka and Shrikhand. Visitto industry.

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Food Processing

Level 7 (Semester II)

(7.GV.05)Project Preparation and Management

Overview of project management: Functions and viewpoints of management, evolution of project

management, forms and environment of project management; Project life cycle; Project selection:
Project identification and screening, project appraisal, project charter, project proposal ,project
scope, statement of work; Project planning and scheduling: Work breakdown structure ,planning
and scheduling of activity networks, network scheduling, precedence diagrams, critical path
method, program evaluation and review technique, assumptions in PERT modelling, decision CPM,
GERT; Project cost estimating: Types of estimates and estimating methods, dynamic project
planning and scheduling, time-cost trade-offs, resource considerations in projects, resource profiles
and levelling , limited resource allocation; Project implementation, monitoring and control: Project
management process and role of project manager, team building and leadership in projects,
organizational and behavioural issues in project management, project monitoring and control,
PERT/cost method, earned value analysis; Project completion and future directions: Project
completion and review; Project management: Recent trends and future directions; Computers in
project management.

Reference Books:
1. Project Management, S.C. Sharma, Khanna Publishing House

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