Job Performance of Veterinary Officers and Veterinary Livestock Inspectors of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Karnataka
Job Performance of Veterinary Officers and Veterinary Livestock Inspectors of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Karnataka
Job Performance of Veterinary Officers and Veterinary Livestock Inspectors of Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service, Karnataka
Abstract :This investigation was done during 2005-06 to study the job performance of the VOs and VLIs. The ex-post facto
research design was employed for the study. Belgaum district was selected purposively for the study. Thirty-five VOs and sixty-
five VLIs were selected to form a sample of 100. Data collection was done by using the personal interview method with the help
of interview schedule and frequencies and per centages, t test and simple correlation were employed to analysis the data.
Majority of the respondents (55.00%) were in medium job performance category followed by 33.00 per cent in high job
performance category. Further, high level of job performance was observed with 46.00 per cent of VOs and 26.00 per cent of
VLIs. On the contrary, low-level job performance was noticed with more number of VOs (14.00%) as compared to VLIs
(11.00%). Inadequate training, inadequate facilities like chemicals and medicines, inadequate conveyances facilities were the
major constraint. In addition to that, lack of reward, recognition and appreciation for special achievements, lack of salary
increment and relatively low salary and lack of appropriate promotion scheme were identified as the other major constraints in
effective job performance.
Key words: Job performance, job involvement, job stress and job satisfaction.
Introduction of VOs and VLIs and their relationship on job performance, and
to ascertain the constrains in job performance of VOs and VLIs.
Agriculture is a vital sector of Indian Economy, as it
contributes 29.40 per cent of national GDP and 64 per cent of the Material and Methods
total work force. In agriculture, animal husbandry and dairy
sectors play vital role and its output constitutes about 30 per The ex-post facto research design was employed for
cent of country's agricultural output. Animal Husbandry and the study. Belgaum district of North Kamataka was selected
Dairy Development plays a prominent role in the rural economy purposively for the study since this district has immense
in supplementing the income of rural households particularly, potential to develop the animal husbandry. The VOs and VLIs
the landless and small and marginal farmers. It also provides were selected in proportion to their number in the field. Thirty-
subsidiary occupation in semi-urban area and more so for people five VOs and sixty-five VLIs were selected to form a sample of
living in hilly, tribal and drought prone areas where crop output 100. Job performance was measured by using scale developed
may not sustain the family (Anonymous, 2005). The Department by Sundaraswamy (1987), which consisted of 23 items based on
of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Service (AH & VS) is the self-rating method. Data collection was done by using the
technical department with the main responsibility of ensuring personal interview method with the help of interview schedule.
all round development of animal husbandry sector. In this The collected data were analyzed by using frequencies and
background, better job performance of field level personnel viz., percentages, t test and simple correlation.
VOs and VLIs of the department is most important aspect for Results and discussion
developing the livestock sector in the state as well as achieving
the objectives of the department. Therefore, it is necessary to Job performance level of VOs and VLIs : The results
understand the level of job performance of the field level presented in table 1 revealed that majority of the respondents
functionaries of the department. In this background, the present (55.00%) were in medium job performance category followed by
investigation was planned to study the job performance of the 33.00 per cent in high job performance category. High level of
VOs and VLIs of Department of AH & VS. The specific objectives job performance was observed with 46.00 per cent of VOs and
of the investigation are to study the job performance of VOs 26.00 per cent of VLIs, since VOs and VLIs were B. V Sc. or M. V
and VLIs, to identify the personal and job related characteristics Sc. and one year diploma holders, respectively. On the contrary,
*Part of M. Sc. (Agri.) thesis submitted by the senior author to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad - 580 005, India.
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences : 20(3) , 2007
low -level job performance was noticed with more number of qualification. On the other hand, majority of VLIs (71.00%) were
VOs (14.00%) as compared to VLIs (11.00%). Majority of the one-year diploma holders. VLIs post is filled considering either
respondents were in medium job performance category. Further, one-year diploma as a minimum qualification or through
table 1 revealed that there was no significant difference between promotion of the experienced Veterinary Livestock Assistants
the mean values of the job performance of VOs and VLIs. It is (VLAs). Few VLIs were educated upto Bachelor's degree (9.00%).
also important to note here that considerable percentage of both In case of job experience, 3 majority of VOs (51.00%) and VLIs
VOs and VLIs were in low job performance category. The (63.00%) were in medium (10 to 20 years) job experience category.
probable reasons for the low job performance of the respondents This provides the picture of stability with regard to experience
were lack of appropriate training opportunities, inexperience, of the field level functionaries. It could be observed from
lack of availability of financial, medicinal and other facilities in table 2 that majority of VOs and VLIs (58.00% and 70.00%,
time. This needs to be rectified by creating opportunities for respectively) had not received any training in their entire working
training and making available the financial and other physical period due to lack of training opportunities. Training being an
facilities. important input for efficient functioning, there is a need to
provide appropriate training opportunities to the field level
Personal and job related characteristics of VOs and functionaries. With regard to Information Seeking Behaviour of
VLIs : The findings in the table 2 reveal that majority of VOs the respondents, findings were impressive. Majority of VOs
(54.00%) and VLIs (74.00%) were from middle age category. In (80.00%) were regularly reading the newspapers, viewing the
respect of education of the respondents, it was found that 51.00 television compared to VLIs. Listening to radio and reading the
per cent of VOs had B.V Sc. degree followed by 41.00 per cent magazines and journals were observed in higher per cent of
with M.V. Sc. degree. This is because VOs post are filled through VOs compared to VLIs. This trend is due to the fact that they
direct recruitment considering the B V Sc degree as a minimum were getting timely information trom these sources. The close
look at the table also revealed that high majority of VOs (80.00%) were noticed in low satisfaction of job. In general, job satisfaction
and VLIs (65.00%) perceived their workload as medium. It implies depends upon the extent to which an individual derives personal
that the perception of workload by the VOs was medium to and socio-psychological benefits from his job. With regard to
heavy. However, more per cent of VOs in the heavy work load respondents' satisfaction of facilities and resources at their work
perception category which was due to more responsibilities on place majority of VOs and VLIs were satisfied with the office
the shoulders of VOs and multiple tasks they have to perform. facilities, arrangement and maintenance, availability of
In case of job involvement of the respondents, comparatively stationeries and availability of clerical and labour at work place.
more per cent of VLIs (65.00%) were noticed in medium job But, majority of respondents were not satisfied with the
involvement category as compared to VOs (60.00%). Further, availability of conveyance facilities and chemicals, medicines.
comparatively more percentage of VOs (26.00%) were noticed This shows that the respondents are struggling with the scarcity
in high category as compared to VLIs (15.00%). The job of facilities to carry out their routine activities, which needs to
involvement is an opportunities to make decisions, self be taken care while prioritization of budget.
determination, recognition, and treedom to set one's own work.
VOs are supposed to be involved in major decision-making and Relationship between personal and job related
management activities. High per cent of VOs (89.00%) were in characteristics and job performance of VOs and VLIs : Job
medium job stress category as compared to VLIs (65.00%). The involvement and job satisfaction had positive and significant
responsibilities of VOs made them to be little more stressful relationship with job performance of both VOs and VLIs. Job
when compared to VLIs. Nearly an equal per cent of both VOs involvement and job satisfaction of VOs and VLIs contributed
(63.00%) and VLIs (62.00%) were in medium job satisfaction more for job performance due to recognition for them, good
category. Seventeen per cent of VOs and 18.00 per cent of VLIs relationship with superiors and subordinates. Further, age,
Job Performance of Veterinary . . . . . . ..
education, job experience and trainings exhibited positive and inadequate training, inadequate facilities like chemicals and
significant relationship with job performance of VOs because medicines, inadequate conveyances facilities in time were major
their job performance is increasing chronologically with the constraints. Further, lack of reward, recognition and appreciation
related variables. On the other hand, three variables i.e., age, job for special achievements, lack of salary increment and relatively
experience and job stress exhibited negative and significant low salary and lack of appropriate promotion scheme were
relationship with job performance of VLIs. These results are identified as other major constraints in effective job performance.
due to that lack of sufficient salary and salary increments, Field workers expressed the requirement of training to update
promotions with their age and experience. This situation leads their knowledge and skill. Appropriate training programmes
the demotivation of VLIs. The variables such as information should be organized by the department with the help of other
seeking behaviour, perceived workload had shown non institutes like Department of Agriculture, State Agricultural
significant relationship in case of VOs and VLIs. Universities to update the knowledge and skill regarding latest
innovations. Further, it is very difficult to increase the job
Constraints in job performance: With regard to the performance of the employee without providing adequate
problems encountered by VOs and VLIs in performing their job, facilities chemicals, medicines, finance, traveling etc. Therefore,
Table 2. Personal and job related characteristics of veterinary officers and veterinary livestock inspectors (N = 100)
Category veterinary officers (n=35) VLIs (n=65)
No. Percentage No. Percentage
1. Age
Young 12 34.00 10 15.00
Middle 19 54.00 48 74.00
Old 4 12.00 7 11.00
2. Education
SSLC 0 0.00 9 14.00
PUC 0 0.00 4 6.00
Diploma 0 0.00 46 71.00
B.Sc. 0 0.00 6 9.00
B. VSc. 18 51.00 0 0.00
M. VSc. 17 49.00 0 0.00
3. Job experience
Low 8 23.00 to 15.00
Medium 18 51.00 41 63.00
High 9 26.00 14 22.00
4. Perceived workload
Low 0 0.00 12 18.00
Medium 28 80.0 42 65.00
High 7 20.00 11 11.00
5. Job involvement
Low 5 14.00 13 20.00
Medium 21 60.00 42 65.00
High 9 26.00 10 15.00
6. Job stress
Low 0 0.00 10 15.00
Medium 31 89.00 42 65.00
High 4 11.00 13 20.00
7. Job satisfaction
Low 6 17.0 12 18.0
Medium 22 63.00 40 62.00
High 7 20.00 ]3 20.00
Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences : 20(3) , 2007
the high level authorities as well as government need to pay medium to high. On the other hand, majority of VLIs were in
prim attention to increase the availability of required facilities medium level of job performance. Further, considerable per
for vas and VLIs. Lack of timely promotion seems to be justified centage of both VOs and VLIs were in low job performance
as many of VOs were working in the same cadre since more than category. Therefore, there is aneed to improve job performance
15 years. Hence, experienced respondents were not satisfied of VOs and VLIs by providing adequate training, facilities like
about their position. On the other hand, VLIs were also facing chemicals and medicines. Further, adequate conveyance facilities
similar problem in the department. Therefore, appropriate were major requisite to the field level personnel for performing
modifications are essential for promotional policy of the duties. More over, providing reward, recognition and
department. appreciation for special achievements, high salary and
appropriate promotion are necessary to increase the job
In general, the level of job performance of vas was performance ofthe VOs and VLIs.
Table 3: Relationship of personal and job related variables of veterinary officers and veterinary livestock inspectors with job performance
SI. Correlation of coefficients
No. Independent variables VOs VLIs
1. Age 0.597** -0.338* *
2. Education 0.408* 0.120NS
3. Job experience 0.338* -0.231 *
4. Training 0.213** _0.039NS
5. Information Seeking Behaviour 0.555u 0.152NS
6. Perceived workload _0.280** 0.104NS
7. Job involvement 0.644** 0.537**
8. Job stress -0.326NS -0.524**
9. Job satisfaction 0.500** 0.713**
10. Facilities and resources 0.070NS 0.298*
* Significant at 5.00% level ** Significant at 1 .00% level NS- Non significant
Table 4. Constraints in job performance of veterinary officers and veterinary livestock inspectors
SI. No. Constraints VOs (n = 35) VLIs (n = 65)
Frequency Per cent Frequency Per cent
1. Inadequate trainings 30 85.71 57 87.60
2. Inadequate facilities 30 85.71 55 84.61
3. Lack of reward, recognition and appreciation for special achievements 25 71.42 44 67.69
4. Low salary increment and salary 22 62.85 60 92.30
5. Lack of appropriate promotion scheme 20 57.14 33 50.76
ANONYMOUS, 2005, Report on Integrated Sample Survey for SUNDARASWAMY. B., 1987, A Study on need achievement and job
Estimation of Production of Milk, Egg, Wool and Meat for the performance of Assistant Agricultural Officers in Karnataka
year 2003/ 2004, Department of Animal Husbandry and State. Ph. D. thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Veterinary Service in Karnataka, Bangalore, pp. 25-30. Coimbatore, India.