Arcturian S
Arcturian S
Arcturian S
There are many other sacred places on this planet whose names
are not widely known. We have mentioned several possibilities where etheric
crystals have been downloaded. We have downloaded etheric crystals
on Earth. They are also providing a new corridor link and so they can
be multipurpose. The connecting links that are provided through the
corridors allows downloading of fifth-dimensional energy and special
spiritual light. This information and knowledge that I am now
giving you was well known to the Egyptians. If the truth be known, the real
purpose of the pyramids was to provide links to the higher realms. The
pyramids were providing corridor links. If you study the architectural
structures of the pyramids, then you will notice that they are filled with
secret, dark, undiscovered corridors. The entire pyramid was actually a
link to star systems, including the star system of Sirius. In one sense, the
Egyptians had the right idea in terms of connecting to these other
areas. They also looked at the corridors in the pyramids as links to the
next life. They also looked at the pyramids as starting points for going
on a journey to the next lifetime.
Now, many people who were scientific minded thought that using
the pyramids as corridors to other realms was rather absurd. Why would
you bring objects with you, and why would you make a mummy in order to go
into a next lifetime? I do want to mention that many of the ideas
that the Egyptians had were actually advanced spiritual ideas. This
included the idea of spiritual preparation. If you look at Merkabah
technology and Merkabah travel, then you will learn that the spiritual
technology of the corridors that were in the pyramids also contained technologies
for Merkabah light and Merkabah travel. The actual origin of the word
Merkabah is a galactic word. It was later translated by the Hebrew
sages to mean the word "chariot." Actually the Egyptian word Merkabah has
its root in the galactic language and it means "traveling corridor."
This was the original meaning of the word Merkavah. You will find that
word perhaps in references in some of the hieroglyphic writings.
The Iskalia Mirror was put in place with the assistance of the
guides. The Iskalia Mirror is an activation and magnification
mirror. It is an etheric mirror. The magnification that it provides is truly
remarkable. The distances materially between the North Pole of the
Earth and the Central Sun are enormous and actually indescribable in human
terms. There is no way that you are able to comprehend the distance.
There is no way that you can even attempt to calculate the distance
that would reasonably be comprehensible. Don’t worry about that because
in spiritual technology and etheric technology, you are able to project
yourself through long distances with thoughts. The Iskalia Mirror
has been placed over the North Pole in a certain position or alignment so
that it magnifies and so that it receives the galactic Central Sun
light. It amplifies that light. It is similar to radio technology when you
may barely receive a signal. If it is very weak, then you can barely
hear it. If you put in line an internal amplifier, then it brings the
signal to a strength that will allow the human ear to hear the audible
sound and make it comprehensible. Spiritual light and the spiritual energy do
not have a strong signal. Try to receive spiritual signals and spiritual
information. Signals from spiritual light and spiritual information
are hard to hear because it is a weak signal. For example, it is hard to
identify spirit guides or ghosts through telepathic communications.
Such signals are so weak that modern radio technology has no way of
measuring this. On the other hand, you have generally not been trained to
activate your receiver for spiritual transmissions. First, you have to be on
the right frequency. If you are not trained to tune to this frequency,
or your spiritual body is not attuned, then it will be difficult for
you to hear it.
I feel the energy of the White Eagle with each of you. The
power of the white energy field is strong as each of you have activated in
your own corridor. Let our brother Metatron conclude our time together.
I am Chief White Eagle. Ho!