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June 3, 2006 GOF Lecture

Copyright © 2006 David K. Miller

P.O. Box 4074 Prescott, AZ 86302 USA

Greetings, I am Juliano. We are the Arcturians. The access to

and connecting with corridors is becoming more critical during this
period that we are entering. We have worked with and explained the purpose
of the corridors, and many of you have been successful in accessing the
corridors. Many of you work continually with the corridors. It
will be enlightening to review the technology and the purpose of corridors.
The corridors actually are etheric connections to the fifth dimension.
The corridors can be personal or they can be powerful Earth corridors at
what is known as sacred Earth sites. Many of the sacred Earth sites have
over the millennium served to provide the connections for links to higher
realms. You may be surprised to know that the only reason why the
Earth can survive, or the only reason why the Earth can hold the
biodiversity, is because of these connecting corridors. The connecting corridors,
for example, in the area of Jerusalem, have proven powerful in holding a
spiritual vibration for the planet.

There are many other sacred places on this planet whose names
are not widely known. We have mentioned several possibilities where etheric
crystals have been downloaded. We have downloaded etheric crystals
on Earth. They are also providing a new corridor link and so they can
be multipurpose. The connecting links that are provided through the
corridors allows downloading of fifth-dimensional energy and special
spiritual light. This information and knowledge that I am now
giving you was well known to the Egyptians. If the truth be known, the real
purpose of the pyramids was to provide links to the higher realms. The
pyramids were providing corridor links. If you study the architectural
structures of the pyramids, then you will notice that they are filled with
secret, dark, undiscovered corridors. The entire pyramid was actually a
link to star systems, including the star system of Sirius. In one sense, the
Egyptians had the right idea in terms of connecting to these other
areas. They also looked at the corridors in the pyramids as links to the
next life. They also looked at the pyramids as starting points for going
on a journey to the next lifetime.

Now, many people who were scientific minded thought that using
the pyramids as corridors to other realms was rather absurd. Why would
you bring objects with you, and why would you make a mummy in order to go
into a next lifetime? I do want to mention that many of the ideas
that the Egyptians had were actually advanced spiritual ideas. This
included the idea of spiritual preparation. If you look at Merkabah
technology and Merkabah travel, then you will learn that the spiritual
technology of the corridors that were in the pyramids also contained technologies
for Merkabah light and Merkabah travel. The actual origin of the word
Merkabah is a galactic word. It was later translated by the Hebrew
sages to mean the word "chariot." Actually the Egyptian word Merkabah has
its root in the galactic language and it means "traveling corridor."
This was the original meaning of the word Merkavah. You will find that
word perhaps in references in some of the hieroglyphic writings.

The corridors that are in the pyramids are prime examples of

spiritual technology that was central for downloading spiritual
light to a civilization. The Egyptians had a very long lasting
civilization. If we look at the planet Earth now, then it is obvious to us that there
are not enough corridors. It is obvious to us that there has been a
neglecting of sacred spots. It is obvious to us that even the
speaking of a corridor, which is generally accepted by the starseeds, is not
generally accepted by the overall population on the planet. The
idea of building a structure for accelerating the energy of a corridor is
also controversial. We have noted that when people talk about building an
Arcturian temple, for example, then there is a great deal of emotion
that is being emitted. People often associate building a temple with
different factions that have to do with religious views. Many people
have even asked through the channel: "Why is it necessary to have a
structure because we are really working in spirituality and we are
working in etheric energy?" If you want to know the answer to that
question, that is, why do we need a structure, then let us look at
the Egyptians. Why did they build so many pyramids? They built
countless pyramids, incidentally with the help of the Sirians. I think you
know that the Sirians were advanced at that time and that they were
helping to create corridor links. I want to say that the links connect with the
fifth dimension. In the case of the Sirians, they were able to build
connecting links from the third-dimensional Earth to their

In some cases, their civilizations and their planetary systems were

parasitically using the Earth’s energy to provide sustenance to
their own vortexes of life forces and their own vortices on their planets. The
corridors are only for connecting to the higher realms. There is a
technology that is using corridors to connect to fourth-dimensional
energy. There is a technology that is using corridors from other
planets. Sometimes the other planets may need the energy from the
Earth. That is, indeed, another aspect of corridor work.

The other examples of corridors that are effective relate to

sacred spots. Many of you are attracted to certain areas of the planet.
That is obvious because you are living in those areas right now. Some of
you are living in different sacred parts of the world. Be aware that
each part of the world has its own sacred part. If you are living in
England, for example, then there are certain corridors that you may be close
to. The same for Europe, Argentina, Australia and certainly in Arizona
and many other places. If we look at what is the purpose of the
starseeds, we always come back to the fact that the starseeds are helping to
activate and kept alive the corridors. As we get into the time of
darker energy, more material energy and denser darkness, then the
activation and use of the corridors becomes more important. You all know that
there are some very nefarious activities that are going on in the planet. You
all know that there are dominating, negative forces that have to do with
chaos and upheaval. The bringing down of light through the corridors
becomes an essential counterbalance and the use of the corridors
actually becomes an important tool in biorelativity.

Biorelativity includes the use of mental telepathy and mental

thought processes to interact with the Earth and the spirit of the Earth.
The downloading of energy though corridors can be viewed as an
acceleration of biorelativity. When you connect in a group consciousness with a
biorelativity exercise, then you have created a powerful interactive
force. When you are accessing a corridor, then that connection is
incrementally increasing the abilities of your telepathic
communications, which is then using biorelativity techniques. We talk about using
visualizations and using other group techniques for this. On the
more advanced level, then we are talking about also combining using the
corridors and accessing the energy of the corridors with
biorelativity techniques.

The etheric crystals have provided very powerful corridors. The

sacred spots on Earth need to be reactivated. Also, there are
special Arcturian corridors connecting to Earth. There is also a main
corridor that we have happily made reference to, which is the galactic
corridor from the Central Sun, also known as the 2012 corridor. An angelic
force known as the Galactic Kachina has been assigned to oversee that
galactic corridor. The Galactic Kachina is an interactive angelic presence.
This interactive angelic presence is associated with Native American
spirit guides. These Native American spirit guides have a collective group
consciousness. Until recently they had no knowledge of the Galactic
Kachina. We, the Arcturians, along with Chief White Eagle and other
powerful guides, have been given the task of introducing the concept
of the Galactic Kachina. We have been given the task of introducing the
galactic corridor that is connected with the Central Sun.

This corridor and all of corridor work is coming to a heightened

importance. It is coming to a critical importance. Many of you are
talking about the possibility of an ascension in the next couple of
weeks. There are many people talking about certain Earth upheavals
and there are many people who are frightened about this. I can only say
that from our perspective, the most important approach to any
counteracting of upheavals, or even working with ascension energies, is through the
corridors and particularly through the Central Sun corridor. We are
going to make another powerful connecting link to the Central Sun
corridor. In addition to the Central Sun corridor, we have in place
the Iskalia Mirror. I am reviewing this technology because all of it is
important to reunify and reactivate your knowledge. These are all
tools of spiritual technology and planetary spiritual technology.

The Iskalia Mirror was put in place with the assistance of the
guides. The Iskalia Mirror is an activation and magnification
mirror. It is an etheric mirror. The magnification that it provides is truly
remarkable. The distances materially between the North Pole of the
Earth and the Central Sun are enormous and actually indescribable in human
terms. There is no way that you are able to comprehend the distance.
There is no way that you can even attempt to calculate the distance
that would reasonably be comprehensible. Don’t worry about that because
in spiritual technology and etheric technology, you are able to project
yourself through long distances with thoughts. The Iskalia Mirror
has been placed over the North Pole in a certain position or alignment so
that it magnifies and so that it receives the galactic Central Sun
light. It amplifies that light. It is similar to radio technology when you
may barely receive a signal. If it is very weak, then you can barely
hear it. If you put in line an internal amplifier, then it brings the
signal to a strength that will allow the human ear to hear the audible
sound and make it comprehensible. Spiritual light and the spiritual energy do
not have a strong signal. Try to receive spiritual signals and spiritual
information. Signals from spiritual light and spiritual information
are hard to hear because it is a weak signal. For example, it is hard to
identify spirit guides or ghosts through telepathic communications.
Such signals are so weak that modern radio technology has no way of
measuring this. On the other hand, you have generally not been trained to
activate your receiver for spiritual transmissions. First, you have to be on
the right frequency. If you are not trained to tune to this frequency,
or your spiritual body is not attuned, then it will be difficult for
you to hear it.

The Iskalia Mirror has been placed there as an amplifying light

mirror. The guides and teachers, including Chief White Eagle, want
the light and the spiritual energy from the Central Sun to be received by
you. They want the light from the Central Sun to be distributed
through the corridors. They want the light from the Central Sun to be
downloaded into corridors. They especially want the light sent to sacred sites
and places like an Arcturian temple, so that newer energy and newer
galactic perspectives can be added to Earth consciousness. This energy will
include solutions to seemingly insolvable problems. This energy
includes new spiritual perspectives. It also includes what you know as a new
awakening. Finally, it includes the energy of ascension because the
light and the power to ascend are fifth dimensional.

Let us look at traveling at the speed of light. To travel at the

speed of light requires so much energy from the Earth that all of the
sources of energy that have ever been expended would not be equal to
the amount of energy expended to bring a rocket to that speed of light.
Imagine all of the oil, all the nuclear energy, all the coal that has
ever been used. Put it all together and you may still run short.
Now let us look at spiritual technology and spiritual energy. When we
talk about ascending, then you have to consider that spiritual upliftment
also requires a tremendous spiritual energy. Where is that spiritual
energy going to come from? I return back to the Egyptians. They were
building countless pyramids to create spiritual energy. They understood about
using the corridors for creating spiritual energy. They created
them in a unity and an energy field that was around their whole living area.
This was also one of the secrets of Stonehenge. It was a sacred spot
that was used to amplify the forces and the spiritual energies. Now,
look at the ascension and look at each of you individually and also
look at your role on the planet. We have to say that a higher input of
spiritual energy is required by you to uplift yourself to prepare
yourself for the ascension.
You can look at it even from a quantitative perspective. Let us
use the terminology of light quotient. You can measure your light
quotient, or the amount of fifth-dimensional light that is in your physical
energy field. If somebody is at 95% light quotient, then suddenly they are
at a very high place to ascend. They can interact and use the newer
energy and newer light that is coming in. If someone is at 85%, maybe they
wouldn’t be able to do this. There is great benefit in using the
spiritual quotient concept. There is also a problem with using it.
The problem is that this method does not take into account quantum
light. It does not take into account the fact that any one of you at any
moment can go from 70% to 98%. Any one of you, who is attuned to the Central
Sun light and the galactic sun light as we have talked about, has the
ability for a quantum leap in your consciousness. You have the potential
for a quantum raising of your light quotient. With the raising of that
light quotient, you could achieve a spiritual miracle. If I said to you
that you are 70%, then you are going to perhaps feel that you are a
failure. You are going to feel that you do not have the ability to make it to
the 95% level. There is a certain cut off point, I believe that 93% or
higher is needed to ascend. You might complain and say: "I have
this physical illness, or I have this problem and, obviously, Juliano, I
am not at a high enough point to ascend. I will never go from 70% to
93%; that is a 23% jump. How am I going to make that?" You see, that
type of thinking can become problematic. That is the problem of the
percentage of light quotient. If you must use that percentage, then please
accept the concept of quantum light activation. My friends, the connection
to the Central Sun with the help of the Galactic Kachina is a quantum
(tones OOOOOOHHHHhhhhh)

A newer technology for corridors came to this planet with the

starseeds. The newer technology stated that corridors can become
personalized and integrated around a starseed. You become a
connecting corridor. This is a newer technology. You then can have a corridor
link over your house. You then have a corridor link in your car when you
are driving. You have a corridor link where you meditate. The
starseeds who entered the planet are now coming into fruition and the new starseeds
have this wonderful ability to activate corridors. Your personal
ability to connect to a new corridor means that you can link to the fifth
dimension and you can link to the galactic corridor. You could link
ton the Iskalia Mirror and you can link through the Iskalia Mirror to the
Central Sun. You also can link, as we have been teaching, to the
etheric crystals and to the sacred spots. Eventually, we are working
towards the construction of an Arcturian temple which will be a powerful
fifth-dimensional corridor.

We, the Arcturians, can help you download connections to the

Central Sun, but also we can help you to download some of our own spiritual
energy and spiritual technology, which, of course, would be
uplifting for you.

To have the ability to create a personal corridor we feel is a

great spiritual advancement. That means that you do not necessarily have
to travel to a sacred spot. Some of you are not going to be able to
travel to Argentina, for example. Some of you will not be able to travel to
Canada or England or Israel. I want to emphasize that it is still
helpful to go to those spots if possible. But the links by the
starseeds through personal corridors now can become equally
activating for the planet. Through group contacts, then the corridor links
that you make become more effective. (tones OOOOOooooohhh)

I, Juliano, call on the light from the Central Sun to be sent

streaming through the Iskalia Mirror, amplifying it, and then that
light is shining over the entire Earth. Each of you where you are has the
opportunity to immediately create a corridor link to the Iskalia
Mirror. You may visualize a cone or a tunnel over your head. That cone or
tunnel then links to an area above the North Pole of the Earth. That area
above the North Pole is in a geocentric, synchronistic orbit where the
mirror is. That means that it is approximately 18,000 to 22,000 miles above
that point, give or take a thousand miles each way. It is above the
point of the North Pole so that it is always over the North Pole as
the Earth is rotating. Now connect to that mirror from where you are.
I, Juliano, am going to continue to download light into that mirror and
you are able to activate and to receive it. Now we will go into a brief
meditation while we download this energy to you.

This downloading is immediately raising your spiritual and light

quotient. Try not to measure your quotient in a percentage. Realize
that you are downloading the energy necessary for a quantum light
activity. The downloading of this Central Sun light also is setting
a pattern within your energy system that will allow an acceleration.
I am now going to turn the next part of the lecture over to Chief White
Eagle who is going to talk to you more about the Galactic Kachina. This
corridor work and connection with the Central Sun, and with the fifth
dimension through the corridors, is important now because of the
critical energy and processes during the next three- to four-month period.
You have already seen some critical activities on the planet. There is
certainly a likelihood of increasing disruptive energy. At the same
time, there is a now greater ability to bring down this fifth-
dimensional energy through the corridors. That means there are activations of
the corridors. The corridors can provide through these activations a
rebalancing of the Earth energies. That means that going to the
etheric crystals, and even the energy in Egypt and the pyramids, is highly
charged at this point. One or two of you in this group are going to
visit the pyramids during the next several months. You are serving a
great purpose by retooling the spiritual legacy of the Egyptians and
the Egyptian pyramids. A reawakening of the Merkabah light will occur.
This is Juliano.

Hey ya ho ya hey. Hey ya heyyyyyyaaa! Greetings, I am Chief

White Eagle, and blessings to my soul brothers and sisters. Blessings to
all my brothers and sisters who are part of the star family. Blessings
to all who are acknowledging the work of the Native energies, not only
of the Americans, but in all parts of the planet. The native peoples
have always looked at the stars. The native peoples have always known
that the energies for the life on Earth came from the star systems. The
"enlightened," or the newer energy, will continue to come. This is a
critical difference between how the native people think and perhaps
how the traditional civilization thinks. The native peoples understand
that the downloading of the light and energy from the galactic sources
continues. It is not stopped. The Earth is not an isolated planet
from the galaxy, but rather the Earth is interacting with it on a much
deeper level. The interaction is not just on the level of comets and
asteroids and receiving gamma rays from imploding stars. It is also a
spiritual interaction. This spiritual interaction culminates in the Central
Sun and the alignment with the Earth in 2012.

We have been very fortunate to activate and work with the

Galactic Kachina. The Galactic Kachina is a spirit guide that interprets the
energy of the Central Sun. The Galactic Kachina is like an
intermediary. You also can speak of Jesus as an intermediary. The light from the
Creator is so intense that you may not have the tools to keep
yourself intact from its intensity. To put it in another way, connecting
directly with the Creator light may blow your circuits out because of the high
intense light energy. Jesus came to the planet to acknowledge that
there is a way that the energy from the Creator can be stepped down so
that you can reunite with that energy. This in itself is a major advancement
spiritually. Without connecting to the Creator light, many of you
could have been lost through the eons. When you have died, some went into
a semi-chaotic circumstance on the astral realm. It might have been
similar to a roulette wheel where at one time you came into a
lifetime in America, the next time you came into a lifetime in India, then a
lifetime of Native Americans. The lifetimes were not necessarily consistent
advancement. Going through the energy of Jesus now offers you a
guaranteed advancement to a higher energy which would include the
fifth dimension.

The Galactic Kachina is an intermediary offering advancement. I

am not saying that the Galactic Kachina is a religious intermediary.
The Galactic Kachina is a spirit guide that helps to step down the energy
from the galaxy, the Central Sun. What is this energy from the
Central Sun? The Central Sun provided the birth of many souls on the
Earth. The Central Sun is where there are many high planetary systems that are
in existence. The Central Sun planets house many of the homes that
some of you came from many eons ago. The Central Sun area houses some
advanced spiritual planetary systems. Some of these systems are in the fifth
and seventh dimension. You would have to consider that the closer you
are to the Central Sun, then the closer you are in terms of birth of the
galaxy. You on the Earth would be considered to be in a young position
whereas those towards the center would be older. The energy from the
Central Sun contains new wisdom, new spiritual clarity and new spiritual energy.
Juliano talked about traveling in a rocket at the speed of light and
the energy needed for such a journey would be enormous. He said that the
spiritual energy that you would need to ascend would be enormous. He
implied that you would need an untold, indescribable amount of
spiritual energy to lift you up into another dimension. Now, the energy from
the Galactic Sun does have that level of energy that you need and you
can tap into that level of energy. You can find and receive an upliftment
that would not be available to you normally. Hey ya hey yaaaa!
I, the Chief White Eagle, call on the Galactic Kachina to appear
in a vision to each of you. To many of you she will appear as the most
beautiful divine woman with a beautiful halo and beautiful stars
around her. To others, you may see her as a Native American goddess. To
others she may appear in a form that can only be described as
extraterrestrial, being perhaps as a Pleiadean source or as some seventh-dimensional
being that carries a light frequency. You know that in a vision when you
see a higher energy, then that energy raises your energy. People who have
had visions of Mother Mary often have been changed for life. This is the
level of intensity of the light carried by the Galactic Kachina. For
most of you there are not words to encompass or to describe how you
would relate to this type of energy. The closest that there is in the
Native systems is the discussion of the White Buffalo Woman. The White
Buffalo Woman in some ways is comparable to the Messianic energy of Jesus.
The two of them are somewhat different. The healing power is so strongly
activated by White Buffalo Woman. White Buffalo Woman is connected
to the Galactic Kachina. The Galactic Kachina activates White Buffalo
Woman. The Galactic Kachina also activates Messianic light onto this

Many of you might be surprised that Chief White Eagle is speaking

about Messianic light in terms of the Galactic Kachina, in terms of
the Central Sun. Messianic light is a fantastic healing and activation
energy. HOooOOhooo heyyyyyy. In essence, White Buffalo Woman,
Jesus and Messianic healing forces, light and energy come from the higher fifth
dimension. The Pleiadeans, the Arcturians, the Andromedans and
others, all participate in the energy that is being brought to the Earth by
the Galactic Kachina.

I feel the energy of the White Eagle with each of you. The
power of the white energy field is strong as each of you have activated in
your own corridor. Let our brother Metatron conclude our time together.
I am Chief White Eagle. Ho!

Shalom. Shalom. Shalom. Greetings, this is Metatron. I am

happy to greet each of you as a fifth-dimensional being. I am happy that
each of you are connected with your fifth-dimensional light body through
your personal corridor. I am happy that you can understand the powers of
the Merkabah and the power of the pyramids. Some of you are already
using the pyramid energy field, even before we have spoken. Let your
ascension codes be reactivated by these tones. Remind yourself that you have
the ability that Juliano described to quantumly activate your energy.
You can increase your light field so that your light quotient is
elevated by these tones. Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh, Adonai Tzevaoth. (repeat three
times) Your Merkabah vehicle, the light of the Merkabah, is
recharged in your system. This is like a battery. The battery needs to be
recharged periodically. Your Merkabah energy field and your ability to access
and unlock the higher codes, so that you can travel spiritually through
the corridors, have been recharged during this time. (sings Aur ha
Merkabah...light of the Merkabah...alyiah, alyiah, light of the
Merkabah, aur ha Merkabah...alyia, ascending with the light of the
Merkabah, ascending with Merkabah...light of Merkabah). This is
Archangel Metatron. Shalom.

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