Development of Advanced Boiler Automation For Sugar Industries
Development of Advanced Boiler Automation For Sugar Industries
Development of Advanced Boiler Automation For Sugar Industries
Abstract: To maintain the accurate water level inside in the drum of the boiler. Nowadays, modern
the boiler is the very typical task to do so from single techniques are being used in the industries in place of
element to three elements PID controller is used in the conventional techniques. The boiler systems
the system. The various methods and critical which are multipurpose and which produce the
parameters are explained in this review paper along byproducts such as Heat, Steam and Chemical
with the history of automation. It also explains the Gasses etc. are installed in the sugar industry. In
steps involved in the automation and steps and many industries the steam generated by the plant
methods need to increase the efficiency of the boiler. instead of going to waste it is used for the generation
In this project, I have been gotten an opportunity to of electricity generation. Various new methods of
work with the expert team of Sunlax Systems and controlling the boiler system are installed so that the
Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai, which supplies system works finely.Fig.1 below is the basic
solutions for industrial automation. Its expertise and structure of boiler. The greater source as input to the
know how in this field are setting the standards and sugarcane plant are fuel which is easily available,
its responsible development is anchored in a process feed water and the air. The main output of the system
of continuous improvement. Sunlax is a strong and is the steam pressure, steam temperature and the flue
vibrant business unit serving the process industries, gasses electrical power and some of the heat loss.
which include water and wastewater applications, Boilers do have much strength which make them the
Electrical, Cement plant automation, Refining, Oil greater feature of the system. They are durable have
and gas, Sugar industry, Boiler automation, long life and can with stand with the climatic
pharmaceutical etc. Sunlax experts help me to changes in surroundings, they can achieve the
identify key focus areas and detail a proven alarms efficiency up to 95% or can go even further. They
methodology that will enable you to save precious provide the effective method of heating and in case
time, allocate resources optimally and enhance of system which is based on the steam may require
profitability and productivity. little pumping or no pumping energy.
the money or cost on the boiler regular check and the an effect element comparable to the position of an
maintenance should be there regularly. effect valve or the ability provide of a heating
2.1. Drawback of previous system By calibration these three constants within the PID
algorithmic rule, the management will offer control
Previous systems are common to occur errors in it action designed for specific method needs. The
as it is handled by human in the data collecting and response of the controller will be delineated in terms
to process the collected data of the mathematical of the responsiveness of the controller to a mistake,
expressions which are typical. So we require is raw the degree to which the controller overshoots the set
data collector systems which can process it and point and also the degree of system oscillation. It
compare it verify it and compare the data with the should be noted that the utilization of the PID
standard values. As with the microcontroller ,it algorithmic rule for management doesn't guarantee
require coding for the implementation , fast optimal management of the system or system
processing with efficiency also other part depend on stability.
the strength of the sub-routine of code. It is a
challenge with system involved. Some applications might need exploitation only one
or two of the parameters using the appropriate
3. Methods system management. this can be achieved by setting
the gain of unwanted management outputs to zero.
The system architecture of the project is given PID controllers are significantly common, since
bellow; it includes the Operator station, Engineering derivative action is incredibly sensitive to
Station, Automation Station and plant overview. The measurement noise, and also the absence of an
function of operator station is to monitor plant integral value might forestall the system from
instruments and alarm status. Maintenance and design reaching its target value because of management
part will be handling by engineering station. We will action.
place hardware of DCS in automation station. In plant
overview where various instruments are installed 3.2. Deareator
whose status is to be monitored at the operator station
and if any abnormal condition occurs so that operator This is the process which removes the oxygen form
come to know the error of the process parameter and water and the other gases like carbon dioxide and
can take corrective action immediately. other non condensable gases from feed water and by
doing this is the reducing of the corrosion in the parts
Our main aim is to generate coding for Distribute of the boiler and equipment longevity and safety of
Control System using programming languages like operation.
ladder logic, FBD....etc. After installing this
programming in DCS we will operate whole part of Dearations are of two type viz. Mechanical
hardware automatically by sitting in single room only deaeration and chemical Dearation. The Henry’s
using monitoring screen. For monitoring screen we Law of physics that works in the Mechanical
are using SCADA (supervisory control and data dearation .In Dearation before feeding water to the
acquisition system). boiler the dissolved gasses in the water is removed
.usually the oxygen and the carbon dioxide are
First of all for boiler very first thing is the need of the present in the water which is natural and those gases
water and which is very pure and the input water to are of more concern to the steam plant operation. The
the industry is not so pure and to make pure there is gasses present in the untreated water oxygen and
process known as Dearation process. carbon dioxide cause the steam plant material to
corrode. And the rate of corrosion is directly
proportional to the amount of gasses present in the
3.1. Proportional Integral derivative water and as the heat increase any reactions multiply
and accelerate the rate of the reaction.
The PID controller calculation involves three
separate parameters: the Proportional, the Integral
and also the derivative. These three parameters form 3.2.1. Working Principle of Deareator
the PID calculation. The proportional worth The primary purpose of the deareator is to lower
determines the reaction to this error; the integral down and eradicate the presence of the oxygen and
worth determines the reaction supported the total of the other gases present in the feed water and that too
recent errors and also the derivative value determines to the level that there potential of corrosion with even
the reaction supported the speed at that the error has under high pressure and that prevailing the steam
been ever-changing. The weighted total of those temperature is eliminated . The dissolved oxygen in
three actions is employed to regulate the method via the feed-water gets attached to the walls of the boiler,
the metallic piping and the other metallic instruments, This contains only one process variable (PV) which
equipments and form oxides and rust and thus comes from drum level transmitter. This Process
corrodes the boiler. Carbonic acid is formed when variable is compared to a set point and difference is
water combines with any dissolved carbon dioxide the deviated value.
and that also causes further to corrode. Only
allowable level of the oxygen that can be present in
the feed water is 7ppb by weight (0.005 cm³/L) or valve
4. Drum level:-
Single –element
To control the level of boiling water module
comprise in the boiler drums and offer a Drum
constant supply of steam. Level
Level too high, flooding of the steam Fig.-Single element Drum Level Control
refinement equipment can occur.
Level too low, reduction in efficiency of the
On this deviated value controller performs
handling and re-circulate function.
operation and generates the corrective action and as
Pressure can also build to dangerous level. proportional output. The corrected output is then
passed to boiler feed water floe in the drum. This
Drum level control system control the level requires only analogue input and output and only
regardless and decrease of steam demand, applicable to single boiler or single feed pump
feed flow variation. configuration. It has no relation in between drum
Boiler drum level is critical for the level or feed water flow. Due to swell effect there is
protection of plant and equipment. possibility of inadequate control.
Water MV
ID fan
Heat to atmosphere
Heat content
Heat raise water to Heat to evaporation Heat to super heat
boiling temperature to convert to steam the steam
air: fuel ratio
Heat from
of fuel