Insulin Chart: Insulin Type Onset of Action Peak Duration of Action
Insulin Chart: Insulin Type Onset of Action Peak Duration of Action
Insulin Chart: Insulin Type Onset of Action Peak Duration of Action
Each type of insulin has its own unique behavior. One difference among types of insulin is how long they take to
start working at lowering blood-glucose levels. The “insulin peak” is the point at which the dose is working at its
maximum, and the “duration” is how long the blood-glucose-lowering effect of the injection will last. The
following is a list of insulin types available in the United States, along with how soon they start working, their
peak, and how long they last. Talk to your healthcare provider about your insulin regimen.
NPH (Novolin N,
2-4 hours 4-8 hours 10-18 hours
Humulin N, ReliOn)
*Information derived from a combination of manufacturer’s prescribing information, online professional literature
sources and clinical studies. Individual response to insulin preparations may vary.
**Peak and length of action may depend on size of dose and length of time since initiation of therapy
***Premixed insulins are more variable in peak and duration of action. For instance, even though the literature
states that the effects may last for up to 24 hours many people find that they will need to take a dose every
10-12 hours.