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NAVPEN Newsletter - Fourth Edition

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समाचार ऩत्र /NEWSLETTER

भूिपूवव सैतनको को सेव में सदै व

चिुर्व सॊस्करण 4TH EDITION
म चव १९ MAR 19

नेवपेन मे चऱ रही गतिववधिय ॊ


७वे वेिन आयोग अनस

ु र, २०१६ के पश्च ि तनवत्त
ृ सैतनकों क सॊशोिन

7th Cpc Revision Post 2016 Retirees

A total of 6996, post Jan 16 retirees are eligible for revision of

pension. Accordingly cases for issuance of Corrigendum PPOs
are under process. The processing involved segregation of approx
7000 pension dockets based upon the options forms received
form ex-sailors. In addition, claims in respect of disability cases
are processed separately by disability section. Considering the
quantum of work involved IHQ, MoD(N)/DOP had approved
sailors on Ty duty for forming 7th CPC Cell at NAVPEN. As on
31 Mar 19, a total of 6894 PPOs have been issued and
forwarded to retirees/ their banks. Balance claims are in progress.
ववशेष तनववृ त्तवेिन / ववशेष पें शन

Special Pension

As per Hon’able Court Orders, till date a total of 3774application

of ex-sailors cases were scrutinized. The exercise involves
segregation of pension dockets from existing lot of more than 1.5
lakh pension dockets. In addition considerable volume of RTIs
and court cases are being received in this connection. Out of a
total of 3774 application received, 3151application have been
processed as on 31 Mar 19. The processing of Special Pension
cases is still in progress.

कमवच री अॊशद यी स्व स्र् योजन ववभ ग

ECHS Section

Since launch of Online Portal for application of ECHS Smart

Card on 14 Jan 18, Verification of all this cases has started
online at NAVPEN w.e.f 01 Mar 18. Prior to this System,
Verification of ECHS application were done manually and
temporary slips shere issued during the time of release.
पें शन के सॊस धिि द वे

Pension Claims processed

The Sailors pension section has processed pension claims

with PCDA(N), Mumbai and PCDA(P), Allahabad, as follows:-

क्र ऩें शन के प्रकार काऱावधध

संख्या Type of Pension अप्रैऱ १८ से माचच
S No. १९Period
Apr 18 to Mar 19
(a) सेवा ननवत्तृ ि वेतन Service Pension ३८७९(3879)
(b) अऩंगता ननवत्तृ ि वेतन Disability ७१९
Pension (719)
(c) त्तवकऱांगता ऩें शन के लऱए अऩीऱीय मामऱे ११३
Appeal Cases for Disability Pension (113)
(d) ऩत्नी के साथ की गयी संयक्
ु त अधधसच
ू ना २५१
का ऩें शन Joint Notification in PPO (251)
with wife
(e) ऩाररवाररक ऩें शन Family Pension १२३
(f) सेवकाऱीन मत्ृ यु ऩें शन Death-in- ५६
Harness (56)
(g) अमान्य मामऱे Invalid Cases १८
(h) अंशदायी योजना ECHS Cards/Ty १६६६५
Cards (16665)
(j) २००६ के ऩव
ू च के संशोधन मामऱे १५८
Revision Cases of Pre 2006 (158)
(k) ७वे आयोग का संशोधन 7th CPC ३९०६
Revision (3906)
(g) सच
ू न क अधिक र ववभ ग –
RTI Cell
A dedicated RTI Cell has been created to discharge the
functions of Public Information Officer under section 7 of RTI Act
2005. The LOIC, NAVPEN discharges the functions of First
Appellate Authority in appeals filed u/s 19 of the RTI Act 2005.
RTI cell, NAVPEN deals with RTI queries related to pensionary
matters of Naval ESM. Generic RTI replies are also being
uploaded on NAVPEN Website law section 4(3) and section 7(9)
of RTI Act, 2005 for faster and wider dissemination. Total RTIs
disposed of in 2018:1402 and 2019 : 153 respectively. 159 First
appeals have been disposed of by LOIC NAVPEN.

पहऱ और उपऱब्धि

नेवपेन सॊकेिस्र्ऱ - NAVPEN Website

The NAVPEN website, which was launched in the year
2016, has been augmented with additional functionally facilitating
online submission of queries/ grievances from the users/ veterans.
Moreover, all forms, policy letters and other documents relevant
to veterans have been scanned/digitised and uploaded on the
website thereby, disseminating and making information available
electronically. Regular uploads and updation on the websites
carried out by the IT section as projected/ requested by different
sections of NAVPEN. The website is accessible on
www.Indiannavy.nic.in/navpen and as on date has got 5.38 lakh
पें शन ररकॉर्व क डर्ब्जटऱीकरण
Digitisation of Pension Records
96,000 pension records of ex-sailors have been scanned in-
house and being uploaded on Sailors documents Management
System/ SIRIMS progressively. Till date 30,000 pension records
have been integrated with the SIRIMS. Completion of the said
integration process will ensure e-[reservation of records along with
quick and easy retrieval of information thereby, enhancing the
organisational efficiency.

तनमोधचि होनेव ऱी सबसे बड़ी बैच जनवरी २०१८

Largest Batch Jan 2019
NAVPEN facilitated release of 1548 sailors in Jan 19. This
was the largest ever batch in the Navy. Considering the huge
strength and associated logistics and admin constraints,
preparations commenced about one and half years ago. In order
to marginalize sudden work load on the unit as well as the entire
command in terms of accommodation, transportation and
manpower, a unique modified release procedure was implemented
by NAVPEN. Under this procedure, 544 Sailors (ENC-384 and
SNC-160) were called on ty duty in advance in Dec 18 for 15
days and there release formalities were completed. These Sailors
were sent back to their units by 19 Dec 18. The balance 1004
Sailors were called in Jan 18. A retirement kit containing all
Certificate, Discharge book and PPO was handed over to the all
the retiring Sailors on 31 Jan 19, thereby successfully
implementing the maiden modified release procedure.
नौसेन -बैंक सीपीपीसी सम्मेऱन
Navy-Bank CPPC Conference
A joint Conference was organised for the first time by NAVPEN
on 05 Jul17 with all bank CPPCs under the aegis of HQWNC. A
total of 34 delegates from 29 Bank CPPCs participated in the
Conference, which facilitated to streamline banking service related
issues faced by veterans while dealing with their pension paying
bank and improve Navy-Bank/ representation. It is planned to
proactively stay connected with all CPPCs/Banks and the next
meeting will be planned in end Aug 18.

एसबीआई नौसेन सॊपकव कऺ क उदघ टन

Inauguration of SBI Naval Liaison Cell
A SBI Naval Liaison Cell was setup by NAVPEN on 11 Jan 18.
This initiative aims to facilitate the Speedy redressal of veterans’
grievances Satisfaction for approximately 60% of the veterans
who hold pension account in SBI, by providing Direct access to
all 14 Central Pension Processing Centre (CPPCs) of SBI. This is
intended to improve Navy- SBI relationship thereby leading the
unit to its ultimate goal of Enhanced Veterans’.

पहुॉच और उपब्स्र्िी
Reach and Presence
NAVPEN reps frequently attend various Navy Foundation and
pension Adalat meetings for resolving various types of grievances
of retired/ retiring officers.
‘अधिक ररयों क तनम वण’ पें शन दस्ि वेज़ प्रबॊिन प्रण ऱी
Creation of Officers’ Pension Documents Management System
NAVPEN has developed an in-house software to digitize the
pension records of officers retired post setting up of Officers
Pension section at NAVPEN. Thereby, records of post retired post
2014 retirees have been digitized. The safety of data is ensured
by linking the software with CABS/HRMS system. This will further
speed up the response time and resolutions of queries. 7657 no.
Of old data of pre April 2014 retirees obtained from IHQ,
MOD(N)/DPA has been migrated. The physical records are held
with DOP/DPA. Pension records of all officers retired after Apr
2014 up to 31 Dec 17 have been fully digitize

तनमोधचि नौसैतनकों के लऱए सवु वि ए


आव स
Boarding and victual ling of release sailors is provided by Tanaji.
A dedicated 64 cabin building is available for lodging release
sailors at one time. Each cabin although designed for only two
sailors have been augmented with 250 2-tier bunk beds to
accommodate max 450-500 sailors. Additional mattresses, fans
buckets and other basic amenities have been provided to make
the stay comfortable. Additionally, a new building with 92 cabins
is under construction with EDC May 2019. Facilities such as TV,
library, bar, recreation, sports, gym and internet connection are
also provided.
ब र और र् यतनॊग हौऱ
Bar and Dining Hall
A separate Release bar and Dining Hall for release sailors is
available. Although designed to cater for 60 sailors, the capacity
has been augmented for 100 sailors through special repairs and
procurement of additional dining tables. A new Dining hall of
similar capacity is under construction adjacent to the existing
building. Victualling arrangement is being provided with the
assistance of INS Tanaji.

तनमोचन कऺ
Release Hall
The Release formalities of the sailors are carried out in the
Release Hall of capacity 250 sailors. For any strength more than
250, batches are divided into manageable groups and are
administered simultaneously. Batches with large size of 800 or
more, especially in Jan and Jul every year, are accommodated in
south Mumbai and Hamala at times.
नेवपेन के प्रमुख पररण म ऺेत्र

Key result areas of NAVPEN

नेवपेन की सॊकेिस्र्ऱ क बढ़ उपयोग

Enhanced usages of NAVPEN website
All Pension forms are available in soft copy on the NAVPEN
website. In pursuance of the Governments directives of ‘e-
governance’, physical forwarding of voluminous Pension forms to
sailors will be discontinued progressively and sailors would require
to simply download the forms post publication of Release Serial
and forward the same to NAVPEN.

पें शन ररकॉर्व क डर्ब्जटऱीकरण

Digitisation of Pension Records
Digitization of enormous pension records is a two phase activity
involving scanning of pension documents followed by indexing
and thereafter integrating the same with Document Management
System(DMS)/SIRIMS at CABS. The completion of first phase is
in advanced stages wherein 96000 pension records have been
scanned and is being integrated with DMS in aprogressive
manner. Till date 23000 records have been integrated and
electronically available.

सॊदेश एवॊ ई मेऱ सवु वि

Bulk SMS and E-Mail facility
Bulk SMS and E-mail service for transmitting important/updates
from NAVPEN to ESMs has been institutionalised.

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