Audit Profit Loss Account
Audit Profit Loss Account
Audit Profit Loss Account
Bank branch statutory auditors have to certify in their Statutory Audit Report
that the Profit and Loss account gives a true and fair view of the Profit or Loss
of the branch of the Bank for the year under review. Hence verification of the
accuracy of the numbers appearing in the Profit and Loss ensuring there is no
material mis-statement is the primary duty of the auditor. Apart from that
there is a duty to report in the LFAR as per the questions asked specifically or
on any other matters which needs to be brought to the notice of the Central
Statutory auditors or the Management in terms of Process or Control
inadequacies etc
The auditor states in his audit report that he has done his audit in accordance
with the Standards of Auditing and hence the auditor has to be duly aware of
the various Standards of Auditing more specifically –
SA 320 – Materiality
1) Numbers appearing under each head in the Profit and Loss account as
per the prescribed format are materially accurate
2) Reporting is done under appropriate heads
3) Netting off wherever needs to be done has been done.
4) Prior period or Abnormal items if any are disclosed separately and
5) Figures of the Current year are in comparison with figures of the
previous year and appropriate groupings wherever necessary are done
and disclosed.
6) The accounting policies of the Bank have been duly followed while
arriving at these numbers. These policies are in sync with the Accounting
standards issued by the ICAI.
7) Estimates have been consistently followed over the year. Any change in
estimates impacting the numbers materially as compared to the
previous year is disclosed appropriately.
8) Contingent Liabilities do not need any provisioning in the accounts.
9) NPA have been correctly identified as any additional identification will
impact profitability due to additional provisioning and reversal of income
not realized. Security valuation for doubtful accounts is fair resulting in
adequate provisioning.
10) Booking of Expense or Income or any provision of any asset or
liability appearing at the branch is done in the books of the branch itself
and not done at the Regional (RO) or Head Office (HO). Auditor will have
to disclose the same appropriately as his Statutory audit report is for the
branch only. E.g – Depreciation of an asset in books of the branch if
provided for at RO or HO level will have to be disclosed appropriately.
Similar will be the case for provision of leave encashment benefits etc.
11) No cases of postponement or pre-ponement of any asset, liability,
income or expense – Cases of ever greening or window dressing
Since the Branch finalizes the accounts and submits it onwards for
consolidation, any changes will have to be reported through a Memorandum
of Change (MOC) only.
The auditor has limited time at his disposal as his appointment is usually in the
last fortnight of March. He at maximum would get 4 weeks or minimum 2
weeks to complete the entire audit. Hence he needs to carefully plan his audit
work to ensure that the Profit and Loss account is correctly stated to give a
true and fair view of the profits or losses of the Branch of the Bank.
There could be a risk of lack of detection of material mis-statement of the
financial statement with reference to the Profit and Loss and hence the auditor
has to be duly aware of the risk and conduct his audit in a manner that the
same is detected and the risk of mis-statement is at n acceptable level below
threshold considered material.
The flow of work of a Statutory auditor towards verification of the Profit and
Loss account will typically be as under –
1) Going through the Guidance Note on audit of Banks 2017 edition &
other relevant materials issued by the WIRC / ICAI
2) Obtaining Closing Circulars issued by the Bank
3) Obtaining the Profit or Loss account of the Branch under audit for the
year and comparing with the previous year – Variances over 20% under
any head subject to a materiality threshold fixed for any income or
expense head fixed by the auditor to be marked for detailed checking –
4) Obtaining the Profit and Loss account for each of the 4 quarters over the
year to verify any abnormal deviations under any Income or Expense
head in any quarter –
5) Testing key ratios as Average Cost of Deposits / Return on Advances and
comparing them quarter on quarter or Previous year or with the Bank
Average to arrive at a first level divergence for additional checks.
6) Obtaining the accounting policies of the Bank and understanding the
same. Ensuring that the policies are in sync with the Accounting
standards issued by the ICAI and there is no change in the policies
followed vis a vis the previous year.
7) Obtaining the schedule of charges for the year. If there is any revision in
charges in the year, there may be more than 1 schedule of charges.
8) Obtaining list of delegated authorities with their financial approval limits
for the year – if there is any change during the year, then there could be
more than 1 list for the year.
9) Obtaining Reports of Revenue Auditors / Concurrent or Internal auditors
– last year MOC or LFAR to ensure any issues noted which impacted the
Profit and Loss account.
10) Discussion with the Branch Head and other officials on the
internal process and controls on Income & expense booking that ensures
timely, accurate booking under correct heads of Income & Expenditure,
process gaps if any are identified and corrected timely so that there is no
deviation, divergence.
It is the primary duty of the Bank i.e. the Branch to ensure that the Profit
and Loss is correctly prepared and gives a True and Fair view. A detailed
discussion with Branch Head and other relevant officials on the
processes, controls and gaps if any will enable the auditor to primarily
ascertain the adequacy of controls over Income and expense Booking
and financial reporting so as to draw up his audit program.
Based on a review of all the above, auditor will need to draw up his
detailed audit program duly incorporating the requirements as per the
Standards of Auditing.
The main Income for the Bank is Interest on Advances & Interest on
Deposits and Salaries constitute the main 3 areas of Profit and Loss and
hence the primary duty is to ascertain that these 3 items are absolutely
in order and correct.
A key area in this regard is the reversal of interest income in case of NPA
and necessary provisioning thereon. Hence NPA identified by the auditor
in course of his audit will impact the Profitability and entries will have to
be passed through the Memorandum of Changes appropriately.
Provisioning as per RBI norms is the minimum provisioning and auditor
can insist on higher provisioning in case of absence or shortfall of
security. Security valuation is of key importance in Doubtful accounts
and auditor should ensure that the valuation on record is the latest and
prudent. Recent demonetization & slowdown in Real Estate has lead to a
softening of property prices & in that background, collateral valuation
need to be realistic and possibly conservative as per bank policy.
Salaries & provisions for Leave encashment benefits are done at HO and
passed in the Bank books. Branch has no control over this centralized
posting and the Branch auditor may just make appropriate disclosures in
this regard as done in the previous year.
Auditor should note that shortfall in assets like cash or receipt of fake notes
needs a provision in the accounts.
Depreciation on Fixed assets has to be provided on the day the asset is put to
use. Auditor should carefully note this date as in some occasions, the
depreciation is done from date of accounting which could be on receipt of
invoice, date of payment or date of accounting which is different from the date
of use would lead to incorrect calculation & impact on the profitability.
Banks may also need to repay in case they are in receipt of funds through
fraudulent alterations on cheques or other financial instruments and this will
be an impact on the profitability.