Unit 1 PDF
Unit 1 PDF
Unit 1 PDF
1.0 Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Some Damaging Earthquakes in India - An Overview
1.2.1 Uttarkashi Earthquake
1.2.2 Latur Earthquake
L,2.3 Bhuj Earthquake
I .3 Lessons Learnt from the Past Experiences
lA Government Action Pertaining to Relief and Rehabilitation
1.5 . Let Us Sum Up
1.6 Key Words
1.7 References and Further Readings
1.1$ Answers to Check Your Progress Exercises
• discuss some of the damaging earthquakes that have occurred in recent years
in India;
• describe the important aspects of rescue and relief in the areas affected by
.• highlight the lessons learnt from these earthquakes and identify the seismic
zones in-the country; and
• understand the government action pertaining to relief and rehabilitation.
Earthquakes are one of the most dangerous and instantaneously destructive natural
hazards. The impact of the earthquake phenomenon is sudden with hardly any
warning, It is not possible to forecast earthquakes in terms of exact time of
occurrence, place of occurrence and magnitude of the event. Thus, such a situation
gives no time for making preparations at that stage to reduce the loss of lives and
property. The major damage in case of earthquake takes place in terms of collapse
of buildings and damage to infrastructural facilities, disrupting the normal life.
Electric short circuits and gas leaks can create big fires and broken water mains
{and damaged water tanks Can lead to severe flooding compounding the misery of
the affected community. A large portion of our country is vulnerable to earthquake
activity of varying magnitudes. Most of the highly vulnerable areas are in the-
Himalayan and sub-Himalayan regions, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Kutch
area of Gujarat. These areas have faced at least six earthquakes of magnitude 8 +
'on the Richter scale in the period of recorded history of earthquakes in the country.
India has a very long history of earthquakes. The occurrence of earthquake is not a
new phenomenon for most of the northern parts of our country. In the past we
have already faced some major earthquakes like Rann of Kutch (1819) magnitude
8.0, Assam (1897) magnitude 8.7, Kangra (H.P.) (1905) magnitude 8.0, Bihar-
Nepal border (1934) magnitude 8.4, Andaman Islands (1941) magnitude 8.0 and
Assam (1950) magnitude 8.6. Besides these major earthquakes, a large number of
other moderate and minor earthquakes have been experienced in di fferent parts of
the country. In the recent past, India experienced major earthquakes at Uttarkashi
(1991), Latur (1993) and Jabalpur (1997), Chamoli (1999) and Bhuj (2001). In
this section we will discuss in detail a few ofthese recent earthquakes.
Focal depth 12 km
Epicenter Village Agora (30 7° N. 78.68° E)
Time of occurrence 02h53ml6s
People killed 770
People injured 5000
Cat! le head lost 3100
1louses fully destroyed 20184
Houses partially damaged 74714
Villages affected 2093
Affected property 425000
Widespread damage took place due to this earthquake. The detailed break-
up of the damage under various categories grouped by Districts is given in·
6 Table 2. {
Table 2: Damage Due to Uttarkashi Earthquake 1991 Earthquake
Nainital - - 2 4 Ii - - -
Total 2093
44643 J 718 4774 657
i) Damage to Buildings/Houses:
It was quite a difficult task for the administration to organise relief work just
after the earthquake due to heavy damage to roads, communication network
and bridg~ etc. The prime issue involved in the first stage of rescue and relief
was to reach the affected village with necessary relief materials like food,
warm clothes, medicines etc. For this purpose, the army and other para
military forces like Border Security Force (BSF), Indo Tibetan Border Police
(lTSP) alongwith the services of Directorate General for Border Roads
(DGBR) were pres ed into service. A large number of other social groups like
NCC cadets, NSS volunteers, Task Force of Uttarkashi administration and
several NGOs also came forward to help the local administration in the rescue
and relief operations. To reach the inaccessible villages, the services of five
heavy and seven light army helicopters were utilised immediately after the
earthquake. The DGBR took up the challenge of repairing the damaged roads
on a war footing. The government provided food items Iike flour, pulses, rice,·
oil, sugar, milk, sliced bread etc. As the winter season was approaching fast,
it was not possible to reconstruct all damaged houses; hence community
centres were immediately constructed to provide shelter to the affected
community. Besides the community centres, tin sheets, tarpoline and tents
along with blankets were distributed free of cost to protect people from the
cold. The district wise distribution of these items is given in the Table 3.
Dehradun 776 - -
Total 520873 42535 131024
Charnoli 243 - 93 -
Total 15520 160 3863 26
Source: Department 01 Revenue and Relict Govt. 01 U.P. Lucknow
An earthquake of moderate magn itude of 6.4 (on Richter scale) struck the
Marathwada region of Maharashtra state on 30th September 1993. The impact of
this earthquake was felt in the adjoining states of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
also. In all, eight districts in Maharashtra and three districts in Karnataka have
been affected. However, the severely affected areas were mainly the Latur and
Osrnanabad districts of Maharashtra. The total area affected due to this earthquake
was about 52,000 sq. km. The fact sheet of the earthquake is given in Table 5.
The major portion of the earthquake affected area lies in zone one of the,
seismic zone map of India. Accordingly, prior to this earthquake this area
was considered relatively safe from the earthquake point of view because
geologically speaking, it was located in a stable continental region (SCR).
-The village Killari, where the impactof the earthquake was most severe, had
earl ier also, prior to th is earthquake experienced small tremors in 1962,
1967. 1983 and 1992. In 1992, about 125 termors were felt between August
and October 18-19,1992.
Widespread damage took place due to this earthquake. About 25 villages around
the cpicenter of the earthquake were damaged very severely while another 58
villages suffered severe damages. The entire region had a traditional system of
dwelling unit construction which involved heavy stone walls, and a massive roof
over the wooden timber sub-structure. The wall has been constructed in such a
manner that it could not resist the impact of any earthquake. During the
earthquake most of the houses were destroyed' causing death of people i!l large
numbers as also a
wide spread damage to installations and properties ill the
affe-cted areas as 'indicated in Table 5.
ii) Infrastructure
Under this head provision was made for special facilities and activities to
address the needs of women and ch ildren affected by the earthquake along
with the improvement of various facilities in all the affected districts. The
restoration of various social facilities have been taken up 'like old age
homes, balika sadans, homes for handicapped, community centres for
women etc.
v) Community Rehabilitation
Under this, provisions 'were made for the cost of works and materials to
re-establish essential services within the affected ~ommunity.
Under this the provisions were for design, supervision and monitoring of
project components. The component also included the development of a
disaster management programme for the state of Maharashtra and a
seismic monitoring and research programme for the Government of hidia.
1.2.3 Bhuj Earthquake
on January 26, 200 I, when the nation had just started the Republic Day
celebrations, a devastating earthquake struck near Bhuj in the Kachchh region of
Gujarat around 0845 hours in the morning. The magnitude of this earthquake was
6.9 on the Richter scale and it was the borderline earthquake between the
"moderate" and "great" categories. Hitting a prosperous region of the country, its
impacts were truly disastrous. Tile fact sheet is as in Table 7 below.
Magnitude ofthe earthquake 6.9 on Richter Scale
~illages.anccted . 3825
The, destruction would have been much more but for. the 'facts that Bhuj is a
comparatively less populated area, the earthquake originated at a relatively deeper
fOCLlS(25 km as compared to the focal depth of 12 km in Uttarkashi earthquake
and 15 km in the Latur earthquake), and it occurred at atime when everybody was
/ncrellsed Understanding awake and most were in the open. Nevertheless, this quake is the worst in the
of Disasters - I country in recent decades in terms of the persons killed and injured. Gujarat being
the second most industrialize. I tate in the country took a heavy beating in terms of
adverse socio-economic impacts but it also had the resilience and the will to meet
the emergency, The famous Gujaratiphilanthropy and ari abundance of goodwill
from across the country channelled relief supplies and services to augment the
efforts of the central and state governments. The international aid from
governmental and non-governrnenta I sources also came in abundance.
The devastation was considerable ill Ahmedabad the biggest city and the
commercial and educational capital of the state although it was located km
from the epicenter. It was apparent that many multi-storied buildings were
constructed in defiance of the engineering norms and land-use regulations; The
initial estimates put the total property loss in Gujarat due to this earthquake at
around Rs. 15,0001- crore.
2) How was the rescue and relief organised 111 the areas affected by the
The most important lesson learnt by studying the past occurrences of earthquakes
is that it has become possible to delineable seismic zones in the country as shown
in Fig. I.
72' 76 80 6G 88 92
~. •....
'1 36
~5R AGA,?'
16 _
c:::J I
c::;::J I1
12 ~ [!IQ]] III
72 75 eo e4 88
-lt will be seen that the country is divided into five seismic zones with zon~ 5 being
the most vulnerable. . ,
The other important lesson from recent studies is that these appears to be an
increase in the occurrence of earthquakes in recent years although there is no
apparent scientific reason for this. If we take into account the earthquakes of
magnitudes 6.0 and more i.e. those earthquakes that .caused damage to life and
property, India has experienced one such earthquake once in two years during the
last 14 years. On the other hand during-the 25 years (1950-75), there was one such
earthquake jn 6 years. In the period before t.rat' such earthquakes occurred roughly
once In 13 years during the 130 years period 1820-1950).
. . .
On the disaster management side also, if we take care of the various lessons learnt
from the past earthquakes, we can minimise considerably the damage resulting
from future earthquakes: The .following are a few pointswhich emerged as a result
of a study of past earthquakes. 13
Increased Un dcrstnnding a) Disaster Manazcment '
of Disastr srs - I
i) A ftcr every earthquake, 'It becomes evident that the preparation to face the
calamity is almost negligible, This fa t has been faced again and again. In
. ", order to avoid such situations after the occurrence of earthquakes, we must
. start the requisite preparations for facing the event. We can achieve this
through "action plana" prepared for different regions of the country. These
plans must be testco for their effective functioning and must be evaluated
and updated regularly according to the changing requirements.
ii) After every earthquake, a lot of relief material is sent by various voluntary
groups, administration etc. Lack of coordination in the collection and
proper distribution or such relief materials is very common Iy felt after every
earthquake. Mechanism has to be developed to ensure proper distribution
of rei ief material.
iii) The narrow st reets of the affected areas get blocked by the debris,
preventing the es .cape routes for the affected community on one hand and on
the other, harnpr ering the rescue and relief operations during the emergency
period, Sirnila rly, the approach roads get blocked due to landslide and
_ bridge fai lure ir I the aftermath of the earthquake in hi lIy regions. Alternative
methods/techni qucs must be identified for providing the necessary relief
materials like f ood, clothes, medicine, evacuation of injured, etc,
iv) People do not know adequately about the earthquake resistant features in
house construction as well as the necessary precautions to be taken during
the different. stages of earthquake management. For achieving this,
awareness cc unpaigns have to be started on a very large scale.
v) Awareness and sensitization process shou Id start from schools and through
Panchayats and NGOs.
b) House Construction
i) Buildings with light weight building ma'terials like timber, bamboo etc.,
performe cl better than the heavy material buildings like stone, brick etc.
Hence, r.o improve the performance of buildings, light weight building
material., should be adopted,
iv) The collapse of heavy .roofs is one of the major causes for heavy loss of lives
during 'the earthquakes. So, the light inaterial roofs' with proper connections
to the wall systems must be adopted. The performance of properly laid! RCC
sla bbed roofs was found-quite satisfactory. If possible, RCC slabs rnust be
pr,()vided for roofs.
{' '.
Disaster management is. the responsibility of the state governments in India. EverY~
state has framed regulations to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected
community during and after the disaster situations. . I ..
~Thi basic purpose of relief measures taken up by the state government is to Earthquake
provide immediate relief to the affected community not compensating fully for the
losses incurred due to natural calamity. In case of earthquakes, the relief measures
in terms of economic help can be taken up under the following heads:
i) damaged crops
ii) cattle loss
iii) clothes and utensils
iv) ex-gratia payment to the next of kin of the deseased persons and also to the
inj ured
v) injured persons
vi) provision for free food in the temporary relief camps
vi i) ~!'.l:~aged agricultural implements
The amount of relief provided by various states during the time of calamity differs
from state to state. For example in the case of the Jabalpur earthquake on May 22,
1997, the state government had taken up the following relief measures for the
.affected commun ity.
i) It started 23 relief camps (12 in rural and 11 in urban areas) for 35256
affected people. Food was distributed free of cost in all these camps .
.ii)· The forest department of. Madhya Pradesh provided bamboos and wooden
! logs free of cost to the victims of the earthquake, for temporary shelters in
the affected villages.
i i i) A sum of Rs.l ,00,000/- was provided to relatives of the dead persons due to
this earthquake.
iv). A sum of Rs.2,000/- to Rs.IO,OOOI- was provided to the injured persons,
depending upon the severity of injury.
v) A sum of RsJ,OOOI- has been given to the house owners and tenants of the
partially damaged houses.
vi) For the persons whose houses Tiad been damaged fully, a grant of
Rs.18,0001- and other necessary materials like bamboo and wooden logs etc.
for reconstruction of houses were provided.
1) .Discuss in brief, the measures that can be taken to minimise damage caused by
earthquakes in future.
Increased Understanding 2) What necessary steps can be adopted towards construction of earthquake"
of Disasters - I resistant houses?
\ ,
"". .' ...
• Necessary relief mat rials like food, warm clothes, medicines were
provided to the affected villages with the help of army and other
organizations like the Border Security Force, Indo ..'1 ibetan Border Police
and Border Roads Organization.
• The task involved the co-operation of many other social groups like the
NCC Cadets, NSS volunteers, NGOs, the task force of Uttarkashi
• Uti Iisation of five heavy and seven Iight army hel icopters,
• Provision of food items like flour, pulses, rice, oil, sugar, milk, sliced
bread etc. by the government.
• Community rehabilitation.
• Preparation of action plans for different regions of the country and their
periodic evalua~ion and update.
• Making houses and buildings earthquake re. istant either through proper
engineered design at the construction stage or through retrofitting of the
existing non-engineered houses.
2) Your answer should include the following points:
• The basic purpose of rei ief measures taken LIp by the state government is
to provide immediate relief to the community:
The various heads under which economic. relief can be provided in case of
earthquakes are:
• Ex-gratia payments to the inj ured and to the next of kin of the deceased
• Cattle loss
• Free medicines, clothes and utensils