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Wizard Kittens

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At a glance
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The key takeaways are that the game involves wizard kittens collecting curses that have escaped from a book and putting them back before the librarian catches them. The kittens earn points by defeating curses.

The main components of the game include chapter cards, extra credit cards, character kittens, spell tokens, artifacts, familiars, scrolls, potions, ritual component cards, curses and new rules cards.

The basic rules for setting up include each player taking a character kitten, chapter cards, an extra credit card and starting ritual components. The curses, remaining components and new rules are also set up.


A group of wizard kittens has accidentally unleashed the
contents of a book of curses! You and your fluffy friends
must collect the escaped curses and put them back before
Professor Whispurr, the librarian, catches you! If you perform
the best magic (earn the most points) while putting all the
curses back in their tome, then you win! But if you don’t
manage to put all the curses away before Professor Whispurr
arrives, then the Cleanest Paws Clause applies—and the kitty
with the least magical components around them will get away
scot-free and win!
48 Ritual component cards

1 Caught! Card
12 Artifacts 12 Scrolls

12 Curses

1 Chaos Cat Card!

12 Familiars 12 Potions
When a curse is defeated,
SUMMON the kitten to the RIGHT
draw one
additional card collects one of the ritual
componants (their choice)
SLING before they are discarded.
one of your card to
another ritual circle

two of your cards
to the discard
4 New Rules
the location of
any two cards

7 Extra Credits
4 Wizard Kitten Character Cats

Advanced rules!
You’ll see advanced rules boxes
like this throughout the text.
They’re explained more on 15 Chapter Cards 4 Spell Tokens
page 16, but if this is your first (5 sets of
time playing, ignore them!
chapters 1-3)

(3-4 Players)
For Each Player:
any two cards
the location of

∂∂ Take one character kitten

to the discard
two of your cards

another ritual circle

one of your card to

additional card
draw one


and matching token (make F

sure the kitten is on the basic
side, unless you’re playing the B
advanced game!).
∂∂ Take one set of chapter cards

(one copy each of chapters 1-3) J

and place them near each other
(chapter 3 placed face down).
∂∂ Take one random extra credit
card and keep it secret.

General Set-Up:
∂∂ Place another set of chapter This is a ritual circle.
Ritual circles are your
cards near the center of the table play area, and in
in a column, with chapter 3 face particular, all the cards
in your chapters are in
down, for the curse cards . H

∂∂ Set aside the Chaos Cat

your ritual circle.

and Caught! cards from the

component deck, and shuffle the
rest of the ritual components. C

∂∂ Hand out two ritual components B

to each kitten (one assigned to
chapter 1 and the other assigned SUMMON
draw one
additional card

to chapter 2) . SLING
one of your card to
another ritual circle

two of your cards
to the discard

Deck Set-Up:

∂∂ With the remaining ritual

the location of
any two cards

components deck, make 2

(face down) piles of ten cards,
and 1 (face down) pile of all
D the remaining cards (between
20-22 cards).
any two cards
the location of
◆◆Shuffle the Caught! card into
one 10-card pile.
to the discard
two of your cards

◆◆Shuffle the Chaos Cat! card


another ritual circle

one of your card to

additional card
draw one

into the pile of 20-22 cards and
B stack it on top of the 10-card
pile with the Caught! card.
◆◆Stack the final 10-card pile on
top of the deck .
∂∂ Separate the 3 curse types by
difficulty: Low (teal), Medium
(orange), and Hard (Purple).
∂∂ Randomly draw two of each
I curse type and remove the
leftovers from play.
∂∂ Shuffle the selected curse cards
together to create this game’s
curse deck .
∂∂ Place one curse card in each
open chapter in the center of
the table .
The starting player is the human
who has most recently fed a kitty
(or petted a kitty, or seen a kitty)!

draw one
additional card

one of your card to
another ritual circle

two of your cards
to the discard

the location of

Shuffle up the Chaos Cat New

any two cards

Rules cards so you can draw

one when necessary!

If your spell marker is on
SUMMON at the start of
your turn, you must cast
one of the other spells.
Draw one ritual component and
place it in your ritual circle. You can
place it next to any of your opened
(face-up) chapter cards.

Then choose which spell to cast:

∂∂ Summon: draw an additional
card and place it in your ritual
circle, any opened chapter
∂∂ Sling: move one card to another
kitten’s ritual circle, chapter of
your choice
∂∂ Swat: discard two of the cards
in your ritual circle (from any
∂∂ Switch: swap the locations of
any two cards, including two
within your own ritual circle

After you cast a spell, place your

spell token so that it covers that
spell’s space on your character
kitten. You cannot cast a spell that
is covered by your spell token.

After you have cast a spell, collect

any curses you have defeated, and
then your turn is over!
Curses are defeated when you have all of the ritual components depicted on
the curse card in the matching chapter at the end of your turn. The order of
the components never matters—just the quantities. If you have the right cards
to defeat a curse, you must defeat that curse. But be warned! You’ll suffer a -1
point penalty for each additional card in your chapter that was not used to
defeat that curse.

This player will defeat
the Purrmaid Curse
at the end of their
turn with the Artifact,
Artifact, and Scroll.
This player will defeat the
Purrmaid Curse with the
Artifact, Artifact, and
Scroll. They will keep the
Potion and Familiar with
the defeated Curse—
those excess cards are
worth -1 point each at the
end of the game.

When you defeat a curse card, put it Finally, draw a new curse from the
near your character kitten. Discard curse deck to fill in the empty chapter
all of the needed ritual components in the center of the table. If there are
from the matching chapter. Place any no curses left in the curse deck, skip
extra ritual components from that this step.
chapter with the curse card. They are
each worth -1 points at the end of the
Chaos Cat is hidden in the middle of the ritual
component deck. When someone draws the Chaos
Cat, flip up the Chapter 3 slot in all kitten’s ritual
circles and in the center of the table. When you open
up Chapter 3 in the center of the table, flip up a new
curse from the curse deck to fill that space (unless
the curse deck is empty).

When someone draws the Chaos Cat, ALSO add
a new Chaos Cat Rule card! Follow the instruc-
tions on the Rule card. Sometimes, something
happens immediately, and there is no other
effect. Other times, the Chaos Cat will add a new
When a curse is defeated,
rule that lasts for the rest of the game. the kitten to the RIGHT
collects one of the ritual
componants (their choice)
before they are discarded.

The game can end in one of two ways:
1. All 6 Curses have been defeated!
2. Someone draws Professor Whispurr
from the components deck, and the
kittens are caught!
When the game comes to an end, all kittens should score their points.



Points from all your defeated Add up:

curses Points from all your defeated

∂∂ ∂∂
Bonus points from defeated curses curses

-1 point penalties from extra Bonus points from defeated curses
component cards used to defeat -1 point penalties from extra

curses component cards used to defeat

Bonus points from Extra Credit curses

cards Anyone with 10 or more points


If you have 9 or fewer points:
Count up cards remaining in your

ritual circle

This player defeated the

Vampire Curse during the
game, but had two extra
cards when they did. At
the end of the game, those

cards count as -1 points,
so the Vampire Curse is
worth 6 points total.
This player defeated the
Breadhead Curse during
the game. At the end of
the game, they have two
Artifacts in Chapter One
of their ritual circle. Each
Artifact is worth +1 point
because of the Breadhead
Curse, so they get +2
points, for a total of 7.

The game ends when a player
defeats the last Curse. Now,
players check extra credit. In
this player’s case, they have
three of a kind in their ritual
circle at the end of the game,
so they score +5 points.

∂∂ The kitten with the most points wins! Remember, points come from
defeated Curse cards, including their special effects and negative points
from extra components, and from extra credit cards.
∂∂ If there is a tie in points, whoever has defeated the most curses wins! If
there is STILL a tie, the kitten with the fewest ritual components left in their
ritual circle wins! If there is EVEN STILL a tie, then the tied kitties both win!

This player defeated the Catnap
Curse and the Scaredycat
Curse, earning them 6 + 6 = 12
points. They also had two extra
Potions when they defeated the
Scaredycat Curse, costing them
-2 points.

The Scaredycat Curse
also grants +1 point
for each Scroll left
in the player’s ritual
circle at the end of the
game. The player has 1
Scroll left for +1 point.
Finally, the player’s
Extra Credit grants +1
point for each Potion
left in their ritual
circle, for another +2
points, and a total of
13 points.


∂∂ Tally up points, but DO NOT COUNT EXTRA CREDIT CARDS!

∂∂ All kittens with 10+ points lose—they’re too obviously guilty, and Professor
Whispurr isn’t going to let them get away!
∂∂ The remaining kittens (with 9 or fewer points) count up the ritual compo-
nents in their ritual circle. The kitten with the fewest ritual components
wins—they have so few magical components, they’re clearly innocent!
∂∂ If there is a tie for fewest ritual components, the remaining kitten with the
most points (again, do not count extra credit) wins! If there is STILL a tie,
the remaining kitten with the most defeated curses wins!
This player defeated the Copycat and
Purrmaid Curses, for a total of 10
points. They don’t have any Potions
in their ritual circle, so they score no
additional points from the Copycat
Curse.They have one extra card from
defeating the Purrmaid Curse, costing
them -1 point and bringing their score
to 9 points—just few enough not to be
caught by Professor Whispurr!

For the Cleanest Paws
Clause, a player needs
the fewest cards left
in their ritual circle
to win the game! This
player has 2 cards left
—a small number...but
maybe not the smallest!
Advanced Rules
After you’ve played a few times, you may want to add in some of these
advanced rules to spice up your games of Wizard Kittens!

Chaos Cat
As noted in the Chaos Cat section of the rules, you can play with Chaos
Cat’s New Rules! Every time Chaos Cat comes out of the component deck,
instead of just opening up the Chapter 3 cards, you can pull the top card
from Chaos Cat’s New Rules. This will either add a new rule that lasts until
the game ends, or it will have an immediate effect on the game. Either way,
it will produce chaos!

Advanced Kittens
On the back of each kitten card is an advanced version of the same kitty.
Advanced kittens have three of the base spells, and one special spell all
their own! These advanced spells make some strategies better and some
worse, and mostly add asymmetry into the game. Here are the advanced
kitten abilities for the kittens in this core set:

∂∂OVERFLOW: (Replaces Summon) Draw two cards, keep one, and give
the other to another kitty.

∂∂AVALANCHE: (Replaces Sling) Sling a card from your ritual circle and
the top card of the deck at another kitty.

∂∂DISMISS: (Replaces Swat) Remove all cards of a single type from a

single chapter.

∂∂YOINK: (Replaces Switch) Discard a card from your ritual circle to

take a card from any ritual circle and put it where you choose in
your ritual circle.
The base rules for Wizard Kittens are designed for 3-4 players, but you can play
with 2 players by using a few small modifications!
∂∂ Chapter 3 cards are removed from play—they aren’t used at all.
∂∂ Only use the Chaos Cat New Rules that feature paws on either side of the
“New Rule” title—those are the only ones suited to 2-player games.
∂∂ At the end of the game, if Professor Whispurr catches the kittens, any kitten
with 10 or more points automatically loses like normal—but also, any kitten
with 5 or fewer points loses, too. The only way to win a 2 player game when
Professor Whispurr catches the kittens is to both have 6-9 points from curse
cards, and to have the fewest components left in your circle!

This New Rule has This New Rule

no pawprints has pawprints
next to its title; next to its
DO NOT use it in title; use it in
2-player games.
When a curse is defeated, IMMEDIATELY
2-player games. the kitten to the RIGHT
collects one of the ritual
each kitten must collect
one ritual component (their
componants (their choice) choice) from the discard pile
before they are discarded. and SLING it.


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