Gear Material
Gear Material
Gear Material
DOI 10.1007/s10999-007-9024-4
Received: 18 October 2006 / Accepted: 21 March 2007 / Published online: 10 May 2007
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract First, a set of major gear design criteria multi-criteria approach may also be useful in reveal-
are used to develop six material performance indices ing incomparable and/or indifferent alternatives that
for material selection purposes. They are, a surface would not be distinguishable otherwise. To ensure
fatigue limit index, a surface fatigue lifetime index, a rank stability of the chosen materials, the effect of
bending fatigue limit index, a bending fatigue potential uncertainties in designers’ opinions during
lifetime index, an abrasive wear index, and a criteria weighting is introduced by means of a
machinability index. A modified decision matrix in dilation and concentration sensitivity analysis
the presence of data uncertainties and incompleteness process. The main originality lies in resolving a
is then proposed to show the effect of the developed non-compensatory, application-specific, and uncer-
indices. It is shown that using individual material tainty-based multiple criteria material selection prob-
properties and approximations among them may not lem in gear design optimization.
satisfy specific design goals for a specific application.
Next, the ELECTRE III multiple criteria decision aid Keywords Gear design Material performance
(MCDA) model is applied to rank the best compro- index Multiple criteria decision making Imperfect
mised candidate materials, while considering criteria data ELECTRE III
tradeoffs, designers’ preference information, data
uncertainties and incompleteness. An effort is made
to reconcile mathematically motivated model thresh- 1 Introduction
olds (namely, the indifference, strict preference, and
veto thresholds) with experimentally motivated char- 1.1 Gear material selection
acteristics such as upper and lower limits of measured
material properties. It is shown that the proposed Optimal design of gears requires the consideration of
both material and geometrical parameters (Hofmann
1990; Ognjanovic 1996). From a tradeoff point of
A. S. Milani (&)
view, a choice of stronger material parameters may
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 77, Massachusetts Ave., allow the choice of finer geometrical parameters, and
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA vice versa. An important difference among the two
e-mail: types of parameters, however, is that the geometrical
parameters are often varied independently (e.g., the
A. Shanian
Rolls-Royce Canada, 9500 Cote de Liesse, Dorval, QC, face width and diametrical pitch). On the other hand,
Canada H8T 1A2 material parameters can be inherently correlated to
210 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
each other and may not be varied independently, an hardness, HB, is shown in Fig. 1. As seen, no
example of which being the variation of the bending apparent trend may be sought for variation of the first
fatigue limit with the core hardness for some steel two parameters, particularly UTS, with the core
materials (Horimoto et al. 2003). If one allows these hardness; the CS-curve in this figure will be referred
parameters be varied independently in an optimiza- to in a later section. To avoid the difficulty, depend-
tion problem, it may result in infeasible solutions. ing on the application, it may be possible to uncouple
That is, the final choice of material may not be the material selection process from the geometry
possible within available data bases. optimization process (Milani et al. 2005). Once a
When gear material and geometrical parameters good material is captured using a selection model
are optimized simultaneously, it is common to where all properties are accounted for, they can be
assume empirical formulas approximating a relation fixed and geometrical parameters are optimized using
between material parameters (e.g. the bending fatigue conventional continuous techniques, or vice versa. To
limit and the ultimate tensile stress as a function of choose effective materials, however, it is recom-
hardness). As such, the variability of material mended that individual material properties be
parameters is controlled by one or few parameters grouped into a set of performance indices to reflect
(see, e.g., Thompson et al. 2000) and the final choice particular design goals (Ashby et al. 2005). The fact
of material becomes straightforward. is that the individual material properties may interact
When the choice of material is limited to a list of differently in each application.
pre-defined candidates, two difficulties pose a chal-
lenge. First, a discrete optimization process should be 1.2 Material selection models
followed against material parameters. Second, prop-
erties of different candidate materials (alternatives) Ashby et al. (2005) has suggested material property
may not indicate any obvious correlation in the given charts for a wide range of material selection
list. An example of this situation is shown in Table 1. problems. The charts represent two main features:
The goal is to choose best performing material(s) fundamental relationships between material proper-
among nine alternatives. Based on average values of ties and the ability to choose an optimal material
data in Table 1, a plot of the bending fatigue limit and for a particular application based on predefined
the ultimate tensile stress (UTS) with the core performance indices. In a recent work (Guisbiers in
Table 1 Suggested materials and their properties in a gear material selection problema
Materials Material properties ID
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 211
500 0.2
Bending fatigue limit 0.1
Surface condition factor
0 0
150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
H B (Bhn)
press), using Ashby’s methodology, a study was Ashby (2000) and Brechet et al. (2001), where a
performed to provide a material design analysis for systematic procedure for multicriteria material selec-
microelectromechaniacal systems (MEMS). The aim tion was described using Ashby‘s charts and possible
of the work was to facilitate the selection of materials new directions were pointed out.
with minimum residual intrinsic stresses. Finally, the Another approach seen in the literature is the use
appropriate materials for the bridge of a MEMS-RF of multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) mod-
switch and a variable capacitor were presented. In els (Pratyyush and Jian-Bo 1998). Sample studies
Matos and Simplı́cio (2006), innovation and sustain- involving the application of MADM or MADM-
ability issues in mechanical design through material related models in material selection can be found in
selection was discussed. A case study to replace poly- Shanian and Savodogo (2006) (for a thermal loaded
vinyl chloride (PVC) for transport applications was conductor), Milani et al. (2005) (for a transmission
also presented. It was concluded that the natural gear), Dehghan-Manshadi et al. (2007) (for a cryo-
materials crock and wood are suitable candidates for genic storage tank used for transportation of liquid
reducing health damage and environmental impacts. nitrogen), and Rao (2006) (for a product operating in
In Ashby et al. (2004), efforts were made to select a high-temperature oxygen-rich environment). In
materials by taking into account a large number of problems dealing with MADM, the goal is often to
design and manufacturing alternatives. Interpretation choose the best performing material(s) from a given
of results, obtained based on different strategies in the list of alternatives which generally show no obvious
design of mechanical components, was presented. In dominance one over another. As a result, it can be
Esawi and Ashby (2004), a computer aided method- said that the solution can be a sub-optimum point on
ology for the selection of a joining procedure was the Pareto frontier. It is worth adding that apart from
introduced. The proposed decision tool allowed the selection applications, there are also MADM models
discrimination of joint geometry, loading condition, that are used for sorting and classification purposes
material, and other attributes, to identify the best (Collette and Siarry 2003).
subset of available process parameters that satisfy
design requirements. Other examples include a Remark In practical material selection, most often it
selection procedure for adhesive materials in (Suárez is impossible to say that a decision is good or bad by
et al. 2003), where different charts were presented to referring to a mathematical model alone. Factors such
solve general cases involving adhesive bonding. as prior experience, analogy, expert’s insight are
Inclusion of cost models within the concept of necessary to study solutions derived from mathemat-
material and process selection is found in studies ical routines before making a final decision. In light
such as (Esawi and Ashby 2003). Examples in a wide of this, multiple criteria/attribute optimization models
range of industrial applications can be found in are sometimes referred to as multiple criteria decision
212 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
aid (MCDA) models, where the aim is to construct 1995; Juvinall and Marshek 1999). The definition of
something which is liable to help the analyst make a material performance indices should therefore be
final decision (Roy 1993). based on relationships characterizing these criteria.
Figure 2 shows examples of a failed gear due to the
1.3 Objectives and organization of the paper bending and surface fatigue failure modes. It is worth
adding that next to the choice of material, in practice,
In a previous work (Milani et al. 2005), the compen- a failure can occur due to factors such as faulty usage,
satory TOPSIS MCDA model (see, e.g., Pratyyush the wrong choice of dimensions, poor manufacturing,
and Jian-Bo 1998) was discussed and employed to etc. (Akinci et al. 2005). Among all, here the choice
solve a gear material selection case study. However, of material is studied.
no performance indices were adapted, nor were
material data uncertainties and/or incompleteness 2.1 Surface fatigue failure
accounted for. This paper, first, aims at developing
a set of six material performance indices that can be Surface fatigue failure is known to be the most
used for more efficient gear material selections. The common type of gear failure (Neale 1995; Fernandes
proposed indices are according to typical gear failure and McDuling 1997). One form of this failure is
criteria discussed throughout Sect. 2. Next, in Sect. 3, called pitting where due to excessive Hertzian stress,
the data from the case study of Milani et al. (2005) is in cyclic loading, relatively smooth-bottomed cavities
used to show the effect of the developed performance appear at or near contact surfaces (Juvinall and
indices in the decision-making process. Uncertainties Marshek 1999). Spalling is another form where areas
and incompleteness in material data are also pointed of the skin flake away due to a continuation of pitting.
out in this section. Section 4 aims at a new For surface-hardened gears, this failure can occur due
application of the non-compensatory ELECTRE III to the formation of sub-surface cracks in the case-
(Élimination et Choix Traduisant la Réalité) (Roy core boundary (also called case exfoliation or case
1993, 1990; Vallée and Zielniewicz 1994; Rogers crushing). Cracks may originate from the surface or a
et al. 2000; Collette and Siarry 2003) approach to subsurface, depending on the contact condition (see
solve the multi-criteria decision problem formed in Fernandes and McDuling 1997 for details).
Sect. 3. ELECTRE III can arrange select alternatives From a material selection point of view, the
(gear materials) into equivalence classes that are surface fatigue mode receives the most attention
completely or partially ordered. Data uncertainties, among decision criteria: if it is not prevented, the
often resulting from materials testing, are incorpo- ensuing pits or the removed pieces from tooth
rated into the model via the definition of criteria
thresholds. It is revealed that the proposed approach
may not only be useful to elicit the best performing
material(s), but also to estimate incomparable and/or
indifferent alternatives. In the same section, the effect
of uncertainties in criteria weighting by means of
dilatation and condensation operations is discussed to
ensure the robustness of the final solution. Finally,
concluding remarks are given in Sect. 5 and possible
extensions for introducing new design indices are
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 213
surfaces can lead to other failure modes such as should ideally yield a higher Sfe and UTS. Of course,
bending fatigue and/or abrasion (Fernandes and in the presence of other criteria, this ideal condition
McDuling 1997). Following reference (Juvinall and may not be achievable because of tradeoffs among
Marshek 1999), the effective (modified) surface them.
fatigue limit of a material, SH, is given by:
where Cli is the service life factor and is often chosen Bending fatigue is known to be another major failure
based on the expected number of cycles before failure mode for gears in different standards such as DIN and
occurs (for 107cycles, Cli is taken as unity). CR is a AGMA (Hofmann 1990). Theoretically, when the
reliability factor and is chosen based on the expected induced bending stress on a gear exceeds the standard
reliability level (for 99% reliability, CR is unity). Sfe R. R. Moore bending fatigue limit, S0 n, micro-cracks
is the nominal surface fatigue limit measured in a may nucleate in the root region. If the excessive
laboratory condition (for 107cycle lifetime, 99% loading continues, the nucleated cracks can then
reliability, temperature < 2508F). Design factors such gradually grow and eventually cause full breakage of
as Cli and CR are dimensionless and serve to adjust the tooth (often called final or sudden fracture Neale
the laboratory measured values to actual working 1995). Similar to Eq. (1), after considering a set of
conditions.1 design factors, the effective bending fatigue limit, Sn
The service life factor Cli, next to the number of is given by Wilson (1997) and Juvinall and Marshek
cycles, may also relate to factors such as lubrication, (1999):
material, and residual stresses (Wilson 1997) (for Y
instance, it is known that compressive residual Sn ¼ S0n Ci (Mpa) ð4Þ
stresses can increase the surface fatigue strength 0
(Choi and Liu 2006)). When material properties in a where Sn is the nominal bending fatigue limit and Ci are
pre-defined list of candidates vary substantially in a set of design factors. Among different Ci used in the
their magnitudes, it may not be reasonable to analysis of the bending fatigue mode, the surface
disregard the material dependence of CLi. An esti- factor, CS, is known to be a function of both surface
mation of such a dependence to a property ration, finish (see Bayoumi and Abdellatif 1995 for a detailed
namely UTS Sfe , is shown in Appendix A. The ration
analysis) and material hardness HB (Wilson 1997,
connects to the slope of the material Basquin type S- Juvinall and Marshek 1999). With an increase of HB,
N curve. As a result, for SH to be optimal in Eq. (1), CS diminishes, and a lower Sn value according to Eq.
two material-related performance indices should be (4) is estimated. Therefore, to maximize Sn, a third
maximized: material-related performance index is defined as:
Concerning the longer service lifetime of the teeth
According to the AGMA standards, there are other design under the bending fatigue mode (discussed in
factors that can be considered for specific conditions. For
instance, a hardness ratio factor may be used when pinion is Appendix A), a fourth material performance index
substantially harder than gear (Juvinall and Marshek 1999) can be added as
214 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 215
Table 2 Modified decision matrix with material performance indices and data uncertainties
Weighting factors Material IDs (alternatives)
0.0605 0.0415
Performance indices (criteria)
216 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
1 1000
0.5 500
0 0
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Material ID
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9
Material ID
weighting factors. In Table 2, plus and minus signs it is assumed that data uncertainties are purely due to
for criteria denote their directions (the higher, the random errors and, thus, the expected lower bound of
better, or the lower, the better) based on the errors is zero. If an analyst is aware of any biased
discussions of Sect. 2. The weights are taken from errors during experimental procedures, he/she may
Milani et al. (2005) and are derived based on sets of assign a non-zero indifference threshold according to
recommendations from gear design specialists and an the estimated biased error. For the strict preference
entropy method. To solve the problem, the non- thresholds, the standard deviation of each material
compensatory ELECTRE III methodology is em- performance value is calculated. Then, for the jth
ployed. It is non-compensatory in the sense that a column, the minimum standard deviation of the
very poor performance of a material with respect to a column is assigned as pj. This is to say that one
criterion cannot be offset by its good performance in material should be strictly preferred over another
other criteria. Mathematical considerations of this only if the difference between their performances is
method in the context of material selection are given at least greater than a minimal measurement error.
in Appendix B. Finally, the veto thresholds are chosen to be the same
The nominal value for each material performance as the strict preference thresholds (V j: vj = pj). This is
is found by averaging corresponding upper and lower to say that in the given material selection, no
limits (assuming a uniform uncertainty distribution). fuzziness for the veto condition (described in Appen-
For cases where an upper and lower limit was not dix B) is allowed and it should be a binary condition;
available, the given value was considered as nominal. see also Eq. (B2) for vj = pj. More precisely, if the
The indifference criteria thresholds are assigned to be difference between two material performances with
zero (V j: qj = 0). This is to say that, with respect to a respect to a certain criterion, gj(Mk) gj (Mi), is
criterion, none of the given materials can be larger than the observed standard deviation, then the
interchanged for the application. Also note that here veto condition is fully activated, i.e., dj(Mi,Mk) = 1,
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 217
and the outranking of Mi ? Mk should be rejected; weights. Hypothetically, when a ? ?, the largest
otherwise there is no veto. weight is one and the rest tend to zero. In the light of
Figure 5 summarizes results of the descending and these conditions, a may be considered as a ‘contrast
ascending distillation procedures (see also Appendix intensity’ parameter (Zeleny 1976).
B) and the ensuing final ranking graph. It is seen in Two a values (2 and 0.5) were initially chosen to
Fig. 5c that a candidate material has a high final rank apply a dilation and concentration sensitivity analy-
if it has a high rank in both ascending and descending sis, respectively, for the current material selection
distillation procedures (Collette and Siarry 2003). problem (see Table 3). It is important to note that
Material #6 seems to be the best choice and material dilation and concentration operators do not change
#7 is considered as a secondary option. In each graph, the order of criteria preferences, providing original
an arrow indicates a dominance relation. Any two weights are normalized between zero and one. The
alternatives that are disconnected (share no arrow) ELECTRE III solution method was then repeated for
are incomparable. For instance, according to Fig. 5c, a = .5 and results are shown in Figure 6. For a = 2
Materials #3 and 4 are incomparable; however they results were found identical to the original case (i.e.,
both have a low rank. Finally, indifferent alternatives a = 1) in Fig. 5. Once Figs. 5 and 6 are compared,
are those that appear on a same node of the graph. materials 6 and 7 prove to have the most stable and
highest ranks in all cases. No change in the latter
conclusion could be made for the larger range of a
4.1 Uncertainty in weighting factors: a dilation [ (0,4) checked.
and concentration process
M6 M6
Subjective weighting factors obtained from different
designers’ opinions may have uncertainties of their M6 M7
M7 M7
own, particularly if the number of designers con-
sulted with is not large enough. Therefore, it is M8 M9
worthwhile to make sure that the obtained solutions M9 M8
are robust against potential errors in weight values.
To simulate perturbation of original weights in M3
M5 M5
Table 2, a method of dilation and concentration is M4
adapted from Zeleny (1976). In this method, the M2 M3 M4
original set (w1 ,w2 ,...,wn) is iteratively changed by M3
two operations as follows. M1 M2
M2 M4
Dilation: ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þ is replaced by M1
ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þa ; a[1
(a) (b) (c)
Fig. 5 Results of (a) descending distillation, (b) ascending
distillation, and (c) final ranking
Concentration: ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þ is replaced by
ðw1 ; w2 ; . . . ; wn Þa ; 0<a<1
Table 3 Original, dilated, and concentrated weighting factors
Observe that the concentration operation leads to the
Case a Weighting factors set
increasing equalization of weights; they are hypo-
thetically the same when a ? 0. The condition a = 0 Dilation 2 (0.0295, 0.000025, 0.1814, 0.0852,
is only meaningful when there is no sufficient 0.0036, 0.0017)
evidence to prioritize one criterion against another. Original 1 (0.1720, 0.0050, 0.4260, 0.2920,
On the other hand, the dilation operation lessens the 0.0605, 0.0415)
larger values less and the smaller values more and, Concentration 0.5 (0.4147, 0.0707, 0.6526, 0.5403,
0.2459, 0.2037)
therefore, it provides increased differences among
218 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 219
N ¼ Ni þ Np ðA1Þ 1=k
Cli ; Cli 1 ðA5Þ
where Ni and Np are the number of cycles required for Nfe
the crack initiation phase and the crack propagation
phase, respectively. Most of the tooth fatigue life is If test data for an individual Sfe and UTS value are
dedicated to the first phase (Jelaska et al. 2003; Choi not available, a linear approximation is often made as
and Liu 2006) (i.e., Ni >> Np), and therefore it is Sfe = 0.5UTS (Juvinall and Marshek 1999). In that
important to choose materials with higher resistance case, k in Eq. (A4) reduces to a constant and becomes
to crack initiation. Neglecting plastic strains in the independent of material. Subsequently, Eq. (A5)
high cycle fatigue (HCF) region, and assuming the takes the form Cli = a(Ni)b where a, b are two
Basquin type S-N law for the crack initiation stage, Ni constants (see Wilson 1997 for a similar form for
for a given stress magnitude of ri is estimated by steel gears). In this study, however, the life factor Cli
Jelaska et al. (2003), Choi and Liu (2006) is allowed to vary with the individual material
220 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
Gear material selection with uncertain and incomplete data 221
Fig. B1 Schematic of
preference relations via a
pseudo-criteria definition
(cases shown are for gj (Mk)
gj (Mi) > 0 and gj is to be
relation of Mi ? Mk (says that material Mi outranks For an ideal alternative, M*i , one expects cj(M*i ,
material Mk). In turn, the credibility degree is defined Mk) = 1 and dj(M*i ,Mk) = 0 for all k; k = i. Following
by using the concordance cj (Mi, Mk) and discordance the solution process, the cj(j = 1,2,...,n) indices are
dj (Mi, Mk) indices with respect to the performance aggregated in a global concordance index as:
index gj. The concordance index allows the solution
mechanism to verify if Mi is at least as good as Mk j¼1 xj cj ðMi ; Mk Þ
with respect to the jth design criterion. On the other Cik ¼ Pn ðB3Þ
j¼1 xj
hand, the discordance index verifies if there exists a
very high opposition (veto) to the outranking relation
Finally, the credibility degree for the pair of
of Mi ? Mk. Thus, materials with very weak
materials is calculated by:
performances in one or more design criteria are
always in danger of being vetoed against their Y 1 dj ðMi ; Mk Þ
outranking relations. The concordance index in- dik ¼ Cik : ðB4Þ
1 Cik
creases linearly from its minimal value when gj j2F
222 A. S. Milani, A. Shanian
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