For That Glossy Hair: Don't Buy What The Devil Sells
For That Glossy Hair: Don't Buy What The Devil Sells
For That Glossy Hair: Don't Buy What The Devil Sells
For that
Shahnaz Hussain
glossy hair
ith the end of blistering
summers, monsoons are
here again to refresh us,
make us feel alive. Our body re-
quires maximum care during this
high-on-humidity weather. While
we take care of our body and skin
but, often neglect our hair when our
hair requires more care. The humid-
ity in the air causes the hair scalp
wet leading to dandru�, brittle and
damaged hair. The high humidity requires regular
The high humidity requires reg-
ular oiling, shampooing, condition- oiling, shampooing, conditioning to
ing to maintain shining, lustrous, maintain shining, lustrous, long and
long and healthy hair during mon-
soon. When the melody of monsoon healthy hair during monsoon
plays on your mind, some little nat-
ural precaution will keep your hair
nourished and glossy during mon- dry and dull. lemon on the scalp and wash your Oily hair tends to become limp Lemon juice can be added to a
soon. Sometimes, the flakes may even hair after 20 minutes. during the monsoons, due to high mug of water and used as a last rinse.
High humidity poses a problem be yellowish in colour. Certain hair humidity. Also, hair absorbs mois- A lemon rinse helps to reduce oili-
during the monsoons. The hair be- styling products or rich condition- Neem leaves: Add two handfuls ture from the air and also sweat ness and also maintains normal bal-
comes limp soon after shampoo. ers can also lead to a build-up on the of neem leaves to four cups of hot from the scalp. These tend to make ances. Tea and lemon rinses are also
The look of the hair also su�ers. It scalp. water. Let it stand overnight. Next the hair limp, robbing it of body and good during the monsoons. Boil
absorbs sweat and tends to swell, For sticky dandru�, hot oil ther- morning, strain the liquid and use shine. Straight and fine hair also used tea leaves again, in enough wa-
becoming matted and rough. Dust apy is useful. Heat sesame seed (til) it to rinse the hair. It relieves itching tends to become limp. A layered cut ter. Cool the liquid. Add the juice of
and grime in the air also tend to oil or olive oil. Apply the oil on the and keeps the scalp healthy and free would help, as it would give the hair a lemon and use it as a rinse after
stick to the hair. The salt in your scalp with cotton wool, rubbing gen- from infections. It is useful in dan- more body and bounce. shampoo.
sweat, along with environmental tly to dislodge the flakes. Then dip a dru�. A paste can also be made of Shampoo the hair more fre- Avoid creamy conditioners. Use a
grime, makes the hair rough and towel in hot water, squeeze out the the soaked neem leaves and applied quently during the monsoons, espe- hair rinse. Marigold flowers can be
robs it of its body and shine. water and wrap the hot towel on the scalp, rinsing o� with water cially if the hair is oily. Use a mild used to prepare a hair rinse. It is
The kind of dandru� that is sticky around the head, like a turban. after half an hour. herbal shampoo. Rinse your hair particularly useful during the mon-
and adheres to the scalp is common Keep it on for 5 minutes. Repeat Sometimes sticky dandru� can be well with water, to get rid of all soons. Add a handful of fresh or
during the monsoons. The scales, the hot towel wrap 3 or 4 times. This accompanied by bad odour during soapy residues and the loosened dried marigold flowers to three cups
along with oil and sweat secretions, helps the hair and scalp absorb the the monsoons. For a fragrant hair flakes. Apply egg white on the hair of hot water. Allow it to stand for an
tend to stick to the scalp, making up oil better. Repeat these three or four rinse, add the juice of a lemon and 15 minutes before shampoo. It helps hour. Strain and cool the water and
a condition that needs treatment. times. Leave the oil on overnight. half a cup of rose water to a mug of to reduce oiliness and also adds use as a final rinse. It benefits oily
The scalp is oily, while the hair is Next morning, apply the juice of a water and use as a last rinse. body. hair and adds body and shine.