8 Vrishchika Lagna
8 Vrishchika Lagna
8 Vrishchika Lagna
Physically, a Scorpio Ascendant is usually beautiful and attractive with rounded legs and
thighs. Vindictive by nature and sensitive to criticism, he can be very alert and quarrelsome.
He seems to take special delight in verbally abusing his friends. Ordinarily, he is lucky in
marriage but his sex life remains undisciplined. His children could be famous and his friends
eminent, but he is unable to establish an enduring relationship with them. He is ignorant of his
own long-term interests: immediate gratification is more important to him than permanent
gain. His life in general tends to be a bag of mixed achievement and frustration. His health
may suffer from abuse and irregularity of habit. Secrecy in his life is a very significant issue:
secret alliances, secret pangs and sufferings, secret hiding places, secret enemies, secret
friends and secret undertakings. Drug addiction, smuggling, litigation, and participation in
cruel deeds are not uncommon under this sign. In a way, this person is his own worst enemy.
Cruelty is exaggerated when the SUN is in this sign; in fact, all of Scorpio's undesirable
characteristics are pronounced when the Sun rises here. The individual may receive money
under the solar impulse but he will not spend it generously. Whether he becomes a drug dealer
or a spy, whatever he does in life he will not stick to it - or to a relationship for long.
MOON in Scorpio native has expressive eyes, a broad chest, rounded loins and knees, and is
unable to feel sure about himself. He receives honor from the state and cooperation from his
colleagues, but the trials of his life never cease. He may be separated from his father with a
mind full of guilt. He may have an insatiable carnal passion which a more conventional spouse
cannot satisfy and he often indulges in infidelities. He may be mentally unstable and suffer
from illness early in life.
MERCURY may shape a gambler, cheat, liar, and a deceptive character in general. He will be
unscrupulous in his quest for personal gain, take to corrupt business practices, and probably
get caught at it. The person may suffer from a speech defect.
VENUS here adds warmth to family life and the spouse is usually honorable. There will be
happy partnerships between business colleagues and gains from overseas are common.
With MARS rising in Scorpio life can be explosive: sins and criminal tendencies inevitably
come to light with this planetary placement. Courageous and able to overcome adversaries, the
person is susceptible to danger from fire, poison, and bloodshed. He is also likely to be
reckless in speech and get involved in criminal conspiracies. He may experience early divorce
and suffer from heart disease.
With JUPITER, however, the circumstances will be very different. The individual is religious,
wealthy, well-educated, and healthy. Difficulties in his personal life will be removed and the
journey made smooth. He usually enjoys happiness, stability, and a satisfying family life.
When SATURN rises in Scorpio, the native may suffer from throat disease and experience
professional hazards. His marriage partner is usually incompatible, his personal life miserable,
and his circumstances poor and needy.
Under the impact of RAHU in this sign, the individual can suffer danger from poisoning and
suicidal urges, indulge in mean and prohibited undertakings, and be at the center of serious
With KETU, the native can be heartless, murderous, crazy, perverted and unattractive at
worst, but the converse side of a strong Ketu is always intensely spiritual.
Sagittarius as the sign occupying the Second house enables the person to make very
ethical use of his wealth; he earns his money through considerable effort, accumulates it
with patience, and spends it on righteous ends. His behavior earns him friendship, though
people may consider him a miser. His speech, even when intended to inspire others, will fail
to arouse the requisite enthusiasm because it is tinged with selfishness.
The powerful nature of the SUN in this sign will be expressed through an impressive
professional status, much accumulated wealth and property, commanding speech, and good
The MOON in this position will also give auspicious results. The individual will certainly be
wealthy and religious in attitude. There will be an inspiring tone in his speech and he should
also have good eyesight. He will take care of his family members.
MERCURY here will limit one's capacity to accumulate wealth. The native will be fond of
colorful and fiery speeches, but will accomplish little in terms of action.
VENUS will make the individual god-fearing, ethical, and an able speaker, but finances will
be limited and whatever exists will be squandered by his spouse.
MARS will enable the Individual to accumulate wealth, though with difficulty. He may,
however, become famous and loquacious, enjoying a long life and many relatives.
If JUPITER occupies this position, the auspicious nature of the planet will make the
individual wealthy, socially and professionally prominent, and blessed with a good education
and powerful speech. He will be a connoisseur of good food.
When SATURN occupies this position, the individual may become indigent, coarse in
speech, defective in limb, and ill-treated by his family. His longevity may be curtailed.
RAHU may give a speech defect and a desire for extramarital affairs.
With the SUN in this sign, he receives setbacks in his professional life and enters into dispute
with his siblings. He is, however, invincible to his foes, over whom he ultimately attains
victory. In spite of his courage and enthusiasm, he often feels lost and internally drained.
The MOON makes one mentally weak, ritualistic, and surrounded by psychologically
disturbed persons. His relations take advantage of him.
When MERCURY is in this sign, the individual often travels on business trips, though he may
also engage in illegal business transactions. He is very talkative and receives sorrow from his
VENUS does not allow the individual to devote himself whole-heartedly to his business. Good
food, good clothes, amorous company and a penchant for gambling are his major
MARS in this sign is very powerful and effective. The native will be a terror to his adversaries
and a friend to those who can help him. He may not be well educated, but he will have
excellent common sense. He will earn well and gain a respectable place in society.
When JUPITER occupies this house and sign, the individual will have a good education and a
charming spouse. Being interested in social life, he will spend money on his friends and
associates, but they will exploit him. He will be cheated and ultimately have to suffer due to
their machinations.
With SATURN, the native appears to be leading a happy life, but suffers psychologically. He
will be a miser, bereft of a good education, unhappy with his children, and plagued with
marital problems.
With RAHU in this house, there will be stability in the native's approach and he will succeed
in eliminating his adversaries.
The SUN in this sign produces a mysterious situation. The native is almost regal in status,
but in the domain of secret knowledge or secret wealth. He has tremendous control over his
emotions, and can act ruthlessly in the execution of his designs. He is respected and even
feared: such a person can be a yogi immersed in austerities, a successful smuggler, or a king
of the underworld.
The MOON imparts a materialistic philosophy: such an individual thinks that the highest aim
in life is to spend one's time as happily and joyously as possible.
When MERCURY is in Aquarius in the Fourth, the individual earns money and renown from
his writings and consultations. He will advise people on their secret personal problems. He is
a deep thinker, but sometimes gets into trouble due to the advice he gives others. Venus
makes the individual rich, sensitive, and very renowned abroad. He is affable, fond of his
mother, and has a very sensual temperament. Nevertheless, he has a congenial married life
and is engaged in philanthropic activities.
MARS shapes a native who is mentally weak and emotionally complicated, who may adopt
surreptitious methods to acquire status and evaluate everything with the yardstick of material
wealth. His immediate environment is seldom pleasant, and he is estranged from his spouse.
JUPITER is not well placed in this sign. Under its influence there is a break in the
individual's education and he gains no comfort from his children. He is honorable in a
general way, but incurs loss of property and suffers from diseases of a psychological nature.
His yearning for illicit affairs may take a heavy toll.
SATURN makes the individual very important, almost like a king, a leader of the
community. His morals may be low but his opponents are always vanquished.
With RAHU in Aquarius, the individual may talk of high ideals, but there will be something
lacking in his demeanor: his companions are dishonest, his dealings underhanded, and his
attitude may be mean-spirited.
With KETU there is considerable mental power and the individual may develop many
original social ideas, but they are never carried out, often because they are not well planned.
The individual is also likely to suffer from some sort of mental aberration. He is personally
disenchanted and emotionally dried up.
With Pisces as the sign in the Fifth house, the ambition of the individual is greatly
aroused; he desires to attain the highest and most comfortable status in life, the peak of
glory. Unless counterbalanced by other planetary influences, Pisces in the Fifth house is not
conducive to children, for this sign eliminates all kinds of material attachments.
When the SUN occupies this sign, it will make the individual desirous of attaining spiritual
enlightenment. He will always be restless unless the best rewards are available to him. He
will do well in his examinations and even attain high official status, but he will have to work
very hard. The Sun will enable the individual to attain much in the realm of spirit but, since
children relate to the physical plane and Pisces to the spiritual, the native may well remain
The MOON, on the other hand, will produce fortunate children, a good educational career,
and high social status. The native will be guided towards the realization of spiritual goals.
When MERCURY occupies this sign and house, the individual is born with powerful literary
abilities and a facile mode of expression. He will have an extraordinary gift for articulating
highly esoteric truths; whatever he says or writes will be greatly valued. His children will be
religious and learned, his status in society very important, and through the perfection of his
literary faculties he will attain his goals in life.
VENUS exalted in Pisces will bestow on the individual the happiness of an amiable family
life with an extremely attractive and learned spouse sharing his joys and sorrows, making his
stay at home a pleasure and his travels a journey with a mission. His children will be so
gifted that not only will they bring wealth to the family; they will also raise the social status
of the parents. The native's own inherent talent for music and the fine arts, his efficiency in
social relationships, and his ability to express knowledge creatively will secure an enduring
place for him in society.
Though MARS in Pisces will not enhance the possibilities for children, its religious fervor
and interest in deeper observances will make the native special. He will have little respect for
social mores, but with a mission in mind he will travel the length and breadth of the country
and inspire people towards a better way of living. There may be serious problems begetting
children, thus causing some sadness, but the native's output in other spheres of creativity will
be substantial. He will be a man with a mission.
JUPITER will bestow very few children, but it will make the individual contented, regarding
everything as the action of divine grace. Mentally he will remain in a state of equanimity. He
will have a good education and his knowledge of spiritual teachings will be authoritative.
Even his cantankerous nature will be oriented towards helping others.
When SATURN occupies the Fifth house in Pisces, the individual suffers from deep-rooted
guilt. His basic nature is often selfish, cantankerous, self-seeking and interested in showing
off his acquisitions, but when he begins to really think about himself, he realizes the
shallowness of these desires. His spouse displays many desirable qualities, but the native's
sensuality drives him to indiscretions which he will later regret. His studies, his profession,
his society, and even his relations make him feel so self-conscious and isolated that he may
be lonely and miserable throughout his life.
RAHU in this house will produce a unique person whose irreligious and materialistic
proclivities will cause his subconscious, paradoxically, to disgorge all that is ethical in life.
Similarly, his sorrows from his children and his psychic involvements with disturbed people
will gradually be transformed into a situation where the individual begins earning religious
merits while still immersed in his materialistic environment.
KETU in this sign will make the individual inwardly disciplined, unattached lo anything
material and leading a pure life. His goal is salvation, the abandonment of the world, and
merging with the void. He may be considered crazy by his friends and associates, but he will
be above worldly criticisms and opinions.
Aries occupying the Sixth house churns the Sea of Immutability so as to produce
egotism tinged with selfishness when the house is agitated by malefic planetary
influences. Mean behavior in social relationships is not necessarily the expression of this
influence, but the urge to rise higher in society often creates many enemies for the individual.
He may be widely disliked, though me hostility of others is not always expressed outwardly.
The SUN here penetrates the Sea of Immutability so fiercely as to enable the good influences
to come to the surface. Every kind of impediment is eliminated: the individual vanquishes his
enemies, becomes disease-free, and is renowned for his courage and efficiency. If any one
involves him in litigation, he crushes his opponent severely.
With the MOON in this sign, the situation is different. The native may feel ineffective and
suffer from phlegm (Kapha). He is sometimes subjected to scandal and may be under
pressure from his creditors.
With MERCURY, the individual will have literary talent and secure much consideration
from the stale, but he will suffer from secret diseases which may put a stop to his
With VENUS, any upsurge of carnal passion or the slightest temptation towards profligacy
drives the native headlong into trouble. At worst he may suffer from venereal ailments and
end up heavily in debt. He will not always be well spoken of. Such experiences teach him,
though very slowly, the desirability of basic honesty in human relationships.
When MARS occupies this sign and house, it acquires many of the characteristics of the Sun,
though with the important difference that Mars attains its victory after fierce struggle and
opposition, while the Sun does so without effort. Under the influence of Mars the individual
becomes a little cruel, has to fight his adversaries, and must lake precautionary and remedial
measures against diseases. He may get into some situation where bloodshed or surgery
becomes necessary, though his recovery will probably be very swift.
JUPITER is important here because it ultimately bestows tremendous renown and prestige,
but the path is full of thorns. At some time or other in his career, the individual has to pass
through periods of penury; his eyesight may give him trouble, his children may be
disrespectful, his family life could be disorganized, and there may be charges against him —
even of treason. These difficulties arise so that he may realize the sorrow of deprivation and
not inflict the same on others, and also to arouse his hidden understanding of the supreme
realization which can occur when one is purged of emotional impurities. In order that the
individual may become truly spiritual, he must pass through purgatory.
SATURN in the Sixth house in his debilitation sign leads to the agitation of an intense karma
which almost annihilates the native's personal life. Saturn can make the person indigent,
under which condition he incurs heavy debt, is humiliated, and keeps bad company. His
lascivious nature is so much excited that he may incur venereal disease or become a social
outcast. With such bitter experiences concerning life, he becomes so disenchanted with
human relationships that a desire for renunciation dawns upon him.
RAHU in this sign is auspicious in the sense that although the individual sometimes passes
through periods of anxious uncertainty, he finally attains his goal. He is not much respected
by society, but he has all the conveniences anyone can hope for.
KETU is often destructive for the native. The karmic past is so agitated that it may bring an
infamous fall and great humiliation. In spite of power and possessions, there will always be
an uncertainty or sense of unreality about the person which will foil his efforts to stabilize
his position.
Taurus will provide physical and intellectual power to the Seventh house, leading the
individual to expect much from life. Inasmuch as his desire focuses on the acquisition of
power, wealth and status, his life is generally a disappointment. The inability to accommodate
the wishes of others works only when one's partner is self-sacrificing and bent upon fulfilling
the demands of the native. This does not usually continue for long, for in the process of life's
unfoldment it does not help the native. The main concern of the individual under the influence
of Taurus is his own satisfaction, and he will be happy as long as there is no planetary
influence obstructing this enjoyment.
The SUN in this sign and house creates difficulties in marriage, which inevitably breaks. The
individual is eager to make a mark in the world. He wants movement, changing his profession
and life direction frequently. To him, marriage is just a means to ascend the ladder of profes-
sion. His passion is generally not satisfied by a single partner, and this creates problems in
his life.
The MOON brings a very passionate and sexually adept marriage partner, but the individual's
interests are elsewhere. The spouse wants to eat well, dress well, and live comfortably, while
the native is concerned primarily with what he can get from society. The conflict may not become
overt in the married relationship, but will remain as an undercurrent which will cause some
friction. The situation can be resolved only if the partner completely surrenders to the whims
and caprices of the native.
MERCURY will make life smooth as far as companion ability in marriage is concerned, but there
will be obstacles to sexual fulfillment in the relationship. Ill health, infidelity, social
relationships, and even religious strictures may stand between the partners.
VENUS gives a pleasant married life with a spouse who is more loving to the native than the
native to his spouse.
MARS is extremely enjoyable here: both partners will be ardently in love with each other. They
will not hesitate to spend their energy and wealth in making the relationship happy.
JUPITER will provide all that is good and joyous in life. Marital life will be pleasant; the
individual will be rich and willing to spend money on pleasure. His children will be learned
and helpful and his social life respectable. He may, however, be attracted towards extramarital
SATURN in this sign can make the native cruel and selfish, thirsting for power and self-
aggrandizement. He may have no ethics in devising his program of action, though these actions
will prove to be self-destructive.
RAHU can involve the person in sexual diseases which are difficult to cure. His associations
are often undesirable and he may be engaged in many surreptitious dealings and clandestine
KETU will not permit the individual to enjoy the pleasures of conjugal life. His ideas about
himself will stand between him and the world, and between him and his partners. As a result
of this barrier the individual will be learned but unhappy, without any satisfactory married
With Gemini in the Eighth house, one is unable to control or regulate the powerful impulses
of one's karmic past, as a result of which the native moves in directions motivated by his
subconscious. His mind is often tom between several conflicting ideals. He knows that his
motivations are selfish arid narrow-minded, but he also possesses a profundity of vision which
shows him the shallowness of his own life. Intellectually, he will be quite sound, and his
intellect will often lead him to spirituality.
The SUN in this sign energizes the intellect in such a way that the selfishness of the person is
tremendously emphasized. Feelings of egotism cultivated in past lives surface with intense
force, making the native clever but immoral, deceitful, and manipulative. Serious bouts of
fever sap his vital energy and his health suffers.
The MOON leads the individual into numerous sexual affairs which remain devoid of
satisfaction. It destroys the natural goodness with which the person is born, inculcating in him
many secret vices. His father suffers an untimely death, but his mother is long-lived. The
native himself undergoes operations connected with the reproductive organs. He seldom
listens to good advice. '
MERCURY in this sign will not be damaging, though the social life of the native will not be
all it could be. His life will be a pit of secrecy, and he may receive some legacy. There may be
much renown and status as well.
VENUS will disturb the sexual balance of the individual. His relationships will be
predominantly carnal, his spouse may be promiscuous, and he himself will become ever more
engrossed in sensuality. He will be extremely skillful in camouflaging his sexual affairs.
MARS has a tremendous influence in this sign and house, creating a whirlwind of past karmic
forces drawing both good and bad to the surface. The intellect and sociability of the native are
greatly accentuated, but he is vulnerable to surgical operations and accidents. His words often
become violent, but he attains wealth and a sumptuous legacy.
JUPITER in this sign arouses egotism, allowing the individual to justify his every action. His
luxurious habits, idealism, and secret maneuvers will bring much wealth and power to him,
though his morals will be doubtful.
SATURN in this position will destroy the individual's material sustenance and support. It may
bestow a long life, but a life which is often full of intense sorrow and serious diseases. The
native may be abandoned by almost all his relations and have serious difficulties in his career.
RAHU can make the native very talkative or, if afflicted, a gossip monger. He will also be
very inscrutable.
KETU in this position will makes it necessary for the native to draw upon all this planet's
innate spirituality in order to avoid drunkenness, an early death or general dissipation.
CANCER in the Ninth- Cancer is essentially a sign of mental relaxation and enjoyment of
the senses which often operates through narrow parochialism. Even when the individual under
its influence professes generosity and universal sympathy, he has his gaze concentrated on
maintaining his own position in society and upon self-aggrandizement.
When the SUN is in Cancer in the Ninth, the individual acquires much money and spends the
same on philanthropic programs. If the wealth and status he acquires are not employed for the
public good, it will be foolishly dissipated. The individual learns that all power must come to
an end.
With the MOON in this sign, the native gets all the comforts and conveniences of life, but his
selfishness is so deep-rooted that his mind is never free for serious contemplation or the
sacrifices required for a spiritual life. Any sacrifices he makes will be for the sake of his
siblings and near relatives.
MERCURY in this sign will raise the native's status and enable him to harness his potential.
"Work as worship" will be his motto in life.
VENUS will make the individual a lover of ease, desirous of power and capable of
precipitating any amount of cruelty to satisfy his coveted goals in life. He will have little
respect for religion.
MARs in this sign can destroy all sense of altruism. It will impel the individual to seek power
by any means. His ethics will be materialistic; his goal the satisfaction of his cama1 passions,
and his morality may become a justification for his lustful actions.
JUPITER in this sign will enable the native to become acquainted with spiritual teachings and
traditional scriptures. He will try hard to follow the path, but his personal frustrations may
sometimes become so intense as to leave him with little regard for the higher aspects of life.
His philosophy will remain tied to formal observances and traditional religion,
SATURN in this position will make the individual important and bestow upon him many
social responsibilities and material riches. He will be hungry for power, covetous of the
possessions of others, and lacking in a sense of moral propriety.
RAHU will often make the individual rebel against all established religions. His philosophy
will have a place for the evangelical spirit, but not for ritualistic observances. He will be
outlawed, outcast, and ostracized because of his unorthodox morality. His associates are not
always respectable, and his passions often transgress against social mores.
KETU in this sign will make the individual psychic as well as abnormally critical of
established religious practices and traditional philosophy. His own habits and manners arise
from his singularly individualistic philosophy and will therefore be extremely eccentric. He
will always be on the move and may not even have an established home.
With Leo in the Tenth house the individual may be subject to delusions. This position
sometimes leads the native to perform undesirable or criminal acts. An element of social
disregard is inherent in such a person.
The SUN in this sign enables the individual to attain high social status, but his actions are self-
centered and autocratic. Society is unhappy with him; he is not much respected.
With the MOON in this position there is some control over the erratic behavior of the
individual and some ethical values are incorporated into his life. His social and professional
life seldom run smoothly, but he will have enough endurance to sustain him through his trials.
MERCURY will disturb the native; difficulties in regard to earning money will be
accompanied by physical and mental illnesses.
VENUS in this sign at worst may make the individual a moral wreck. He may depend upon
his spouse for sustenance and devote much of his life to wasteful activities.
With MARs in this sign, the .individual will be engaged in the furtherance of his personal
whims and caprices.
JUPITER will introduce some order and method to the native's life. He will be religious,
devoted to his children and family, and considerate to society. He will be rich, respectable,
and engaged in the teaching profession.
SATURN may negatively affect the family status, create disaffection between siblings, and
break the marriage tie. The individual will burn with an intense desire to achieve some
supreme position or high ideal, but social conditions will seldom enable him to succeed. His
dreams and visions will often be destroyed.
RAHU in this sign will make the individual a leader of the working class who champions the
cause of the downtrodden and the oppressed.
KETU will make the native a philosopher who is concerned with ultimate truth but all too
inclined to think much and do little.
The native who has Virgo in his Eleventh house attains much wealth, especially as a
result of his intellectual qualities. He is often burdened with many social and family
responsibilities; his income is unstable, and his obligations often ex~ his cash inflow. He will
face strenuous circumstances.
With the SUN in this sign, the native's fame is extensive, mainly due to his executive abilities.
From his vocation he attains a great deal of success, and people acknowledge him as an expert
in his field. Promotion comes swiftly and he is able to acquire much money.
The MOON makes its native a renowned author, journalist, commercial advisor or some
similar professional. Generally, he avoids routine activity and prefers freedom of operation to
the mere acquisition of income.
With MERCURY in this sign, the native becomes an intellectual, social, and blessed with
good children. He likes company, and whenever he is with a group of people he is very
charming. He becomes a source of attraction in social gatherings, has many reliable friends,
and is never short of money. If he goes into business and commerce he will succeed.
VENUS enables the native to earn money from business or from intellectual activities such as
teaching, journalism, authorship and social liaison work. He has good contacts, is respected,
and is powerful. His married life, however, is not very inspiring.
Fiery speeches, revolutionary writings, or complete absorption in the engineering field are
some of the activities that an individual may undertake when MARs is in Virgo in the
Eleventh. He may also be connected with military training, the manufacture of transport
equipment, or lifesaving activities. It is also possible that he will go into insurance work in
which assurances are provided and risks undertaken for accidents, damages, rioting and the
JUPITER will make the native a great organizer. He earns a fabulous amount of money; his
leadership is acknowledged and his creativity is enduring. He attains his objectives in life and
finally becomes a great philanthropist. He is a great upholder of traditional values and is much
respected in his community.
Under the influence of SATURN the native's family conditions are not comfortable and a
sense of restriction as regards his personal freedom is also felt, but the same restrictions later
on become instrumental in his taking up new enterprises. He may be psychologically burdened
but financially affluent.
RAHU is not a good influence for spiritual activities, but for material attainments it will be
very useful. The native may earn much through labor laws, industrial organizations, anti-
corruption campaigns and so on.
When KETU occupies this sign there is much spirituality in the native. He often becomes the
head of some religious or philosophical organization.
Libra in the Twelfth house makes the person indulgent in sensual pleasures. He is interested
in worldly status, and even his religious sensibilities are directed towards conventional
The SUN in this sign may drive the native to the darkest pit of physical immorality. He will
have little use for social considerations and he may violate all religious ethics. His lascivious
tendencies will be highly accentuated and he will be S30rt of money. His family life may be
The MOON will make the individual seek "the pleasures of the bed" excessively. He will be
widely known, but very few people will have good words to say about him.
MERCURY in this sign makes the individual a charming personality, especially for his logical
speeches and his ability to fight for a cause. Despite a lack of education, he succeeds in
becoming renowned and his intellect is his greatest asset. He will be extravagant and very
hospitable; he likes the good life.
When VENUS occupies this sign, the individual becomes very luxury loving. He marries into
a good family but is unable to maintain a cordial relation with his spouse.
MARS in this position will intensify the libidinous tendency of the individual, who will care
little for social decorum or family prestige. He may be accused of immoral behavior, even to
the point of a criminal conviction.
JUPITER will bring ruin to the native's family property and his children's future prospects. His
education will be impeded. His native, however, will be famous in many countries and his
sociability will bring him into contact with many secret esoteric organizations.
SATURN is exalted in this sign, and as such it sheds much of its malefic nature. Saturn makes
the individual very well-disciplined, having perfect control over his psycho-biological
reactions. He will be able to manage his property efficiently. He may be interested in spiritual
knowledge, through which, in his own way, he will be preparing himself to meet the final
challenge. He will accept no one's guidance in this regard.
When RAHU occupies this sign, the individual becomes a great iconoclast. His spouse will
play a minimal role in his life and his death will, come in an unexpected and mysterious
manner. He will be much feared, even dreaded.
KETU in this position makes the individual very frustrated. Sleepless nights, sorrowful days
and the dishonorable termination of his employment are the general characteristics of this
combination. Interest in the occult is very superficial, but alternative sexual behavior is