Effects of Dichrostachys Glomerata Feeding Regimes On Growth Performancegut Microbiota and Haematobiochemical Profile of Japanese
Effects of Dichrostachys Glomerata Feeding Regimes On Growth Performancegut Microbiota and Haematobiochemical Profile of Japanese
Effects of Dichrostachys Glomerata Feeding Regimes On Growth Performancegut Microbiota and Haematobiochemical Profile of Japanese
© Under License of Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License | This article is available from: http://animalnutrition.imedpub.com 1
Journal of Animal Research and Nutrition 2018
ISSN 2572-5459 Vol.3 No.2:5
D. glomerata has been shown to have antiviral, anti-infectious experiment, the quails received feed and water ad libitum every
[12], anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects [13]. This fruit also day.
exhibit in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity and can inhibit
oxidation of low-density lipoproteins [14]. These authors also Table 1: Composition of experimental diet
reported the ability of D. glomerata to reduce fasting blood
glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels. Ingredients (%) Quantity (%)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of D. Bone meal 2
glomerata feeding regimes on growth performance, gut
Oyster Shell 2
microbiota and haemato-biochemical profile of Japanese quails.
Premix 5%* 5
Trial has been performed in agreement with the guidelines of Calculated nutrients composition
the ethical standards from the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and Metabolisable energy (kcal/kg) 2906.8
latterly amendment.
Crude protein (%) 20.15
The study was carried out at the Teaching and Research Farm Phosphorus (%) 1.27
of the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences, University Lysine (%) 0.44
of Dschang, Cameroon. This farm is located at an altitude of
1420 m above sea level, between latitude 5°26’N and longitude Methionine (%) 0.14
10°26’E with an equato-guinean climate, tempered by altitude. *Vitamin premix provided per kilogram of diet: Vitamin A: 3000000 IU; Vitamin
D3: 600000 IU; Vitamin E: 4000 mg; Vitamin K: 500 mg; Vitamin B1: 200 mg;
Vitamin B2: 1000 mg; Vitamin B6: 400 mg; Vitamin B12: 4 mg; Mn: 80 mg; Fe:
Feed additives 8000 mg; Zn: 10000 mg; Cu: 2000mg; Methionine: 200000 mg; Lysine: 78000
mg; Se: 20 mg.
Dried sample of D. glomerata fruit was bought at the local
market in Dschang, ground into powder in a Harmed mill, sieved Prophylactic measures against the most common infectious
and incorporated in the experimental diets. The grounded spices diseases were carried out. The quails were given treatment
sample was put in polyethylene plastic, sealed and stored at 4°C against coccidiosis (Vetacox®) and Vitamins (AMINTOTAL®) in
in a refrigerator until analysis. water once a week. Chicks were weighed at the beginning of the
Phytochemical screening of D. glomerata showed that tannin experiment and on weekly basis thereafter. Data on feed intake
and alkaloids were absent. Steroids, flavonoids, saponins, and body weight gain were collected and used to calculate the
anthraquinons, anthocyanines and triterpenoids tests were feed conversion ratio (FCR) on weekly basis, monitored for five
positive. Antibiotic (Doxycyclin®) used in the positive control diet weeks.
was bought from a local veterinary pharmacy.
Growth performance, haematological and serum
Animal and experimental diets biochemical parameters
A total of 160 two weeks old Japanese quail chicks were At the end of the feeding trial (35 days of experiment), one
randomly assigned to four treatments groups in a completely male and one female from each replicate within the treatment
randomised design with 40 quails per treatment. Each group (8 quails per treatment) were selected for carcass evaluation.
was sub divided into 4 replicates of 10 quails each (5 males and They were fasted for 12 hours and slaughtered. Evisceration was
5 females). done by hand plucking of feathers in warm water, removal of
Two experimental diets were formulated from the negative shank and viscera were recorded individually and presented as a
control ration (T0) formulated to meet their requirements (Table percentage of live body weight.
1) by incorporating 1 g of antibiotic/kg of feed and considered as From each slaughtered quail, blood was collected in 2 test
positive control ration (T0+) and 5 g of D. glomerata fruit/kg of tubes, one of which contained an anticoagulant. Blood with
feed (T1). The last treatment consisted of incorporating 5 g/l of anticoagulant was used for haematological analysis using a fully
D. glomerata powder in drinking water (T2). Throughout the automatic blood cell counter (Model PCE-21ON Hong Kong,
China). Haematological parameters included White blood cell
(WBC), Red blood cell (RBC), Haemoglobin (Hgb), Mean cell
haemoglobin concentration (MCHC), Mean cell volume (MCV),
2 This article is available from: http://animalnutrition.imedpub.com
Journal of Animal Research and Nutrition 2018
ISSN 2572-5459 Vol.3 No.2:5
Mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) and Packed cell volume (PCV). variance test by General Linear Model procedure of Statistical
Meanwhile, after centrifugation of blood free from Package for Social Science (SPSS 20.0) software. The differences
anticoagulant, serum was collected and preserved at -20°C for were tested using Duncan’s multiple range test and probability
the evaluation of total protein, albumin, globulin, aspartate values less than 0.05 was considered as significant [17].
aminotransferase (ASAT), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), total
cholesterol, high density lipoproteins (HDL), low density Results
lipoproteins (LDL), triglyceride, urea and creatinine, using
colorimetric method as prescribed by the commercial kits
(Dialab® kits). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of
grower Japanese quails
Microbial count Table 2 summarised the overall performance of grower quails
A sterile spatula was used to collect freshly quail droppings fed on D. glomerata feeding regimes. The results of the present
into sterile bottles. The identification and quantification of study indicated no significant effects (p>0.05) among the
bacteria were assessed on appropriate specific culture media treatment groups for feed intake, final body weight, and weekly
(MRS Agar for lactic acid bacteria, Mac Conkey AGAR for E. coli, weight gain.
SS AGAR for Salmonella and MST AGAR for Staphylococcus). However, the administration of D. glomerata powder through
Samples were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. water (T2) numerically increased feed intake for about 2.89%
and 8.37% compared to the negative (T0) and positive (T0+)
Statistical analysis control rations respectively. Water inclusion of D. glomerata
significantly increased FCR compared to positive control ration
Data recorded on growth, haematological, biochemical and
supplemented with antibiotic.
microbial parameters were submitted to one-way analysis of
Table 2: Growth performance and carcass characteristics of quails as affected by D. glomerata feeding regimes
T0 =Negative control diet; T0+= T0 + 0.1% of Doxycycline; T1= T0 + 5 g D. glomerata powder/kg of feed; T2= drinking water + 5 g D. glomerata powder/litre of water.
Table 3 summarised the development of digestive organs of and MCH compared to negative and positive control ration. The
quails as affected by D. glomerata inclusion in feed and water. D. PCV was significantly (p<0.05) higher with drinking water
glomerata feeding regimes had no significant (p>0.05) effect on administration of D. glomerata compared to the negative
the development of digestive organs with respect to the control ration (T0).
negative and positive control treatments.
Except for serum content in triglycerides which significantly
The haematological parameters of Japanese quails as affected increased (p<0.05) for about 20.62% in quails fed on D.
by D. glomerata feeding regimes are summarised in Table 4. glomerata inclusion in drinking water (T2) compared to the
Although not significantly (p>0.05) different, feeding quails with negative control treatment (T0), the concentration of serum
D. glomerata whatever the regime tend to increase WBC, Hgb biochemical parameters of grower Japanese quails after 5 weeks
Table 3: Effects of D. glomerata feeding regimes on the development of digestive organs of Japanese quails
T0 =Negative control diet; T0+= T0 + 0.1% of Doxycycline; T1= T0 + 5 g D. glomerata powder/kg of feed; T2= drinking water + 5 g D. glomerata powder/litre of water.
ab: Means on the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05); WBC= White blood cell; RBC= Red blood cell; Hgb= Haemoglobin; MCV= Mean
cell volume; MCH= Mean cell haemoglobin; MCHC= Mean cell haemoglobin concentration; PCV= Packed cell volume; SEM= standard error on mean; T0 =Negative
control diet; T0+= T0 + 0.1% of Doxycycline; T1= T0 + 5 g D. glomerata powder/kg of feed; T2= drinking water + 5 g D. glomerata powder/litre of water.
Table 5: Serum biochemical parameters of Japanese quails as affected by D. glomerata feeding regimes
Means on the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05); SEM= standard error mean. T0= negative control diet; T0+= T0 + 0.1% of
Doxycycline; T1= T0 + 5 g D. glomerata powder/kg of feed; T2= drinking water + 5 g D. glomerata powder/litre of water.
However, although not significant (p>0.05), the serum content treatment. Feeding quails with D. glomerata through drinking
in ASAT, ALAT and creatinine of quails fed on D. glomerata water or feed resulted in a significant increase in number of
through drinking water numerically increased for about 7.40%, Staphylococcus counts. The feeding regimes had no significant
41.86% and 31.70% respectively compared to quails fed on diet (p>0.05) effect on lactic bacteria counts compared to the
without supplement (T0). negative and positive control treatments. With regard to the
bacteria species and irrespective of the treatment, lactic
The microbes isolated from the faecal sample of growing
bacteria counts were significantly (p<0.05) high compared to E.
quails fed on D. glomerata are shown in Table 6. E. coli and
coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus counts.
Salmonella counts markedly decreased with antibiotic and D.
glomerata in feed and water compared to the negative control
Means on the same row with different superscripts are significantly different (p<0.05); SEM= standard error on mean; T0= negative control diet; T0+= T0 + 0.1% of
Doxycycline; T1= T0 + 5 g D. glomerata powder/kg of feed; T2= drinking water + 5 g D. glomerata powder/liter of water.
[28] who reported that, the addition of anise oil and essential oil Shuwaili et al. [35] who reported no marked effect on creatinine
mix (Herbomix®) to diets had positive effects on carcass yield in level when 0.25% garlic, ginger, combination of garlic-ginger and
broilers. In addition, Goodarzi and Nanekarani [29] recorded 5% spices of garlic, ginger, and cinnamon were respectively fed
significant effect only on abdominal fat when 1% and 2% onion to broilers and turkeys. The present results contradicts the
extracts were introduced in the drinking water of broiler findings of Kana et al. [11, 36] who respectively reported a
chickens. marked (p<0.05) increase in creatinine content with 0.4% D.
glomerata and Afrostyrax lepidophyllus (bark and combination
In the present study, with the exception of PCV which was
of fruit-bark) in broiler chickens.
significantly (p<0.05) higher compared to the negative control
treatment, all other haematological parameters of quails were The serum content in urea and total protein were not affected
not significant among treatments. Haematological parameters in by the supplementation of feed and drinking water with D.
feeding regimes had an upward trend compared to the negative glomerata. This suggests that the inclusion of D. glomerata fruit
control treatment. This might be due to the absence of toxic powder in quail’s diet does not have harmful effects on kidney
substances like alkaloids and tannins in the spice which did not function (serum rate of urea) and the immune system (serum
provoke a counteraction of the immune system which could protein rate). This is in accordance with the findings of Al-
markedly decrease WBC, RBC, Hgb and PCV. Also, Oleforuh- Shuwaili et al. [35] which showed that incorporating ginger,
Okoleh et al. [10] and Islam et al. [30] reported that an increase garlic and cinnamon in turkey’s ration had no marked effects on
in RBC, Hgb and PCV contents in blood is an indication of total protein level. This result contradicts the results of Ngouana
improved oxygen carrying capacity of the cells which translates a et al. [37] which revealed that, the incorporation of essential oils
better availability of nutrients to the birds consequently encapsulated in chitosan and charcoal in broilers feed increased
affecting their wellbeing. This corroborates the findings of Onu the serum content in total protein and serum urea levels.
[31] who observed no significant effects on WBC, RBC, Hgb,
The level of serum cholesterol, high density lipoproteins and
MCV, MCH and MCHC when 0.25% garlic, ginger and a
low density lipoproteins were not affected by dietary
combination of garlic-ginger were incorporated in finisher
treatments. This contradicts the results of Ali et al. [38] who
broiler’s feed. In addition, Parthasarathi et al. [32] recorded a
reported that the addition of thyme in the diet of chicken
marked increase in PCV and no significant effect on MCV and
induced a significant decrease in the serum content in HDL-
MCH when 1% ginger, garlic and equal combination of ginger-
cholesterol and total cholesterol. Meanwhile, feeding quails with
garlic powder were added in Japanese quail’s feed. The present
D. glomerata inclusion in water markedly increased serum
results are in contradiction with the findings of Al-Kassie et al.
content in triglycerides compared to the negative control
[33] who observed a significant decrease in WBC, RBC, Hgb and
treatment. This could be explained by the ability of the spice to
PCV when 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75% and 1% hot red pepper was
increase the secretion of bile salts which would have led to a
introduced in broiler’s diet compared to the negative control
better digestion of dietary lipids. This result is in agreement with
diet. Furthermore, Oleforuh-Okoleh et al. [10] reported a
the findings of Bolukbasi et al. [39] who reported that essential
significant increase in WBC, RBC and Hgb compared to the
oil of thyme leads to an increase in the triglyceride level in
negative control treatment when 50 ml ginger, garlic and a
broiler chickens.
combination of ginger-garlic were incorporated in broiler’s
drinking water. The numbers of lactic bacteria count (beneficial bacteria)
were higher than E. coli, Salmonella and Staphylococcus
The serum contents in ALAT (alanine amino-transferase) and
(pathogenic bacteria) counts. This could be explain by the
ASAT (aspartate amino-transferase) were not significantly
presence of substances like phenols in spices which promote the
affected by the incorporation of D. glomerata powder in feed or
development of lactic bacteria. Also, antimicrobial property of
water suggesting that D. glomerata had no negative effect on
the spice is considered to arise from phenols, flavonoids [40]
the liver. This might be due to the hepato-protectory effects of
and hydrophobic essential oil present in spices and plants that
the substances present in the studied spice. This results agrees
intrude into the bacterial cell membrane, disintegrate the
with the findings of Kana et al. [11] which revealed that, the
membrane structure and cause leakage thus making microbes
incorporation of 0.2 and 0.4% D. glomerata in the diet of
less virulent [7,23]. More to that, phenolic compounds act by
broilers did not significantly affect serum content in ASAT and
forming complexes with several proteins causing the destruction
ALAT. This observation contradicted the finding of Rehman et al.
of microbe’s membrane rendering unavailable certain substrates
[34] who reported that feeding broiler with a mixture of
for microbes [40]. Moreover, Guo et al. [41] stated that spices
aqueous extracts of medicinal plants induced a reduction in
and plant extracts leads to a decrease in the number of harmful
ALAT and ASAT ratios. This contradiction can be due to the
microorganisms while at the same time increase the number of
multitude of the active compounds in the mixture of the
beneficial microorganisms. This result agrees with the findings of
extracts used by these authors which could have affected liver
El-Shenway and Ali [42] who observed an increase in lactic
bacteria population in the intestine of healthy quails. The
Creatinine level had an upward trend with D. glomerata suppression of harmful microorganisms (E. coli and Salmonella)
compared to the negative and positive control treatments. This resulted to better growth and metabolism of beneficial microbes
might be as a result of the absence of bioactive substances like although not significant. Antimicrobial activity of natural
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