OS Practical 2015 GTU
OS Practical 2015 GTU
OS Practical 2015 GTU
4 Write a shell script to generate mark-sheet of a student. Take 3 subjects, calculate and display total
marks, percentage and Class obtained by the student.
6 Write a shell script which will accepts a number n and display first n prime numbers as output.
7 Write a shell script which will generate first n fibonnacci numbers like: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . .
8 Write a menu driven shell script which will print the following menu and execute the given task.
1. Display calendar of current month
2. Display today’s date and time
3. Display usernames those are currently logged in the system
4. Display your name at given x, y position
5. Display your terminal number
6. Exit
9 Write a shell script to read n numbers as command arguments and sort them in descending order.
10 Write a shell script to display all executable files, directories and zero sized files from current
13 Write a shell script to validate the entered date. (eg. Date format is : dd-mm-yyyy).
14 Write an awk program using function, which convert each word in a given text into capital.
1. Unix System Concepts & Applications By Sumitabha Das, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Unix Shell Programming By Yashwant Kanitkar, BPB publications.