Neural Base HRV
Neural Base HRV
Neural Base HRV
pNN50: Number of successive difference of intervals entropy gives an estimate of the spectral entropy of the
which differ by more than 50 ms divided by the total number process, where entropy is given by
of all RR intervals in each segment
⎛ 1 ⎞
3.2 Frequency domain analysis H = ∑ p f log⎜ ⎟ (1)
⎜p ⎟
Time domain methods are computationally simple but lack f ⎝ f ⎠
the ability to discriminate between sympathetic and para-
sympathetic contributions of HRV [4]. Spectral analysis is where p f is the PDF (probability density function) value at
the most popular linear technique used in the analysis of
HRV signals [5]. Spectral power in the high frequency (HF) frequency f [5].
(0.15-0.4 Hz) band reflects respiratory sinus arrhythmia Heuristically, the entropy is enterpreted as a measure of
(RSA) and thus cardiac vagal activity. Low frequency (LF) uncertainty about the event at f . Thus entropy can be used
(0.04-0.15 Hz) power is related to baroreceptor control and
is mediated by both vagal and sympathetic systems [3,5]. as a measure of system complexity. The spectral entropy H
We used one frequency domain parameter which is describes the complexity of the HRV [5].
LF/HF: Ratio between LF and HF band powers
3.3.4. LLE
3.3 Nonlinear analysis Lyapunov exponent is simply a measure of how fast two
initially nearby points on a trajectory will diverge from each
A complex system like cardiovascular system can not be
other as the system evolves, thus giving information about
linear in nature and by considering it as a nonlinear system
the system’s dependence on initial conditions [12]. A
can lead to better understanding of the system dynamics. We
positive Lyapunov exponent is a strong indicator of chaos
utilized five nonlinear parameters in this work as follows:
[13,14]. Even though an m dimensional system has m
Lyapunov exponents, in most applications it is sufficient to
3.3.1. SD1/SD2
compose only largest Lyapunov exponent (LLE).
A relatively recent tool for HRV analysis is the Poincaré
The average largest Lyapunov exponent is calculated as
plot, which does not require the HRV signal to be stationary
follows. First, a starting point is selected in the reconstructed
[6]. Poincaré plot is a graphical representation of the
phase space and all the points which are closer to this point
correlation between successive RR intervals, i.e. plot of
than a predetermined distance, ε ,are found. Then the
RR(n + 1) as a function of RR(n) as described in Figure average value of the distances between the trajectory of the
1. The Poincaré plot may be analyzed quantitatively by initial point and the trajectories of the neighboring points are
calculating the standard deviations of the distances of the calculated as the system evolves. The slope of the line
RR(i ) to the lines y = x and y = − x + 2 * RRm , obtained by plotting the logarithms of these average values
versus time gives the LLE. To remove the dependence of
where RRm is the mean of all RR(i ) . The standard calculated values on the starting point, the procedure is
deviations are referred to as SD1 and SD2 , respectively. repeated for different starting points and the average is taken
as the average LLE [15].
SD1 related to the fast beat-to-beat variability in the data,
and SD2 described the longer-term variability of RR(i ) . 3.3.5. DFA
The detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) is used to quantify
The ratio SD1 / SD2 may also be computed to describe the the fractal scaling properties of short interval R-R interval
relation between these components [7]. signals. This technique is a modification of the root-mean-
square analysis of random walks applied to nonstationary
3.3.2. ApEn signals [16].
Approximate entropy (ApEn) is a regularity statistic that The root-mean-square fluctuation of an integrated and
quantifies the unpredictability of fluctuations in a time detrended time series is measured at different observation
series. ApEn reflects the likelihood that similar patterns of windows and plotted against the size of the observation
observations will not be followed by additional similar window on a log-log scale [4].
observations. A time series containing many repetitive First, the R-R time series (of total length N) is integrated
patterns has a relatively small ApEn and a less predictable using the equation:
(i.e., more complex) process has a higher ApEn [8]. We have k
used the method proposed in [9] for calculating the ApEn
where m (pattern length) set to 2 and r (criterion of y(k) = ∑ ( RR ( i ) − RRavg ) (2)
i =1
similarity) set to 20% of the standard deviation of the
segment, as proposed in [10].
where y (k ) is the kth value of the integrated series, RR(i )
3.3.3. SpEn
is the ith inter beat interval and RRavg is the average inter
Spectral entropy (SpEn) quantifies the spectral complexity
of the time series [11]. Application of Shannon’s channel beat interval over the entire series.
14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006), Florence, Italy, September 4-8, 2006, copyright by EURASIP
(a) (b)
Figure 1. Poincaré plot of (a) normal subject (b) heart rate with AF
Then, the integrated time series is devided into windows the appropriate class. The training of the neural network ends
of equal length, n. In each window of length n, a least- if the sum of the square errors for all segments is less than
squares line is fitted to the R-R interval data (representing the 0.01 or the maximum number of training epochs is reached
trend in that window). The y coordinate of the straight line (2000 epochs). The number of data set used for training and
segments are denoted by y n ( k ) . Next, we detrend the testing of the neural network classifier and the results for
each class are listed in Table2.
integrated time series, y n ( k ) , in each window. The root-
mean-square fluctuation of this integrated and detrended 5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
series is calculated using the equation: To evaluate the performance of the proposed classifier, three
measures are used and defined as follows:
1 N
F(n) = ∑ [ y(k) − yn (k)]2 . (3) TP
N k =1 Sensitivity (%) = × 100 (4)
This computation is repeated over all time scales TN
Specificity (%) = × 100 (5)
(window sizes) to obtain the relationship between F ( n) and TN + FP
window size n (i.e., the number of beats in a window that is (TP + TN )
the size of the window of the observation). Typically, F ( n) Accuracy = × 100 (6)
(TP + FN + TN + FP)
will increase with window size. The fluctuation in small
windows related to the fluctuations can be characterized by a
scaling exponent (selfsimilarity factor), α , representing the
where TP, TN, FP, and FN stand for true positive, true
negative, false positive and false negative, respectively. If
slope of the line relating log F ( n) to log n [4]. for example a segment of HRV with the VF arrhythmia is
classified as the VF, then it is said that the segment is
4. NEURAL NETWORK CLASSIFIER classified TP. On the other hand if a non-VF segment is clas-
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are biologically inspired sified as non-VF, then it is said that the segment is classified
networks that are useful in application areas such as pattern TN. Any non-VF segment which is classified a VF segment
recognition, classification etc.. The decision making process by mistake will produce a FP, while any VF segment which
of the ANN is holistic, based on the features of input is classified a non-VF segment by mistake will produce a
toan dien FN result.
patterns, and is suitable for classification of biomedical data.
Typically, multilayer feed forward neural networks can be For the evaluation of proposed classifier, a total of 1317
trained as non-linear classifiers using the generalized back segments, which are obtained on the MIT-BIH arrhythmia
propagation algorithm [5,17]. database, were used and it consisted of 835 NSR segments,
The features extracted from linear and nonlinear analysis 57 PVC segments, 322 AF segments, 78 VF segments and 25
are used to train a back propagation neural network. The BII segments. Table1 shows the results of classification of
chosen architecture of the neural network contains: 11 inputs, test data for each class. The implementation was
one hidden layer with 20 neurons and 5 outputs, being a real experimented on a variety of datasets and results presented in
number in the interval [0,1]. The position of the maximum of Table1 and Table2 represent the average performances.
the outputs of neural network indicates the membership with
14th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2006), Florence, Italy, September 4-8, 2006, copyright by EURASIP
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