Pop Up PDF
Pop Up PDF
Pop Up PDF
Figure 1: A multi-style paper pop-up constructed from a design layout that is automatically generated from an input 3D model.
Paper pop-ups are interesting three-dimensional books that fascinate people of all ages. The design and con-
struction of these pop-up books however are done manually and require a lot of time and effort. This has led to
computer-assisted or automated tools for designing paper pop-ups. This paper proposes an approach for automat-
ically converting a 3D model into a multi-style paper pop-up. Previous automated approaches have only focused
on single-style pop-ups, where each is made of a single type of pop-up mechanisms. In our work, we combine
multiple styles in a pop-up, which is more representative of actual artist’s creations. Our method abstracts a 3D
model using suitable primitive shapes that both facilitate the formation of the considered pop-up mechanisms and
closely approximate the input model. Each shape is then abstracted using a set of 2D patches that combine to
form a valid pop-up. We define geometric conditions that ensure the validity of the combined pop-up structures. In
addition, our method also employs an image-based approach for producing the patches to preserve the textures,
finer details and important contours of the input model. Finally, our system produces a printable design layout and
decides an assembly order for the construction instructions. The feasibility of our results is verified by constructing
the actual paper pop-ups from the designs generated by our system.
Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry
and Object Modeling—Geometric algorithms, languages, and systems
1. Introduction Recently, there has been much interest in the physical fab-
rication of 3D models. Paper pop-ups are a practical candi-
Paper pop-ups or movable books are three dimensional date for this task since they do not require specialized hard-
books that contain paper pieces that pop out or move when ware and they can be folded flat for easy storage. Just as al-
the book is opened and fold completely flat when the book is gorithms in origami have found applications in protein fold-
closed. Although now popularly used for children’s books, it ing and deploying instruments in space, pop-up algorithms
was historically also employed for illustration purposes in a could potentially be used for other applications. Examples
wider range of topics like philosophy, astronomy, geometry include 3D micro-fabrication from 2D patterns and collapsi-
and medicine. Today’s pop-up books still continue to fasci- ble objects such as foldable furniture.
nate readers of all ages and cultures. Some of the notable
artists are Robert Crowther [Cro11], Robert Sabuda [CS03] Creating a pop-up however can be a tedious task even for
and David Carter [Car08] (Figure 2). an experienced designer. It usually entails a trial-and-error
Figure 2: Sample pop-up books (left to right): Amazing Pop-up Trucks [Cro11], Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland [CS03] and
Yellow Squares [Car08].
approach to find a valid configuration of the pieces of paper, In the automated approaches of [LSH∗ 10] and [LJGH11],
so that they resemble a desired structure. A pop-up book may voxelization is used to approximate the input 3D model,
require weeks to design and up to a year to complete. With which leads to the possible loss of important features. In
the proliferation of 3D models on the web and the easy ac- our work, the shape abstraction allows us to fit a minimal
cessibility to 3D authoring software, we propose a fully au- number of 3D primitives to approximate the model, result-
tomated approach for converting 3D models into paper pop- ing in fewer patches. The final patches are produced using
ups. an image-based approach to preserve the textures, finer de-
tails and important contours of the input model. Finally, our
The only methods that are able to automatically generate system produces a printable design layout and decides an
pop-up designs are [LSH∗ 10], [LJGH11], [LNLRL13] and assembly order for the construction instructions.
[LLLN∗ 13]. In each of these works, each pop-up is made of
only a single type of pop-up mechanisms (i.e. single-style
pop-up), and a very specialized method is used to gener- 2. Related Work
ate the pop-up design. The v-style pop-ups addressed by
Papercraft. Since the invention of paper itself, paper craft-
[LJGH11] seem to be the most versatile in terms of geom-
ing has fascinated people and has been the subject of several
etry. However, the main focus of [LJGH11] was on the ge-
studies. Mitani and Suzuki [MS04] proposed an automatic
ometric study, and its automatic method can only generate
method for creating paper toys by simplifying 3D meshes
pop-up patches restricted to three perpendicular orientations.
into paper strips. Origami, the traditional Japanese art of pa-
As such, it is not able to demonstrate the full potential of the
per folding, is another popular type of papercraft that has
v-style mechanism.
been extensively studied in literature [Hul06,DO07,O’R11].
In actual pop-up books created by artists, numerous styles In particular, folding algorithms and conditions for foldabil-
are used to suitably represent different parts of the objects. ity are of much interest. Recently, Tachi [Tac10] proposed
Our objective is thus to combine multiple styles in a pop- an algorithm for designing origamic structures automatically
up, and use the most suitable mechanism for each part of the from a polyhedral surface. Although sharing one of the cen-
object. Combining multiple styles presents new challenges tral problems of pop-ups, which is foldability, the physical
in the validation of its stability and foldability. In this pa- constraints are significantly different for origami. As a result,
per, we provide new geometric conditions for the validity of their formulations cannot easily be used for paper pop-ups.
multi-style pop-ups. Mesh Simplification and Abstraction. Automatic generation
We consider four types of mechanisms, the step-fold, tent- of paper pop-up designs from 3D models can be consid-
fold, v-fold and box-fold. Of these mechanisms, the box-fold ered a form of geometry simplification. [LNLRL13] uses
has not yet been studied in any previous work. As such we generalized cylinders to approximate 3D models in order
formally include a description of the box-fold and outline to automatically generate lattice-style pop-ups or sliceforms
the conditions for its validity considering its foldability and designs. Our approach is inspired by the promising results
stability. in shape abstraction using 2D planes [DDSD03, MSM11]
and 3D primitives [YK12]. Our approximation aims to pre-
Our method abstracts the input 3D model using suitable serve the input contours, as they have been shown to cap-
primitive shapes that both facilitate the formation of the con- ture important shape information of the objects [MZL∗ 09].
sidered pop-up mechanisms and closely approximate the in- Nonetheless, the existing works in shape abstraction cannot
put model. Each shape is then abstracted using a set of 2D be readily applied to our domain, since an arbitrary set of 2D
patches that combine to form a valid pop-up. planes may not necessarily be a valid pop-up.
c 2014 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum
c 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
C. R. Ruiz Jr., S. N. Le, J. Yu & K.-L. Low / Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs from 3D Models
Figure 3: Pop-up mechanisms and the corresponding 3D primitives: (a) step-fold, (b) tent-fold, (c) box-fold and (d) v-fold. The
shaded faces are the principal faces.
A few studies have focused particularly on Origamic Ar- Figure 4: Basic pop-up terminology.
chitectures (OA), a special type of paper pop-up that is made
of a single sheet of paper [MSU03,LSH∗ 10,LLLN∗ 13]. One We define a mechanism as the most basic geometric struc-
notable recent work is that of [LSH∗ 10], in which they pro- ture that, together with other structures of the same type,
vided a theoretical foundation and a voxel-based algorithm gives a pop-up a unique style. Pop-up artists use several
for automatic design of origamic architectures. types of mechanisms to make their works come to life. In
this paper, we focus on four mechanisms: step-fold, tent-
[LJGH11] later extended the notion of validity to a more fold, v-fold, and box-fold. Among these mechanisms, step-
general class called v-style pop-ups. They also developed an fold structure pops up at 90◦ fold angle, while the others pop
interactive tool to convert a 3D model to a v-style paper pop- up at 180◦ . Illustrations of these mechanisms and their 3D
up. Similar to [LSH∗ 10], they used voxelization to approx- primitive pairs, which are used in our algorithm, are shown
imate the input model, which may cause important features in Figure 3.
to be lost. In order to capture accurate contours, a very dense
voxel grid is required, which then makes the design infeasi- When creating a pop-up, we also require it to be valid,
ble to construct in practice because of the excessive amount which means it needs to be both foldable and stable. A pop-
of cuts and folds. In addition, their v-style pop-ups are lim- up is said to be foldable if the structure can fold completely
ited to only three patch orientations. flat when the ground and backdrop patches are fully closed.
Note that during the folding process, the rigidity and connec-
Note that most of the computer-aided design systems be- tivity of the patches need to be maintained at all times and
fore [LSH∗ 10, LJGH11] are limited to a few known mech- it should not introduce new fold lines. On the other hand,
anisms, and do not guarantee the validity of the designs. a pop-up is said to be stable if all its patches are stationary
Research on the geometric conditions for the validity of a when the ground and backdrop patches are held still at any
general paper pop-up is scarce, primarily because determin- fold angle. In other words, the closing and opening of a pop-
ing the foldability of a general pop-up is NP-hard, as shown up do not need any extra external force besides holding the
in [UT06]. two primary patches.
Figure 5: Pop-up mechanisms and patches: (a) step-fold, (b) tent-fold, (c) type-1 v-fold and (d) type-2 v-fold.
To facilitate our formulation, we assume that paper is The second type of v-fold (Figure 5d) is similar to the first
rigid and has no thickness or weight. These assumptions type, except that it forms only a triangular half of a box when
are similar to those used in the previous computational stud- B and G are fully opened at 180◦ , and it does not have the
ies of paper art [BH02, LSH∗ 10, LJGH11]. We also use the back patches BL and BR .
same formal definitions of foldability and stability as used
3.2.4. Box-fold
in [LSH∗ 10, LJGH11].
Unlike the other pop-up mechanisms, box-fold has yet to be
formulated in detail in previous work. Box-fold is the most
3.2. Pop-up Mechanisms complex of the four mechanisms considered. We choose to
In this section, we describe the patch arrangement and con- include it because of its ability to capture rectangular objects
straints in the considered pop-up mechanisms. aligned with the central fold line and its common usage in
many artworks, such as [Cro11].
3.2.1. Step-fold
Step-fold, which is referred to as mechanism D2 in
[LJGH11], comprises 4 patches, S1 , S2 , S3 , and S4 , folded
together such that S1 is parallel to S3 and S2 is parallel to S4
(Figure 5a). Patches S3 and S4 are bounded by their cut lines
and common hinge.
3.2.2. Tent-fold
Tent-fold, as described in [HS09], is more general than step- Figure 6: The box-fold mechanism.
fold in that it does not require its patches T1 , T2 , T3 and T4 to Consider a pop-up opened at 180◦ . A box-fold structure
form parallel pairs, although the fold lines need to be paral- comprises 11 patches labeled as G, B, L, R, FL , FR , BL , BR ,
lel. We construct tent-fold so that |T1 | = |T2 |, |T3 | = |T4 | and TG , TB and C (see Figure 6). Patches G and B are parallel to
|T3 | > |T1 |, where |Ti | is the distance between two hinges on the ground and backdrop. Patches L and R are the left and
Ti (Figure 5b). right sides of the box structure, forming equal angles with
G and B, and are equidistant to the central fold. Patch C is a
3.2.3. V-fold special backbone glued perpendicularly to G and B at their
common fold line. On top of the box, patches TG and TB are
Our v-fold is also known as mechanism D1 in [LJGH11]. connected to L and R, respectively, and are glued to C at their
However, it may comprise more patches to depict more common fold line. In our work, all the fold lines connecting
shapes. In this work, we use two types of v-fold. B, R, TB , TG , L and G are made parallel to the central fold.
In the first type, when the primary patches are opened at On the front side of the box, patches FL and FR share a fold
180◦ , the v-fold structure forms a complete box as shown in and are connected to L and R, respectively. Similarly, BL and
Figure 5c. More specifically, our v-fold structure consists of BR are equivalent patches on the back of the structure. The
8 patches, G, B, FL , FR , BL , BR , TG , TB , in which we glue folds between FL , FR and between BL , BR must be copla-
{B, FR }, {G, FL }, {FL , TG }, {FR , TB }, and {FL , FR , BR , BL }. nar with patch C. Note that the front and back patches are
When B and G are opened at 180◦ , TG and TB are parallel to not glued to C. In principle, only one of the two pairs, either
B and G, while FL , FR , BL and BR are all perpendicular to B (FL , FR ) or (BL , BR ), is needed. However, in practice, box-
and G, and form 45◦ with the central fold. In addition, the style pop-ups normally contain both sides for better symme-
hinge between TG and TB lies in the bisecting plane of B and try and sturdiness. In addition, each side is allowed to have
G. Note that, in order for the top patches to fold up, we do multiple pairs of (FL , FR ) or (BL , BR ), as long as their fold
not glue {TB , BR } or {TG , BL }. lines do not intersect.
c 2014 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum
c 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
C. R. Ruiz Jr., S. N. Le, J. Yu & K.-L. Low / Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs from 3D Models
3.3. Pop-up Validity Based on the structures defined in Section 3.2, a tent-fold,
v-fold and box-fold can only be positioned along the central
As described in Section 3.1, a pop-up is said to be valid if
fold or between TG and TB of a box-fold. Step-fold can only
it is both foldable and stable. In this section, we discuss the
lie between a base patch and patch L or R of a box-fold. A
conditions for a valid pop-up.
base patch can be a primary patch, or TB , TG of a box-fold.
For instance, we can position a box-fold on top of another
3.3.1. Validity of Single-style Pop-ups
box-fold, then a step-fold between patch R of the upper box
Step-fold, tent-fold and v-fold pop-ups have been proven and TB of the lower box.
valid in earlier work [LJGH11, HS09]. We now show that
Note that a step-fold always forms parallel pairs of
box-fold is also valid.
patches, a tent-fold always remains symmetric to the central
hinge, and they do not move along the x-axis during folding.
Hence, we only need to consider the range of movement of
box-folds and v-folds for intersection checking.
c 2014 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum
c 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
C. R. Ruiz Jr., S. N. Le, J. Yu & K.-L. Low / Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs from 3D Models
up to 1. They control the influence of each metric to the total RANSAC is used to fit the vertices to individual primi-
error. These weights affect the number of primitives fitted by tives. In order to get the best combination of primitives that
the RANSAC algorithm. By putting more weight on cover- satisfy the aforementioned constraints, we formulate it as a
age and outliers, it will favor bigger volumes that encompass combinatorial optimization problem. We then use dynamic
more vertices and in turn produce bigger and fewer patches. programming to minimize the accumulated individual prim-
itive errors (error f it ).
The spatial constraints on our primitives are:
Constraint 1. Angles: Every angle on the rectangular
prism must be 90◦ . Similarly, the angle between a top or 4.2. Mechanism Mapping and Primitive Refitting
bottom edge and a side edge in a triangular prism must also
be 90◦ . After the 3D primitive fitting step, we now have a 3D model
that is abstracted using primitives that best approximate the
Constraint 2. Orientation: The rectangular prism’s four original shape and at the same time can be mapped to pop-
side edges should only be either parallel or orthogonal to the up mechanisms. Using the valid primitive-mechanism pairs
central fold line (x-axis). The triangular prism’s three side shown in Figure 3, we derive Table 1.
edges, must similarly be either parallel or orthogonal to the
central fold line (x-axis).
Primitive Step V-fold Box Tent
Rectangular Prism X X X
Triangular Prism X X
Table 1: Possible primitive-to-mechanism mappings.
5. Results
We run our algorithm on an Intel Core i7 PC with 8GB of
RAM. The entire process completes in a few seconds to a
few minutes with the primitive fitting accounting for most
of the running time. We have tested our approach on several
3D models from the Google 3D Warehouse [Goo13], where
Figure 14: Refitting a rectangular prism. some models contain up to 30000 vertices. Figure 15 shows
4.3. Patch Generation some of the models we have used.
Once we know the mapping of the primitives, we now con- Our approach works well for block-like models, such as
vert each principal face of the primitive into a pop-up patch. man-made objects (e.g. cars, trucks, buildings), since they
Unlike previous approaches that simply consider the entire can be closely approximated using our set of primitives. Al-
face as a patch, we use an image-based approach to better though our primitives are symmetric, the combinations of
approximate the shape and contours of the object. In gen- these primitives can be asymmetric structures. Organic and
eral, we render an orthographic projection of the mesh unto rounded models might require more complex primitives and
a plane co-planar with the principal face. This produces an higher levels of abstraction (see Figure 17). Objects that are
image that becomes the basis of the shape and texture of the hard to align to the principal axes may also be difficult to
patch. approximate exactly. In some cases, like the T-shape, neces-
sary additional supports may also distract from the original
Box-folds are of particular interest because the front, back
and top patches (FL , FR , BL , BR , TG , TB ) can be composed
of multiple layers of patches, which can better approximate We compare our results with those of [LSH∗ 10] and
the volume of the original mesh. For example, the box-folds [LJGH11] in Figure 16. Because of the voxelization, their
used in the car and monster truck in Figure 15 are composed results contain many small box structures, which are diffi-
of several front, back and top patches at different depths or cult to make in practice. Our pop-ups consist of only two
heights. These patches are obtained by performing image box-folds for the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and a single tent-
segmentation on the depth and normal maps taken from an fold for the Eiffel Tower. Although our geometry is not as
orthographic projection of the front, back and top view. detailed, we are able to use textures to capture the details
and shape information.
Basically, the image segmentation works by locally fitting
a quadratic surface on the segmented pixels in the neighbor- Most of our pop-up designs employ only a few mecha-
hood of a candidate pixel, similar to [LLLN∗ 13]. It deter- nisms and as such only a few patches. This is intentional
mines whether a pixel p should be part of the current seg- since our main goal is to generate the simplest design that is
ment by thresholding f (p)−q(p), where f (p) is the depth still able to capture the general shape of the input 3D model.
value and the x-, y-, z-components of the normal vector at p, We have determined that in most cases capturing the side
and q(p) is the quadratic approximation from the previously contours of a 3D model is enough to give us a good abstrac-
segmented pixel p0 : tion of the model.
1 00
q(p) = f (p0 ) + f 0 (p0 )(p − p0 ) + f (p0 )(p − p0 )2 (3)
c 2014 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum
c 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
C. R. Ruiz Jr., S. N. Le, J. Yu & K.-L. Low / Multi-style Paper Pop-up Designs from 3D Models
Figure 15: Sample results. Input models and their corresponding actual pop-ups.
Figure 16: Waldorf-Astoria Hotel and Eiffel Tower models. (a) Input 3D model, (b) [LSH∗ 10] results, (c) [LJGH11] results
(from paper) and (d) our actual paper pop-ups.
6. Conclusions and Future Work Our approach has difficulty in approximating curved and
rounded parts, since we only have rectangular and triangu-
We present an original algorithm to generate multi-style pop-
lar prisms as primitives. Professional artist are able to ap-
up designs automatically. Some of the individual steps (e.g.
proximate these shapes in their work using very specialized
primitive fitting) are well-known graphics techniques, but
rounded or curved mechanisms. These specific mechanisms
their combination and their use in similar context, with ex-
however are not included because their formulations would
plicit consideration of pop-up validity, have not been done
require a different definition of stability, under the assump-
in previous work. We believe our approach provides a novel
tion of non-rigid and bendable paper.
and reasonable framework for combining multiple pop-up
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c 2014 The Author(s)
Computer Graphics Forum
c 2014 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
180° Unequal Tent Fold
180˚ Box with a Parallel Plane
Figure 13