Comparative Study On Partial Replacement of Rubber in Concrete
Comparative Study On Partial Replacement of Rubber in Concrete
Comparative Study On Partial Replacement of Rubber in Concrete
Abstract — This paper represent the study on strength, of landfills operations because of the bulkiness of the
properties and behavior of crumb rubber. The tires and their tendency to float to the surface with
concrete is one of the most widely used construction time. So many recycling methods for the rubber tire
material consists of cement, fine aggregate, coarse are carried according to the need from one of this
aggregate. Concrete is like a backbone of the process is making the tire rubber into crumb rubber .it
infrastructure to development of a nation. Generally is used in many work such as road construction mould
nowadays large quantity of rubber wastes are making etc... crumb rubber obtained by cryogenic
generated by the industries, vehicles etc...and they are process, milled tire rubbers treated with sodium
not properly disposed till now. These rubber wastes hydroxide solution to achieve a patter adhesion with
causes global warming. Hazardous waste materials the cement paste, scrap truck tire rubber ,tires tread
are being generated and accumulated in huge etc. The growth of rubber and plastic can be
quantities causing an increasing hazard to the considered non decaying materials that disturb the
environment. Hazardous materials can be considered surrounding environment. There is no doubt that the
non-decaying material accumulating with time. This increasing piles of tires create environmental concerns.
study deals with alternative solution for utilizing the The long term objective is to find a means to dispose
crumb rubber and its safe disposal by using it as of the crumb rubber in port land cement concrete and
partial replacement with fine aggregate for making still supply a final product with good engineering
concrete. properties. Therefore effectively reusing waste tires is
an urgent and important issue for saving energy and
Keywords— Crumb rubber, mechanical property, protecting the environment. The initial tire of crumb
durability, shredded tire, Ground rubber, slit tire, rubber was used as a asphalt. However the high
waste tire. viscosity and the higher temperature required in
I. INTRODUCTION production made in unpractical to be widely used.
The use of rubber product is increasing every year in From this study the effective utilization of rubber tire
worldwide. Almost 1000 million waste tires are waste as been developed and it made to used in the
generated in the world annually. By the year 2030 this concrete mixture as fine aggregate.
number of counting is expected to reach 1200million
At present the crumb rubber production in the
currently 75-80% of scrap tires are buried and landfills
south India is very less than north. So the material
only 25%or fewer are utilized as a fuel or as raw
availability was less because of less knowledge about
material for the manufacture of a number of
that. These can also include non-primary structural
miscellaneous rubber goods. It is not only wasteful but
applications of medium to low strength requirements
also costly. In 2014 approximately 22.4 million
benefiting from other features of this type of concrete
pounds of crumb rubber was used in synthetic turf
fields at California. Since 2008 20-25% crumb rubber 1.1Classification of tire: Tires are classified into
are produced in whole California. Tires are composed 4types they are slit tire, shredded tire or chipped tire,
of materials which do not decompose under ground rubber, and crumb rubber. Slit tires are
environmental conditions and cause serious produced in tire cutting machines. These machines can
contaminations. it is estimated that 285 million tires slit the tire into two halves or can separate the
are discarded annually in the United states and only sidewalls from the tread of the tires. Shredded tire or
30%(97million)are currently being used or recycled. chipped tires The old tires from cars, trucks, farm, off-
The remaining 66%(188 million)contribute to the road vehicles are used in this research. Shredded tires
already alarming environmental waste problem. are separated into two different category Pieces with
Disposal of whole tire has been banned in the majority dimensions not larger than 25mm.Pieces with
dimensions not larger than 10mm.The shredded or content was investigated.Additionally, the effect of
chipped rubber are involved in two process. They are modifiers was evaluated. The mechanical property is
Primary and secondary shredding process. The size of vary from crumb rubber replacing fine aggregate to
replacing of mixture. Compared to the replacement of
the chips are vary from each process. The size of
mixture and replacing of crumb rubber the
primary shredding is can vary from large 300 to compressive strength value is vary from one to
460mm long by 100 to 230mm wide, to as small as another. Compressive strength for replacing of
100 to 150mm in length. And the secondary process mixture is higher than replacing of fine aggregate.
normal size 76mm to 13mm. Because replacement of mixture with Crumb rubber
reduced the mass of the cement.There are many
1.2 Types of Rubber: Ground rubber particles are reasons are available in lower strength of crumb
intermediate in size between tire chips and crumb rubber concrete. The first reason.The adhesion of
rubber. Ground rubber ranging in size vary from big rubber particles and cement paste is weaker than the
19mm as to small as 0.15mm.The is depends upon the mineral aggregate. Second reason the distribution of
size reduction equipment and intending application. rubber particles in the concrete mixture is non-
Ground rubber tire as asphalt binder, consuming on homogenous, why because compared to other
estimate 220million pounds, or approximately materials rubber have a lower specific gravity.Thirdly
12million tires.Crumb rubber is nothing but the fine the hydrophobic nature of rubber particles takes
granular or powdered particles is called crumb bubbles into the concrete mixture and increases the air
rubber.It is the processing of the tire into fine particles content. Due to the above reason mechanical strength
using cryogenic or mechanical process. This process is reduced when the crumb rubber is introduced into
is also used to remove the still and fabric component the concrete
of the tire crumb rubber ranging size vary from
4.75mm to less than 0.075mm. Generally 3 methods III. DURABILTIY AND APPLICATION OF CRUMB
are used to convert the waste tire into crumb rubber. RUBBER
Thus the methods are cracker mill process,granular Freezing-thawing resistance and sulfate resistance are
process, micro mill process.The cracker mill process is the important aspects of the durability of concrete. The
used to reduce the size of tire .the material are passing crumb rubber concrete had a good resistance against
between the rotating corrugated steel drums by this freezing-thawing compared to the normal
process used to an irregularly shaped torn particles concrete.There was more loss in compressive strength
having large surface. The size of these particles are for concrete less crumb rubber in sulfate
vary from 5mm to 0.5mm and are commonly known corrosion .Furthermore, the anti-corrosion coefficient
as ground crumb rubber. If the granular process shears gradually increased with the increase in percentage of
are using to rubber with revolving steel crumb rubber in concrete.The crumb rubber have
plates,producing the granulated rubber particle size more application.Some of the major application are
ranging vary from 9.5mm to 0.5mm used in Sport surface like Kindergarten playgrounds
and recreation areas,school sports areas,Tennis and
II. PROPERTIES OF CRUMB RUBBER Basketball courts, used in construction such as
Hanbing Liu et al(2016) says the Modifiers for the hospital, industrial and bathroom flooring,floor
pretreatment of crumb rubber ,including tire,foundation, waterproofing,dam,silo etc…,used in
emulsion,ethoxyline resin,synthetic resin,amino - Rubber and plastic products industries like pipe
acrylate(contact glue),chlorroprene adhesive and insulation and lining,garbagecans,shoe soles and
unsaturated resins(marble glue),they are commonly heels,wire cable insulation and in automotive industry
used in decoration and construction engineering.They Bumpers,splash guards and fenders,floor mats for cars
had satisfactory performance in improving adhesion and trucks,Floor liners for trucks and
and enhancing strength.Were directly introducing the vans.Comparison of Partial Replacement of various
crumb rubber in concrete. It will affect the mechanical rubber material by various research listed in table.1
properties and durability of concrete.But the variation
of properties in concrete with the changing of rubber
5 Ameer Effect of Crumb Anbar Journal for 0%(FC) 10.08 1.12 2.24
Abdulrahma Tires Rubber on Engineering sciences 7days 20%(FCR1) 7.75 0.89 1.80
n Hilal Some 30%(FCR2) 5.38 0.62 1.27
Properties of
0%(FC) 15.56 1.38 3.21
21days 20%(FCR1) 10.83 1.11 2.03
30%(FCR2 8.67 0.78 1.59
5% 20.12 - -
10% 19.84 - -
56days 15% 19.11 - -
20% 18.59 - -
25% 18.23 - -
30% 17.97 - -
Without FRP
0% - 3.11 -
5% - 2.94 -
10% - 2.69 -
15% - 2.26 -
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