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Fire Safety Simulation

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1. Introduction

Saving human life is the most important objective in fire protection

processes. Proper evacuation plans are essential to reach this
Two methods can be considered:
 The first is the prescriptive method which deals with the size and
number of exits together with the maximum length of the escape
 The second is the performance method which deals with the
maximum time limit for evacuation.
The first method is based on three main points:
 density of people;
 flow of people;
 length and width of evacuation routes.
The second method establishes if the required evacuation time is less
than available safety egress time.

2. Scope

The main scope of this simulation report is to supply valid analyses and
support for the evacuation strategy to allow occupants, anywhere
within the structure, to be able to evacuate to a place of safety.

3. Key terms

The accessibility of an item or a product related to a specific risk
concerns the degree of proximity of the user to the item or product,
where the risk can occur. Depending on the particular risk, this
concept may concern a person or only a part of his/her body (e.g.
hand, finger) or even a thing handled by a person, and applies to the
possibility of contact (shocks, hot surfaces etc.) or critical distances
(electrical shocks, radiation, etc.).

Actions which may affect the compliance of the works with the
essential requirements are brought about by agents acting on the
works or parts of the works. Such agents include mechanical,
chemical, biological, thermal and electro-magnetic agents.
Active fire protection measures
Systems and equipment installed to reduce danger to persons and
property by detecting fire, extinguishing fire, removing smoke and hot
gases, or any combination of these functions.

Sudden attention or action for protection of persons or property (ISO
8201, 1987)

Critical conditions for occupants

Limit values for temperature increase, oxygen depletion and
concentration of toxic combustion gases that seriously endanger life
safety in a certain time

Design fire scenario

A design fire scenario is a subsystem of fire scenarios and represents the
most probable or onerous of them. They are a specific fire scenario on
which an analysis will be conducted.

Imminent risk of serious threat to person or property.

Escape route
Route forming part of the means of escape from any point in a building
to a final exit .

Available safe egress time (ASET)

Calculated time available between ignition of a fire and the time at
which tenability criteria are exceeded in a specific space in a building.

Escape time
Calculated time from the ignition until the time at which all the
occupants of a specified part of a building are able to reach place of

Evacuation time
In relation to the orderly movement of persons to a place of safety in
case of fire or other emergency this is the interval between the time of
a warning of fire being transmitted to the occupants and the time at
which all of the occupants are able to reach a place of safety.

Exit (fire emergency)

Doorway or other suitable opening giving access towards a place of
Exit signs
Signs which clearly indicate an exit.

A proccess of combustion characterized by emission of heat
accompanied by smoke and/or flames

Fire alarm installation

Combination of components for giving and audible and / or visible
and / or other perceptible alarms of fire. The system may also initiate
other ancillary actions.

Fire alarm, alarm of fire

Warning of a fire originated by a person or by an automatic device.

Fire rescue team

Public or private organisation with the aim of safeguarding life and
fighting fires.

Fire compartment
An enclosed space in a building that is separated from other parts of
the same building by enclosing construction having a specified period
of fire resistance, within which a fire can be contained (or from which a
fire can be excluded), without spreading to (or from) another part of
the building.

Fire detector
Device which give a signal in response to certain physical and /or
chemical changes accompanying a fire.

Fire door
A door or shutter, which, together with its frame and furniture as
installed in a building, when closed is capable of meeting specified
performance criteria.

Fire exposure
Thermal actions affecting the product.

Fire hazard
The potential to lose a life (or injury) and / or damage a property by

Fire resistance
The ability of an element of a building construction to fulfil for a stated
period of time the required load bearing function, integrity and / or
thermal insulation specified in the standard fire resistance test.
Fire risk level
A function relating to the probability of fire causing a loss of life (or
injury) and / or damage the property and the degree of harm caused.

Fire safety installations

Those installations concerned with services, alarm and detection,
installations for means of escape, suppression and fire fighting

Fire scenario
A qualitative description of the course of a fire with time, identifying key
events that characterise the fire and differentiate it from other possible
fires. It typically defines the ignition and fire growth process, the fully
developed stage and the decay stage, together with the building
environment and systems that will impact on the course of the fire.

Fire separating walls

A wall which separates two adjoining fire compartments.

Hazard analysis
Analysis carried out in order to evaluate the potential for loss of fire or
injury and / or damage to the property.

Heat Release Rate

It is the rate at which the combustion reactions produce heat. The term
burning rate is also often found. The heat release of a burning item is
measured in kilowatts (kW).

Initiation of combustion.

Movement time
The interval between the time the occupants make the first move and
the time at which all of them are able to reach a place of safety.

Place of safety
A predetermined place in which persons are in no immediate danger
from the effect of fire. Note: The place of safety may be inside or
outside the building depending upon the evacuation strategy
Pre-movement time (Delay time to start)
Perception of the alarm + alarm interpretation + actions
Time interval between the warning of fire being given (by an alarm or
by direct sight of smoke or fire) and the first move being made towards
an exit.
Required safety egress time (RSET)
Calculated time required between ignition to detection and the time
at which the evacuation is completed.

A visible suspension of solid and /or liquid particles in gases resulting
from combustion.

Smoke control door

Door set designed to reduce the rate of spread or movement of smoke
during the fire.

Tenability criteria
Maximum exposure to hazards from a fire that can be tolerated
without causing incapacitation.

Travel distance
Actual distance that needs to be travelled by a person from any point
within a building to the nearest exit, having regard to the layout of
walls, partitions and fittings.

Travel time
Time needed once movement as begun, for all of the occupants of a
specified part of a building to move to a place of safety.

Type of occupancy
Subdivision of occupancies as a function of the age, awareness and
mobility of the occupants, the type of fire load, and kind of activity of

Fire Safety Simulation

Fire Safety Simulation is a virtual simulation of a fire contigency in a
business premises, home, school,hotel etc. The goal is to provide a
report of various scenarios of the effect of any fire incident that may
occur in different places of the building and also offer a hands-in
experience in fire safety to the user, without the inherent risk of training
with an actual fire.
Fig. Simulation of fire dynamics in a building

The report contains tenability limits and criteria of smoke obscuration

and chocking levels, exposure to heat and exposure to toxic gases.
The reports attained from fire safety simulations can be used in the
following areas;
 Development of tenability criteria for design of smoke hazard
management systems
 Development of tenability criteria for design of heat exposure
hazard management systems
 Development of tenability criteria for design of exposure to toxic
gases hazard management systems

Development of tenability criteria for design of smoke hazard

management systems
In the design of smoke hazard management systems for buildings, the
key objective is to ensure that the occupants have sufficient time to
safely evacuate before the egress routes become untenable from the
effects of smoke from a fire.
In the event of a building fire, the occupants may be
 exposed to the
fire and smoke. Statistical evidence shows
 that most fire deaths are
not caused by direct contact with
 the fire, but by smoke inhalation.
While a fire may be confined to a localised area in a building, the
smoke produced will rise, forming a hot upper layer and may spread
rapidly through the building. Hazards to the occupants include heat
and toxic gases transported in the smoke and obscuration caused by
the smoke.
Fig. Hazards of smoke from building fire

Smoke obscuration
Soot contained in smoke also obscures light and hence reduces
visibility. Reduction in visibility is not directly life threatening such as heat
or toxic gas exposure; however, it may reduce the walking speed of
the occupants.
Combustion gases in the smoke may also cause irritation
 to the eyes.
These include acid gases (HF, HCl, HBr, SO2, NOx)
 and organic irritant
gases (acrolein, formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde). Their effects have a
similar effect to reduced visibility.

Fig. Walking speed versus visibility

If the occupants are located at a significant distance from
 an exit

and the visibility drops significantly, they may be unable to find their
way out of the building. In either case, it may lead to an increased
exposure time to heat and toxic gases which needs to be taken into
Exposure to toxic gases or heat may cause incapacitation (loss of
consciousness); and severe exposure may cause death.

Design approaches

Generally speaking, there are two main approaches to the design of

smoke hazard management systems. These are discussed below.

No smoke exposure
The first approach is to ensure that the occupants are not directly
exposed to smoke — by keeping the smoke layer above the head
height of the occupants. This height may be assumed to be 2.0m
above the floor level.

Fig. Occupants not exposed to smoke

Smoke exposure
In the second approach, it is assumed in the design that some of the
occupants may need to move through tenable smoke environments to
evacuate the building.

Fig. Occupants exposed to smoke

Development of tenability criteria for design of heat exposure hazard
management systems
Convected heat
Prolonged exposure of more than 15 minutes to hot environments may
cause heat stroke (hyperthermia). However, even for short durations,
exposure to hot smoke at high temperatures may cause skin pain or
skin and respiratory tract burns.

Fig. Tolerance of convected heat

Radiant heat
Even without direct contact with the hot smoke, skin pain or burns
could still occur when exposed to high levels of radiant heat from
the fire or the smoke.

Fig. Tolerance to radiant heat

Development of tenability criteria for design of exposure to toxic gases
hazard management systems
In building fires, the most common asphyxiate is carbon monoxide
(CO) and, to a lesser extent, hydrogen cyanide (CHN) which is more
toxic. The exposure limits that cause incapacitation depend on the gas
species, concentrations and durations of exposure.

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