Project Synopsis "University Management System"
Project Synopsis "University Management System"
Project Synopsis "University Management System"
Synopsis Contents
1. Title of the Project.
2. Introduction and Objectives of the Project.
3. Project Category (RDBMS/OOPS/Networking/Multimedia/Artificial Intelligence/Expert Systems etc.).
4. Tools/Platform, Hardware and Software Requirement specifications.
5. Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications (Detailed functional Requirements and Technical Specifications), Project Planning and
Scheduling (Gantt chart and PERT chart).
6. Scope of the solution.
7. Analysis (Data Models like 0, 1 and 2 level DFDs, Complete ER Diagrams with cardinality, Class Diagrams etc. as per the project requirements).
8. A complete Database and tables detail with Primary and Foreign keys, and proper constraints in the fields (as per project requirements)
9. A complete structure which includes:
i. Number of modules and their description to provide an estimation of the student’s effort on the project. Along with process logic of
each Module.
ii. Data Structures as per the project requirements for all the modules.
iii. Process Logic of each module.
iv. Implementation methodology
v. List of reports that are likely to be generated.
10. Overall network architecture (if required for your project)
11. Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels
12. Future scope and further enhancement of the project.
13. Bibliography
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Project Title
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1. Introduction & Objective(s)
Computers are used widely now-a-days and every sphere of life. Computer makes work easier and less erroneous. Hence most of the manual system
involving heavy calculations and accuracy are now being replaced by the computers, thus setting the trend of first automations.
The main aim is to convert the manual system to an automated one. i.e. converting the manual system computerized one.
The project that is used to develop a web based application named “UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM”. The process logic that is used in this
project can be implemented for any university. There are two types of modules are maintained in this project. First one is “Entry Module”, Second one is
“Query Module”. In Entry Module, all the master data are entered into the system using different pages. The Query Module is used to maintained different
transaction as well as for report generation as per the project requirement.
There are basic two types of view in this project. One is for general user where, users can general information of the system. Another part is for authorized
user who needs to login to the website using login page and authorized user can insert or edit or querying any information as per system requirements.
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The objectives of this system named “UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM “are given below: -
Store students information
College information.
Store Course Details and semester wise fees details.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Question).
Job information for students
Course wise e-book download
Querying students’ registration details.
Querying students’ exam details.
University staff details for students’ purpose. etc.
The project “UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” is a complete series aims at providing different features of a complete educational details as well
as teachers and staff details. It will be capable to trap every aspect of any “UNIVERISTY” from education to other information. Different query handling
associated with the system for retrieving important information. The manual work of recording of this details would be reduced to a great extends.
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2. Project Category
This application is basically a client server based application system that means though having users interaction and input-output conversation, yet it will be
operated from any machine, which are attached with the server. Basically it will maintain a server based communication and exchange ideas and also they
can receive services from every corner of the organization. Any type of response can generate on the real time basis, i.e. instantly the user can get their
answers against various queries.
There are various features in which a project can be categorized. The proposed project has been divided into three main categories, which can be described
Front – end: -
The front-end tool of this proposed project is Visual Visual Studio is a complete suite of tools for building desktop applications. In addition to
building high-performing desktop applications, we can use Visual Studio's powerful component-based development tools and other technologies to
simplify team-based design, development, and deployment of Enterprise solutions.
Back – end: -
The back end of the project is supported by SQL Server.
SQL Server -SQL Query Analyzer is a graphical tool that allows us to:
Create queries and other SQL scripts and execute them against SQL Server databases.
Quickly create commonly used database objects from predefined scripts.
Quickly copy existing database objects.
Quickly insert, update, or delete rows in a table. (Open Table window)
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Client – Server Architecture: -
The project is also a client-server based application that means though having users interaction and input-output conversation, it can be operated from
any machines that are attached with the server. Basically it will maintain a server based communication and the user can receive information instantly
against their various queries. The required information of any album made by the user in the client machine can be derived from the server machine.
The server machine distributes all its data and information to the client machines that can help the users.
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3. Tools/Environment Used
The project is to be developed using Asp.Net 3.5 with Visual Basic 2008 as the front-end tool, JavaScript as scripting language and SQL Server 2008 as the
backend tool. For this reason a minimum hardware configuration of Pentium IV or Core 2 duo 3.0 Ghz or dual Core 3.0 Ghz processor is needed. Hardware
with better configuration will provide much better platforms to the software operate. However, the hardware configuration that is to be used to develop the
project as follows: -
Intel dual core or core 2 duo with 3.0 GHz processor speed.
Hard Disk 500 G.B
H.P DVD Writer
Ram 2 G.B (ZION)
Peripherals I-Ball Ps2 mouse and keyboard.
Display 15” TFT Monitor (ACER/SAMSUNG)
After the description of the hardware configuration, comes the description of the software configuration .The most important fact is the Operating System
that forms the base of the languages to be used for the development. If the languages are not supported by the Operating System then it is impossible to
develop a project, like Dos, Windows 98 does not support Asp.Net 3.5 and SQL Server 2008. The Operating System to be used for the development of the
project is “Windows XP”.
Windows XP: -
Windows XP will provide increased speed and security at the desktop, while offering better hardware compatibility and enhanced features. International
Technology Services (ITS) released the Windows XP operating system in a three-phase approach. This phased deployment process provided ITS’ with
valuable customer feedback, data collection and analysis, which resulted in the completion and final release of the Windows XP Operating System.
Windows XP offers several new tools and features that focus on improved productivity, security and usability.
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There is several key performance improvements included in Windows XP. Users will notice faster boot-up times, improved program responsiveness and
with the 32bit OS, equipment and software can take advantage of additional RAM.
Through the user account control (UAC) feature windows XP makes it easier and more secure to run programs as a standard user instead of an
administrator. The Windows firewall is also enabled to provide additional protection against malicious software.
Mobile users and remote workers will notice a big improvement with the wireless networking features of Windows XP.
ASP.NET 3.5: -
The .NET Framework (pronounced dot net) is a software framework developed by Microsoft that runs primarily on Microsoft Windows. It includes a
large library and provides language interoperability (each language can use code written in other languages) across several programming languages.
Programs written for the .NET Framework execute in a software environment (as contrasted to hardware environment), known as the Common Language
Runtime (CLR), an application virtual machine that provides services such as security, memory management, and exception handling. The class library and
the CLR together constitute the .NET Framework.
Microsoft started development of the .NET Framework in the late 1990s, originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By
late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released.
Windows XP (service pack 3) does come with 3.0 version of the .NET Framework installed. Version 3.0 of the .NET Framework is included with Windows
Server 2008 and Windows Vista. Version 3.5 is included with Windows 7, and can also be installed on Windows XP and the Windows Server 2003 family
of operating systems
It is an object-orientedcomputer programming language that can be viewed as an evolution of the classic Visual Basic (VB), which is implemented on the
.NET Framework. Visual Basic 2008 was released together with the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 on 19 November 2007.
For this release, Microsoft added many features, including:
A true conditional operator, "If (condition as Boolean, true part, false part)", to replace the "IIf" function.
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Anonymous types
Support for LINQ
Lambda expressions
XML Literals
Type Inference
Extension methods
JavaScript: -
JavaScript is sometimes referred to as a little language. Little languages are generally characterized as being simplified, limited versions of full
programming languages. JavaScript can also interact effectively with CGI routines; this ability makes JavaScript valuable for performing forms validation.
Any processing operations of this sort that can be performed locally can make a program respond more quickly to a user’s input since the data doesn’t have
to be passed back and forth across the internet until final submission. JavaScript goes even further than these other scripting languages by offering cross-
platform operation across the span of the World Wide Web.
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4. Problem Definition, Requirements Specifications, Project Planning & Scheduling
Problem Definition:-
This document contains the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) of a University Management System for our Project. The main aim of this project
is to add functionality to the students’ admission, examinations, and various events occur in “UNIVERSITY”.
This document has been prepared in accordance with the IEEE STD 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
[IEEE 1998].
This Software Requirement Specification is written accordance with the IEEE Std. 830-1998 model.
Requirement Specification:-
This SRS Document contains the complete software requirements for the University Management System (UMS) and describes the design decisions,
architectural design and the detailed design needed to implement the system. It provides the visibility in the design and provides information needed for
student support.
University Management System is developing for purpose of students’ admission, examination, staff information etc and used to replace old paper work
system and PUMS. UMS is to build upon the existing web-based university management system in order to implement the UMS. This increase in
efficiency of students’ admission, audit trails user validations, give feedback to student, finally, publication student result. It provides a mechanism to
edit various forms and publish reports which makes the system is flexible.
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SRS Software Requirements Specification
ASP.NET Active Server Page with .NET Technology
SQL Structure Query Language
OS Operating System
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript And XML(Extensible Markup Language)
This document has been prepared in accordance with the IEEE Std 830‐1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications
[IEEE 830‐1998 (1998)]. It provides the information of Product perspective, Product functions, User characteristics, Constraints, Assumptions and
dependencies and specific requirement.
Overall Description:-
This section of the SRS describes all general factors of the product and its requirements.
Product Perspective:-
System Interfaces
This web-based project is intended to implement all UMS’s features for the administration of student and staff details. The UMS is using
ASP.NET platform, VB.NET for Server-Side coding, JavaScript and Ajax for Client-Side coding and partial post back. SQL Server 2008 R2
used as a database for storing information.
User interfaces
All pages of the system are following a consistent theme and clear structure. The occurrence of errors should be minimized through the use of
radio buttons and dropdown in order to reduce the amount of text input from user. JavaScript implement in HTML in order to provide a Client
Side programming and partial post back. HTML Tables to display information to give a clear structure that easy to understand by user. Error
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message should be located beside the error input which clearly highlight and tell user how to solve it. “Required Field Validator “control provide
message if any mandatory field is blank. It should provide a FAQ to minimize the workload of system administrator.
Hardware interfaces:-
Server Side-
The web application will be hosted on one windows and connecting to one of the UMSSQL Server Database. The web server is listening on
the web standard port on local host ,http://localhost:7483.
Client Side:-
The system is a web based application; clients are requiring using a modern web browser such as Mozilla Firebox 8 and above, Internet
Explorer 6 and above, and Enable Cookies.
Software Interfaces:-
Server Side
An IIS will accept all requests from the client and forward user specific requests to local host. A development database will be hosted locally
(using SQL Server 2008 R2.
Client Side
An OS is capable of running a modern web browser which supports HTML version 4.1 or higher and .NET 3.0 Framework or higher.
Communications Interfaces-
Local host will communicate between client and server.
System Functions:-
This section outlines all the main feature of UMS.
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Student Role:-
The Student can only see their registration, examination status. They will also see various events happened in University and know some
FAQ.(Frequently Asked Question).
Administrator Role:-
The system administrator must be able to:
Enter and change student’s personal details, registration details, examination details.
View various reports.
Enter and change University’s information, staff information, college information, course information etc.
Audit Trailing-
Each admin user will have an associated record of history. This will provide various information.
Assumptions and Dependencies-
Although basic password authentication and role based security mechanisms will be used to protect UMS from unauthorized access; functionality such as invalid
username and password is assumed to be sufficiently protected under the existing security policies applied.
Specific Requirements-
Functional requirements:-
User class – Student
This section is for UMS Students’
Student can view their registration, examination details.
Follow various events of University.
View various frequently Asked Question.
User class – Administrator
Administrator can add, edit, delete and view all the information regarding students’ and University.
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Design Constraints
The system need to design base on the existed code and database using ASP.NET 3.5 and VB.NET and SQL SERVRE2008 R2.
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Tasks Accomplished With Milestones:-
1. Market Research include: Case Study and Questionnaires.
2. Define Specifications include: Tools/Platforms, H/W and S/W requirement specifications.
3. Overall Architecture include: DFD(s)-0/1/ 2 level, E-R Diagram.
4. Project Planning include: Process Logic of Modules.
5. Detail Design includes: Module Design for Entry Modules (1 to 11), Query Modules (12 to 14).
6. S/W Development include: Coding and Interface Design.
7. Test Plan include: Black Box Testing, White Box Testing, Unit Testing and Integration Testing.
8. Testing include: Validations and Test Logs.
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9. User Documentation includes: Documented Analysis of Project Design.
Market Team: Subhjyoti Saha and Subhajit Mitra Planning Team: Rajkumar Mitra and Subhjyoti Saha
Development Team: Rajkumar Mitra, Subhjyoti Saha, Subhajit Mitra and Lt. Col Gaurav Kr. Pande
These charts are mainly used to allocate resources to activities like staff, hardware and software and are useful for Resource planning. Here, bars
represent activities that are drawn along a time-line. Length of each bar is proportional to duration of time planned for the corresponding activity.
Each bar consists of a white part and a shaded part. The shaded part of the bar shows the Length of time each task is estimated to take. The white
part (if any) shows the Slack time, i.e. the latest time by which a task must be finished.
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#emp_id Emp_name
#College_id Stu_first_name
College_email #stu_id
Is a
By #Uni_awd_id
Is a Feedback
Teaching Stuff Uni_awd_name
Non teaching stuff UNIVERSITY Taken Award
SYSTEM Admitted
Course_name in
#course_id Course_fees
#Event_id Maintains
In Contains Courses
Event_name Departments
Day_of_event #dept_id Sub_name
Events Min_marks
Dept_name #sem_id
Bch_name Aca_perd #sub_id
#Bch_id Semester Subjects
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Data Flow Diagram (DFD):-
0-Level DFD or Context Level DFD
Colleges Department
Approval Approval
Request Feedback
information Give
Student ID
Give Result
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1st Level DFD
Batch DB
Student DB
2. Student 9. Batch
Registration Process Batch
5. Course
3. Student
Course DB
4. College
Exam_Trans DB
Attendance DB University DB
7. Attendance
1. University
8. Employee
Attendance Process
Employee DB
6. Verify
11. Job User Process
10. Department
User DB
Job DB Page | 20 Departments
Department DB
Data Dictionary:-
Purpose -
“A data dictionary or metadata repository, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of
Computing, is a ‘centralized repository of information about data such as meaning,
relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format’”.
Quality Criteria-
The purpose of the “UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” Data Dictionary
is to provide common terminology for internal and external reporting purposes.
Improving student success is data-intensive.
Encourages the use of data to inform decision-making and guide efforts to
improve student success
“UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” Data Dictionary initiative in
collecting, analyzing, and using data is a continual process
“UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” Data Dictionary initiative provides
standardized report terminology
“UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” Data Dictionary collects data, aids
in effectively interpreting and presenting data to deepen the understanding of
student progression and outcomes, and identifies strategies for improving student
Benefits -
Benefits of the new intelligence system are many. The University developed a knowledge
management system on the premise that consistent data will yield better information and
knowledge in the end. Most significantly, the “UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT
SYSTEM” Data Dictionary closes the data gaps and provides the basis to operate with
consistent, timely, and easy-to-understand and explain data to advance its efforts to help
more students succeed.
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5. A Complete Database & Tables Details
Master Tables
1. University_Master
Purpose: -This table is used to store basic information like University email, founded year of
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Primary Key ID of University
Uni_name varchar 50 Name of University
Uni_address varchar 100 Address of University
Founded_in varchar 20 Year of foundation
Total_student numeric (10,0) Number of students at present
Uni_email varchar 50 Email ID of University
Uni_phone varchar 50 Phone Numbers of University
Uni_Logo varchar 20 Image of University
2. College_Master
Purpose: - Store the college details which are approved by the “UNIVERSITY”
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Established_from varchar 10 College Established Date
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
Status tinyint 1 0 for deactivate 1 for active
3. Course_ Dept_Master
Purpose: - Various departments which are maintained by the “UNIVERSITY” are stored in this
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Dept_id numeric (3,0) Primary Key Department ID
Dept_name varchar 15 Department Name
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
4. Course_Master
Purpose: - Courses offered by “UNIVERSITY” is stored in this table. Courses are stored
according to department wise like BCA; MCA belongs to Computer Science Department etc.
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Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Uni_Id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
5. Sem_Master
Purpose: - Each course has number of semester. So this table is used to store the number of
semester according to course.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Sem_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Semester ID
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
Sem_no numeric (2,0) Semester Number
Fees_amount decimal (10,0) Semester wise fees
6. Batch_Master
Purpose: - This table is belongs to batches maintained by “UNIVERSITY”. This table has
several batch name and academic year which belongs to the various table.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Bch_id numeric (3,0) Primary Key Batch ID
Bch_name varchar 20 Name of the batch
Aca_perd varchar 20 Period of the year
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
7. Subject_Master
Purpose: - This table is used to store semester wise subject details and minimum pass marks
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Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Sub_name varchar 25 Subject Name
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Mastre
Sem_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Sem_Master
Min_marks numeric (3,0) Minimum marks to appear in that subject
8. Attendance_Master
Purpose: - Every course offered by the “UNIVERSITY”, has a specific number of classes. This
table is used to store total number of classes and minimum required classes of a subject of a
course for a particular year.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Att_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Auto generated ID
Sub_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Subject_Master
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
Tot_Class numeric (4,0) Total number of classes for each subject
Min_class numeric (3,0) Minimum number of classes to be present
Year_name numeric (4,0) Name of the year
9. Student_Master
Purpose: - This table is used to store basic information of any student like his/her name, student
id, elected course, college id etc.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Stu_id numeric (9,0) Primary Key Student ID
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
College_id numeric (3,0) Foreign Key Reference to College_Master
Bch_id numeric (3,0) Foreign Key Reference to Batch_Master
Stu_first_name varchar 50 First Name of Student
Stu_last_name varchar 50 Last Name of Student
Stu_address varchar 100 Address of Student
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Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Stu_sex varchar 6 Gender of Student
Stu_email varchar 35 Email ID of Student
Stu_date_of_birth varchar 10 Date of birth of Student
Stu_mobile_no varchar 15 Mobile Number of Student
Stu_alternate_no varchar 15 Alternate Number of Student
Edu_qualification varchar 10 Educational Qualification of
Year varchar 4 In which year student is
10. Fine_Details_Master
Purpose: - This table is used to store fine amount of a specific course of a given period of time.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Fine_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Auto Generated Fine ID
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
From_date varchar 10 Fine From Date
To_date varchar 10 Fine To Date
Fine_amount decimal (10,0) Fine Amount
11. Qualification_Master
Purpose: - It is used to store possible qualification id and name for the employee.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Qualification_id numeric (2,0) Primary Key Qualification ID
Qualification_name varchar 10 Qualification Name
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
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12. Job_Master
Purpose: - This table is used to store the type of employee like he/she is a teaching staff or non-
teaching staff of “UNIVERSITY”.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Job_id numeric (2,0) Primary Key Job ID
Job_name varchar 20 Name of job
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
13. Employee_Master
Purpose: - Employee details like employee id, his/her name, for which college he/she is
representing is stored by this table.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Emp_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Auto Generated Employee ID
College_id numeric (3,0) Foreign Key Reference to College_Master
Emp_first_name varchar 50 Employee First Name
Emp_last_name varchar 50 Employee Last Name
Emp_address varchar 100 Employee Address
Emp_email_id varchar 35 Employee Email ID
Emp_mobile_no varchar 15 Employee Mobile Number
Emp_alternate_no varchar 15 Employee Alternate Number
Emp_sex varchar 6 Employee Sex
Job_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to employee_job_master
Qualification_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Qualification_Master
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14. User_Grade_Master
Purpose: - There are several user grades like admin, general are there. This table is used to store
user grade details of “UNIVERSITY” for security purpose.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
U_type_id numeric (1,0) Primary Key User Type ID
User_Type_Name varchar 15 User Type Name
Status tinyint 2 0 for deactivate 1 for reactivate
Uni_ID numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
15. User_Master
Purpose: - All authorized users and their passwords is store in this table.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
U_id numeric (3,0) Primary Key User ID
User_name varchar 15 User Name
Password varchar 15 Password
U_type_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to User_Grade_Master
16. Uni_Award_Master
Purpose: - There are several awards might be taken by the “UNIVERSITY”. These awards
details are store in this table.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Uni_awd_id numeric (2,0) Primary Key Auto generated award id
Uni_awd_name varchar 20 Name of Award
Year_name varchar 10 Date of award taken by UNIVERSITY
Awd_desc varchar 200 Description of award
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
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17. Uni_Faq_Master
Purpose: - There are some frequently asked question and their answer is store in this table by the
authorized users..
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Faq_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Frequently asked question ID
Faq_qname varchar 100 Question
Faq_qans varchar 200 Answer of FAQ question
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
Transaction Tables
18. Audit_Trail_Trans
Purpose: - It is an important table. The basic function of this table is to store logged in user id
and what type of action is performed by the users and in which page.
Field Name Data Size Default Description
A_id numeric (10,0) Primary Audit Trail ID
U_id numeric (3,0) Foreign Key Reference to User_Master
Action_type varchar 10 Action type like Select , Insert, Update, Delete which
is fired by users.
Action_time Datetime User login date and time
Page_name varchar 20 Name of the page which is stored
19. Fees_Payment_Trans
Purpose: - It is used to store payment details like whether it is exam fees or semester fees, the
fees is paid by cash or draft. If draft then the bank name, draft number, draft date etc.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Pay_trans_id numeric (15,0) Primary Key Transaction ID for each payment
Fees_type varchar 1 S for semester E for exam
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Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Fees_amount decimal (6,0) Amount of exam fees
Date_of_pay varchar 10 Payment Date
Late_fine decimal (6,0) Late Fine
Pay_mode varchar 10 Payment Mode either Cash or Draft
Bank_name varchar 30 Name of the bank
Draft_no numeric 20 Draft Number
Date_of_draft varchar 10 Date of Draft
20. Sem_Fees_Trans
Purpose: - It is used to store semester wise fees details of each student.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Sem_fees_id numeric (15,0) Primary Semester wise auto generated fees ID
Pay_trans_id numeric (15,0) Foreign Key Reference to fees_payment_trans
Stu_id numeric (9,0) Foreign Key Reference to Stu_Master
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
Sem_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Sem_Master
21. Exam_Trans
Purpose: - This table is used to store exam details like student id, course, semester number, and
subject id and finally the marks obtained by the student of a particular subject.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Exam_fees_id numeric (15,0) Primary Key ID for auto generated Exam fees
Pay_trans_id numeric (15,0) Foreign Key Reference to fees_payment_trans
Stu_id numeric (9,0) Foreign Key Reference to Student_Master
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
Sem_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Sem_Master
Sub_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Subject_Master
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Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Marks_obtained numeric (3,0) Marks Obtained by a student
Date_of_exam varchar 10 Date of examination
22. Uni_Event_Trans
Purpose: - It is used to store every regular or non-regular event details which is occurred in the
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Event_id numeric (2,0) Primary Key Auto generated event id
Event_name varchar 20 Name of the event
Day_of_event varchar 20 Day name when the event will be occurred
Repeated_event varchar 2 Yes/No
Uni_id numeric (1,0) Foreign Key Reference to University_Master
23. College_Wise_Course_Trans
Purpose: - The purpose of this table is used to store college wise available courses and available
number of seats in that college for a specific year.
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
C_wise_course_id numeric (4,0) Primary Key Auto generated Id for college wise course
College_id numeric (3,0) Foreign Key Reference to College_Master
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
No_of_seat numeric (3,0) Number of sit in a relevant course
Year numeric (4,0) Name of the year
Status tinyint 1 0 for inactive 1 for active
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24. Stu_Atten_Trans
Purpose: - Subject wise and course wise student attendance information is maintained into this
Field Name Data Type Size Default Description
Stu_attn_id numeric (15,0) Primary Key Auto generated student attendance ID
Stu_id numeric (9,0) Foreign Key Reference to Student_Master
Sub_id numeric (4,0) Foreign Key Reference to Subject_Master
Course_id numeric (2,0) Foreign Key Reference to Course_Master
Date_of_attn varchar 10 Date of attendance
No_of_classes numeric (3,0) No of classes ,an individual student is
Year_of_att numeric (4,0) Attendance for which year
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6. A Complete Structure
Number of Modules & Their Description:-
University Details.
Master details of colleges.
Course Information.
Semester wise subject details of all courses.
Master details of students.
Employees’ personal details.
Semester wise fees details of students.
Exam fees details of students.
Course Details according to college
Attendance details of students.
Registration details of student.
Semester wise exam result of student.
Grade card details of student and etc.
Modules Description: -This project consist with two modules – i) Entry Module ii) Query
Entry Module: -Entry module will vary according to the subject of entry. This type of
module mainly maintained by the authorized users of the UNIVERSITY.
Module: -1
Name Login
Description This module helps the authentic users to access “UNIVERSITY
Input Required (i)User_name ,(ii) Password
Table Used (i)User_Master ,(ii)User_Grade_Master,(iii) Audit_Trail_Trans
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Module: -2
Name University Details
Description In this module, details of university like University name,total
number of student, founded in which year etc will be stored
Input Required (i) Uni_name, (ii)Uni_address, (iii)Founded_in, (iv)Total_student,
(v)Uni_email, (vi)Uni_phone, (vii)Uni_logo
Table Used (i)University_Master
Module: -3
Name Master details of Colleges
Description Details of colleges which are approved by the UNIVERSITY, is
stored in this module.
Input Required (i)College_code,(ii)College_name,(iii)College_address,(iv)College_
Table Used College_Master
Module: -4
Name Course Information
Descriptio It is representing basic information of courses like course name, total
n number of semester, semester fees etc
Input (i)Course_name, (ii) Dept_id, , (iii)Course_abbr,(v) Course_duration, (vi)
Required Course_fees,(vii)No_of_sem(viii)Eligibility,(ix)Min_percentage,(x)Fees_a
Table (i)Course_Master,(ii)Dept_Master,(iii)Sem_Master
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Module: -5
Name Semester wise subject details of all courses.
Description It represent semester wise subject details regarding Courses
Input Required (i)Sub_Code, (ii)Sub_name, (iii)Course_id, (iv)Sem_id,
Table Used (i)Course_Master, (ii)Sem_Master, (iii)Subject_Master
Module: -6
Name Master details of students
Description It is used to store the details of student.
Input (i)Stu_id, (ii)Cours_id, (iii)College_id,(iv)Bch_id, (vStu_first_name,
Required (vi)Stu_last_Name, (vii)Stu_address, (viii)Stu_sex (ix)Stu_email
Table Used (i)Student_Master, (ii)Course_Master, (iii)College_Master,
(iv)Batch_Master,(v) College_Wise_Course_Trans
Module: -7
Name Employees’ personal details
Description This module is used to store personal information of university’s
Input Required (i)Emp_first_name, (ii)Emp_last_name, (iii)Emp_address,
(iv)Emp_email_id, (v)Emp_mobile_no, (vi)Emp_alternate_no,
(vii)Emp_sex, (viii)Job_id, (ix)Qualification_id,(x)College_id
Table Used (i)Employee_Master,(ii)Job_Master,(iii)Qualification_Master
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Module: -8
Name Semester wise fees details of students
Description This module is used for maintain semester fees details of individual
Input Required (i) Stu_id, (ii) Course_id, (iii)Sem_id, (iv) Fees_amount, (v)
Date_of_pay, (vi) Late_fine [if required], (vii)Pay_mode,[If
pay_mode is by draft then](viii)Bank_name, (ix)Draft_no,
Table Used (i)Sem_fees_Trans, (ii)Fees_Payment_Trans
Module: -9
Name Exam fees details of students
Description This module is used for maintain semester wise exam details of
Input Required (i) Stu_id, (ii) Course_id, (iii)Sem_id, (iv)Sub_id,
(v)marks_obtained, (vi)Date_of_exam,(vii) Fees_amount, (viii)
Date_of_pay, (ix) Late_fine [if required], (x)Pay_mode,[If
pay_mode is by draft then](xi)Bank_name, (xii)Draft_no,
Table Used (i)Exam_Trans, (ii)Fees_Payment_Trans
Module: -10
Name Course Details according to college
Description In this module, College wise number of available courses will be
Input Required (i)College_id, (ii)Course_id, (iii)No_of_Seat,(iv)Year_Name
Table Used (i)College_Master,(ii)Course_Master
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Module: -11
Name Attendance details of Students
Description Attendance details of individual student of an individual subject are
stored according to colleges.
Input Required (i)Stu_id,(ii)Sub_id,(iii)Course_id,(iv)Date_of_attn,(v)Pres_Abs(vi
Table Used (i)Student_Master,(ii)Course_Master,(iii)Subject_Master,(iv)Stu_A
Query Module: - Querymodule will vary according to the input for which the
information is to be searched.
Module: -12
Name Registration details of student
Description This module is used to display registration details of a student.
Input Required (i)Stu_id, (ii)Course_id
Table Used (i)Student_Master,(ii) Course_Master, (iii)Sem_Fees_Trans,
Module: -13
Name Semester wise exam result of student
Description This module is used to display semester result of a student.
Input Required (i)Stu_id, (ii)Course_id,(iii)Sem_no
Table Used (i)Student_Master, (ii)Course_Master, (iii)Subject_Master,
Module: -14
Name Grade card details of student
Description This module is used to display grade card of a student.
Input Required (i)Stu_id, (ii) Course_id
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Table Used (i)Student_Master, (ii)Course_Master, (iii)Subject_Master,
Procedural Design:-
Procedural design shows details of how modules work, Define algorithmic details, structured
form: such as pseudo code, or PDL (Program Design Language), also called structured English.
Clearer with graphical methods such as Flowchart, Nassi-Schneiderman chart (N-S chart), box
In the following section we will show how PDL, Nassi-Schneiderman chart (N-S chart) define
and details of process logic that shows how each module will works.
PDL Example: -
Process File Procedure
Read file
While not end-of-file
If record ok then
Print record
Print error
End if
Read file
End While
Example of N-S Chart/ Box/Diagram Constructs : -
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Process Logic of Modules : -
Process logic of Login Module: -
This module is generally trying to protect the application from the un-authorized users. It
is allowed to work only the user who have authentication. This module works only when
the users are trying to login the application. If username and password would be wrong
then there will be an error message. After login, the user details is store in
Audit_Trail_Trans Table, because after this every INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
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statement fired by the user in any page , will store the action and page name in
Audit_Trail_Trans table.
Validation: -
User_name can’t be blank..
Password can’t be blank.
Process logic of University Details Module: -
In this module, some of the basic information of “UNIVERSITY” like University Name,
Address, Phone Number, Email, Logo etc is stored. Also the year of establishment will be
entered in this module. Only Admin user can update or delete or insert these details.
These details are shows in the website for general visitors.
Validation: -
Uni_name can’t be blank
Uni_address can’t be blank
Founded_in must be numeric and must be in date type
Total_student must be numeric and can’t be blank.
Uni_email can’t be blank and must be in email format.
Uni_phone can’t be blank and must be numeric and must be in 10 digits.
Uni_logo can’t be blank and must be add the logo of the UNIVERSITY.
Process logic of Master details of Colleges Module: -
The purpose of this module is to INSERT/UPDATE of college details like college name,
college address, college email ID etc is maintained by the authorized user. Again we are
not deleted any important record of any module, using status field we activated or
deactivated the record.
Validation: -
College_code must be unique and must be alphanumeric.
College_name can’t be blank
College_phone_no can’t be blank and must be numeric and 10 digit also.
College_email_id can’t be blank and must be validate whether it as e-mail id or
Established_from can’t be blank and must be in date format.
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Process logic of Course Information Module: -
This module handles the relevant information about course like course_id, course_name,
course_fees etc. From Dept_Master , the authentic user have to select dept_name for relevant
course like Comp.Sc for BCA,MCA and id of dept_name is store on course_master.
Validation: -
Course_id can’t be blank and must be unique.
Dept_id must be select.
Course_name can’t blank.
Course_abbr can’t be blank.
Course_duration can’t be blank.
Course_fees can’t be blank and must be numeric.
No_of_sem can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Eligibility must be required.
Fees_Amount can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Process logic of Semester wise subject details of all courses Module: -
This module is represents all the subject details and their minimum percentage of individual
courses according to semester. Authentic user must select course_name and sem_no from
dropdown and enter sub_id, sub_name, min_percentage of that particular semester of that
particular course. Authenticate user also can update or delete relevant information.
Validation: -
Sub_code can’t be blank and must be unique.
Sub_name can’t be blank.
Must have select couser_id and sem_no.
Must have enter min_marks and it must be numeric.
Process logic of Master details of students Module: -
The basic information about a student like his/her name, address, email, phone, which course
he/she will be taken, which college he/she will be chosen is stored in this module.
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Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank and must be numeric and must be unique. It must be 9 digits also.
Course_id can’t be blank.
State_id can’t be blank.
Collge_id can’t be blank.
Bch_id must be select.
Stu_first_name and stu_last_name can’t be blank.
Stu_sex can’t be blank.
stu_email must be in proper email format.
Stu_date_of_birth can’t be blank and must be in date format.
Stu_mobile_no can’t be blank and must be in 10 digits. It must be numeric.
Edu_qualification must be entered.
Process logic of Employees’ personal detailsModule: -
This module is used to store personal details of employees like first name, last name, email id
etc. Job name and qualification name must be selected for the respected employee. Job_id and
qualification_id is store in the table for job name and qualification name for each employee.
Validation: -
Emp_First_name and emp_last_name can’t be blank.
Emp_email_id can’t be blank and must be proper email address.
Emp_mobile_no can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Emp_sex can’t be blank.
Job_id can’t be blank.
Qualification_id can’t be blank.
College_id must be selected.
Process logic of Semester wise fees details of students Module: -
In this module student’s semester fees are insert/update/delete. Course ID, Student ID and
Semester ID will be stored in “Sem_fees_trans” table and pay mode (whether it’s cash or draft)
and other pay mode details, fees_amount, date_of_pay will store in “Fees_Payment_Trans”
table. If there will be any late_fine then it will be automatically calculated and stored in
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“Fees_Payment_Trans” This module is only for admin and authenticates users not for general
Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank and must be 9 digits and also be numeric.
Course_id must be selected.
Sem_id must be selected.
Fees_amount can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Date_of_pay can’t be blank and must be in date format.
Pay_mode (either cash or draft) must be selected.
If pay_mode is draft then bank_name, draft_no and date_of_draft must be there.
Process logic Course details according to colleges Module: -
In this module, various Courses of “UNIVERSITY” according to colleges are stored. There is
not necessary that every college must have all courses. That’s why this module is necessary.
Here we maintain year wise total number of seat of a particular course in a particular college.
This module is for authorized users of UNIVERSITY.
Validation: -
College_id must be selected.
Cours_id must be selected.
No_of_seat can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Year_name can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Process logic of Exam fees details of students Module: -
Exam details of students’ are stored in this module. Admin and authenticate users can update or
delete students marks details and other information like fees amount, date of pay, student id etc.
This module is not available for general users. This module is only for admin and other
authenticate user.
Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank and must be 9 digits and also be numeric.
Course_id must be selected.
Sem_id must be selected.
Sub_id must be selected.
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Fees_amount can’t be blank and must be numeric.
Date_of_pay can’t be blank and must be in date format.
Pay_mode (either cash or draft) must be selected.
If pay_mode is draft then bank_name, draft_no and date_of_draft must be there.
Repeated_event is either true or false. If it is true then it seems to be happened every year on
that day. Otherwise it happened only one time.
Process logic of Attendance details of Students Module: -
Attendance of individual of individual subject is stored in this module. Date_of_attn represent
the day of class and pres_abs is an Boolean field, which represent a student present or absence.
On the help of this module, we check a student is eligible to sit into the examination or not.
Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank.
Sub_id can’t be blank.
Course_id can’t be blank.
Date_of_attn must be in date format and can’t be blank.
Pres_abs must be Boolean value and can’t be blank.
Year_of_att must be enter.
Process logic of Registration details of student Module: -
In this module, general users or students needs to enter student id and course name, after that
student name, address and other necessary information of student as well as his/her registration
status will display.
Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank.
Course_id can’t be blank.
Process logic of Semester wise exam result of student Module: -
According to student id, semester number and course name, this module displays the semester
result of a student. This module is for general users and students of the “UNIVERSITY”.
Validation: -
Stu_id must be entered.
Course_d must be selected.
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Sem_no must be entered.
Process logic of Grade card details of student Module: -
In this module, general user or students have to enfettered student id and course name to display
his/her entire marks details of examination till present date.
Validation: -
Stu_id can’t be blank.
Course_id must be selected. .
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7. Overall Network Architecture
The project has been planned to be having the view of distributed architecture, with centralized
storage of the database. The application for the storage of the data has been planned. Using the
constructs of MS-SQL Server and all the user interfaces have been designed using the ASP.Net
technologies. The database connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology.
The standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for proper
usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated reports, which are
produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put forwarded by the
administrative staff.
The entire project has been developed keeping in view of the distributed client server computing
technology, in mind. The specification has been normalized up to 3NF to eliminate all the
anomalies that may arise due to the database transaction that are executed by the general users
and the organizational administration. The user interfaces are browser specific to give distributed
accessibility for the overall system. The internal database has been selected as MS-SQL server
200.The basic constructs of table spaces, clusters and indexes have been exploited to provide
higher consistency and reliability for the data storage. The MS-SQL server 200 was a choice as it
provides the constructs of high-level reliability and security. The total front end was dominated
using the ASP.Net technologies. At all proper levels high care was taken to check that the system
manages the data consistency with proper business rules or validations. The database
connectivity was planned using the latest “SQL Connection” technology provided by Microsoft
Corporation. The authentication and authorization was crosschecked at all the relevant stages.
The user level accessibility has been restricted into two zones namely.
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8.Implementation of Security Mechanisms
The protection of computer based resources that includes hardware, software, data, procedures
and people against unauthorized use or natural
Disaster is known as System Security.
System Security can be divided into four related issues:
System Security refers to the technical innovations and procedures applied to the hardware and
operation systems to protect against deliberate or accidental damage from a defined threat.
Data Security is the protection of data from loss, disclosure, modification and destruction.
System Integrity refers to the power functioning of hardware and programs, appropriate
physical security and safety against external threats such as eavesdropping and wiretapping.
Privacy defines the rights of the user or organizations to determine what information they are
willing to share with or accept from others and how the organization can be protected against
unwelcome, unfair or excessive dissemination of information about it.
Confidentiality is a special status given to sensitive information in a database to minimize
the possible invasion of privacy. It is an attribute of information that characterizes its need
for protection.
Security in Software-
System security refers to various validations on data in form of checks and controls to avoid the
system from failing. It is always important to ensure that only valid data is entered and only valid
operations are performed on the system. The system employees two types of checks and controls:
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Client Side Validation-
Various client side validations are used to ensure on the client side that only valid data is entered.
Client side validation saves server time and load to handle invalid data. Some checks imposed
VBScript in used to ensure those required fields are filled with suitable data only. Maximum
lengths of the fields of the forms are appropriately defined.
Forms cannot be submitted without filling up the mandatory data so that manual mistakes of
submitting empty fields that are mandatory can be sorted out at the client side to save the
server time and load.
Tab-indexes are set according to the need and taking into account the ease of user while
working with the system.
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9. Future Scope & Further Enhancement
This System being web-based and an undertaking of Cyber Security Division, needs to be
thoroughly tested to find out any security gaps.
A console for the data centre may be made available to allow the personnel to monitor on the
sites which were cleared for hosting during a particular period.
Moreover, it is just a beginning; further the system may be utilized in various other types of
auditing operation viz. Network auditing or similar process/workflow based applications...
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10. Bibliography
Resources -
Bers, T. & Seybert, J. (2000). Effective Reporting. Tallahassee, FL: Association for
Institutional Research.
Glover, Rhonda.(2009). Lumina Foundation for Education, Achieving the Dream:
Community College Count.
Howard, R.D. (2001). Institutional Research: Decision Support in Higher Education.
Tallahassee, FL: Association for Institutional Research.
Luna, A.L., and Pearson, T.P. (2001). Records management, in W.E. Knight (Ed.) The
primer for Institutional Research. Tallahassee, FL: Association for Institutional Research.
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