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EL Curiculum Highlights 2018-19 - Web

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Curriculum Highlights
2018 - 2019
Table of Contents
2 Introduction

4 The Core of JIS

7 The Curriculum

11 Student Support Services

12 Service Learning

13 Co-Curricular Program

Elementary School Curriculum Overview

Grades 1-5

Our Elementary program at JIS immerses children in an atmosphere of wonder, care,

Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

exploration, and growth, and it isn’t long until their love of learning grows from the inside
out. The Elementary Program further builds each child to become a competent learner in
a caring community – a thinker, creator, feeler, problem solver and doer.

All curricular programs at JIS aim to fulfill the vision and values expressed in our JIS
Jakarta Intercultural School

core documents for learning. As we care for students and collaborate to continuously
strengthen their learning, all of us – our youngest learners, our teachers and our parents
– will be equipped to thoughtfully engage the world with skills, knowledge, deep and
enduring understandings, and clearer purpose. To us, this is what it means for each
2017 - 2018

student to “achieve personal excellence to be the best for the world.”

The Learner The Program

We believe that elementary education We believe that the most effective
must foster the intellectual, social, program is a well defined, balanced
physical and emotional development of curriculum that involves students in
each child. purposeful, relevant, and challenging
We encourage each child to reach his
or her full potential within a challenging We believe an inquiry approach to all
inquiry-based curriculum based on high curriculum programs best meets the
expectations. needs of all learners.

We recognize that children have We place strong emphasis on language

individual needs, and that their learning arts and mathematics. To ensure
styles and rates of development vary. a balanced curriculum, we provide
programs in science and technology,
We encourage each child to think social studies, modern language, health
critically and independently and to and physical development, visual and
develop a love of learning and self- performing arts.
motivation, by attaining academic and
personal goals. We believe that children must be
prepared to function successfully in a
changing world. 3
We believe that instructional programs
and processes should be based on
widely accepted research about how and
what children learn. Our inquiry approach
to learning is grounded in research.

We believe that there must be clearly

stated goals and objectives established
collaboratively and supported by
teachers, administrators and parents.
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

We believe in the ongoing assessment of

students and evaluation of programs.
Jakarta Intercultural School
2017 - 2018
The Core of JIS

The Core of JIS

Passionate, inquisitive, and creative – learning in Indonesia to be best
for the world.
• Passionate: By discovering and relevant experiences and reflection, we
channeling connections with our gifts and become: responsible world citizens,
talents, our passions guide and fuel our critical thinkers, effective communicators,
learning to achieve personal excellence. collaborative workers, problem solvers,
• Inquisitive: Our natural curiosity about creative individuals, and self-directed,
the world and the hunger to learn positive and adaptable learners.
by asking questions is nurtured and • Best for the world: Recognizing that
developed. we need to be generous, humane, and
4 • Creative: We learn by imagining compassionate stewards of our planet
possibilities, designing potential solutions, and all that rely on it, we expect active,
and crafting original outcomes. reflective service from all members of our
• Learning: Through engaging in diverse, community.

We will inspire joyful, rigorous learning and foster wellness as a

pioneering, inclusive and collaborative community.
• Joyful Learning: Providing those life- through value-driven healthy choices
changing moments that sustain a sense and wise decisions to achieve physical,
of wonderment and a passion for inquiry. intellectual and emotional harmony.
• Rigorous Learning: Achieving personal • Pioneering, collaborative community:
academic excellence requires hard Taking thoughtful risks and becoming
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

work, dedication, and striving for lofty innovative educational leaders in order to
standards. prepare our children for success in our
• Foster Wellness: Developing resilience rapidly changing world.
Jakarta Intercultural School
2017 - 2018
The Core of JIS
Perseverance, Integrity, Responsibility, Respect, Compassion,
Balance, Fun.
• Perseverance: Continually striving for • Compassion: Acting with care and
personal excellence despite challenges empathy to positively impact others and
along the way our environment
• Integrity: Acting ethically, honestly, and • Balance: Striving to achieve physical,
equitably intellectual, and emotional harmony in our
• Responsibility: Owning our actions to lives and our decisions
earn trust and confidence • Fun: Making what we do exciting
• Respect: Exhibiting good manners – and enjoyable, lest we take ourselves
showing consideration and appreciation too seriously
in all our interactions with others
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018 - 2019

We learn by reflecting and relating, by being resourceful and resilient.

Jakarta Intercultural School
The Curriculum
The Curriculum
Building Ten stages of development describe the
journey children undergo as they become

Learning Power
independent readers and writers. Since
children grow and develop at differing
rates, we have developed clear targets
Building Learning Power is about helping and milestones as well as multiple
children to become better learners, both assessments along the way to better
in school and out. It is about creating a monitor and support each child’s progress.
culture in classrooms that systematically
cultivates habits and attitudes that While literacy instruction is direct and
enable students to learn effectively and explicit within the English Language Arts
solve problems confidently, calmly and program, it is essential that the skills
creatively. In particular, Building Learning and knowledge gained will empower
Power helps children become Resilient, understandings, habits of mind, and 7
Resourceful, Relating, and Reflective. communication skills in all content areas.
Children learn how to be tenacious and
open-minded, imaginative and logical, self- On a practical level, daily explicit
disciplined and self-aware, collaborative instruction occurs within a workshop
and inquisitive. These dispositions and model that entails:
skills are explicitly taught across all areas
of the curriculum to support student • large group lessons that may include
learning and growth. shared reading and writing, interactive
read alouds and focus lessons;
• small group instruction that may
Literacy include guided reading and writing,
strategy lessons, and literature circles
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

or reading clubs; and

JIS adopts curricular models that
• independent reading and writing.
demonstrate the best international
standards. The school currently draws

its overarching standards for English
Language Arts from the Ontario,
Jakarta Intercultural School

Canada curriculum. The strands of oral

communication, reading, writing and media The elementary Mathematics curriculum
literacy have within them the requirement is based upon the standards of the
to reflect on learning and to use this Common Core from the United States.
2017 - 2018

reflection to enhance further learning. The standards describe the conceptual

Social Studies,
mathematical understanding, knowledge,
The Curriculum

and skills that students should acquire

throughout their school experience.

The following conceptual strands are

Science &
used to organize our mathematics
curriculum: Number and Operation,
Measurement, Algebra, Geometry, Data
and Representation. Through a process of inquiry, students
explore social studies, science and
Mathematics instruction in the health concepts and understandings. At
elementary school: each grade level, Transdisciplinary Units
of Study provide the opportunity for
• investigates problems set in real-life students to learn more about their world
contexts, by posing questions, exploring concepts,
• fosters deep conceptual understanding and engaging in developmentally
and procedural fluency, appropriate research and projects. Where
• balances whole-class, small group, it is relevant and appropriate, direct
and individual instruction as well as connections and actions are linked to
self-directed learning, issues of global significance.
• emphasizes reasoning,
• facilitates communication and

• introduces appropriate technology
for learning.
Through this conceptual approach to
Committed to educating the whole child,
mathematics, students make progress
alongside core subjects JIS provides
towards identified developmental
instruction by subject area professionals
landmarks. Daily engagements, whole-
in the visual and performing arts, physical
class discussions, small group work, and
education, and world languages within
individual conferences offer students
the school day.
opportunities to become confident
and competent mathematicians.
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018
Jakarta Intercultural School
2017 - 2018
Visual &

The Curriculum
In the Drama program, children from
The Arts are essential to each child’s
the Early Years through Grade 5 are
development as a whole person and we
introduced to the fundamentals of
embrace each expression from early
dramatic play and expression through
scribbles to skilled artistic performances.
ensemble devising, collaboration,
playwriting, and performance.
Through the arts, students express
themselves verbally, visually, kinesthetically
In Dance, students explore their own
and musically. Within our visual and
creativity, develop movement pieces with
performing arts educational environment,
others, and learn from a wide range of
learning activities provide students with
traditional and contemporary dance styles.
a first–hand opportunity to grow through
Students develop a large movement
participation in creative experiences
vocabulary, spatial and body awareness,
and expressions. Throughout the year,
and an ability to collaborate with others.
students are provided with multiple
Dance also allows students to make their
opportunities to practice presentation and
learning visible from other subject areas.
performance skills in public and in-class
performances and sharings; as well as
school-wide assemblies.
Within Visual Art classes, students explore
the sequential themes of Learning to See;
Building Ideas; Ideas for Expression and
Art in Everyday Life. Through these themes Physical Education provides
students learn the principles of design and opportunities for students to learn
the elements of art. about, and practice ways of, adopting
and maintaining a healthy, productive
The Music program is developmental in and active lifestyle. The PE program
sequence and instills a love of musical is designed to promote physical skills
appreciation and participation. The and strategies as well as develop habits
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

strands of the general elementary music leading to a healthy lifestyle.

program comprise Movement & Dance;
Singing; Tuned and Untuned Percussion; Swimming pools, grass and covered play
Indonesian Gamelan; Recorder. An areas, gymnasia, as well as court sports
elective, after school Strings Program and soccer fields are all used within
Jakarta Intercultural School

broadens the opportunities for students the PE program. They provide places
to pursue their musical talents by for elementary students to become
participating in a string ensemble from healthy, fit and skillful in their approach to
beginning to intermediate levels. physical health and wellness.
2017 - 2018
Modern Technology/
The Curriculum

Language Library Media

- Bahasa Services
Indonesia At JIS, technology and print media
play an important role in our dynamic
learning community. At every grade, we
Beginning in Early Years 3, all students aim to expand learning opportunities
in the elementary school take lessons that empower students to be critical
in the host country language of Bahasa consumers and creative producers of
Indonesia, which is an accessible knowledge and media in both digital and
language for beginners to learn at any print form. Our Library and Technology
age. Proficiency levels are established Integration Specialists play a key
and the students access the language supportive role at each campus.
through speaking, listening, reading
and writing. As a school, we believe
that learning the host country language
promotes international mindedness
and opens children’s minds to other
perspectives. By learning the host
language in the context of living in
Indonesia students are able to use
the language in real life situations; this

10 creates a sound foundational base on

which to build additional languages in
Middle School.
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018
Jakarta Intercultural School
2017 - 2018
Student Support Services
Student Support
English as an Additional 11
JIS offers English as an Additional Language (EAL) support for English language learners
in Grades 1-5. The goal is to help each learner acquire English language proficiency in
order to become successful in all areas of the curriculum.

Learning Support
Students with diverse learning needs will find a caring, individualized approach and
support structure that helps them access the JIS Curriculum. Services available to
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

students include Learning Support, Speech and Language Therapy and Intervention.

Jakarta Intercultural School

Each elementary campus has on-site counseling to assist students, parents and teachers
in support of the social and emotional needs of our young learners.
2017 - 2018
Service Learning


Service Learning
Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018

In order to develop and demonstrate the skills necessary to be effective global citizens,
environmental stewards, and to serve others, the Elementary School has adopted
service- learning as the current, best practice approach. Service Learning in the
Jakarta Intercultural School

elementary school provides an opportunity for students to build relationships with the
local community through organizations like XS Project, Kampung Kids, Sekolah Mexico,
Sekolah Kami, Vega Project and GK. Students are also encouraged to be advocates for
local issues, such as saving the Orangutans and taking care of our environment with
2017 - 2018

“Clean Up Jakarta.”

Co-Curricular Program
Care for the whole child inspires JIS to offer a variety of activities that appeal to a
child’s sense of adventure, fun, competition, learning and exploration. We see these
opportunities as an essential part of a holistic education which allows children to
understand unique aspects of their personalities, aptitudes and interests. They also offer
diverse social experiences through which children learn to work, share, plan, collaborate,
make friends, solve differences and pursue goals alongside others with common
passions and interests.

In childhood, time spent doing what one wants to do – playing, thinking and dreaming
– can be time well spent. At JIS, a broad range of activities are available after school
for students via teacher led activities and JIS Academy program offerings. Children can
explore interests and sharpen skills through elementary choirs, other music activities,
sports, dance, art, swimming instruction, competitive swimming and many more options.

Offerings in our After School Activity (ASA) Program vary from year to year, depending on
student interest and JIS Academy offerings. Offerings are plentiful and rarely do we hear
feedback asking for an activity that we do not offer. 13
We feel strongly that adult guidance is necessary in the planning of after school
activities in order to give the appropriate balance for your child’s overall development.
At times, children’s days are filled with structured activities, allowing them little or no
time remaining to amuse themselves productively. Childhood is a special time of life.
We suggest that families carefully look at the time commitments required for interests
and routines, home-learning, recreational reading and adequate rest, when making
commitments to any other activities.

For more information please visit JIS Academy website:

Elementary Curriculum Highlights 2018
Jakarta Intercultural School
2017 - 2018
Jakarta Intercultural School

Pattimura Elementary (PEL) Campus Pondok Indah Elementary (PIE) Campus

Jl. Pattimura Blok I No. 2, Kebayoran Baru Jl. Duta Indah III, Pondok Indah
T: +62 (0)21 769 2555 T: +62 (0)21 769 2555
F: +62 (0)21 722 2301 F: +62 (0)21 750 7618

Copyright © 2018 Jakarta Intercultural School

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