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Long before the emergence of mankind, the Words of Creation Monstrous Form
were roaring from the throats of god-beast Sovereigns. When
You are incapable of using miracles in this form except for
they were wiped out, they didn't truly die. Echoes of their might
Divine Wraths and Coronas of Fury.
were lodged between the gears of the celestial engines
themselves and only freed when man-made gods tore heaven Creatures of 1 or 2 HD are incapable of understanding you
apart. unless they are already your worshippers. Gifts of wordless
conversation fail but direct mind control continues to function.
Together with the holy fire of undone Made Gods, these
Your voice could be a deafening roar, singing crystal glass or
shadows from the past are falling to Arcem and igniting the
something else to them but their minds otherwise simply can
Words within ordinary men and women. Those who inherit
not comprehend anything spoken by the manifestations of
their strength from both are not just Godbound, they are now
primordial beasts.
also lesser offspring of these Sovereigns. They are Princelings
and they have great potential. You have three additional gift points with which you can buy
any lesser gifts that fit this form, no matter from which Word.
Imagine a Princeling as a monster akin to a Godbound-
In addition to this, these points can also be spent on Princeling
powered Apostle from Berserk or a Kinglet from Lastman
gifts that cost half a point each.
(where the inspiration for the name came from) or simply any
character that transforms into a cool monster to be more Neither normal gifts nor Princeling gifts that were bought
effective. with these points are available to your human form.

Princely Appearance Princeling Gifts

As a Princeling you have both a human and a monstrous form. One-Winged Angel Instant
When entering Divine Fury you are forced into an even more
Your human form is mostly just an ordinary human
powerful form. Your attacks deal 1d8+4 straight damage and
Godbound but at your discretion, it can have minor attributes
you can use two actions on your turn.
hinting at your full monstrous form.

The appearance of your monstrous form is influenced by your

choice of Words and up to you. The GM, of course, has final Terror Titan Instant
say on matters such as size and appropriateness to the The morale check cause by your appearance is done with a 2
campaign. point penalty and affects even worthy foes.
Your monstrous form is also monstrous. Even if you choose to
be a gorgeous, insectoid fae, your beauty will be seen as alien by
Superbeast Constant
most. This forces lesser foes witnessing your monstrous form
for the first time in a scene to make a morale check unless they If you make a weapon attack and miss you can automatically
are already your worshippers. apply your Fray die to the target even if it is a worthy foe. No
other creature can be targeted with your fray die on a turn you
use this feature.
Changing Forms
It takes an Action and a commitment of effort to change into Princeling Behemoth Constant
your monstrous form and it's an On Turn to change back.
While in monstrous form your unarmed attacks become d10
After turning back, the effort you committed is returned to you
magical weapons and your natural armor class becomes 3.
at the end of the scene.

Effort of the Prince Constant

Your maximum effort is increased by one point.
Principalities Design Talk
As an optional rule, Princelings can establish an existing I find myself yet again revising the Princelings. This time I had
location as a principality at the cost of 4 points of dominion. A much clearer design goals. Becoming a Princeling is supposed
principality is a personal lair no larger than a palace that can to be cool but also to narrow your focus. I completely
be modified at the price of a village. abandoned the idea that the human form should be limited
and instead put that miracle limitation directly on the
No dominion-fuelled project is Impossible within your
Princelings instead. Taking two Princeling gifts means you
principality but no change to a principality can affect more
suddenly have stuff like a major anti-combat whiffing ability
than a dozen of retainers within.
and the chance of straight up dealing straight damage when
Other creatures within it are affected by a Mundus Ward you are in dire straights.
with a strength equal to one point for every three levels you
Straight straight straight straight straight.
have (fractions rounded up) unless you permit the free use of
their powers on an individual basis or for specific groups. And at the same time you can still choose two other lesser gifts
to define how your monstrous form is different from your
If you are receiving the gifts of apotheosis, your entire
human one. Tack on a movement gift for your new wings or
principality always counts as one of your shrines.
the ability to easily smash through stuff to represent the
You can only have one principality at a time as your divine strength of your giant size or anything like that. This was
essence is directly tied to the location. basically the natural evolution of the one gift thing from last

Monster Inspiration It's also even more difficult for Princelings in monstrous form
to do social stuff now. The vast majority of creatures and
Video game bosses are a great source for this sort of stuff.
humans won't even be able to speak with you and will also be
Loads of them from the Soulsborne stuff are just really cool.
terrified to the point of making morale checks.
Quelaag, Vicar Amelia or even just the Iron Golem are top
notch. Of course the above mentioned apostles from Berserk Monstrous forms are there to impose, to dominate in combat
and kinglets/wrens from Lastman fit the bill. and to let you show off just how much of a god they are.

Human forms are to socialize and have the freedom to change

the world as you wish with the full arsenal of your words.

Stuff I am most unsure about are what form of toll it should

take to turn into the monstrous form (so right now it's just an
effort commitment) and whether three whole gift points is too
much. Maybe the number of gift points should scale with level
too. Not sure, not sure.

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