Admin Law On Elections
Admin Law On Elections
Admin Law On Elections
constitutional prerequisites. The right of a person under custodial their testimonies is best left to the discretion of the trial judge.
investigation to be informed of his rights entails an effective
Same; Kidnapping; Elements of kidnapping under Article 267, par. 4 of the damages in favor of the victim and her parents. This is contrary to the
Revised Penal Code.—The prosecution has established the elements of Court’s consistent holding that the agent of moral damages requires
kidnapping under Article 267, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, factual basis. The records are bereft of any evidence that the victim and
namely: (1) the offender is a private individual; (2) he kidnaps or detains her parents ever claimed moral damages, or that they were entitled to
another, or in any other manner deprives the latter of his or her liberty; (3) such an award.
the act of detention or kidnapping is illegal; and (4) the person kidnapped
or detained is a minor, female or a public officer. APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City,
Branch 96.
Same; Same; Same; The fact that the victim initially agreed to go with the
accused does not remove the element of deprivation of liberty where the PANGANIBAN, J.:
victim went with the former on false inducement, without which the victim
would not have done so.—The fact that the victim initially agreed to go Even though the extrajudicial confession is excluded for having been
with appellant does not remove the element of deprivation of liberty extracted in violation of the Constitution, the Court holds that appellant
because the victim went with her on false inducement, without which the may nonetheless be convicted on the basis of the remaining evidence
victim would not have done so. Besides, the minor was distraught clearly showing her liability for kidnapping. The Court also reiterates these
because her mother was late in fetching her from school, and she did not rules: (1) the assessment of the credibility of witnesses and their
know the way to her house. It must have been a comfort to her that a testimonies is best left to the discretion of the trial court; and (2) bare
grown-up who could bring her home asked about her situation. denials cannot overturn the positive and straightforward testimonies of
witnesses who are not shown to have any ill motive in testifying against
Same; Same; Same; Under Art. 267, par. 4 of the Revised Penal Code, it the accused.
is not the duration of deprivation of liberty which is important, but the fact
that the victim, a minor, was locked up.—The victim was actually “locked The Case
up” inside what she referred to as the “big house.” Although her detention
there lasted only one night, the trial court held that the victim was actually The foregoing summarizes the Court's ruling on this appeal from the
deprived of her liberty for five days, including the four-day period when Decision,1 dated October 3, 1994, of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon
she was already in the custody of Bautista. It must be stressed that City, Branch 96, in Criminal Case No. Q-93-42733, convicting Appellant
appellant was charged and convicted under Article 267, paragraph 4 of Mercy Santos y Entienza of kidnapping.
the Revised Penal Code. Under this provision, it is not the duration of
deprivation of liberty which is important, but the fact that the victim, a In the information dated March 25, 1993 filed by Assistant Quezon City
minor, was locked up. Furthermore, it bears emphasis that appellant did Prosecutor Medardo H. Palomaria, appellant was charged as follows:2
not merely take Charmaine to the “big house” against her will; she in fact
detained Charmaine and deprived her of her liberty. That on or about the 8th day of March, 1993, in Quezon City,
Philippines, the abovenamed accused, conspiring, confederating
Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; “Lockup” is included in the with four (4) other persons whose true names, identifies,
broader term “detention,” which refers not only to the placing of a person whereabouts and other personal circumstance have not yet been
in an enclosure which he cannot leave, but also to any other deprivation of ascertained and mutually helping one another, did, then and there
liberty.—The Spanish version of Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code willfully, unlawfully and feloniously kidnap one CHARMAINE
uses the terms “lockup” (encerrar) rather than “kidnap” (secuestrar or MAMARIL, a female, a minor, 7 years of age, represented herein
raptar). “Lockup” is included in the broader term “detention,” which refers by her mother, RAQUEL MAMARIL, from her school at
not only to the placing of a person in an enclosure which he cannot leave, Kaligayahan Elementary School located at Rivera Compound,
Barangay Kaligayahan, Novaliches, Quezon City, and brought her
but also to any other deprivation of liberty. To repeat, the prosecution
to a house at No. 8 G. Araneta Avenue, Sto. Domingo, Quezon
clearly established “lockup” in this case.
City, on March 13, 1993, thereby illegally detaining her for five (5)
days, to her damage and prejudice.
Same; Same; Damages; The grant of moral damages requires factual
basis.—The trial court awarded one hundred thousand pesos as moral
With the assistance of Atty. Noel Ocampo of the Public Attorney's Office, Sto. Domingo. When contacted, Bautista informed her that a child
she pleaded "not guilty" to the charge during the arraignment.3 A pre-trial named Charmaine was with her; Raquel immediately went to
conference was conducted on June 2, 1993, but not stipulation or Bautista with some identification papers of Charmaine, and the
agreement was arrived at.4 After trial, the court a quo rendered the child was turned over to her after showing the birth certificate.
assailed Decision, the decretal portion of which reads: 5 This occurred on a Saturday.
WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding the accused Although Charmaine's kidnapper was not immediately caught, the
MERCY SANTOS y ENTIENZA guilty beyond reasonable doubt matter did not end with the return of Charmaine to her family's
of the crime of KIDNAPPING AND SERIOUS ILLEGAL bosom. Two days later, on Monday, Bautista telephoned Raquel
DETENTION and sentencing her to suffer reclusion perpetua; to to tell her that the woman, a certain Mercy Santos, had returned
indemnify the victim CHARMAINE MAMARIL, her parents and to her place to claim Charmaine. Raquel wasted no time notifying
members of her family, represented by her mother, RAQUEL NBI Agent Roel Jovenir, who, in turn and with other NBI agents,
MAMARIL, in the sum of Pesos: One Hundred Thousand accompanied by Raquel and her husband, proceeded to
(P100,000.00); and to pay the costs of suit. Bautista's place and arrested Santos.
Hence, this appeal.6 Following the arrest of Santos, the kidnapping was investigated at
the NBI office, where Raquel gave her written statement.
The Facts
Bautista recalled that she was at the store on No. 719 Quezon
Version of the Prosecution Avenue, Quezon City on March 9, 1993 when, at around 2:00
p.m., a woman approached and asked if she could leave her child
with her; that she told the woman to just leave the child "at the
The trial court narrated the facts of this case as presented by the
prosecution:7 bench" of the store; that the woman then left the child there; that
when it was already 7:00 p.m. and the woman had not yet
returned, she became worried for the child and reported the
Charmaine Mamaril, a kindergarten pupil, was brought to school, matter to the Barangay Chairman who also reported it to Eagle
the Kaligayahan Elementary School, in Novaliches, Quezon City Base, the base of the Barangay officials; that on March 12, 1993,
by her mother, Raquel Mamaril, at noontime on March 8, 1993. she read from a newspaper about a child who was kidnapped in
Raquel left Charmaine in her classroom with her classmates but Novaliches; that she immediately called up to the Novaliches
stayed awhile, going home only after 12:30 p.m. She would be police sub-station to know more about the kidnapping; that when
going back for Charmaine, according to her daily routine, at 2:00 the child's mother later phoned her on March 13, 1993, she
p.m. When she returned to fetch Charmaine before 2:30 p.m., required the caller to bring the birth certificate of the child for
Charmaine's teacher Ms. Grace Lucena, met and asked her if the identification, that later that day, the child was returned to her
child had already reached home; Raquel replied that Charmaine parents in the presence of Barangay Chairman Jose Valdez, the
did not know the way home. She then looked for her child in reporter of Pinoy and a barangay tanod; that on March 15, 1993,
school until someone informed her that a woman had earlier the woman who had left the child returned for her; that she called
fetched her daughter. She immediately reported the matter to the up the child's parents to tell them about this; and that soon, three
police authorities stationed in Novaliches at around 3:00 p.m. and NBI agents, including one named Roel, came with the parents of
then to the National Bureau of Investigations the next day; she the child and, after talking to the woman, arrested her.
also approached radio and television stations for help. She and
her family conducted their own search from then until her
The victim, Charmaine, aged 7 years, declared that Mercy Santos
daughter was finally found on March 13, 1993.
took her; that she was seated and crying in school when Mercy
waved for her to draw near; that after she approached, Mercy
Raquel recounted how her child was recovered. According to her,
promised to give her a "surprise" if she went with her to a big
a police sergeant came to her house on March 13, 1993 and
house where there were many children; that she went with Mercy
asked for her; he told her to contact Kagawad Aida Bautista of and was brought to a big house with many children; that she and
Mercy slept there; that Mercy later brought her to the store owned residence of Aida Bautista; that she was at Bautista's house
by Ate Tina; and that Ate Tina later brought her to a house where because her friend named Elsa had asked her to fetch Charmaine
she saw her "daddy." at that place; that she did not know the surname of Elsa, but Elsa
lived on Tops Street, Talayan; that she had come with Elsa from
Roel Jovenir was assigned as special investigator of the Anti- Novaliches; that Elsa had left Charmaine at Bautista's place and
Fraud and Action Division of the NBI from April 18, 1992 to June later requested her to fetch the child; that Elsa was a nightclub
1, 1993, whose duties included the conduct of surveillance, dancer whom she had known for two years; that she was not the
making arrests, and investigating and filing cases involving woman whom Bautista said had left Charmaine at the store; that
violations of laws, like the Revised Penal Code. He testified that she was not able to confer with any Atty. Uy and she might have
on March 9, 1993, Raquel Mamaril filed her written complaint at merely signed the affidavit; that she did not know Atty. Uy; and
the NBI offices against an unidentified woman for allegedly that she signed Exhibit C only because she was threatened by
kidnapping her daughter on March 8, 1993; that although NBI Agent Rodrigo Mapoy and was maltreated.
Raquel's statement was taken only on March 15, 1993, the NBI
were already conducting their investigation and surveillance of the Ruling of the Trial Court
kidnapping incident in the vicinity of Kaligayahan Elementary
School since the filing of the complaint; that on March 13, 1993, The trial court convicted appellant of kidnapping and serious illegal
Raquel called to tell him about the child being under the custody detention. It observed that appellant's identification by the victim and by
of Bautista; that he and the child's parents rushed to Bautista's Witness Bautista was positive and unassailable. Their testimonies were
place and rescued the child; that on March 15, 1993, Raquel straightforward and unhesitating, especially in their identification of the
again called up to inform him that the suspected kidnapper had appellant as the kidnapper. The evidence on appellant's direct and
gone back to Bautista's place to fetch the child; that in the personal participation in the crime was "absolutely credible, trustworthy
company of other NBI operatives, namely, Agents Arnel Azul, and sincere."
SPO1 Rodrigo Mapoy, and Emeterio Armada, he proceeded to
the Bautista house and waited for the suspect to return; that they
The trial court rejected appellant's explanation that she was merely
arrested the suspect upon her return and brought her to the NBI; fetching the victim upon her friend's request. It was incredible that her
that the suspect was Mercy Santos; that Santos was investigated
friend would refuse to testify on her behalf, if this allegation were true,
in the presence of counsel, Atty. Gordon Uy, after she was
considering the gravity of the charge leveled against her.
informed of her rights under the Constitution; that she executed
and signed a statement, on the occasion of which
she admitted the kidnapping; that during the investigation by Besides, the trial court considered her extrajudicial confession more than
question and answer, Atty. Uy would raise objections by sufficient evidence of her guilt. Such confession was declared as
cautioning Santos against answering, in which case the objection competent evidence against her, despite her denials of having given it and
and the question objected to were not anymore typed in the her claims of duress and intimidation. Its voluntariness was sufficiently
statement; and that photographs were taken of Charmaine and proven, as it was given after she was apprised of her constitutional rights
the accused during the confrontation. with the assistance of her counsel of choice, a certain Atty. Gordon Uy.
Her subsequent retraction during the trial was rejected as a flimsy
machination to extricate herself from criminal liability.
Version of the Defense
The Issues
Appearing as the lone witness for the defense, appellant denied the
prosecution's allegations and insisted that her extrajudicial confession
was extracted in violation of her constitutional rights. The trial court related The appellant assigns the following errors against the trial court.9
her version of the facts, as follows:8
The accused testified in her own behalf on November 24, 1993.
She stated that she was arrested by NBI Agent Jovenir on March The trial court gravely erred in giving full weight and credence to
15, 1993 at Araneta Avenue, Talayan Village, Quezon City, at the the incredible, unworthy and unreliable testimonies of the
prosecution witnesses and in disregarding the theory of the provided with one. These rights cannot be waived
defense. except in writing and in the presence of counsel.
The trial court gravely erred in not giving credence to the defense (3) Any confession or admission obtained in
of denial raised by the accused Mercy Santos. violation of this or section 17 hereof shall be
inadmissible in evidence against him.
If the extrajudicial confession satisfies these constitutional standards, it is
The trial court gravely erred in admitting in evidence the extra- subsequently tested for voluntariness,10i.e., if it was given freely — without
judicial confession of the accused despite the fact that it was coercion, intimidation, inducement, or false promises; and credibility, 11 i.e.,
elicited in violation of the exclusionary rule on evidence. if it was consistent with the normal experience of mankind.
preferably of his own choice. If the person cannot S: Opo sir.
afford the services of counsel, he must be
3. T: Ngayon, ikaw ba ay mayroong abogado na sarili mong pili In view of such default, the Court disagrees with this holding of the trial
para tumulong sa iyo sa pagsisiyasat na ito? court:
S: Opo sir, Nandito ang aking abogado si ATTY. GORDON UY na The circumstances of the investigation, to begin with determine
siyang tutulong sa akin sa pagsisiyasat na ito. 14 the compliance with the "right to counsel" provision. Where, as in
the instant case, the accused is shown to have accepted the
These questions and the corresponding responses thereto are insufficient representation and assistance of the counsel during the
proof of compliance with the constitutional requirements. They are terse investigation, he may not easily subsequently retract acceptance
and perfunctory statements which do not evince a clear and sufficient and disavow counsel during the trial on the flimsy excuse that
effort to inform and explain to appellant her constitutional rights, much counsel was not an acquaintance. . .
less satisfy the constitutional prerequisites. The right of a person under
custodial investigation to be informed of his rights entails an effective xxx xxx xxx
communication that results in an understanding thereof. Any effort falling
short of this standard is a denial of this right.15 The accused need not expressly assent to the representation and
assistance of her counsel. Her acquiescence sufficed. . .
Furthermore, in People vs. Deniega,16 the Court disbelieved the
typewritten statements in the extrajudicial confessions to the effect that The accused should further be instructed that her failure to object
the accused was properly apprised of his constitutional rights, in view of to the representation and assistance of Atty. Uy as her counsel
the glaring inconsistencies in said documents and the token participation has precluded her from complaining. She could have easily
therein by the lawyers assigned to the accused. The Court declared:17 objected at any time but apparently did not. For her to assert now
that she could not have done so or that she was not enabled to do
The desired role of counsel in the process of custodial so is not credible, it being shown satisfactorily in the records that
investigation is rendered meaningless if the lawyer merely gives she was far from prevented during the investigation from doing
perfunctory advice as opposed to a meaningful advocacy of the so. . . .18 (Emphases found in the original.)
rights of the person undergoing questioning. If the advice given is
so cursory as to be useless, voluntariness is impaired. If the No presumption of constitutionality may be accorded any extrajudicial
lawyer's role is reduced to being that of a mere witness to the confession until the prosecution convincingly establishes the regularity of
signing of a pre-prepared document albeit indicating therein its taking and its compliance with the Constitution. This is the price the
compliance with the accused's constitutional rights, the prosecution has to pay before it can be allowed to use such formidable
constitutional standard guaranteed by Article III, Section 12(1) is evidence against the accused.
not met. The process above-described fulfills the prophylactic
purpose of the constitutional provision by avoiding "the pernicious
Therefore, the trial court had no basis for ruling that "Atty. Uy rendered
practice of extorting false or coerced admissions or confessions independent and competent assistance to her as her counsel of choice
from the lips of the person undergoing interrogation for the during the investigation." The extrajudicial confession must be struck
commission of the offense" and ensuring that the accused's
down as inadmissible in evidence for failure of the prosecution to establish
waiver if his right to self incrimination during the investigation is an
observance of appellant's constitutional rights during custodial
informed one in all aspects.
investigation. Specifically, the prosecution failed to show that appellant
was, at that time, assisted by competent and independent counsel
Thus, the trial court erred in admitting appellant's extrajudicial confession preferably of her own choice.
without showing that Atty. Gordon Uy was indeed the "competent and
independent counsel of appellant's own choosing." The Court notes Second Issue: Credibility of Witnesses vs. Denial
appellant's insistent and persistent disavowals of knowing said Atty. Uy,
much less of retaining him as her counsel of choice. The prosecution, for
unexplained reasons, failed to present Uy as a witness to show his role in The Court is not persuaded by appellant's posturing that Witness
the taking of the alleged confession. Bautista's testimony is unworthy of credence for being "of doubtful
veracity." The defense insists that Bautista and appellant met for the first
time at the former's house and harps on the fact that appellant, who was Q Can you remember if there is anything that happened to you on
not even informed of Bautista's address, went to said house only upon the that day?
request of appellant's friend, Elsa. Further, the defense brands as illogical
appellant's act of leaving her victim at the hands of a third person, A Yes, sir.
considering that the prosecution depicted her in the extrajudicial
confession as a seasoned kidnapper. Returning to Bautista's house to
Q What was that which happened to you?
regain custody of the victim, which was practically surrendering herself to
the authorities, would have been the last thing a seasoned kidnapper
would do, appellant contends. A She took me, sir.
These arguments do not persuade us. They are mere denials which Q When you said she took me, whom are you referring to?
become sterile in comparison with the firm and clear declarations of
Bautista, who identified appellant as the person who left Charmaine with A Mercy Santos, sir.
her and who fetched the child days after. The trial court correctly held that
appellant's uncorroborated denial was a negative assertion that was Q If Mercy Santos is in court, can you point her out?
inferior to the positive declarations of the prosecution witnesses. Besides,
there appears to be no ill motive for Bautista and the victim to accuse A Yes, sir. (Witness pointing to a person seated on the second
appellant of such a grave crime, if the same were not true. Thus, the trial bench)
court properly lent credence to their testimony.19 All in all, this Court has
not been given sufficient reason to deviate from the time-honored rule that
xxx xxx xxx
the assessment of the credibility of witnesses and their testimonies is best
left to the discretion of the trial judge.20
Pros. Bringas:
Third Issue: Sufficient Evidence for Conviction
Now, Charmaine you stated awhile ago that Mercy Santos took
you, how was she able to get you, when Mercy Santos took you,
The prosecution has established the elements of kidnapping under Article
how did she do it?
267, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code, namely: (1) the offender is a
private individual; (2) he kidnaps or detains another, or in any other
manner deprives the latter of his or her liberty; (3) the act of detention or A I was left in a store to a certain Mrs. . .
kidnapping is illegal; and (4) the person kidnapped or detained is a minor,
female or a public officer.21 xxx xxx xxx
The prosecution proved that appellant was not a public officer; that she Q From what place did Mercy get you?
took the victim from the Kaligayahan Elementary School in Novaliches
without the knowledge and consent, and against the wishes of her A At the school sir.
parents; and that the victim was a minor, having been only seven years
old at the time. Q How was she able to get you? I am withdrawing the question.
Do you know Mercy previous to that day?
The element of deprivation of liberty and the identity of her abductor are
clearly established in the victim's testimony:22 A Yes, sir.
Q On March 8, 1993, can you recall if you went to school? Q How did you know her?
A Yes, sir.
A When I met her at a big house I cried and a man whipped me
with a piece of rope.
Q Before Mercy took you from your school, where was she? deprived the child of her personal liberty and endangered her life.
In addition, the child was forcibly taken away from the midst of her
A This Mercy was standing while I was seated and crying. family, causing to them, particularly her parents, much pain,
anxiety, anger, and wounded feelings in them. That the minor was
subsequently saved from the clutches of the accused and of her
Q Did Mercy call you?
cohorts did not diminish a bit the criminal and civil responsibility of
the accused, for, even if the deliverance of the victim was due to
A Yes, sir. the overconfidence of the accused, her degree of criminality still
evinced her high malevolence and abject disregard of the rights
Q Why did she call you? and safety of the
child . . .
A She waved me over to go to her.
The victim was actually "locked up" inside what she referred to as the "big
Q Did you go to her? house." Although her detention there lasted only one night, the trial court
held that the victim was actually deprived of her liberty for five days,
A Yes, sir she told me there is a surprise for me. including the four-day period when she was already in the custody of
Bautista. It must be stressed that appellant was charged and convicted
under Article 267, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code. Under this
Q Do you know the reason why there was a surprise for you?
provision, it is not the duration of deprivation of liberty which is important,
but the fact that the victim, a minor, was locked up. Furthermore, it bears
A Yes, sir. emphasis that appellant did not merely take Charmaine to the "big house"
against her will; she in fact detained Charmaine and deprived her of her
Q What was the reason? liberty. The Spanish version24 of Article 267 of the Revised Penal Code
uses the terms "lockup" (encerrar) rather than "kidnap" (secuestrar or
A She told me that she will bring me to a big house were [sic] raptar). "Lockup" is included in the broader term "detention," which refers
there were many children. not only to the placing of a person in an enclosure which he cannot leave,
but also to any other deprivation of liberty.25 To repeat, the prosecution
xxx xxx xxx clearly established "lockup" in this case.
Q After you went there, where else did you go, if any? Damages
A When I was brought to the big house, Mercy and I are and then The trial court awarded one hundred thousand pesos as moral damages
I slept then after sleeping, I was brought to the store. [sic]. in favor of the victim and her parents. This is contrary to the Court's
consistent holding that the grant of moral damages requires factual
basis.26 The records are bereft of any evidence that the victim and her
The fact that the victim initially agreed to go with appellant does not parents ever claimed moral damages, or that they were entitled to such an
remove the element of deprivation of liberty because the victim went with award.
her on false inducement, without which the victim would not have done so.
Besides, the minor was distraught because her mother was late in
fetching her from school, and she did not know the way to her house. It WHEREFORE, the assailed Decision is hereby AFFIRMED but the award
must have been a comfort to her that a grown-up who could bring her of moral damages is DELETED for want of evidence.
home asked about her situation. As the trial court said:23
The crime committed is of the most serious nature, involving a
defenseless minor of seven years of age whom the Narvasa, C.J., Romero, Melo and Francisco, JJ., concur.
accused enticed with her promise of a gift. The accused thereby
Republic of the Philippines Same; Same; Same; The voluntariness of a confession may be inferred
SUPREME COURT from its language such that if upon its face the confession exhibits no sign
Manila of suspicious circumstances tending to cast doubt upon its integrity, it
being replete with details, which could possibly be supplied only by the
THIRD DIVISION accused, reflecting spontaneity and coherence which psychologically
cannot be associated with a mind to which violence and torture have been
G.R. No. 114385 January 29, 1998 applied, it may be considered voluntary.—Although appellant thereafter
claimed that the confession he gave was made under duress, there is,
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, however, no evidence on record to support the same. In People v.
vs. Villanueva, this Court declared that “voluntariness of a confession may be
EFREN JEREZ, accused-appellant. inferred from its language such that if upon its face the confession exhibits
no sign of suspicious circumstances tending to cast doubt upon its
Constitutional Law; Custodial Investigations; Extrajudicial Confessions; integrity, it being replete with details, which could possibly be supplied
Fundamental requirements for a confession to be admissible.—It is well- only by the accused, reflecting spontaneity and coherence which
settled in this jurisdiction that for a confession to be admissible, it “must psychologically cannot be associated with a mind to which violence and
satisfy all four fundamental requirements: (1) the confession must be torture have been applied, it may be considered voluntary.” A scrutiny of
voluntary; (2) the confession must be made with the assistance of the sworn statement discloses in detail relevant facts surrounding the
competent and independent counsel; (3) the confession must be express; commission of the offense charged which the accused himself could only
and (4) the confession must be in writing.” Appellant argued that the first have known.
and second requirements were not complied with. The records of the
case, however, reveal otherwise. Criminal Law; Alibi; Where an accused’s alibi is established only by
himself, his relatives and friends, his denial of culpability should be
Same; Same; Same; Right to Counsel; A lawyer provided by the accorded the strictest scrutiny—they are necessarily suspect and cannot
investigators is deemed engaged by the accused where he never raised prevail over the testimonies of the more credible witnesses for the
any objection against the former’s appointment during the course of the prosecution.—It is settled in this jurisdiction that “for alibi to prosper, it is
investigation and the accused thereafter subscribes to the veracity of his not enough that the accused prove that he was somewhere else when the
statement before the swearing officer.—While the initial choice of the crime was committed. He must demonstrate that he could not have been
lawyer in cases where a person under custodial investigation cannot physically present at the place of the crime or in its immediate vicinity at
afford the services of a lawyer or (where the preferred lawyer is the time of its commission.” Appellant testified that on the day in question,
unavailable as in the case at bar) is naturally lodged in the police he was engaged in a drinking spree with his friends at the house of Felix
investigators, the accused has the final choice as he may reject the Rellolosa at Talobatib, Labo, Camarines Norte and he went home at 4:00
counsel chosen for him and ask for another one. A lawyer provided by the o’clock p.m. staying thereat for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, this
investigators is deemed engaged by the accused where he never raised version of the appellant was contradicted by prosecution witnesses, Julian
any objection against the former’s appointment during the course of the Ochoa and Gil Villafranca, who positively identified him in court as the
investigation and the accused thereafter subscribes to the veracity of his person scouting for carabao buyers in the Municipality of Labo,
statement before the swearing officer. Thus, “once the prosecution has Camarines Norte at around 9:00 o’clock a.m. on May 23, 1990. Needless
shown that there was compliance with the constitutional requirement on to say, where an accused’s alibi is established only by himself, his
pre-interrogation advisories, a confession is presumed to be voluntary and relatives and friends, his denial of culpability should be accorded the
the declarant bears the burden of proving that his confession is strictest scrutiny. They are necessarily suspect and cannot prevail over
involuntary and untrue. The burden is on the accused to destroy this the testimonies of the more credible witnesses for the prosecution.
presumption. A confession is admissible until the accused successfully
Same; Homicide; Damages; Life Expectancy Formula; The formula
proves that it was given as a result of violence, intimidation, threat or
consistently used by the Supreme Court in determining life expectancy is
promise of reward or leniency.
(2/3 x [80 - age of the victim at the time of death]).—The computation,
however, of the damages awarded by the trial court for loss of earning wounds on the different parts of their bodies, and as a result
capacity fixing the same at P100,000.00 for each victim is erroneous. “The thereof, the said Reynaldo Ochoa and Joselito Balbastro died
formula consistently used by the Supreme Court in determining life instantly, to the damage and prejudice of the heirs of the victims.
expectancy is (2/3 x [80 - age of the victim at the time of death]).”
APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Daet, Camarines Upon arraignment, the accused entered a plea of not guilty.
Norte, Branch 38.
A concise narration of the factual circumstances that led to appellant's
conviction follows:
feloniously, with deliberate intent to kill, with treachery, evident
premeditation and taking advantage of their superior number and Appellant, on the other hand, proferred alibi as his defense and that the
extra-judicial confession was allegedly obtained through the use of
strength, assault, attack and stab said Reynaldo Ochoa and
Joselito Balbastro, thereby inflicting upon them multiple mortal physical violence, coercion and intimidation.
He contended that on the day the incident in question occurred, he was was assisted by an ineffectual counsel who could not safeguard his
with his common law wife, Mercedes Sarical, at the house of a certain constitutional rights and interests.
Felix Rellolosa from 9:00 o'clock a.m. to 4:00 o'clock p.m. drinking liquor
with some friends.6 He further tried to buttress his alibi by declaring that We affirm appellant's conviction.
no one saw with as a participant in the slaying nor was any property of the
victims recovered from him.
It is well-settled in this jurisdiction that for a confession to be admissible, it
"must satisfy all four fundamental requirements: (1) the confession must
In a decision dated April 19, 1993, the trial court convicted appellant, the be voluntary; (2) the confession must be made with the assistance of
dispositive portion of which reads: competent and independent counsel; (3) the confession must be express;
and (4) the confession must be in writing."8 Appellant argued that the first
WHEREFORE, premises considered and finding accused EFREN and second requirements were not complied with. The records of the
JEREZ guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of robbery case, however, reveal otherwise.
with double homicide, he is hereby sentenced to suffer the
penalty of reclusion perpetua and to indemnify and/or reimburse It must be borne in mind that when appellant executed the extrajudicial
the heirs of the following: confession, it was done in the presence of his counsel, Atty. Schneider,
and sworn to before Mayor Arenal. If indeed his confession were obtained
To the Heirs of Reynaldo Ochoa as a result of coercion and intimidation by policemen at the police station,
he could have informed the Mayor of the maltreatment he suffered.
1. P 50,000.00 damage for death Having failed to convince the authorities, the extra-judicial confession
2. 100,000.00 loss of earning capacity voluntarily made by Jerez is admissible in evidence. "The presumption,
(estimated income x life span) therefore, of spontaneity and voluntariness stands unless the defense
3. 25,000.00 articles/money lost proves otherwise."9
(P20,000.00, watch, others)
4. 50,000.00 burial and other expenses Appellant argued that the trial court erred when it denied his right to have
————— an independent counsel of his own choice. The records show that at the
P225,000.00 time the extrajudicial confession was executed, appellant disclosed to the
police officers that his counsel of choice was Atty. Freddie Venida but that
To the Heirs of Joselito Balbastro the latter would not be available as he is due to depart for Manila on the
same day. Subsequently, Major Rosales suggested that Atty. Schneider,
supposedly the only lawyer available in Jose Panganiban, appear as the
1. P 50,000.00 damage for death
counsel of appellant during investigation and the latter answered in the
2. 100,000.00 loss of earning capacity
affirmative, as shown from the excerpts of his extrajudicial confession,
(estimated income x life span)
3. 27,000.00 articles/money lost thus:
(P17,000.00, watch, Ray-Ban)
4. 50,000.00 burial and other expenses PASUBALI: — Ginoong Jerez, ikaw ay kukunan namin ng
————— malayang salaysay tungkol sa isang usapin na aming
P227,000.00 sinisiyasat. Subalit, bago ang lahat, nais naming
malaman mo na ikaw ay may mga karapatan susog sa
But for insufficiency of evidence, Joselito Quijan and Zaldy Victa ating Saligang Batas. Ito ay ang mga sumusunod:
are hereby acquitted.
Una: Ikaw ay may karapatang tumangging magbigay ng
7 salaysay o kaya ay magbigay ng salaysay, sapagkat ang
anumang sasabihin mo sa pagtatanong na ito ay
maaaring gamitin laban sa iyo sa harap ng hukuman.
Appellant assails the lower court for giving weight and credence to the Nauunawaan mo ito?
extra-judicial statement, stating that at the time of the taking thereof, he
Sagot: Opo. Although appellant thereafter claimed that the confession he gave was
made under duress, there is, however, no evidence on record to support
Ikalawa: Ikaw ay may karapatang ding kumuha ng isang the same. In People v. Villanueva, this Court declared that "voluntariness
manananggol na sarili mong pili upang siyang maging of a confession may be inferred from its language such that if upon its
gabay mo sa pagtatanong na ito. Nauunawaan mo ito? face the confession exhibits no sign of suspicious circumstances tending
to cast doubt upon its integrity, it being replete with details, which could
possibly be supplied only by the accused, reflecting spontaneity and
Sagot: Opo
coherence which psychologically cannot be associated with a mind to
which violence and torture have been applied, it may be considered
Nais mo bang maging gabay mong manananggol ang voluntary." 13 A scrutiny of the sworn statement discloses in detail
ating kaharap na manananggol na si Atty. Augusto B. relevant facts surrounding the commission of the offense charged
Schneider? which the accused himself could only have known.
Sagot: Opo. The Court, therefore, finds that appellant's constitutional right to
counsel was not breached when he agreed to be represented by
Pangatlo: Nais din naming malaman mo at ng lahat na Atty. Schneider.
ikaw ay hindi namin pinangangakuan, sinasaktan o
tinatakot upang magbigay ng iyong sariling salaysay, Appellant likewise argued that the trial court should have admitted
kundi, ito ay pawang katotohanang kusang loob mong his defense of alibi "considering that he was not properly identified
sasabihin at isasalaysay. Nauunawaan mo ito? and physical evidence like properties, money, fingerprints were not
discovered by the arresting officers." 14
Sagot: Opo.
This contention is simply unavailing in the case at bar. It is settled in
Tanong: Kung nauunawaan mong lahat itong mga this jurisdiction that "for alibi to prosper, it is not enough that the
pasubaling ito, ikaw ba ay nakahanda ng magbigay ng accused prove that he was somewhere else when the crime was
iyong sariling malayang salaysay? committed. He must demonstrate that he could not have been
physically present at the place of the crime or in its immediate
Sagot: Opo.10 vicinity at the time of its commission." 15 Appellant testified that on
the day in question, he was engaged in a drinking spree with his
While the initial choice of the lawyer in cases where a person under friends at the house of Felix Rellolosa at Talobatib, Labo, Camarines
custodial investigation cannot afford the services of a lawyer or (where the Norte and he went home at 4:00 o'clock p.m. staying thereat for the
preferred lawyer is available as in the case at bar) is naturally lodged in rest of the night. Unfortunately, this version of the appellant was
the police investigators, the accused has the final choice as he may reject contradicted by prosecution witnesses, Julian Ochoa and Gil
the counsel chosen for him and ask for another one. A lawyer provided by Villafranca, who positively identified him in court as the person
the investigators is deemed engaged by the accused where he never scouting for carabao buyers in the Municipality of Labo, Camarines
raised any objection against the former's appointment during the course of Norte at around 9:00 o'clock a.m. on May 23, 1990. Needless to say,
the investigation and the accused thereafter subscribes to the veracity of where an accused's alibi is established only by himself, his relatives
his statement before the swearing officer. 11 Thus, "once the prosecution and friends, his denial of culpability should be accorded the strictest
has shown that there was compliance with the constitutional requirement scrutiny. They are necessarily suspect and cannot prevail over the
on pre-interrogation advisories, a confession is presumed to be voluntary testimonies of the more credible witnesses for the prosecution. 16
and the declarant bears the burden of proving that his confession is
involuntary and untrue. The burden is on the accused to destroy this The Court is, therefore, convinced that appellant's culpability of the
presumption. A confession is admissible until the accused successfully offense charged was proved beyond reasonable doubt.
proves that it was given as a result of violence, intimidation, threat or
promise of reward or leniency. 12
The computation, however, of the damages awarded by the trial
court for loss of earning capacity fixing the same at P100,000.00 for
each victim is erroneous.
Joselito Balbastro
Reynaldo Ochoa
Republic of the Philippines section, all persons who can perceive, and perceiving, can make known
SUPREME COURT their perception to others, may be witnesses.” Section 21, inter alia,
Baguio City disqualifies as witnesses, “those whose mental condition, at the time of
their production for examination, is such that they are incapable of
SECOND DIVISION intelligently making known their perception to others.” A mental retardate
is not therefore, per se, disqualified from being a witness. As long as his
G.R. No. 119308 April 18, 1997 senses can perceive facts and if he can convey his perceptions in court,
he can be a witness. In the case at bar, we find that Gonzales had a
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, tendency to be repetitious and at times had to be asked leading
vs. questions, but he was not unintelligible to be beyond understanding. He
CHRISTOPHER ESPANOLA y PAQUINGAN alias "Langga" or was clear and unyielding in identifying the appellants as the perpetrators
"Cocoy", JIMMY PAQUINGAN y BATILO alias"Jimmy" and of the crime. On the whole, his account of the crime was coherent enough
JEOFFREY ABELLO y SALADO alias "Beroy," accused-appellants. to shed light on the guilt or innocence of the accused.
Criminal Law; Criminal Procedure; State Witnesses; Requirements Before Same; Same; Same; Modern rules on evidence have downgraded mental
an Accused Can be Discharged as State Witness.—The appellants incapacity as a ground to disqualify a witness.—To be sure, modern rules
contend that the trial court violated the rule in discharging Gonzales as a on evidence have downgraded mental incapacity as a ground to disqualify
state witness. They claim that Gonzales was the only one who executed a witness. As observed by McCormick, the remedy of excluding such a
an affidavit of confession, hence, he was the most guilty of the accused witness who may be the only person available who knows the facts,
and cannot be used as a state witness. To be discharged as state seems inept and primitive. Our rules follow the modern trend of evidence.
witness, Section 9, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of Court requires that:
Same; Same; Affidavits; It is well-settled rule that affidavits should not be
1. the discharge must be with the consent of the accused concerned; 2.
considered as the final and full repository of truth.—Nor can the alleged
his testimony must be absolutely necessary; 3. there is no other direct
inconsistencies between the sworn statement of Gonza-les and his
evidence available for the proper prosecution of the offense committed; 4.
testimony in court affect his credibility. Gonzales’ testimony jibes on
his testimony can be substantially corroborated in its material points; 5. he
material points. His inconsistencies on minor details of the crime are not
does not appear to be the most guilty; and 6. he has not at any time been
earmarks of falsehoods. On the contrary, they show that his testimony is
convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude.
honest and unrehearsed. Moreover, it is a well-settled rule that affidavits
Same; Same; Part of the prosecutorial discretion is the determination of should not be considered as the final and full repository of truth. Affidavits
who should be used as a state witness to bolster the successful are usually taken ex-parte. They are oftentimes incomplete and
prosecution of criminal offenses.—It is also established that there was no inaccurate. Ordinarily in a question-andanswer form, they are usually and
eyewitness to the crime or other direct evidence. The testimony of routinely prepared in police precincts by police investigators. Not
Gonzales was absolutely necessary for the proper prosecution of the case infrequently, the investigator propounds questions merely to elicit a
against appellants. This was the decision of the prosecution itself when it general picture of the subject matter under investigation.
moved for the discharge of Gonzales as a state witness. Part of
Same; Same; Same; Testimonies given during trials are more exact and
prosecutorial discretion is the determination of who should be used as a
elaborate for their accuracy is tested by the process of cross-examination
state witness to bolster the successful prosecution of criminal offenses.
where the truth is distilled from half-truths and the total lies.—Indeed,
Unless done in violation of the Rules, this determination should be given
there is no rule of evidence that would stop an affiant from elaborating his
great weight by our courts.
prior sworn statement at the trial itself. Testimonies given during trials are
Same; Witnesses; Mental Retardates; A mental retardate is not, per se, more exact and elaborate for their accuracy is tested by the process of
disqualified from being a witness.—Appellants also assail the testimony of cross-examination where the truth is distilled from half truths and the total
Gonzales on the ground of his alleged mental incapacity. Section 20 of lies.
Rule 130 provides that “except as provided in the next succeeding
Same; Constitutional Law; Custodial Investigations; Extrajudicial An independent counsel cannot be burdened by any task antithetical to
Confessions; The fact that a suspect did not sign his sworn statement the interest of an accused. As a legal officer of the city, Atty. Cahanap
casts serious doubt as to the voluntariness of its execution—it is provides legal assistance and support to the mayor and the city in carrying
inadmissible in evidence.—We now discuss assigned errors numbers 2 out the delivery of basic services to the people, including the maintenance
and 3. Appellants contend that the trial court erred when it ruled that the of peace and order. His office is akin to a prosecutor who undoubtedly
sworn statement of Jimmy Paquingan was voluntarily given by him though cannot represent the accused during custodial investigation due to conflict
he refused to sign the same. Under the Constitution and existing law and of interest.
jurisprudence, a confession to be admissible must satisfy the following
requirements: 1) the confession must be voluntary; 2) the confession must Same; Alibi; Denial; Both alibi and denial are weak defenses which cannot
be made with the assistance of competent and independent counsel; 3) prevail where there is positive identification of the accused by the
the confession must be express; and 4) the confession must be in writing. prosecution witnesses.—As to the fourth assignment of error, we
In People v. Bandula, we ruled that an extra-judicial confession must be subscribe to the finding of the trial court that the evidence of the accused-
rejected where there is doubt as to its voluntariness. The fact that appellants proffers the defense of alibi. Time and again, we have ruled
appellant Paquingan did not sign his sworn statement casts serious doubt that both denial and alibi are weak defenses which cannot prevail where
as to the voluntariness of its execution. It is inadmissible evidence. there is positive identification of the accused by the prosecution
witnesses. For alibi to prosper, it is not enough to prove that the accused
Same; Same; Same; Same; Right to Counsel; The right to counsel applies is somewhere else when the crime was committed but he must likewise
in certain pretrial proceedings that can be considered “critical stages” in demonstrate that he could not have been physically present at the place
the criminal process. Custodial interrogation before or after charges have of the crime or in its immediate vicinity at the time of its commission. In the
been filed and non-custodial interrogations after the accused has been case at bar, it was not physically impossible for the appellants to be at the
formally charged are considered to be critical pretrial stages.— crime scene considering the proximity of the place where they claimed
Additionally, the claim of appellant Paquingan that he was not assisted by they were and the spot where Jessette Tarroza was brutally murdered.
a counsel of his own choice when his affidavit of confession was taken is
worth noting. Paquingan’s sworn statement was taken on November 25, Same; Judges; The fact that the judge who heard the evidence is not
1991 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. At that time, an information for rape himself the one who prepared, signed and promulgated the decision
with homicide had already been filed against him and his co-appellants. constitutes no compelling reason to jettison his findings and conclusions,
Hence, when Paquingan gave his confession, Paquingan was no longer and does not per se render his decision void.—We also reject appellants’
under custodial investigation since he was already charged in court. claim that the decision of the trial court is void on the ground that the
Nonetheless, the right to counsel applies in certain pretrial proceedings judge who penned the decision, Judge Moslemen T. Macarambon, was
that can be considered “critical stages” in the criminal process. Custodial not the one who heard and tried the case. We have ruled in People v.
interrogation before or after charges have been filed and non-custodial Rayray, 241 SCRA 1 [1995], that the fact that the judge who heard the
interrogations after the accused has been formally charged are evidence is not himself the one who prepared, signed and promulgated
considered to be critical pretrial stages. The investigation by Fiscal the decision constitutes no compelling reason to jettison his findings and
Lagcao of Paquingan after the latter has been formally charged with the conclusions, and does not per se render his decision void. While it is true
crime of rape with homicide, is a critical pretrial stage during which the that the trial judge who conducted the hearing would be in a better
right to counsel applies. The right to counsel means right to competent position to ascertain the truth or falsity of the testimonies of the witnesses,
and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. It is doubtful it does not necessarily follow that a judge who was not present during the
whether the counsels given to Paquingan were of his own choice. trial cannot render a valid and just decision. For a judge who was not
present during the trial can rely on the transcript of stenographic notes
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; A Legal Officer of the local taken during the trial as basis of his decision. Such reliance does not
government unit cannot qualify as an independent counsel—an violate substantive and procedural due process of law.
independent counsel cannot be burdened by any task antithetical to the
interest of an accused.—Moreover, we hold that Atty. Cahanap cannot Same; Murder; Damages; When death occurs as a result of a crime, the
qualify as an independent counsel, he being a Legal Officer of Iligan City. heirs of the deceased are entitled to the amount of P50,000.00 as
indemnity for the death of the victim without need of any evidence or proof The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.
of damages.—We now review the award of damages to the heirs of
Jessette Tarroza. When death occurs as a result of a crime, the heirs of The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee.
the deceased are entitled to the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity for
the death of the victim without need of any evidence or proof of damages. PUNO, J.:
Accordingly, we award P50,000.00 to the heirs of Jessette Tarroza for her
death. As for actual damages, we find the award of P50,000.00 proper This is an appeal from the decision 1 dated November 21, 1994, of the
considering that Romeo Tarroza spent more or less the same amount for Regional Trial Court of Lanao Del Norte, 12th Judicial Region, Branch 5,
the interment and burial of his deceased daughter. City of Iligan, finding the accused-appellants Christopher Espanola y
Paquingan, Jimmy Paquingan y Batilo and Jeoffrey Abello y Salado guilty
Same; Same; Same; Loss of Earning Capacity; The Supreme Court has beyond reasonable doubt as principals for the murder of Jessette Tarroza
also awarded indemnity for the loss of earning capacity of the deceased in Criminal Case No. 3773. The three accused were meted a prison term
victims.—We have also awarded indemnity for the loss of earning of reclusion perpetua with the accessory penalties provided by law. They
capacity of the deceased—an amount to be fixed by the court considering were ordered to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs of the victim
Jessette Tarroza the amount of P50,000.00 as actual damages,
the victim’s actual income at the time of death and his probable life
P50,000.00 as compensatory damages, P50,000.00 as moral damages
expectancy. The trial court awarded P50,000.00 as compensatory
and P25,000.00 as exemplary damages.
damages. We find the same inadequate considering that Jessette, who
was twenty-four (24) years old at the time of her death, was employed as
The Amended Information charging the accused-appellants with the crime
a medical technologist earning P99.00 per day. To compute the award for
of Murder and indicting another accused in the person of Joel Gonzales
Jessette’s loss of earning capacity, her annual income should be fixed at reads:
P39,146.25. Allowing for reasonable and necessary expenses in the
amount of P15,600.00 per annum, her net income per annum would
amount to P23,546.25. Hence, using the formula repeatedly adopted by
this court: (2/3 x [80—age of victim at time of death]) x a reasonable
The undersigned City Prosecutor of Iligan accuses
portion of the net income which would have been received by the heirs for CHRISTOPHER ESPANOLA y Paquingan alias"Langga" JIMMY
support, we fix the award for loss of earning capacity of deceased PAQUINGAN y Batilo, JEOFFREY ABELLO y
Jessette Tarroza at P659,294.50. Salado alias "Beroy" and JOEL
GONZALES alias "Awing" alias "Wingwing" of the crime
Same; Same; Same; Award of P50,000.00 as moral damages also proper
of MURDER, committed as follows:
considering the mental anguish suffered by the parents of the victim on
account of her brutal murder, as well as the award of P25,000.00 as
That on or about November 16, 1991, in the City
exemplary damages considering that the killing was attended by
of Iligan, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of
treachery, aside from the fact that the victim was also raped while already this Honorable Court, the said accused, who
lifeless.—We also find the award of P50,000.00 as moral damages proper were all under the influence of drugs (Marijuana),
considering the mental anguish suffered by the parents of the victim on conspiring and confederating together and
account of her brutal murder. We likewise uphold the award of P25,000.00 mutually helping each other with intent to kill and
as exemplary damages considering that the killing of Jessette Tarroza by means of treachery and with abuse of superior
was attended by treachery. She was also raped while already lifeless. All strength, did then and there willfully, unlawfully
these are shocking to conscience. The imposition of exemplary damages and feloniously attack, assault, stab and hit one
against the appellants will hopefully deter others from perpetrating the Jessette Tarroza, thereby inflicting upon the said
same evil deed. Jessette Tarroza the following physical injuries, to
APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Iligan City, Br. 5.
— Incised wound 2.5 cms in length, lateral border took turns in having sexual intercourse with the
of (R) ala nasi victim.
— Triangular stab wound, neck (R) side, 4 cms x Contrary to and in violation of Article 248 of the Revised Penal
3 cms x 5.5 cms Code with the aggravating circumstances of: (1) treachery and
abuse of superior strength; (2) cruelty in all (sic) ignominy; (3) that
— Incised wound, anterior neck, 6 cms x 4 cms x the accused were under the influence of drugs at the time of the
3.5 cms which traversed thru the trachea, commission of the offense and (4) outraging or scoffing of (sic)
external jugular vein and 3/4 of the esophagus the corpse of the victim.
— Stab wound, anterior neck, (R) supraclavicular City of Iligan, November 29, 1991.
area, 2.5 cms x 1 cm x 4 cms
The facts of the case show that Jessette Tarroza went to work at the
— Stab wound, (L) anterior chest, midclavicular Mercy Community Clinic, Camague, Iligan City, as a medical technologist
line 1.5 cms 1 cm x 2.5 cms at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon of November 16, 1991. Her tour of duty
was from 3 o'clock in the afternoon to eleven o'clock in the
— Stab wound, (R) anterior chest, 4 cms x 2 cms evening. 2 After working for eight hours, she left the clinic at about 11:15
with fracture of the 4th and 5th rib with lung tissue p.m., with Claro Liquigan, a co-employee. When they reached the junction
road leading to her house at about 11:30 p.m., Claro offered to escort
Jessette to her house but she refused saying that she knew the people in
the area. She then walked towards her house while Claro rode his bicycle
— Stab wound, (R) anterior chest, level of axilla, and went home. When they parted ways, Claro noticed four (4) persons in
2 cms x 1 cm x 5 cms the pathway leading to Jessette's house. They were about 60 to 70
meters away from him and he did not recognize whether they were male
— Stab wound, (R) anterior chest, 3rd ICS, or female. 3
midclavicular line 2.5 x 1.4 cms
Jessette Tarroza failed to come home that fateful evening. She was found
— C-shaped stab wound, (R) anterior chest, dead. Her father, Romeo Tarroza, rushed to the place where her body
midclavicular line, 3.5 cms x 2 cms x 3 cms, 2nd was discovered. 4 He was shocked to see Jessette lying in a grassy area
ICS more or less fifty (50) meters from their home and only fifteen (15) meters
from the pathway. Her body bore stab wounds. Her red blouse was wide
— Stab wound, (R) anterior chest, 2nd ICS, (R) open and her pants removed. Her panty was likewise removed while her
parasteal line, 2.5 cms x 1.5 cms x 4 cms bra 5 was cut. The red blouse 6 was torn with three (3) holes at the back,
ten (10) holes on the front and six (6) holes on the left sleeve. Her blouse,
— Confluent abrasion (R) elbow joint, bra and shoes were stained with blood. Her panty, found about two (2)
anteromedial aspect 3 cms in diameter feet away from her cadaver, had blood on the front portion. A light green
T-shirt with the print "Midwifery" at the back and "ICC" on the front 7 was
also found near the shoes of the victim. The T-shirt was not hers. 8
— Multiple punctured wounds (5), back, (R) side
The law enforcement officers of Iligan City immediately conducted an
— Confluent abrasion 10 cms by 3 cms, back,
investigation. They found blood stains along the pathway which was
lumbar area
approximately fifteen (15) meters away from the place where the victim
was found. There was a sign of struggle as the plants and bushes at the
and as a result thereof the said Jessette Tarroza scene of the crime were destroyed and flattened. They extended their
died; that immediately after inflicting fatal injuries
on the said Jessette Tarroza the, herein accused
investigation to the neighboring sitios and purok of Kilumco but found no jail after their warrant of arrest was issued by Executive Judge Federico V.
lead as to the perpetrators of the crime. 9 Noel. 15
In the morning of November 19, 1991, SPO 4 Ruperto Neri received an In the afternoon of November 25, 1991, Chief Lubang brought Jimmy
anonymous telephone call suggesting that a certain "Wing-wing" 10 be Paquingan to the City Prosecutor's Office for the taking of his confession
investigated as he has knowledge of the crime. Antonio Lubang, Chief of after he manifested to the jail warden his intention to confess. City
the Homicide Section, Intelligence and Investigation Division of the Iligan Prosecutor Ulysses V. Lagcao asked Paquingan if he would avail the
City Police Station, and his men looked for "Wing-wing". Lubang knew services of counsel and he answered in the affirmative. When asked if he
"Wing-wing" as the latter frequently roamed around the public plaza. They had a counsel of his own choice, he answered in the negative. He was
learned that the real name of "Wing-wing" is Joel Gonzales. They then provided with the services of Atty. Leo Cahanap, the legal counsel of the
saw Gonzales at his house and invited him to the police station. At the City Mayor's Office, and Atty. Susan Echavez, a representative of the IBP
police station, Gonzales confessed that he was present when the crime Legal Aid, Iligan City Chapter. They were given time to confer with
was committed and that he knew its perpetrators. He identified them as him. 16 Paquingan then confessed. However, when asked to sign the
"Beroy", "Langga" and "Jimmy". He informed that the three stabbed and stenographic notes, Paquingan refused saying he would wait for his
raped Jessette Tarroza. Gonzales, however, did not give the surnames of mother first. 17 The sworn statement of Paquingan (Exhibit "L") was
the three suspects. The policemen asked Romeo Tarroza whether he transcribed on November 29, 1991, but signed only by the two lawyers.
knew the suspects. Romeo Tarroza declared that they were his According to the statement, Abello slashed the neck of Jessette. Jessette
neighbors. He identified "Jimmy" as Jimmy Paquingan, "Langga" as fell down and was brought to a bushy area where she was sexually
Christopher Espanola and "Beroy" as Jeoffrey Abello. 11 On the same day, abused. The first to have sexual intercourse with the victim was Abello.
Gonzales was detained at the police station. Paquingan then followed him. Espanola had his turn next; and Gonzales
was the last. 18
In the early morning of November 21, 1991, Chief Lubang invited Jimmy
Paquingan, Christopher Espanola and Jeoffrey Abello to the police station Upon review of the records of the case, Fiscal Lagcao discovered that the
where they were investigated. All denied the story of Gonzales. A police victim was sexually abused after she was murdered. Thus, he filed an
line-up of twelve (12) persons which included the three accused- Amended Information on November 29, 1991, charging the three accused
appellants was then made in the police station. Gonzales was called and with the crime of murder and indicting Joel Gonzales as the fourth
he pointed to Paquingan, Espanola and Abello as his companions in the accused. 19 A warrant for the arrest of Gonzales was issued on the same
killing and rape of Jessette Tarroza. After the line-up, the three suspects date by Executive Judge Federico V. Noel. 20
were brought to the City Health Office for check-up because the
policemen saw that they had bruises and scratches on their faces, All the accused pleaded "not guilty" when arraigned. After presenting
foreheads and breasts. 12 They were examined by Dr. Livey J. Villarin. several witnesses, the prosecution filed on June 17, 1992, a motion to
With respect to Paquingan, the medical certificate (Exhibit "I") showed that discharge accused Joel Gonzales as a state witness 21 in accordance with
he had scratch abrasions on the right mandibular area (jaw), on the left Section 9, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, alleging:
side of the neck and on the right mid-axillary (chest). Dr. Villarin testified
that the abrasions could have been caused by any sharp object or 1. That accused Joel Gonzales has intimated to the undersigned
possibly fingernails. The medical certificate issued to Espanola (Exhibit City Prosecutor that he is willing to testify for the prosecution as
"J") showed that he had contusions on the right shoulder and hematoma.
state witness;
Dr. Villarin testified that the injuries could have been effected by a jab or
sharp blow. The medical certificate issued to Abello (Exhibit "K") showed
that he sustained abrasion and contusion at the right deltoid area which 2. That there is absolute necessity for the testimony of accused
according to Dr. Villarin, could have been caused by a sharp or hard Joel Gonzales considering that the evidence for the prosecution in
object or a fist blow that hit that particular area of the body. 13 this case is mainly circumstantial;
On the same day, an information for rape with homicide 14 was filed 3. That the testimony of accused Joel Gonzales can be
substantially corroborated in its material points;
against Paquingan, Espanola and Abello. They were committed to the city
4. That the said accused does not appear to be the most guilty; front part of the chest, right side, and at the back of the victim's chest. He
and also found an incised wound at the region of the nose involving the upper
portion of the right side of the mouth, an incised wound on the front part of
5. That he has not at any time been convicted of any offense the neck cutting the trachea and partially the esophagus and an incised
involving moral turpitude. wound at the anterior aspect right side of the neck. 24 He declared that
death was caused by the incised wounds and multiple stab wounds. The
fatal wounds were wound nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 and 10 (Exhibits "H", "H-1").
In traversing the motion, the defense asserted:
He likewise examined the vagina of the victim and found the hymen
moderately thick and narrow with lacerations complete at 3 o'clock and 6
1. That there is no showing in the face of said motion that Joel o'clock, deep at 7 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock and 11 o'clock, and the
Gonzales agrees to be utilized as state witness; edges of the lacerations were sharp and coaptable. He opined that there
could have been a sexual intercourse committed after the death of the
2. That Joel Gonzales appears to be the most guilty as he alone victim considering that the lacerations did not show any evidence of vital
among the accused has executed a confession regarding the reaction which is commonly found in lacerations during lifetime. 25
killing of Jessette Tarroza.
The prosecution also presented Joel Gonzales who turned state witness.
In an Order 22 dated June 26, 1992, the trial court discharged Gonzales as On the basis of the demeanor of Gonzales and the manner he answered
a state witness. the questions, the trial court gathered the impression that he was mentally
retarded. 26 Gonzales did not know how to read and write. 27 In any event,
In the course of the trial, Dr. Chito Rey Gomez, Medico-Legal Officer of he was able to testify that on the night of November 16, 1991, he went to
the Iligan City Health Office, testified that he conducted a post mortem Baybay, Camague, Iligan City, to witness a dance. His companions were
examination on the cadaver of Jessette Tarroza. He issued a Death "Beroy", "Jimmy" and "Cocoy". He identified Jeoffrey Abello as "Beroy",
Certificate (Exhibit "E") which indicated that the cause of death was Christopher Espanola as "Cocoy" or "Langga" and Jimmy Paquingan as
cardiorespiratory arrest due to pneumohemathorax of the right chest. He "Jimmy".
also prepared a Necropsy Report (Exhibit "F") after the examination. He
found five (5) stab wounds at the back of the victim and ten (10) stab At the dance, they drank one (1) bottle of Tanduay and smoked one (1)
wounds at the front, consisting of an incised wound at the lateral border of stick of marijuana each. After the dance, he and his three (3) companions
the ala nasi, right; triangular stab wounds on the right side of the neck and proceeded to Bacayo. While on their way, they met a woman whom
lower neck; an incised wound which traversed through the trachea Beroy, Cocoy and Jimmy followed. They brought the woman to a nipa hut
external jugular vein and three-fourths (3/4) of the esophagus; a C-shaped and slept ("gidulgan") right beside the woman.
stab wound that penetrated the thorax cavity and a stab wound above the
breast near the axilla. He testified further that the wounds inflicted must When asked who killed the victim on the night of November 16, 1991, at
have reached some vital organs of the body, possibly the lungs and blood Kilumco, Camague, Iligan City, he answered "sila", referring to herein
vessels, and that the wounds were probably caused by three (3) different appellants. He further testified that Beroy slashed the neck of Jessette
instruments. He likewise conducted a vaginal examination on the victim Tarroza, Langga slashed her breast, and Paquingan stabbed her at the
and noted that there was a fresh complete hymenal laceration at 3 o'clock back. The victim resisted by scratching her attackers. 28 After she died,
and fresh complete lacerations at 7 o'clock and 8 o'clock, which could they carried her to a bushy area and all of them sexually molested her.
have been caused by a finger or a sex organ inserted into the vagina. Beroy was first; Gonzales was second; Cocoy was third and Jeoffrey was
When asked if the victim was sexually molested, he answered in the the last. Gonzales likewise identified the T-shirt worn by Jeoffrey Abello
affirmative. 23 that night as "That one Mercy." He declared that the brownish
discoloration on the T-shirt was caused by the blood of Jessette
Another witness for the prosecution was Dr. Tomas P. Refe, Medico-Legal Tarroza. 29
Officer III of the National Bureau of Investigation, Central Visayas
Regional Office. He testified that he conducted an autopsy examination on On cross-examination, Gonzales said that Jessette Tarroza was not the
the cadaver of Jessette Tarroza and prepared Autopsy Report No. 91-27
one brought to the nipa hut, but a woman from Tambacan who went home
(Exhibit "H"). He found abrasions and thirteen (13) stab wounds on the later on. He then reiterated that after their encounter with the unnamed
woman, they went to the school, met and followed Jessette Tarroza to a In her testimony, Carmencita Gatase identified the three (3) accused as
dark place. They encountered her on the road. He affirmed that it was her neighbors and long-time acquaintances. At about 8 o'clock in the
Beroy who slashed the neck of the victim while Cocoy, also known as evening of November 16, 1991, Jeoffrey Abello went to her house. At 9:30
Langga, was the one who slashed her breasts. 30 in the evening, she asked Jeoffrey and Christopher Espanola, who was
then downstairs, to go with her to the disco. They reached the place at
For their defense, all the appellants took the witness stand. Jimmy about 10 o'clock. Christopher then asked permission to join the group of
Paquingan narrated that at about 6 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the evening of his Uncle Mingo. She and Jeoffrey remained conversing and standing at
November 16, 1991, he watched "beta" (movie) in the house of Sima the side of the disco. They left the dancing area at 1:30 in the early
Ybanez at Kilumco, Camague. Thereafter, he went to the house of his morning of November 17, 1991, not noticing the whereabouts of
grandmother located at the same barangay and slept there. He did not go Christopher. On their way home, the two of them passed by the basketball
out again and woke up at 6 o'clock in the morning of November 17, 1991. court which was only eighty (80) meters from their house. They did not
His testimony was corroborated by Emma Mingo who testified that at notice anything unusual. Jeoffrey then slept in her house. 34
about 6 o'clock in the evening of November 16, 1991, she viewed "beta"
in her residence at Kilumco, Camague, with her daughter and accused After considering the opposing versions of the parties, the trial court gave
Christopher Espanola. At about 9:30 in the evening, the film ended and credence to the evidence presented by the prosecution, particularly the
Christopher left. At about the same time, Jimmy Paquingan, her nephew, testimony of state witness Joel Gonzales. It found that Jessette Tarroza
came and proceeded to his room downstairs. As she waited for her was killed by the accused Christopher Espanola, Jimmy Paquingan and
husband to come home, she continuously stayed at the porch until 1:30 in Jeoffrey Abello. It rejected the defense of the accused as unnatural,
the early morning of November 17, 1991. In her long wait, she did not see incredible and riddled with inconsistencies. The three accused were
Jimmy leave his room. 31 convicted of the crime of Murder as the killing was attended by the
aggravating circumstance of treachery. They were sentenced to suffer the
Christopher Espanola alleged that he was at home in the evening of penalty of reclusion perpetua and to pay a total amount of One Hundred
November 16, 1991. He went out to view a "beta" in the house of Sima Seventy Five Thousand pesos (P175,000.00) as damages to the heirs of
Ybanez. From there, he proceeded to a disco. On his way, he passed by the victim.
the house of Carmencita Gatase who was then with Jeoffrey Abello. They
went to the disco together. At the disco, he joined the group of Lito Hence, this appeal where accused-appellants contend:
Moraira and Titing Mingo and drank with them. There was no occasion
that he left the disco place until after 1 o'clock in the early morning of 1. THAT THE LOWER COURT SERIOUSLY ERRED IN
November 17, 1991, when they went home. He woke up at 7 o'clock the CONVICTING ACCUSED-APPELLANTS ON THE BASIS OF
following morning and proceeded to the house of his grandmother to fetch THE TESTIMONY OF JOEL GONZALES WHO WAS AN
Jeoffrey Abello narrated that in the early evening of November 16, 1991, THE PROSECUTION AND GRANTED BY SAID COURT,
he was at their house in Kilumco, Camague. He left their house to watch a INSPITE AND DESPITE OPPOSITION BY THE DEFENSE.
"beta" in the house of Sima Ybanez. However, he was invited by
Carmencita Gatase to go to a disco in Baybay, Camague. He acceded 2. THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN NOT GIVING
and went to Gatase's house. Christopher Espanola joined them on their WEIGHT TO THE TESTIMONY OF ACCUSED-APPELLANT
way to the disco. They arrived at the disco at about 10 o'clock in the PAQUINGAN THAT THE TAKING OF HIS AFFIDAVIT OF
evening. He saw there a group of persons including Joel Gonzales and CONFESSION BY CITY PROSECUTOR LAGCAO WAS NOT
Titing Mingo. While he saw Christopher at about 11 o'clock that evening, VOLUNTARY, AND IN FACT, HE REFUSED TO SIGN THE
he did not see Jimmy Paquingan. At about 1 o'clock in the early morning SAME, CONTRARY TO THE STATEMENT OF SAID
of November 17, 1991, he and Carmencita left ahead of Christopher. PROSECUTOR THAT IT WAS VOLUNTARILY GIVEN BY THE
They then proceeded to the house of Carmencita where they
slept. 33
4. THAT THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN UTILIZING THE We find the appeal unmeritorious.
APPELLANTS ADVANCED IT AS A MATTER OF DEFENSE. We shall first discuss assigned errors numbers 1 and 5, in view of their
The appellants contend that the trial court violated the rule in discharging
Gonzales as a state witness. They claim that Gonzales was the only one
THE LOWER COURT TO RULE ON THE ISSUE AS ALIBI, who executed an affidavit of confession, hence, he was the most guilty of
WHICH PRECISELY, IN MANY DECISIONS OF THE the accused and cannot be used as a state witness. To be discharged as
state witness, Section 9, Rule 119 of the Revised Rules of Court requires
1. the discharge must be with the consent of the accused
ON THE AMENDED INFORMATION OF (sic) MURDER, MORE 2. his testimony must be absolutely necessary;
TESTIMONIES, AS BORNE OUT BY THE TRANSCRIPT OF 3. there is no other direct evidence available for the proper
STENOGRAPHIC NOTES, AND MOST ESPECIALLY ON HIS prosecution of the offense committed;
RUMBLING. (sic) 4. his testimony can be substantially corroborated in its material
MOSLEMEN MACARAMBON ERRED IN METING A PENALTY 5. he does not appear to be the most guilty; and
APPELLANTS, THE LATTER, (sic) BEING A DETAILED JUDGE 6. he has not at any time been convicted of any offense involving
We do not agree that Gonzales is the most guilty of the accused. From
the evidence, it appears that Gonzales is mentally retarded. He could not
have been a leader of the group for he was intellectually wanting. He did
not inflict any of the fatal wounds that led to the death of the victim. The
trial court's assessment that he is not the most guilty is well-grounded.
It is also established that there was no eyewitness to the crime or other observed by McCormick, the remedy of excluding such a witness who
direct evidence. The testimony of Gonzales was absolutely necessary for may be the only person available who knows the facts, seems inept and
the proper prosecution of the case against appellants. This was the primitive. 38Our rules follow the modern trend of evidence.
decision of the prosecution itself when it moved for the discharge of
Gonzales as a state witness. Part of prosecutorial discretion is the Nor can the alleged inconsistencies between the sworn statement of
determination of who should be used as a state witness to bolster the Gonzales and his testimony in court affect his credibility. Gonzales'
successful prosecution of criminal offenses. Unless done in violation of testimony jibes on material points. His inconsistencies on minor details of
the Rules, this determination should be given great weight by our courts. the crime are not earmarks of falsehoods. On the contrary, they show that
his testimony is honest and unrehearsed. 39 Moreover, it is a well-settled
The records will also show that while Gonzales rambled in some parts of rule that affidavits should not be considered as the final and full repository
his testimony in view of his low intellect, nonetheless, his testimony was of truth. Affidavits are usually taken ex-parte. They are oftentimes
substantially corroborated in its material points. His declaration that the incomplete and inaccurate. Ordinarily in a question-and-answer form, they
victim resisted and used her bare hands in scratching her attackers is are usually and routinely prepared in police precincts by police
confirmed by the findings of Dr. Villarin in Exhibits "I", "J" and "K". His investigators. Not infrequently, the investigator propounds questions
statement that Beroy slashed the neck of the victim, Langga slashed her merely to elicit a general picture of the subject matter under
breast and Jimmy stabbed her at the back finds support in the result of the investigation. 40 Thus, the fact that the sworn statement of Gonzales
autopsy of the victim's cadaver by Dr. Refe and Dr. Gomez showing (Exhibit "M") did not mention a woman from Tambacan whom they met
incised wounds and numerous stab wounds on the front and back of the and brought to a nipa hut and slept with on the night of November 16,
victim and incised wounds on her trachea and esophagus. His assertion 1991, is attributable to the fact that he was not asked about women other
that he and the appellants sexually abused the victim after her death is than Jessette Tarroza. His line of questioning was as follows:
corroborated by the lacerations found in the private part of the victim as
determined by Dr. Gomez and Dr. Refe. xxx xxx xxx
Lastly, there is no showing that Gonzales has been convicted of an FISCAL LAGCAO:
offense involving moral turpitude. Gonzales also gave his consent to be
utilized as state witness. 35 In sum, all the requirements of Section 9, Rule
Q: After 11:00 o'clock that night, where did you and your
119 of the Revised Rules of Court were satisfied by the prosecution and
companions go?
the trial court did not err in discharging Gonzales as state witness.
A: We went to a grassy place in Camague, Iligan City to
Appellants also assail the testimony of Gonzales on the ground of his
wait for a certain Jessette Tarroza.
alleged mental incapacity. Section 20 of Rule 130 provides that "except as
provided in the next succeeding section, all persons who can perceive,
and perceiving, can make known their perception to others, may be Q: Whose idea was it that you will wait for Jessette
witnesses." Section 21, inter alia, disqualifies as witnesses, "those whose Tarroza in that secluded place at Camague, Iligan City?
mental condition, at the time of their production for examination, is such
that they are incapable of intelligently making known their perception to A: Beroy, sir.
others." A mental retardate is not therefore, per se, disqualified from being
a witness. As long as his senses can perceive facts and if he can convey Q: And eventually, did you see this Jessette?
his perceptions in court, he can be a
witness. 36 In the case at bar, we find that Gonzales had a tendency to be A: Yes, sir.
repetitious and at times had to be asked leading questions, but he was not
unintelligible to be beyond understanding. He was clear and unyielding in
xxx xxx xxx
identifying the appellants as the perpetrators of the crime. On the whole,
his account of the crime was coherent enough to shed light on the guilt or
The presence of another woman came out only in response to
innocence of the accused. To be sure, modern rules on evidence have
downgraded mental incapacity as a ground to disqualify a witness. 37 As questions propounded to him during his cross-examination, viz:
xxx xxx xxx Q: Do you know her name.
A: Jessette Tarroza. In other words, for the Court's clarification, there were two
(2) women during that night that you found in the nipa hut
Q: The same woman brought to the nipa hut? that you mentioned?
Proceed. A: No.
ATTY. FLORES: Q: And this was not known to the authorities, the one that
was not killed?
Q: You want to tell the Honorable Court, Mr. Witness that
there was another woman in the nipa hut? A: No.
Witness may answer. examination where the truth is distilled from half truths and the
total lies.
A: She is from Tambacan.
The appellants also contend that Gonzales mixed-up his identification of A: Yes.
appellants. In his sworn statement, he mentioned "Beroy, Jimmy and
Langga" as his companions on the night of November 16, 1991, and as Q: If he is around, will you please point to him?
the ones who killed Jessette Tarroza, while in his direct testimony, he
named and pointed at Beroy, Cocoy and Jimmy. A reading of his
A: (Witness pointing to a person who identified himself as
testimony, however, will reveal the fact that he consistently referred to
Jimmy Paquingan).
appellant Jeoffrey Abello as "Beroy", Jimmy Paquingan as "Jimmy" and
Christopher Espanola as "Cocoy" or "Langga", viz:
xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx
Q: Now, this Cocoy which you are referring to, is he in the
courtroom at present?
Q: Mr. Witness, do you know a certain Beroy?
A: Yes, he is around.
A: Yes.
Q: Please identify him if he is around.
Q: If this Beroy is in court, will you please identify him by
pointing at him?
A: (Witness pointing to a person who when asked to
identify himself answered that he is Christopher
A: Yes, sir. Espanola.)
A: (Witness pointing to a person who when asked The foregoing testimony of Gonzales clearly shows that appellant
identified himself as Jeoffrey Abello.)
Christopher Espanola is "Cocoy" or "Langga".
uphold the explanation of the trial court that the discrepancy could be
Q: Do you know a certain Jimmy?
attributed to the fact that Gonzales does not know how to read and write.
We now discuss assigned errors numbers 2 and 3. Appellants contend COURT:
that the trial court erred when it ruled that the sworn statement of Jimmy
Paquingan was voluntarily given by him though he refused to sign the Mr. Counsel, this witness does not know what is a
same. Under the Constitution and existing law and jurisprudence, a counsel of choice. Make it clearer. It was not Mr.
confession to be admissible must satisfy the following requirements: 1) Paquingan who asked that Atty. Dalisay, Atty. Echavez
the confession must be voluntary; 2) the confession must be made with and Atty. Cahanap be called to represent him?
the assistance of competent and independent counsel; 3) the confession
must be express; and 4) the confession must be in writing. 44In People
v. Bandula, 45 we ruled that an extra-judicial confession must be rejected
where there is doubt as to its voluntariness. The fact that appellant
Paquingan did not sign his sworn statement casts serious doubt as to the A: Yes, sir.
voluntariness of its execution. It is inadmissible evidence.
xxx xxx xxx 50
Additionally, the claim of appellant Paquingan that he was not assisted by
a counsel of his own choice when his affidavit of confession was taken is Moreover, we hold that Atty. Cahanap cannot qualify as an independent
worth noting. Paquingan's sworn statement was taken on November 25, counsel, he being a Legal Officer of Iligan City. An independent counsel
1991, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, an information for rape cannot be burdened by any task antithetical to the interest of an accused.
with homicide had already been filed against him and his co-appellants. As a legal officer of the city, Atty. Cahanap provides legal assistance and
Hence, when Paquingan gave his confession, Paquingan was no longer support to the mayor and the city in carrying out the delivery of basic
under custodial investigation 46 since he was already charged in court. services to the people, including the maintenance of peace and order. His
Nonetheless, the right to counsel applies in certain pretrial proceedings office is akin to a prosecutor who undoubtedly cannot represent the
that can be considered "critical stages" in the criminal accused during custodial investigation due to conflict of
process. 47 Custodial interrogation before or after charges have been filed interest. 51 Assigned errors numbered 2 and 3 are therefore ruled in favor
and non-custodial interrogations after the accused has been formally of the appellants.
charged are considered to be critical pretrial stages. 48 The investigation
by Fiscal Lagcao of Paquingan after the latter has been formally charged As to the fourth assignment of error, we subscribe to the finding of the trial
with the crime of rape with homicide, is a critical pretrial stage during court that the evidence of the accused-appellants proffers the defense of
which the right to counsel applies. The right to counsel means right to alibi. Time and again, we have ruled that both denial and alibi are weak
competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice. 49 It is defenses which cannot prevail where there is positive identification of the
doubtful whether the councels given to Paquingan were of his own choice. accused by the prosecution witnesses. 52 For alibi to prosper, it is not
In her rebuttal testimony, Rosita L. Abapo, declared to wit: enough to prove that the accused is somewhere else when the crime was
committed but he must likewise demonstrate that he could not have been
xxx xxx xxx physically present at the place of the crime or in its immediate vicinity at
the time of its commission. 53 In the case at bar, it was not physically
ATTY. FLORES: impossible for the appellants to be at the crime scene considering the
proximity of the place where they claimed they were and the spot where
Jessette Tarroza was brutally murdered.
xxx xxx xxx
We also reject appellants' claim that the decision of the trial court is void
Q: In other words, you want to tell this Honorable Court on the ground that the judge who penned the decision, Judge Moslemen
as you stated earlier that it was Fiscal Lagcao who called
T. Macarambon, was not the one who heard and tried the case. We have
up for these lawyers? Do you want to tell the Honorable ruled in People v. Rayray, 241 SCRA 1 [1995], that the fact that the judge
Court that these lawyers were not the counsel of choice
who heard the evidence is not himself the one who prepared, signed and
of Jimmy Paquingan at that time? They were not the
promulgated the decision constitutes no compelling reason to jettison his
counsel of choice of Mr. Paquingan at that time? findings and conclusions, and does not per se render his decision void.
While it is true that the trial judge who conducted the hearing would be in
a better position to ascertain the truth or falsity of the testimonies of the a) Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) pesos as indemnity for her death;
witnesses, it does not necessarily follow that a judge who was not present
during the trial cannot render a valid and just decision. 54 For a judge who b) Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) pesos as actual damages;
was not present during the trial can rely on the transcript of stenographic
notes taken during the trial as basis of his decision. 55 Such reliance does
c) Six Hundred Fifty Nine Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Four pesos and
not violate substantive and procedural due process of law.
Fifty centavos (P659,294.50) for loss of earning capacity of said
We now review the award of damages to the heirs of Jessette Tarroza.
When death occurs as a result of a crime, the heirs of the deceased are
d) Fifty Thousand (P50,000.00) pesos as moral damages; and
entitled to the amount of P50,000.00 as indemnity for the death of the
victim without need of any evidence or proof of damages. 56 Accordingly,
we award P50,000.00 to the heirs of Jessette Tarroza for her death. As for e) Twenty Five Thousand pesos (P25,000.00) as exemplary damages.
actual damages, we find the award of P50,000.00 proper considering that
Romeo Tarroza spent more or less the same amount for the interment Costs against appellants.
and burial of his deceased daughter. 57
We have also awarded indemnity for the loss of earning capacity of the
deceased — an amount to be fixed by the court considering the victim's Regalado, Romero, Mendoza and Torres, Jr., JJ., concur.
actual income at the time of death and his probable life expectancy. 58 The
trial court awarded P50,000.00 as compensatory damages. We find the
same inadequate considering that Jessette, who was twenty-four (24)
years old at the time of her death, was employed as a medical
technologist earning P99.00 per day. 59 To compute the award for
Jessette's loss of earning capacity, her annual income should be fixed at
P39,146.25. 60Allowing for reasonable and necessary expenses in the
amount of P15,600.00 per annum, her net income per annum would
amount to P23,546.25. Hence, using the formula repeatedly adopted by
this court: (2/3 x [80 - age of victim at time of death]) x a reasonable
portion of the net income which would have been received by the heirs for
support, 61 we fix the award for loss of earning capacity of deceased
Jessette Tarroza at P659,294.50.
Decision dated November 21, 1994, of the Regional Trial Court (Branch 5)
of Lanao del Norte, Iligan City, in Criminal Case No. 3773. Accordingly,
the monetary awards granted in favor of the heirs of Jessette Tarroza are
modified as follows:
Republic of the Philippines Same; Same; Same; If the lawyer were one furnished in the accused’s
SUPREME COURT behalf it is important that he should be competent and independent.—
Manila Thus, the lawyer called to be present during such investigation should be
as far as reasonably possible, the choice of the individual undergoing
THIRD DIVISION questioning. If the lawyer were one furnished in the accused’s behalf, it is
important that he should be competent and independent, i.e,, that he is
G.R. No. 98252 February 7, 1997 willing to fully safeguard the constitutional rights of the accused, as
distinguished from one who would merely be giving a routine, peremptory
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, and meaningless recital of the individual’s constitutional rights. In People
vs. v. Basay, this Court stressed that an accused’s right to be informed of the
RENE JANUARIO y ROLDAN, EFREN CANAPE y BAYOT, ELISEO right to remain silent and to counsel contemplates the transmission of
SARITA @ TOTO, EDUARDO SARINOS and SANTIAGO CID, accused. meaningful information rather than just the ceremonial and perfunctory
recitation of an abstract constitutional principle/
BAYOT, accused-appellants. Same; Same; Same; A lawyer engaged for an individual facing custodial
investigation should be engaged by the accused himself or by the latter’s
Constitutional Law; Criminal Procedure; Preliminary Investigation; Trial relative or person authorized by him to engage an attorney or by the
procedure is ordinarily followed to insure the orderly conduct of litigations court.—Ideally, therefore, a lawyer engaged For an individual facing
to attain the magisterial objective of the Rules of Court to protect the custodial investigation (if the Jatter could not afford one) should be
parties’ substantive rights.—The trial procedure as outlined in this rule is engaged by the accused (himself), or by the latter’s relative or person
ordinarily followed to insure the orderly conduct of litigations to attain the authorized by him to engage an attorney or by the court, upon proper
magisterial objective of the Rules of Court to protect the parties’ petition of the accused or person authorized by the accused to file such
substantive rights. However, strict observance of the Rules depend upon petition. Lawyers engaged by the police, whatever testimonials are given
the circumstances obtaining in each case at the discretion of the trial as proof of their probity and supposed independence, are generally
judge. suspect, as in many areas, the relationship between lawyers and law
enforcement authorities can be symbiotic.
Same; Same; Same; Court may allow the prosecutor even after he has
rested his case or even after the defense has moved for dismissal to Same; Same; Same; Under the circumstances described by the
present voluntarily omitted evidence as long as it has still jurisdiction over prosecution, Atty. Saunar could not have been the independent counsel
the case.—Hence, the court may allow the prosecutor, even after he has solemnly spoken of by the Constitution.—Let us for the moment grant
rested his case or even after the defense has moved for dismissal, to arguendo that Saunar’s competence as a lawyer is beyond question.
present involuntarily omitted evidence. The primary consideration is Under the circumstances described by the prosecution however, he could
whether the trial court still has jurisdiction over the case. Thus “The claim not have been the independent counsel solemnly spoken of by our
that the lower court erred in allowing the prosecuting attorney to introduce Constitution. He was an applicant for a position in the NBI and therefore it
new evidence is devoid of any merit, for while the prosecution had rested, can never be said that his loyalty was to the confessants. In fact, he was
the trial was not yet terminated and the cause was still under the control actually employed by the NBI a few months after. As regards appellant
and jurisdiction of the court and the latter, in the exercise of its discretion, Januario, Saunar might have really been around to properly apprise
may receive additional evidence. Sec. 3(c), Rule 119 of the Rules of Court appellant of his constitutional right as reflected in the written sworn
clearly provides that, in the furtherance of justice, the court may grant statement itself.
either of the parties the right and opportunity to adduce new additional
Same; Same; Same; The right to remain silent and to counsel implies a
evidence bearing upon the main issue in question.”
correlative obligation on the part of the police investigator to explain and
to contemplate an effective communication that results in an
understanding of what is conveyed.—Furthermore, the right of a person
under custodial investigation to be informed of his rights to remain silent Florendo C. Medina for Efren Canape.
and to counsel implies a correlative obligation on the part of the police
investigator to explain and to contemplate an effective communication that PANGANIBAN, J.:
results in an understanding of what is conveyed. Appellant Canape’s
sworn statement, which reads and sounds so lifeless on paper, fails to The 1987 Constitution was crafted and ordained at a historic time when
reflect compliance with this requirement. Neither does the aforequoted our nation was reeling from ghastly memories of atrocities, excesses and
testimony of NBI Agent Toribio. Bearing in mind that appellant Canape outright violations of our people's rights to life, liberty and property. Hence,
reached only the fifth grade, the NBI agents should have exerted more our bill of rights was worded to emphasize the sanctity of human liberty
effort in explaining to him his constitutional rights. and specifically to protect persons undergoing custodial investigations
from ignorant, overzealous and/or incompetent peace officers. The
Same; Same; Same; Confession and admission explained in People vs. Constitution so dearly values freedom and voluntariness that, inter alia, it
Lorenzo.—An admission which, under Section 26 of Rule 130 of the Rules unequivocally guarantees a person undergoing investigation for the
of Court, is an “act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant fact” commission of an offense not only the services of counsel, but a lawyer
is different from a confession which, in turn, is defined in Section 33 of the who is not merely (a) "competent" but also (b) "independent" and (c)
same Rule as the “declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of "preferably of his own choice" as well.
the offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein.” Both
may be given in evidence against the person admitting or confessing. In In the case before us, the main evidence relied upon for the conviction of
People vs. Lorenzo, the Court explained that in a confession there is an appellants was their own extrajudicial confessions which admittedly were
acknowledgment of guilt while in an admission the statements of fact by extracted and signed in the presence and with the assistance of a lawyer
the accused do not directly involve an acknowledgment of guilt or of the who was applying for work in the NBI. Such counsel cannot in any wise be
considered "independent" because he cannot be expected to work against
criminal intent to commit the offense with which the accused is charged.
the interest of a police agency he was hoping to join, as a few months
Same; Same; Same; Verbal admission should also be made with the later he in fact was admitted into its work force. For this violation of their
assistance of counsel.—It is therefore clear that prior to the execution of constitutional right to independent counsel, appellants deserve acquittal.
the sworn statements at the NBI head office, appellants had already made After the exclusion of their tainted confessions, no sufficient and credible
evidence remains in the Court's records to overturn another constitutional
verbal admissions of complicity in the crime. Verbal admissions, however,
right: the right to be presumed innocent of any crime until the contrary is
should also be made with the assistance of counsel. Thus: “The verbal
proved beyond reasonable doubt.
admissions allegedly made by both appellants of their participation in the
crime, at the time of their arrest and even before their formal investigation,
This is an appeal from the Decision1 of the Regional Trial Court of Cavite,
are inadmissible, both as violative of their constitutional rights and as Branch XVIII in Tagaytay City, disposing of Criminal Case No. TG-l392-
hearsay evidence. These oral admissions, assuming they were in fact 89, viz.:
made, constitute uncounselled extrajudicial confessions within the
meaning of Article III, Section 12 of the Constitution.” WHEREFORE, and premises considered, judgment is hereby
rendered finding accused:
APPEAL from a decision of the Regional Trial Court of Tagaytay City, Br. (1) RENE JANUARIO Y ROLDAN
18. - and -
The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court. GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of violation of Sec.
14 last sentence of R.A. No. 6539, otherwise known as the Anti-
The Solicitor General for plaintiff-appellee. Carnapping Law and as charged against them in the Information
and pursuant to the said law, this Court hereby imposes upon the
Jose C. Claro for Rene Januario.
said accused, the supreme penalty of Reclusion Perpetua or life CONTRARY TO LAW. 3
Arraigned on February 7, 1989, appellants Januario and Canape, assisted
Further, they are ordered to pay jointly and severally, but by counsel de oficio, pleaded not guilty.4On May 30, 1989, Cid, assisted
separately, the heirs of their victims, namely, Geronimo by counsel de parte, likewise entered a plea of not guilty.5 Sarita and
Malibago and Andrew Patriarca, Jr., the sums of: Sarinos remained at large. At the trial, the prosecution presented the
following witnesses: Myrna Temporas, NBI Agent Arlis S. Vela, Vicente
(a) P50,000.00 for moral damages Dilanco Pons, Andrew Patriarca, Sr., Juliana Malibago, Atty. Magno
(b) P50,000.00 for exemplary damages; Toribio, and Atty. Carlos Saunar, documentary and other evidence
(c) P25,000.00 for actual damages tending to prove the following:
and to pay the costs of this proceeding. Sometime in March 1988, Santiago Cid went to the house of prosecution
witness Vicente Dilanco Pens, a farmer engaged in the buy and sell
business, in Camarines Sur. Cid, Pens' cousin, asked Pens if he wanted
There being no evidence to warrant a finding of conviction
to buy a jeepney. Pons replied that he had no money but that he could
beyond reasonable doubt, judgment is hereby rendered
help him find a buyer for the jeepney for the price of P50,000.00. With
ACQUITTING Accused SANTIAGO CID of the crime
Amador Alayan, one of the drivers of his son who was around, Pons
charged. Being a detention prisoner, the City Warden of
Tagaytay City is hereby ordered to immediately release offered to look for a buyer of the jeepney provided that Cid would entrust
said person from his prison cell, unless he is therein the vehicle to them. Cid agreed to the proposal. At that time, Pens did not
know who owned the jeepney, but he eventually offered it for sale to
detained for any other cause.
Myrna Temporas who agreed to the purchase price of P65,000.00.
However, Temporas paid Pens only the amount of P48,500.00.6
Myrna Temporas had a slightly different story. According to her, Pons said
The Antecedents that the jeepney was owned by his niece, Doris Wolf. Pons, purportedly
acting upon the instructions of Doris Wolf, borrowed from Myrna
On November 7, 1988, an Information signed by Assistant Provincial Temporas the amount of P48,500.00 and used the jeepney as a collateral.
Fiscal Jose M. Velasco, Jr., was filed against accused-appellants Rene The amount was given to Pens in P10,000.00 cash and the balance in a
Januario and Efren Canape, and their co-accused Santiago Cid, Eliseo check payable to Doris Wolf. The check was encashed as it was cleared
Sarita @ Toto and Eduardo Sarinos @ Digo charging them with violation from Myrna Temporas' account. It bore a signature supposedly of Doris
of Republic Act No. 6539 (Anti-Carnapping Law)2 allegedly commited as Wolf at its back portion and a second endorsement by Pons who
follows: subsequently deposited it in his account.
That on or about September 4, 1987, at Barangay Bulihan, On September 11, Temporas asked Pons to secure a special power of
Municipality of Silang, Province of Cavite, the above-named attorney from Doris Wolf. Pens promised to comply in one or two weeks.
accused, together with Eliseo Sarita @ Toto and Eduardo Sarinos But Pens failed to pay the indebtedness. So, Myrna Temporas repeatedly
who (sic) still at-large, conspiring and confederating together and went to his house in Digmaan, Camarines Sur to collect the amount
mutually helping one another, with intent to gain, by means of borrowed but Pons always promised that he himself would go to her
force, violence and intimidation; did, then and there, willfully (sic), house to pay.7
unlawfully and feloniously, after stabbing to death the driver
Gernonimo (sic) Malibago and conductor Andrew Patriarca, take, Inasmuch as Pons also failed to produce a deed of sale covering the
steal and carry away and carnap, one Isuzu passenger type jeepney, Temporas lodged a complaint against him for estafa before the
jeepney, with plate No. DFB- 550, owned by Doris and Victor NBI.8 Acting on the complaint, the NBI contacted the relatives of the
Wolf, to their damage and prejudice in the total amount of owner of the jeepney who went to Camarines Sur, identified the jeepney
P124,000.00. and informed the NBI that its driver (deceased Geronimo Malibago) and
conductor (deceased Andrew Patriarca, Jr.) had been killed by SAGOT Naiintiendihan (sic) ko.
T Kailangan mo ba ang tulong ng abogado sa
Patriarca's widow also filed a complaint with the NBI. Upon investigation, ipagtatanong na ito?
an NBI team led by Supervising Agent Magno Toribio found out that the
carnapping of the jeepney and the killing of Patriarca and Malibago were S Magsalaysay (sic) lang ako nag-may abogado ako.
the "handiwork" of a group of four (4) persons named Rene Januario,
Efren Canape, Eliseo Sarita alias Tote, and Eduardo Sarinos alias Digo. T May abogado ka ba sa ngayon?
The team also discovered that the jeepney was disposed of through
Cid. 10
S Mayroon no si Atty. CARLOS SAUNAR ay nandito para
tulongan (sic) ako.
Appellants Januario and Canape, as well as Cid, were arrested in
Camarines Sur. The NBI then invited Pons and Temporas to shed light on
the carnapping incident. The jeepney was recovered in an auto shop with T Nanunumpa ka na magsasabi ng katotohanan, buong
its engine partly dismantled. Upon being informed by the NBI that the katotohanan at wala ng iba kungdi katotohanan lamang
jeepney had been found, an insurance company brought it back to Manila. sa nagtatanong na ito?
From the "oral investigation" they conducted at the Naga City NBI office S Opo.
on March 27, 1988, the team learned that Sarita and Sarinos took
Patriarca and Malibago inside a sugar plantation where presumably they T Sabihin mo ang iyong pangalan at iba-ibang bagay
were killed. Because appellants volunteered that their companions were tungkol sa iyong pagkatao?
their neighbors in Paliparan, Dasmarinas, Cavite who could be in Manila
already, the NBI team decided to take down their statements at the NBI S RENE JANUARIO y ROLDAN, 26 taong gulang, binata,
head office in Manila. The team traveled with appellants to Manila, arriving isang (sic) buy and sell hanapbuhay at naninirahan sa
there at around 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon of March 28, 1988. Puro Batya, Libmanan, Camarines Sur.
At the Taft Avenue head office of the NBI, the team took the statements of xxx xxx xxx 11
appellants one at a time. They asked Atty. Carlos Saunar, who was "just
around somewhere," to assist appellants during the investigation Agent According to appellant Januario, two weeks before September 1987, he
Arlis Vela took the: statement of appellant Januario while Supervising was already in the house of appellant Canape in Bgy. Palapala,
Agent Toribio took that of Canape. The first portion of the statement, Dasmarinas, Cavite to procure chicken and "kalawit" for his business. He
Exhibit C, taken from appellant Januario reads: also went there because his new friends named Toto Sarita and Digo
Samera (sic), as well as appellant Canape, wanted him to look for a buyer
SINUMPAANG SALAYSAY NA IBINIGAY NI RENE JANUARIO Y of a jeep. Appellant Januario asked for a photograph of the jeep to assist
ROLDAN SA HARAP NI NBI AGENT ARLIS E. VELA NGAYONG him in making a canvass of buyers in Bicol but he was told that he would
IKA-28 NG MARSO 1988 SA NBI, NCR, MANILA. have it later at night because they were then having drinks in the house of
TANONG Mr. RENE JANUARIO ipina-aalam namin sa
iyo na ikaw ay aming inuusig sa salang pagnakaw ng After that drinking spree, the group agreed to fetch appellants Januario
isang jeepney at pagkapatay sa driver at conductor nito. and Canape at 4:00 o'clock the following morning. It was Digo Samera
Gusto naming malaman mo na ikaw ay hindi maaring who fetched appellants before they went to the house of Tote Sarita.
pilitin na magbigay ng salaysay at kong (sic) sakaling Together, they went to GMA town in Cavite. It was around 5:00 o'clock in
magbibigay ka ng salaysay, ano mang sasabihin mo rito the morning when they hailed a jeep from the "looban." There after, the
ay pueding (sic) gamitin laban sa iyo sa ano mang caso. following allegedly transpired:
Nauunawaan mo ba ito?
T Ano na ang nangyari noong kayo ay sumakay sa jeep? karsada' habang si TOTO ay tuloy sa tobohan (sic) na
dala ang driver. Si DIGO naman ay tinulak ang conductor
S Ako ang naunang sumakay pagtigil noong jeep. Bago hawak-hawak sa buhok at ang sabi naman sa akin ay
maka-alis ang jeep nagsalita si TOTO SARITA na nasa hawakan ko ang balikat. Kinuha sa akin ang conductor ni
baba pa kasama sina EFREN CANAPE at DIGO na DIGO at dinala sa may tubuhan (sic) at akin na lang
'HINTAY ka muna may naiwanan pa ako. Sumakay si narinig na ang pag-ungol no conductor dahil malapit lang
Digo sa tapat ng conductor na nasa loob ng jeep iyon sa sasakyan.
samantalang si TOTO ay pumuesto sa bandang kanan sa
unahan ng jeep at si EFREN ay sa bandang kaliwa rin ng T Nakikita mo ba sila DIGO at ang conductor habang siya
jeep tapat ng driver at sabay si EFREN at TOTO na ay umuungol?
sumakay sa unahan ng jeep at mabilis na tinulak ni
EFREN ang driver patungo kay TOTO na siyang tumutok, S Hindi ko na po nakita kasi nasa tubohan na.
(sic) sa driver ng isang sandata balisong 29. Habang
nangyayari iyon ay tinutukan naman ni DIGO na nasa T Sila TOTO at ang driver nasaan sila habang naririnig
loob ng jeep ang conductor na pinasubsub ang ulo
mong umuungol ang conductor?
habang tinutukan ng 29. Ang sabi sa akin ni DIGO ay
"REN igapos mo ito" at inabutan niya ako ng isang
panyong panali. Sa aking kabiglaanan ako ay napasunod S Pumasok po sa tubohan hindi ko na sila makita.
at tinali ko iyong conductor.
T Ano na ang nangyari matapos na dalhin ni TOTO ang
T Ano na ang sumunod na nangyari matapos matalian driver at ni DIGO naman ang conductor sa tobohan (sic)?
mo ang conductor?
S Mga ilang minuto lang po ay bumalik na sila sa
S Napansin ko na lang na maneho na ni TOTO Sarita sasakyan at kami sumakay na at si TOTO ang
ang jeep na kanyang pinasibad habang ang driver ay nagmaneho ng sasakyan at tuloy-tuloy na kami sa Bikol,
nakatali na rin at ako naman ay sinabihan ni DIGO na sa Libmanan, Camarines Sur.
hawakan iyong conductor sa balikat habang tinutukan no
patalim ni DIGO. Ang conductor ay nagsasalita na siya ay T Noong kayo ay umalis sa tubohan na iyon, nasaan na
nasasaktan dahil nakatusok na ang patalim sa kanyang noon ang driver at ang conductor?
leeg o batok.
S Wala na no.
T Ano ang nangyari matapos na matutukan ang
conductor at driver at habang nagmamaneho Si TOTO? T May napansin ka ba kina DIGO at TOTO noong sila ay
sumakay sa jeep galing sa tubuhan (sic)?
S Mula sa lugar na iyon pagkaraan ng ilang minuto ay
biglang iniliko sa isang-maliit na lupang kalsada na S Humihingal sila po na parang pagod at napansin ko na
napapaligiran ng tubo at talahib at doon ay hininto ang may dugo ang kamay ni DIGO at ang damit at pantalon
sasakyan: naman ni TOTO ay may tilamsik (sic) ng dugo.
T Ano na ang sumonod (sic) na nangyari sa lugar na iyon xxx xxx xxx 12
matapos na maihinto ang jeep?
Appellant Januario described the driver as more than fifty years old, Of
S Unang bumaba po ay si TOTO na hawak ang driver medium build, and with gray hair and a fine nose. Upon reaching
pababa at itinulak ang driver sa may tobohan (sic). Si
Libmanan, they went directly to Santiago Cid with whom appellant
EFREN ay sumonod (sic) hanggang sa may gilid ng Januario had earlier conferred regarding the sale of the jeep. Appellant
Januario did nor know to whom the jeep was sold but he knew that Cid nakatapos ng ika-limang baitang sa elementarya, at at sa
approached Vicente Pens. The latter gave appellant Januario P1,000 kasalukuyan ay naninirahan sa Bgy. Sibuho, Libmanan,
cash and rice and eggs worth around P600. A second jeep was brought Camarines Sur.
by Tote and Digo to
T Ikaw ba ay may nalalaman sa pagkanakaw ng isang
Roger Abajero. Cid brought both appellants to the house of Roger. Later, Malaguena type type Jeepney sa Bulihan, Silang, Cavite
the jeep was impounded at the NBI Naga City office. noong buwan ng Septyembre 1988?
Appellant Januario signed and thumbmarked his statement which was S Opo, sir.
sworn before NBI Executive Director Salvador R. Ranin. It was also
Signed by Atty. Carlos Saunar "as counsel." T Kung ganoon sabihin mo sa mga imbistigador na ito
kung paano ang buong pangyayari?
Appellant Canape's sworn statement, Exhibit I, was taken by Atty. Magno
V. Toribio, a supervising NBI Agent. Quoted in full, the statement reads: S Kasi nung (sic) minsan ako ay mapasyal sa Bgy.
Crossing, sakop ng Dasmarinas, Cavite noong mga
SINUMPAANG SALAYSAY NI (BINIGAY NI EFREN CANAPE y buwan ng Agosto 1987 kami ay nagkita ng aking aking
BAYOT KAY AGENTS MAGNO V. TORIBIO AND TOMAS C. Kaibigan na si 'TOTO' SARETA at ang kanyang kasama
ENRILE MGA AHENTE NG NBI DITO SA NCR, NBI, MANILA, na si DIGO (complete name unknown) at ako ay kanyang
NGAYONG IKA 27 NG MARSO 1988. sinabihan na humanap ng buyer ng isang jeep. Kaya, ng
(sic) ako ay umuwi na ng Libaman, Camarines Sur ako ay
1. TANONG Ginoong EFREN CANAPE y BAYOT, ikaw humanap (sic) ng taong interesado na bumili ng nasabing
ay aming iniimbistigahan ngayon tungkol sa pagnanakaw Jeep, katulung si RENE JANUARIO na taga bayan ng
ing isang Izuzu (sic) type jitney sa Silang, Cavite sa Libmanan. Ang aming nakitang interesado sa jeep ay si
pagkamatay ng conductor nito noong buwan ng SANTIAGO CID. Kaya ang aming ginawa ni RENE ay
Septembyre (sic) 1988. Bago ka namin tanungin aming bumalik sa Bgy. Crossing, Dasmarinas, Cavite para
ipinaalam sa iyo ang iyong mga karapatan sa ilalim ng ipaalam kina TOTO SARETA na kami ay nakakuha na ng
Saligang Batas. Una, ikaw ay may karapatan na huwag buyer. Ng gabing yaon na kami ay dumating kami ay
magbigay ng salaysay sa imbistigasyon na ito, at niyaya nina TOTO na mag inuman at habang kami ay
manahimik. Ano mang sabihin mo dito ay puweding nag-iinuman sinabi ni TOTO na may makukuha na kami
gamitin laban sa iyo sa asunto Kriminal o civil. Ikalawa na jeep. Mga bandang alas kuwatro ng madaling araw,
ikaw ay may karapatan na kumuha ng iyong abogado kami ay niyaya na nlna TOTO na kunin na ang jeep. Kami
upang tulungan ka saimbistigasyon na ito. At kung gusto ay lumakad na papuntang Bulihan Silang, Cavite,
mo pero wala kang pambayad sa sirbesyon (sic) nito, Pagdatlng namin doon, kami ay naghintay ng mga ilang
ikaw ay bibigyan ng NBI ng libre. Matapos mong minuto. Ng (sic) dumaan ang isang Jeep na wala pang
malaman ang iyong mga karapatan, ikaw ba ay (sic) pasahero, ito ay pinara ni DIGO at kami ay sumakay.
nakahandang magbigay ng kusang loob na salaysay? Mga ilang minuto naman lumipas habang ang diyep (sic)
ay tumatakbo papuntang Alabang ay naglabas ng patalim
sin TOTO at DIGO at tinutukan ang driver at ang
ANSWER Opo, sir.
kundoktor. Tapos kami ni RENE ay sinabihan (sic) din
nila na maglabas ng patalim at tutukan din ang driver at
T Kung ganoon sabihin mo ang iyong buong pangalan, ang kundoktor (sic). Pagdating namin sa Bgy. Maguyam,
tirahan at iba pang mga bagay-bagay na pweding sakop din ng Silang sapilitang (sic) ibinaba nina TOTO,
pagkakakilalanan sa sa iyong pagkatao?
DIGO at RENE ang driver at ang kundoktor (sic) at dinala
sa loob ng tubuhan. Ako ay naiwan sa loob ng jeep. Hindi
S Ako is EFREN CANAPE y BAYOT, 31 anyos and idad naman natagalan ay lumabas na ang tatlo galing sa loob
(sic), kasal kay AIDA ROLDAN, isang mag-sasaka (sic) ng tubuhan, hindi na kasama ang driver at and kundoktor
(sic). Tapos, narining ko kay TOTO na ayos na daw'. Ang T Ito bang pag-pabili ninyo ng jeep kay VICENTE PONS
sunod naming ginawa ay pinatakbo na namin ang jeep ay may kasulatan?
papuntang Libmanan. Pagdating namin sa Libmanan
dumerretso (sic). kay SANTIAGO CID at ibinigay na S Wala po.
namin sa kanya jeep. Ang sabi naman ni SANTIAGO ay
dadalhin niya ang jeep kay VICENTE PONS na taga
T Kailan pa ang mga sumunod na bayad na ibinigay sa
Libmanan din.
T Magkano naman ang pagkabili ni VICENTE PONS? T Hindi na ba sila napupuntang Libmanan?
S Hindi ko po alam kung magkano ang iksaktong halaga, S Bihira na ho sir. Pumupunta lang ho sila kung kukuha
pero ang presyo sa amin ni SANTIAGO ay P25,000.00. ng pera
T Nang dalhin ha ninyo ang jeep kay SANTIAGO ay agad T Sa pagkaalam mo, mayroon pa ba silang ibang Jeep na
ninyong dinala at pinagbili rin kay VICENTE PONS? dinala sa Libmanan?
S Opo, ng araw din na iyon. S Mayroon pa ho akong nalaman kay SANTIAGO CID,
na may isa pang jeep na dinala daw sina TOTO at DIGO
T Magkano ha ang paunang bayad kung mayroon man, sa kanya at kanya namang ibenenta kay Mr. ROGELIO
na ibinigay ni VICENTE PONS sa inyo? ABAJERO, na taga Libmanan din.
A Ang alam ko ho ay P4,000.00 ang ibinigay ni VICENTE T Ano pa ang ibang alam mo tungkul (sic) dito sa
PONS kay SANTIAGO dahil siya ang kausap nito. pangalawa jeep, na ibenenta (sic) nila kay Mr.
T Magkano naman ang halagang naparte mo?
S Wala na ho sir.
S Ako ho ay binigyan ni SANTIAGO ng P1,000.00?
T Iyung tungkol sa unang jeep na ibenenta kay Mr. Meanwhile, Andrew Patriarca, Sr. reported the disappearance of his son,
VICENTE PONS, alam mo ba kung nasaan na iyon Andrew, Jr., the jeepney and its driver to the police detachment in
ngayon? Bulihan, Silang, Cavite and the police stations in Silang and Imus, Cavite.
Two weeks after September 4, 1987, the body of 23 year-old Andrew
S Hindi ko rin po alam kung saan dinala ni Mr. PONS. Patriarca, Jr. was found in a sugarcane plantation in Maguyam. His head
was severed from his body. 15 The body of the driver, Geronimo Malibago,
stepfather of Doris Wolf, the owner of the jeepney, 16 was recovered after
T Ito bang sina TOTO SARETA at DIGO ay matagal mo
ang kakilala? the harvest of sugarcane in the plantation 17 in Maguyam. 18 Malibago's
widow identified the body from its clothing. 19
S Matagal no ho sir, dahil sa ako ay ipinanganak din sa
On September 12, 1989, the prosecution formally offered its
Dasmarinas, Cavite at doon din lumaki. Sila ho ay aking
evidence, 20 which the court duly admitted 21 For its part, the defense,
mga kababayan at matalik kung mga kaibigan.
through counsel, manifested its intention to file a demurrer to evidence.
However, because the defense had not yet presented accused Cid, the
T Nung ikaw ba ay sabihan nina TOTO na humanap ng court on November 21, 1989, ordered the cancellation of his bail bond and
buyer ng jeep alam mo ba na ang jeep na iyon ay gave his surety thirty days within which to show cause why judgment
nanakawin lamang? against the bond should not be rendered. The defense counsel, Atty. Jose
Claro, was likewise required to explain why he should not be held in
S Opo, sir. contempt of court for his failure to file a demurrer to evidence. 22
T Pansamantala ay wala na muna akong itatanong sa For failure of the defense counsel to appear at the scheduled hearing
iyo, ikaw ba ay mayroon pa ibig sabihin? dates and to file the promised demurrer to evidence, the court on
December 22, 1989, issued an order stating that the "accused may no
S Wala na po, KATAPUSAN NG SALAYSAY. longer at this time be allowed to present their Demurrer to Evidence." It
scheduled dates for the presentation of defense evidence and appointed
(Signed and thumbmarked) Atty. Oscar Zaldivar as counsel de oficio for the defendants. 23
Nagsalaysay Nevertheless, on December 26, 1989, counsel for the defense Claro
mailed a "demurrer to evidence or motion to dismiss on (sic) insufficiency
evidence." 24 On January 10, 1990, the trial court denied the motion
finding that the demurrer did not "contain any reason compelling enough
(Illegible signature) (Illegible signature)
to recall the previous order," disallowing the filing of said pleading. 25
(2) accused are concerned." 26
After the investigation, appellants went with the NBI agents in searching On March 1, 1990, appellants' counsel filed their memorandum. 27
for their companions." 14
On March 9, 1990, the trial court did not make a "partial promulgation of presented as a witness, he had made a reservation to call him as
judgment." Instead, it ordered the "continuation of proceedings for "additional evidence for the prosecution and/or rebuttal" testimony.
purposes of rebuttal evidence." 28 Clarifying this, the court said that as against Cid, the testimony was a
principal one but a rebuttal as far as the appellants were concerned. 35
On the same day, the defense presented Santiago Cid as a witness. He
testified that a certain Raul Repe, Tote Sarita and Digo Sarreal On May 11, 1990, the defense manifested that it was closing its case. The
approached him about the sale of the jeepney. He referred them to prosecution having waived its right to present "any rebuttal evidence," the
Vicente Pens who he thought would buy the vehicle. He knew appellants trial court issued an order requiring the filing of the parties' respective
were "i" from Libmanan but did not see them during the transaction for the memoranda. 36 On June 27, 1990, the trial court rendered the herein
sale of the jeepney. 29 questioned Decision. 37
On March 27, 1990, the Court denied defense counsel Claro's motion to The Issues
cancel the hearing scheduled for that day. Noting the presence of Atty.
Carlos Saunar, a prosecution witness whose attendance during In their separate briefs filed by their respective counsel (Atty. Jose C.
Scheduled trial dates had been delayed, and citing the "imperatives of Claro for Januario and Any. Florendo C. Medina for Canape), appellants
justice," the trial court issued an order directing that the testimony of said ascribe basically two errors against the trial court:
witness should be heard that day. 30 In the absence of the counsel of
record for the defense; the trial court reiterated the appointment of Atty. (1) The trial procedure, particularly the presentation and admission Of the
Oscar Zaldivar as counsel de oficio.
testimony of Arty. Carlos Saunar, was irregular and prejudicial to the
appellants; and
Atty. Saunar testified that he joined the NBI sometime in May or June
1988. In March 1988, while still in private practice, he was at the NBI head
(2) The extra-judicial confessions of the appellants are inadmissible in
office handling a client case when Arty. Vela, an NBI agent, approached evidence for having been extracted in violation of their constitutional right
him. The latter and Arty. Toribio introduced him to appellants and Cid. to counsel.
Vela and Toribio told him that the three had verbally confessed to
participation in a crime and that they needed his assistance as they were
about to execute their sworn statements. 31 Saunar agreed to assist the Insisting that his guilt had not been proven beyond reasonable doubt,
three suspects and allegedly explained to them the consequences of their appellant Januario contends that the trial court erred in admitting in
confession. He also supposedly told them individually, and in Tagalog, evidence his sworn statement before the NBI and the testimony of Arty.
their constitutional rights, like their rights to be silent and to counsel and Saunar as rebuttal or additional witness after the prosecution had rested
that whatever they would say could be used against them. 32 its case, he (appellant Januario) had filed his memorandum, and the
decision had been scheduled for promulgation. 38
Saunar identified his signature in the sworn statement of appellant
Januario. However, he could no longer recall which of the three accused For his part, appellant Canape also claims that his guilt had not been
,appellant Canape although he admitted that the latter's face was proven beyond reasonable doubt. He questions the trial court's having
"familiar." 33 He was certain, however, that he participated in the taking of given "weight and sufficiency" to his extra-judicial confession. 39
appellant Canape's sworn statement on March 28, 1988. He admitted that
his signature does not appear on appellant Canape's sworn statement but Appellant Januario contends that the trial court erred in allowing the
he could "only surmise" that he did not sign the same sworn statement presentation of Saunar as a witness after the prosecution had closed its
because either it was not presented to him immediately after the case and offered its documentary evidence. Saunar could not in any guise
statement was taken or that it had been misplaced. 34 be considered as a rebuttal witness simply because there was no defense
evidence to rebut.
After receiving Saunar's testimony, the trial court asked the prosecution
whether it was presented as rebuttal testimony. Answering in the positive, The Court's Ruling
the prosecutor reminded the court that when Saunar could not be The First Issue: Order of Trial
The pertinent provisions of Rule 119 of the Rules of Court state: voluntarily omitted evidence. 42 The primary consideration is whether the
trial court still has jurisdiction over the case. Thus
Sec. 3. Order of trial. — The trial shall proceed in the
following order: The claim that the lower court erred in allowing the prosecuting attorney to
introduce new evidence is devoid of any merit, for while the prosecution
(a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove the had rested, the trial was not yet terminated and the cause was still under
charge, and in the proper case, the civil liability. the control and jurisdiction Of the court and the latter, in the exercise of its
discretion, may receive additional evidence. Sec. 3(9), Rule 119 of the
Rules of Court clearly provides that, in the furtherance of justice, the court
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his
may grant either of the parties the right and opportunity to adduce new
defense, and damages, if any, arising from the issuance
additional evidence bearing upon the main issue in question. 43
of any provisional remedy in the case.
(c) The parties may then respectively present rebutting Saunar's testimony was admitted in evidence before the trial court
rendered its Decision. Undoubtedly then, the court a quo retained its
evidence only, unless the court, in the furtherance of
justice, permits them to present additional evidence jurisdiction even though the prosecution had rested its case. As to
bearing upon the main issue. appellants, Saunar was an additional prosecution witness, not a rebuttal
witness, because the defense waived presentation of evidence after the
prosecution had rested its case. 44 Saunar was, therefore, a rebuttal
(d) Upon admission of the evidence, the cases shall be witness with respect to accused Cid. 45
deemed submitted unless the court directs the parties to
argue orally or to submit memoranda.
The Second Issue: Appellants' Right to Counsel
(e) However, when the accused admits the act or
Proof of Saunar's presence during the custodial investigation of appellants
omission charged in the complaint or information but
is, however, not a guarantee that appellants' respective confessions had
interposes a lawful defense, the order of trial may be
been taken in accordance with Article 111, Section 12(1) of the
modified accordingly. (Emphasis supplied.)
Constitution. This constitutional provision requires that a person under
investigation for the commission of an offense shall have no less than
The trial procedure as outlined in this rule is ordinarily followed to insure "competent and independent counsel preferably of his own choice."
the orderly conduct of litigations to attain the magisterial objective of the Elucidating on this particular constitutional requirement, this Court has
Rules of Court to protect the parties' substantive rights. 40 However, strict taught:
observance of the Rules depend upon the circumstances obtaining in
each case at the discretion of the trial judge. Thus, as early as 1917, this
Court explained: It is noteworthy that the modifiers competent and independent were terms
absent in all organic laws previous to the 1987 Constitution. Their addition
in the fundamental law of 1987 was meant to stress the primacy accorded
. . . . The orderly course of proceedings requires, to the voluntariness of the choice, under the uniquely stressful conditions
however, that the prosecution shall go forward and should of a custodial investigation, by according the accused, deprived of normal
present all of its proof in the first instance; but it is conditions guaranteeing individual autonomy, an informed judgment
competent for the judge, according to the nature of the based on the choices given to him by a competent and independent
case, to allow a party who has closed his case to lawyer.
introduce further evidence in rebuttal. This rule, however,
depends upon the particular circumstances of each
Thus, the lawyer called to be present during such investigation should be
particular case, and falls within the sound discretion of the
as far as reasonably possible, the choice of the individual undergoing
judge, to be exercised or not as he may think proper. 41
questioning. If the lawyer were one furnished in the accused's behalf, it is
important that he should be competent and independent, i.e., that he Is
Hence, the court may allow the prosecutor, even after he has rested his willing to fully safeguard the constitutional rights of the accused, as
case or even after the defense has moved for dismissal, to present in-
distinguished from one who would merely be giving a routine, peremptory Q And it was the NBI who requested Saunar to assist Mr. Rene
and meaningless recital of the individual's constitutional rights. In People Januario in the investigation?
v. Basay, this Court stressed that an accused's right to be informed of the
right to remain silent and to counsel 'contemplates the transmission of A We requested him, because he was just around,
meaningful information rather than just the ceremonial and perfunctory sir. 48 (Emphasis supplied.)
recitation of an abstract constitutional principle.
As regards Saunar's assistance as counsel for appellant Canape,
Ideally, therefore, a lawyer engaged for an individual facing custodial investigating NBI Agent Magno Toribio testified as follows:
investigation (if the latter could not afford one) should be engaged by the
accused (himself), or by the latter's relative or person authorized by him to
Q Now, with regards to your advice that he has a right to counsel,
engage an attorney or by the court, upon proper petition of the accused or
and to seek assistance of a counsel of his own choice if he does
person authorized by the accused to file such petition. Lawyers engaged
not have one, and to remain silent, and if he does not have a
by the police, whatever testimonials are given as proof of their probity and lawyer, you will furnish One, for him, now what was his answer?
supposed independence, are generally suspect, as in many areas, the
relationship between lawyers and law enforcement authorities can be
symbiotic. 46 WITNESS:
We find that Saunar was not the choice of appellant Januario as his According to him, he does not need a lawyer, but despite that
custodial investigation counsel. Thus, NBI Agent Arlis Vela testified: refusal to have a lawyer. . .
Q Now, considering that they were then under your custody, and COURT:
under investigation, were they represented by counsel during the
time that you took their statements? That is not refusal. That is manifestation that he does not need a
lawyer. He did not refuse. He raid, he does not need a lawyer.
A Yes, sir. They were.
Q Do you recall who was that counsel who represented them?
Although, he does not need a lawyer, we provided him a lawyer
A Atty. Carlos Saunar, sir. by the name of Atty. Carlos Saunar, who was present during the
investigation, and who advised him of the consequences of the
statements that he will give, and he did not refuse.
Q Was he the counsel of their own choice, or was the counsel
furnished by your office?
A Because they were not represented by counsel of their own
choice, we got the service of Atty. Carlos Saunar who helped Now, how did you know that Atty. Saunar gave him advice gave
them. 47 accused Canape advice?
Q And Atty. Saunar is connected with the NBI? Q Now, when did Atty. Saunar give that advice to accused
Canape, was it before, during, or after the taking of this
A At that time, he was at the NBI Office. He was just somewhere
A Before, during, and after the taking of the statement.
Q Now, may we know from you why Atty. Saunar was present A I think he is from Bicol.
xxx xxx xxx
A He was present the because be was then applying for the
position of NBI agent. Q Now, how many times have you requested Atty. Saunar to
assist a person under your investigation in the NBI office, other
FISCAL VELAZCO: than this? A I cannot remember anymore.
Was he the only lawyer who was present there? Q You always ask him to assist if there is no lawyer available, or
the person to be investigated has no lawyer?
A I remember, Atty. Claro, sometimes is there, representing
another client. 49 A If he is around. 50 (Emphasis supplied.)
xxx xxx xxx Let us for the moment grant arguendo that Saunar's competence as a
lawyer is beyond question. Under the circumstances described by the
Q Now, Atty. Saunar is employed with the NBI office, am I right? prosecution however, he could not have been the independent counsel
solemnly spoken of by our Constitution. He was an applicant for a position
in the NBI and therefore it can never be said that his loyalty was to the
A Yes, sir.
confessants. In fact, he was actually employed by the NBI a few months
after. As regards appellant Januario, Saunar might have really been
Q When was he employed at the NBI office? Tell us the exact around to properly apprise appellant of his constitutional right as reflected
date? in the written sworn statement itself.
COURT: However, the same cannot be said about appellant Canape. Clearly, he
was not properly informed of his constitutional rights. Perfunctorily
If you can. informing a confessant of his constitutional rights, asking him if he wants
to avail of the services of counsel and telling him that he could ask for
WITNESS: counsel if he so desires or that one could be provided him at his request,
are simply not in compliance with the constitutional mandate. 51 In this
Maybe in September. case, appellant Canape was merely told of his constitutional rights and
posthaste, asked whether he was willing to confess. His affirmative
answer may not, by any means, be interpreted as a waiver of his right to
counsel of his own choice.
Furthermore, the right of a person under custodial investigation to be
informed of his rights to remain silent and to counsel implies a correlative
A 1988. obligation on the part of the police investigator to explain and to con-
template an effective communication that results in an understanding of
Q But he was always frequent in the NBI office because he was to what is conveyed. 52 Appellant Canape's sworn statement, which reads
be employed, is that what you mean? and sounds so lifeless on paper, fails to reflect compliance with this
requirement. Neither does the aforequoted testimony of NBI Agent
Toribio. Bearing in mind that appellant Canape reached only the fifth
A He was applying.
grade, the NBI agents should have exerted more effort in explaining to
him his constitutional rights.
Q And from where is he?
Moreover, there is enough reason to doubt whether appellant Canape Apparently attempting to avoid the questions on whether appellants
was in fact and in truth assisted by counsel. Atty. Saunar affirmed on the admitted complicity in the crime, Agent Toribio testified:
witness stand that he assisted appellants on March 28, 1988. 53 However,
the sworn statement itself reveals that it was taken on March 27, 1988. No ATTY. CLARO:
satisfactory explanation was made by the prosecution on this discrepancy.
All that Agent Vela stated was that they conducted an oral investigation in
When you were conducting an investigation, and you saw me at
Naga City on March 27, 1988 and that investigation at the NBI Manila
the NBI building, Naga City, you were' referring to the
head office was made in the afternoon of March 28, 1988. 54 investigation of Mr. Canape, am I right?
An admission which, under Section 26 of Rule 130 of the Rules of Court, Q But you investigated Mr. Canape in Naga City at the NBI
is an "act, declaration or omission of a party as to a relevant fact" is building, am I right, tell the Court?
different from a confession which, in turn, is defined in Section 33 of the
same Rule as the "declaration of an accused acknowledging his guilt of A At that time, we were taking the statement of the woman, the
the Offense charged, or of any offense necessarily included therein." Both complainant, in the estafa case, and the; other witnesses.
may be given in evidence against the person admitting or confessing.
In People vs. Lorenzo, 56 the Court explained that in a confession there is COURT:
an acknowledgment of guilt while in an admission the statements of fact
by the accused do not directly involve an acknowledgment of guilt or of
You mean, at the time you investigated that estafa complaint, that
the criminal intent to commit the offense with which the accused is
was the time when you also investigated Canape, is that what you
Appellants verbally intimated facts relevant to the commission of the crime
to the NBI agents in Naga City. This is shown by the testimony of NBI
Agent Vela that, based on the facts gathered from interviews of people in
that city, they "invited" and questioned appellants, thus: No, your Honor.
Q Now, tell us, what was your purpose in inviting these two (2) COURT:
But there is a question of counsel. You better clarify that.
A That was in connection with the vehicle I mentioned earlier, in
connection with the carnapping incident mentioned earlier. WITNESS:
Q You invited them in connection with the carnapping because He was asking me if I had already taken the statement of Canape.
you want to, know from them actually what they know about the
carnapping, am I correct? COURT:
A Precisely, that is right. 57 That is it, sir, Naga City. That is the question.
WITNESS: A We conducted an investigation. When we took the statement of
the other witnesses, complainant and witnesses.
Not yet. We were only asking him.
Does that satisfy you?
By him, whom are you referring to:
A The complainants and the witnesses, sir.
Q All right. You were with Atty. Vela when you conducted an
investigation to (sic) Mr. Canape, am I right? In Naga City? COURT;
Q And Mr. Vela at that time, was also conducting an investigation It is true that we were sometimes talking with those people, but
to (sic) a certain Rene Januario in Naga City, is that right? not investigating them yet. 58 (Emphasis supplied.)
A. No. We took the statement in Manila. Note should also be taken of the fact that according to Atty. Saunar, when
he acceded to be the custodial investigation counsel of appellants, the
COURT: latter had already confessed. Thus:
You took the statement in Manila. How about in Naga, that is the COURT:
question of counsel?
There is one thing that he would like to add, 'that I talked to the
A Naga, no statement yet. accused one by one,' you want to add something?
ATTY. CLARO: A And I confirmed with them whether they are confessing to their
crime, and they said yes. In fact, from what I: observed, they have
Mr. Toribio, because you were with Mr. Vela, Mr. Vela did not already confessed to the NBI agents.
conduct any investigation to (sic) Mr. Januario, one of the
accused in this case, in Naga City? Tell the Court? COURT:
A Not yet at that time, because it was useless. The crime was All of them confessed?
committed in Silang, Cavite. They will have to be brought to
Manila for the appropriate Judge or Fiscal. A Yes, your Honor, because they also told me what happened .
So, you are claiming that you did not conduct any investigation of
Now, when they informed you that they intend to confess, now, I just want to manifest into the record that they have already
did you explain to them, to the accused or to the persons under confessed; that the witness has just repeated the word .
investigation the consequences of confessing?
A Yes, that is basic. I informed them of their rights to remain silent
and to counsel, and whatever they will confess there will be used But there is an explanation by him. Put that on record, all of them.
against them during the trial of this case.
Q How about that ultimate consequence of admission?
Now, did you verify whether that confession was only verbal or in
A Yes. I told them that if they confess, they will have to go to writing?
A That was only verbal that is why there is a need for the sworn
Q And what were their answers? statement to be taken. That was the time that I was telling them
that they can be put to jail. 59 (Emphasis supplied)
A Actually, they have already confessed to their crime before I
talked to them. It is therefore clear that prior to the execution of the sworn statements at
the NBI head office, appellants had already made verbal admissions of
xxx xxx xxx complicity in the crime. Verbal admissions, however, should also be made
with the assistance of counsel. Thus:
The verbal admissions allegedly made by both appellants
Your Honor, the witness has just answered during the preliminary of their participation in the crime, at the time of their arrest
question of the Fiscal that at the time his assistance was sought and even before their formal investigation, are
by the NBI, the accused had in fact already confessed. inadmissible, both as violative of their constitutional rights
and as hearsay evidence. These oral admissions,
assuming they were in fact made, constitute uncounselled
extrajudicial confessions within the meaning of Article III,
Section 12 of the Constitution. 60
I am now asking him, have you said that?
That appellants indeed admitted participation in the commission of the
A They have already confessed. crime in Naga City is shown by the fact that the NBI agents brought them
to Manila to facilitate apprehension of the other culprits who could be
ATTY. ZALDIVAR: either in Cavite or Manila. Because their uncounselled oral admissions in
Naga City resulted in the execution of their written confessions in Manila,
We can review the transcript of stenographic notes. the latter had become as constitutionally infirm as the former. In People
vs. Alicando, 61 this Court explained the ramifications of an irregularly
COURT: counselled confession or admission:
What do you mean by that? We have not only constitutionalized the Miranda
warnings in our jurisdiction. We have also adopted the
libertarian exclusionary rules known as the "fruit of the
A They were still confessing at that time, your Honor.
poisonous tree," a phrase minted by Mr. Justice Felix
Frankfurter in the celebrated case of Nardone v. United
ATTY. ZALDIVAR: States. According to this rule, once theprimary
source (the "tree") is shown to have been unlawfully meaningless. And their expenses in trying to solve crimes would
obtained, any secondary or derivative evidence (the constitute needless expenditures of taxpayers' money.
"fruit") derived from it is also inadmissible. Stated
otherwise, illegally seized evidence is obtained as a direct This Court values liberty and will always insist on the observance of basic
result of the illegal act, whereas the "fruit of the poisonous constitutional rights as a condition sine qua non against the awesome
tree" is the indirect result of the same illegal act. The fruit investigative and prosecutory powers of government. The admonition
of the poisonous tree is at least once removed from the given by this Court to government officers, particularly those involved in
illegally seized evidence, but is equally inadmissible. The law enforcement and the administration of justice, in the case of People
rule is based on the principle that evidence illegally vs. Cuizon, 66 where NBI agents mishandled a drug bust operation and in
obtained by the State should not be used to gain other so doing violated the constitutional guarantees against unlawful arrests
evidence because the originally illegally obtained and illegal searches and seizures, is again called for and thus reiterated in
evidence taints all evidence sub- sequently obtained. the case at bench, to wit:
Appellants might have indeed committed the crime in concert with Eliseo . . . In the final analysis, we in the administration of justice would
Sarita and Eduardo Sarinos. However, what could have been their have no right to expect Ordinary people to be law abiding if we do
valuable admissions and confessions as far as the prosecution was not insist on the full protection of their rights. Some lawmen,
concerned were sullied and rendered inadmissible by the irregular manner Prosecutors and judges may still tend to gloss over an illegal
by which the law enforcement agents extracted such admissions and search and seizure as long as the law enforcers show the alleged
confessions from appellants Without such statements, the remaining evidence of the crime regardless of the methods by which they
prosecution evidence — consisting mostly of hearsay testimony and were Obtained. This kind of attitude condones law-breaking in the
investigation reports — is sorely inadequate to prove appellants' name of law enforcement. Ironically, it only fosters the more rapid
participation in the crime. breakdown of our system of justice, and the eventual denigration
of society. While this Court appreciates and encourages the
Notably, these law enforcers did not only defy the mandate of Section 12 efforts of law enforcers to uphold the law and to Preserve the
of the Bill of Rights but, after making "inquiries" from appellants about the peace and security of Society, we nevertheless admonish them to
crime, they likewise illegally detained appellants as shown by the act with deliberate care anti within the parameters set by the
admission of one of the NBI agents that appellants were deprived of their Constitution and the law. Truly, the end never justifies the
liberty while in their custody. 62 Appellants were even made to travel for means. 67
ten (10) hours 63 from Naga City to Manila just so their formal confessions
could be executed in the latter city. According to NBI Agent Vela, they WHEREFORE, the questioned Decision of the Regional Trial Court of
"actually arrested" the appellants when the court issued the warrant for Cavite, Branch 18 in Tagaytay City, is hereby REVERSED and SET
their arrest. 64 The records show however that the NBI turned appellants ASIDE. Appellants Rene Januario and Efren Canape are ACQUITTED.
over to the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Silang-Amadeo in Cavite only Let a copy of this Decision be furnished the Director General, Philippine
on March 30, 1989. On the same day, the same court turned them back to National Police and the Director, National Bureau of investigation " order
the NBI for "detention during pendency of the case. 65 that Eliseo Sarita and Eduardo Sarinos, who are still at large, may be
apprehended and this time properly investigated and prosecuted
The accused-appellants are hereby ORDERED RELEASED immediately
The Court understands the difficulties faced by law enforcement agencies unless they are being detained for some other legal cause.
in apprehending violators of the law especially those involving syndicates.
It sympathizes with the public clamor for the bringing of criminals before SO ORDERED,
the altar of justice. However, quick solution of crimes and the consequent
apprehension of malefactors are not the end-all and be- all of law Narvasa, C.J., Davide, Jr., Melo and Francisco, JJ., concur.
enforcement. Enforcers of the law must follow the procedure mandated by
the Constitution and the law. Otherwise, their efforts would be
Republic of the Philippines entitled as of right to be inside the room because it was his liberty and
SUPREME COURT honor which were at stake.
Judges; Trial judge should have prudently inhibited himself.—The petition
SECOND DIVISION which questions the actuations of the respondent judge and seeks his
disqualification was received by him on March 29, 1984. Prudence
G.R. No. L-67422-24 October 31, 1984 dictated that he refrain from deciding the cases or at the very least to hold
in abeyance the promulgation of his decision pending action by this Court.
FERNANDO VALDEZ alias WILSON VALDEZ, petitioner, But prudence gave way to imprudence; the respondent judge acted
vs. precipitated by deciding the cases on April 2, 1984, and promulgating his
HONORABLE JUDGE GREGORIO U. AQUILIZAN, Presiding Judge of decision on May 3 of the same year. All of the acts of the respondent
the Regional Trial Court, 12th Judicial Region, Branch XVI, Kabacan, judge manifest grave abuse of discretion on his part amounting to lack of
North Cotabato, respondents. jurisdiction which substantively prejudiced the petitioner.
Same; Same; Same.—In his memorandum the respondent judge claims ABAD SANTOS, J.:
that he “did not proceed with the trial but merely sought clarifications on
vital aspects taken up in the hearing of April 7, 1983.” The explanation of This is a petition for certiorari which was posted on March 22, 1984, in
the respondent judge is belied by the transcript which shows that he Cotabato City by speed airmail but was received only on April 26, 1984.
asked the private complainant searching questions and this is reflected on The petitioner is accused of rape in three cases — Criminal Case Nos. 13,
pages 4 to 12 of the transcript. 14 and 15 — filed in the court presided by the respondent judge. The
private complainant is the same in all the three cases but the rapes were
Same; Criminal Procedure; A judge may not hold a trial of a criminal case alleged to have been committed on different dates, namely: February 10,
in the absence of counsel for accused.—The statement of the respondent 1982, March 17, 1982 and April 10, 1982.
judge that he wanted to protect the right of the accused to a speedy trial is
not appreciated. He “protected” the rights of the accused by holding a trial The petition seeks to annul the proceedings which were conducted by the
in the absence of the latter’s counsel. If an accused has a “protector” like respondent judge and to disqualify him from the case. Because the
the respondent judge, there is no need for a fiscal or a private prosecutor. verified petition imputed serious irregularities to the respondent judge, this
It may not be amiss to state in this connection that the accused did not Court issued a temporary restraining order on May 21, 1984, restraining
complain of delay in the trial of his case probably because he was not him from further proceeding with Criminal Case Nos. 13, 14 and 15.
there. At any rate if the respondent judge had wanted to expedite the trial
he should have appointed a temporary counsel for the accused. In the comment which the respondent judge was required to submit, he
said that he had already decided the three cases. (Petitioner Wilson
Same; Same; Where trial is held inside the judge’s chamber, the accused Valdez was convicted of rape in each of the three cases and was
is entitled to be personally inside the chamber and not another room.— sentenced to three reclusion perpetua plus indemnity.) The decision is
The respondent judge claims, however, “that the accused together with dated April 2, 1984, but the petitioner claims that it was promulgated on
his guard were at the door of a make-shift room, so-called judge’s May 3, 1984, without the presence of his counsel and even of the Fiscal;
chamber.” This might well have been the case but the accused was that no notice was issued in respect of the promulgation; and that no copy
of the decision was given to the defense counsel of record.
The case was set for hearing on August 6, 1984, and thereafter the Court A. Yes, your Honor.
issued a resolution which reads: têñ.£îhqwâ£
COURT: Proceed Fiscal.
At the hearing this morning the following appeared: Attys. Jose V.
Juan and Antonio T. Nicolas of the Special Appealed Cases FISCAL FULVADORA:
Division, Citizens' Legal Assistance Office, Ministry of Justice,
Padre Faura, Manila, for the petitioner; respondent Judge Q You mentioned about a pair of scissors used by the accused.
Gregorio U. Aquilizan on his own behalf; and North Cotabato Showing to you this scissors, what relation is this scissors which
Provincial Fiscal Aquiles Narajos who brought the record of
was used by the accused in threatening you on February 10,
Criminal Case Nos. 13, 14 and 15 in the sala of the respondent
A Yes, sir, this is the one being used by him.
Counsels for the petitioner mentioned several irregularities said to
have been committed by the respondent judge in the handling of
the case above-mentioned. Resort to the record proved to be COURT:
fruitless because it was grossly deficient.
Q Is this the very scissors that you saw when he pressed it?
Counsels for the petitioner are hereby given ten (10) days from
notice hereof to submit a memorandum specifying the A Yes, your Honor.
irregularities said to have been committed by the respondent
judge with supporting evidence. A copy of the memorandum shall Q When was this used by the accused Wilson Valdez?
be furnished to the respondent judge who is required to answer
the same point by point within ten (10) days from receipt. (Rollo, A On February 10, 1982, your Honor.
p. 127.)
The memoranda are now before this Court and the immediate reaction is
that the petition is highly impressed with merit.
May we request that this scissors Identified by the witness be
marked as Exh. "F", your Honor.
In the hearing of the three criminal cases on May 26, 1983, the private
complainant was to be cross- examined inasmuch as her direct
COURT: têñ.£îhqwâ£
examination had been finished at the previous hearing on April 7, 1983.
On May 26, the private prosecutor, Atty. Norberto Ela, was absent.
Thereafter, the respondent judge stated: "It appears in the records that Mark it.
the complaining witness is still under cross. It is the Honorable Judge who
is examining her ... (Addressing the witness) During the last hearing of Q Please demonstrate to the Court how this Exh. "F" was used by
this case, the Honorable Court reserved its right to cross examine you on the accused in intimidating you?
your testimony." And the respondent judge examined the witness but the
examination is better described as direct rather than cross. Witness the A (Witness demonstrating to the Court)
The witness demonstrating to the supposed victim the pressing of
COURT: ... After going over the records of the cases and the the pointed scissors at the left side abdomen.
supposed exhibits, you mentioned about a pair of scissors used to
intimidate you, coerced and forced by the accused, by pressing Q Did he also use that during the accord rape he committed
the same at your left side?
A Yes your Honor.
Q About the third time, he use also? The hearing on the three cases was resumed on August 18, 1983. In the
meantime, Atty. Zerrudo was replaced by Atty. Julian Ruiz as counsel for
A Yes your Honor. (TSN, May 26, 1983.) the accused because he wanted an Ilocano lawyer to represent him for
better communication. On that day. the private complainant was still on
cross-examination. Without any request from the parties, the respondent
To be sure a trial judge has the right, nay even the duty, to address
judge decided to hold the hearing in his chamber "due to delicadeza."
questions to witnesses. But the questions should be clarificatory; they
Present in the chamber were counsel for the accused, the fiscal and the
should not build the case for any of the adversaries.
stenographer only; the accused was not allowed to go inside. têñ.£îhqwâ£
On June 23, 1983, a hearing was scheduled. The transcript for that day
The respondent judge claims, however, "that the accused
shows that Fiscal Camilo Fulvadora appeared for the prosecution but
together with his guard were at the door of a make-shift room, so-
private prosecutor Ela, was absent. Also absent was Atty. Jorge Zerrudo,
called judge's chamber." This might well have been the case but
counsel for the accused. The transcript does not show whether or not the
the accused was entitled as of right to be inside the room
accused was brought to court. Notwithstanding the absence of counsel for
the accused and probably the accused himself, the respondent judge because it was his liberty and honor which were at stake. On
August 31, 1983, the respondent judge announced, "We will hear
continued his "cross-examination" of the private complainant. The
respondent judge explained his behaviour thus: têñ.£îhqw⣠this in chamber." And then the following took place:
In his memorandum the respondent judge claims that he "did not proceed COURT:
with the trial but merely sought clarifications on vital aspects taken up in
the hearing of April 7, 1983." Fiscal.
The explanation of the respondent judge is belied by the transcript which FISCAL CAMILO FULVADORA: têñ.£îhqwâ£
shows that he asked the private complainant searching questions and this
is reflected on pages 4 to 12 of the transcript. With the sound discretion of the
Honorable Court.
The statement of the respondent judge that he wanted to protect the right
of the accused to a speedy trial is not appreciated. He "protected" the COURT: têñ.£îhqwâ£
rights of the accused by holding a trial in the absence of the latter's
counsel. If an accused has a "protector" like the respondent judge, there
Denied. (TSN, August 31,1983.)
is no need for a fiscal or a private prosecutor. It may not be amiss to state
in this connection that the accused did not complain of delay in the trial of
his case probably because he was not there. At any rate if the respondent On February 7, 1984, the following took
judge had wanted to expedite the trial he should have appointed a place:
temporary counsel for the accused.
Your honor, we are still in the process of direct How many questions are you asking?
examination for the accused. We are recalling the
accused in the witness stand. I understand your honor ATTY. RUIZ:
last time, due to lack of material time, we requested for a
resetting of these three cases inasmuch as the matter
Due to lack of material time, the three cases, I forgot to
whether to give the accused for the meantime your honor,
ask few questions regarding the evidences or exhibits
I am petitioning that he must be recalled and placed in the
which are the panty, knife, and scissors, in the direct
witness stand. examination in that, it was overlooked in the part of this
representation that the three after presented some of the
COURT: exhibits per prosecution, were not questioned.
The Honorable Court will decide on that part of Under cross. (TSN Feb. 7, 1984.)
presentation of the accused, whether to grant it or not the
manifestation. It is obvious from the foregoing that the respondent judge did not manifest
the requisite cold impartiality which the petitioner deserved.
COURT: têñ.£îhqwâ£
The petition which questions the actuations of the respondent judge and
seeks his disqualification was received by him on March 29, 1984.
Prudence dictated that he refrain from deciding the cases or at the very
least to hold in abeyance the promulgation of his decision pending action
by this Court. But prudence gave way to imprudence; the respondent
judge acted precipitately by deciding the cases on April 2, 1984, and
promulgating his decision on May 3 of the same year. All of the acts of the
respondent judge manifest grave abuse of discretion on his part
amounting to lack of jurisdiction which substantively prejudiced the
SO ORDERED.1äwphï1.ñët