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Research Paper Engineering Volume : 4 | Issue : 9 | September 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

Investigation on Mechanical Properties of Sugarcane

Stalks for the Development of a Whole Cane
Combine Harvester

Keywords Sugarcane, mechanical properties, combine harvester

Joby Bastian B. Shridar

Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kumarakom, Agricultural Machinery Research Centre, AEC&RI,
Kerala Agricultural University, Kottayam, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University,
Kerala, India. Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
ABSTRACT The mechanical properties of the plant material significantly influence the performance of the different
unit operations in combine harvester. Hence, studies of these properties were done prior to the design of
sugarcane harvesting system. The mechanical properties of sugarcane stalk viz., bending resistance, cutting resistance,
penetration resistance and crushing resistance were studied in the laboratory. It is found that the Young’s modulus of
the sugarcane stalks as 86MPa, The specific cutting resistance varies between 1764.56 and 957.48kNm-2, penetration
resistance ranged from 29.74kNm-2 to 56.33kNm-2 and the crushing force varied from 0.75kN to 1.53kN.

INTRODUCTION which correspond to a friction force of 315N, it is possible

Mechanical properties of the sugarcane stalks are to be to remove the leaves, independent of its location in the
considered in the development of a sugarcane combine sugarcane stalk.
harvester. The design of the major unit operations such as
de-topping, base cutting with de-trashing and conveyance Qingting et al. (2006) reported that the flexural modu-
are depends upon the above properties. lus and flexural strength of basal stalks of sugarcane were
1172MPa and 46. MPa respectively.
Mechanical properties of plant stems are important in the
design of a harvester as the force and energy requirements MATERIALS & METHODS
are by and large dependent on these properties. Bhaholy- The mechanical properties of sugarcane stalks viz., bend-
otin et al. (1988) reported that the hardness, shearing, ten- ing resistance, cutting resistance, penetration resistance
sion, compression and de-trashing forces play an important and crushing resistance are measured in a Universal Test-
role in the design of harvesters. ing Machine (UTM) Unitek-9410.

Chattopadhyay and Pandey (1999) conducted the quasi- Bending resistance

static tests using a universal testing machine to determine The base cutting quality can be accomplished by flexing
shear, compressive resistance and bending resistance of the canes at the time of cutting and this can be achieved
forage crops. by the use of a knock-down roller positioned forward and
above the base-cutter discs. The power requirements of
Miyabe and Abe (1976) conducted tests with the forces this knock-down roller depend upon the bending prop-
necessary to remove the leaves of cane sugar, using uni- erties of the sugarcane. Hence, the bending characteris-
versal testing machine and observed that the traction force tics of the sugarcane are studied on the UTM by using a
to remove the leaves varies with position on the stem and specially designed holding device for the sugarcane. The
the direction of application. holding device is provided with a socket for holding one
end of sugarcane stalk specimen and is held firmly by
Miyabe and Abe (1979) did tests to determine the resist- tightening clamping screws. The socket is fixed to a square
ance for penetration of the stem, bending, cutting and pipe which is welded to a ‘T’ section and can be fitted to
crushing. They concluded that the penetration resistance the upper vice of the UTM horizontally. The test specimen,
varies with node position from top to bottom in the range held by the jaw at one end, will remain at the cantilever
of 300 to 800kgcm-2. They also concluded that the flexural position (Figure 1). Load for bending the specimen is ap-
strength and stiffness increases from top to bottom. The plied at the free end through a clamping mechanism fixed
crushing strength (80 to 140kg) increases with the age of at the lower vice of the UTM. The bending force at differ-
the cane and top to bottom. ent deflections can be recorded from the output of the
UTM. The experiment was conducted for different canti-
Miyabe et al. (1979) conducted impact tests verifying that lever lengths of 50 and 75mm by changing the clamping
the impact energy varies with the location of the nodes, position of the of ‘T’ section on the upper vice. The exper-
increasing from top to root (2.0 to 4.0kgm). The results iment was conducted using CO-86032 variety of sugarcane
show that the inner tissue of the stem is softer and more and the experiment was repeated for different diameters
elastic in the upper parts of the cane. of the specimen. Young’s modulus for each test was calcu-
lated using the equation
Paulo et al. (2004) studied the mechanical properties of
the sugarcane by compression tests using the universal
testing machine and for leaves removal test by friction
by a special apparatus designed to allow the registration
of the normal and traction force. The sugarcane stalk can
resist up to 4.9MPa. With a normal pressure of 0.8MPa, Where,


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 9 | September 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

E - Young’s modulus,Pa cane will be under a line contact between the rollers in
P - Applied force,N conveyance, the gadgets are made to simulate the same
L - Beam length,m conditions of contact. The sugarcane of variety CO-86032
D - Deflection,m was used for the test and the crushing force at each inter-
I - Area moment of inertia nodes, numbered from the bottom to top of sugarcane are
measured in the UTM.

Figure 2. Experimental set up for measuring cutting,

penetration and crushing resistance


Figure 1. Experimental set up for measuring bending The mechanical properties of sugarcane stalk viz., bending
resistance resistance, cutting resistance, penetration resistance and
crushing resistance were studied in the laboratory.
Cutting resistance
The cutting force required to cut the sugarcane is an im- Bending resistance
portant parameter in the design of the base cutter and Bending tests for sugarcane stalk were carried out in the
the de-topper system of the sugarcane combine harvest- laboratory for studying the stiffness characteristics as can-
er. Since the development of the machine is aiming at a tilever supported beam. Knowing the load and deflec-
whole-cane combine harvester the cutting force required at tion, the modulus of elasticity of the sugarcane stalk was
the bottom and top of the matured cane is the influencing calculated. These properties were used in the design of
factor in the design consideration. Hence the cutting force knock-down roller unit of sugarcane harvester. The Young’s
required at top and bottom is measured in a UTM (Figure modulus of the sugar cane stalks were worked out. It was
2). The experiment was conducted with the most common observed that the Young’s modulus of the sugarcane stalks
variety CO-86032. The cutting forces are measured at the by cantilever beam loading was found as 86MPa.
nodes and internodes of the sugarcane where the de-top-
ping and base cutting are to be performed. Cutting resistance
The cutting force required at the top and bottom portion
Penetration resistance of the sugarcane was measured using an UTM. The cut-
In small sized sugarcane harvesters, centrifugal cleaning ting forces were measured at the node and at the inter-
method is adopted rather than compressed air cleaning node in the top and bottom position. The specific cutting
method (Li et al.,2002). The penetration resistance of the resistance at the bottom and top were 1764.56 and 957.
cane is considered for the design of the de-trashing sys- 48kNm-2 respectively at the internodes. At the nodes, the
tem with brushes in the centrifugal cleaning system. The specific cutting resistance at the bottom and top were
penetration (vertical) force acting on the cane by the bris- 2147.8 and 1120.45kNm-2 respectively. The maximum di-
tles of the brushes is to be lesser than the penetration re- ameter of the cane during harvest were 40mm and 35mm
sistance to avoid the damage of the cane by the bristles of respectively at bottom and top based on field observa-
the brush. tions. Hence, taking the maximum specific cutting resist-
ance requirement of 2147.8 and 1120.45kNm-2, the maxi-
The penetration resistance of the cane is measured in an mum force required for cutting a single cane at bottom
UTM using a plunger specially designed for the test. The was 2.7kN and the same at top was 1.04kN.
plunger is fixed on the upper jaw of the UTM and the
cane is placed on the lower jaw (Figure 2). The plunger Penetration resistance
dimensions are based on the size of the bristle (2.5 mm) The internodes were numbered from the bottom to top of
used in the de-trashing system. The penetration resistance the cane and the penetration resistance of the cane was
is measured at each internode, numbered from the bottom measured at each internode using an UTM. The varia-
to top of the sugarcane for the variety CO-86032. tions in the penetration resistance with internode number
are plotted in the Figure 3. The figure shows that the up-
Crushing resistance per part of the sugarcane has lesser penetration resistance
The conveyance system of the sugarcane combine har- compared to the lower ends. This was because the outer
vester consists of counter rotating rollers. The sugarcane cells of the bottom parts were more thick-walled and lig-
was passed between the rollers, which provide the posi- nified due to maturity. The penetration resistance ranged
tive drive to the sugarcane. The vertical force exerted by from 29.74 kNm-2 to 56.33 kNm-2.
the rollers which acts on the cane should not exceed the
crushing resistance of the sugarcane. Hence, the maximum Crushing resistance
permissible load which can be applied to a cane without The crushing resistance tests were conducted with a spe-
damaging the cane is measured by a crushing test. The cially designed gadget at the upper and lower jaws of the
test is conducted with specially designed gadgets at the UTM. The crushing forces at each internode were meas-
upper and lower jaws of the UTM (Figure 2). Since the ured and plotted in Figure 3. The crushing force ranged


Research Paper Volume : 4 | Issue : 9 | September 2014 | ISSN - 2249-555X

from 0.75kN to 1.53kN. The figure showed that the upper

part of the sugarcane showed lesser crushing force com-
pared to the lower ends. This was because the outer cells
of the bottom parts were more thick-walled and lignified
due to maturity.

Figure 3. Relationship between node order penetration

resistance and crushing resistance

The mechanical properties of sugarcane stalk are as follows

1. The The Young’s modulus of the sugarcane stalks by

cantilever beam loading was found as 86MPa.
2. The specific cutting resistance on the internodes at
the bottom and top of the sugarcane stalks were ob-
served as 1764.56 and 957.48kNm-2 respectively. At
the nodes, the specific cutting resistance at the bottom
and top were recorded as 2147.8 and 1120.45kNm-2
3. The lower parts of the sugarcane has higher penetra-
tion resistance when compared to the upper parts and
ranged from 29.74kNm-2 to 56.33kNm-2.
4. The crushing force of the sugarcane stalks varied from
0.75kN to 1.53kN and the upper part resulted lesser
crushing force when compared to the lower part.

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