Ingles Rakin
Ingles Rakin
Ingles Rakin
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Coisas Uteis para
Jogar Online
Adjetivo e
You, Your e You’re
ROFL (Rolling on the floor laughing) IDK (I don’t know)
LMAO (Laughing my ass off) TBH (To be Honest)
BTW (By the way) NSFW (Not Safe for Work)
GLHF (Good Luck Have Fun) OMG (Oh my God)
WTF (What the F***) IMO (In my opinion)
POV (Point of View) MB (My bad)
BRB (Be Right Back) CYA (See ya)
WTS (Wanting to Sell) IKR (I know right?)
WTB (Wanting to Buy) VPP (Vem po pai)
WTT (Wanting to Trade) FYI (For your information)
AMA (Ask me anything) NVM (Never mind)
W/E (Whatever) TTYL (Talk to you later)
MFW (My face when) ASAP (As soon as possible)
LFP/LFG (Looking for Party/Group) AFK (Away from Keyboard)
TLDR (Too long didn’t read) SMH (Shake my Head)
FFS (For Fuc*s Sake) TY/THX (Thank you/Thanks)
NP (No problem) STFU (Shut the f*** up)
IDC (I don’t care) XOXO (Hugs and Kisses)
WP (Well played) NSFL (Not Safe for Life)
AKA (Also known as) RIP (Rest in Peace)
HMU (Hit me up) FOTM (Flavor of the month)
GJ (Good job) BM (Bad manner)
NT (Nice try) BS (Bullsh*t)
IIRC (If I recall correctly) KS (Kill steal)
TBT (Throwback to) OP (Overpowered)
TBA (To be announced) P2W (Pay to win)
TBD (To be determined) FFA (Free-for-all)
OOM (Out of mana) G2G (Got to go)
M8 (Mate) DIY (Do it yourself) ç
MLG (Major League Gaming) AOE (Area of Effect)
OMW (On my way) YW (You’re welcome)
OTP (One trick pony) DOT (Damage over time)
F2P (Free to play) RNG (Random Number Generator)
WIP (Work in progress) PK/TK (Player/Team Kill)
Aren’t (are not) I’d (I would) =
Can’t (cannot) I’d (I had) =
Couldn’t (could not) ô It’s (it is) =
Didn’t (did not) = It’ll (it will) =
Don’t (do not) = ç Mustn’t (must not) =
Doesn’t (does not) = She’s (she is) =
Hadn’t (had not) = She’s (she has) =
Haven’t (have not) = She’ll (she will) =
He’s (he is) = She’d (she would) =
He’s (he has) = She’d (she had) =
He’ll (he will) = Shouldn’t (should not) =
He’d (he would) = That’s (that is) =
He’d (he had) = *There’s (there is) =
Here’s (here is) *They’re (they are) =
I’m (I am) *They’ve (they have)=
I’ve (I have) *They’ll (they will) =
I’ll (I will) *They’d (they would) =
*They’d (they had) =
Wasn’t (was not) =
We’re (we are) =
We’ve (we have) =
We’ll (we will) =
We’d (we would) =
We’d (we had) =
Weren’t (were not) =
What’s (what is) =
Where’s (where is) =
Who’s (who is) =
Won’t (will not) =
Wouldn’t (would not) =
You’re (You are) =
You’ve (You have) =
You’ll (You will) =
You’d (you would) =