`` India
`` World
B-224 Polity
Important Acts
Making of Constituent Assembly
Constitution Enactment & Enforcement
Salient Features Basic Features
of Constitution Important Quotes
Structure of List of Articles
Indian List of Schedules
Constitution List of Amendments (Till date)
Indian Constitution
Union & Territories
FRs, FDs, & DPs.
Union & State Executives
Union & State Composition
Constitutional Supreme Court & High Court
Framework Indian Penal Code
Panchayati Raj System & Municipalities
Centre State Relations
List I, II, III
Interstate Council
Zonal Council
Article 370 - Jammu & Kashmir
Uniform Civil Code
Types of Parliamentary
Government Federal
Indian Government
Levels of
Electoral System
Elections Electoral Reforms
Political Parties & Composition
Pressure Groups
Principles & Look - East
Foreign Objectives Gujaral Doctrine
Nuclear Policy
Making of Constitution
Important Acts
Constitutional Important Provisions
Pitts India Act, 1784 •• Indian affairs under direct control of British government.
•• Board of control was established.
Government of India, •• Company rule replaced by British crown.
1858 •• Secretary of state for India appointed to exercise the
power of the crown. He was a member of British cabinet,
responsible to it & was assisted by council of India with
15 members.
•• Governor General became the agent of the crown and
now known as Viceroy of India.
Indian Councils Act, •• Parliamentary system started in India.
1861 •• Indians become non-official members of the legislature.
•• Started decentralization of power.
Indian Councils Act, •• Central legislative council becomes imperial legislative
1909 (Morley-Minto council with officials forming the majority.
Reforms. Lord Morley •• Provincial legislative councils had a majority of non-official
was the then secretary members.
of state for India and •• Introduced communal representation for Muslims with a
Lord Minto was then separate electorate system. Legalized communalism. Lord
Viceroy of India). Minto created a communal electorate.
Government of India •• Separated central subjects from provincial subjects.
Act, 1919/ Montague •• Provincial subjects were: transferred and reserved.
- Chelmsford Reforms. •• Transferred subjects were administered by Governor with
Montague was the help of ministers who were responsible to the legislature.
secretary of state •• Reserved subjects were administered by Governor
for India and Lord and executive council who were not responsible to the
Chelmeford was the legislature.
Viceroy of India. •• Diarchy/ Dual system of government was introduced.
•• Bicameral legislature with upper and lower houses were
formed with direct elections.
•• Majority of members in both houses were directly elected.
•• 3 of the 6 members of governor-general’s council had to
be Indians.
Government of India •• Established All India federation of provinces & princely
Act, 1935 states as constituent units.
•• Federal, provincial & concurrent were introduced.
•• Abolished diarchy in provinces which now had provincial
•• Introduced diarchy at the centre & bicameralism in the
•• Introduced responsible governments in provinces.
B-226 Polity
Constituent Assembly
•• The Constituent Assembly was constituted in Nov. 1946 under the scheme
formulated by the Cabinet Mission Plan 1946.
•• Total members – 389
•• Members elected indirectly from British India – 296
•• Members nominated by princely states. – 93
•• The Constituent Assembly had both Nominated & Elected members. The
elected members were indirectly elected by members of the Provincial
•• 1st meeting of Constituent Assembly –Dec.9, 1946.
•• Muslim League boycotted the Constituent Assembly.
•• Temporary president of the Assembly – Dr. Sachidanand.
•• Permanent President of the Assembly – Dr. Rajendra Prasad.
Vice President of the Assembly – H.C. Mukherjee.
Constitutional Advisor to the Assembly – Sir B.N.Rau
Important Committees
Drafting Committee Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
Flag Committee J. B. Kriplani
Union Constitution Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Provincial Constitution Committee Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
Union Powers Committee Jawaharlal Nehru
Polity B-227
Drafting Committee
It consisted of 7 members –
1 Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (Chairman)
2 N. Gopalaswamy Ayyangar
3 Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar.
4 Dr. K.M. Munshi
5 Syed mohammad Saadullah.
6 N. Madhava Rau
7 T.T Krishnamachari
The Drafting Committee took less than 6 months to prepare its draft. In all
it sat only for 141 days. Indian Constitution was formed by a Constituent
Assembly in a long time of 2 years, 11 months & 18 days.
Enactment & Enforcement of the Constitution
The constitution was adopted on Nov. 26,1949, contained a Preamble, 395
Articles & 8 Schedules. Now, it increased to 447 Articles & 12 Schedules. It
came into force on January 26,1950. This day is celebrated as the Republic Day.
Salient features of the Constitution
The term Constitution is derived from Latin word “Constituere” which means
“to establish”. A Constitution is something established as the basis of government
(whether by a constitutional convention or by process of evolution). The
Constitution of our country is a collection of legal rules which provides the
framework of the governmental machinery & also it is an effective instrument
of orderly social change .
Written Constitution Combination
Supremacy of Constitution of Rigidity &
Republican form of govt. Emergency
Secularism Federal System
Basic with Unitary Bias
Federal character Features
Sovereignty of the Country Integrated and
Parliamentary Democracy Judiciary
Parliamentary System
Fundamental Rights, DPs. of Government
Synthesis of Parliamentary
Sovereignty & Judicial Supremacy
Features of Indian Constitution
B-228 Polity
Second Provisions relating to the emoluments, allowances, 59, 65, 75, 97, 125, 148,
Schedule privileges and so on of: 158, 164, 186 & 221
The President of India
The Governors of States
The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha
The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the
Rajya Sabha
The Speaker and the Deputy Speaker of the
Legislative Assembly in the states
The Chairman and the Deputy Chairman of the
legislative Council in the states
The Judges of the Supreme Court
The Judges of the High Courts
The Comptroller and Auditor - General of India
Third Forms of Oaths or Affirmations for: 75, 84, 99, 124, 146, 173,
Schedule 188 and 219
The Union ministers
The candidates for election to the Parliament
The members of Parliament
The Judges of the Supreme Court
The Comptroller Auditor - General of India
The state ministers
The candidates for election to the state legislature
The members of the state legislature
The judges of the High Courts
Fourth Allocation of seats in the Rajya Sabha to the states 4 and 80
Schedule and the union territories.
Fifth Provisions relating to the administration and control 244
Schedule of scheduled areas and scheduled tribes.
Sixth Provisions relating to the administration of tribal 244 and 275
Schedule areas in the states of Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura
and Mizoram.
Seventh Division of power betweeen the Union and the 246
Schedule States in terms of List I (Union List), List II (State
List) and List III (Concurrent List). Presently, The
Union List contains 100 subjects (originally 97),
The State list contains 61 subjects (Originally
66) and the concurrent list contains 52 subjects
(originally 47).
Eighth Languages recognized by the Constitution. 344 and 351
Schedule Originally, it had 14 languages but presently there
are 22 languages. They are: Assamese, Bengali,
Bodo Dogri (Dongri), Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada,
Kashmiri, Konkani, Mathili(Maithili), Malayalam,
Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, sanskrit,
Santhali, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. Sindhi
was added b the 21st Amendment Act of 1967:
Konkani, Manipuri and Nepali were added by the
71st Amendment Act of 1967; Konkani, Manipuri
and Nepali were added by the 71st Amendment Act
of 1992; And Bodo, Dongri, Maithili and Santhali
were added by the 92nd Amendment Act of 2003.
B-230 Polity
14 Amend Art 19 and 12 January 2012 Added the words “or co-operative
added Part IXB. societies” after the word “or unions” in
Article 19(l)(c) and insertion of article
43B i.e., Promotion of Co-operative
Societies and added Part-IXB i.e., The
Co-operative Societies.
The amendment objective is to
encourage economic activities of
cooperatives which in turn help
progress of rural India. It is expected
to not only ensure autonomous and
democratic functioning of cooperatives,
but also the accountability of the
management to the members and other
15 Insertion of new 13 April 2015 The amendment provides for the
articles 124A, 124B and [103] formation of a National Judicial
124C. Amendments to Appointments Commission. 16 State
Articles 127, 128, 217, assemblies out of 29 States including
222, 224A, 231. Goa, Rajasthan, Tripura, Gujarat
and Telangana ratified the Central
Legislation, enabling the President of
India to give assent to the bill.[104]
The amendment is in toto quashed by
Supreme Court on 16 October 2015.
16 Amendment of 1 August 2015 Exchange of certain enclave territories
First Schedule to with Bangladesh and conferment of
Constitution[105] citizenship rights to residents of
enclaves consequent to signing of
Land Boundary Agreement (LBA)
Treaty between India and Bangladesh.
Meaning •• Introduction or preface to the constitution.
•• Summary or essence of the Constitution
Components •• Source of Authority – People of India
•• Nature of Indian State – Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic
& Republican.
•• Objectives of Constitution –Justice, Liberty, Equality & Fraternity.
Amendment •• 42nd Amnd Act 1976 added 3 new words – Socialist, Secular & Integrity.
Part of the •• In kesavananda Bharati case (1973), Supreme court held that
Constitution preamle is an integra part of the constitution.
States, increase or decrease the area of any State, or after the boundaries
or the name of any State.
•• First Linguistic State – Andhra Pradesh.
State Recorganisation Act 1956
States Recorganisation Act 1956 was adopted by the Govt. of India that resulted
in the formation of new states & UTs.
1. Maharashtra & Gujarat 1960
2. Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1961
3. Goa, Daman & diu 1962
4. Goa (Statehood) 1987
5. Puducherry 1962
6. Nagaland 1963
7. Haryana, Chandigarh 1966
8. Himachal Pradesh (Statehood) 1971
9. Manipur, Tripura & Meghalaya (Statehood) 1972
10. Sikkim (full – fledged State) 1975
11. Arunachal Pradesh & Mizoram 1987
12. Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand & Jharkhand 2000
13. Telangana 2014
Person domiciled
Single Citizenship in India
3 Categories entitled Refugees who migrated
to citizenship to India from Pakistan
Indian Indians living in other
Citizenship Act (1955)
Citizenship Countries.
Provides for acquisition
& loss of Citizenship
after commencement of
the Constitution.
Dual Citizenship for PIOs
Acquisition of Citizenship
By Birth By Descent By By By
Registration Naturalisation Incorporation
of Territory
Loss of Citizenship
of India 12 to 35) USA & France except Art. 20 & 21 16, 19, 29, 30
Fundamental Rights
Right to Equality Right to Freedom Right Against Exploitation Right to Freedom of Curtural and Right to Constitutional
Religion Educational Rights Remedies
(15) Prohibition of (20) Protection in respect of (24) Prohibition of (26 ) Manage religiour affairs. (30) Right of minorities
discrimination on conviction for offences. employment of to establish
grounds of religion, children in factories & administer
race, sex etc. etc. educational
(16) Equality of (21) Protection of life & (27) Freedom from payment of
opportunity in personal liberty. taxes for promotion of any
public employment religion.
(17) Abolition of (22) Protection against arrest (28) Freedom from attending
untouchability. & detention in certain religious instruction
cases. or worship in certain
educational institutions.
(18) Abolition of titles.
Polity B-235
Directive Principles
Promote concept
Part IV, Article
“Instrument of instructions” of welfare state
36 – 51
– B.R. Ambedkar
Mixture of
Directive Non-justiciable
Gandhian &
36 Definition of State
38 State to secure a social order for the promotion of welfare of the people
42 Provision for just and humane conditions of work and maternity relief
47 Duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of
living and to improve public health
Fundamental Duties
List of F.Ds 51 A (a) Abide by the Constitution and respect National Flag
& National Anthem
B Follow ideals of the freedom struggle
C Protect sovereignty & integrity of India
D Defend the country and render national services when
called upon
E Spirit of common brotherhood
F Preserve composite culture
G Protect natural environment
H Develop scientific temper
I Safeguard public property
j Strive for excellence
K Duty of all parents & guardians to send their children
in the age group of 6-14 years to school..
Appoints PM, Directly Dissolution Address Nominates Assent Laying Issue Seek Power to
Council of administers or & Send Members on Bills down some Ordinance Advice of grant
ministers, UTs Prorogation messages of passed by reports Supreme pardon
Attorney_General, Court
of to houses Parliament Parliament before
CAG, Judges of
Supreme Court Parliament Parliament Emergency
& High Courts,
Administrators Miscellaneous National Failure of Financial
of UTs, Chairman Emergency Constitutional Emergency
& Members of
(Art. 352) Machinery (Art. 360)
Public service
Commission, in States
Supreme Conclude (Art. 356)
Chairman &
Commander & Approve
Members of.
finance Commission, of Armed International
Chief Election Forces Treaties &
Commissioner Agreements
& Election
Inter - State
investigate the
condition of SCs,
STs & OBCs.
Polity B-239
Vice President
Qualification Proportional representation by
(1) Citizen of India. means of the single transferable
(2) Completed 35 years. vote.
(3) Qualified for election as a member Functions
of of Rajya Sabha. (1) Ex-officio chairman of Rajya
(4) Not hold any office of profit under Sabha.
Union/State government or any (2) Suspend or adjourn the business
Local Authority. of the House.(Rajya Sabha)
Term (3) Issues direction to the Chairman
(1) 5 years. of various committees.
(2) Elegible for re-election. (4) Acts as President when vacancy
Oath occurs in the office of the President
due to his resignation. Removal,
(1) Administered by the President.
death, or otherwise.
(1) ` 1.25 Lakh per month salary.
(1) He can be removed by a resolution
Election of the Rajya Sabha passed by an
(1) Indirectly elected absolute majority & agreed to
(2) Elected by an electoral college by the Lok Sabha. But, no such
consisting of the members of resolution can be moved unless at
both Houses of Parliament & in least 14 days advance notice has
accordance with the system of been given.
B-240 Polity
Prime Minister
(1) By President
(1) Real executive authority (de facto executive).
(2) Head of the government.
(3) Leader of the majority party in the Lok Sabha.
(1) Elected directly by the people.
(1) 5 years
(2) The PM actually stays in office as long as he enjoy the confidence of the
parliament, but the normal term is automatically reduced if the Lok sabha
is dissolved earlier.
(1) Advise the president to summon & prorogue the Parliament & dissolve
the Lok Sabha.
(2) Act as a Link between the cabinet & the President.
(3) All the members of the council of ministers are appointed by the president
on the recommendations of the Prime Minister.
(4) Allocates Portfolios among the various ministers & reshuffles them.
(5) Presides over the meetings of the council of Ministers.
(6) Ask a minister to resign.
(7) Coordinates the policies of the various departments & Ministries.
List of Prime Ministers of India Till Date Party Name
Narendra Modi 2014 till date Bharatiya Janata Party
Manmohan Singh 2004-14 Indian National Congress
Atal Bihari Vajpayee 1998-2004 Bharatiya Janata Party
IK Gujral 1997-98 Indian National Congress
HD Deve Gowda 1996-97 Janata Dal (Secular)
AB Vajpayee 1996 Bharatiya Janata Party
PV Narasimha Rao 1991-96 Indian National Congress
Chandra Shekhar 1990-91 Samajwadi Janata Party
VP Singh 1989-90 Janata Dal (National Front)
Rajiv Gandhi 1984-89 Indian National Congress
Indira Gandhi 1980-84 Indian National Congress
Charan Singh 1979-80 Janata Dal (Secular)
Morarji Desai 1977-79 Janata Dal
Indira Gandhi 1966-77 Indian National Congress
Gulzarilal Nanda 1966-66 Indian National Congress
Lal Bahadur Shastri 1964-66 Indian National Congress
Gulzarilal Nanda 1964 Indian National Congress
Jawaharlal Nehru 1947-64 Indian National Congress
Polity B-241
Position •• Chief Executive of the State.
•• Act as an head agent of the Central Government.
Qualification •• Citizen of India.
•• Completed 35 years.
•• Not hold any office of profit under government.
•• Not a member of Parliament or State legislature.
Appointment & •• Appointed by President.
Tenure •• Term is 5 years.
Oath •• Administered by chief justice of high court
Powers and •• (A) Executive Powers –
Functions •• Appoints Chief Minister & other ministers, Advocate
General, chairman & Members of State PSC, State Election
Commissioner & Finance Commission, Vice Chancellors of
Universities in State.
•• Nominate one member of Anglo Indian Community to the
legislative Assembly of his State & 1/6th members of Sate
legislative council.
•• Recommend President that government of the Sate cannot
be carried on in accordance with the Provisions of the
•• (B) Legislative Powers –
•• Summon, adjourn & Prorogue State legislature & Dissolve the
State legislative assembly.
•• Address the state legislature at the commencement of the first
session after each general election and the first session of each
•• Give or withold Assent to the bill.
•• Return or reserve the Bill.
•• Submission reports from auditor General, State PSC, State
finance commission before the legislature.
•• (C) Discretionary Powers –
•• Appointing a new Chief Minister when no Single Party
Commands a clear-cut majority in legislative Assembly.
•• Dismissal of ministry if he is convinced that it has lost
majority support.
•• (D) Other powers –
•• Grant Pardons & Suspend the sentence of any person but
cannot Pardon in case of death sentence.
•• No demand of grants can be made except on the
recommendation of the governor.
•• Ensures that Budget of State is laid before State legislature
every year.
Assist Ministers with
whom they are attached
& perform administrative
level and Legislative
Ministries of central
Assembly at State ST
/ State Government
5 years
Attend Cabinet’s
CABINET meetings & decide
By Governor
Individual (Independent Executive
Chief Minister
State level.
Independent charge of
Ministries / Departments.
(2) Head of the Council of Ministers.
Indian Legislature
Union Leg
State Leg
Upper House Lower House Council
Sessions of Parliament
Indian Judicary
Supreme Court
1. Chief Justice
Governor 2. Judges Parliament
High Courts
1. Chief Justice
2. Judges
The Supreme Court
High Courts
(In States)
Subordinate Panchayat
Munsif Nyaya Magistrate Courts Courts
Courts Panchayat
Judicial Executive
Magistrate Magistrate
Polity B-247
Types of Jurisdiction
Disputes Disputes
relating to involving
Give its legal
union and the vialation of opinion on matters
states referred to it by the
rights (writ
jurisdiction) president
Appeal in
Appeal in Appeal in Special leave
civil cases Criminal cases to Appeal
High Court
•• The judiciary in a State consists of a HC & a hierarchy of Subordinate courts.
•• The judges of HC are appointed by the President .
•• The judge of a HC holds office until he attains the age of 62 years. He can
be removed by the process of Impeachment.
•• Qualification a person appointed as a judge of HC should
(1) Citizen of India.
(2) Held a judicial office in the territory of India for 10 years or have
been on advocate a high court for 10 years.
Types of Jurisdiction
intervention reach its notice. The Court Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI)
is then said to be acting suo moto. The term Panchayati Raj (PRI) in
Void : One that law regards as never India signifies the system of rural
having taken place. local self government. It has been
Vox populi : Translated from the Latin established in all the States of India
as ’the voice of the people’. by the Acts of the state Legislatures to
Writ : A writ is a direction that the build democracy at the grassroot level.
Court issues, which is to be obeyed It is entrusted with rural development.
by the authority/person to whom it It was constitutionalised through the
is issued. 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act
Writ Petition : A petition seeking 1992.
issuance of a writ is a writ petition.
Committee Year Important Recommendations
1. Balwant Rai 1957 •• Three – tier Panchayati Raj System – Gram Panchayat
Mehta at Village level, Panchayat Samiti at Block level & Zila
Parishad at district level.
2. Ashok Mehta 1977 •• Two – tier PR System – Mandal Panchayats at Village
level & Zila Panchayat at district level.
•• Official representation of Political Parties at all levels
of Panchayat elections.
•• Seat for SCs & STs should be reserved.
•• Constitutional recognition to PRIs.
3. GVK Rao 1985 •• Regular elections to the PRIs.
4. LM Singhvi 1986 •• Regular, Free & fair elections to PRIs.
•• Establishment of Nyaya Panchayats.
•• More financial resources to village Panchayats.
Concurrent List (List III) (b) For providing cooperation for the
1. Criminal law. implementation of development
2. Criminal procedure. plans & progress.
3. Preventive detention. Composition : The Union Home
4. Marriage and divorce. Minister is the ex–officio chairman
5. Transfer of property other than of all the Zonal Councils. Each
agricultural land. Zonal council includes the Chief
6. Contracts. Ministers of the member states &
7. Civil procedure. the Administrators of the Union
8. Contempt of court, but not Territories. The chief secretaries of
including contempt of the the member states are also included.
Supreme Court. Uniform Civil Code
9. Prevention of cruelty to animals.
No specific definition is available
10. Economic and social planning.
on UCC. All we know is that some
11. Legal, medical and other
common law covering issues relating
to marriage, succession and property
12. Electricity.
is called Uniform Civil Code but what
13. Archaeological sites.
these laws would be is anyone’s guess.
II. Inter state Council In article 44, our constitution clearly
Inter–State Council is one of the specifies the UCC: “The State shall
important extra judicial bodies formed endeavour to secure the citizen a
in 1990 on the recommendation of Uniform Civil Code throughout the
Sarkaria Commission. The Article territory of India”. The constitution is
263 of Constitution empowers the thus, very clear that unless a uniform
President to appoint or establish an civil code is followed, integration
Inter–State Council for (1) enquiring cannot be imbibed. However, the fact
into & advising upon inter–state is that it is only a “directives principle”
disputes. (2) Investigate & Discuss laid down in the constitution and as
on subjects in which states alone or Article 37 of the Constitution itself
states & union have common interest. makes clear, the directive principles
The Council is headed by the Prime “shall not be enforceable by any court”.
Minister & its members include 6 Nevertheless, they are “fundamental in
Cabinet Ministers & Chief Ministers the governance of the country”. This
shows that although our constitution
of States.
itself believes that a Uniform Civil
III. Zonal Council Code should be implemented in
Zonal Councils were constituted some manner, it does not make this
on the recommendation of States implementation mandatory. Hence,
Reorganization Commission 1956. the debate on having a uniform civil
In 1956, five zonal councils were code for India still continues. The
established – North, South, East, demand for a uniform civil code
West & Central. In 1971, the 6th zonal essentially means having one set of
council was established i.e. North–east laws that will apply to all citizens of
zonal council. Its objectives are:– India irrespective of their religion.
(a) To promote collective approach & Though the exact contours of such a
sorting out common problems of uniform code have not been spelt out,
the member states. it should presumably incorporate the
B-254 Polity
most modern and progressive aspects Nehru’s promise that Article 370 will
of all existing personal laws while be gradually abrogated, it has not
discarding those which are retrograde. happened even after more than six
decades have whiled away.
Article 370 It is not known to many that the article
Under Article 370 of the Indian 370 has been eroded time and again
Constitution, Jammu & Kashmir is due to a series of Presidential Orders.
granted autonomy. It is a ‘temporary These orders over a period of time
provision’ that accords special status have made almost all Union laws
to the state. All the provisions of applicable to J&K. Today, the state
is within the “scope and jurisdiction”
the Constitution are not applicable
of almost every institution of India.
to J&K, unlike other states. Except
finance, defence, communications, How J&K Different from Other
and foreign affairs, central government States?
needs the state government’s consensus •• Directive Principles of State
for applying all other laws. Because Policy (DPSP) are not applied to
of this article, residents of Kashmir J&K but applied to other states.
follow separate set of laws in terms of DPSP = states are required to do
citizenship, property ownership, and some things for the welfare of
other rights. community.
•• President can’t declare financial
Moreover, as per Article 370, the power
emergency (salaries and allowances
of Parliament to make laws for the said reduction etc.) in relation to J&K.
State is “limited to those matters in •• High Court of J&K can issue
the Union List and the Concurrent writs only for enforcement of
List.” It doesn’t have the authority Fundamental Rights.
to increase or reduce the borders of •• Right to property is still guaranteed
the state. For those uninitiated, the in J&K.
article was drafted by N. Gopalaswami •• Permanent residents of J&K have
Ayyangar in 1949 against the wish some special fundamental rights.
of Dr BR Ambedkar, who found •• Although Supreme Court, EC and
it discriminatory and against the CAG are applicable to J&K along
interest of India. Despite Jawaharlal with all other states.
Election Commission are appointed by the President for
It is a permanent & an independent a term of 6 years. The Regional
Commissioners may also be appointed
body established by the Constitution by the President in consultation with
of India directly to ensure free & fair the Election Commission for assisting
elections in the country. Elections to the Election Commission. The CEC
Parliament, State legislatures, President can be removed from office before
& Vice–President are vested in it. expiry of his term by the President
Composition: The Election on the basis of a Resolution passed by
Commission consists of a Chief the Parliament by a special majority
Election Commissioner & such other on the ground of proved misbehavior
commissioners as the President may, or incapacity. The other Election
form time to time, decide. Commissioners may be removed by
Appointment & Term: The CEC the President on the recommendation
& other Election Commissioners of the CEC.
Polity B-255
The Planning Commission of India was established on March 15, 1950 on
the basis of a resolution of the Cabinet to that effect. It is a non–statutory/
extra constitutional body. Prime Minister is the ex–officio Chairman of the
Planning Commission. The Deputy Chairman of planning Commission is
of Cabinet rank.
Assessment of material, capital and
human resources and prepare plans for
Examine Achievements of effective and balanced utilisation of these
Plans & suggest Corrective resources
Government is
to parliament
Union State Concurrent
List List List
Institutional Framework
Union Govt.
State Govt.
PM Council Responsible for
of Administration
Ministers & Governance of
whole Country Chief Council of Responsible for
Minister Ministers Administration &
• District Level unit Governance of
• Examine the Budget State
• Organise meeting Local Govt.
& supervise work
of panchayat samiti
Panchayati Raj Institutions Municipalities
• Adopt measures for (Rural) (Urban)
completion of
• Block level Zila Nagar
• Executive Organ Panchayat Panchayat
of Gram Sabha Panchayat Municipal
• Prepare Plans Samiti Council
• Perform social Gram
welfare & Municipal
Sabha Corporation
of activities
• Lowest Unit
• Directly Elected
B-262 Polity
of votes
of Result
Pressure Groups Non-Associational Institutional Anomic Pressure
Pressure Groups Pressure Groups Groups
Industry, Labour,
Agriculture, etc. Religion, Caste, Civil Services, Police, Adhoc interest
(Eg. ASSOCHAM, Tribe, language Defence services, Groups set up for
AITUC) or culture Public Sector specific objective
(Eg. Anglo-Indian Employees (Eg. All Assam
Christians Association) (Eg. AISA) Students Union)
Place Victoria, Seychelles
Date 10th-11thMarch
Purpose To strengthen maritime and bilateral ties
Agreements Cooperation in:
•• hydrography
•• renewable energy
•• infrastructure development
•• Sale of navigation charts and electronic
navigational charts.
Place Port Louis, Mauritius
Date 11th -13th March
Purpose To build strategic asset with the island nation.
Agreements Cooperation in:
•• MoU in the field of Ocean Economy.
•• Programme for Cultural Cooperation for the
year 2015-18.
•• MoU on Cooperation in the field of
Traditional System of Medicine and
Place Colombo, Sri Lanka
Date 13th -14th March
Purpose State Visit.
Agreements The two sides signed four agreements on :
•• visa
•• customs
•• youth development,
•• And building Rabindranath Tagore memorial
in Sri Lanka.
Place Paris, Toulouse, Neuve-Chapelle in France
Date 9th-12th April
Purpose Strengthening International Relations.
Agreements •• MoU between L&T and AREVA to improve
the financial viability of Jaitapur project.
•• MoU between ISRO and CNES on Megha
Tropiques, the joint project for sharing and
use of data from the satellite.
•• Railway protocol between Indian Ministry
of Railways and French National Railways
(SNCF) for semi-high speed rail and station
Polity B-267
Place Singapore
Date 29th March
Purpose State funeral of Lee Kuan Yew
Agreements Along with attending the state funeral of Lee
Kuan Yew, Prime Minister Modi met several world
leaders including the Israeli President.
Place Berlin, Hannover in Germany
Date 12th-14th April
Purpose Strengthening Bilateral relations
Agreements No agreement signed until German Chancellor
Angela Merkel visits India in October 2015.
Place Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver in Canada
Date 14th-16th April
Purpose Bilateral Visit
Agreements •• Commercial agreements and announcements
worth 1.6 Billion Canadian Dollars under
which Saskatchewan-based Cameco will
supply India with over seven million pounds
of uranium over the next five years.
Place Xi’an, Beijing, Shanghai in China
Date 14th-16th May
Purpose Strengthen the Bilateral ties
Agreements •• MoU of skill development and
entrepreneurship of India and the ministry of
human resources and social security of China
focussing on vocational education and skill
•• MoU on consultative mechanism for
cooperation in trade negotiations.
•• MoU on education exchange programme.
•• MoU of Niti Aayog and the Development
Research Centre, State Council of China.
•• MoU between Doordarshan and China
Central Television on cooperation in the field
of broadcasting.
Place Ulan Bator, Mongolia
Date 16th-17th May
Purpose International Relations
B-268 Polity
Place Seoul, South Korea
Date 18th-19th May
Purpose Promote Make in India
Agreements •• Cooperation in audio-visual co-production
enabling the co-production of films, animation
and broadcasting programmes.
•• MoU with Ministry of Power and the Ministry
of Trade, Industry and Energy of South Korea
on cooperation in the field of electric power
development and new energy industries.
•• MoU in the fields of maritime transport
and logistics including through sharing of
technologies, information and experiences.
Place Dhaka. Bangladesh
Date 6th-7th June
Purpose Expand the cordial relationship
Agreements •• Memorandum of Understanding between Coast
•• MoU on Prevention of Human Trafficking
•• MoU on Prevention of Smuggling and
Circulation Fake Currency Notes
•• MoU between Bangladesh and India and for
Extending a New Line of Credit (LoC) of US$ 2
billion by Government of India to Government
of Bangladesh
•• MoU on Blue Economy and Maritime
Cooperation in the Bay of Bengal and the
Indian Ocean
•• MoU on Use of Chittagong and Mongla Ports
•• MoU for a Project under IECC (India
Endowment for Climate Change) of SAARC
•• Agreement on Dhaka-Shillong-Guwahati Bus
Service and its Protocol
•• Agreement on Kolkata-Dhaka-Agartala Bus
Service and its Protocol.
Polity B-269
Place Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Date 6th July
Purpose To improve Bilateral and regional issues.
Agreements •• Cooperation in Law Enforcement to Counter-
•• Cooperation in the field of defence and cyber
•• UN Security Council Reforms to reaffirm India’s
candidature for permanent membership of UN
Security Council.
Place Astana, Kazakhstan
Date 7th July
Purpose Boosting trade, energy, defence and security
Agreements •• MoU by JSC Kazxnex Invest and JSC Invest
India to establish bilateral trade and economic
•• MoU on Technical Cooperation in the sphere
of railways between the NC Kazakhstan Temir
Zholy JSC and India’s railways ministry.
•• MoU on defence cooperation which includes
supply of 5,000 tonnes of uranium to India
during 2015-19.
•• Transfers of sentenced persons.
Place Ufa, Russia
Date 8th -10th July
Purpose BRICS summit
Agreements •• MoU between Quality Council of India (QCI)
and Federal Accreditation Service of Russian
for elimination of technical barriers in trade
and economic cooperation.
•• MoU by Indian Council of Medical Research
(ICMR) and the Russian Foundation for Basic
Research (RFBR) for cooperation in various
areas of health research.
•• MoU between TATA Power and Russian
Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) exploring
opportunities in the energy sector.
•• MoU between ACRON of Russia and
NMDC of Indiato acquire stake in a potash
mine in Russia.
•• MoU between ESSAR and ROSNEFT to
ensure ten year supply and purchasecrude oil
and feed stocks/productsby India.
B-270 Polity
Place Ashgabat, Turkmenistan
Date 10th-11th July
Purpose To enhance cooperation among the two
Agreements •• MoU on Supply of Chemical Products between
the Indian Public Sector Undertaking ‘Rashtriya
Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited’ and the
Turkmen State concern ‘Turkmenhimiya’
•• MoU between the Foreign Service Institute of
the Ministry of External Affairs of India and
the Institute of International Relations of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan.
•• MoU between India and Turkmenistan on
Cooperation in Yoga and Traditional Medicine.
Place Bishkek,Kyrgyzstan
Date 12th July
Purpose To counter threat of terrorism and extremism
Agreements •• Agreement on Defence Cooperation in
relation to matters of defence, security,
military education and training.
•• MoU and Cooperation in the field of
Electionsrelating to legislation on elections
and referendums.
•• Agreement on cooperation in culture
ensuringpreservation of cultural heritage,
organisation of folk arts, theatre.
Place Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Date 12th-13th July
Purpose Bilateral ties
Agreements •• Programme of Cooperation (POC) between
Ministries of Culture of India and Tajikistan
in the field of Culture for the years 2016-18
for greater cultural understanding between the
•• Exchange of Note Verbale (NV) on setting up
of Computer Labs in 37 Schools in Tajikistanto
set up computer labs in 37 schools in Tajikistan
for supporting Tajikistan’s human resource and
skill development efforts.
Polity B-271
Place Abu Dhabi, Dubai
Date 16th -17th August
Purpose To counter threat of terrorism and enhance
Highlights •• UAE’s ‘landmark’ decision to allocate land
for a temple.
•• UAE to invest 4.5 lakh crore rupees in India.
•• UAE - India to boost trade and establish a
security dialogue.
Place Dublin, Ireland
Date 23rd September
Purpose To enhance trade and commerce and aviation.
Highlights •• Promotion of business links and cooperation to
boost tourism ties, which are already growing
at a yearly rate of 14 per cent.
•• Economic partnership in the fields of
information technology, biotechnology and
pharmaceuticals, agricultural and clean energy.
•• Ireland to provide support for India’s
membership into the Nuclear Suppliers Group
and permanent seat in the UNSC.
•• Exchange of views on important international
issues like, terrorism, radicalism and the challenges
emerging out of it in Europe and Asia.
Place New York, San Francisco in USA
Date 24th-30thSeptember
Purpose United Nations General Assembly
Highlights •• PM Narendra Modi addressed the Indian
diaspora at the SAP Center in Silicon Valley.
•• Google CEO Sundar Pichai announced
a proposal for introduction of broadband
connectivity, through Wi-Fi hotspots, at 100
railway stations.
•• Qualcomm Incorporated announced
establishment of $150 million India-specific
Venture Fund formed to foster promising
Indian start-ups.
•• Modi launched Bharat Fund at India-
U.S. StartUp Konnect programme. It is
aimed at providing seed funding to Indian
•• Modi answered questions from the audience
at a Townhall at the Facebook headquarters at
Menlo Park, California.
B-272 Polity
Place London, Chequers in United Kingdom
Date 12th-14th November
Purpose To enhance and deepen economic engagement.
Highlights •• India and the UK have announced commercial
deals worth 9 billion pounds in London.
•• OPG Power Ventures plc will further invest in
India by £2.9 billion to a total of £3.4 billion,
creating around 100 UK jobs over next few years.
•• Merlin Entertainments to open a Madame
Tussauds wax attraction in New Delhi in 2017.
•• Genus ABS to invest £1 million in India, creating
latest dairy genetics and constructing a state-of-
the-art facility near Pune.
•• Solar PV generator in the UK and Europe,
Lightsource, has announced a £2 billion
investment in India.
•• Vodafone has announced a range of further
investments in India totalling £1.3 billion
(` 13,000 crore) to support the Government
of India’s ‘Digital India’ and ‘Make in India’
•• Holland & Barrett International has partnered
with Apollo Hospitals in a deal worth £20
•• Bharti Airtel intends issuing its maiden sterling
bond of up to £500 million to be listed on the
London Stock Exchange.
•• Wipro has increased its investment in the UK
with the opening of its newest office for Wipro
•• MoU signed between the two countries on tech
cooperation in the rail sector.
Place Antalya, Turkey
Date 15th–16th November
Purpose G-20 Summit
Highlights •• PM Modi met the leaders of Australia and
Spain, and also the Saudi Arabia’s King
Salman Al-Saud on the sidelines of the G20
•• India and Turkey to team up for infrastructure
projects and tackling the problem of terrorism.
•• Modi urged the G20 nations to fulfil the global
aspirations for clean energy.
•• India promised to increase renewable power
capacity four-folds to 175 gigawatt by 2022
and cut fossil subsidies.
•• Nuclear-deal procedure for supplying uranium
has been sealed between India and Australia.
Polity B-273
Place Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Date 21-22 November
Purpose ASEAN-India summit and East Asia Summit
Highlights •• MoU was signed on Performance Management
Delivery Unit (PEMANDU) to ensure excellent
cooperation in Public Administration and
•• PM urged Malaysian government for co-
operation and enhanced participation in projects
like ‘Make in India’ and ‘Smart city’ initiatives.
•• PM Modi also announced the inauguration of
Torana Gate at the entrance of Little India in
Bricksfield, Kuala Lumpur.
•• India and Malaysia to deepen their cooperation
on security challenges and terrorism.
Place Singapore
Date 23rd-25th November
Purpose To elevate bilateral relations of both countries.
Highlights •• MoUs on curtailing drug trafficking and
improving cyber security.
•• Collaboration in urban planning and wastewater
•• MoU for cooperation in civil aviation services
and airport management beginning with Jaipur
and Ahmedabad airports.
•• Extending of long-term loan of Indian artefacts
to the Asian Civilisations Museum of Singapore.
Place France
Date 30th November – 1st December
Purpose 2015 United Nations Climate Change
Conference COP21
Highlights •• PM Modi inaugurated India Pavilion
showcasing India’s harmony with nature,
environment and commitment to mitigate
climate change.
•• PM Modi and French President Francois
Hollande jointly unveiled the International
Solar Alliance.
•• PM Modi also attended ‘Mission Innovation’
hosted by President of the United States.
26 Place
23rd December – 24th December
27 Place
25th December
28 Place
25th December
B-274 Polity
World Polity
Cold War Era
Contemporary world politics is the
direct outcome of World War II.
In 1945, the Allied Forces, led by
the US, Soviet Union, Britain and
France defeated the Axis Powers led by
Germany, Italy and Japan, ending the
Second World War (1939- 1945). The
war had involved almost all the major
powers of the world and spread out
to regions outside Europe including Cuban Missile Crisis
Southeast Asia, China, Myanmar and The Cuban Missile Crisis is a time
parts of India’s northeast. when the United States and the Soviet
The First World War had earlier shaken Union almost had a nuclear war.
the world between 1914 and 1918. The When the U.S. discovered offensive
nuclear missiles in Cuba, it started
end of the Second World War was
a tense period of 13 days while the
also the beginning of the Cold War.
world watched to see if the Soviets
The world war ended when the United would remove the missiles, just 90
States dropped two atomic bombs on miles from the U.S.
the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and President Kennedy did not dare to
Nagasaki in August 1945, causing invade Cuba, because that action could
Japan to surrender. With the defeat of have started a world war - yet he could
Germany and Japan, the devastation not let the missile sites be completed.
of Europe and in many other parts With his advisers, he decided on a
of the world, the United States and naval blockade to prevent Russian
the Soviet Union became the greatest ships delivering the missiles for the
powers in the world with the ability to Cuban sites.
influence events anywhere on earth. Khrushchev warned that Russia
would see the blockade as an act
The Cold War — in spite of being an
of war. Russian forces were put on
intense form of rivalry between great
alert; US bombers were put in the air
powers — remained a ‘cold’ and not carrying nuclear bombs; preparations
hot or shooting war. The dominance were made to invade Cuba. There was
of two superpowers, the United States massive tension in both Washington
of America and the Soviet Union, was and Moscow. Everybody thought the
central to the Cold War. As a result world was going to come to an end.
Non Aligned Movement (NAM) as Secretly, the Americans suggested a
a challenge to the dominance of the trade-off of missile bases - US bases
two superpowers was born. in Turkey for Russian bases in Cuba.
Polity B-275
The Russians made the first public states which declared that armed
move. The ships heading for Cuba attack on any one of them in Europe or
turned back, and Khrushchev sent North America would be regarded as
a telegram offering to dismantle the an attack on all of them. It was created
Cuban bases if Kennedy lifted the in 1955 and its principal function was
blockade and promised not to invade to counter NATO’s forces in Europe.
Cuba. Then, as though having second In East and Southeast Asia and in
thoughts, he sent a second letter West Asia (Middle East), the United
demanding the dismantling of the States built an alliance system
Turkish bases. At the vital moment, called — the Southeast Asian Treaty
Organisation (SEATO) and the Central
a US U2 spy plane was shot down.
Treaty Organisation (CENTO). The
However, Kennedy ignored the U2
Soviet Union and communist China
attack and agreed publicly to the first responded by having close relations
letter, and secretly to the second. The with regional countries such as
crisis was over. North Vietnam, North Korea and
The Emergence of Two Power Iraq. The Cold War threatened to
divide the world into two alliances.
Communist China quarrelled with the
The two superpowers were keen on USSR towards the late 1950s, and, in
expanding their spheres of influence 1969, they fought a brief war over a
in different parts of the world. In a territorial dispute. The other important
world sharply divided between the two development was the Non-Aligned
alliance systems, a state was supposed Movement (NAM), which gave the
to remain tied to its protective newly independent countries a way
superpower to limit the influence of of staying out of the alliances.
the other superpower and its allies. The Cold War did not eliminate
The smaller states in the alliances rivalries between the two alliances,
used the link to the superpowers for mutual suspicions led them to
their own purposes. They got the arm themselves to the teeth and to
constantly prepare for war. Huge stocks
promise of protection, weapons,
of arms were considered necessary
and economic aid against their local
to prevent wars from taking place.
rivals, mostly regional neighbours with In time, therefore, the US and USSR
whom they had rivalries. The alliance decided to collaborate in limiting or
systems led by the two superpowers, eliminating certain kinds of nuclear
therefore, threatened to divide the and non-nuclear weapons. A stable
entire world into two camps. This balance of weapons, they decided,
division happened first in Europe. could be maintained through ‘arms
Most countries of western Europe control’. Starting in the 1960s, the
sided with the US and those of eastern two sides signed three significant
Europe joined the Soviet camp. That agreements within a decade. These
is why these were also called the were the Limited Test Ban Treaty,
‘western’ and the ‘eastern’ alliances. Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty
The western alliance was formalised and the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty.
into an organisation, the North Thereafter, the superpowers held
Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), several rounds of arms limitation
which came into existence in April talks and signed several more treaties
1949. It was an association of twelve to limit their arms.
B-276 Polity
India and the Cold War on 1 July 1968. Entered into force on
As a leader of NAM, India’s response 5 March 1970. Extended indefinitely
to the ongoing Cold War was two-fold: in 1995.
At one level, it took particular care in Strategic Arms Limitation TalksI
staying away from the two alliances. (SALT-I): The first round of the
Second, it raised its voice against the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks began
newly decolonised countries becoming in November 1969. The Soviet leader
part of these alliances. India’s policy Leonid Brezhnev and the US President
was neither negative nor passive. Richard Nixon signed the following in
During the Cold War, India repeatedly Moscow on 26 May 1972 – a) Treaty
on the limitation of Anti-Ballistic
tried to activate those regional and
Missile Systems (ABM Treaty); and
international organisations, which
b) Interim Agreement on the limitation
were not a part of the alliances led
of strategic offensive arms. Entered
by the US and USSR.
into force on 3 October 1972.
Arms Control Treaties Strategic Arms Limitation Talks II
Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT): (SALT-II): The second round started
in November 1972. The US President
Banned nuclear weapon tests in the
Jimmy Carter and the Soviet leader
atmosphere, in outer space and under
Leonid Brezhnev signed the Treaty
water. Signed by the US, UK and
on the limitation of strategic offensive
USSR in Moscow on 5 August 1963.
arms in Vienna on 18 June 1979.
Entered into force on 10 October 1963. Strategic Arms Reduction TreatyI
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (START-I): Treaty signed by the
(NPT): Allows only the nuclear USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev
weapon states to have nuclear weapons and the US President George Bush
and stops others from aquiring them. (Senior) on the reduction and
For the purposes of the NPT, a limitation of strategic offensive arms
nuclear weapon state is one which in Moscow on 31 July 1991.
has manufactured and exploded a Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
nuclear weapon or other nuclear II (START-II): Treaty signed by the
explosive device prior to 1 January Russian President Boris Yeltsin and
1967. So there are five nuclear weapon the US President George Bush (Senior)
states: US, USSR (later Russia), on the reduction and limitation of
Britain, France and China. Signed in strategic offensive arms in Moscow
Washington, London, and Moscow on 3 January 1993.
The United Nations is an international Quick Facts
organization founded in 1945 after the •• Membership: 193 Member States
Second World War by 51 countries •• Established: 24 October 1945
committed to maintaining international •• Current UN peacekeeping
peace and security, developing operations : 16
friendly relations among nations •• Official languages: Arabic,
and promoting social progress, better Chinese, English, French, Russian,
living standards and human rights. Spanish.
Polity B-277
United Nations Educational, Members : 195 member states
Scientific and Cultural and 9 associate
Organization (UNESCO) members
Headquarters : Place de Fontenoy,
Mobilizing for education by
Paris, France
providing every child, irrespective
Established : 16 November 1945
of its gender quality education as
Head : Irina Bokova,
a fundamental human right
Polity B-279
2009 International Year of Human Rights Learning - from 10 December 2008 (Human
Rights Day) to
10 December 2009
International Year of Reconciliation; and
International Year of Natural Fibres; and
International Year of Astronomy
2010 International Year of Biodiversity; and
International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures
International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding - from 12
August 2010 (International Youth Day) to 11 August 2011
2011 International Year of Forests; and
International Year of Chemistry; and
International Year for People of African Descent
2012 International Year of Cooperatives
2013 International Year of Water Cooperation.
2014 International Year of Family Farming International Year of Crystallagraphy
International decades
2011–2020 Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.
United Nations Decade on Biodiversity.
Decade of Action for Road Safety.
2010–2020 United Nations Decade for Deserts and the Fight against Desertification.
2008–2017 Second United Nations Decade for the Eradication of Poverty.
2006–2016 Decade of Recovery and Sustainable Development of the Affected Regions
(third decade after the Chernobyl disaster).
2005–2015 International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”.
2005–2014 United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Second
International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People.
2003–2012 United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for All.
2001–2010 International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence for the
Children of the World.
Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in
Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.
Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) Movement and are not Oceanian (with
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) the exception of Papua New Guinea
is an intergovernmental organization and Vanuatu).
of states considering themselves not The organization was founded in
aligned formally with or against any Belgrade in 1961, and was largely
major power bloc. As of now, the the brainchild of Yugoslavia’s first
organization has 120 members and 17 President, Josip Broz Tito, India’s first
observer countries. Generally speaking Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru,
the Non-Aligned Movement members Egypt’s second President, Gamal
can be described as all of those countries Abdel Nasser, and Indonesia’s first
which belong to the Group of 77 (along President, Sukarno. All four leaders
with Belarus and Uzbekistan), but were prominent advocates of a middle
which are not observers in Non-Aligned course for states in the Developing
Polity B-285
World between the Western and The symbol of their free association
Eastern blocs in the Cold War. is the Head of the Commonwealth,
The purpose of the organisation as which is a ceremonial position currently
stated in the Havana Declaration held by Queen Elizabeth II.
of 1979 is to ensure “the national Member countries span six continents
independence, sovereignty, territorial and oceans from Africa (19), Asia (8),
integrity and security of non-aligned the Americas (2), the Caribbean (12),
countries” in their “struggle against Europe (3) and the South Pacific (10).
imperialism, colonialism, neo- The Commonwealth Heads of
colonialism, racism, and all forms Government Meeting, abbreviated to
of foreign aggression, occupation, CHOGM, is a biennial summit meeting
domination, interference or hegemony of the heads of government from all
as well as against great power and Commonwealth nations. Every two years
bloc politics.” They represent nearly the meeting is held in a different member
two-thirds of the United Nations’s state, and is chaired by that nation’s
members and 55% of the world respective Prime Minister or President,
population, particularly countries who becomes the Commonwealth
considered to be developing or part
Event: Young Professional Programme
of the third world.
Event: Working group meeting (14-
Place: London
July, 2015)
Agenda: Recruit young professionals in
Place: Egypt Agenda total elimination the division such as Economic Policy,
of nuclear weapons. Rule of Law, Human Resources and
The Commonwealth of Nations, normally European Union
referred to as the Commonwealth The European Union (EU) is an
and previously known as the British economic and political union of 28
Commonwealth, is an intergovernmental member states which are located
organisation of fifty-four independent primarily in Europe.
member states. All except two The Maastricht Treaty established the
(Mozambique and Rwanda) of these European Union under its current name
countries were formerly part of the in 1993. The last amendment to the
British Empire. constitutional basis of the EU, the Treaty
The member states co-operate within of Lisbon, came into force in 2009.
a framework of common values and Event: European Council, (17-18
goals. These include the promotion December 2015)
Place: Brussels
of democracy, human rights, good
Agenda: Focused on migration, fight
governance, the rule of law, individual against terrorism, the five presedent’s
liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, report on the Economic and Monetary
multilateralism and world peace. The Union the completion of the single market
Commonwealth is not a political union, and the UK plans for the referendum.
but an intergovernmental organisation
through which countries with diverse SAARC
social, political and economic The South Asian Association for
backgrounds. Regional Cooperation (SAARC) is an
B-286 Polity
organization of South Asian nations, 8th New Delhi 2-4 May 1995
founded in 1985. Its seven founding 9th Malé 12-14 May 1997
members are Bangladesh, Bhutan,
10th Colombo 29-31 July 1998
India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan,
and Sri Lanka. Afghanistan joined the 11th Kathmandu 4-6 January
organization in 2007. Meetings of 2002
heads of state are usually scheduled 12th Islamabad 2-6 January
annually; meetings of foreign secretaries, 2004
twice annually. Headquarters are in 13th Dhaka 12-13 November
Kathmandu, Nepal. 2005
•• The concept of SAARC was first 14th New Delhi 3-4 April 2007
adopted by Bangladesh during 15th Colombo 1-3 August 2008
1977, under the administration 16th Thimphu 28-29 April 2010
of President Ziaur Rahman. 17th Maldives November 2011
•• Afghanistan was added to the 18th Nepal 2014
regional grouping on 13 November
19th Pakistan 2016
•• On 2 August 2006 the foreign DESIGNATED SAARC YEARS
ministers of the SAARC countries
1989 SAARC Year of Combating
agreed in principle to grant
Drug Abuse and Drug
observer status to the US, South
Korea and the European Union.
•• The SAARC Secretariat was 1990 SAARC Year of Girl Child
established in Kathmandu on 16 1991 SAARC Year of Shelter
January 1986 and was inaugurated 1992 SAARC Year of
by Late King Birendra Bir Bikram Environment
Shah of Nepal. 1993 SAARC Year of Disabled
•• The SAARC Secretariat and Persons
Member States observe 8 December
1994 SAARC Year of the Youth
as the SAARC Charter Day .
1995 SAARC Year of Poverty
No. Location Date 1996 SAARC Year of Literacy
1st Dhaka 7-8 December 1997 SAARC Year of
1985 Participatory Governance
2nd Bangalore 16-17 November
1999 SAARC Year of Biodiversity
3rd Kathmandu 2-4 November 2002- SAARC Year of
1987 2003 Contribution of Youth to
4th Islamabad 29-31 December
1988 2004 SAARC Awareness Year for
5th Malé 21-23 November TB and HIV/AIDS
1990 2005 South Asia Tourism Year
6th Colombo 21-Dec-91 2006 South Asia Tourism Year
7th Dhaka 10-11 April 1993 2007 Green South Asia Year
Polity B-287
and in it 126th year, it adopted the which is 40% of the world population,
slogan ‘125 Years at Work — and Stilll with a combined nominal GDP of
Developing’ US$16.039 trillion (20% world GDP)
In the Middle Fast, a Red Crescent and an estimated US$4 trillion in
replaces The Red cross. ICRC combined foreign reserves. As of
(International Committee of the Red 2014, the BRICS nations represented
Cross) together with the League of 18 percent of the world economy.
Red Cross Societies, constitutes the Brazil held the chair of the BRICS
International Red Cross. The League group in 2014, having hosted the
of Red Cross Societies was founded group’s sixth summit in 2014.
in 1929. Russia chaired the 7th BRICS summit
on 8-9th july 2015.
BRICS Events: 7th annual diplomatic summit
BRICS is the acronym for an (8-9 July, 2015)
Place: Ufa, Russia
association of five major emerging
Agenda: Inaugural meetings of
national economies: Brazil, Russia,
New Development Bank were held
India, China, and South Africa.
and BRICS contingent Reserve
The grouping was originally known Arrangement were discussed.
as “BRIC” before the inclusion of
South Africa in 2010. The BRICS MDG – 2015
members are all developing or newly The united Nation organisation started
industrialised countries, but they or fixed the millenium development
are distinguished by their large, fast- Goal (MDG-2015) in 2000. There
growing economies and significant are eight main aims mentioned in the
influence on regional and global goal. These goals range from halving
affairs; all five are G-20 members. extreme poverty rates to halting the
As of 2014, the five BRICS countries spread of HIV/AIDS and providing
represent almost 3 billion people universal primary education.
Country Parliament Name Country Parliament Name
India Sansad/Parliament Maldeep Majlis
Pakistan National Assembly Span Cortes
Bangladesh Jatiya Sansad Nepal Rastriya Panchayat
China National Peoples Congress Russia Duma
Bhutan Tsondu France National Assembly
Srilanka Parliament of Sri Lanka Iran Majlis
Afganistan Shora Malasiya Diwan Nigara
England Parliament Switzerland Fedral Assembly
Canada Parliament Turkey Grand National Assembly
Australia Parliament
USA Congress
Germany Wondstag
Taiwan Yuan
Japan Daet
Israil Neset
B-292 Polity