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San Mateo Daily Journal 05-18-19 Edition

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001 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 9:09 PM Page 1



Leading local news coverage on the Peninsula

Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 • XIX, Edition 229 www.smdailyjournal.com

Burlingame takes first shot at Topgolf review

Planning Commission largely supports plan for redeveloped Burlingame Golf Center
By Austin Walsh east of Highway 101, according to ronmental review process which is
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF video of the meeting Monday, yet to begin. But given their first
May 13. shot at scrutinizing the proposal,
Officials cheered Topgolf during The public discussion was the commissioners lauded the
the first formal examination of the first in a series designed to lay the approach.
sports entertainment facility’s groundwork for construction of “I think this is a great partner-
proposal to redevelop the the 71, 000-square-foot center ship to revitalize the facility and
Burlingame Golf Center. slated to open summer 2021 at the area, ” said Commissioner
The Burlingame Planning 250 Anza Blvd., where the city’s Richard Terrones, referring to the
Commission largely admired the driving range currently operates. city’s agreement to lease for $1.5
national chain’s design for the No decision was made at the million a year to Topgolf the site
driving range and bar and restau- meeting, as the proposal still
A rendering of the Topgolf facility proposed in Burlingame. rant slated to be built on city land needs to undergo a thorough envi- See TOPGOLF, Page 23

Leilani Campos at the National Spelling Bee last year.

San Mateo student

heading to National
Spelling Bee in D.C.
Root words, language prep behind
eighth-grader in her second trip
By Anna Schuessler
Pillar Point Harbor in Half Moon Bay is a hub of activity as the commercial salmon season kicks off. Below, juvenile salmon will
be released from Johnson Pier into net pens to help bolster the fishery. Spelling words you haven’t heard of before in a contest with
more than 500 other students might be a tall order for many, espe-

Salmon season opens

Commercial fishermen hope for good hauls, hatchery juvenile fish to be released
cially those prone to stage fright.
But San Mateo eighth-grader Leilani Campos isn’t fazed by the
spotlight. As a musical actress, she’s used to being on stage.
She’s also won the crown at several spelling bees and participat-
ed in the Scripps National Spelling Bee in Washington, D.C. last
year, so she’s used to the pressure that can accompany stiff com-
And it’s a good thing, because Campos has been invited back
By Zachary Clark salt water before they’re released into the nation’s capital for the 2019 Scripps National Spelling Bee,
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF the open ocean. Additional truckloads giving the 13-year-old her second and final shot at a national
will arrive in Half Moon Bay in the
The commercial salmon season coming weeks, sending a total of See BEE, Page 22
opened Thursday between Point Arena 740,000 salmon into the wild this
and Pigeon Point and while fishermen year.
haul in their first catches of the year
this weekend, a unique program that
“The reason we undertake this pro-
gram is to get more fish out there for
House approves gay rights bill
has bolstered the fishery for nearly a commercial and recreational anglers to By Matthew Daly
decade kicks off in Half Moon Bay. catch,” said Marc Gorelnik, chairman THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
On Saturday, 240, 000 baby of the Coastside Fishing Club and
Chinook salmon will be trucked down founder of its ocean net pen project. WASHINGTON — Democrats in the House approved
from a state-operated hatchery near “The natural areas are not faring very sweeping anti-discrimination legislation Friday that would
Lodi and dumped into a floating net well, a little better now with rain, but extend civil rights protections to LGBT people by pro-
pen off Pillar Point Harbor. The 4- with years of drought we don’t do very hibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gen-
inch-long salmon will be monitored well with natural production.” der identity. The protections would extend to employment,
for several days as they acclimate to
See SALMON, Page 23 See RIGHTS, Page 23
002 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:52 PM Page 1

2 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 FOR THE RECORD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Thought for the Day

“A conference is a gathering of people who
singly can do nothing, but together can
decide that nothing can be done.”
— Fred Allen, comedian (1894-1956)

This Day in History

the U.S. Supreme Court, in Plessy v.

1896 Ferguson, endorsed “separate but

equal” racial segregation, a concept
renounced 58 years later by Brown v.
Board of Education of Topeka.
On May 1 8 , 1 8 9 6 , the U.S. Supreme Court, in Plessy v.
Ferguson, endorsed “separate but equal” racial segregation,
a concept renounced 58 years later by Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka.
On thi s date:
In 1 6 4 2 , the Canadian city of Montreal was founded by
French colonists. (On this date in 1765, one-quarter of
Montreal was destroyed by a fire.)
In 1 6 5 2 , Rhode Island became the first American colony
to pass a law abolishing African slavery; however, the law
was apparently never enforced.
In 1 7 8 1 , Peruvian revolutionary Tupac Amaru II, 43, was
forced to witness the execution of his relatives by the
Spanish in the main plaza of Cuzco before being beheaded. REUTERS
In 1863, the Siege of Vicksburg began during the Civil War, A woman takes a picture in front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. Friday.
ending July 4 with a Union victory.
In 1 9 2 0 , Pope John Paul II was born Karol Wojtyla (voy-
TEE’-wah) in Wadowice (vah-duh-VEET’-seh), Poland. In other news ...
In 1 9 3 3 , President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed a meas-
ure creating the Tennessee Valley Authority. Report: Ohio State team it a “fundamental failure” of the insti- No one has publicly defended him,
tution and thanked survivors for their though his family has said they were
In 1 9 4 4 , during World War II, Allied forces occupied Monte doctor abused 177, leaders knew courage. shocked at the allegations. Like the
Cassino in Italy after a four-month struggle with Axis The university said it has begun the school, they said they were seeking
COLUMBUS, Ohio — At least 177
troops. process of revoking Strauss’ emeritus the truth about him.
men were sexually abused by an Ohio
In 1 9 5 3 , Jacqueline Cochran, 47, became the first woman State team doctor who died years ago, status. Employment records shared by Ohio
to break the sound barrier as she piloted a Canadair F-86 the university said Friday as it released His accusers allege more than 20 State reflect no major concerns about
Sabre jet over Rogers Dry Lake, California. findings from a law firm that investi- school officials and staff members, Strauss before he retired in 1998. But
gated the accusations, concluding that including two athletic directors and a alumni said they complained as early
Birthdays school leaders knew
at the time.
coach who is now a congressman, were
aware of concerns about Strauss but
as the late 1970s, and Ohio State has at
least one documented complaint from
The claims about didn’t stop him. Most of those claims 1995.
Richard Strauss are part of two related lawsuits against
span from 1979 to Ohio State that are headed to media- Two girls fight off attacker in
1997 — nearly his tion. their bedroom; suspect nabbed
entire time at Ohio The university has said the law
State — and firm’s work included determining what CLOVIS — Police say they have
involve athletes Ohio State and its leaders knew during arrested a 26-year-old man after he
Richard Strauss from at least 16 Strauss’ tenure. allegedly broke into a central
sports, plus his But the independence of the investi- California home and sexually assaulted
Devo singer Mark Tennis player Comedian/writer work at the student health center and gation has been questioned by some of two 10-year-old girls who were having
Mothersbaugh is 69. Yannick Noah is 59. Tina Fey is 49. his off-campus clinic. Strauss’ accusers, including some of a slumber party.
Many of the accusers who have spo- the lawsuit plaintiffs, their attorneys Clovis Police Chief Matt Basgall
Actor Bill Macy is 97. Actress Priscilla Pointer is 95. Hall ken publicly said they were groped and and the whistleblower who helped to says Timothy Jay Picard was naked
of Fame sportscaster Jack Whitaker is 95. Actor Robert Morse inappropriately touched during physi- spur the investigation last spring. when he sneaked into the Clovis home
is 88. Actor Dwayne Hickman is 85. Baseball Hall of Famer cal exams. Some also said they were Ohio State has sought to have the through a window Sunday night.
Brooks Robinson is 82. Actress Candice Azzara is 78. ogled in locker rooms where athletes lawsuits thrown out as being time- Basgall said Thursday a 10-year-old
Bluegrass singer-musician Rodney Dillard (The Dillards) is joked about Strauss’ behavior, refer- barred by law, but university leaders girl and her friend woke up to Picard
77. Baseball Hall of Famer Reggie Jackson is 73. Sen. Tom ring to him with nicknames like “Dr. have insisted they’re not ignoring the inappropriately touching them. He
Udall, D-N.M., is 71. Country singer Joe Bonsall (The Oak Jelly Paws.” men’s stories. says the girls fought him off and Picard
Ridge Boys) is 71. Rock musician Rick Wakeman (Yes) is 70. The law firm hired to conduct the The U.S. Department of Education left through the same window.
Actor James Stephens is 68. Country singer George Strait is investigation for the school inter- Office for Civil Rights also is examin- Officials arrested Picard on
67. Actor Chow Yun-Fat is 64. International Tennis Hall of viewed hundreds of former students and ing whether Ohio State responded Wednesday after speaking with wit-
university employees. “promptly and equitably” to students’ nesses and gathering evidence.
Famer Yannick Noah is 59. Rock singer-musician Page
In releasing the report, President complaints. Basgall says Picard has been charged
Hamilton is 59. Contemporary Christian musician Barry Michael Drake offered “profound regret
Graul (MercyMe) is 58. Contemporary Christian singer Strauss, a well-regarded physician with first-degree burglary, committing
and sincere apologies to each person and sports-medicine researcher, killed lewd and lascivious acts with a minor
Michael Tait is 53. Singer-actress Martika is 50. Rock singer who endured Strauss’ abuse.” He called
Jack Johnson is 44. Country singer David Nail is 40. himself in 2005. under 14 and violating probation.


By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Lotto Local Weather Forecast
May 15 Powerball Fantasy Five
8QVFUDPEOHWKHVH-XPEOHV Saturday : Breezy. A chance of rain in the

WRIRUPIRXURUGLQDU\ZRUGV 7 17 33 61 68 4 10 12 13 27 39 morning, then rain in the afternoon.

Powerball Highs in the mid 50s to lower 60s. South
THOYL May 17 Mega Millions Daily Four winds 10 to 20 mph increasing to 20 to 30
mph in the afternoon.
5 17 28 32 63 11 7 1 7 1 Saturday Ni g ht: Breezy. Rain likely in
Mega number
Daily three midday the evening, then showers likely and a
RATAP May 15 Super Lotto Plus 3 2 3
slight chance of thunderstorms after midnight. Lows in the
lower 50s. Southwest winds 20 to 30 mph with gusts to
5 22 23 27 38 16 Daily three evening around 45 mph...becoming west 10 to 20 mph after mid-
Mega number
WORDSY 7 1 1 Chance of precipitation 70 percent.
Sunday :Becoming partly cloudy in the afternoon. Showers
The Daily Derby race winners are Eureka, No. 7, in first
likely and a slight chance of thunderstorms. Highs in the
place;Whirl Win, No. 6, in second place; and Gold Rush, 50s to lower 60s.
No. 1, in third place. The race time was clocked at Sunday NightPartly cloudy. A slight chance of thunder-
SWYILE 1:45.46. storms. Lows in the lower 50s.
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003 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:19 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 3

Council to consider Broadway Plaza
Proposal includes 520 units, offices, retail and child care
By Zachary Clark for the affordable housing, which, along
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF with the other residential buildings, will be
constructed before the offices.
The massive mixed-use development pro- Sobrato has also agreed to donate 13,500
posal known as Broadway Plaza in Redwood square feet of land for the Woodside/101
City will be reviewed by the City Council interchange project, which aims to recon-
Monday after the Planning Commission figure the roads and create new turn lanes
gave the project an enthusiastic thumbs-up and bike paths. That project is in the design
last month. phase and slated to begin in late 2020 or
Located at 1401 Broadway and 2201 Bay early 2021 if funding is secured.
Road, the proposal from developer Sobrato At a meeting in April, planning commis-
includes 520 residential units for rent, sioners celebrated the proposal for its Rendering of the proposed Broadway Plaza development.
including 400 market-rate ones and 120 affordable housing component especially
affordable units to be managed by nonprof- and applauded the developer for listening to
it developer MidPen Housing. Of the 120 residents over the years and incorporating
below-market-rate units, 95 will be reserved feedback into the final design.
for those with “low” incomes, 12 will be for The project evolved significantly since it
those with “very low” incomes and another was first proposed in 2015 and the child
12 will be priced at the “extremely low” care facility and additional open space, for
income level. example, was included because the commu-
Someone making $30,800 a year qualifies nity asked for it.
as “extremely low” income while a “very
low income” person makes $51,350 a year When the commission reviewed the pro-
and “low income” comes out to $82,200 a ject’s environmental impact report in
year. December, some commissioners expressed
The development proposal also includes concerns about traffic impacts; the project
460,000 square feet of office space, 26,000 will generate an additional 3,777 daily car
square feet of retail, a 10,000-square-foot trips, according to the report. But those
child care facility with an outdoor play area, concerns were ostensibly overshadowed by
plus shared underground parking. There will the project's many benefits as traffic
be 1.6 acres of publicly accessible open impacts were barely discussed at the April
space with a dog park, water feature and meeting.
other amenities at the center of the project On Tuesday, the Redwood City Planning
site between the residential and office build- Commission will consider an interim floor
ings. area ratio ordinance for single-family
The environmental impact report esti- homes as well as zoning code amendments
mates 1,720 workers and the child care for accessory dwelling units to reduce allow-
facility could accomodate 100 to 125 chil- able height.
dren. The council will meet 7 p.m. Monday at
A CVS/pharmacy at the corner of Chestnut City Hall, located at 1017 Middlefield Road
Street and Bay Road will relocate to the cor- in Redwood City, and the commission will
ner of Woodside and Bay roads to make way meet 7 p.m. Tuesday at the same location.

Police reports Hamilton Street, it was reported at 7:25

p.m. Wednesday, May 8.
Hi t-and-run. A motorist hit another car
Not very discreet before driving away on Veterans Boulevard,
Someone stole credit cards and it was reported at 5:29 p.m. Wednesday,
attempted to purchase items of a total May 8.
$17,750.54 on Foster City Boulevard Petty theft. Someone stole 23 cans of
in Foster City, it was reported at 10:19 beer on El Camino Real, it was reported at
a.m. Friday, May 10. 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, May 8.
Hi t-and-run. A motorist hit another car
before driving away on Grand Street, it was
FOSTER CITY reported at 3:07 p.m. Wednesday, May 8.
Burg l ary. Someone broke into a home on Hi t-and-run. A motorist hit another car
Foster City Boulevard, it was reported at before driving away on Twin Dolphin Drive,
10:52 a.m. Friday, May 10. it was reported at 12:41 p.m. Wednesday,
Arres t. A San Jose man was arrested for May 8.
driving with a suspended license on Chess
Drive, it was reported at 10:31 a.m. Friday, SAN MATEO
May 10. Auto burg l ary. Someone stole locked
Auto burg l ary. A car was broken into and boxes out of a truck bed on Jasmine Street,
$700 worth of items were stolen on it was reported at 8:08 p.m. Wednesday,
Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported at 9:47 May 8.
a.m. Friday, May 10. Theft. Someone stole hubcaps off of cars
Theft. Someone stole items from a store on on Kingston Street, it was reported at 7:34
Hillsdale Boulevard, it was reported at 1:23 p.m. Wednesday, May 8.
p.m. Wednesday, May 8. Reckl es s dri v i ng . A motorist was swerv-
ing in and out of lanes on 17th Avenue, it
REDWOOD CITY was reported at 10:41 a.m. Wednesday, May
Ro bbery. Two people robbed a store on 8.
004 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 11:49 AM Page 1

4 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

005 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:20 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL LOCAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 5

Local briefs Bowling, bocce and bistro coming
to Hillsdale Shopping Center
Correctional officer faces felony Pinstripes announced this week that the
child molestation charges company will open a location featuring 12
bowling lanes, four indoor and outdoor bocce
A 25-year-old San Mateo County correc- courts, a bistro and quality curated wine cellar
tional officer arrested Thursday is now fac- and event space accommodating 20 to 1,000
ing five felony charges alleging he molest- people as part of the expanded Hillsdale
ed a girl as young as 8 years old while he Shopping Center in the fall of 2019.
was baby-sitting her and her sibling
The venue will be part of a 220,000 square
between 2012 and 2015, according to the
foot redevelopment of the former Sears at
San Mateo County District Attorney’s
Hillsdale Shopping Center by Bohannon
Development Company. Pinstripes will join
Joel Olazabalgudino, of San Mateo, has other new tenants, including luxury cinema
been put on administrative leave by the San operator Cinepolis, Palette Restaurant,
Mateo County Sheriff’s Office and faces up Belcampo Market, MidiCi The Neapolitan
to 20 years in prison for his charges, which Pizza Company and others. This 12h
include three counts of child molestation, Pinstripes location — the first in California
one count of forcible lewd acts on a child — will occupy more than 33,000 square feet
and one count of contacting a minor for sex- on two levels, introducing Italian-American
ual purposes, according to prosecutors. cuisine, fine wine and cocktails, bocce courts,
Though most of the conduct outlined in bowling lanes and meeting event facilities to
Students from North Star Academy in Redwood City enrolled in Workshop Education’s his charges occurred prior to his employ- the surrounding communities.
after-school program, Thursday, May 16, learned about team building, collaboration, social ment as a correctional officer, which began Founded in 2007, the company is headquar-
skills, and creative design by renowned Bay Area florist, Jun Piñon. The students were led in 2016, Olazabalgudino is said to have tered in Chicago and currently operates 10
through a colorful lesson, experience various unique flowers, and utilized different design contacted the same girl in 2017 with sexual- locations throughout the Midwest, the East
techniques instructed by Piñon. The students were able to proudly take home their ly explicit messages, according to prosecu- Coast and the South.
beautiful arrangements and leave the event with team building knowledge and a lasting tors.
positive impression on them. Between 2012 and 2015 when the girl was State jobless rate remains
Natal i e Tha,
between 8 and 10 years old, Olazabalgudino at 4.3%, county drops to 1.9%
is said to have inappropriately touched the
a fourth-grader girl on at least four separate occasions California’s unemployment remained
at Arro y o while he was baby-sitting her and her steady at 4.3% in April while San Mateo
Scho o l in San younger brother. County’s rate fell from the 2.4% unemploy-
Carlos, won ment rate logged in March to 1.9% in April,
first place in In December of 2017, Olazabalgudino according to data released Friday by the state
RethinkWaste’s allegedly sent her a Snapchat message with Employment Development Department.
trash to art con- sexual content. A counselor who discussed The county held onto the lowest unemploy-
test, in which the incidents with the girl allegedly report- ment rate in the state, with San Francisco and
local elemen- ed them to authorities, and Olazabalgudino Marin counties close behind, both logging
tary school students were asked to transform was arrested May 16, according to prosecu- 2.1% unemployment in April. Santa Clara
household waste products into art pieces. tors. County’s unemployment rate was 2.3% in
Shaqed Krupni ck, a fourth-grader at He appeared in court Friday with retained April, according to the EDD.
Nes bi t El ementary Scho o l in Belmont, attorney Paula Canny but did not enter a The state Employment Development
won second place and Luca Medi ci , a third- plea. Olazabalgudino will next appear in Department said Friday that employers added
grader at Las Lo mi tas El ementary court May 21 for a hearing on the defense 46,000 nonfarm payroll jobs last month.
Scho o l , won third place. Winners received a motion to reduce bail and for entry of plea, California has now gained a total of
field trip, pizza party and a special presenta- awarded degrees to 481 graduates during the and remains behind bars on $450,000 bail, 3,213,900 jobs since the economic expan-
tion at their local city council meetings. Belmont school’s commencement ceremony according to prosecutors. sion began in February of 2010.
*** Saturday, May 4. The event featured a com-
Mi chael Medi na, of Redwood City, was mencement speech by author and entrepreneur
named to the dean’s list at Central Oregon Stedman Graham, who is the partner of
Community College. Oprah Wi nfrey .
Jaco b Sanders , of San Bruno, graduated
With donated materials from The Ho me iSmile Implant Center
from the University of Kentucky. Depo t, volunteers improved and beautified
*** the campus of Spruce Elementary School in
Sri Ari g apudi , of Belmont, Ni thes h
Katteko l a, of Burlingame, Harees h Kurra,
South San Francisco during the Depot Day of
Service, Saturday, May 11.
of Foster City, Rapul Kumar, of San Bruno, *** DDS MSD PHD 0% interest
and Srujan Ti pi rneni , Satees hkumar The San Mateo Co unty Offi ce o f Founder of iSmile Dental. financing available
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San Mateo, graduated from Campbellsville Co mmuni ty Scho o l Bo y s & Gi rl s Cl ub 20 Years of implant experience Abutment + Crown)
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006 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:13 PM Page 1

6 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 LOCAL/STATE THE DAILY JOURNAL

vide free text message reminders to traffic

Local briefs court litigants if they provide their cell-
phone numbers. This will allow the law
school to study whether receiving a text
message will indeed have a positive impact
The Border Patrol flies
on participants’ attendance at hearings.
Since this is a research study, participants
are randomly selected to receive SMS
reminders for court hearings. Participation
is voluntary, and people can proceed nor-
migrants to California
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS detain the families in San Diego. Its prac-
mally with their court process if they
choose not to participate. If people chose tice since October has been to quickly
SAN DIEGO — The U.S. Border Patrol said release families in the U.S. with notices to
to participate, their cellphone number will
Friday that it would fly hundreds of migrant appear in immigration court.
be shared with Stanford to send a text mes-
families from south Texas to San Diego for The flights could further strain the San
sages about the upcoming hearing, and it
processing and that it was considering Diego Rapid Response Network, a coalition
will be kept confidential. No other private
flights to Detroit, Miami and Buffalo, New of religious and civic groups that has pro-
data will be shared with Stanford or third
York. vided temporary shelter to asylum-seeking
parties, according to county court officials.
The flights are the latest sign of how the families since large-scale releases began in
Border Patrol is struggling to keep up with October. San Diego County has sued the
A kitten at the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA. Rain showers forecast large numbers of Central American families Trump administration to recover costs.
Kitten nursery shower this weekend for Bay to Breakers that are reaching the U. S. border with The San Diego Rapid Response Network
Mexico, especially in Texas. Moving said it would shelter migrants who are flown
The Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA is The Alaska Airlines Bay to Breakers race migrants to less crowded places is expected
holding its annual kitten nursery shower from Texas, just as the organization has
in San Francisco is known for its runners’ to distribute the workload more evenly. done for thousands of migrants released in
Saturday at its shelter in Burlingame. colorful costumes, but they might get Flights from Texas’ Rio Grande Valley to
Guests at the fifth-annual event can watch California. It said the potential influx
soggy at this year’s race Sunday with rain San Diego were to begin Friday and contin- “underscores the urgent need for a perma-
volunteers feed tiny kittens via syringes. showers in the forecast. ue indefinitely three times a week, with each
Staff will be on hand to talk about their nent, long-term migrant shelter in San
The 12-kilometer race starts at 8 a.m. and flight carrying 120 to 135 people, said Diego.”
work and give information about volunteer Douglas Harrison, the Border Patrol’s inter-
and foster care options for the animals. goes west from the city’s Financial District Short flights cost the federal government
to the finish line at the Great Highway im San Diego sector chief.
Children are also invited and can partici- about $6,000 each, officials said. It wasn’t
along Ocean Beach. “We don’t have an end date,” Harrison told immediately clear how much longer flights
pate in activities such as face painting and reporters. “This is a contingency operation.
get balloon animals. Snacks for the event Runners should plan for rain, with a 70% cost.
We’ve got to give the people in Rio Grande
have been donated by Copenhagen Bakery to 80% chance of showers in San Francisco Valley some relief.” Border Patrol agents do some processing
& Cafe and Trader Joe’s. on Sunday morning and temperatures in the Plans to fly from Rio Grande Valley to remotely by videoconference, but Harrison
The PHS/SPCA is encouraging guests to mid 50s, National Weather Service meteor- Detroit, Miami and Buffalo were prelimi- said stations in the Rio Grande Valley had
bring gifts for the kittens, such as formula, ologist Spencer Tangen said. nary, Harrison said. Authorities were run out of room even to do that. San Diego,
baby wipes, paper towels and cotton balls. “It looks like we’re going to see most of researching available airports and the abili- he said, had room to hold migrants for up to
The event is scheduled for noon-3 p.m. at the rain occur Saturday afternoon and ty for nonprofit groups to provide tempo- 72 hours and staff to process them, which
the Tom and Annette Lantos Center for Saturday evening, but there are likely show- rary assistance. stations on the northern border lack.
Compassion at 1450 Rollins Road in ers into Sunday morning during the race,” Already, U.S. authorities are moving four Border arrests have surged since the sum-
Burlingame. More information is available Tangen said. buses a day from the Rio Grande Valley to mer to 98,977 in April, nearly three times
online at www.phs-spca.org/kittenshower. Laredo, Texas, about 100 miles (160 kilo- what they were a year earlier. Nearly seven
The nonprofit says its kitten nursery Caltrain is running four northbound spe- of every 10 came as families or were chil-
cial event trains to the race with limited meters) away. There is also a daily flight
started in 2008 and has saved the lives of contracted through U.S. Immigration and dren traveling alone. The Rio Grande Valley
1,739 kittens. stops. San Francisco Municipal Railway was by far the busiest corridor, followed by
buses will be staged in the area of the finish Customs Enforcement to Del Rio, Texas,
about 275 miles away (440 kilometers) El Paso, Texas.
Superior Court to begin traffic line to provide special service back to
away. The Border Patrol says it is detaining
court text message reminders Agents in the Rio Grande Valley will col- about 8,000 people at a time in the Rio
There are also round-trip shuttles arranged lect biographical information and do a med- Grande Valley, double its maximum capacity
San Mateo County Superior Court has by race organizers to the Mill Valley Park &
partnered with Stanford University’s Legal ical screening before sending migrants to even with a 500-person tent it opened earli-
Ride lot for North Bay residents, the San Diego on flights contracted by ICE, er this month.
Design Lab and its Regulations, Evaluation Millbrae Park & Ride for those going back
and Governance Lab to launch text message Harrison said. Migrants will go from San The agency said Friday it would open four
to the South Bay, and the Emeryville Park & Diego International Airport to a Border new temporary structures in the Rio Grande
reminders of upcoming hearings for Traffic Ride lot for those in the East Bay.
Court Litigants. Patrol station, where they will be finger- Valley that will have generators, lighting,
Stanford Law School has agreed to pro- More information about the race can be printed, interviewed and screened again for and air conditioning. It released photos
found online at www.baytobreakers.com. medical problems. Processing at the station showing people lying on grass or pavement
typically takes hours. outside two of its stations with Mylar
ICE will decide whether to release or sheets for blankets.

Norma Patricia Jackson

October 24, 1950 – May 12th, 2019
Born in San Francisco, CA, Oct. 24, 1950 and passed May
12th, 2019 in Redwood City, CA at the age of 68. She was the
daughter of the late Edwin and Lillian Gabriel Anderson. A
native of Redwood City, she was a graduate of Menlo Atherton
High School and Canada College. She was a customer
service representative for 30 years for Pacific Telephone/
ATT and an administrator for 15 years for Bohannon Property
Management. She is survived by her husband of 26 years - Clark, her son - Mathew
Arrigoni (Debbie) of Chico, brother - Ronald Anderson (Sylvia) of San Jose and
was predeceased by a brother - Edwin Anderson Jr., and sister - Joann Holmquist. Join the Daily Journal Event marketing team as a Sales and Business Development
Norma’s passions included photography, playing piano, gardening, regional wine Specialist. Duties include sales and customers service of event sponsorships,
tasting, whale watching, reading, hiking, travel, and attending fairs, festivals and
the movies. Norma went back at age 65 to get her AA degree at Canada College
partners, exhibitors and more. Interface and interact with local businesses to enlist
and finished one of the top in her class. Per Norma’s request, she will be cremated participants at the Daily Journal’s ever expanding inventory of community events
and ashes scattered- no services. At Norma’s suggestion, donations can be made to: such as the Senior Showcase, Family Resources Fair, Job Fairs, and more.
Bonnie J Addario Lung Cancer Foundation.
You will also be part of the project management process. But first and foremost,
we will rely on you for sales and business development. This is one of the fastest
areas of the Daily Journal, and we are looking to grow the team.

Must have a successful track record of sales and business development.

To apply for the position, please send info to

jerry@smdailyjournal.com or call 650-344-5200.


007 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:13 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL NATION Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 7

Louisiana’s Democratic Missouri the latest

governor breaks with to pass abortion bill By Summer Ballentine to conflict with the 1973 Roe v. Wade deci-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS sion that legalized abortion nationally in
hopes of sparking a court case that might

the party on abortion

By Melinda DeSlatte activists hoping the addition of conserva-
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Missouri’s
Republican-led House on Friday passed
sweeping legislation designed to survive
court challenges, which would ban abor-
tions at eight weeks of pregnancy.
prompt the current panel of more conserva-
tive justices to revisit abortion rights.
Missouri Republicans are taking a differ-
ent approach.
GOP Rep. Nick Schroer said his legisla-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tive judges to the Supreme Court could help If enacted, the ban would be among the tion is “made to withstand judicial chal-
overturn Roe v. Wade — were backed by most restrictive in the U.S. It includes lenges and not cause them.”
BATON ROUGE, La. — Nearly three Republican governors. exceptions for medical emergencies, but not He cited extensive “legislative findings”
decades ago, when Democratic Louisiana A rarity in his party, Edwards’ anti-abor- for pregnancies caused by rape or incest. included in the bill about fetal development
Gov. John Bel Edwards’ wife was 20 weeks tion stance provokes angry outcries on Doctors would face five to 15 years in that are aimed at backing up the state’s
pregnant with their first child, a doctor dis- social media from Democratic voters and prison for violating the eight-week cutoff. interest in limiting abortion if the measure
covered their daughter had spina bifida and disappointment within the party’s broader Women who receive abortions wouldn’t be is challenged, as well as new judges
encouraged an abortion. The Edwardses ranks across the country. prosecuted. appointed to the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of
refused. “When Republicans are taking away Republican Gov. Mike Parson pledged to Appeals by President Donald Trump.
Now, daughter Samantha is married and women’s rights at every step, it’s on the sign the bill , but it’s unclear when he’ll If courts don’t allow Missouri’s proposed
working as a school Democrats to show that we are the party that take action. When pressed on the lack of eight-week ban to take effect, the bill
counselor, and Edwards will protect women. When we fail to do that, exceptions for rape or incest, he told includes a ladder of less-restrictive time lim-
finds himself an outlier we make it absolutely hopeless for women reporters that “all life has value.” its that would prohibit abortions at 14, 18
in polarized abortion around the country,” said Rebecca Katz, a “I’m going to stand up for the people that or 20 weeks or pregnancy.
politics. progressive Democratic consultant. don’t have a voice, ” Parson said. “While others are zeroing in on ways to
“My position hasn’t The abortion-rights debates that divide “Everybody should have a right to life.” overturn Roe v. Wade and navigate the
changed. In eight years state Capitols across the nation cause few The Missouri legislation comes after courts as quickly as possible, that is not our
in the Legislature, I was a ripples in the Louisiana Legislature. It is Alabama’s governor signed a bill goal,” Schroer said. “However, if and when
pro-life legislator, ” he one of the country’s most staunchly anti- Wednesday making performing an abortion that fight comes we will be fully ready. This
said. When he ran for abortion states, with a law on the books a felony in nearly all cases. legislation has one goal, and that goal is to
John governor, his view was that immediately outlaws abortion if Roe v. Supporters say the Alabama bill is meant save lives.”
Bel Edwards the same. “I’m as consis- Wade is ever overturned. State lawmakers
tent as I can be on that annually enact new regulations seeking to roamed Iowa some 34,000 years ago.
point.” curb access with bipartisan support. Around the nation
Edwards, who has repeatedly bucked This year’s so-called heartbeat bill, spon- Officials with the University of Iowa
national party leaders on abortion rights, is sored by Democratic state Sen. John Teen finds prehistoric Paleontology Repository, which now has pos-
about to do it again. He’s ready to sign leg- Milkovich, has received little public oppo- session of the bone found last week, say the
islation that would ban the procedure as
mastodon jaw in southern Iowa mastodon might have stood around 7-feet tall.
sition from lawmakers as it steadily
early as six weeks of pregnancy, before advances. The ban, however, only would IOWA CITY, Iowa — A teen searching for The farmers who donated the jaw and related
many women know they are pregnant, when take effect if a federal appeals court upholds arrowheads in southern Iowa found something bones to the repository did so anonymously,
the bill reaches his desk. a similar law in Mississippi. much bigger: the prehistoric jawbone of a saying they didn’t want to encourage people to
Louisiana’s proposal , awaiting one final The Louisiana bill includes an exception mastodon. trespass on their property looking for fossils.
vote in the state House, would prohibit if the pregnant woman’s health is in “seri- The Iowa City Press-Citizen reports that the
abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, 30-inch bone belonged to a juvenile mastodon, There likely are more fossils on the land, as
ous risk,” but not for pregnancies caused by the owners found other mastodon remains there
similar to laws passed in Kentucky, rape or incest. an elephant-like animal believed to have
Mississippi, Georgia and Ohio that aim to decades ago.
“It gives a very small window for a woman
challenge the U.S. Supreme Court’s 1973 to be able to access abortion services,” said
Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abor- Elizabeth Nash of the Guttmacher Institute,
tion. Alabama has gone even further, enact- an abortion rights organization that
ing a law that makes performing abortions a researches reproductive health issues.
felony at any stage of pregnancy with Edwards’ embrace of the anti-abortion
almost no exceptions. legislation is unusual for a present-day
But the abortion bans in those other con- Democratic governor, Nash said, although
servative states — spurred by anti-abortion that was not always the case.
008 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:14 PM Page 1

8 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 NATION THE DAILY JOURNAL

Subpoena rejected for Dems play the long

president’s tax returns game against Trump
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS respectfully. First, we
ask. Then we subpoena
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Richard Nixon has made his tax returns pub- WASHINGTON — First came the sternly friendly. Then we sub-
lic. worded letters. Then the subpoenas. Now poena otherwise. And
WASHINGTON — The Trump administra- In a tweet on May 10, Trump said that he had then we see what we get.”
the votes to hold Trump administration offi-
tion on Friday missed another deadline to pro- won the presidency in 2016 “partially based Democrats say they’re
cials in contempt of Congress.
duce President Donald Trump’s tax returns. A on no Tax Returns while I am under audit not ready to impeach the
top House Democrat said he expects to take As House Democrats plod ahead investi-
(which I still am), and the voters didn’t care. gating President Donald Trump, against president. But opening
the administration to court as early as next Now the Radical Left Democrats want to again an impeachment inquiry
week over the matter. unprecedented stonewalling by the White
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in a
relitigate the matter. Make it part of the 2020 House, they are pursuing a long-game strat- Nancy Pelosi would provide legal
Election!” egy that’s playing out in the committee weight to their investi-
letter that he will not comply with a subpoena gations that would be tougher for the admin-
from House Ways and Means Committee When he issued the subpoena last week, rooms, the courthouse and in the court of
Neal said he was seeking six years of Trump’s public opinion. And it’s going to take time. istration to ignore. Already, a judge indicat-
Chairman Richard Neal for ed last week Congress may have a right to
six years of Trump’s tax personal and business tax returns to aid a com- Some Democrats say the administration’s
mittee investigation into whether the IRS is blockade is leaving them almost no choice review some of Trump’s financial docu-
returns because the request ments. As Trump instructs his White House
“lacks a legitimate leg- doing its job properly to audit a sitting presi- but to open an impeachment inquiry — not
dent and whether the law governing such necessarily to impeach Trump, but as part of to reject the requests from Congress, more
islative purpose.” legal battles are coming.
Mnuchin’s rejection of audits needs to be strengthened. a legal strategy to force the administration
to comply with their requests for documents Allan Lichtman, a professor at American
the subpoena had been In his letter Friday saying he would not University who wrote a book on impeach-
expected. Earlier Friday, comply with the subpoena, Mnuchin said he and testimony.
ment, said the administration’s arguments
Neal had said, “We will had consulted with the Justice Department and “Things are coming to a tipping point,” for blocking Congress would likely go by
likely proceed to court as had been advised that he was not authorized to said Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a member the wayside in court if the House were in an
Steve Mnuchin quickly as next week.” turn over the tax returns because Neal’s request of the Judiciary Committee. “We’re running impeachment inquiry. The Constitution
Asked if he might seek to hold Mnuchin in did not represent a legitimate congressional out of options,” said another on the panel, gives the House the sole power to impeach,
contempt of Congress for his refusal to sup- purpose. Rep. Val Demings, D-Fla. “I think we’re on which stretches even beyond its traditional
ply the tax returns, Neal said, “I don’t see Mnuchin said that while he will not turn the road,” said Rep. Jared Huffman, D-Calif. oversight role. It’s one thing for Trump to
that right now as an option. I think that the over Trump’s tax returns, he has offered to Speaker Nancy Pelosi racheted up the say the White House won’t respond to
better option for us is to proceed with a court work with the congressional panel “to accom- pressure this week when, faced with a 12- Congress. It’s another for the administra-
case.” modate its stated interest in understanding page letter from the White House counsel tion to defy a court order to turn over docu-
Democrats are seeking Trump’s tax returns how the IRS audits and enforces the federal tax saying Congress had no “legislative pur- ments.
under a 1924 law that directs the IRS to fur- laws against a president” by providing the pose” in its investigations, shot back that “The courts have been very, very wary of
nish such information when requested to the committee with information on the mandato- the purpose could, in fact, be for impeach- interfering in the impeachment power,”
chairs of Congress’ tax-writing committees. ry audit process for presidential returns. ing the president. Lichtman said. “This is really a case where
In a statement Friday after Mnuchin’s deci- The fight with Congress over Trump’s tax “We hope we don’t have to do that,” one branch of government rules.”
sion was announced, Neal said that the law returns is one of a number of battles House Pelosi said. “We want to see what we can get
“does not allow for discretion as to whether Democrats are having with the administration
to comply with a request for tax returns and especially in Middle
return information.”
over the release of information. The House Around the nation America, that Democrats
Judiciary Committee has voted to hold
In his statement, Neal said he would con- understand their econom-
sult with committee lawyers “on how best to
Attorney General William Barr in contempt Late to 2020 race, Bullock quickly ic concerns.
and is fighting to obtain an unredacted report
enforce the subpoenas moving forward.” prepared by special counsel Robert Mueller on turns to Trump-state Dems Emphasizing a con-
Besides Trump, every president since Russian interference in the 2016 election. stant theme in his 20-
NEWTON, Iowa — Montana Gov. Steve minute remarks, he
Bullock waited until May to declare his can- asked, “How are we going
didacy for president, but he’s wasting no to make sure that every-
time getting to the point.
Steve Bullock body has a fair shot?”
Bullock launched his first full day of cam- Bullock traveled to
paigning Friday in Newton, Iowa, a town Iowa five times during the 2018 midterm
where union manufacturing jobs have van- campaign and kept in touch with key
ished in the past 15 years. In doing so, he is Democratic figures, including Attorney
underscoring his argument that his party General Tom Miller, who endorsed Bullock
can win in 2020 only if it shows voters, on Thursday.

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* Events subject to change
009 0518 sat:1030 FRI 64 5/17/19 8:17 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL OPINION Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 9

Making decisions It’s infrastructure week!
By Vishu Prathikanti But when I wit- id you celebrate? Was it on your calendar? For
nessed this legiti- most of us, I presume not. Infrastructure week
mate point about isn’t a time to celebrate as you might on a holi-

few days ago, I had a conver- voluntarily giving day. Rather, it is a designated week (this year, May 13-20)
sation with my friends about up a choice, I had during which our leaders, and others, highlight the state
our futures, and I was sur- to reconsider and of our nation’s infrastructure. Throughout this week
prised to find that his career of choice re-evaluate. Redwood City has been tweeting about a number of its
was to be a banker on Wall Street. Looking back at infrastructure projects, of which it has a great variety.
“Well, why do you want to be an my four years of Infrastructure of course includes the roads, bridges,
investment banker?” I asked him, and high school, I real- power generation and distribution systems, water and
he responded by saying that that was ized that it wasn’t a time of passivity; idea of decision-making with another sewer systems, and telecommunications systems needed to
what his dad wanted him to do. I had been actively making decisions one but, try as I might, I couldn’t. keep our society humming. These systems are large and
At first, I was shocked and even a that would affect who I would become. I’m still unsure if that friend who complex, and yet, given their
little annoyed he had given me this Although I was encouraged to work wants to be a Wall Street banker will high degree of reliability, we
answer. In school, I felt like we had hard and get good grades, no one made end up happy or unhappy with his often take them for granted. But
always learned that you shouldn’t be me pursue journalism, something that decision. But I think that’s OK. of course such systems can, and
afraid to be who you want to be and do has and will still define my identity. A single decision doesn't always sometimes do, fail. Thus, the
what you want to do. I told him exact- Furthermore, looking into the have to be definite, and they don’t need for the preventative mainte-
ly that, and his response made me future, or more specifically, at my always determine the future of a per- nance projects that have been
take a step back. He said that since he parents, I realized that decisions son. At the end of the day, all of our occurring around the city of late.
didn’t know what he wanted to do, he aren’t 100 percent set in stone either. futures will come, whether they be One very visible set of preven-
would just listen to what his dad had My father, for example, only recently one of starting a business, pursuing a tative maintenance projects of
to say. started pursuing a longtime dream of high school journalism program, or which many residents have been
I realized that, as a soon-to-be high becoming an entrepreneur. And while becoming a successful Wall Street painfully aware are the relatively
school graduate, my thoughts regard- he may not admit it, it was most like- banker. recent efforts to replace many of
ing decision-making beyond high ly a result of being set on the wrong the city’s aging water and sani-
school have been pretty rigid. I’ve path entering college.
Vishu Prathik anti is a senior at tary sewer pipes. Because our Greg Wilson
always characterized it as a time when So I asked myself then, how should water and sewer pipes run largely
we make decisions? Should we just do Burlingame High School. Student News beneath the city’s streets, replacement of those mains
kids turned into adults and finally
whatever we feel like doing? Or appears in the week end edition. You involves blocked streets for hours at a time, and disrup-
picked a path they’ve always wanted
to be on, regardless of what their par- should we do what our parents tell us can email Student News at tion of service while the pipes are being swapped out. Not
ents or peers have told them to do. to do? I wanted to replace my rigid news@smdaily journal.com. to mention the noise and dust that comes from trenching
and repaving. But the short-term pain these projects cause
is preferable to simply letting the old pipes fail.
Letters to the editor Not all infrastructure work is preventative, of course. For
instance, this summer construction should begin on a new
750,000-gallon water tank just below the Easter Bowl, up
in Emerald Hills. This new tank will not only provide addi-
Density, and housing Homelessness Thank you for letter disproving tional storage capacity, it will also improve firefighting
Editor, Editor, valid scientific information capabilities in the area. Or, there is the long-awaited
Thank you, Tim Hilborn, for suc- For some people, after 30 to 40 Highway 101 underpass project, which will provide pedes-
cinctly giving an accurate and correct years in the same apartment with rea- Editor, trians and cyclists with a key link in a safe and direct route
analysis of Sen. Scott Weiner’s SB 50 sonable rent, the building is either I want to thank the Daily Journal between the heart of Redwood City and the Bair Island
proposition (“Stop SB 50 now” in sold or passed to family members and for publishing Ed Kahl’s letter neighborhood. While this underpass will be particularly
the Wednesday, May 15 edition of the their rent is doubled and tripled. useful for the many people who live at One Marina, Blu
(“Higher levels of CO2 are better”) in
San Mateo Daily Journal). Blame Landlords deserved to make a profit Harbor and the like, it will also be terrific for people like
the May 14 edition of the Daily me, who enjoy walking to Inner Bair Island. Without it,
falls first on former governor Jerry but don’t tenants have some rights?
Brown for dissolving the redevelop- People on fixed income that have Journal. This letter informed us that my only options when walking are crossing the freeway
ment agencies in each city which pro- spent their entire lives in San Mateo increased levels of carbon dioxide in at Whipple Avenue (traversing the onramps and offramps
vided housing for residents, thus County making a living and paying the atmosphere are actually good for is quite dangerous); crossing beneath Highway 101
making it a free-for-all for the for- rent are told to leave with a 60-day the planet, thus confirming our “dear (which can be cramped and muddy, and until recently was
profit developers and mega corpora- notice. This is happening time and the site of a homeless encampment); or using the Maple
leader’s” view that global warming is
tions that are ruining our once quaint time again. The cities and counties Street overpass, which has a very narrow sidewalk and an
a hoax. uncomfortably low railing (and yet is the best option).
cities and our quality of life. need to protect these citizens and find
True, big corporations are contribut- common ground between them and In this vein, I hope that in the Streets are a very visible component of Redwood City’s
ing to the destruction of our communi- their landlords. These are some of the future you will publish letters that infrastructure, one that we all encounter nearly every day.
ties and forcing longtime residents to people that define homelessness: disprove other claims of so-called As everyone can readily attest, those streets require regu-
seek housing elsewhere, but here in good hard-working or retired people scientific “experts.” I look forward to lar maintenance and improvement. Redwood City does
South San Francisco, biotech rules the on fixed incomes that have spent have plans to resurface a number of streets in the near
letters demonstrating that the earth is
roost. Although, as stated in SB 50, their entire lives in the cities that future, most notably sections of Alameda de las Pulgas,
flat, that the government is using Marine Parkway and Vera Avenue. Turning my focus to
transit-oriented developments are fore- make up San Mateo County.
most; Genentech has driven out two Next time you wonder why some microwaves to read our thoughts, that pedestrians, Redwood City has been implementing a num-
developers offering housing at Oyster people are homeless ask them and we are being poisoned by chem trails ber of projects that have arisen from its Safe Routes to
Point where the ferry commute carries then go to your cities that have from jet aircraft and that vaccines School initiative, with plans for more. Just the other day,
passengers to and from their jobs. changed over the last 10 years and cause autism. I paid a visit to the city’s most recent efforts in this area,
By removing density restrictions, tell them what you think. All this For my part, I will be submitting a an update to three sets of crosswalks leading to and from
it will create communities on the development has affected the lives of John F. Kennedy Middle School. All three have been
letter with incontrovertible evidence reworked with pedestrian safety in mind, with the cross-
Peninsula that people long ago did a the people that have spent their lives
mass exodus from San Francisco to making this area what it was. Take that proves the existence of the walk across Alameda de las Pulgas at Goodwin Avenue
gain a quality of life to live in the some time and see if you can help Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. receiving the greatest number of new elements. In addi-
suburbs. solve this problem.     tion to bulb-outs, a new median island (enabling pedestri-
ans to take momentary refuge from oncoming traffic), and
Cynthia Marcopulos Robert Nice Robert Steele new, more visible striping, this intersection will soon
South San Francisco Redwood City Redwood City receive a set of manually-activated beacons that will alert
motorists to the presence of a pedestrian waiting to cross
Alameda de las Pulgas.
On an even larger scale, the long-planned Hopkins
It is the mission of the Daily Journal to be the most Avenue traffic calming project is finally about to be
accurate, fair and relevant local news source for implemented. This project will add median islands, curb
those who live, work or play on the MidPeninsula. bulb-outs, more visible crosswalk striping and flashing
By combining local news and sports coverage, beacons at Stafford Park in an effort to convince
Jerry Lee, Publisher BUSINESS STAFF: analysis and insight with the latest business,
Michael Davis Charles Gould lifestyle, state, national and world news, we seek to motorists to obey the posted 25 mph speed limit. As one
Jon Mays, Editor in Chief Paul Moisio Jeff Palter who often walks along Hopkins Avenue, I can attest to the
provide our readers with the highest quality
Nathan Mollat, Sports Editor Joe Rudino Joy Uganiza information resource in San Mateo County. need for this particular project.
Todd Waibel Our pages belong to you, our readers, and we
Erik Oeverndiek, Copy Editor/Page Designer Whether an infrastructure project is highly visible, such as
choose to reflect the diverse character of this
Dave Newlands, Production Manager INTERNS, CORRESPONDENTS, CONTRACTORS: dynamic and ever-changing community. an improved crosswalk, or less so, such as a project to
Robert Armstrong Charlie Chapman replace an aging sanitary sewer pump, such projects are a
Will Nacouzi, Production Assistant Jim Clifford Matthew Dalton
Talia Fine Maria Garcia-Hernandez SMDAILYJOURNAL.COM critical function of our city government. Whether they are
Kerry McArdle, Marketing & Events Brooke Hanshaw Robert Hutchinson being done because something has failed, or simply to head
Austin Walsh, Senior Reporter Tom Jung Shavonne Lin Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: off a future failure, these are necessary projects that help
Vishu Prathikanti Joe Roias facebook.com/smdailyjournal
REPORTERS: Nick Rose Joel Snyder make day-to-day living easier. While no one actually expects
Terry Bernal, Zachary Clark, Anna Schuessler Gary Whitman twitter.com/smdailyjournal you to celebrate Infrastructure Week, consider giving the
Susan E. Cohn, Senior Correspondent: Events Online edition at scribd.com/smdailyjournal efforts of our Public Works Department and their contrac-
tors some thought. And if you are so inclined, raise a toast
Letters to the Editor • Emailed documents are preferred: Correction Policy to the mostly unsung people who keep our city humming.
Should be no longer than 250 words. letters@smdailyjournal.com The Daily Journal corrects its errors.
Perspective Columns • Letter writers are limited to two submissions a If you question the accuracy of any article in the Daily
Should be between 500-780 words. month. Journal, please contact the editor at
Greg Wilson is the creator of Walk ing Redwood City, a blog
• Illegibly handwritten letters and anonymous letters Opinions expressed in letters, columns and news@smdailyjournal.com inspired by his walk s throughout Redwood City and adjacent
will not be accepted. perspectives are those of the individual writer and do or by phone at: 344-5200, ext. 107
• Please include a city of residence and phone not necessarily represent the views of the Daily Journal Editorials represent the viewpoint of the Daily Journal communities. He can be reached at greg@walkingRedwoodCity.com.
number where we can reach you. staff. editorial board and not any one individual.
Follow Greg on Twitter @walk ingRWC.
010 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:16 PM Page 1

10 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Stocks flip flop in market’s trade-war spin cycle

A midmorning rebound on Wall Street High: 25,948.74
faded by Friday afternoon, sending major Low: 25,657.78
stock indexes mostly lower and placing the
market on track for its second straight Close: 25,764.00
weekly loss. Change: - 98.68
Technology, industrial and energy stocks
accounted for much of the slide, outweigh- OTHER INDEXES
ing gains in health care, utilities and other S&P 500: 2859.53 - 16.79
sectors. Small company stocks fell more
than the rest of the market. NYSE Index: 12,657.63 - 80.73
Deere was the biggest decliner in the S&P Nasdaq: 7816.28 - 81.76
500 after the tractor maker cut its profit NYSE MKT: 2551.70 - 21.13
forecast for the year, citing slower sales
Russell 2000: 1535.76 - 21.48
from farmers worried about exports, among
other factors. Wilshire 5000: 29,521.60 - 208.27
Stocks flipped between gains and losses
for much of the morning, the latest spin
10-Yr Bond: 2.39 - 0.01
cycle for a market that’s been tossed around Oil (per barrel): 62.75 - 0.12
the last two weeks by rising and falling Gold : 1,277.70 - 8.50
worries about the global trade war.
The brief midmorning rally came as
investors weighed a batch of encouraging
news. A report showed that U.S. shoppers largest economies have upended the calm lower. “The trade issue could still get worse
remain more confident than economists that dominated markets earlier this year, before it gets better, but our view remains
expected. Media reports also suggested a when a trade agreement seemed to be in the TRADE FRONTS that a deal will ultimately be reached to
deal to remove steel and aluminum tariffs on works. The S&P 500 has twice dropped by at China, the world’s second largest econo- resolve the issue given the economic (and
Canada and Mexico may be imminent. least 1.5% in the last two weeks, as many as my, isn’t the only country that the United in Trump’s case political) damage that would
Market swings within the course of a sin- it had in the first four months of the year. States has been jousting with on trade. be caused if a deal is not reached,” Shane
gle day have become common in recent President Trump on Friday delayed a deci- Oliver of AMP Capital said in a commen-
weeks as investors react to developments in KEEPING SCORE sion to impose tariffs on imports of cars and tary.
the United States’ trade disputes with other The S&P 500 was down 0.1%, as of 1:33 auto parts as negotiations continue with
countries, primarily China. President p.m. Eastern time. Earlier in the day, it had Europe and Japan. OH DEERE
Donald Trump made good on a threat to raise been down as much as 0.8% and up as much But the market has remained focused Agricultural equipment maker Deere tum-
tariffs on Chinese-made products, and China as 0.3%. After all its tumbling around the mainly on China. The Trump administration bled 6.3% after it reported weaker earnings
retaliated with tariffs of its own. The threats last two weeks, the index remains 2.4% has issued an executive order aimed at ban- for the latest quarter than analysts expected
were interspersed with some signs of recon- below the record it set last month. ning Huawei equipment from U. S. net- and cut its forecast for sales and income this
ciliation. The Dow Jones Industrial Average edged works. Another sanction that subjects the fiscal year.
Over the last week, the S&P 500 followed up 29 points, or 0.1%, to 25,891, after slid- Chinese telecommunications giant to strict The company may be feeling the effects of
up its second worst day of the year with ing 204 points earlier in the day. The export controls took effect on Thursday. the U.S.-China trade war. CEO Samuel Allen
three straight gains. Depending on how Nasdaq composite fell 0.4% and the Russell China has threatened to retaliate. It remains said that farmers are becoming more cau-
Friday winds up, the S&P 500 may close out 2000 index of small company stocks lost to be seen how the move will affect trade tious about making big purchases, citing
its second straight down week, a streak Wall 0.6%. negotiations, which are expected to contin- “ongoing concerns about export-market
Street has so far avoided this year. Major European indexes were broadly ue. access.”
Escalating tensions between the world’s

Trump lifts tariffs on Mexico Facebook is quiet

and Canada; delays auto tariffs on land purchase
WASHINGTON — Bogged down in a sprawling trade dispute
with U.S. rival China, President Donald Trump took steps ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Facebook has more than dou-
Friday to ease tensions with America’s allies — lifting import bled its New Mexico footprint with the purchase of more than
taxes on Canadian and Mexican steel and aluminum and delay- 400 acres (162 hectares) near its new data center. But the
ing auto tariffs that would have hurt Japan and Europe. company isn’t saying what it plans to do with the property.
By removing the metals tariffs on Canada and Mexico, The Menlo Park, California-based Facebook confirmed in
Trump cleared a key roadblock to a North American trade pact an email to the Albuquerque Journal this week that it pur-
his team negotiated last year. As part of Friday’s arrangement, chased the land in March, adding to the 300 acres (121
the Canadians and Mexicans agreed to scrap retaliatory tariffs hectares) in Los Lunas, New Mexico, it
they had imposed on U.S. goods. already owns.
“I’m pleased to announce that we’ve just reached an agree- “We occasionally purchase available
ment with Canada and Mexico, and we’ll be selling our product land in the event that our future business
into those countries without the imposition of tariffs, or major needs may require it,” Facebook said in a
tariffs,” Trump said in a speech to the National Association of statement. “We currently have no plans to
Realtors. REUTERS build on this land.”
In a joint statement, the U.S. and Canada said they would Donald Trump, during a speech to the National Association of New Mexico does not publicly disclose
work to prevent cheap imports of steel and aluminum from Realtors, announced a new trade agreement with Canada property sale prices.
entering North America. The provision appeared to target and Mexico. Facebook is constructing a six-build-
Mark ing, $1 billion data center on the 300-
China, which has long been accused of flooding world markets The new trade deal — the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement —
with subsidized metal, driving down world prices and hurting needs approval from legislatures in the U.S., Canada and Zuckerberg acre parcel it purchased in 2016. The com-
U.S. producers. The countries could also reimpose the tariffs if Mexico. Several key U.S. lawmakers were threatening to reject pany announced the completion of the first building in
they faced a “surge” in steel or aluminum imports. the pact unless the tariffs were removed. And Canada had sug- February and said then that the site employs 150 employees
Earlier Friday, the White House said Trump is delaying for gested it wouldn’t ratify any deal with tariffs still in place. and contractors.
six months any decision to slap tariffs on foreign cars, a move Thomas Donohue, president of the U.S. Chamber of The recent purchase was disclosed last week in a joint letter
that would have hit Japan and the Europe especially hard. Commerce, said the lifting of the tariffs “will bring immediate from two state cabinet secretaries to the New Mexico Public
Trump still is hoping to use the threat of auto tariffs to pres- relief to American farmers and manufacturers. Critically, this Regulation Commission
sure Japan and the European Union into making concessions action delivers a welcome burst of momentum for the USMCA The officials, Sarah Cottrell Propst of the Energy, Minerals
in ongoing trade talks. “If agreements are not reached within in Congress.” and Natural Resources Department and Alicia J. Keyes of the
180 days, the president will determine whether and what further Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau credited his govern- New Mexico Economic Development Department, wrote in
action needs to be taken,” White House press secretary Sarah ment for holding out to get the tariffs removed. the letter that a Facebook-related case being considered by
Sanders said in a statement. “We stayed strong,” he said. “That’s what workers asked for. the commission could have a “potential chilling effect on
In imposing the metals tariffs and threatening the ones on These tariffs didn’t make sense around national security. They statewide economic development” if the commission did not
autos, the president was relying on a rarely used weapon in the were hurting Canadian consumers, Canadian workers and decide the case in the company’s favor.
U.S. trade war arsenal — Section 232 of the Trade Expansion American consumers and American workers.” “The growth of (Facebook) in our state could go on for
Act of 1962 — which lets the president impose tariffs on Trump had faced a Saturday deadline to decide what to do many years,” wrote Cottrell Propst and Keyes in the letter. “
imports if the Commerce Department deems them a threat to about the auto tariffs. . . . . But this will only happen if the state of New Mexico
national security. Taxing auto tariffs would mark a major escalation in Trump’s honors its agreements.”
But the steel and aluminum tariffs were also designed to aggressive trade policies and likely would meet resistance in The letter also stated that a Facebook manager said that the
coerce Canada and Mexico into agreeing to a rewrite of North Congress. The United States last year imported $192 billion company “would prefer to expand in communities it has
American free trade pact. In fact, the Canadians and Mexicans worth of passenger vehicles and $159 billion in auto parts. already chosen, rather than look for others.”
did go along last year with a revamped regional trade deal that “I have serious questions about the legitimacy of using At stake in the commission case is $39 million in con-
was to Trump’s liking. But the administration had refused to national security as a basis to impose tariffs on cars and car struction costs associated with a planned transmission line
lift the taxes on their metals coming into the United States parts,” Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley, chair of the that would provide the Los Lunas data center with renewable
until Friday. Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement Friday. energy.
011 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 10:05 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL STATE Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 11

Ammo from crashed F-16 safely destroyed

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the closure affected businesses and adjacent
Riverside National Cemetery, authorities
RIVERSIDE — Live ammunition from an said.
F-16 fighter jet that crashed through the “There were about 30 ceremonies that
roof of a Southern California warehouse was were going to take place out there today that
safely destroyed Friday afternoon and miles other arrangements have had to be made,”
of closed freeway were reopened. said Bruce Barton, director of emergency
KABC-TV video showed the ordnance management for Riverside County.
blowing up in huge clouds of dirt after being The crash occurred during a training mis-
buried in trenches at March Air Reserve sion, March Air Reserve Base Deputy Fire
Base. Chief Timothy Holliday said.
A miles-long stretch of Interstate 215 was Holiday said it was a “miracle” the jet did-
reopened and evacuations were cancelled for n’t cause a fire or explosion.
most nearby businesses, although those A warehouse worker said he heard a deaf-
closest to the warehouse remained off-lim- ening noise before the jet smashed into the
its. building about 65 miles (105 kilometers)
The F-16 crashed Thursday afternoon after from Los Angeles.
the pilot reported hydraulic problems and “Next thing I know I just hear this explo-
started losing control of the aircraft, author- sion and turn around to the back of the build-
ities have said. The plane crashed into a ing, and I just seen a burst of flames and just
commercial warehouse near the base, which the ceiling started falling through every
is southeast of Los Angeles. part of the building,” Daniel Gallegos told
The pilot ejected safely before the crash KABC-TV. “I just made a run for it.”
and was in good condition, McNamara said. The F-16 was under the direction of the
The pilot’s name was not released. North American Aerospace Defense
The Air National Guard jet, which Command. The pilot is from the 144th
remained in the warehouse, was carrying a Fighter Wing, an Air National Guard unit
“standard armament” package, Col. Thomas KABC.COM based in Fresno, and the F-16 belongs to
McNamara, vice commander of the Air Force The ordinance from a F-16 fighter jet that crashed into this warehouse in Southern the South Dakota Air National Guard in
Reserve’s 452nd Air Mobility Wing at California was destroyed Friday afternoon. Sioux Falls.
March Air Reserve Base, said at a news con- the business. released, authorities said. The base is home to the Air Force Reserve
ference. Three trauma patients remained hospital- Authorities cordoned off an area for 3/4 of Command’s Fourth Air Force Headquarters
He didn’t provide details but the F-16 can ized in stable condition and 10 others, a mile (1.21 kilometers) around the scene, and various units of the Army Reserve, Navy
carry bombs and missiles. including sheriff’s deputies who entered the including a section of heavily traveled Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, California
There was no explosion from the crash warehouse to search for possible victims, Interstate 215. Air National Guard and California Army
and no serious injuries among workers at were treated for exposure to debris and No residential areas were involved, but National Guard.

Utility, regulatory failures led to biggest US gas leak

By Brian Melley The blowout lasted nearly four months and The report criticized inadequate regulations the other wells was not understood.”
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS was blamed for sickening thousands of Los at the time, which allowed the company to Regulations also failed to require inspec-
Angeles residents, who moved out of their inject and withdraw gas into the field through tions of the thickness of casing walls and
LOS ANGELES — A blowout at a Los Porter Ranch homes to escape a sulfurous an internal pipe and the casing that surround- those tests were not routinely conducted by
Angeles natural gas well in 2015 that led to stench and a medley of maladies including ed it. the utility.
the largest-known release of methane in U.S. headaches, nausea and nose bleeds. The casing was originally designed as a
history was the result of a corroded pipe cas- Blade Energy Partners, which conducted the safety barrier for oil production, but was being The well that ruptured was on a list of 20 old
ing, safety failures by a utility and inadequate yearslong investigation, said the company used to pump greater volumes of gas in and out wells the company identified in 1988 to deter-
regulations, according to an investigation should have been able to plug the leak sooner. of the field under high pressure. mine their condition. Over a two-year period,
report released Friday. SoCalGas has spent more than $1 billion It was that type of casing that ultimately however, the well was not among the seven
on the blowout with the majority going to ruptured due to corrosion from water and tested, which found corrosion on five had
Southern California Gas Co. failed to inves- worn away 20% to 60% of the wall thickness
tigate previous well failures at the Aliso temporarily relocate 8,000 families, accord- microbes. Gas seeped up through the earth and
ing to filings with the U.S. Securities and eventually blew a gaping crater around the of their casings.
Canyon storage field and didn’t adequately
assess its aging wells for disaster potential Exchange Commission. The utility still faces well. SoCalGas in a press release said the report
before the Oct. 23, 2015, blowout, the report more than 390 lawsuits on behalf of approxi- Seven attempts to plug the well were tried showed it was in compliance with state regula-
released by the California Public Utilities mately 48,500 people. over weeks, but none worked. The report said tions at the time of the blowout and it touted
Commission said. Residents who live nearby the gas storage workers failed to conduct proper modeling its safety enhancements since.
The disaster led to stricter state regulations field continue to complain about health prob- tests in advance of the so-called kill attempts New requirements put into place by state
and improved policies that would have lems and many, along with some environmen- and didn’t use dense enough fluid and at a high regulators after the blowout led to many of the
addressed most of the causes, the report found. tal groups, want the facility shut down. enough rate to accomplish the task. wells being overhauled and updated and many
Robert Bea, an engineering professor at the “This root cause analysis highlights gross The report also said the company lacked being sealed. The field is also not allowed to
University of California, Berkeley, said the negligence by SoCalGas and the failure to systems to protect wells from corrosion and operate at full capacity.
report shows the blowout was a “predictable conduct basic inspections to determine safety surveillance to monitor them in real time.
and preventable disaster” and likened it to oil of a highly dangerous operation,” Alexandra Investigators found there had been 60 cas- Two state regulatory agencies, the CPUC
spills, a dam spillway collapse and deadly Nagy, director of Food & Water Watch ing leaks before the incident that presented and the Department of Conservation’s oil and
wildfires he said were due in part to failures by California, said in a statement. “Nothing risks to safety and the environment but inves- gas division, will use the findings to produce
regulators. short of the immediate shut down of Aliso tigations into their causes were never conduct- reports of their own that could lead to fines.
“Collectively, we seem to be using ‘reactive Canyon will protect residents from harm.” ed. SoCalGas reached a $120 million court set-
risk mismanagement’: Patch and Pray, Watch The field — the largest of its kind in the “Furthermore, external corrosion on pro- tlement with the state attorney general. It was
it Fail, Fix it Fast, Return to Business As West at the time of the blowout — stores nat- duction casing had been identified in several convicted in Los Angeles Superior Court of
Usual As Soon As Possible,” Bea said. ural gas in retired oil wells, some dating to the wells,” the report said. “Based on the data failing to quickly report the leak to state
“Several of my colleagues who live in other 1940s. It injects gas more than a mile under- reviewed by Blade, no investigation of the authorities and agreed to a $4 million settle-
countries have called this approach as ‘stuck ground into the porous reservoir where crude causes was performed, and, therefore, the ment with the Los Angeles County district
in stupid.”’ was once found. extent and consequences of the corrosion in attorney.

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012 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 10:05 PM Page 1

12 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Iran tests Trump’s ‘America First’ pledge

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS war with Iran, Trump said simply: “I hope eign policy, according to a January poll administration’s recent moves. “I don’t
not.” conducted by Associated Press-NORC know, that might be a good thing.”
WASHINGTON — President Donald Aware of the potential backlash from Center for Public Affairs Research. Like People close to the president acknowl-
Trump won the White House pledging to within his party, the president is trying to other issues, the partisan divide was over- edge that an armed conflict in the region is
wind down the nation’s many foreign play down the possibility of hostilities. He whelming: 76 percent of Republicans a real possibility.
entanglements and put “America First.” held the door open for negotiations over approved, while just 8 percent of Democrats Liberty University President Jerry
But as his administration in recent days Iran’s nuclear program and malign activities said the same. Falwell Jr., a Trump confidant, signaled sup-
has sent mixed signals on the prospects of in the region amid reports that he was push- Yet the Republican Party under Trump’s port for a military solution if needed to pre-
a military conflict with Iran, Trump’s cam- ing back against his more hawkish advis- leadership has shifted away from wanting vent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon
paign trail promise is being put to the test. ers’ preference for a military solution. the United States to play an aggressive role — so long as the United States wouldn’t
With the 2020 election approaching, the Prominent Trump supporters offered a in world affairs. Foreign policy hawks in take the lead role in a prospective war.
political pitfalls ahead for the first-term pointed warning on Friday about the the GOP who have long embraced a muscular “Whatever needs to be done to keep Iran
Republican president could be serious. prospect of a new war, which they view as a foreign policy have been marginalized in from becoming a nuclear power needs to
While Trump enjoys overwhelming sup- direct violation of his “America First” recent years, dismissed as “globalists.” happen,” Falwell said in an interview. “I’m
port from his party, there is little appetite pledge. By contrast, Democrats are now far more not saying the United States needs to do it.
among his loyalists for a new military “It would be a disaster for him and for the likely than Republicans to say the U.S. Somebody is going to need to do it.”
conflict in the Middle East. Many are will- country getting into another military should play a more active role in solving He added: “The way that it balances out, it
ing to give him the benefit of the doubt for engagement in the Middle East,” said Corey the world’s problems. might be Saudi Arabia and Israel that go to
now, but a string of recent moves has Stewart, who led Trump’s 2016 campaign in In the AP poll, 43 percent of Democrats war with Iran.”
sparked concerns that the administration Virginia. “It does concern me that the presi- said they thought the U.S. should be more J.D. Gordon, director of national security
was beating the drums toward war. Among dent has (national security adviser John) active abroad, compared to just 13 percent for Trump’s first campaign, described Iran as
the possible precursors to military con- Bolton and a lot of these neocons advising of Republicans. “a delicate balance” for the president, who
flict: new sanctions on Iran’s him. That’s clearly not what he ran on and Trump on Friday sought to blame the is surrounded by advisers who “generally
Revolutionary Guards, the deployment of a what most Americans want.” media for the sense of mounting unease over agree with his worldview.”
U.S. aircraft carrier to the region and pub- Foreign policy threatens to be a signifi- Iran. “Preventing an aggressive state sponsor
lic warnings of unspecified intelligence cant political liability for Trump heading “They put out so many false messages of terrorism from acquiring nuclear weapons
that Iran might strike at American inter- into his 2020 reelection campaign. that Iran is totally confused,” he told a through primarily economic and diplomatic
ests. Overall, 63 percent of Americans said crowd of real estate agents in Washington, pressure isn’t as simple as many people
Asked this week if the U.S. was going to they disapproved of his job handling for- complaining about media coverage of his would like us to believe,” Gordon said.

11th-hour campaigning in Australian elections

By Rod McGuirk prime minister in the 118-year history of the to campaign in Sydney seats. gas emissions.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Australian federation. Opposition leader Bill Shorten contained “The world will know that if Labor gets
Morrison is the conservatives’ third prime his campaigning to polling centers in his elected, Australia’s back in the fight against
CANBERRA, Australia — Political leaders minister since they were first elected in home town of Melbourne where he voted climate change,” Shorten told reporters.
continued frenetic 11th-hour campaigning as 2013. He replaced Malcolm Turnbull in a Saturday morning with his wife Chloe Shorten has been campaigning hard on
Australians vote on Saturday in an election leadership ballot of government colleagues Shorten. more ambitious targets to reduce Australia’s
likely to deliver the nation’s sixth prime in August. Shorten said he was confident Labor would greenhouse gas emissions.
minister in as many years. Morrison began the day campaigning in win government and promised to start gov- Australia is the world’s largest exporter of
Opinion polls suggest the conservative the island state of Tasmania in seats he hopes erning from Sunday. He said his top priori- coal and liquefied natural gas. It is also one of
Liberal Party-led coalition will lose its bid his party will win from the center-left Labor ties would be to increase wages for low-paid the world’s worst carbon gas polluters per
for a third three-year term and Scott Morrison Party opposition. He then flew 900 kilome- workers, increase pay rates for working capita because of a heavy reliance on coal-
will have had one of the shortest tenures as ters (560 miles) home to Sydney to vote and Sundays and reduce Australia’s greenhouse fired electricity.
013 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 11:15 PM Page 1


<<< Page 13, M-A’s Eagle flies to

double gold at CCS track finals
Weekend • May 18-19, 2019

Blues hold off Sharks,

even the series at two
By Joe Harris
Blues 2, Sharks 1 Elliott (2016) and Roman Turek
(2001) for the most wins by a Blues
final at two games apiece. goalie in a single playoffs. He is the
ST. LOUIS — Jordan Binnington 10th rookie netminder to win at
“He’s been dynamite back there
made save after save to pull off yet least 10 games in a single postsea-
for us all year and his first game he
another playoff victory — and make son in league history.
came in and had a goose egg and just
some team history — for the Blues. “It’s a great honor,” Binnington
took over from there,” Blues
The rookie goalie stopped 29 shots said. “Obviously, I’m having a lot
defenseman Colton Parayko said of
to set a franchise record with his 10th of fun back here playing with this
Binnington. “It’s been fun to watch.
postseason win this year and St. team. They’re doing a great job.
Louis edged the Sharks 2-1 Friday “He’s just doing his thing.” JEFF CURRY/USA TODAY SPORTS
night to even the Western Conference Binnington moved past Brian See SHARKS, Page 18 St. Louis defenseman Jaden Schwartz closes in on San Jose’s Joe Pavelski.

Dons notch CCS victory

Aragon wins first section playoff game since 2010
By Terry Bernal

For all the attention the Lady

Dons’ offense has drawn this sea-
son, senior pitcher Holly Fletcher
has been a standout in her own
Aragon’s offense deserves much
of the credit for helping put the
program back on the map — post-
ing a team average of .343 thus far
in 2019 — but Fletcher proved the TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL
consummate strikeout artist in Burlingame’s Allie Condon produces an RBI to
Friday’s Central Coast Section tie the game 6-6 in the top of the seventh on
Division I softball playoff opener. a play the Mills defense turned in to a triple
The No. 3-seeded Dons (19-6) play Friday. Bgame went on to win it 10-6.
rolled to a 7-3 win over No. 14
Everett Alvarez-Salinas (17-9-1)
Friday at College of San Mateo. It
marked Aragon’s first win in a CCS
Bgame’s playoff
playoff game since 2010. And
Fletcher was the star, striking out
13 to improve her record to 14-5.
opener comes up
“She was mixing the speed, hit-
ting the corners perfectly,” Aragon
head coach Roger Miller said, “and
sunshine & roses
she works harder that any pitcher I By Terry Bernal
know. She’s an incredible individ- DAILY JOURNAL STAFF
The senior right-hander was in It was a beautiful day for softball Friday.
the zone, setting down 14 in a row And while Burlingame only got to play in
at one point. She surrendered an the sunshine for three innings, it was
infield single in the first and didn’t enough to advance to the quarterfinals of
allow another base runner until the the Central Coast Section Division II soft-
sixth inning. ball playoffs.
“From the second I tied up my No. 9-seed Burlingame (13-9) picked up
cleats I was like, ‘I’m in this. Let’s its rain-delayed game with No. 8 Mills at a
go win this,’” Fletcher said. new location Friday at Hillsdale High
Fletcher’s rise-ball and change- School, after getting six innings in the
up were a combination Alvarez just book Wednesday in Millbrae before the
couldn’t solve. In the sixth delay was called with the score tied 5-5.
inning, Alvarez senior Aliyah “We all just really wanted to win and
Robles produced all her team’s runs move on to the next round,” Burlingame
with a three-run home run that, at sophomore Sydney Fleming said.
the time, cut Aragon’s lead in half The Lady Panthers rallied for a 10-6 win,
to 6-3. TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL overcoming a triple play in the top of the
Not that Miller was worried, Aragon senior Holly Fletcher was in the zone Friday to front a 7-3 win over Everett Alvarez at College seventh to win it in extra innings.
of San Mateo in the CCS Division I softball playoff opener. Fletcher struck out 13 to go the distance in
See DONS, Page 16 the Lady Dons’ first CCS playoff victory since 2010. See BGAME, Page 16

Both Aragon, Half Moon Bay lose in eight innings

DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT sacrifice fly to drive in inning, Dons’ clean-up hitter Matt Mukai … Super proud of them. They’re just fighters.”
Mateo Park, who had walked to load the bases. But SHC pitcher Owen
Two days after having the game suspended tripled with one out. Stevenson got a strikeout to end the game. No. 2 Aptos 1, No. 15 HMB 0, 8 innings
after seven innings because of rain, the Aragon (19-6) did not go Jeremiah finished the game going 3 for 4 The Cougars were limited to just three hits, but
Irish and Dons needed little more than half down quietly. With one out with two doubles, a walk and two runs it took the Mariners eight innings to finally
an hour to settle their first-round baseball in the bottom of the eighth, scored. Grant had a double, a sacrifice fly push a run across and take the CCS Division II
game in the CCS Division II bracket at Half Jace Jeremiah doubled to and was walked intentionally twice, while first-round game in Aptos.
Moon Bay High School. center and Cam Grant was Mukai had a pair of singles and an RBI. Aptos (20-6-1) managed only five hits on the
SHC (16-11) scored the go-ahead run in intentionally walk. After “There were a lot of tears (after the game),” said day. Half Moon Bay finishes its season with a
the top of the eighth on a Keshawn Ogans Jace Jeremiah the second strikeout of the Aragon manager Lenny Souza. “They cared a lot. record of 20-8.
014 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 10:58 PM Page 1

14 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Montas leads A’s past Tigers for 14th straight time 10-game homestand and been outscored 48- shrubbery beyond the center to make it 6-1.
By Dave Hogg
A’s 7, Tigers 2 11 in the process. Davis added an RBI single off Sandy Baez
along with a splitter and “My objective was to give us a chance to in the eighth.
DETROIT — Frankie Montas will have to slider. win and stop the bleeding,” Norris said. “We Cabrera’s ninth-inning double tied him
wait to get his first major league complete “He threw the ball have to find a way to win and not let these with Lou Gehrig for 63rd place with 2,721
game. That was about the only downside to great, ” Tigers manager five games define our season.” career hits.
his performance Friday night. Ron Gardenhire said. “We The Tigers didn’t get a baserunner until “When he starts matching guys like Lou
Montas pitched two-run ball into the ninth hit a few balls right at Cabrera’s leadoff double in the fifth. Gehrig, it tells you a little about his career,”
inning and the A’s beat the Tigers for the people, but he pretty “We have a team picture tomorrow, so Gardenhire said.
14th straight meeting with a 7-2 victory. much shut us down. He’s we’re still alive,” Gardenhire said. “We’ll see
“Frankie begged me to let him pitch the got a variety of pitches how it goes, but I hope we’ll be smiling.” Trainer’s room
ninth, and he deserved to get a chance,” The A’s took a 1-0 lead in the fourth. Matt
Oakland manager Bob Melvin said. “They Frankie Montas with that little splitter, Chapman led off with a single, took second
RHP Jharel Cotton, who has been out
his slider and the fast- since having Tommy John surgery in March
only had two hits and he was under 100 ball.” on Stephen Piscotty’s base hit and moved up 2018, was scheduled to start Friday night for
pitches, so I told him I’d give him a shot on Chad Pinder and Mark Canha — the sixth on Davis’s fly ball to right. Oakland took Class A Stockton.
a short leash.” and eighth hitters in the lineup — homered advantage of Detroit’s struggles turning dou-
Montas (5-2) pitched a career-best 8 2/3 for the A’s, and Khris Davis had three hits. ble plays, as Matt Olson beat out shortstop The losing continues
innings, allowing four hits while striking “It feels great to contribute to a win, espe- Gordon Beckham’s relay throw to get an
out a career-high ten. Lou Trivino relieved cially at the bottom of the order,” Pinder RBI. Detroit’s 14-game skid against the A’s is
and got the final out after Montas allowed said. “I think we’re starting to build some Canha made it 3-0 with a two-run homer in its longest against one team since dropping
an RBI double to Miguel Cabrera. momentum.” the fifth, but Josh Harrison’s RBI double 14 straight to the Los Angeles Angels in
“I wanted to finish the game, but I am very Oakland’s winning streak against Detroit pulled the Tigers within two in the bottom of 2002-03.
happy with how I pitched tonight,” he said. is tied for the fifth-longest in franchise his- the inning.
“I just have to get one more out next time.” tory, two short of a 16-game streak over the The A’s added three more runs in the sixth.
Up next
Montas had struck out seven batters on New York Yankees in 1989-91. Davis singled with one out in the sixth and The teams play the third of four games
three occasions, including his last start, but Daniel Norris (2-2) allowed six runs, scored when Olson’s base hit to center Saturday. Daniel Mengden (0-1, 6.75) starts
overpowered the Tigers with movement and seven hits and a walk in 5 1/3 innings. skipped past JaCoby Jones for a two-base for Oakland against Tigers lefty Matt Boyd
velocity. His fastball reached 98 mph to go Detroit has lost the first five games of a error. Pinder followed with a homer into the (4-3, 3.15).

Drought in the desert

Samardzija allowed three runs on five hits
and walked three in 5 1/3 innings. He did
not strike out a batter for the first time in
101 career starts.
Giants blanked by Dbacks in series opener “They are aggressive out there, ”
Samardzija said. “I thought we were making
By John Marshall
Dbacks 7, Giants 0 good pitches, which kind of created the
atmosphere that it did, just kind of moving
Adam Jones had a run-scoring double along there.”
PHOENIX — Arizona had good pitching, among his three hits and three relievers
timely hitting and solid defense. combined with Merrill Kelly (4-4) for Bochy ejected
It’s just the kind of game Torey Lovullo Arizona’s third shutout of the season. Bochy was ejected in the seventh inning
likes from the Diamondbacks, helping him “You look at that game and the story was for arguing a call after Jarod Dyson was hit
become the second-fastest manager in team we just couldn’t get a big hit,” Giants man- on the hand attempting a bunt.
history to reach 200 wins. ager Bruce Bochy said. “We had runners out
Eduardo Escobar hit a three-run triple and Bochy walked out of the dugout while
there we were just missing one more hit JOE CAMPOREALE/USA TODAY SPORTS trainers attended to Dyson and home plate
David Peralta homered, lifting the there to get things rolling and we just could- Arizona’s Jarrod Dyson scores behind third
Diamondbacks to a 7-0 win over the San umpire Andy Fletcher gave him an almost
n’t get it tonight.” baseman Wilmer Flores in the seventh inning nonchalant ejection.
Francisco Giants on Friday night. Kelly worked around a high early pitch against the Giants Friday at Chase Field.
“Two hundred wins is something I’m very count in 5 1/3 scoreless innings after two “They say he pulled back. He attempted to
proud of, but the players are more responsi- shaky outings. pounding the strike zone.” bunt the ball, not the right call there,”
ble for that than I am,” Lovullo said. The right-hander allowed 10 combined The first inning has been a struggle for Bochy said after his third ejection of his
Lovullo reached 200 wins in 369 games, earned runs his previous two outings, but Samardzija this season. He has a 12.38 ERA final season before retiring. “I don’t know
behind only Bob Brenly, who did it 349 was effective against the Giants until run- in the opening frame and allowed a majors- how much it played into the game, but the
games. ning into trouble in the sixth inning. most six first-inning homers. call was not right. He was attempting to
The Diamondbacks used Lovullo’s blue- San Francisco loaded the bases to with The right-hander made it through the first bunt that ball.”
print to get him to the milestone, getting one out to chase the right-hander, but inning unscathed and held the Diamondbacks
good pitching early and building quality at- Yoshihisa Hirano struck out Brandon in check until Peralta lifted a solo homer to Trainer’s room
bats as the game progressed. Crawford and got Kevin Pillar to fly out to left-center in the fourth inning. Buster Posey went 2 for 4 after being acti-
Peralta hit a solo homer off Jeff right. Jones chased Samardzija with a run-scor- vated from the seven-day concussion list. He
Samardzija (2-2) and Escobar cleared the Kelly allowed six hits and struck out four. ing double and Ketel Marte put Arizona up 3- had been out since May 10, two days after
bases with a slicing triple against Derek “He was using his defense,” Jones said. 0 with a broken-bat RBI single off Reyes taking a foul tip off the mask. ... 3B Evan
Holland in the seventh. “That’s what we’re there for and he was Moronta. Longoria was sick and out of the lineup.
015 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 11:43 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 15

Eagle goes double gold at
CCS track championships
DAILY JOURNAL STAFF REPORT titles, with a second off of winner San Lorenzo
Pretre taking Valley’s time of 3:55.75.
Menlo-Atherton’s Jessica Eagle the girls’ 1,600 Carlmont’s Kaimei Gesuk took
dominated in the sprints, while in a time of home the championship in the
Menlo School’s 5:01. 58, with girls’ 3,200 in a time of 10:42.15.
1-2 distance Half Moon In the field events, the Peninsula
punch of Kyra Bay’s Claire dominated the shot put. Terra
Pretre and Yerby finishing Nova’s Carly Watts repeated as CCS
Ch arl o t t e third with a champ, finishing with a toss of 46
To m k i n s o n Charlotte time of feet, 2 inches to easily outdistance
h i g h l i g h t ed Tomkinson 5 : 0 5 . 0 2 . Notre Dame Belmont’s Krissy
local perform- To m k i n s o n Smoot, who finished second with
ances at the took first ahead put of 45-7, and Mills’ Nane
Jessica Eagle Central Coast of Pretre in the Ikahihifo, who was third with a
Section Track 800 with a time mark of 40-1. DAILY JOURNAL FILE PHOTO
and Field Championships at Gilroy of 2:13. 69, Smoot, however, prevented a San Mateo starting pitcher Sage Hager, seen here in a previous game,
High School Friday night. compared to Watts double for the second year in fanned 10 in Friday’s CCS Division I softball opener at CSM.
Eagle, a senior, took home two Pretre’s second- a row when she finally got past her
championships. Eagle ran the sec-
ond leg of the girls’ 4x100 relay
gold, teaming with Autriyana
Hardy, Malia Latu and Lauren Kyra Pretre
place time of
2 : 1 5 . 1 6 .
To m k i n s o n
also added a
nemesis in the discus, taking the
CCS title with a throw of 142-4,
two feet further than Watts’ best
effort of 140-4. Ikahihifo was 11th
Mateo rides 6-run fifth
Collinsworth to post a time of
48.22 seconds, holding off Valley
Christian, which finished with a
48.35. Eagle then won the 100 in a
third-place fin-
ish in the 400, finishing with a

Pretre and Tomkinson were not

with a throw of 94-1.
County boys were not nearly as
prolific as their female counterparts,
but there were a couple of good
to victory in CCS opener
By Terry Bernal Hager went on to set down the
time of 12.07, reaching the tape the only Knights to perform well. showings. M-A’s Francisco Sanchez DAILY JOURNAL STAFF next 12 batters she faced. The
ahead of Silver Creek’s Jazlynn Alexandra Chan took third in the was third in the 100 with a time of sophomore right-hander allowed
Shearer, who finished with a 12.18. girls’ 100 hurdles with a 14.71 and 10.93 in a race won by Azjani No. 2-seed San Mateo rallied for one run on three hits and a walk
Eagle finished fourth in 200 with a was eighth in the 300 hurdles. The McGill of Monterey, who ran a six runs in the bottom of the fifth while striking out 10.
time of 25.68 in an event won by Menlo girls’ 4x400 team of 10.82. In the 3,200, Carlmont’s to top No. 15 North Salinas 7-1 in “Her energy was good,” Jepsen
San Lorenzo Valley’s Camryn Michelle Louie, Lauren Hamilton, Justin Hsu finished fifth in a time of Friday’s Central Coast Section said. “And when she’s smiling, we
Crouch, who finished with a 24.97. Pretre and Tomkinson finished sec- 9:29.18. Bellarmine’s Chris Peattie Division I playoff opener at have a good day … when she knows
Pretre and Tomkinson each won cond with a time of 3:56.74, about won the title with a 9:27.42. College of San Mateo. she has her defense behind her and
With the score deadlocked at 1-1, we’re swinging hard on offense,
San Mateo (16-5) loaded the bases good things are going to happen.”

Optimism for KD’s postseason return Durant was uled examination is Thursday, and
for senior Monet Scheller to get
hit by a pitch and force home the
winning run. Then junior Charlotte
Velasquez stepped to the plate a
Freshman leadoff hitter Bethany
Shih also had two hits for San
With the win, the Bearcats
By Janie McCauley
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS injured in Game Durant has yet to do any of the on- lined a two-run double to left-cen- advance to the quarterfinals of the
5 of the confer- court work such as scrimmaging ter to stoke the game-winning Division I bracket. Mateo is slated
OAKLAND — Steve Kerr ence semifinals full court with contact the Warriors rally. to take on No. 7 Branham Saturday
remains optimistic Kevin Durant a g a i n s t would require before he is cleared Velasquez was 2 for 3 with three at Fremont High School in
will return from a right calf injury Houston that it for game action. RBIs on the day in support of Sunnyvale. First pitch is sched-
to play for Golden State at some would be tough “He’s doing well. He’s in the starting pitcher Sage Hager who uled for 3 p.m., weather permit-
point this postseason but isn’t to predict the training room every day, he’s was her usual dominant self. ting. If the forecast for rain holds
guessing when that might be. timetable for around the guys. He’s actually After San Mateo jumped out to a true, the game will be postponed
1-0 lead in the first on an RBI dou- to Monday, which would benefit
“There’s definitely some gray Kevin Durant the two-time recovering well, he’s doing well
area with any injury but with a calf reigning NBA with his rehab,” Kerr said. ble by Giuliana Selvitella, North the Bearcats as the venue would
injury like that especially,” Kerr Finals MVP’s healing, based on The Warriors lead the best-of- Salinas (13-11) answered right also change to their home yard at
said Friday before the team trav- the wide range in rehab and recov- seven series 2-0, so if the two- back. Sofia Gombos tied it up in San Mateo.
eled to Portland for Game 3. “It’s ery for this injury. time defending champions the top of the second with a solo “I’m rooting for rain to get my
going to be how he responds to Durant was re-evaluated before a advance to a fifth straight NBA home run which, in the long run, pitcher some rest, to get my team
the treatment and how his body 114-111 Game 2 win Thursday Finals there would be a chance for seemed to help Hager more than it some rest and then we’re hosting
recovers over the next days and night and won’t play in Games 3 Durant to play again. helped North Salinas. on Monday,” Jepsen said.
however long it takes.” or 4 of the Western Conference “What did I say last night, that it “I talked to Sage and we said Friday’s game was originally
Warriors director of sports medi- finals at Portland, Saturday and was a little more serious than we never again, ” San Mateo head scheduled for Wednesday at San
cine and performance Rick Monday. He is likely to miss the coach Alyssa Jepsen said. “And it Mateo, but was rescheduled due to
Celebrini told Kerr from the time entire series given his next sched- See DUBS, Page 17 was right back to work.” inclement weather.

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016 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 10:37 PM Page 1

16 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

One of four seniors on the roster, Fletcher

CSM softball
Sarabia powers walk-off win in
DONS is committed to play at University of South
Dakota next season. She’s a San Mateo
native, and has only made two trips to South
state championship tourney opener Continued from page 13 Dakota, both on official visits to the cam-
pus. She does, however, already talk with a
How about a little Coastside power? country twang in her voice, something she
College of San Mateo isn’t relying on knowing his daunting lineup is capable of said friends sometimes tease her about.
luck to dictate its seventh straight appear- creating thunder at will.
“The defense is so good and I knew hope- Aragon is in a position to establish a
ance in the state championship tourna- prominent softball era, with its No. 3 and 4
ment. The Lady Bulldogs (42-2) showed fully we would score some more runs,”
Miller said. “We’ve got an incredible hitters — DiNardo and Grant — both fresh-
Friday they are ready to battle in an attempt man and only looking to get better. Miller
to win their first-ever state title. offense this year, there’s no doubt about it.
So, every time they come to bat, I kind of said he had no problem turning the reins
In a back-and-forth battle with Fullerton over to a freshman catcher to start the year.
(37-8), the Bulldogs traded runs to force expect one or two (runs) to be honest with
you. There’s just such power on this team “From Day One, I saw her work ethic and
extra innings before winning it in the bot- her arm, and how she takes charge of the
tom of the ninth 5-4 on a walk-off solo home and we have very, very good speed. So,
when they’re on, we’re going to be hard to field when she’s catching, the way she barks
run by Half Moon Bay graduate Ally Sarabia. out orders to everybody,” Miller said. “She’s
Sarabia’s fellow HMB grad, freshman just a total professional. From Day One, I
The Dons went deep twice, including
Riley Donovan, added two home runs — a knew she was going to be the starting catch-
freshman Liv DiNardo, as Fletcher’s battery
two-run shot in the second to give CSM a TERRY BERNAL/DAILY JOURNAL er. And the bat as well.”
mate got her team on the board with a first-
2-0 lead, followed by a solo blast in the Aragon third baseman Makaila Tuakoi takes And the Dons’ winning ways have come as
inning solo blast to right field.
fourth to tie it 3-3. a throw as Alvarez freshman Arissa Ramos no surprise to their young backstop.
In the second, Aragon scratched out an
The Bulldogs later trailed 4-3 in the unearned run on a throwing error. Then in advances on a wild pitch Friday at CSM. “I feel this year we kind of expected to get
sixth, but freshman Amanda Weitenhagen the third, junior Makaila Tuakai flexed some Shannon Galliano followed with a one-out pretty far,” DiNardo said. “With our team,
clubbed a solo homer to tie it. more Aragon muscle, scorching a line-drive double to plate Folau. Then with two outs, not putting pressure, but ‘You guys can do
Emily McAdams went the distance for CSM home run to center to up the lead to 3-0. freshman shortstop Megan Grant socked a it,” because we have a really good mix of
to earn the win, improving her record to 31-1. In the fourth, Aragon added three more. two-run single to center. juniors, sophomores, and we have three or
The Bulldogs continue play in the double- The bottom of the order set the table with a Fletcher, all the while, was cruising along four freshmen this year. So, we’re just doing
elimination tourney Saturday at Bakersfield bloop single by Siulolovao Folau and a bunt in the circle. She went on to work seven what we can to make the team the best we
College against San Joaquin Delta at 9 a.m. single by Samantha Kennedy. Junior innings, allowing three runs on four hits. can this year.”

a similar count earlier in the game and took a poor elements. She issued six walks overall, force extra innings.

BGAME really hittable pitch.

Burlingame’s No. 3 hitter vowed not to let
that happen again. 
including five through the first five innings
“She’s pitched really well this year,”
“I’ll be honest with you, Mills did a great
job,” Saucedo it. “It was a great play. They
should be proud. … I was pretty impressed
Continued from page 13 “Then I knew with this pitcher, if it was a Burlingame head coach John Saucedo said. myself.”
good one that was the only good one I was “Solid. … So, that’s why, when that rain was With the bases loaded and no outs,
going to get,” Fleming said. coming down, I was like, ‘That’s not Kailey Burlingame’s Allie Condon lined a one-hop-
Burlingame sent 10 batters to the plate in
Chloe McNamara went on to add a two-run at all.’” per to right fielder Nicole Boie, who prompt-
the top of the eighth, taking the lead on a
single to give Burlingame some breathing O’Connor is part of Burlingame’s sopho- ly gunned to first base to cut down Condon for
two-run single by Fleming.
room. Then starting pitcher Kailey O’Connor more battery, along with Fleming behind the the first out. Condon picked up an RBI as
The sophomore stepped to the plate with did the rest, setting down the last seven bat- plate. The right-hander got some big-time Fleming scored from third.
the bases loaded and laced a 3-0 pitch off the ters she faced to record the eight-inning com- help from another sophomore with a clutch But as the runner from second, Sam Palacio,
third baseman’s glove and into left field to plete-game victory. defensive play to end the sixth by second made the turn around third, Mills first base-
score Sophia Palacio and Sydney Crespo to Resuming the game Friday made a world of baseman Adele Friedland. man Olivia Williams, threw behind her to
give the Panthers an 8-6 lead. Fleming said difference for O’Connor, who struggled Mills (16-6) had taken a 6-5 lead on the pre- third baseman Stanley, who chased her down
she ordinarily would take a 3-0 pitch, but saw Wednesday to get a grip on the ball with the vious play when sophomore Emma McGraw and applied a tag for the second out.
scored on an infield error. Then with runners Then, Burlingame’s McNamara tried to
at the corners and two outs, Cassandra advance from second to third, but Mills left
Stanley hit a flair into shallow right-center. fielder Victoria Williams snuck in to cover
“I just saw it coming and I was like, ‘That’s third and took a throw from Stanley to com-
going to be short for the center fielder,” plete the 9-3-5-7 triple play.
Friedland said. “Honestly, I thought it was “It was like our momentum picked up and
going to drop in.” everyone was fired up,” Stanley said. “We
Friedland got a good first step, though, and weren’t really sad anymore. Because at the
tracked down the fading pop-up with a run- time we were sort of down. But then that
ning catch, a play that Saucedo said saved the picked us up and helped us to keep going.”
game. With the win, Burlingame advanced to the
The play of the game, though, was Mills’ Division II quarterfinals to face No. 1 Valley
triple play in the top of the seventh. Christian. The game is scheduled for Saturday
It was a crazy play that saw two outfielders at Hawes Park in Redwood City at 3 p.m.,
involved in the play, but also allowed weather permitting. Scheduling updates can
Burlingame to tie the score to ultimately be found at www.cifccs.org.
017 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 12:00 AM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 17

East Division
W L Pct GB
East Division
W L Pct GB
Golden State 4, L.A. Clippers 2
CCS baseball
Continued from page 15 New York 27 16 .628 — Philadelphia 25 19 .568 —
Saturday, April 13: Warriors 121, Clippers 104
Monday, April 15: Clippers 135, Warriors 131 Open Division
Tampa Bay 26 16 .619 1/2 Atlanta 24 21 .533 1 1/2 Thursday, April 18: Warriors 132, Clippers 105
Boston 23 21 .523 4 1/2 New York 20 23 .465 4 1/2 Sunday, April 21: Warriors 113, Clippers 105 No. 5 Serra (17-9) vs No. 4 Santa Cruz (22-4) at Half
thought? The right way to put it Toronto 18 26 .409 9 1/2 Washington 18 26 .409 7 Wednesday, April 24: Clippers 129, Warriors 121 Moon Bay, 1 p.m.
would be with a calf injury there’s Baltimore 15 29 .341 12 1/2 Miami 11 31 .262 13 Friday, April 26: Warriors 129, Clippers 110
kind of a wide range of how long a Division I
guy’s going to be out,” Kerr said. Central Division Central Division Warriors 4, Houston 2 No. 5 Carlmont (17-10) vs No. 4 Leland (18-7-2) at
“So he’s had them in the past where W L Pct GB W L Pct GB Sunday, April 28: Warriors 104, Houston 100 West Valley College, 11 a.m.
Minnesota 29 15 .659 — Chicago 26 16 .619 — Tuesday, April 30: Warriors 115, Houston 109
he was out a week or 10 days. But Cleveland 23 20 .535 5 1/2 Saturday, May 4: Houston 126, Warriors 121, OT
Milwaukee 27 20 .574 1 1/2
right from the beginning Rick was Chicago 20 23 .465 8 1/2 Pittsburgh 22 20 .524 4 Monday, May 6: Houston 112, Warriors 108 Division II
telling me that you really can’t put Detroit 18 25 .419 10 1/2 St. Louis 23 22 .511 4 1/2
x-Wednesday, May 8: Warriors 104, Houston 99 No. 10 Capuchino (15-12) vs No. 2 Aptos (20-6-1) at
a number of days and weeks on this. Kansas City 15 30 .333 14 1/2 x-Friday, May 10: Warriors 118, Houston 113 Half Moon Bay, 2 p.m.
Cincinnati 20 25 .444 7 1/2
“There’s a big range of how long WESTERN CONFERENCE FINALS
West Division
it could be depending on how he West Division Warriors 2, Portland 0 No. 8 Burlingame (14-10) vs No. 1 Monterey (19-9)
W L Pct GB W L Pct GB Tuesday, May 14: Warriors 116, Portland 94 at Sollecito Park-Monterey, 1 p.m.
responds and how bad the strain is. Houston 30 15 .667 — Thursday, May 16: Warriors 114, Portland 111
Los Angeles 30 16 .652 —
This one is taking a little bit Angels 21 23 .477 8 1/2 Saturday, May 18:Warriors at Portland, 6 p.m.
Arizona 25 20 .556 4 1/2
longer than the ones he’s had in Texas 20 22 .476 8 1/2 San Diego 23 22 .511 6 1/2
Monday, May 20:Warriors at Portland, 6 p.m. Division III
x-Wednesday, May 22: Portland at Warriors, 6 p.m.
the past but that’s OK. He’s com- Seattle 22 25 .468 9 Colorado 20 23 .465 8 1/2 x-Friday, May 24:Warriors at Portland, 6 p.m. No. 2 Menlo School (16-9) vs No. 7 Thomas More
ing along well and if he continues A’s 21 25 .457 9 1/2 x-Sunday, May 26: Portland at Warriors, 6 p.m. (18-6) at Wilcox-Santa Clara, 2 p.m.
Giants 18 25 .419 10 1/2
to improve at the rate he’s moving
Friday’s Games Friday’s Games
now I’m confident that he’ll be No. 5 King’s Academy (14-13) vs No. Palma (14-12)
back. We just don’t know when.”
N.Y.Yankees 4,Tampa Bay 3
Baltimore 5,Cleveland 1
Philadelphia 5, Colorado 4 SHARKS PLAYOFF GLANCE at Hartnell College-Salinas, 2 p.m.
Chicago Cubs 14, Washington 6
Durant’s 34.2 points per game Houston 3,Boston 1 L.A. Dodgers 6, Cincinnati 0 FIRST ROUND
lead all postseason scorers. An Oakland 7,Detroit 2 San Jose 4, Vegas 3 No. 8 Summit Shasta (11-3) vs No. 1 Pacific Grove
Miami 8, N.Y. Mets 6 Wednesday, April 10: San Jose 5, Vegas 2 (21-4) at Sollecito Park-Monterey, 10 a.m.
impending free agent this summer, Texas 7,St.Louis 3 Atlanta 12, Milwaukee 8 Friday, April 12: Vegas 5, San Jose 3
he has missed the last three games Toronto 10,ChicagoWhite Sox 2 Texas 7, St. Louis 3 Sunday, April 14: Vegas 6, San Jose 3
Angels 5,Kansas City 2 Tuesday, April 16: Vegas 5, San Jose 0 CCS Softball
since straining his right calf dur- Arizona 7, San Francisco 0
Thursday, April 18: San Jose 5, Vegas 2
Minnesota 7,Seattle 1 Pittsburgh 5, San Diego 3 Open Division
ing the third quarter of Game 5 Saturday’s Games Sunday, April 21: San Jose 2, Vegas 1, 2OT
Saturday’s Games Tuesday, April 23: San Jose 5, Vegas 4, OT No. 5 Carlmont (16-9) vs No. 4 Mountain View (17-
against the Rockets on May 8 and Tampa (Snell 3-4) at N.Y.Yankees (Tanaka 3-3),10:05 a.m. Colorado (Senzatela 3-2) at Philly (Nola 3-0), 1:05 p.m. 6) at Hawes Park-Redwood City, 10 a.m.
didn’t travel to Houston for the Toronto (Richard 0-0) atWhite Sox (Giolito 4-1),11:10 a.m. St.Louis (Hudson 2-3) at Texas (Chavez 0-1), 1:05 p.m. CONFERENCE SEMIFINALS
Warriors’ Game 6 clincher. St.Louis (Hudson 2-3) atTexas (Chavez 0-1),1:05 p.m. Dodgers (Buehler 4-0) at Cincinnati (Mahle 0-5),1:10 p.m. San Jose 4, Colorado 3
Friday, April 26: San Jose 5, Colorado 2 Division I
Andrew Bogut has started in Baltimore (Means 5-3) at Cleveland (Plutko 0-0),1:10 p.m. N.Y. Mets (Matz 3-2) at Miami (Lopez 2-5), 1:10 p.m.
Sunday, April 28: Colorado 4, San Jose 3
Durant’s place the past three games Oakland (Mengden 0-1) at Detroit (Boyd 4-3),1:10 p.m. Cubs (Lester 3-1) atWashington (Strasburg 3-3),4:15 p.m. No. 3 Aragon vs No. 6 Gilroy (14-11) at Salinas Sports
Tuesday, April 30: San Jose 4, Colorado 2 Complex, 2:30 p.m.
Houston (Martin 1-0) at Boston (Velazquez 1-2),4:15 p.m. Milwaukee(Anderson2-0)atAtlanta(Gausman2-3),4:20p.m. Thursday, May 2: Colorado 3, San Jose 0
but Kevon Looney got the majori-
Kansas City (Junis 3-4) at Angels (Canning 1-1),7:07 p.m. Pitt (Brault 0-1) at SD (Margevicius 2-4), 5:40 p.m. Saturday, May 4: San Jose 2, Colorado 1
ty of the playing time in Game 2 as Minnesota (Berrios 6-2) at Seattle (LeBlanc 2-0),7:10 p.m. Giants (Bumgarner 2-4) at Arizona (Godley 1-3),7:10 p.m. Monday, May 6: Colorado 4, San Jose 3, OT No. 2 San Mateo vs No. 7 Branham (13-8) at Fremont
Kerr has used a bigger rotation to Sunday’s Games Sunday’s Games
Wednesday, May 8: San Jose 3, Colorado 2 High School-Sunnyvale, 3 p.m.
take advantage of Golden State’s Houston at Boston,10:05 a.m. Colorado at Philadelphia, 10:05 a.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE FINALS
deep bench. Tampa Bay at N.Y.Yankees,10:05 a.m. L.A. Dodgers at Cincinnati, 10:10 a.m. Sharks 2, St. Louis 2 Division II
DeMarcus Cousins is slightly Baltimore at Cleveland,10:10 a.m. N.Y. Mets at Miami, 10:10 a.m. Saturday, May 11: Sharks 6, St. Louis 3
Oakland at Detroit,10:10 a.m. Milwaukee at Atlanta, 10:20 a.m. Monday, May 13: St. Louis 4, Sharks 2 No. 3 Hillsdale (15-7) vs No. 11 Monte Vista Chris-
ahead of Durant in his recovery Wednesday, May 15: Sharks 5, St. Louis 4, OT tian (13-9) at Hawes Park-Redwood City, 12:30 p.m.
Toronto at ChicagoWhite Sox,11:10 a.m. St. Louis at Texas, 12:05 p.m.
from a torn left quadriceps muscle Friday, May 17: St. Louis 2, Sharks 1
St.Louis atTexas,12:05 p.m. Pittsburgh at San Diego, 1:10 p.m. x-Sunday, May 19: St. Louis at Sharks, noon
that he hurt in Game 2 of the first Kansas City at Angels,1:07 p.m. San Francisco at Arizona, 1:10 p.m. x-Tuesday, May 21: Sharks at St. Louis, 5 p.m. No. 9 Burlingame vs No. 1 Valley Christian (16-10)
round against the Clippers. Minnesota at Seattle,1:10 p.m. Chicago Cubs at Washington, 4:05 p.m. x-Thursday, May 23: St. Louis at Sharks, 6 p.m. at Hawes Park, 3 p.m.
018 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 11:58 PM Page 1

18 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 SPORTS THE DAILY JOURNAL

Koepka shatters record as lead grows at PGA

By Doug Ferguson short one, in wire-to-wire when he was winning contention at a major for the first wedge into 5 feet on the 473-yard
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS this case, majors at an alarming rate. time since the British Open last 16th hole for another birdie, and
because he Koepka, who has won three of the summer, and he made key putts for the record was in sight.
FARMINGDALE, N.Y. — The missed the cut. last seven majors, appears to be par and a 40-foot birdie putt toward He finished with a wedge out of
power. The putting. The poise. He marveled at headed down a similar path. the end of his 66 to get within two thick grass right of the 18th fair-
Brooks Koepka has it all at this PGA Koepka hitting Jordan Spieth had a 66 in the shots before Koepka teed off in the way, making a final birdie from
Championship, along with the low- 7-iron into a par morning in a bid to keep in range. afternoon. It was close enough — just inside 12 feet. It was his 14th
est 36-hole score in major champi- 5, and a 9-iron Adam Scott had a 64 in the after- at the time, anyway — for Spieth to birdie of the week.
onship history and the largest lead into the uphill, noon. They were seven shots get queried about the missing piece Scott, who pushed Koepka all the
by anyone at the halfway point of a Brooks Koepka 477-yard 15th behind, victims of the largest 36- of a career Grand Slam at the PGA way to end at the PGA last year in St.
Grand Slam event in 85 years. hole. hole lead in a major since Henry Championship. Louis, ran in putts from 25 feet, 40
It was daunting to so many play- “Relative to the field, I was about Cotton led by nine in the 1934 His goal was to stay in range, feet and 30 feet on the opening three
ers who watched Koepka pull away that long early in my career,” Woods British Open. and Spieth felt he did enough. holes — only to settle for par on the
to a seven-shot lead Friday at said. “When you’re able to hit the “It has to come to an end eventu- And then Koepka flipped a easiest hole at Bethpage Black at
Bethpage Black. ball much further than other players, ally, that good front-running,” wedge into 3 feet for birdie on No. the par-5 fourth — and was 7 under
And it looked all too familiar to and get on the right golf courses Scott said with a smile. “Let’s hope 1, hit another wedge to 8 feet for with four holes to play, a chance to
Tiger Woods, who won’t be around where setups like this is penalizing it’s not 12 years like Tiger’s front- birdie on No. 2 and hit 7-iron to break the PGA record of 63 that
to see the ending. if you are a little bit crooked, and if running lasted.” 18 feet on the par-5 fourth hole Koepka had matched the day before.
Koepka backed up his record- he does miss it, he misses on the Woods didn’t hit a fairway until that set up a two-putt birdie. That ended when Scott missed a
tying 63 with a round that put him in correct side, and he’s far enough the ninth hole, and then he started He really poured it on at the end 2-foot par putt on the 17th, and he
a league of his own. He opened with down there to where he was able to the back nine with three straight as Scott moved closer. had to get up-and-down from the
three birdies in a four-hole stretch get the ball on the green. And he did bogeys, turning his mission into On two of the strongest holes in fairway for par on the 18th.
and made three birdies over the clos- all the little things right.” making the cut. He wound up with a the finishing stretch, Koepka And then he saw what Koepka
ing four holes for a 5-under 65 that That describes Woods at Bethpage 73 and missed by one shot, only mashed a drive down the middle of was doing.
broke by two shots the lowest 36- Black the first time this working the ninth time in 76 majors as a pro the 15th fairway and hit 9-iron to “I have to post two more good
hole score — 128 — in any major. man’s public course hosted a major he failed to advance to the weekend. 3 feet, one of only 10 birdies from ones by the look of it at this
Woods was along for the ride — a at the 2002 U.S. Open. Woods went Spieth was hopeful of being in 155 players in the field. He hit stage,” Scott said.

ended, we should have known how We didn’t play aggressive enough in

Bucks go up 2-0 in Eastern finals SHARKS they were going to come out and we
were just a little more casual at the
the second period.”
Hertl banged home a rebound off
By Tim Reynolds everybody fed off of Giannis and start of the game.” of a slap shot by Burns on the
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS how he started the game.” Continued from page 13 The Blues needed just 9 seconds to Sharks’ second power play of the
How he finished, too. convert on a power play as Bozak’s game at 6:48 of the third period to
MILWAUKEE — Giannis Antetokounmpo scored 11 shot found its way through several cut the Blues’ lead to 2-1. The goal
Antetokounmpo started the game points in the fourth for the Bucks, They limited chances tonight. They snapped San Jose’s scoreless streak
skates and past Jones to make it 2-0
with an emphatic dunk. The next who wound up with six players in played a complete game and I just of 226 minutes, 48 seconds in Game
with 2:07 left in the first.
possession, a double figures — three of them tried to do my job.” 4s this postseason after being shut
reserves. Nikola Mirotic scored Tyler Bozak and Ivan Barbashev “We kind of were stressing we’ve
s p rawl i n g got to get more pucks on net with out in the first two rounds.
block to deny 15, Malcolm Brogdon had 14, scored in the first period for the
traffic and we were just kind of pass- Jones stopped the last 13 shots he
Marc Gasol. George Hill 13 and Khris Blues, giving Binnington all the
ing it around the outside a little too faced to keep the Sharks close.
The next pos- Middleton 12. scoring he needed.
much,” Bozak said. “Great shot by “It was a tough first (period),
session, anoth- Kawhi Leonard scored 31 points Tomas Hertl scored for the Sharks,
Vlady (Tarasenko) and Patty obviously,” Burns said. “After that,
er dunk. for Toronto, which gave up the and Martin Jones made 20 saves.
(Maroon) got a tip. Just a loose I think we battled back there, had
The tone was game’s first nine points, never led Game 5 is in San Jose on Sunday.
puck in front and I got kind of lucky some good looks. I think we got
set. And it and trailed by double digits for the Barbashev gave the Blues a quick
that it ended up on my stick and went better. We’re going to have to have
never changed. final 39 minutes. Kyle Lowry lead when his shot deflected off of
Giannis in.” better. That’s a great team over
The Eastern scored 15 and Norman Powell had Gustav Nyquist’s stick and into the
there. Still looking for a solid 60, I
C o n f e r e n c e Antetokounmpo 14 for the Raptors. net just 35 seconds in. Alexander San Jose tilted the ice in its favor
doesn’t belong to Antetokounmpo “We didn’t do much well tonight, Steen’s hip check of Brent Burns in the second period, but
and the Milwaukee Bucks — yet. obviously,” Raptors coach Nick behind the Sharks’ net created a Binnington stopped all 11 shots the
But they’re two wins away, after Nurse said. turnover that led to Barbashev’s Sharks sent his way. Burns had the Face in the crowd
Antetokounmpo had 30 points and Game 3 is Sunday in Toronto. first career playoff goal. Sharks’ best chance, hitting the Soccer star Becky Sauerbrunn was
17 rebounds, Ersan Ilyasova came Milwaukee, which led the NBA There have been seven goals crossbar with about three minutes at the game. The U.S. women’s
off the bench to add 17 points and with a 60-22 record during the reg- scored in the opening minute of left in the period. national team played a friendly
the Bucks never trailed on the way ular season, became the 16th team playoff games this year, with three “I thought that they came out hard against New Zealand at Busch
to a 125-103 victory over the to start a playoff run with at least of them coming against San Jose - in the second and obviously had Stadium on Thursday night.
Toronto Raptors on Friday night 10 victories in its first 11 games. the most since the Boston Bruins some offensive zone time on us,” Notes: The Blues and Sharks
and a 2-0 lead in the East finals. Only three teams — the 1989 Los allowed four during their Stanley Blues coach Craig Berube said. entered the game with 42 points
“He plays so hard, he lays it all Angeles Lakers, the 2001 Lakers Cup run in 2011. “We’ve got to do a better job of not each in the playoffs, the most in the
on the line, every time,” Bucks and the 2017 Golden State “We’ve got to be more ready at the allowing them to take control of the NHL. ... Blues D Vince Dunn, who
coach Mike Budenholzer said. “It Warriors — started a postseason start of the game, for sure,” Jones game that way. I thought the second was hit in the face by a puck in Game
was a great start for us. I think 11-0. said. “With the way the last game period, we just sat back too much. 3, was replaced in the lineup by Carl

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019 0518 sat:1030 FRI 64 5/17/19 8:15 PM Page 1

See who’s left in
HBO’s epic series
that ends Sunday

Peter Hallifax, left, and Julie Jeffrey perform
with Antic Faces of the San Francisco Early
Music Society.

The Antic Faces

recreates music
of old England
By David Bratman
CBS renewed the courtroom drama “Bull” starring Michael Weatherly, despite accusations against the actor of sexual harrassment on the set.
The San Francisco Early Music Society

Controversy overshadows
sponsors ensembles in sets of performanc-
es around the Bay Area. The Elizabethan
consort Antic Faces gave a program at First
Presbyterian Church in Palo Alto on Friday,
May 10. As I was unavailable that day, I

rollout of new TV shows

By Lynn Elber this point we have no plans for that,” wise spotless record after years with CBS,
took in this program the following evening
at St. Mark’s Church in Berkeley.
England around 1600 was as bright a star
in music as it was in drama with
Shakespeare, Marlowe and Ben Jonson.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Collier said, carefully. including on “NCIS,” they said. Composers wrote brilliant dances, songs
Terry Bradshaw fumbled at Fox’s presenta- ABC had a less weighty situation to and the instrumental ensemble music in
NEW YORK — When broadcasters staged tion. The former football star and Fox address: An online meltdown by “Fresh Off which Antic Faces specializes. The most
their annual, extravagant showcases for Sports analyst, attempting a joke about the Boat” star Constance Wu, who greeted distinctive English instrumental form of
next season’s shows, they were after media- being bounced from “The Masked Singer,” news of the sitcom’s renewal with a meme- the time was the viol consort. Viols were
buyers’ hearts and wallets and headlines dissed panelist Ken Jeong as “the little inspiring outburst of anguish. Did the net- bowed string instruments ancestral to
about, say, wooing award-winner Edie Falco short guy from Japan.” Bradshaw later apol- work consider recasting her role? today’s violins and cellos. Music for them,
for a police series or Jimmy Smits of “L.A. ogized for what he called an insensitive No, said ABC entertainment president derived from church music, is typically
Law” fame back to a new legal drama. Then remark about the U.S.-born actor-comedian, Karey Burke , diplomatically adding that slow and melancholy, yet very moving. Its
unwelcome plot twists smacked several net- who is of Korean ancestry. she choose to believe Wu’s subsequent leading composer was Orlando Gibbons,
works. assertion of being happy to return to the who was well represented here.
CBS faced controversy involving “Bull”
Consider Fox’s predicament with show. But Burke’s inner comedian emerged In Antic Faces’ performance, two to
star Michael Weatherly . The show was
“Empire” and Jussie Smollett. The network at the presentation: “Fresh Off the Boat” four viols of differing sizes, sometimes
renewed for a fourth season despite claims
made the surprise will air Friday nights, she said, “still star- accompanied by a plucked lute and an
by actress Eliza Dusku that she was let go
announcement that next ring Constance Wu.” early-style wooden flute, played these
after complaining that Weatherly made
season would be the jokes and crude comments about her in front brief pieces by Gibbons, Thomas Lupo
show’s last, enthusiasti- of cast and crew in 2017. She got a hefty
LET US ENTERTAIN YOU and other composers, softly and smooth-
cally trumpeting a plan settlement under then-CBS Corp. CEO Monologues delivered by Jimmy Kimmel ly with an inward-looking expressive
to make it “a large televi- Leslie Moonves, himself later fired for and his CBS late-night counterpart, Stephen voice.
sion event, ” as Fox alleged misconduct. Colbert, are reliable highlights of the presen- But that was only a part of this program.
Entertainment CEO tations that are heavy on statistics and boasts Antic Faces is an enthusiastic exponent of a
Charlie Collier described When CBS executives were asked how the type of mixed consort music that was pro-
renewal matched a company vow of zero- about why THIS network is the best place to
it during a news confer- advertise. The comedians generously targeted moted in the Elizabethan day by the music
Jussie Smollett ence this week. tolerance for misconduct, they said they publisher Thomas Morley. In this particular
were unaware of what occurred until the their own companies, the competition and, of
But would the embat- course, got in a few topical jokes. type of ensemble for six players, the
tled Smollett be welcome at the party? newspaper report. The decision was made melody is carried by a treble viol – or, as
There’s an option to include Smollett “but at after considering what they called
Weatherly’s remorseful apology and other- See NETWORK, Page 21 See BRATMAN, Page 22

’Caine Mutiny,’ ’Winds of War’ author Herman Wouk has died

By Hillel Italie settled after spending many years in scene into the play “The Caine Mutiny
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington, D.C. Court-Martial.”
Other highlights included “Don’t Stop the
Among the last of the major writers to Carnival,” which Wouk and Buffett adapted
NEW YORK — Herman Wouk, the versa- emerge after World War II and first to bring
tile, Pulitzer Prize winning author of such into a musical, and his two-part World War II
Jewish stories to a general audience, he had epic, “The Winds of War” and “War and
million-selling novels as “The Caine a long, unpredictable career that included
Mutiny” and “The Winds of War” whose Remembrance,” both of which Wouk him-
gag writing for radio star Fred Allen, histor- self adapted for a 1983, Emmy Award-win-
steady Jewish faith inspired his stories of ical fiction and a musical co-written with
religious values and secular success, died on ning TV miniseries starring Robert
Jimmy Buffett. He won the Pulitzer in 1952 Mitchum. “The Winds of War” received
Friday at 103. for “The Caine Mutiny,” the classic Navy some of the highest ratings in TV history
Wouk was just 10 days shy of his 104th drama that made the unstable Captain and Wouk’s involvement covered every-
birthday and was working on a book until Queeg, with the metal balls he rolls in his thing from the script to commercial spon-
the end, said his literary agent Amy hand and his talk of stolen strawberries, a sors.
Rennert. symbol of authority gone mad. A film adap- Wouk (pronounced WOKE) was an outsider
Author Herman Wouk, shown sitting in his
Rennert said Wouk died in his sleep at his tation, starring Humphrey Bogart, came out Palm Springs home in 2012, died
home in Palm Springs, California, where he in 1954 and Wouk turned the courtroom See AUTHOR, Page 21 Friday at the age of 103.
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20 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

Review of who is left for

‘Game of Thrones’ finale
By Andrew Dalton

LOS ANGELES — When season eight of

“Game of Thrones” began, The Associated
Press examined the arcs of the major charac-
ters who had survived the bloody series
COURTESY OF THE PRESIDIO TRUST until its final season. With Sunday’s finale
San Francisco’s Presidio hosts Memorial Day events on May 27, including a Parade of of the HBO show looming, here’s an update
Veterans and a Gun Salute. on where those characters stand after an
action-packed season of zombie-mobbing,
CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY ON MAY dragon-torching and secret-revealing. Will
2 7 AT SAN FRANCISCO’S PRESIDIO. The Daenerys end up ruling the Seven
Presidio Trust, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, and Kingdoms? Jon? Sansa? No one? And how
the city of San Francisco invite you to be part of many really want to anymore? Warni ng :
the official City and County of San Francisco MAJOR SPOILERS thro ug ho ut. John Snow (Kit Harrington) and Daenerys
Memorial Day Observance. This year marks the Targarye (Emilia Clark) both can lay claim to
151st anniversary of the Presidio’s participation DAENERYS TARGARYEN the Iron Throne.
in this annual ceremony, dating back to the
establishment of this national day of remem- Is there anything more powerful than the
girlfriend Daenerys, and then watched help-
brance in 1868. The ceremony will honor the one Mother of Dragons aboard her favorite son
lessly as she burned King’s Landing and
million Americans killed while serving in the firebombing the city of King’s Landing
most of its inhabitants. Will he find a way
U.S. armed forces and will share with the public into oblivion? Maybe the fan backlash.
to rise once more and fight back against this
the commitment and sacrifices made by military Daenerys went from flawed heroine to heel
destroyer version of Dany? Will he use his
personnel, veterans, and their families. Mon. in the season’s penultimate episode. That
newfound dragon-riding skills to somehow
May 27. 10:30 a.m.  Parade with Veterans, Presidio Officers’ Club, 50 Moraga Ave. 11 a.m. to Noon spawned Twitter outrage, a petition demand-
hijack Drogon into triumph? Such a heroic
– Formal Ceremony, San Francisco National Cemetery at the Presidio. Noon – 21-Gun Salute by the ing a do-over, and perhaps regret among the
end would require more of him, but the narra-
U.S. Army’s Pacific Division 75th Training Command, Pershing Square, Main Post. Noon to 2 hundreds of American parents who, accord-
tive of the show has never given up on Jon.
p.m. – Community Picnic, Main Parade Ground. Bring a picnic or enjoy food available for pur- ing to the Social Security Administration,
chase. named their daughters Daenerys or Khaleesi ARYA STARK
WHERE SAN FRANCISCO BEGAN. The Presidio is where San Francisco began. This back when she was breaking chains instead
of burning innocents. Many viewers, how- Arya could have wandered into the woods
inspiring setting at the Golden Gate was home to native peoples for thousands of years. In 1776, and disappeared halfway through the season
Spain established a military fort on this land. After winning its independence from Spain in 1821, ever, thought it a logical, even inevitable,
turn of events. The daughter of the Mad King and she would have retired a legend. She used
Mexico controlled the post and established a new pueblo nearby called Yerba Buena (later known as her years of assassin training to kill the
the city of San Francisco). In 1846 the Presidio became a U.S. Army post. Generations of soldiers had just seen her best friend beheaded, her
longest-serving retainer killed in battle, Night King when all seemed lost at the
passed through its gates, serving our nation around the world. The Army departed in 1994, and the Battle of Winterfell, snatching the savior-
Presidio became a national park site. Today, the Presidio welcomes all with its beauty, nature, his- and her cherished birthright cast in doubt by
the man she loves. Now, having conquered of-humanity role from her big brother Jon
tory, recreation, and family activities. Snow. She’s killed most of those responsi-
the capital, with a ruthless army still intact
and her dragon seemingly unstoppable, she ble for her mother and brother’s slaughter at
has everything she once wanted, except the Red Wedding. She even lost her virgini-
Susan Cohn is a member of the San Francisco Bay Area Theatre Critics Circle and the American Theatre Critics
Association. She may be reached at susan@smdailyjournal.com. Westeros’ love. Having horrified her closest ty on her terms in a moment of mature
allies, will she hang on to it all? Fall to the empowerment rarely afforded to women in
sword of an angry Stark? Can her con- this world. (The thousands of parents who
science return as quickly as it left? named their daughter Arya are feeling just
fine.) But her role has become uncertain
JON SNOW since. She turned away from her attempt to
assassinate Queen Cersei in the last
Is it possible that after eight seasons, Jon episode, and seemed to have sworn off a life
Snow still knows nothing? Even after he of revenge. But then she became a firsthand
rose to become lord commander of the witness to Daenerys’ atrocities. Is there one
Night’s Watch, united enemies to fight the last name on her kill list?
army of the dead, came back from death him-
self, and learned he’s not a bastard but a SANSA STARK
Targaryen who should be heir to what’s left
Sansa sat out the last episode, and she
of the Iron Throne, Jon appears to be as
chose the right one to miss, staying safely
confused and aimless as when he began. He
refused to force his birthright, yielding
power to his queen, aunt and apparent ex- See THRONES, Page 22
021 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:19 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL WEEKEND JOURNAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 21

page summary. Turns out, Les Moonves, Cobie Smulders counts as a TV fave for
NETWORK totally exonerated. I did not see that com-
“How I Met Your Mother, ” but her
“Avengers” credits are more to the point for AUTHOR
• “CBS has very successful crime dramas. ABC’s “Stumptown,” based on the graphic
Continued from page 19 Continued from page 19
For some reason, Americans these days just novel series about a tough private eye.
really want to watch people who have obvi- Fox has a full roster of veterans, includ-
Among Kimmel’s highlights: ing Rob Lowe in a new iteration of drama i n t h e l i t erary wo rl d. Fro m Ern es t
ously committed crimes go to jail for
• “I’ve been doing this series “9-1-1” set in Texas ; Kim Cattrall Hemi n g way t o J ames J o y ce, maj o r
so long, I remember (“Sex and the City”) in the soapy Southern authors of the 20th century were assumed
when we previewed either anti-religious or at least highly
‘Lost’ and ‘Alias’ and
YOU LIKED THEM BEFORE drama “Filthy Rich”; John Slattery (“Mad
skeptical. But Wouk was part of a smaller
Men”) in the cautionary AI tale “neXt,” and
‘Desperate Housewives.’ Remember how great Falco was in “The Tom Payne (“The Walking Dead”) and group that included C. S. Lewis, Chaim
Those were back in the Sopranos” and “Nurse Jackie”? CBS hopes Michael Sheen (“Masters of Sex”) in the Potok and Flannery O’Connor who open-
days when Felicity that you’ll want to see her portray Los serial killer drama “Prodigal Son.” ly maintained traditional beliefs. One of
Huffman only played a Angeles’ first (fictional) female police chief his most influential books was “This Is
scheming suburban Fox’s beefed-up animation slate is a boon My God, ” published in 1959 and an even-
in “Tommy.” The network also has former for TV stars, if not so much for voice actors.
mom.” “NCIS” star Pauley Perrette switching gears handed but firm defense of Judaism. For
• “NBC has ‘This is Listen for Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph and much of his life, he studied the Talmud
Jimmy Kimmel in the sitcom “Broke”; Patricia Heaton Mary Steenburgen in “Bless the Harts,”
Us,’ which is so popular (”Everybody Loves Raymond”) as a middle- daily and led a weekly Talmud class. He
they renewed it for three husband-and-wife Nick Offerman and Megan gave speeches and sermons around the
aged medical intern in the comedy “Carol’s Mullally in “The Great North,” and Amy
years. Or as Constance Second Act,” and Marg Helgenberger (”CSI: co un t ry an d recei v ed s ev eral p ri zes ,
Wu would call it, a death Poehler, Ty Burrell and Rashida Jones in including a lifetime achievement award
Crime Scene Investigation”) in the court- “Duncanville.”
sentence.” house drama “All Rise.” from the Jewish Book Council. During
• “The good news is, Billy Gardell, formerly of “Mike & his years in Washington, the Georgetown
here at ABC we’ve been FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLED synagogue he attended was known unoffi-
Molly,” gets a plum assignment starring in
running a lot of focus “Bob Hearts Abishola,” producer Chuck Here’s the roll call of the dearly departed cially as “Herman Wouk’s synagogue. ”
groups ... and we know Lorre’s follow-up to CBS’ just-ended hit — as in canceled — by network. Jews were present in most of Wouk’s
exactly what Gen Z-ers “The Big Bang Theory.” His co-star is AB C: “Whiskey Cavalier, ” ‘’For the b o o k s . “Marj o ri e Mo rn i n g s t ar, ” p ub -
Stephen want. The bad news is, Folake Olowofoyeku People, ” ‘’Dancing with the Stars: lished in 1955, was one of the first mil-
Colbert it’s Netflix.” Smits stars in NBC’s “Bluff City Law” as Juniors, ” ‘’Child Support, ” ‘’The Alec lion-selling novels about Jewish life,
And Colbert’s: a celebrated Memphis, Tennessee, lawyer Baldwin Show,” ‘’The Kids Are Alright” and and two novels, “The Hope” and “The
• “As you can see, despite Lindsey with family issues. Bradley Whitford, his “Splitting Up Together” and “Speechless.” Glory, ” were set in Israel.
Graham’s advice I honored my subpoena to one-time castmate in “The West Wing,” CB S : The Candice Bergen reboot of Wouk had a mixed reputation among
be here today.” tops the comedy “Perfect Harmony,” about a “Murphy Brown, ” “Happy Together, ” critics. He was not a poet or social rebel,
• “Before I came here today, I received a small-town church choir, while Fran ‘’Fam” and “Life in Pieces.” an d s h ared n o n e o f t h e demo n s t h at
massive document from the network, full of Drescher (“The Nanny”) and Steven Weber Fo x : “Star,” “Lethal Weapon,” “Proven inspired the mad comedy of Philip Roth’s
details about how well CBS performed this (“Mom,” “Wings”) are paired in the net- Innocent, “The Cool Kids,” “The Gifted,” “Portnoy’s Complaint. ” Even antholo-
year. Now, I did not have the time to get work’s boomer-offspring sitcom “Love Connection, ” “The Passage” and gies of Jewish literature tended to exclude
through it all, so I just read Bill Barr’s four- “Indebted.” “Rel.” him.
022 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:12 PM Page 1

22 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 WEEKEND JOURNAL THE DAILY JOURNAL

likely because she had a form of

Entertainment brief
‘Grumpy Cat’ dies at 7
feline dwarfism. They said despite
her face, she is cuddly and loved to
be held and rubbed.
Continued from page 1
MORRISTOWN, Ariz. — Grumpy Cat, whose sourpuss expres- She rose to fame after her photos
sion entertained millions on the internet and spawned hundreds were posted on Reddit in 2012. Her
of memes, national television commercials and even a movie, owners said it was suggested the title. Come May 26, Campos will be reconnecting with friends
died at age 7. photo was a fake, so they posted a she made at last year’s competition, studying for written and oral
Her owners posted on social media that she experienced com- few videos to prove otherwise. rounds of the competition and putting her hours of preparation to
plications from a urinary tract infection. “She passed away peace- Since then, Grumpy Cat made the test.
fully on the morning of Tuesday, May 14, at home in the arms of appearances on “Good Morning Campos placed 323rd out of some 512 students in last year’s
her mommy, Tabatha,” they wrote. America,” ‘’CBS Evening News,” ‘Grumpy Cat’ became an competition, and said her strategy of studying Latin and Greek
“Grumpy Cat has helped millions of people smile all around even “American Idol” and “The internet viral sensation. root words and practicing words compiled in lists and books has
the world — even when times were tough,” her owners said. Bachelorette.” She’s done televi- largely remained the same as it did last year. But this year, the
The cat’s real name was Tardar Sauce and the owners were never sion commercials for Honey Nut Cheerios and took photos with Borel Middle School student is armed with a few new spelling
sure what her breed was. Her website said her grumpy look was hundreds of fans at South by Southwest. books suggested by friends she met at last year’s competition,
who she said she’s able to study with through text message.
Whether it’s developing mnemonic strategies so she isn’t rely-
Oxford’s March” by William Byrd and “The Jew’s Dance” by

Continued from page 19
Richard Nicholson.
The highlight of the evening, however, was a long ver-
sion of a much slower piece, “Lachrymae” by John
ing on memorization or learning more about other languages,
Campos’ study schedule has kept her busy in the months since
her last appearance on the national stage. Acknowledging that
studying requires much of her focus on weekends and during
Dowland, perhaps the greatest of all the Elizabethan com- breaks from school, there’s something about language that can
posers. This is in the form of a pavane, a slow dance with keep Campos dialed in for hours on end.
here, its successor the Baroque violin, played by Shira repeating verses in variation. Rosenfeld on flute began it,
Kammen. The flute, played by Mindy Rosenfeld, plays a “Words have … always been interesting to me,” she said. “It
accompanied by Morris on bass viol. Then Kammen took does require a lot of discipline to … plow through a whole list of
counter-melody or sometimes trades off with the violin. over the melody on violin, accompanied by Lenti on lute,
There’s a bass line from a bass viol, an instrument resem- words or a whole book.”
with the rest of the ensemble gradually joining in. It was Campos said those competing in the national bee take a writ-
bling a cello, played by David Morris. intensely sad and beautiful. ten test quizzing them on their knowledge of the spelling and
The other three instruments play continuo, an early music Several of the pieces were grounds to a bass, in which the meaning of a range of words before competing in at least two
practice blocking out chords to provide harmonic support. bass line repeats while the melody slowly varies on top. In rounds of oral competition. Whether students advance to the
The lute, played by John Lenti, typically runs up and down some of these, the ensemble caught the ears of the audience finals depends on their performance in all three competitions, so
scales, while Julie Jeffrey and Peter Hallifax put down their by opening with a run of the bass alone first before bring- Campos has been focused on ensuring she has a good grasp of
viols to pick up treble and bass citterns, plucked instru- ing the melody instruments in. This was a clever addition to word roots, which she described as the building blocks of words,
ments on which they played distinctively sparkly chords unveil the inner workings of the music. as well as patterns in other languages that may appear in the
that give this ensemble its special color. This is the last touring concert of the Society’s season, English vernacular, such as French and German.
Much of this music was faster and livelier than most of the though it is presenting countertenor Iestyn Davies in songs With plans to attend Nueva School’s Upper School in San
viol consort music that alternated with it. The ensemble by Dowland, Purcell and Handel in Berkeley only this Mateo next year, Campos said this year’s competition will be her
played such well-known and catchy pieces as “The Earl of Sunday, May 19. last since students in the Scripps National Spelling Bee cannot
be enrolled in a grade higher than eighth-grade. She said she is
timeless seer of all. He’s played a crucial role at various

Continued from page 20
points in the story this season, revealing to his Jon his true
identity, luring the Night King for his sister Arya to kill,
and dispensing some essential bits of wisdom. But it’s hard
considering taking Latin classes in high school and coaching
other students interested in competing in spelling bees as a high
school student.
Campos said she was able to watch portions of the televised
to imagine him doing anything other than meditating into competition from last year, and said one aspect of the experience
snowy eternity as the series ends. not captured on TV is how much spellers are studying in between
in the flame-free North at her family home. As the show’s
ultimate survivor — and the character who has grown and rounds of competition and also how fun it was for them to get to
learned the most since she started as a prissy princess in TYRION LANNISTER know each other. She said she’s looking forward to this year’s
waiting — it is easy to imagine her as ruler of an independ- competition in part to see the friends she made last year, and also
ent Winterfell should the finale play out that way. But the Tyrion has become an expert at survival and reinvention, to visit some of the museums on the National Mall.
major figures of Dany and Jon still stand above her — and but as Hand of the Queen he has failed miserably this season Campos’ mother Nicole McNeil said her daughter has been
in her way. in trying to rein in Daenerys and steer her toward diploma- leading the charge on studying for the competition and that
cy over destruction. He was technically still in Daenerys’ sometimes she’ll quiz Campos when they have down time. In the
service when the last episode ended, and in one of very few last year since Campos’ first trip to the competition, McNeil said
BRAN STARK images revealed of the finale, he is shown walking through she’s seen her daughter gain confidence and prove to herself
In the show’s first episode, Bran was forced to behold a the ruins of the city. He could take one last stab at counsel- what’s she capable of accomplishing.
beheading. Since then, seeing things has become his spe- ing the seemingly now-mad queen, or maybe use his prox- McNeil said she was expecting the event to be a high-pressure,
cialty. He’s become desensitized to looking on such hor- imity to her to attempt a literal last stab and sacrifice him- competitive environment last year but was pleasantly surprised
rors, assuming a mystical role as the Three-Eyed Raven, self to save the realm. to find the families gathered around the students to be a tight-knit
“Everyone is just so friendly and really supportive of each
other,” she said. “I think the best message they give to the kids,
they always say ‘you’re not competing against each other, you’re
really competing against the dictionary.’”
Visit gofundme.com/f/leilani2019-scripps-national-spelling-
bee to contribute to a GoFundMe campaign aimed at raising funds
for Campos’ trip to Washington, D.C.
023 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:11 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL DATEBOOK Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 23

helped to provide salmon fishing for sever- added. the ocean is pretty healthy, there are a lot of

Continued from page 1
al years,” Coastside Fishing Club volunteer
coordinator Bruce MacKimmie said in a
press release.
“Half Moon Bay has been crazy the past
four days. Out-of-town boats from Oregon
and Washington are side tied to each other
anchovies up and down the coast and it
seems like salmon will be there because
that’s their food source,” he said.
The hundreds of thousands of baby because there’s no room for them on the Sousa said most fishermen have been sell-
The survival rate of salmon reared in this salmon being sent into the wild this year pier,” he said. “I hadn’t seen that many ing salmon wholesale for $8 a pound so far
program and the rate at which they’re caught will supplement 2021-2022 returns and boats in the harbor ever since I’ve been here this season, which typically translates to
is much higher than any other hatchery-bred many of the salmon that have and will be in the past 10 years.” about $25 in stores.
salmon, according to a press release. The caught off the San Mateo County coast this Sousa said fishermen are confident the “I imagine prices will stay that way
program eliminates the dangers — includ- year were trucked down from the same hatch- season will be a successful one in part unless we start catching a god awful amount
ing massive water pumps and predators — ery in 2017. because sport fishermen have seen strong of fish,” he said, adding that most fish
that baby salmon face on their journey The vast majority of Half Moon Bay- returns around Monterey in the past month caught so far around Monterey averaged
down the Delta. based fishermen were unable to take advan- or so — south of Pigeon Point has been between eight pounds and nine pounds
The volunteer-run program began in 2012 tage of the first day of the season Thursday open to commercial salmon fishing since while last year most salmon caught were
and has since successfully acclimated more because of bad weather, said fisherman May 1 — and because many undersized about 13 pounds.
than four million salmon. Frank Sousa. But Pillar Point Harbor is salmon were caught and thrown back last The first “waterfall” of baby salmon
“The Coastside Fishing Club has a great packed with boats and eager fishermen, year. Those undersized fish should be big being dumped into the ocean as part of the
group of volunteers whose efforts rearing most if not all of whom were to set sail enough to catch this year. net pen program begins at 9 a.m. Saturday
salmon in Half Moon Bay’s harbor have Friday morning in search of salmon, he “We’re also hopeful because it seems like at Johnson Pier in Half Moon Bay.

an automated system according to proximity to the bull’s- the high winds frequently ripping through the area abutting
eye. the Bayshore, especially in the late afternoon and evening.
Topgolf officials announced during the meeting the “It can make it pretty darn unpleasant,” said Sargent,
Continued from page 1 Burlingame location will be the prototype for a new style of referring to prevailing winds. Topgolf officials admitted
facility designed to accentuate many of the most popular they had not considered wind patterns when putting togeth-
features from the company’s first line of establishments. er plans for the facility.
where a new $15 million center will be built by the compa- Maximum planned occupancy will be 1,300 people,
ny. Regarding other potential design amendments,
including 125 employees on the property spanning about Commissioner Brenden Kelly requested Topgolf consider
Commissioner Will Loftis too shared his enthusiasm for 13 acres. Ultimately, it is expected nearly 500 people,
the proposal. planting some trees between the golf center and the nearby
including part-time employees, will work at the center. sports fields in an effort to beautify the area and add some
“I’m really excited you guys are coming,” he said. There are 475 parking spaces planned and the location is
The facility will offer 102 hitting bays spanning three visual screening. The Topgolf facility will be built over the
expected to operate from 9 a.m. until about midnight during footprint of the existing golf center, but the adjacent sports
stories which can accommodate as many as six players the week, and 2 a.m. on the weekends. The establishment is
simultaneously. Players hit balls from the bays toward tar- fields will be preserved and largely unaffected by the devel-
a popular nightlife venue and also attracts many corporate opment.
gets embedded in the range field, and points are awarded on partners who will rent the facility and event spaces.
For their part, Topgolf representatives said they would
The range is will be oriented facing the Bay, and lighting
consider the feedback provided by commissioners and may
as well as audio systems are designed in a fashion to limit
Calendar exposure to neighborhoods on the opposite side of
Highway 101, or surrounding hotels and businesses.
alter plans accordingly. More broadly though, Tanner
Micheli, the company’s director of real estate, shared antic-
ipation for opening the new site.
SATURDAY, MAY 18 Historic Fashion Show: Wedding While officials expressed their appreciation for the
Cantonese Story-time. 8:30 a.m. San Fashions Through Time. 1 p.m. to 2 thoughtfulness to assure the company’s presence is not a “We’re really excited about this opportunity to be here in
Francisco Main Library, 840 W. Orange p.m. San Mateo County History Burlingame,” he said.
Ave., South San Francisco. Children of Museum, 2200 Broadway, Redwood nuisance to its neighbors, Commissioner Richard Sargent
all ages can enhance their communi- City. Explore the changes in wedding feared exposure to the elements along the Bayfront may Terrones shared a similar degree of enthusiasm for the
cation skills by listening to stories and fashion. Cost is $4 to $6. For more development as well.
singing songs in Cantonese and information call 299-0104. detract from the experience for patrons.
English, followed by a craft. For more Most notably, Sargent said the design should account for “I think it’s a good project,” he said.
information call 829-3860. Local Author Event: Juliane Corn
Lee. 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Millbrae
Volunteer Appreciation Coffee. 9 from their jobs, denied service in a restaurant or get thrown out

Library, 1 Library Ave., Millbrae. Listen
a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Central County Fire to her read a selection from her mem-
Department, Station 34, 799 California oir ‘Thunderclap: A Defining Silence.’ of their apartment because of their sexual orientation or gender
Drive, Burlingame. Hosted by Free. For more information call 697- identify.”
the Central County Fire 7607.
Department and the Burlingame Continued from page 1 Most Republicans oppose the bill and call it another exam-
Neighborhood Network, this event Festival of Dance. 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. San ple of government overreach. Several GOP lawmakers spoke
will recognize neighborhood leaders, Mateo Public Library-Oak Room, 55 W. against it Friday on the House floor. President Donald Trump is
CERTs and Ham radio operators who Third Ave., San Mateo. Enjoy tradition- housing, loan applications, education, public accommoda-
led the Citywide Emergency Drill last al dances from Hawaii, India, Japan widely expected to veto the legislation if it reaches his desk.
October. It will feature coffee and pas- and Korea. Light refreshments. Free. tions and other areas. At a news conference Thursday, the Republicans said the bill
tries and a brief presentation For more information call 522-7818. Called the Equality Act, the bill is a top priority of House
by Mayor Donna Colson, as well as would jeopardize religious freedom by requiring acceptance of
firehouse tours and a free prize draw- Minidoka Swing Band. 7 p.m. to 10 Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who said it will bring the nation “clos- a particular ideology about sexuality and sexual identity.
ing. Free. For more information call p.m. Beresford Recreation Center, er to equal liberty and justice for all.” Rep. Vicky Hartzler, R-Mo., called the legislation “grossly
347-3576. 2720 Alameda de las Pulgas, San
Mateo. Listen to the story of World Sexual orientation and gender identity “deserve full civil misnamed” and said it is “anything but equalizing.”
Filipino-American Power: War II Japanese American incarcera- rights protections — in the workplace and in every place, edu- The bill “hijacks” the 1964 Civil Rights Act to create “a
Celebrating the Leadership of Alice tion with the big band music of that
P. Bulos. 10 a.m. Mater Dolorosa era. Cost is $30. For more information cation, housing, credit, jury service, public accommodations,” brave new world of ‘discrimination’ based on undefined terms
Parish Hall, 307 Willow Ave., South San call 270-4488. Pelosi said. of sexual orientation and gender identity,” Hartzler said. The
Francisco. The public can learn about
the development of the local Filipino The Quitters Guitar Duo. 7:30 p.m. The vote was 236-173, with every Democrat voting in favor, legislation threatens women’s sports, shelters and schools,
community. For more information call Odd Fellows Hall, 526 Main St., Half along with eight Republicans. Cheers and applause broke out and could silence female athletes, domestic abuse survivors and
89-3860. Moon Bay. General admission. Reserve
now or pay at the door. $20 suggested on the House floor as the bill crossed the threshold for pas- other women, she said.
ICG Real Estate One-Day Expo. 10 donation. Wine, beer and other bever- sage. A similar bill in the Senate has been co-sponsored by all but
a.m. to 6:30 p.m. South San Francisco ages will be available for purchase.
Conference Center, 255 South Airport Seating is general admission so arrive The legislation’s chief sponsor, Rep. David Cicilline, D- one Senate Democrat, but faces long odds in the Republican-
Blvd., South San Francisco. Various early for the best seats. Register at R.I., said it affirms fairness and equality as core American val- controlled chamber.
workshops and guest speakers https://www.hmb-odd.org/calen- ues “and ensures members of the LGBTQ community can live
throughout the day. Cost is $35. For dar/1789 or call 315-0201. A Trump administration official who asked not be identified,
more information call (800)-324-3983. their lives free from the fear of legal discrimination of any because he was not authorized to speak publicly about the pres-
Chinese Folktales with Charlie kind.” ident’s intentions, said the White House “opposes discrimina-
Burlingame Art Society’s 25th Chin. 2 p.m. San Mateo Public Library-
Annual Spring Art Exhibit. 10 a.m. to Oak Room, 55 W. Third Ave., San Cicilline, who is gay, called equal treatment under the law a tion of any kind and supports the equal treatment of all.
9 p.m. Hillsdale Shopping Center, 60 Mateo. Light Refreshments. Free. For founding principle of the United States, adding “It’s absurd However, this bill in its current form is filled with poison pills
31st Ave., San Mateo. Local artists will more information call 522-7277.
showcase their original works in that, in 2019, members of the LGBTQ community can be fired that threaten to undermine parental and conscience rights.”
watercolor, acrylics, oils and pastels. SUNDAY, MAY 19
Free. For more information call 571- San Mateo Bonsai Club 34th
1029. Annual Satsuki Azalea and Bonsai A
8=BCAD2C8>=B)5 5X]SPPb\
\P]hff^aSbPPbhh^dRRP]Q Qh[[X]ZX]V
Exhibit Show 2019. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1 D ? 7 [TccTabd
S^f]bbXSTc^bXSTPP]SS SXPV^]P[[hf faXcX]Vff^aSb
Q[P]ZbbWTTc^ ^U_
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Finding Mayflower Families. 10:30 SMJACC San Mateo Gardeners' Hall, F > 8 B ^]RTf fXcWX]PPbbX]V[Tf
a.m. to noon. Grace Lutheran Church, 503 E. Fifth Ave. (at Claremont Street),
2825 Alameda de las Pulgas, San San Mateo. You may also have your 6 > : 4 f^aSUUX]SbRRa^bbX]V^ ^dcRR^\\^]f f^aSb
0 6 ; <

1>66;4 H>DA1

Mateo. Learn the story of how one own bonsai plant checked by experts
individual discovered his ancestors and may purchase bonsai supplies. ?>8=CB
B20;4 A0C8=6
were on the Mayflower. For more Free. For more information call 548-
information call 306-3423. 9470.
, _
_^X]c $   , 2WWP\_
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KonMari Consultants. 11 a.m. South Burlingame Ar t Society ’s 25th 1h3
:]daTZ $[[TccTab,
_^X]cb %    ,  ? a^
San Francisco Main Library, 840 W.
Orange Ave., South San Francisco. An
Annual Spring Art Exhibit. 10 a.m. to
9 p.m. Hillsdale Shopping Center, 60
_^X]cb "  % %,, 66P\Ta
_^X]cb !  " ",, AA^^ZXT

> ; ; 2
informational and hands on demon- 31st Ave., San Mateo. Local artists will
stration session on how to apply the showcase their original works in '[[TccTab,
, _
_^X]cb  !
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KonMari method to your home and watercolor, acrylics, oils and pastels. ([[TccTab,
, $_
_^X]cb  , ,
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your life. For more information call Free. For more information call 571-
829-3860. 1029. A

7 D C 4
Coyote Point Yacht Club Open 5K Walk/Run for Home and Hope. 1 FT_ _dcb
House. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Coyote Point p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Coyote Point Park, ^U[[TccTab2
Yacht Club and Marina, 1820 Coyote 1701 Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo.
Point Drive, San Mateo. Free boat $35. It is a family event where all of 5X]S0
rides, safety demonstrations, boat proceeds go to the nonprofit organi- 8=BCAD<4=CBXX]ccWTV

= 0 A >
tours and activities for the kids. zation Home and Hope. For more

Members will be on hand to talk information call 652-1103.
about the boating experience, and

tours of the club house will be offered. Seed Library Workshop: Seed
A barbecue lunch will be available for Saving. 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Belmont

purchase for $5. Free. For more infor- Library, 1110 Alameda de las Pulgas,

9 > 1 ?
mation call 464-6265. Belmont. Learn how to retrieve seeds
from different types of plants. Free. For
Peninsula Humane Society and
SPCA Kitten Nursery Shower. Noon
more information call 591-8286.
to 3 p.m. Peninsula Humane Society &
SPCA, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame.
Free. Shower gifts appreciated. For
Chinese Folktales with Charlie
Chin. 2 p.m. San Mateo Public Library-
Oak Room, 55 W. Third Ave., San 1>66;4XXbPPccaPST\PaZ^^U7
7PbQa^88]R $ ' (
more information call 340-7022. Mateo. Light Refreshments. Free. For !! (7

more information call 522-7277. f

fffQ^VV[TQaPX]QdbcTabR^\ 3D2:;
;0A:B BC>A:5
024 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 11:50 AM Page 1

24 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 LOCAL THE DAILY JOURNAL




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SATURDAY, MAY 18, 2019
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THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 25

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fiCTiTiouS buSineSS naMe order To Show CauSe for oil painTing-CanvaSS, Victorian
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MENLO PARK, CA 94025. Registered
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296 appliances
ed, DE. The business is conducted by a REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 air CondiTioner 10000 BTU w/re-
Corporation. The registrants com- PETITION OF mote. Slider model fits all windows. LG
menced to transact business under their Kham Hoang Dang brand $199 runs like new. (650)235-
FBN on May 19, 1998. 0898
This statement was filed with the Asses- Petitioners: Kham Hoang Dang filed a
sor-County Clerk on 5/9/2019. (Publish- petition with this court for a decree free waSher and 220v dryer, both
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, changing names as follows: working. Belmont (415) 902-4484. You
5/18/19, 5/25/19,6/1/19, 6/8/19). move, stairs.
Present name: glaSS-panel laMpShade. Similar
1. Kham Hoang Dang to TIFFENEY about16" diameter. multi-
fiCTiTiouS buSineSS naMe
STaTeMenT #281250 ple tan/white mainly.Hang or lampshade.
Proposed Name: $75 (650)727-7266
The following person is doing business 1. Kham Hoang Phan
as: M and F Enterprises Group, 180 El
Camino Real Suite 9, MILLBRAE, CA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
hoTpoinT heavy Duty Dryer excellent over the hedge over the hedge over the hedge
working condition Burlingame $50 Call
94030. Registered Owners: Marico C. interested in this matter shall appear be- Dan (408)656-0958
Enriquez and Fe R. Enriquez, 4224 Betti- fore this court at the hearing indicated
na Ave., San Mateo, CA 94403. The below to show cause, if any, why the pe- MayTag waSher excellent working
business is conducted by a General Part- tition for change of name should not be condition Burlingame $50 Call Dan
nership. The registrants commenced to granted. Any person objecting to the (408)656-0958
transact business under their FBN on 9- name changes described above must file
23-84. a written objection that includes the rea- Mfg h20labS Model 300 exc cond
/s/Marico C. Enriquez/ sons for the objection at least two court counter top $25 Burl (650)248-3839.
This statement was filed with the Asses- days before the matter is scheduled to
sor-County Clerk on 5/14/2019. (Publish- be heard and must appear at the hearing new, Singer Sewing Machine Univer-
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal, to show cause why the petition should sal Carry Case Model 620, Free Arm Ma-
5/18/19, 5/25/19,6/1/19, 6/8/19). not be granted. If no written objection is chine Compatible, $35, (650)483-1222
timely filed, the court may grant the peti-
tion without a hearing. A hearing on the Tiffany STyle Lamp shade. Older-
fiCTiTiouS buSineSS naMe petition shall be held on 6/18/19 at 9 multiple panels. 17” diameter. $75. (650)
STaTeMenT #281164 a.m., Dept. PJ, at 400 County Center, 727-7266.
The following person is doing business Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this
as: 1)Hey, Hey...Let’s Play 2)The Order to Show Cause shall be published vaCuuM Cleaner (reconditioned)
ImagiZeum 3)The Radio on the Shelf 4) at least once each week for four succes- $10 Call Ed (415)298-0645
Claire Swann 5)Press Play 6)Claire Rob- sive weeks prior to the date set for hear-
bins Presents 7)Let’s Listen 8)The Big
Bookshelf 9)Fun Timz, 2326 Ralmar
ing on the petition in the following news- 297 bicycles 298 Collectibles 302 antiques 304 furniture
paper of general circulation:
Avenue, EAST PALO ALTO, CA 94303. San Mateo Daily Journal
Registered Owner: Justine Ryan, same adulT biKeS 1 regular and 2 with bal- ColleCTable Cabbage Patch Kids beer STeinS-original from Germa- deSK, gd. cond. $99.99 or b.o.
Filed: 5/6/2019 loon tires $30 Each (650) 347-2356
address. The business is conducted by /s/Jonathan E. Karesh/ Luncheon Set. Royal Worchester. New ny, three different $99 ea. Call for info (650)458-3578
an Individual. The registrants com- Judge of the Superior Court Box. Great Christmas Present. $100 (650)592-7483
menced to transact business under their Dated: 5/2/2019 Child’S SChwinn biCyCle, blue in (650) 572-8895
FBN on N/A. (Published 5/11/19, 5/18/19, 5/25/19, good condition. $20. (650) 355-5189.
/s/Justine Ryan/ dining ChairS -Six Antique,
6/1/19). depreSSion glaSS Dining Plate. 8 Mahogany anTiQue Secretary desk, Mahogany Chippendale Chairs- $675
This statement was filed with the Asses- MounTain biKe new 21 gears $100. 3/4", crows foot pattern, clear ruby red. 72” x 40” , 3 drawers, Display case, bev-
sor-County Clerk on 5/3/2019. (Publish- (650)722-3634 (650)888-2662
$12 (650)762-6048 elled glass, $150. (650)766-3024.
ed in the San Mateo Daily Journal,
5/18/19, 5/25/19,6/1/19, 6/8/19). MounTain biKe. Top brand. Runs gaMeS of the 23rd Olympiad maga- roSeville Tulip Pitcher, Ca: 1900.
good. $39. (660)342-5220 dining rooM Table-Antique,Oak,
zine. 1984. $10.00. Leave msg (650)588- $45. (650)574-2490. 5chairs, w/ extension $200
STaTeMenT of abandonMenT of 0842
The uSe of a fiCTiTiouS buSineSS (650)290-3188
naMe STaTeMenT 260979 298 Collectibles lennox red Rose, Unused, hand
303 electronics
Registered Owner (Legal Entity) aban- painted, porcelain, authenticity papers,
doning the use of the Fictitious Business 1984 TiMe magazine. Special 1994 free TeleviSion - Mitsubishi, dining Table (36"x54") and 4 match-
$12.00. (650) 578 9208. ing chairs, sturdy oak, cost $600, sell for
Name: Edwin Palma. Name of Business: Olympics report. $10.00. Leave msg 26"W,22"H,18"D Works Great, Not
El Peruche Restaurant. Date of original Flatscreen, Text (650) 333-8323 Local $250 .(650)-654-1930.
(650)588-0842 looKing: Sf Radio Station recordings;
filing: 05-28-2014. Address of Principal 1920’s through 80’s. Delivery available.
Place of Business: 3997 Mission St., dining Table - (72”x42”)WITH 2 FT
49’er 1990-1991 calendar. Eddie Ron (925)284-5428. Extension, six upholstered chairs, excel-
DALY CITY, CA 94014. Registrant: Ed- onKyo av Receiver HT-R570 .Digital
win Palma, 118 Claremont Ave, SOUTH deBartolo on cover. Mint condition. Surround, HDMI, Dolby, Sirius Ready, lent condition, $450 (650)692-8012.
$10.00. Leave msg (650)588 0842 Miller liTe Neon sign , work good
SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94080 The busi- $59 call (650)218-6528 Cinema Filter.$95/ Offer (650)591-2393
ness was conducted by an Individual. dining Table. 72" by 42". With leaf
/s/Edwin Palma/ approx. 40 yr old 1/2 l German Beer old, anTiQue, Bottle Collection: 20 phillipS-50” Color T.v., Heavy, $99 90". $99 or best offer. (650)228-3389
This statement was filed with the Asses- Stein, Raigimal, Gerz. $60 (650)207- bottles in total. $40 for all. (650)762-6048 (650)591-8062
4162 dreSSer-anTiQue vaniTy Combo, 3
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo beveled mirrors, Eight Drawers, $400
one ColleCTion of antique Cuban
County on 5/6/19.
(Published in the San Mateo Daily Jour- baSeball haT and beanie collection Cigar Bands. $95. (415) 867-6444. No 304 furniture (650)290-3188
nal, 5/11/19, 5/18/19, 5/25/19, 6/1/19). sold as set hundreds 1K Leave MSG Texting.
(650)388-2445 anTiQue dining table for six people engliSh draw Table, $50 Solid Wood
SMall rug beater. $15.00 (650)207- with chairs $99. (650)580-6324 48" with two 12" pull-out leaves,
4162 call(650)697-3709
anTiQue Mohagany Bookcase. Four
noTiCe inviTing Sealed propoSalS ToppS baSeball complete set 1987 feet tall. $75. (415) 282-0966. eThan allen sofa and love seat. Blue
2018-19 SaniTary Sewer rooT foaMing (SouTh baSin) thru 1992, 1998,1999 $99 Rick (415)999- velveteen. Solid construction. Some col-
CiTy proJeCT no. 469933-46000-9152 4474 bedSTead Single, poster style, box or fading in spots. Great sofa for reuphol-
CiTy of San MaTeo, California spring, mattress available. $40.00. stering. Free. (650)593-7001.
1. Sealed bids will be received by the City Council of the City of San Mateo, California, for 2018-19 SaniTary Sewer rooT Two 1998 Star Wars R2-D2 action fig-
foaMing (SouTh baSin) project and other work as shown on the Contract Drawings No. 18-02-001 and as described in this (650)593-7408
ure variations, new/unopened. $25 for glider rocker and ottoman, oak, excel-
Contract Book and the 2015 Greenbook Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. both. Steve (650)518-6614 lent condition. $100 (650)345-5644.
2. Said sealed proposals shall be delivered to the City Clerk, City Hall, 330 West 20th Avenue, San Mateo, California 94403, at beige Sofa $99. Excellent Condition
or before 2:00 pM on June 10, 2019, and they shall be opened and read by a City Representative at said date and time. vinTage STeMware: 3 styles, 23 (650) 315-2319 iKea dreSSer, black, 3 shelf. 23" x
3. The Contractor's license required for this contract is Class A. Listed subcontractors shall also possess the contractor's li- pcs. $60, (650)207-4162 15"deep x 50" high. $65. (650)598-9804.
cense required for each specialty work specified and/or possess a Class A license. Attention is also directed to the provisions of bunK bedS for sale. Cherry Wood, 2
Public Contract Code Section 10164. For Federal Aid projects, the Contractor shall be properly licensed and in good standing at years old. Includes Mattresses. $600 or iKea Table, black 58" x 21" x 14" high.
the time the contract is awarded. 299 Computers B/O (650)685-2494 $ 30. (650)598-9804.
4. Contractor shall purchase a complete set of plans and specifications and provide contact information through Barker Blue in
order to be eligible to bid on this project. The Contract Book, plans and proposal forms are available at City of San Mateo - Pub- 19" Color Monitor with stand VG con- China CabineT Wallet, $20. Call Mahogany Tv Cabinet, $75 4'H x 3'W
lic Works Bidding Web Portal. Contractors can also email BarkerBlue's Customer Support Team at plans@barkerblue.com or dition power cord/owners manual includ- (650)589-1407 x 2'D, perfect condition call (650)697-
call 650-696-2100 for assistance. Any questions regarding the contract documents should be directed to Elton Yee, Associate ed $60.00 OBO 1-415-279-4857 3709
Engineer, at 650-522-7320 or in writing at the above address. ChoColaTe brown living room chair
5. The estimated construction cost of this project is $340,000. This estimate is not based on a "contractor's cost take off" of the reCordable Cd-r 74, Sealed, Unop- with cushion. In excellent condition, $60. MaTTreSS, Twin long, excellent condi-
project, but is derived from an averaging of costs for work on similar projects in the area of which the City is aware. This figure is ened, original packaging, Samsung, 12X, Call 650-872-2371. tion, $25, (650) 552-9556
given to indicate the relative order of magnitude of this project and is not intended to influence or affect in any way the amount (650) 578 9208
bid for this project. CoMpuTer deSK (glass) & chair. Like new deluxe Twin Folding Bed, Lin-
6. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid bond, cashier's check, or certified check made payable to the City of San Mateo in an ens, cover, Cost $618. Sale $250. Must
amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate amount of the bid. Said amount or the proceeds of said bond shall be
300 Toys new $75 OBO (650)704-4709 or
Sell! (650) 875-8159.
forfeited to the City if the bidder depositing same does not, within 8 working days after the bidder has received notice from the
City of San Mateo that the contract has been awarded, sign and return the contract to the City and furnish the other items re- 14-1000-pCS puzzleS $3.00 ea. niagara vibraTing Adjustable bed
quired under section 3, "Contract Award and Execution," of the special provisions. (650)207-4162 CoMpuTer deSK with 3 side drawers . good condition Burlingame $90 Call Dan
7. Contractor is notified that he shall comply with the requirements for Non-Discrimination as set forth in Section 2, "Bidding,” in Pine wood lacquered. Almost new. Ask (408)656-0958
the Special Provisions. aMeriCan flyer locomotive runs for pic . $89 or bo.(650)255-3514 text or
8. Addenda issued during the time of bidding shall become a part of the documents furnished bidders for the preparation of bids, good #21085 $75.00 (650) 867-7433 leave message Queen Sofa Bed, $75 Sherrill (sp?),
shall be covered in the bids, and shall be made a part of the Contract. Each bid shall include specific acknowledgement in the Salmon fabric, 91" wide, good condition,
space provided of receipt of all Addenda issued during the bidding period. Failure to so acknowledge may result in the bid being JuMp and Play Keyboard brand new, in CoMpuTer Swivel CHAIR. Padded call (650)697-3709
rejected as not responsive. Failure of any bidder to receive such Addenda shall not be grounds for non-compliance with the original box. $25.00. (650)454-7580. Leather. $80. (650) 455-3409 .
terms of the instructions. It is the responsibility of the bidder to contact the City to determine the existence of any and all adden-
da. STar warS Celebration 3 Darth Vader CouCheS bed tables TV clothes etc Twin bed, mattress, box spring, frame
9. The time of completion for this contract shall be seventy-five (75) working days, beginning from the date specified in the $20 new w/case Dan (650)303-3568 appt only Leave MSG (650)388-2445 $ 50. (650)598-9804.
Notice to Proceed.
10. The City will ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will
be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation.
11. The right is reserved, as the interest of the City may require, to reject any or all bids, to waive any informality in bids, or in
the case of a single bid being received to extend the acceptance date by up to thirty (30) days with notice. The City of San Ma-
teo is a charter City and any contract entered into is subject to the provisions of the City of San Mateo Charter, which may super-
sede certain provisions of the Public Contract Code and other provision of state law.
12. A contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Sec-
tion 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, as defined in this chapter,
unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. It is not a violation of this section for
an unregistered contractor to submit a bid that is authorized by Section 7029.1 of the Business and Professions Code or by Sec-
tion 10164 or 20103.5 of the Public Contract Code, provided the contractor is registered to perform public work pursuant to Sec-
tion 1725.5 at the time the contract is awarded. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Depart-
ment of Industrial Relations.
No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project and no contractor or subcontractor may
be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pur-
suant to Labor Code section 1725.5. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of In-
dustrial Relations. As an additional requirement, Assembly Bill 219 adds Section 1720.9 to the Labor Code. This bill expands the
definition of public works under the California Prevailing Wage Law and is a requirement for this project. For reference, please
see: https://www.dir.ca.gov/ConcreteDeliveryPrevailingWage/AB_219_Fact_Sheet.html
In general, the prevailing wage scale, as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations of the State of California, in force on
the day this bid was announced or determined by the administrator of the Wage and Hour Division, U.S. Department of Labor, in
force on the day bids are opened, whichever is higher, will be the minimum paid to all craftsmen and laborers working on this
project. In some cases, prevailing wage determinations have either a single asterisk (*) or double asterisks (**) after the expira-
tion date in effect on the date of advertisement for bids.
In cases where the prevailing wage determinations have a single asterisk (*) after the expiration date which are in effect on the
date of advertisement for bids, such determinations remain in effect for the life of the project. Prevailing wage determinations
which have double asterisks (**) after the expiration date indicate that the basic hourly wage rate, overtime, and holiday pay
rates, and employer payments to be paid for work performed after this date have been predetermined. If work is extended past
this date, the new rate must be paid and should be incorporated in contracts the Contractor enters into.
Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates in the county, or counties, in which the work is to
be done have been determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. The wages as set forth in the
General Prevailing Wage Rates for this project will be posted at the job site. It is understood that it is the responsibility of the bid-
der to determine the correct scale. The City will keep a copy of the wage scale in the City Clerk's office for the convenience of
bidders. The State Prevailing Wage Rates may also be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations internet
website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Any errors or defects in the materials in the City Clerk's office will not excuse a bidder's failure
to comply with actual scale then in force.
13. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) provides a toll-free “hotline” service to report bid rigging activities. Bid rigging
activities can be reported Mondays through Fridays between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Eastern Time, telephone number 1-800-424-
9071. Anyone with knowledge of possible bid rigging, bidder collusion, or other fraudulent activities should use the “hotline” to re-
port these activities. The “hotline” is part of DOT's continuing efforts to identify and investigate the highway construction contract
fraud and abuse and is operated under the direction of the DOT Inspector General. All information will be treated confidentially
and caller anonymity will be respected.
Said City Representative shall report the results of the bidding to the City Council at a later date, at which time the City Council
may award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder as so reported; or as the City's interest may dictate, City Council may
exercise its right to modify the award or to reject any or all bids.
14. The lowest responsible bidder shall submit all required insurance and signed agreements within five (5) business days after
bid opening.

Dated: May 19, 2019 /S/DIANE PAPAN, MAYOR

025-030 0518 sat:Class Master Odd 5/17/19 3:50 PM Page 3

THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 27

304 Furniture 308 Tools 310 Misc. For Sale 316 Clothes Food & Wine Garage Sales
RETRO huTCh Needs refinishing other- CRAFTSMAN 9" Radial Arm Saw with 6" SiLk SAREE 6 yards new nice color.for kNEE-hiGh BLACk women's boots, WiNE COLLECTiON and all equipment
wise good condition. Top detaches from dado set. No stand. $55 (650)341-6402 $35 only. Call(650)515-2605 for more in- size 7, wide calf & wide width, new. to make homemade wine which includes
bottom $25. (650)712-9962
LG CRAFTSMEN shop vac 6.5hp $60
formation. $40.00. Call (650)872-2371 the wine press, 2 50 gallon barrel, 10 5
gallon jug full of vinegar and exerta... if San Mateo
(510)943-9221 anyone is interested call for best offer
SOFA-BEiGE FABRiC, Orig. $900,
Rarely used, 7ft long, $350
(650)234-8218 ShOpSMiTh MARk V 50th Anniversary
SLR LENS Sigma 28-105mm f3.8-5.6
Sigma SA Mount $25 (650)436-7171
LAdiES SEquiN dress, blue, size XL,
pure silk lining, $40.00, (650) 578-9208 (650)580-6405. Bonsai Club
most attachments. $1,500/OBO. TiRES-SET OF four P225 45 R18 $80 MEN'S STETSON hat, size large, new,
340 Camera & photo Equip. 34th Annual Satsuki
(650)504-0585 OBO (650)359-2238. rim, solid black, large, great gift. $40
SOLid WOOd Dining table with exten-
sion great piece great condition black (650) 578-9208
Azalea &
$80 (650)364-5263 viNTAGE CRAFTSMAN Jig Saw. Circa TuNTuRi ROWiNG Machine, Good NikON 18-140 zoom lenses (3), excel-
lent condition. $200 each. (650)592-9044
Bonsai Exhibit Show
1947. $60. (650)245-7517 Condition, $75, (650)483-1222 ShOES SizE 5 1/2 and 6 for $50 or less
SOLid WOOd Entertainment Center- (650)508-8662 2019
uNidEN hARLEY Davidson Gas Tank OMEGA B600 Condenser Enlarger, In-
TurnTable, Am-Fm, Eight Track, Built In 310 Misc. For Sale phone. $100 or best offer. (650)863-8485 TuxEdO SizE 40, black, including white struction Manual & 50mm El-Omegar En- Sunday, May 19, 2019
Speakers, Sony 26’ Smart T.V.(68.75 in.
shirt, excellent cond. $50 (650)355-5189 larging Lens $95 (415)260-6940
X 25.5inch X28inch) $500 o.b.o
500-600 BiG Band-era 78's--most mint, WALkER - Good Condition - Like New - 10am-4pm
no sleeves--$50 for all-(650)574-5459 $35 (650)341-5347 WEddiNG dRESS-dESiGNER, Size 12,
Needs Dry Cleaning, Org. $4000.00 Sell
viviTAR v 2000 W/35-70 zoom and
original manual. Like new. $99 SSF
FREE admission
TABLE 24"x48" folding legs each end. BESSY SMALL Evening Hand Bag With
Melamine top, 500# capacity. Cost 311 Musical instruments for $500 Call (650)867-1728 (650)583-6636
$130. Sell $50. 650-591-4141
ThOMASviLLE diNiNG table, $50 4
Beige Cord $75.00 (650)678-5371
BiFOLd ShuTTERS 2x28”x79 $10.00
1929 ANTiquE Alto Selmer, Cigar Cut-
ter, Newly Refurbished $4,500 OBO Call
WOMAN'S AMERiCAN Rag faux leather
jacket. Perfect condition. Black 345 Medical Equipment Sale:
chairs, mid-century blonde with two (650)742-6776. /2x/NW0T $25 (650) 952-3466
AdjuSTABLE BATh shower transfer Satsuki Plants
leaves call (650)697-3709. BLuE OYSTER cult lp signed by donald
r. Eric b. And Wilcox. $40. Cash ChROMATiC hARMONiCA: Horner
WOMAN'S TAhARi jacket. Perfect con- bench with sidebar $15 (510)770-1976 Bonsai Soil
dition. Royal blue/16W/NWT $25
Tiki BAR - Original from the 60’s,Like
Elvis', made of wood, 68”X22X39, $3500
(408)661-6019 The 64 Chomonica, German Made $180,
(650) 952-3466 COMMOdE, vERY clean and disinfect- Pot & Wires
ed. Asking $20 obo. Please call if inter-
(650)245-4234. CASh REGiSTER Parts; Much Skin Not WOMEN'S BLACk suede fur lined ested. (650)745-6309
Guts $500 (415)269-4784 boots, size 8. $10.00 call (650)872-2371 Bonsai Clinic: We can
EpiphONE LES Paul Custom Prophecy dRivE 3-iN-1 commode with seat,buck-
TWO WOOd Book Shelves, $75 with COSCO pLAY Pen with travel bag. Used Electric Guitar. Mint. $625.00. WORk BOOTS. Iron Age, size 10-1/2, et,cover,splash sheild,armrests $10 check your Bonsai
drawers and pull-down desk call once $35 (650)591-2981 (650)421-5469.
brown, with steel metatarsal protection.
In box, $45, OBO. (650)594-1494
(510)770-1976 Sponsored by:
CuT GLASS serving bowl 8" diameter
uSEd BEdROOM Furniture, FREE. Call $25. Call 650-921-4016
EvERETT upRiGhT antique piano.
Lovely sound. $99. 650-365-5718.
dRivE dELuxE two button walker $10 San Mateo Bonsai Club
(650)573-7381. 318 Sports Equipment
dELuxE FOLdER Walker - 5" wheels - huGE LudWiG Drum Set Silver Sparkle RAdiATiON pROTECTiON 1/2-apron San Mateo Gardeners Hall
WALL uNiT/ROOM Divider. Simple Never Used - $40 (650)341-5347 & Chrome, Zelgian, Pasite & Sabian BiG BERThA, Golfsmith Titanium Driver
lines. Breaks down for transportation. Cymbals, 24 in. Timpany $3,500 ,Mid Driver, Stinger 1 3 5 - $99 Rick
Pb free; .5mm Pb equivalent, xl, adjusta-
ble buckle, gently used; $60; 607-227-
503 E. 5th Avenue
diSpLAY CASE, glass top. 27”x20”x2”
$25.(650)712-9962 leave message
Deep. $15.00. 650-588-0842.
(916)975-4969 (415)999-4474 7742. 5th & Claremont
WALNuT ChEST, small (4 drawer with
dRivE 3-WhEEL buggy $45. Call
piANO-ANdREW kOhLER, Mahogany, WALkER/ROLATOR. NEW. large, bas- San Mateo CA 94401
upper bookcase $50. (650)726-6429 Spinet piano, Very Good Condition, $250 BRANd NEW Golf bag with Stand.
(650)589-1407 Makes a great gift. $65. 415-867-6444. ket, quickly convert to wheelchair. Large
WhiTE WiCkER Armoire, asking $100,
No Texting. size to 400LBS.8" wheels $45.00
great condition, text for picture (650)571- FREE MAGAziNES. Library discards
0947 year old ones. Wide variety. Good for BRANd NEW golf clubs: 1, 3 Woods;
crafts, light reading. (650)952-9074 pLAYER piANO 1916 W/Bench 25 mu-
sic rolls $950 Don (415)309-3892 Irons: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 pw. Makes a great Garage Sales
WOOd - wall Unit - 30" long x 6' tall x www.elo.deals gift $95. 415-867-6444. No Texting.
17.5" deep. $90. (650)631-9311 FREE: WiLd turkey feathers; whole
wings, full tail fans. Wild duck wings. For
fly tying, art projects, etc. Call Mark SpiNET piANO + Bench, $50. Call EASTON ALuMiNuM bat.33 inches, 30 FORTY YEARS OF
306 housewares (650)589-1407 oz, 2 3/4 barrel. $30. (650)596-0513
(650)207-0882 Treasures to look
viNTAGE AuTOpiANO upright player
CRYSTAL WiNE glasses new (12ea)
$20.00 Call 650-592-2648
hAT, T-ShiRT, sweatshirt and comput-
erbag $80.00 for all (650)592-2648
piano $99.00 call (650)728-5053 leave
EvERLAST 80# MMA Heavy Bag and
Stand. Like New. $99 (650)654-9966 through. ESTATE SALES
message or email flycsir@hotmail.com
MikASA SET. White. Modern (square) LiONEL ChRiSTMAS Holiday expan- WuRLiTzER upRiGhT piano. Fair con-
GuThY-RENkER pOWER Rider,Ever- Saturday, May 18th, Make money, make room!
last 2 1/2 ankle weights, kegel thigh ex-
Setting for 4 $30 (415)734-1152. sion Set. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 dition. Free. No delivery. (650)455-5595 erciser $20 (510)770-1976 9am-2pm
NEW "BELLA" buffet triple slow cooker LiONEL WESTERN Union Pass car and List your upcoming
and food warmer $35.00 call (650)592- dining car. New OB $99 (650)368-7537 312 pets & Animals kNEE RidER $ 50.00 joe (650)573-5269 garage sale,
2648 1837 Mezes Ave and
SiNk dOuBLE cast iron. Good condi-
MOTLEY CRuE lp signed by neil lee
sixx and mars $75 cash (408)661-6019
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28 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL

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Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS DOWN 31 Tavern offering 42 Take care of
1 Noble 1 Former late- 33 Refrain opener business
11 Tic __: mints night talk star, 35 Domicile in front 43 Agreement
15 Play with unseen familiarly of 123 Sesame between states
players 2 Limp Bizkit genre Street 44 Barely
16 Buck heroine 3 Has a thought 37 Medically closed 46 Uppity
17 Certain clinic 4 Address for a up 50 B.J. of “The
contributor 1-Across, perhaps 38 Khamenei or Office”
18 Hall of Fame 5 Farm males Khatami 53 Light touches
quarterback 6 More kooky 39 What often 54 Rippled, like
Graham 7 Pastry comes before pie chips
19 Significant span portmanteau 41 Hoist 58 Point or pointer
20 Satirized 8 Sounding off
21 Kind of list 9 Came (to)
10 One may be
22 Homework
shirker’s rolled out in the
comeuppance park
24 It may hold 11 “Macbeth”
broken pottery brew ingredient
25 Hilarious before “Witches’
26 Frozen mummy”
beverages 12 City with a Penn
28 Source of State campus
blowups 13 Persian
29 They’re passageway
off-limits 14 Pompous sorts
30 Olympic figure 23 Trattoria entrée
skating gold 25 Cochise player of
medalist after early TV
Kristi 27 Wading birds
32 Makes a lot of with camouflage
progress plumage 05/18/19
34 Many an Irish
36 Try for a better
37 Smirks
40 Stir to action
44 Mystical views
45 Saddle-making
47 Muesli brand
48 Constellation
49 Musician Lennon
51 Banjo bar
52 Barbarian horde
53 It includes AAPL
and MSFT
55 Devoured, with
56 Thrill from Sills
57 Start
59 Steal, perhaps
60 Dropped in on
61 Mrs. Krabappel of
“The Simpsons”
62 Giovanni Ribisi By Ed Sessa
title con man ©2019 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
025-030 0518 sat:Class Master Odd 5/17/19 3:50 PM Page 5

THE DAILY JOURNAL Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 29

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30 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 THE DAILY JOURNAL


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031 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:17 PM Page 1

THE DAILY JOURNAL WORLD Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 31

Trump sows confusion on Iran Once again, Iraq being
as tensions appearing to ease caught up in tensions

WASHINGTON — It started with a surprise

statement on a Sunday night that the U.S.
and its battle group, whose accelerated
deployment triggered the concern in some
quarters about a drift toward conflict with
Iran, by Friday had reached the waters of the
between U.S. and Iran
was rushing military forces to counter Arabian Sea without incident, U.S. defense
alleged Iranian threats. What followed were officials said. It typically would proceed far- BAGHDAD — When U.S. Secretary of State
two weeks of bombastic rhetoric and swells ther into the Persian Gulf and thus closer to Mike Pompeo sat down with Iraqi officials in
of fear and confusion over whether Iran during such a deployment, though as a Baghdad last week as tensions mounted
Washington and Tehran were lurching matter of policy the Navy does not disclose between America and Iran, he delivered a
toward open conflict. And that’s how ship movements in advance. nuanced message: If you’re not going to stand
President Donald Trump says he likes it. The carrier is on an around-the-world with us, stand aside.
“With all of the Fake and Made Up News deployment and was sailing in the The message, relayed to The Associated
out there,” Trump wrote Mediterranean Sea when John Bolton, Press by two Iraqi government officials,
Friday on Twitter, “Iran Trump’s national security adviser, underscores Iraq’s delicate position: Its gov-
can have no idea what is announced on May 5 that it had been ordered ernment is allied with both sides of an increas-
actually going on.” to the Middle East, along with an aircraft ingly contentious confrontation.
Later, in a speech to bomber group, in response to “troubling As tensions escalate, there are concerns that
real estate agents, Trump and escalatory indications and warnings.” Baghdad could once again get caught in the
made no effort to clarify, The unusual Sunday night announcement middle, just as it is on the path to recovery.
saying, “It’s probably a raised questions — many still unanswered The country hosts more than 5,000 U.S.
good thing because — about exactly what new threats Iran had troops, and is home to powerful Iranian- REUTERS
they’re saying, ‘Man, I posed. backed militias, some of whom want those Iraq President Barham Salih, right, meets with
Donald Trump don’t know where these U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in
Other officials later said Iran had loaded U.S. forces to leave.
people are coming from,’ right?” fully assembled ballistic missiles aboard “The big question is how Iraqi leaders will Baghdad earlier this month.
It’s the latest manifestation of Trump’s small boats in Iranian territorial waters. deal with (their) national interests in a country but returned in 2014 at the invitation of Iraq to
unpredictable foreign policy, which has This suggested the possibility of an Iranian where loyalty to external powers is wide- help battle the Islamic State group after it
made a virtue of keeping foes guessing and intent to threaten Western military or com- spread at the expense of their own nation,” seized vast areas in the north and west of the
frequently leaves allies rattled and members mercial ships, though that threat seems not Iraqi political analyst Watheq al-Hashimi said. country, including Iraq’s second-largest city,
of Congress frustrated. to have materialized. Last weekend, four “If the state cannot put these (Iranian-backed Mosul. A U.S.-led coalition provided crucial
“Given the degree to which the president non-U.S. commercial vessels were damaged militias) under control, Iraq will become an air support as Iraqi forces regrouped and drove
has mischaracterized prior intelligence on in the Gulf, and while details are unclear, arena for an Iranian-American armed conflict.” IS out in a costly three-year campaign.
other matters, or disputed the work product U.S. officials said it appeared likely that Despite a series of provocative moves on Iranian-backed militias fought alongside
of the agencies when it contradicted his pre- Iran had a hand in the apparent sabotage. both sides, President Donald Trump has said U.S.-backed Iraqi troops against IS, gaining
ferred narrative, his actions have generated Some analysts see the administration’s he doesn’t want a war with Iran and has even outsized influence and power.
understandable doubt on what we really military moves as a deliberate effort to put said he is open to dialogue. But tension Now, amid an escalating conflict between
know of Iranian plans and intentions,” said Iran’s leaders on edge, perhaps with the remains high, in part given the region’s the U.S. and Iran, Iraq is once again vulnerable
Rep. Adam Schiff, chairman of the House broader goal of encouraging them to take fraught history. to becoming caught up in the power play. An
Intelligence Committee. Trump up on his offer of direct talks. For Iraq to be a theater for proxy wars is not attack targeting U.S. interests in Iraq would be
Schiff, D-Calif., said Iran poses a real “I think it was a well-coordinated psyops new. The Shiite-majority country lies on the detrimental to the country’s recent efforts at
threat to the West and endorsed the adminis- campaign,” said Mark Dubowitz, the chief fault line between Shiite Iran and the mostly recovering and reclaiming its status in the
tration’s warning to Iran that any attack on executive of the Foundation for the Defense Sunni Arab world, led by powerhouse Saudi Arab world.
U.S. forces “would be disastrous” for Iran. of Democracies. “Psyops” is a reference to Arabia, and has long been a battlefield in Earlier this year, Trump provoked outrage in
Armed conflict seemed unlikely in the psychological operations aimed at influ- which the Saudi-Iran rivalry for regional Baghdad when he said he wanted U.S. troops
short term, with no further U.S. buildup in encing or intimidating an adversary. supremacy played out. to stay in Iraq so they can “watch Iran,” sug-
the works and no fresh Iranian provoca- If that is the case, the administration’s During America’s eight-year military pres- gesting a changing mission for American
tions. But neither did the administration moves also managed to unnerve and con- ence that began with the 2003 invasion of troops there.
appear closer to its stated goal of applying found many in Congress as well as some Iraq, U.S. troops and Iranian-backed militia- On May 8, Pompeo made a lightning, pre-
enough diplomatic, economic and military American allies, who openly expressed men fought pitched battles around the country, viously unannounced trip to the Iraqi capital
pressure on Tehran to compel it to end sup- worry that Washington could be drifting and scores of U.S. troops were killed or following the abrupt cancellation of a visit to
port for extremist groups and other disrup- toward armed conflict with Iran. wounded by the militia forces armed with Germany, and as the United States had been
tive policies. Concerns escalated further with the State sophisticated Iranian-made weapons. picking up intelligence that Iran is threaten-
The USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier Department’s announcement this week that American forces withdrew from Iraq in 2011 ing American interests in the Middle East.

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032 0518 sat:0518 sat 229 5/17/19 8:18 PM Page 1

32 Weekend • May 18-19, 2019 WORLD THE DAILY JOURNAL

Iran’s top diplomat presses efforts to save nuclear deal

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS to the Al Saud royal family called on hands, trying to intimi- since 1953,” the diplomat wrote, referring
Thursday for America to launch “surgical date Iran at the same time to the CIA’s involvement in the overthrow
TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s foreign minister strikes” on Tehran. calling for a dialogue,” of Iran’s prime minister at the time. “At this
traveled Friday to China on his Asian tour This all takes root in President Donald Ravanchi told CBS. point, that is certainly ‘a good thing!”’
aimed at keeping world markets open to Trump’s decision last year to withdraw the “What type of dialogue is Then Trump appeared to minutes later
Tehran amid an intense sanctions campaign U.S. from the 2015 nuclear accord between this?” respond to Zarif’s tweet.
from the U.S. as tensions across the Persian Iran and world powers and impose wide- For his part, Trump “With all of the Fake and Made Up News
Gulf remain high. reaching sanctions. But Trump took a soft criticized the media in a out there, Iran can have no idea what is actu-
Concerns about a possible conflict have tone Thursday, a day after tweeting that he tweet Friday about Iran ally going on!” the U.S. president wrote.
flared since the White House ordered war- expected Iran to look for talks. Asked if the Majid Takht-e and added: “At least Iran On Friday, Zarif arrived in Beijing to
ships and bombers to the region to counter U.S. might be on a path to war with the Ravanchi doesn’t know what to speak to his Chinese counterpart. China
an alleged, unexplained threat from Iran that Iranians, the president answered, “I hope think, which at this was one of the signatories on Iran’s 2015
has seen America order nonessential diplo- not.” point may very well be a good thing!” Since nuclear deal with world powers, which saw it
matic staff out of Iraq. Iranian officials remain skeptical. the White House’s decision May 5 to deploy limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange
Tensions have also ratcheted up in the Imposing sanctions while seeking talks the bombers and aircraft carrier, the U.S. for the lifting of crushing economic sanc-
region after authorities alleged that a sabo- is like “pointing a gun at someone and government has declined repeated requests tions.
tage operation targeted four oil tankers on demanding friendship,” said Iranian Gen. to publicly explain the new threat they per-
ceive coming from Tehran. “So far, the international community has
Sunday off the coast of the United Arab Rasool Sanaeirad, according to the semi- mainly made statements instead of saving
Emirates, and Iran-aligned rebels in Yemen official Mehr news agency. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif later responded to Trump on the deal,” Zarif said, according to a report
claimed responsibility for a drone attack That comment was echoed by Majid by the state-run IRNA news agency. “The
Tuesday on a crucial Saudi oil pipeline. Takht-e Ravanchi, Iran’s ambassador to the Twitter.
“We in Iran have actually known what to practical step is quite clear: economic rela-
Saudi Arabia directly blamed Iran for the United Nations. tions with Iran should be normalized. This
think for millennia—and about the U.S.,
drone assault, and a local newspaper linked “They want to have the stick in their is what the deal clearly addresses.”

Around the world

Judge refuses to toss suit
over Pepe the Frog poster sales
A federal judge will let a jury decide whether conspiracy
theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars website had a legal right to
sell a poster featuring the image of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon
character that became hijacked by far-right extremists.
U.S. District Judge Michael Fitzgerald refused Thursday to
throw out a copyright infringement lawsuit that Pepe’s cre-
ator, California-based artist Matt Furie, filed against
Infowars over its poster sales.
Lawyers for Furie and Infowars both said they were
pleased by the ruling, which clears a path for a jury trial to
begin July 16 in Los Angeles.
Louis Tompros, one Furie’s lawyers, said his client looks
forward to asking jurors to hold Infowars accountable for
misappropriating Pepe, the anthropomorphic frog he creat-
ed in the early 2000s.
“This is a case about making sure nobody (else) is making
money off Pepe the Frog,” Tompros said Friday.

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