Questions Bank
Questions Bank
Questions Bank
3. A sender must not be able to deny sending a message that he or she, in fact, did send, is known
a. Message Nonrepudiation b. Message Integrity
c. Message Confidentiality d. Message Sending
4. Programs that attach themselves to legitimate programs on the victim’s machine are called
a. root kits b. Trojan horses
c. viruses d. worms
9. Cryptanalysis is:
a. The practice of analyzing secret codes but not breaking them
b. The technique used by forensic investigators to trace the source of malware infection
c. The science related to research and development of cryptography
d. The practice of breaking cryptic systems
10. _____________________ uses two instances of the same key while encrypting and
decrypting messages.
a. Scytale b. Symmetric Cryptography
c. Asymmetric Cryptography d. SSL
14. An attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users is called:
a) denial-of-service attack b) virus attack
c) worms attack d) botnet process
18. In computer security, ……………………. means that computer system assets can be modified
only by authorized parities.
a) Confidentiality b) Integrity
c) Availability d) Authenticity
20. Which of the following is independent malicious program that need not any host program?
a) Trap doors b) Trojan horse
c) Virus d) Worm
22. A hacker contacts you my phone or email and attempts to acquire your password.
a) spoofing b) phishing
c) spamming d) bugging
23. The phrase __________ describes viruses, worms, Trojan horse attack applets, and attack
a) malware b) spam
c) phish d) virus
28. The ______________ is code that recognizes some special sequence of input or is triggered by
being run from a certain user ID of by unlikely sequence of events.
a. Trap doors b. Trojan horse
c. Logic Bomb d. Virus
34. The DES algorithm requires _____ Bit Key and _____long plain text.
a. 56 bit , 64 bit b. 64 bit , 64 bit
c. 64 bit , 56 bit d. None of above
35. Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an organization is known
as _______.
a. Security attack b. Security mechanism
c. Security services d. All above
36. If both sender and receiver use the different key system for Encryption and Decryption
process is referred to as ____.
a. asymmetric encryption b. Symmetric encryption
c. transposition encryption d. none of above
37. A ______ attack attempts to learn are make use of information from the system but does not
affect system resources.
a. Active attacks b. Passive attack
c. Symmetric attack d. Asymmetric attack
39. The _______ is a number or a set of numbers on which the cipher operates.
a) Cipher
b) Secret
c) Key
d) None of the above
42. What is the most significant difference between a symmetric and an asymmetric
a) The key distribution.
b) The mode of operation.
c) The strength against attacks.
d) None of the above.
43. The _________ attack can endanger the security of the Diffie-Hellman method if two parties
are not authenticated to each other.
a) man-in-the-middle
b) ciphertext attack
c) plaintext attack
d) none of the above
After Mid
The standard used in digital certificates that defines its structure, fields, and values
is ____.
a. X.509 b. Kerberose
c. Cryptography d. PKI
In end-to-end encryption:
a. only the header is encrypted, not the payload
b. Packets do not need to be decrypted and then encrypted at each hop
c. Only decryption takes place at each hop
d. The data link and physical layers are involved
A mathematical function that is easier to compute in one direction than in the other
direction, and forms the basis for all asymmetric algorithms
a. One-Way Function
b. Two Way Function
c. A mathematical function used in cryptanalysis
d. A technique used by forensic experts to lock all hard disk sectors of a computer
A practice of Choosing a key that is extremely random and the algorithm should use
the full range of the key-space is called ______________________.
a. Cipher management b. Key combination
c. Key management d. None of above
Subjective Question
Define the following terms:
Malicious Code
Denial of Service Attack
Define Asymmetric Cryptography? What are the attributes that make the Asymmetric
cryptography so powerful, also write its strengths and weaknesses?
What is the Difference between block cipher and stream cipher? Also write the What are
the characteristics of strong stream cipher.
After Mid
Q. Define Symmetric Cryptography? What are the attributes that make the
symmetric cryptography so powerful, also write its strengths and weaknesses?
Q. What Is the Difference Between Public Key Cryptography and Public Key
Q. Explain “Public Key Cryptography” and explain “RSA Algorithm” with the help of
Q. What is e-mail security? What are different protocols for e-mail security? Explain
PGP for E-mail security with operation mode. Describe the use SMIME also.
Q. Briefly explain the term triple DES. Why are multiple DES encryptions genuinely
Q. Briefly describe the principles behind the construction of the AES S-box.
Q. what is e-mail security? What are different protocols for e-mail security? Explain
PGP for
E-mail security with operation mode. Describe the use SMIME also.
The certificate includes the serial number, version number, identity information, algorithm information, lifetime
dates, and the signature of the issuing authority.
Non-repudiation means that an individual cannot successfully deny involvement in a transaction. In the paper-
world, individuals’ signatures legally bind them to their transactions (for example, credit card charges, business
contracts …). The signature prevents repudiation of those transactions. In the electronic world, the replacement
for the pen-based signature is a digital signature. All types of electronic commerce require digital signatures
because electronic commerce makes traditional pen-based signatures obsolete.
What are the attributes that make the symmetric cryptography so powerful? Also give
the limitations while using the symmetric key cryptography. 10
Symmetric Cryptography
• In a cryptosystem that uses symmetric cryptography, the sender and receiver use two instances of the same
key for encryption and decryption, as shown in the Figure
• So, the key has dual functionality, in that it can carry out both encryption and decryption processes
Therefore, implementing symmetric cryptography (particularly with hardware) can be highly effective because
you do not experience any significant time delay because of the encryption and decryption. Symmetric
cryptography also provides a degree of authentication because data encrypted with one symmetric key cannot
be decrypted with any other symmetric key. Therefore, if the symmetric key is kept secret by the two parties
using it to encrypt communications, each party can be sure that it is communicating with the other as long as
the decrypted messages continue to make sense.
• Secure key distribution
• Scalability
• Security services
• Symmetric cryptosystems have a problem of key transportation. The secret key is to be transmitted to the
receiving system before the actual message is to be transmitted. Every means of electronic communication is
insecure as it is impossible to guarantee that no one will be able to tap communication channels. So, the only
secure way of exchanging keys would be exchanging them personally.
• Each pair of users’ needs a unique key, so as the number of individuals increases, so does the number of keys,
possibly making key management overwhelming.
• Provides confidentiality but not authenticity or non-repudiation
• Cannot provide digital signatures that cannot be repudiated.
Asymmetric algorithms use pairs of keys. One is used for encryption and the other one for decryption. The
decryption key is typically kept secretly, therefore called ``private key'' or ``secret key'', while the encryption key
is spread to all who might want to send encrypted messages, therefore called ``public key''. Everybody having the
public key is able to send encrypted messages to the owner of the secret key. The secret key can't be reconstructed
from the public key. The idea of asymmetric algorithms was first published 1976 by Diffie and Hellmann.
• Works much more slowly than symmetric systems
• Mathematically intensive tasks
Q. Explain important security goals (CIA)?
Q. Define Symmetric Cryptography? What are the attributes that make the symmetric cryptography so
powerful, also write its strengths and weaknesses?
Q. What is the Difference between Block Cipher and Stream Cipher
Q. Define the following terms:
a) Denial of Services
b) Man in middle Attack
c) Steganography
Q. What is DES? How does it work also write the key differences between DES and AES
Q. What is e-mail security? What are different protocols for e-mail security?
Q. Define and discuss various components of PKI infrastructure.
Q. Differentiate between cryptography and cryptanalysis, also explain cryptosystem (classical &
Q. Define and explain symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography.
Q. Explain AES algorithm in detail.
Q. Discuss stream cipher and explain it with RC4.
Q. What is message authentication, explain.
Q. Explain key management system in detail.
Q. Describe the working and implementation of pretty good privacy, MIME & S/MIME.
Write the difference between the following term used below:
1) Active Attack and Passive Attack
2) Symmetric and Asymmetric cryptography
3) Authentication and Authorization
Q. What is the difference between Mono alphabetic cipher and Polyalphabetic cipher?
Q. Discuss the different type of security issues including physical security issues and personal security
Issues in detail.
Q. Explain the concept of the digital signature and discuss the significance of the digital signature.
Q. Define the key management and explain Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Q. Describe hash function and their collision properties?